2018: THE HILL (245)


Trump earns praise for support of Iranian protesters

Scaramucci bragging of possible return to White House: report

Fusion GPS founders say they were ‘shocked’ by contents of ‘Steele dossier’

Bannon loses support of pro-Trump billionaire backer over media fights

Bannon allies say statement praising Trump Jr. was spiked after Trump went nuclear

‘Fire and Fury’ author predicts his book will help end Trump’s presidency

House GOP intensifies assault on Mueller probe

Stephen Miller escorted off set after heated CNN interview

Wolff: WH officials think if Mueller targets Trump’s finances, ‘he’s sunk’

Issa retiring from Congress

Trump rips FISA ahead of House vote after White House calls for bill’s passage

John Lewis: Trump administration ‘is a major setback’ for the nation, world

Lewandowski: ‘We’ve got a real problem’ if Dems retake the House

Trump admin releases undocumented teenager to obtain abortion

Bannon gives closed-door testimony to House intel panel

Sanjay Gupta: By all standards, Trump has heart disease

WikiLeaks: Trump administration a ‘frequent source of false information’

Blame game ramps up as shutdown nears

GOP senator amid looming shutdown: Country ‘being run by idiots’

Eric Trump: The government shutdown is ‘good for us’ politically

Schumer’s shutdown reveals: Democrats will destroy America just to spite Trump

Man arrested, accused of threatening to kill CNN employees

GOP fuels ‘secret society’ talk with FBI text messages

As walls close in on FBI, the bureau lashes out at its antagonists

Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report


My experience with Andy McCabe: No criticizing James Comey allowed

Alberto Gonzales: ‘I have no confidence whatsoever’ in Nunes memo

Holder won’t rule out presidential run

Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations in testimony

Trump declines to approve release of Dem counter-memo

Gillibrand: If Trump wants due process, we’ll have hearing on allegations against him

Trump proposes eliminating federal funding for PBS, NPR

Schiff: We’re not going to revise Democratic memo

Mueller adds bank fraud to Manafort’s list of alleged criminal conduct

The 14 GOP senators who voted against Trump’s immigration framework

Trump surveyed Mar-a-Lago members over gun control in wake of school shooting: report

NRA opposes new age limits on gun purchases

Trump consults adult sons on possible gun reforms: report

Michael Steele addresses CPAC official’s ‘painfully stupid’ comment about race

Kamala Harris positions herself for White House run

Major EPA reorganization will end science research program


Trump refers to Sessions as ‘Mr. Magoo’: report

Trump must think twice about tariffs

Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

Kellyanne Conway found to have violated Hatch Act

Kushner leaves US ambassador to Mexico out of meeting with Mexico president: report

Pro-Trump pastor: Stormy Daniels allegations ‘totally irrelevant’ to evangelical support for Trump

Trump lawyers seek to offer Mueller an interview in exchange for wrapping up probe: report

Trump says he hopes Oprah runs: ‘It would be a painful experience for her’

Megyn Kelly: I think Putin has something on Trump

House Intel Republican contradicts panel, says Russia tried to help Trump in 2016

Democrat Conor Lamb declares victory in Pennsylvania race

Six women have come forward to Stormy Daniels’ lawyer with similar stories

Arkansas students punished with paddles for walking out: reports

Hannity rips Mueller’s career: ‘Anything but impeccable’

Republicans agree to clarify that CDC can research gun violence

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer posts photo of mystery disc in a safe

March for Our Lives means time is up for Congress to act on guns

Former Supreme Court justice: ‘Repeal the Second Amendment’

Jeb Bush hits Trump: I go home to children ‘who actually love me’

Hillary Clinton fires back at critics: No one told a man who lost an election to shut up

Ingraham announces break from her show amid backlash over Parkland student


New York Magazine cover depicts Trump as a pig

Clouds form over Iran deal as Trump deadline nears

GOP lawmaker to introduce legislation to mandate picture of president, VP at post offices

Trump says ‘pain’ from China tariffs will make US ‘much stronger’

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer hints at ‘major announcement’ on person who threatened her

GOP worries Blankenship surge will cost party W. Va. Senate Seat

The GOP abandons fiscal responsibility

Trump must beware the Cohen trap

Gingrich compares FBI raid of Trump lawyer to Nazi secret police

Poll: Republican holds 10-point lead in Arizona special election

Trump supporters slam decision to launch strikes against Syria

Trump rips ‘slimeball’ Comey: He made decisions based on the fact he thought Clinton would win

Admit it, James Comey: You’ve been lying all along

Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook Shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

Ingraham’s ratings spike a wake-up for advertisers

Poll: Cruz running neck and neck with Dem challenger

Comey: Trump says Putin bragged about Russia having the ‘most beautiful hookers in the world’

Sessions warned White House he could quit if Trump fired Rosenstein: report

Romney forced into GOP primary for Utah Senate nomination

Sean Hannity linked to shell companies that spent $90M on property: report

Koch Network reevaluating midterm strategy amid frustrations with GOP

Arizona GOP winner to join Freedom Caucus

Trump on Cohen: ‘Nothing to do with me’

Kellyanne Conway tells ‘Fox & Friends’ that Trump wants to come on once a month


Mueller’s former assistant says grammatical errors prove leaked questions came from Trump

How about a few questions for Robert Mueller?

Giuliani: Trump fired Comey because he wouldn’t tell Trump he wasn’t target in Russia probe

Economy adds 164K jobs in April, unemployment lowest since 2000

2 former advisers to Comey leave FBI

McCain says he regrets picking Palin as running mate

GOP takes gloves off against Blankenship in West Virginia

Federal judge rightly rebukes Mueller for questionable tactics

White House official mocked ‘dying’ McCain at internal meeting

Iran’s supreme leader trolls Trump with photo of himself reading ‘Fire and Fury’

Dems worry Trump will win over economy

‘Trump Make Israel Great’ banners hung through Jerusalem

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch

Poll: Just 13 percent of Americans consider Trump honest and trustworthy

Bill Gates: I had to explain to Trump the difference between HIV, HPV

Talk of unproven FBI ‘plant’ in Trump campaign circulates among Republicans

Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all

Dems expand 2018 message to ‘draining the swamp’

Giuliani insists Trump won’t fire people to end Mueller probe

Reporter accuses Melania Trump’s spokeswoman of creating an ‘atmosphere of hate’ after Twitter feud

Authors of GOP tax law disperse to lobby firms

Trump bragged about classified battle in Syria during fundraiser: report


Chelsea Clinton resurfaces Trump meeting with Ted Nugent, who once called Hillary C-word

Firm discloses more EPA lobbying by advocate with ties to Pruitt condo rental

Trump’s economy faces new threats ahead of midterms

GOP Senate report says Obama officials gave Iran access to US financial system

Fox’s Hannity sarcastically advises witnesses in Mueller probe to ‘follow Clinton’s lead’ and destroy their phones

Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

DNC panel adopts rule requiring candidates to run, serve as a Democrat

Fox News host apologizes after calling Trump-Kim summit ‘meeting between two dictators’

When it comes to the international chess game, Trump is a master

Pruitt had aide, GOP donors help wife find job: report

Sessions defends firing Comey, warns DOJ report could prompt more terminations

McCain: Trump halting Korean military exercises a ‘bad negotiation tactic’

Watergate prosecutor says Manafort may never again ‘see the outside of a jail cell’

Roger Stone: Russian wanted Trump to pay $2M for dirt on Clinton during the campaign

Spotlight falls on Russian threat to undersea cables

Maddow breaks down on-air while describing ‘tender age’ migrant shelters

What did Peter Strzok do?

How Comey intervened to kill WikiLeaks’ immunity deal

Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility: report

Poll: Trump approval rating ticks up to 47 percent

Protests against Trump immigration policy expected nationwide


Maxine Waters responds to death threats: ‘You better shoot straight’

Legal experts say Mueller team likely gained access to NRA tax filings: report

Nebraska GOP office windows smashed, ‘ABOLISH ICE’ spray-painted on sidewalk

London mayor approves baby Trump blimp to fly over city during visit

Memos detail FBI’s ‘Hurry the F up pressure’ to probe Trump campaign

Bookstore owner calls police after customer confronted Steve Bannon

People returning to labor force in droves — a key step for the economy

Trump pardons Oregon ranchers at center of 40-day standoff

Senate votes to support NATO ahead of Trump summit

Ignore the spin — still no evidence of Trump collusion

Fox & Friends’ host: ‘I don’t understand’ Trump tweet blaming US for bad Russia relations

Protests erupt outside of White House as Trump returns from Putin summit

Trump allies hope he can turn the page from Russian fiasco

Trump demoralizes his own team with dizzying Russian moves

Senate GOP attempts to wave Trump off second Putin summit

Trump’s Russia ambassador says he won’t resign

Top analyst: Dems now favorite to take House in midterms

Lanny Davis on Trump-Cohen audio: ‘The truth is on our side’

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

Avenatti claims he represents three more women that were paid hush money

Midterms likely to be most expensive ever as TV ads pass billion-dollar mark

Therapists say they’ve seen a rise in anxiety under Trump: report

Whatever happened to the ‘unmaskings’ probe?


Poll: Senate race between Cruz, O’Rourke a dead heat

Bannon blasts ‘con artist’ Kochs, ‘lame duck’ Ryan, ‘diminished’ Kelly

Federal judge says Trump must fully restore DACA

Melania backs LeBron after Trump insult: He’s ‘working to do good things’

Rand Paul delivers Putin letter from Trump

Ohio county finds hundreds of uncounted votes in already too-close-to-call special election

Omarosa book claims there are tapes of Trump using N-word on ‘Apprentice’ set

Roger Stone shares image of himself and Trump as ‘Space Force’ wearing swastikas

White House spokesman: I’ve never seen an NDA in Trump White House

Interview: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey explains what got Alex Jones suspended

Press needs to restore its credibility on FBI and Justice Department

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: I ‘fully admit’ our bias is ‘more left-leaning’

GOP candidate jokes: ‘The Russians are going to help me’ win in November

Cohen’s plea deal is prosecutor’s attempt to set up Trump

Trump: ‘Flipping’ to take a plea deal ‘almost ought to be illegal’

Kavanaugh eases off call for presidential immunity in meetings with senators

GOP Arizona Senate candidate suggested McCain family statement on cancer treatment was meant to hurt her campaign

Pittsburgh becomes largest US city without a daily print newspaper

GOP eyes another shot at ObamaCare repeal after McCain’s death

Palin not invited to McCain’s funeral: report

Trump: ‘When you get good ratings, you can say anything’


DeSantis: Gillum wants to turn Florida ‘into Venezuela’

Trump’s ‘majority’ is fake

Dems can’t ‘Bork’ Kavanaugh, and have only themselves to blame

Bruce Ohr’s efforts to secretly reshape the Trump probe started earlier in summer ’16

Eight weeks out: Dems see narrow path to Senate majority

Rand Paul ramps up his alliance with Trump

Cynthia Nixon camp partially blames high turnout for loss

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

Collins knocks Democrats over handling of Kavanaugh assault  allegation

RNC internal poll finds GOP in danger due to complacent Trump voters: report

Trump eviscerates Sessions: ‘I don’t have an attorney general’

Collins: My office has gotten ‘pretty ugly voicemails, threats’ over Kavanaugh

Donald Trump’s Rosenstein dilemma

Grassley: Dems ‘withheld information’ on new Kavanaugh allegation

Kavanaugh’s fate rests with Sen. Collins

Republicans start to pull plug on members

Kavanaugh questioned about Rhode Island sexual assault allegation

Moderate Republicans remain undecided on Kavanaugh after hearing

Bannon predicts ‘three-way race’ in 2020


Flake: If I were running for reelection ‘not a chance’ I’d call for Kavanaugh investigation

Red-state Dems face nightmare scenario on Kavanaugh

FBI in the eye of Senate storm

Russia collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on dossier before surveillance warrant

GOP senator may miss Kavanaugh vote for daughter’s wedding

Kagan warns that Supreme Court may not have a swing vote anymore

Trump on why he mocked Christine Blasey Ford: ‘I had to even the playing field’

FBI’s smoking gun: Redactions protected political embarrassment, not ‘national security’

GOP shrugs off dire study warning of global warming

Three reasons Mueller may not charge Trump with obstruction

Lindsey Graham: I’m taking DNA test, ‘I think I can beat’ Elizabeth Warren on amount of Cherokee heritage

The left’s identity politics fall apart

Attacks on public figures are growing

Trump administration considering narrowing legal definition of gender: report

Graham on Saudi Arabia: ‘I feel completely betrayed’

Artist unveils mural of ‘superhero’ Beto O’Rourke in Austin

Jewish leaders tell Trump he’s not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

New poll shows anti-immigration firebrand Steve King up by just one point

Interior watchdog referred Zinke to Justice days before move to replace agency IG


Trump’s attack on Ryan seen as advance scapegoating

Cordray leads GOP’s DeWine by 5 points in Ohio governor’s race: poll

Democrats, beware: We are leaning left too far

Kemp’s office opens investigation into Georgia Democrats for ‘possible cybercrimes’

House GOP fight begins: Jordan challenges McCarthy

Judge blocks Keystone XL pipeline

Churchills’s grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

Insurgents seek female challenger to replace Pelosi

Trump considering changes at ‘three or four or five’ Cabinet positions

House Dems to investigate Ivanaka Trump’s email use

House GOP to hold hearing into DOJ’s probe of Clinton Foundation

Conservative pundit Jesse Kelly’s Twitter ban sparks outrage: ‘New low’

Trump makes final push for Hyde-Smith

Obama World lovefest for O’Rourke is growing

Ryan casts doubt on ‘bizarre’ California election results


GOP legislatures seek to cement Republican power

Meadows tells Hannity that Flynn report is ‘good news for President Trump’

Over a thousand absentee ballots possibly destroyed in controversial North Carolina House race: report

Conservative pastor: ‘The floor of Congress is now going to look like an Islamic republic’

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

McConnell agrees to vote on Trump-backed criminal justice bill

Chief Justice of California Supreme Court leaves GOP over Kavanaugh confirmation

Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare

Schumer: House-passed border wall bill dead in the Senate

Supreme Court refuses to restore Trump’s temporary asylum restrictions

GOP discord on wall prolongs shutdown fight

Trump hands out lumps of coal to enemies on Christmas Eve

Mattis works from Pentagon on Christmas, tells troops: ‘You hold the line’

Giuliani backtracks: Trump will not give Mueller any more written answers

Trump threatens to close ‘Southern Border entirely’ if Dems don’t fund wall

Ocasio-Cortez, progressives express disappointment with climate panel

Video shows migrant children dragged, pushed at since-shuttered shelter

Mueller fuels foreign lobbying crackdown

News Source: The Hill

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