2017: CNN (324)


Attacker opens fire at Istanbul nightclub, news agency reports

Biographer says Trump booted him from golf course

House GOP guts ethics panel

NAACP stages sit-in at Jeff Sessions’ office

Macy’s is closing 68 stores, cutting 10,000 jobs

Intel report says US identifies go-betweens who gave emails to WikiLeaks

Intel report: Putin directly ordered effort to influence election

What we know about the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect

Top Trump aide deflects Russian hacking questions

Booker to testify against fellow senator Sessions in unprecedented move

Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him

Schumer opposes Sessions for AG

Ryan: GOP will repeal, replace Obamacare at same time

Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down among acts announced for Trump inauguration concert

Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition

Chuck Schumer: Tom Price may have broken the law in stock transaction

Poll shows last-minute love for Obamacare

Obama’s last transfer of Gitmo detainees, Trump inherits 41

Trump issues executive order to start rolling back Obamacare

White House press secretary attacks media for accurately reporting inauguration crowds

TPP withdrawal Trump’s first executive action Monday, sources say

Boom: Dow hits 20,000 for first time ever

Donald Trump’s doublethink: How to undermine your own election

Still slow: U.S. economy grew 1.6% in 2016

Trump’s latest executive order: Banning people from 7 countries and more

Inside the confusion of the Trump executive order and travel ban

White House discussing asking foreign visitors for social media info and cell phone contacts

Jeff Sessions grilled Sally Yates on constitutional duty during 2015 hearing


Republicans vote to suspend committee rules, advance Mnuchin, Price nominations

Trump at National Prayer Breakfast: ‘Pray for Arnold’

Trump adviser cites non-existent ‘massacre’ defending ban

Russian tech exec sues Buzzfeed for publishing unverified Trump dossier

DOJ appealing travel ban ruling

No, President Trump, negative polls are not ‘fake news’

WH official: We’ll say ‘fake news’ until media realizes attitude of attacking the President is wrong

Silencing Elizabeth Warren backfires on Senate GOP

Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch calls Trump’s tweets ‘disheartening’

Anger erupts at Republican town halls

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

At Mar-a-Lago, Trump tackles crisis diplomacy at close range

Flynn resigns amid controversy over Russia contacts

Suspect arrested over death of Kim Jong Un’s half-brother

Steve Bannon ‘livid’ with Breitbart over Priebus report

Trump tells Jewish magazine’s reporter to ‘sit down,’ blames anti-Semitism on ‘the other side’

McCain: Dictators ‘get started by suppressing free press’

Uber CEO orders ‘urgent’ investigation after sex harassment allegations

White House denounces threats to Jewish centers

More than 200 protesters indicted on rioting charges from Inauguration Day

Conservative provocateur targets CNN with secret recordings

FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories

Democrats, why not give Mayor Pete a chance for DNC chairman?

National security adviser: Term ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ isn’t helpful

Sources: Trump signed off on checking White House staffers’ phones


7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism

Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian ambassador

In chaotic scene, Rand Paul demands to see the House GOP’s Obamacare repeal bill

Grassley denies calls for Sessions to testify on Russian ambassador meetings

Trump falsely accuses Obama of wiretapping his phone

Chaffetz: Low-income Americans will have to choose health care over iPhones

Trump warns House GOP members of electoral ‘bloodbath’ if repeal and replace fails

Trump to conservative leaders: If this plan fails, I’ll blame Democrats

Sources: FBI investigation continues into ‘odd’ computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization

Anger mounts over handling of US attorney firings

New surveillance footage of Michael Brown sparks protests

A CBO report that conservatives can get behind

Senator Graham threatens subpoena on Trump wiretapping claim

Trump to release ‘hard power budget’ with cuts to State Dept, EPA

Sources: Sean Hannity once pulled a gun on Juan Williams

Trump administration ramps up efforts to block media

Man arrested outside White House after jumping bike rack

Trump’s wiretapping accusation comes to a head at Comey hearing

Andrew Napolitano absent from Fox after citing anonymous spying claims

Grieving father: ‘I don’t play Trump songs anymore’

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians

Schiff: New evidence shows possible Trump-Russia collusion

Trump’s art of no deal: Find someone to blame

Cincinnati nightclub shooting: One killed, 14 injured

Nunes says he was on WH grounds day before revealing Trump surveillance info

Schiff, Pelosi call on Nunes to recuse himself from House Russia investigation

Hillary Clinton makes most political remarks since losing election

Nunes, Comey clash on whether FBI chief invited House Russia investigation


I-85 collapse: Three arrested after major fire under Atlanta highway

St. Petersburg metro explosion: 10 dead in Russia blast

Wikipedia user ‘Sk-Gorka’ edited info about WH aide Sebastian Gorka’s gun charge

Rubio: It’s no coincidence that Syria gas attack happened after ‘concerning’ Tillerson comments

House intel chairman stepping aside from House Russia investigation

Two dead after truck rams pedestrians on Stockholm street

Trump, Xi have ‘candid,’ ‘positive’ talks in Florida

Blasts at Christian churches in Egypt kill dozens on Palm Sunday

New York just Ok’d tuition-free college for middle class

House Freedom Caucus member Justin Amash suggests time for Ryan ouster, blasts Trump

Daily Mail pays Melania Trump $2.9 million to settle lawsuit

US intelligence intercepted communications between Syrian military and chemical experts

36 ISIS fighters killed by US ‘mother of all bombs’; Afghan official

North Korea surprises with display of new missiles

14 arrested at Berkeley protest over Trump tax returns

On North Korean border, Pence tells US will drop ‘failed policy’

Cotton booed for defending Trump on tax returns

Source: Fox News and Bill O’Reilly are talking exit

Sources: Fox News payout to Bill O’Reilly will be tens of millions of dollars

Sources: US prepares charges to seek arrest of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange

Sources: Russia tried to use Trump advisers to infiltrate campaign

American detained in North Korea

Nasa astronaut Peggy Whitson sets space duration record, will get a call from Trump

German crowd hisses, boos at Ivanka when she defends her dad

Fox News anchor joins lawsuit alleging racial discrimination, harassment at network

Pentagon warned Flynn in 2014 against taking foreign payments; IG launches investigation

Federal probe of Fox News expands

North Korea’s missile test fails, US military says

How the world sees Trump, 100 days in


Congressional negotiators reach deal on government funding through September

Ethics office says it wasn’t consulted about Ivanka Trump job

Hillary Clinton just delivered a stunning indictment of the 2016 election — and Donald Trump

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are engaged

About that Rose Garden health care photo with all the white guys…

Republicans defend having no women in health care group

Kushner family in Beijing: ‘Invest $500,000 and immigrate’ to US

In an angry letter, Page discloses ‘brief interactions’ with Russian official

Donald Trump is turning liberals into conspiracy theorists

Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI’s Russia investigation

Source close to Comey says there were 2 reasons the FBI director was fired

Comey was taken aback by Trump request for loyalty pledge

Russian money-laundering details remain in the dark as US settles fraud case

North Korea says missile could carry large nuclear warhead

Why the latest White House crisis is a really big deal

Comey and the art of the well-timed leak

Inside an embattled Trump’s most consequential evening of turmoil yet

Chinese fighter flies inverted over US Air Force jet

Comey now believes Trump was trying to influence him, sources say

Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master’s thesis on homeland security

Reince Priebus returning to Washington after Saudi visit

Manchester Arena attack: ISIS claims blast that killed 22 at Ariana Grande concert

Trump tells Pope Francis: ‘I won’t forget what you said’

AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials, DOJ says

Republican Greg Gianforte wins Montana special election

Man shouting ‘anti-everything slurs’ kills 2 in Portland, police say

President Trump passes his first test on the world stage

Sources: Russians discussed potentially ‘derogatory’ information about Trump and associates during campaign


Congress investigating another possible Sessions-Kislyak meeting

Trump admin appeals travel ban case to Supreme Court

Michael Bloomberg: I’ll make sure UN gets $15 million it needs for Paris agreement

5 people reported dead in Orlando workplace shooting

More than 130 British imams refuse to bury London attackers

US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis

READ: James Comey’s prepared testimony

Trump’s lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos

House, Senate investigators seek Trump tapes, Comey memos

Sessions says he plans to testify before Senate intelligence panel

Source: Sessions’ plans to testify surprised Senate intelligence panel members

Judge orders DOJ to produce Sessions’ clearance form

Rep. Scalise shot in Virginia

Trump makes hospital visit after congressional baseball shooting

Robert Mueller expands special counsel office, hires 13 lawyers

Money stolen by Russian mob linked to man sanctioned for supporting Syria’s chemical weapons program

Missing sailors found dead in flooded compartments on US Navy destroyer

A pro-Trump group is using Obama’s voice out of context in radio ad for Georgia’s special election

FBI Director nominee removed reference to case involving Russian government from law firm bio

Intel chiefs tell investigators Trump Suggested they refute collusion with Russians

White House-media relations at breaking point as Spicer searches for replacement

Editor’s Note: (RETRACTION) – Russia story

Trump: ‘Bothersome’ that Mueller is ‘very good friends’ with Comey

Three journalists leaving after retracted article

Trump tweets shocking assault on Brzezinski, Scarborough

Sarborough, Brzezinski says White House used National Enquirer as threat


Kamala Harris maneuvers to help 2018 Democrats — and build a national profile

Forty-one states have refused Kobach’s request for voter information

How CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF

Russia steps up spying efforts after election

Who’s in the room for the Trump-Putin meeting?

Putin set a trap and Trump fell into it

An avalanche of hate: How a Montana mom became the target of a neo-Nazi troll storm

Pro-Trump media scrambles to react to bombshell emails

Graham, Cassidy unveil details of  alternative health care plan

London acid attacks: 5 victims assaulted in 70 minutes

Trump Tower Russia meeting: At least eight people in the room

Trump re-election campaign paid $50,000 to law firm now representing Donald Trump Jr.

Special Counsel investigators seeking info from ‘eighth man’ at Trump Tower meeting

Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed

Sean Hannity will no longer receive Buckley Award after controversy

Trump Jr. and Manafort reach deal with Senate panel to avoid public hearing

Scaramucci wrote ‘America deserves better’ than ‘unbridled demagoguery’ in early 2016 op-ed aimed at Trump

READ: Jared Kushner’s statement on Russia to congressional committees

Trump slams Sessions, rips DOJ in Twitter outburst

Top White House aides press Trump to pull back on Sessions criticism

Scaramucci: ‘If Reince wants to explain he’s not a leaker, let him do that’

Cryptic calls, lip-reading and a thumbs-down: Behind McCain’s dramatic vote

Reince Priebus: Trump ‘wanted to go a different direction’


US detects ‘highly unusual’ North Korean submarine activity

Trump signs Russia sanctions bill

Scaramucci to hold online event Friday

One year into the FBI’s Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail

H.R. McMaster faces attacks from conservative

Stephen Miller could take on a WH communications role

Kayleigh McEnany appears in pro-Trump ‘news’ video after leaving CNN

Trump at 200 days: Declining approval amid widespread mistrust

North Korea vows strikes on US as Trump warns of ‘fire and fury’

US embassy employees in Cuba possibly subject to ‘acoustic attack’

Guam residents stoic in the face of North Korean missile threat

Trump says he won’t rule out military option in Venezuela

Charlottesville car crash suspect ID’d as 20-year-old Ohio man

Merck CEO quits Trump council over Charlottesville

Three CEOs walk away from Trump after Charlottesville

Baltimore removes Confederate statues

The ‘March on Google’ is off

Mother of Charlottesville victim says she won’t speak with Trump

Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement: Activists seek peace through violence

Thousands march in Boston in protest of controversial rally

10 US Navy sailors missing after destroyer collides with merchant ship

Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he hasn’t been invited to Trump rally

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump’s Phoenix rally

Top Trump aide’s email draws new scrutiny in Russia inquiry

The natural disaster test: Trump braces for Hurricane Harvey

Dallas preps ‘mega-shelter’ as Texas braces for more rain

Trump says ‘all options on the table’ after North Korea launches missile over Japan

Next target Guam, North Korea says

Harvey aftermath: More chemical fires possible as city loses clean water


Comey drafted Clinton exoneration before finishing investigation, GOP senators say

Longtime Trump aide Keith Schiller tells people he intends to leave White House

Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump

Mexico readies relief aid for Texas flood victims

Hispanic business leader: Trump’s ‘a liar’ if he ends DACA

Admin memo: DACA recipients should prepare for ‘departure from the United States’

There are now three hurricanes in the Atlantic basin

EPA chief on Irma: The time to talk about climate change isn’t now

Rush Limbaugh evacuates Florida home after floating unfounded theories about Hurricane Irma

FEMA chief: ‘Millions’ could be without power from Irma

Republican Sen. Bob Corker weighs whether to retire in 2018

Hicks named permanent White House communications director

Dems to Mueller: Flynn failed to disclose trip to broker Saudi-Russian business deal

Rice told House investigators why she unmasked senior Trump officials

Sessions receives message of support from Trump after new report of past turmoil

Brooke Baldwin: Speaking like this to women in 2017? No way

More than 80 arrested in third night of St. Louis protests

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman

Mueller team’s focus on Manafort spans 11 years

How the ‘Jimmy Kimmel test’ became the health care fight’s measuring stick

Trump says this is all a hoax. Mueller, Congress and Facebook disagree.

Trump touts ‘Big Luther’s’ loyalty, electability at Alabama rally

The dark racial sentiment in Trump’s NBA and NFL criticism

Police: Man arrested near White House had cache of weapons in car

John Kelly is not pleased with Trump’s NFL culture war, but ‘appalled’ by players’ lack of respect

Trump infuriated after backing Alabama loser

Trump authorizes waiver to loosen shipping regulations for Puerto Rico

Kushner didn’t disclose personal email account to Senate intel committee

Trump: US ‘will not rest’ until Puerto Ricans are safe


Lin-Manuel Miranda to Trump: ‘You’re going straight to hell’

The Las Vegas attack is the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history

Portraits of the victims of the Las Vegas shooting

Las Vegas shooter’s girlfriend ‘sent away’ before his massacre

Las Vegas gunman planned to escape after massacre, sheriff says

Russian-linked group sold merchandise online

How Hollywood has reacted to Weinstein allegations

Pence leaves Colts game after protest during anthem

Trump boasts of a higher IQ than Tillerson

Harvey Weinstein and his enablers

Background check chief has ‘never seen’ mistakes and omissions at level of Jared Kushner forms

Desperate Puerto Ricans are drinking water from a hazardous-waste site

Trump allies worry that losing the House means impeachment

Poll: Trump approval steady, but more say he’s leading in the wrong direction

Trump: Dem congresswoman ‘totally fabricated’ his remarks to widow of fallen soldier

Sources: Kelly didn’t know Trump would publicize that Obama didn’t call when his son died

A timeline of the White House after the Niger raid

Steve Bannon delivers blistering attack on former President George W. Bush

Security costs skyrocket at ‘lightning rod’ EPA

Bill O’Reilly ‘mad at God’ over sexual misconduct allegations

NAACP warns black passengers about traveling with American Airlines

Five women accuse journalist and ‘Game Change’ co-author Mark Halperin of sexual harassment

I’m writing this to make sure other young women won’t stay silent like I did

First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Manafort to turn himself in to Mueller source says

Special counsel’s office: Papadopoulos ‘small part’ of ‘large scale investigation’


Who is New York attack suspect Sayfullo Saipov?

Russia probe could derail Trump nominee for top Agriculture post

Asked if DNC system was rigged in Clinton’s favor, Warren says ‘yes’

George H.W. Bush labels Trump a ‘blowhard’ in new book

This man may have prevented the Texas mass shooting from getting any deadlier

After Texas church shooting, ‘most of our church family is gone’

Election night brings historic wins for minority and LGBT candidates

Academic at heart of Clinton ‘dirt’ claim vanishes, leaving trail of questions

Louis CK allegations prompt action by HBO, FX

Trump says he believes Putin’s election meddling denials

Trump, Putin issue joint statement on fighting ISIS in Syria

Moore threatens to sue Washington Post over report

Leading Alabama news site: Moore ‘grossly unfit for office’

Russia moves ahead with rules targeting foreign media

Roy Moore writes open letter to Sean Hannity after Fox News host’s ultimatum

Kushner testified he did not recall any campaign WikiLeaks contact

Alabama’s biggest newspapers urge voters to ‘reject Roy Moore’

Woman says Franken inappropriately touched her in 2010

Judge rules Trump’s sanctuary city order unconstitutional

How Sarah Sanders humiliated the press

Trump touts his leadership during Thanksgiving teleconference with troops

Tillerson’s senior team planning to skip Ivanka Trump’s India trip

What House defends Mulvaney’s appointment to CFPB

Cordray’s successor sues Trump administration over Mulvaney’s appointment to CFPB

Here’s the deal with Elizabeth Warren’s Native American Heritage

NBC fires Matt Lauer after complaint about ‘inappropriate sexual behavior’

Army veteran says Franken groped her during USO tour in 2003


Flynn charged with one count of making false statement

ABC News corrects bombshell Flynn report

Louis: It’s time to start talking about impeachment

FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey’s description of Clinton to ‘extremely careless’

White House: Jerusalem embassy move a ‘recognition of reality’

Did President Trump slur his speech?

Email shows effort to give Trump campaign WikiLeaks documents

CNN corrects story on email to Trumps about Wikileaks

Obama tells Alabama voters to reject Roy Moore

Months-worth of FBI employees’ texts dreading Trump victory released to Congress

Ex-Farenthold aide shares new details of vulgar and abusive behavior

Homeland Security senior adviser promoted birtherism, said Obama knew ‘nothing about the black American experience’

Trump lawyers set for key meeting with special counsel next week

How Fox News and President Trump create an anti-Mueller ‘feedback loop’

Trump predicts exoneration in Russia Investigation as allies fear a ‘meltdown’

Former Pentagon UFO official: ‘We may not be alone’

The House has to vote again on the tax bill. Here’s why

Warner: Firing Mueller would be ‘gross abuse of power’

Ex-Farenthold aide told House Ethics Committee she was pressured to perform campaign duties

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski apologizes for remarks about Mark Halperin victims

Iconic White House tree to be cut down

Prince Harry sidesteps Obama-Trump wedding guest list controversy

Roy Moore files complaint to block Alabama Senate result

Drexel professor resigns amid threats over controversial tweets

Iran protests: Government supporters join counter rallies

NYT: Former Trump campaign adviser told Australian diplomat Russia had dirt on Clinton

News Source: CNN

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