2017: POLITICO (348)


New York Times, Wall Street Journal editors take on Trump and the media

Black pols plan Trump resistance

House Republicans gut their own oversight

Schumer adopts Trump slogan: GOP wants to ‘Make America sick again’

Trump to face sworn deposition in Trump Tower

Trump calls Russia hacking allegations a ‘political witch hunt’

Rand Paul; Trump ‘fully supports my plan to replace Obamacare’

Trump’s Cabinet picks undergo grueling prep for hearings

Obamacare repeals’ doomsday scenario

Inside Sessions’ strategy to combat racism allegations

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Spy chief trashes leaks, assures Trump of loyalty

Chaffets threatens to subpoena federal ethics watchdog over Trump criticism

Trump: John Lewis is ‘all talk,’ ‘no action or results’

How Betsy Devos Used God and Amway to Take Over Michigan Politics

Trump Is Making Journalism Great Again

Putin: Obama administration trying to undermine Trump’s legitimacy

De Blasio: Don’t ‘overstate the threat’ DeVos poses to city

Perry: ‘I regret’ call to scrap Energy Department

Conway: Trump’s inauguration ‘will be a shock to the system’

Churchill bust returns to Trump’s gilded Oval Office

On Day 2, Trump sticks to media bashing and boasting

Poll shows Warren is no sure bet for re-election next year

Trump assembles a shadow Cabinet

Poll: Voters liked Trump’s inaugural address

Trump’s flashy executive actions could run aground

Trump won’t attend Alfalfa Club dinner

Trump bars Syrian refugees, halts entry of citizens from some Muslim states

President Trump’s First Defeat

Trump signs executive order requiring that for every one new regulation, two must be revoked

Hill staffers secretly worked on Trump’s immigration order


Sen. Manchin on Gorsuch: ‘Let’s give the man a chance’

Trump at National Prayer Breakfast: Pray for Arnold Schwarzenegger

White House: Israeli settlement construction ‘may not be helpful’ for peace

Trump officials slow-walked court orders on travel ban

Sanders on Trump: ‘This guy is a fraud’

Trump sets Democratic field ablaze with anger

White House rattled by McCarthy’s spoof of Spicer

Alabama governor leaning toward ‘Big Luther’ Strange to replace Sessions

Trump lashes out at Blumenthal for relaying Gorsuch’s ‘disheartening’ comments

3 key Trump mistakes that led to the travel ban court defeat

CIA freezes out top Flynn aide

Kellyanne Conway’s dangerous game

Trump reviews top White House staff after tumultuous start

Scarborough rips Conway as an ‘out of the loop’ liar after Flynn resignation

Aetna CEO: Obamacare markets are in a ‘death spiral’

Office of Director of National Intelligence: We don’t withhold intel from Trump

Leaked Trump tape: ‘You are the special people’

Priebus denies any Trump campaign, Russia connections

Trump calls anti-Semitism ‘horrible’

Poll: Support for Obamacare is rising

Manafort faced blackmail attempt, hacks suggest

Trump’s words send Cabinet on perpetual clean-up mission

Grass-roots fury masks intense Democratic anxiety

Perez elected DNC chairman

Bush breaks with Trump, calls media ‘indispensable to democracy’

Sources: White House proposes to cut EPA budget by quarter


Excerpts: Trump’s address to Congress

Sessions under fire over Russia meetings

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak is Washington’s most dangerous diplomat

Photo contradicts Pelosi’s statement about not meeting Kislyak

Trump fumes over Sessions’ recusal from Russia probe

Chaffetz: I’ve seen no evidence Obama ordered wiretap of Trump

Conservatives Pan House Obamacare repeal bill

Comey: I intend to serve my 10-year term

Obamacare repeal takes first step forward

Pelosi: Comey should publicly reject Trump wiretapping claims

Trump team ousts Obama-appointed U.S. attorneys

Price on Obamacare replacement: ‘Nobody will be worse off financially’

CNN hires Chris Cillizza

White House analysis of Obamacare repeal sees even deeper insurance losses than CBO

‘People are scared’: Paranoia seizes Trump’s White House

Mulvaney justifies budget: We can’t ask a coal miner to pay for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Tillerson: Military action against North Korea is an option

Tillerson rebuts ‘fatigue’ reports: South Korea ‘never invited us for dinner’ 

Trump’s ‘major meeting’ on veterans affairs doesn’t happen

Comey confirms FBI probe into Trump-Russia collusion

How the FBI tailing Trump could dog his presidency

Trump, GOP leaders lack votes to pass Obamacare repeal

Obamacare repeal in jeopardy as Trump offers 11th-hour concessions

Ivanka’s lawyer, a Democrat, defends herself

Inside the GOP’s Health Care Debacle

How a secret Freedom Caucus pact brought down Obamacare repeal

Internal White House battles spill into Treasury

Swalwell on Nunes: ‘This is what a cover-up to a crime looks like’

Trump breaks the silent treatment with Schumer: ‘Hello, Chuck’

The Crisis of Trumpism

Democrats in Trump territory in no mood to deal


Kushner’s privileged status stokes resentment in White House

Trump aide accused of Hatch Act violation after urging Amash primary challenge

Trump revives Clinton criticisms in early morning tweets

McConnell bets the Senate on Gorsuch

Gorsuch’s writings borrow from other authors

Nunes steps aside from Russia probe

Trump’s Troll Army Isn’t Ready for War in Syria

Bannon and Kushner hold sit-down in attempt to bury the hatchet

Trump’s White House Is a Family Business. That’s Not a Bad Thing.

White House on edge as 100-day judgment nears

Obama heading to Germany in May to talk democracy with Merkel

Trump: I won’t ask for Comey’s resignation

Coffman pummeled at town hall over GOP Obamacare repeal

If Trump Fired Bannon, Would He Seek Revenge?

Trump claims he can’t be sued for inciting rally violence

Failure to sanction China helped North Korea, former officials say

‘Machiavelli Would Approve’

Cotton blitzed by constituents at rowdy town hall

Democrats begin to wonder: When do we win?

GOP makes new bid on Obamacare repeal

Trump wades into French elections

Schumer jabs White House over offer to fund Obamacare subsidies in exchange for border wall

How Trump Succeeds Without Succeeding

Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway

Ivanka Trump gets booed, hissed at during Berlin event

Trump attacks judiciary for blocking order on sanctuary cities

Pentagon inspector general launches Flynn investigation

Lewandowski’s firm appears to offer Trump meetings

Trump’s mad dash to 100 days

Pelosi slams Trump at 100-day mark: ‘He hasn’t really proposed anything’


Budget deal reached in Congress

Historians see a dark underside to Trump’s Civil War riff

Mulvaney: ‘I’d probably go to the floor’ now on health care vote

Trump to visit the Vatican on first foreign trip as president

‘The White House just couldn’t let this go’

Trump suggests financing for historically black colleges may be unconstitutional

Group sues for Sally Yates’ Justice Department emails

Left adopts shock tactics in Obamacare repeal fight

Behind Comey’s firing: An enraged Trump, fuming about Russia

Sen. Mike Lee tweets Trump: Nominate Merrick Garland to replace Comey

Trump’s attempt to fix the Comey crisis made it worse

Trump meltdown sets off GOP alarms over 2018 midterm

Republicans plan massive cuts to programs for the poor

How Trump gets his fake news

Trump’s trampling of political norms spur strongman comparisons

White House on edge: ‘We are kind of helpless’

Trump’s Worst Nightmare Comes True

Ivanka and Jared get a rabbinical pass to fly Air Force One

Melania scours media to protect Trump

Saudis give Trump a reception fit for a king

White House to seek 90-day delay in Obamacare subsidy suit

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides

Republicans: Montana special election ‘closer than it should be’

Obama in Berlin: ‘We can’t hide behind a wall’

Trump calls Gianforte’s victory a ‘great win in Montana’

Leaders issue G7 declaration with U.S. a holdout on climate change

General McMaster, Step Down — and Let Trump Be Trump

Trump’s obsession over Russia probe deepens

Trump’s communications director is out as larger shakeup looms

Trump expected to withdraw from Paris climate deal


Clinton: I was the ‘victim’ of an assumption that I would win

Why Trump Actually Pulled Out Of Paris

America’s CEOs fall out of love with Trump

Police confirm violent attacks in London are ‘terrorist incidents’

Trump National Security Team Blindsided by NATO Speech

How Trump is stalling his own nominees

Comey talked with Muller’s team ahead of testimony

Comey’s fizzle — James Comey has an expectations problem

Comey’s devastating indictment of President Donald Trump

Biden encourages 2012 foe Romney to run for the Senate

Romney stokes speculation he’s weighing another political run

Trump gives Priebus until July 4th to clean up White House

Trump surrogates go after Mueller

Trump tries to master the art of the tiny

Trump huddled with donors on day of Comey testimony

Senate likely to miss it’s Obamacare repeal deadline

Trump reports assets of at least $1.4 billion in financial disclosures

Georgia special election hurtles toward nail-biting finish

Supreme Court rules the government can’t refuse to register trademarks considered offensive

Georgia special election: 7 things to watch

Trump spikes the ball after Georgia election win

The GOP’s Suburban Nightmare

DHS halts planned funding for anti-white extremism group

‘Trump Is What Happens When a Political Party Abandons Ideas’

Price invites GOP foes of Obamacare overhaul to keep talking

Supreme Court allows Trump’s travel ban to partially take effect

Republicans eye billions in side deals to win Obamacare repeal votes

Inside the GOP’s surprise health care flop

Trump rips media, mocks Pelosi at closed-door fundraiser

Trump repeal idea would lead to 26 million uninsured


Christie adds government shutdown to his legacy

An inside view of the House Russia probe

Christie spent night with his family in shuttered Island Beach State Park

Poll: Majority of voters back Trump travel ban

Senate Obamacare repeal vote unlikely next week

Trump: ‘Everyone’ at G-20 talking about Podesta not giving server to authorities

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Trump vows ‘to move forward’ with Putin

President Trump’s enemies list

GOP Researcher Who Sought Clinton Emails Had Alt-Right Help

Obama and Bush ethics lawyers call Trump Jr.’s defense of Russia meeting ‘nonsense’

Trump’s lawyers try to control unruly White House

Kurshner pushed for more aggressive defense of Trump Jr. meeting

Why Does Jared Kushner Still Have a Security Clearance?

McConnell: Senate to ‘defer’ on Obamacare repeal vote

How the White House and Republicans underestimated Obamacare repeal

Trump blindsided by implosion of GOP health care bill

Health care collapse a blow to McConnell

Trump goes off-script and fumes about Sessions and Russia probe

Spokesman for Trump’s legal team resigns just two months after starting

Inside the 24 hours that broke Sean Spicer

Schumer: Democrats were ‘namby-pamby’

Kushner defends his Russia contacts: ‘I did not collude’

Scaramucci plans to oust White House press aide, offers ‘amnesty’ to others

Wasserman Schultz aide arrested trying to leave the country

Scaramucci still stands to profit from SkyBridge from the White House

How McCain tanked Obamacare repeal

McConnell’s Strange Achievement

Who will replace Kelly at Homeland Security?

Ivanka and Jared find their limits in Trump’s White House


Majority of voters believe White House is in chaos

In Trump’s White House, the women are the survivors

Spicer savors his last days in the White House

Hunt for Trump dossier author inflames Russia probe

Democrats fear Russia probe blowback

Trump’s Trade Pullout Roils Rural America

Poll: Trump support eroding with his base

Graham: Trump has ‘basically drawn a red line’ for North Korea

Blowback from staffer scandal burns Wasserman Schultz

Trump’s China trade crackdown coming Monday

Trump fails to condemn white supremacists in statement on Charlottesville violence

Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

The GOP’s nastiest primary

Time for My Fellow Republicans to Stand Up and Be Counted

‘He is stubborn and doesn’t realize how bad this is getting’

Justice Department to end Obama-era ‘Operation Choke Point’

Trumps to skip Kennedy Center Honors after artists boycott event

Susan Collins: ‘Too difficult to say’ whether Trump will be 2020 GOP nominee

Bannon’s Breitbart tears into Trump after Afghanistan speech

Clinton says her ‘skin crawled’ from Trump’s looming behavior at debate

Kelly moves to control the information Trump sees

White House moves goalposts on tax reform

Trump pardons former Sheriff Arpaio

Gorka says he’s heading back to Breitbart

Trump’s prized perk: Oval Office photo ops

How Washington Made Harvey Worse

Melania’s stiletto sideshow

Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe


World in no rush to offer Trump help post-Harvey

Trump aides averted more detailed letter justifying Comey firing

Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay

Fight over Dreamers to test Bannon’s juice outside the White House

Poll: Majority opposes deporting Dreamers

Democrats dread Hillary’s book tour

White House communications director Hope Hicks retains lawyer in Russia probe

How California could jolt the 2020 presidential race

Corker weighing retirement in 2018

Hope Hicks to be named White House communications director

Sanders’ single-payer push splits Democrats

Trump ethics watchdog moves to allow anonymous gifts to legal defense funds

Inside Trump’s dalliance with Democrats

Another prosecutor joins Trump-Russia probe

How to Read Bob Mueller’s Hand

Trump warns that major portions of the world ‘are going to hell’

The Electoral College Is a National Security Threat

The unlikely group who brought Obamacare repeal back to life

Trump publicly backs healthcare effort, privately harbors doubts

NFL commissioner says Trump comments show ‘lack of respect’ for players

A College Lecturer Tweeted, ‘Trump Must Hang.’ He Doesn’t Regret It.

Graham, Cassidy revise Obamacare repeal bill, appealing to holdouts

Priebus made attempt to halt personal email use in West Wing

Mitch McConnell’s dreadful day

Alleged leaker Reality Winner said she stuffed NSA report in her pantyhose

White House launches probe of private email accounts

Kelly struggling to make sense of Kushner’s West Wing role


Could America’s Socialists Become the Tea Party of the Left?

Scalise: ‘They Said I Was Within a Minute of Death’

Trump faces political danger in visit to Puerto Rico

Rex Tillerson Is Running the State Department Into the Ground

Secret Service: No visitor logs for Mar-a-Lago

John Kelly’s personal cellphone was compromised, White House believes

Trump claims Corker ‘didn’t have the guts’ to run for reelection

Republicans privately admit defeat on Obamacare repeal

White House aides lean on delays and distraction to manage Trump

Trump suggests challenging NBC’s broadcast license

Fed up with Congress, Trump whacks Obamacare with his pen

Trump will scrap critical Obamacare subsidies

Corker unloads on Trump for trying to ‘castrate’ Tillerson

Iranian foreign minister: ‘Nobody else will trust’ U.S. if it pulls out of Iran deal

Menendez faces critical moment in bribery trial

Trump gives his own performance a Trump-sized endorsement

Democrats press Gowdy to subpoena White House for Flynn documents

Trump questions if Russia, FBI or Democrats paid for dossier

Blindsided Trump officials scrambling to develop opioid plan

Trump Likely to Block Release of Some JFK Files

DNC reeling financially after brutal 2016

Trump spars with widow of slain soldier about condolence call

Republicans quietly craft Dreamers deal

Poll: Voters see Trump as reckless, not honest

Mark Halperin apologizes for ‘inappropriate’ behavior toward women

Manafort Realtor testified before grand jury in Russia probe

Roger Stone vows legal action over Twitter suspension

Trump campaign aides charged in Mueller’s Russia probe

Preet Bharara Reads Bob Mueller’s Tea Leaves


Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

David Corn investigated for inappropriate workplace behavior

Trump’s year of anger, disruption and scandal

Trump sets aside bellicose rhetoric in opening address to Asia trip

GOP shrugs off gun control after latest mass shooting

Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love Him Anyway.

GOP faces wrenching call: Running with or away from Trump

Bannon compares Moore Accusations to infamous Trump Access Hollywood tape

Trump careens off script on Russia after Putin meeting

Moore backers stand by their man

McConnell: ‘I believe the women’ accusing Roy Moore

Sessions says he never lied, has ‘no clear recollection’ of proposed Trump-Putin meeting

Trump faces wrenching call on Moore

GOP leaders weigh drastic plan to save Alabama Senate seat

‘A lot of boob stuff:’ Fla. Democratic Party chair apologizes after six women complain of ‘demeaning’ behavior

Week 26: Donald Jr. and WikiLeaks Talk Dirty

Moore harassment scandal spreads to 2018 battle for Congress

Mnuchin: ‘I didn’t realize’ viral dollar bill photo would go public

Leading Trump Census pick causes alarm

Trump privately doubted Moore’s female accusers

How Donald Trump Ruined Thanksgiving

GOP deficit hawks fear tax plan is secret budget-buster

Want to Know Why Roy Moore Might Win? Blame the Media.

Republicans fret over White House sales job on taxes

Consumer bureau’s top lawyer sides with Trump in leadership clash

Moore buried under TV ad barrage

CNN to boycott White House Christmas party

Pelosi calls on Conyers to resign


Tax bill could trigger historic spending cuts

Trump keeps playing nice with Mueller, for now

Trump moves to block Romney from the Senate

Pence pleads ignorance as Russia probe deepens

Another woman says Franken tried to forcibly kiss her

Female lieutenant governor expected to replace Franken if he resigns

Trump’s ‘fake news’ mantra a hit with despots

Female aides fretted Franks wanted to have sex to impregnate them

Shelby: My state of Alabama ‘deserves better’ than Moore

How Trump came around to an accused child molester

Justice Department won’t disclose details on Mueller ethics waiver

In texts, FBI agent on Russia probe called Trump an ‘idiot’

Farenthold won’t seek reelections

Democrats want to know why Justice Department released FBI texts

Why Democrats failed to tank tax reform

Trump transition lawyer accuses Mueller of unlawfully obtaining emails

Franken urged to reverse his resignation

The real reason Trump allies are attacking Mueller

Senators, White House lay groundwork for Dreamers deal

House Republicans quietly investigate perceived corruption at DOJ, FBI

Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

Top FBI official linked to reporter who broke Trump dossier story

Flake: If Trump fired Mueller, it would be a ‘big problem’

Where is Trump’s Cabinet? It’s anybody’s guess.

‘We have tapped into something’: Impeachment drive builds digital army to take on Trump

Trump builds his 2018 political message by rebranding Obama’s economic legacy

Billionaire kingmakers swarm Florida governor’s race after Trump endorsement

Donald Trump is a Consequential President. Just Not in the Ways You Think.

News Source: Politico

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