Gunman kills at least 35 in New Year’s attack on Istanbul nightclub

Here are the eight Trump Cabinet picks Democrats plan to target

House Republicans vote to rein in independent ethics office

Trump takes aim at House Republicans, and they run for cover

4 held after Facebook video shows torture of disabled man by group railing against Trump, whites

U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win

How Trump got his party to love Russia

Ethics official warns against confirmations before reviews are complete

Hillary Clinton made a rare appearance at ‘The Color Purple’ — and got three standing ovations

Sessions, failed to disclose oil interests as required, ethics experts say

Trump cites Kremlin statement to deny reports of Russia ties, asks, ‘Are we living in Nazi Germany?’

Obamacare is one step closer to repeal after Senate advances budget resolution

Republicans say their midnight vote was about bridge building. Actually, it was bridge burning.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

Trump transition team says it asked D.C. National Guard general to stay

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

Poll: Trump will take office as least popular president in at least 4 decades

Days before Trump’s inauguration, State Dept. sends $500 million to United Nations climate fund

Obama’s biggest whoppers

Trump to be sworn in, marking a transformative shift in the country’s leadership

Trump’s America is a rotten place

Trump wages war against the media as demonstrators protest his presidency

With executive order, Trump tosses a ‘bomb’ into fragile health insurance markets

Dear media: The Trump White House has total contempt for you. Time to react accordingly.

Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities

Trump’s absurd claim the 2012 Pew report researcher was ‘groveling’

GOP congressional leaders: The border wall will cost $12 billion to $15 billion

Trump signs order temporarily halting admission of refugees, promises priority for Christians

Trump orders ISIS plan, talks with Putin and gives Bannon national security role

‘It was a slaughter’: Deadly terrorist attack at mosque leaves Quebec shaken

The number of people affected by Trump’s travel ban: About 90.000


How Trump kept Gorsuch nomination a secret until the clock struck 8

‘This was the worst call by far’: Trump badgered, bragged and abruptly ended phone call with Australian leader

Kellyanne Conway cites ‘Bowling Green massacre’ that never happened to defend travel ban

Federal judge temporarily blocks Trump’s entry order nationwide

AME bishops sound a battle cry against the Trump administration

Trump’s continued defense of Putin confounds Republicans

Trump: I’ll take ‘common sense’ travel ban to the Supreme Court, if necessary

Republicans vote to rebuke Elizabeth Warren, saying she impugned Sessions’s character

Conway may have broken key ethics rule by touting Ivanka Trump’s products, experts say

The 9th Circuit’s dangerous and unprecedented use of campaign statements to block presidential policy

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

A gift and a challenge for Democrats: A restive, active and aggressive base

Trump ran a campaign based on intelligence security. That’s not how he’s governing.

North Korean leader’s half-brother killed by poison in Malaysia, reports claim

Pence remains above the fray, but is he outside the inner circle?

What killed Andrew Puzder’s nomination to be labor secretary

Trump’s dangerous strategy to undermine reality

Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’

‘That’s how dictators get started’: McCain criticizes Trump for calling media ‘the enemy’

Amid Russia scrutiny, Trump associates received informal Ukraine policy proposal

Jewish cemetery vandalized. Jewish centers threatened. ADL calls on Trump to ‘step forward’.

These are the American people Trump calls enemies of the American people

In first month of Trump presidency, State Department has been sidelined

Bannon vows a daily fight for ‘deconstruction of the administrative state’

Democrats brace for backlash as they vote on new party chairman

Thomas Perez elected the first Latino leader of Democratic Party

A divided White House still offers little guidance on replacing Obamacare

The ‘Kellyanne Conway on the couch’ controversy is so incredibly dumb


Fact-checking President Trump’s address to Congress

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose

Former journalist arrested, charged with threats against Jewish facilities

Trump, citing no evidence, accuses Obama of ‘Nixon/Watergate’ plot to wiretap Trump Tower

Russia is the slow burn of the Trump administration, and it’s not going away

Revised executive order bans travelers from six Muslim-majority countries from getting new visas

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims

Sen. Tim Kaine’s son among several arrested after protesters disrupt Trump rally in Minnesota

GOP health care plan: Obamacare revision clears first hurdle in House committee early Thursday

Rex Tillerson is off to an agonizingly slow start

Person arrested on White House grounds after scaling fence

They are poor, sick and voted for Trump. What will happen to them without Obamacare?

Trump budget expected to seek historic contraction of federal workforce

CBO: Defunding Planned Parenthood would lead to thousands more births

This 2005 Donald Trump tax return is a total nothingburger

Trump federal budget 2018: Massive cuts to the arts, science and the poor

Britain’s surveillance agency slaps down claim it was involved in Trump ‘wiretap’

White House fence jumper roamed grounds for more than 16 minutes before arrest

Al Franken may be the perfect senator for the Trump era — a deadly serious funnyman

FBI Director Comey: Justice Dept. has no information that supports Trump’s tweets alleging he was wiretapped by Obama

President Trump faces his hardest truth: He was wrong

Gorsuch hearings Day 3: Feinstein presses judge on abortion, physician-assisted suicide

Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nomination

A postponed health-care vote, a big GOP embarrassment and no good options ahead

‘The closer’? The inside story of how Trump tried — and failed — to make a deal on health care

Two months out of office, Barack Obama is having a post-presidency like no other

Trump taps Kushner to lead a SWAT team to fix government with business ideas

Trump administration sought to block Sally Yates from testifying to Congress on Russia

Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination is on track to change the Senate — and further divide the country

Trump says ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Flynn offers to cooperate with congressional probe in exchange for immunity


Stephen K. Bannon, architect of anti-globalist policies, got rich as a global capitalist

A judge rules Trump may have incited violence … and Trump again has his own mouth to blame

McMaster staffing NSC with traditional GOP foreign policy hands

Sen. Jeff Merkley can talk until he’s blue in the face. But he can’t stop a vote on Neil Gorsuch.

Bannon removed from security council as McMaster asserts control

Why the Navy’s Tomahawk missiles were the weapon of choice in strikes in Syria

Warplanes return to Syria town devastated by chemical attack

Obama’s Syria strike plan was much bigger than Trump’s

Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation shattered political conventions. Here is why.

Reflexive partisanship drives polling lurch on Syria strikes

FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page

Trump backs off fiscal pledges and adopts centrist policies that he once fought

China is suddenly leaning on North Korea — and it might be thanks to Trump

Trump delights in watching the U.S. military display its strength

N. Korea didn’t test a nuclear weapon, but it did try to launch another missile

Racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism or income inequality

The night Clinton said what she never expected to say: ‘Congratulations, Donald’

Republicans avoided calamity in this month’s two special elections, but a lot more peril lies ahead

Pence: The United States is not seeking negotiations with North Korea

Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention

The White House reveals what next week’s ‘big announcement’ on taxes will look like

Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

Showdown looms as Trump demands funding for wall on U.S.-Mexico border

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

UC-Berkeley readies police as Ann Coulter plans to speak in public plaza on campus

Portland rose parade canceled after ‘antifascists’ threaten GOP marchers

Trump now agrees with the majority of Americans: He wasn’t ready to be president

EPA website removes climate science site from public view after two decades

Climate March draws massive crowd to D.C. in sweltering heat


Why did Trump win? New research by Democrats offers a worrisome answer.

Jimmy Kimmel’s powerful, heartfelt Obamacare plea crystallizes the GOP’s dilemma

Pelosi: Democratic candidates should be forced to toe party line on abortion

Trump has a dangerous disability

Rape charges to be dropped against immigrant teens in Md. case

In a Beijing ballroom, Kushner family pushes $500,000 ‘investor visa’ to wealthy Chinese

Despite critics’ claims, the GOP health bill doesn’t classify rape sexual assault as a preexisting condition

Democratic lawmakers such as Amy Klobuchar start making 2020 moves — and the base starts making demands

Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation

After Trump fired Comey, White House staff scrambled to explain why

How Trump’s anger and impatience prompted him to fire the FBI director

Republicans misstate, again and again on TV and at town halls, what’s in their health-care bill

This is not a crisis, Republicans say as a large spider slowly devours them

Trump must be impeached. Here’s why.

Barron Trump to attend private St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Maryland this fall

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Family of slain Seth Rich says reports that he fed DNC info to WikiLeaks are untrue

House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump

Yes, GOP leaders were making a joke about Putin and Trump. But then it sunk in.

Russia probe reaches current White House official, people familiar with the case say

Trump mocked Obama for bowing to a Saudi king. And  then he …

Trump’s bizarre and un-American visit to Saudi Arabia

Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

The life and death of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory

‘Anyone . . . with a pulse’: How a Russia-friendly adviser found his way into the Trump campaign

The conservative mind has become diseased

Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin

Trump family members met with GOP leaders to discuss strategy

Following Trump’s trip, Merkel says Europe can’t rely on ‘others.’ She means the U.S.

How President Trump consumes — or does not consume — top-secret intelligence

Trump’s aides are starting to rival their boss when it comes to praising him


Trump administration moves to return Russian compounds in Maryland and New York

Inside Trump’s climate decision: After fiery debate, he ‘stayed where he’s always been’

Nunes-led House Intelligence Committee asked for ‘unmaskings’ of Americans

London attack toll rises to 7 dead as Theresa May insists ‘things need to change’

It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class

As Trump lashes out, Republicans grow uneasy

Top intelligence official told associates Trump asked him if he could intervene with Comey on FBI Russia probe

I helped prosecute Watergate. Comey’s statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case.

Trump’s lawyer says Comey violated executive privilege. He’s wrong.

Foreign payments to Trump’s businesses are legally permitted, argues Justice Department

Trump’s son seems to confirm Comey’s account of the president’s comments on the Flynn investigation

Russia has developed a cyberweapon that can disrupt power grids, according to new research

University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier, said to be in a coma, released from North Korea

Acquaintance describes campaigning for Bernie Sanders with shooting suspect

Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say

GOP Senate leaders aim to bring health-care legislation to the floor by end of June

Michelle Carter, who urged her boyfriend to commit suicide, found guilty in his death

Help wanted: Why Republicans won’t work for the Trump administration

Congressional shooting clouds final days of Georgia special election

Georgia special election: Hard-fought House race in suburban Atlanta comes to an end as a referendum on Trump

Democrats despondent, Trump emboldened after GOP victory in Georgia special election

Senate health-care repeals Obamacare taxes, provides bigger subsidies for low-income Americans than House bill

Trump is struggling to stay calm on Russia, one morning call at a time

Why ‘Mattis in charge’ is a formula for disaster

Senate health-care bill faces serious resistance from GOP moderates

A ‘very credible’ new study of Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals

Three CNN employees resign over retracted story on Russia ties

Who’s afraid of Trump? Not enough Republicans — at least not for now.

How the push for a Senate health-care vote fell apart amid GOP tensions

Donald Trump is not well


Why some inside the White House see Trump’s media feud as ‘winning’

EPA chief pushing governmentwide effort to question climate change science

The best thing Chief Justice Roberts wrote this term wasn’t a Supreme Court opinion

The economy President Trump loves looks a lot like the one candidate Trump hated

At parades and protests, GOP lawmakers get earful about health care

Trump’s voter data request poses an unnoticed danger

Trump criticizes media over alleged mind-meld of ’17 intelligence agencies’ over Russia meddling

Ivanka Trump takes her father’s seat at world leaders’ table during a G-20 meeting

U.S. officials say Russian government hackers have penetrated energy and nuclear company business networks

Federal prosecutors step up probe of land deal pushed by wife of Bernie Sanders

Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer is a Juilliard-trained trombonist who plays in a symphony and defends mobsters

‘Category 5 hurricane’:  White House under siege by Trump Jr.’s Russia revelations

Doctors make last-ditch effort to sink GOP health-care bill

Trump’s legal team faces tensions — and a client who often takes his own counsel

Trump Jr.’s Russia meeting sure sounds like a Russian intelligence operation

Poll finds Trump standing weakened since springtime

Trump is killing the Republican Party

After Senate bill falls apart, Republicans don’t have the votes to repeal Obamacare

Trump had undisclosed hour-long meeting with Putin at G-20 summit

President Trump’s first six months: The fact-check tally

Trump’s lawyers seek to undercut Mueller’s Russia investigation

Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Read Anthony Scaramucci’s old tweets. You’ll understand why he deleted them.

Kushner to detail four meetings with Russian officials in congressional testimony, but says “I did not collude’

Trump’s Boy Scouts speech broke with 80 years of presidential tradition

The standoff between Trump and Sessions escalates

Congressional IT staffer charged with home equity loan fraud

The night John McCain killed the GOP’s health-care fight

John Kelly, Trump’s new chief of staff, ‘won’t suffer idiots and fools’

Trump enlists Kelly to enforce order, but can the ‘zoo’ be tamed?

At EPA museum history might be in for a change


The best advice I could have given to John Kelly: Don’t do it!

Can this marriage be saved? Relationship between Trump, Senate GOP hits new skids.

Trump urged Mexican president to end his public defiance on border wall, transcript reveals

Leon Panetta: How long can John Kelly survive?

The GOP has become the party of the grotesque

Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

The curious case of Nicole Mincey, the Trump fan who may actually be a Russian bot

FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home

In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if Trump proposed it

China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

Twitter users want Trump’s account suspended for ‘threatening violence’ against North Korea

One dead and 19 injured as car strikes crowds along route of white nationalist rally in Charlottesville

One group loved Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville: White supremacists

Trump acts like the president of the Red States of America

Hope Hicks takes interim White House communications role amid search for Scaramucci replacement

Trump’s lack of discipline leaves new chief of staff frustrated and dismayed

Members of White House presidential arts commission resigning to protest Trump’s comments

On Twitter, Trump thanks Bannon for his role in defeating ‘Crooked Hillary Clinton’

Bannon’s departure is unlikely to calm the turmoil in Trump’s White House

Five sailors injured, 10 missing after U.S. Navy destroyer collides with a merchant ship

President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000

The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally

Yellen rejects Trump approach to Wall Street regulation, says post-crisis banking rules make economy safer

If he’ll pardon Arpaio, why wouldn’t Trump pardon those who ignore Robert Mueller?

Trump asked Sessions about closing case against Arpaio, an ally since ‘birtherism’

Black-clad antifa attack peaceful right wing demonstrators in Berkeley

Will Hurricane Harvey prompt a Trump ‘reset’? His megalomania probably won’t allow it.

Even in visiting hurricane-ravaged Texas, Trump keeps the focus on himself

Trump claimed he witnessed Havey’s devastation ‘first hand.’ The White House basically admits he didn’t


‘This is crazy,’ sobs Utah hospital nurse as cop roughs her up, arrests her for doing her job

Mueller examining Trump’s draft letter firing FBI Director Comey

Trump preparing withdrawal from South Korea trade deal, a move opposed by top aides

Seoul tries to ignore Trump’s criticism: ‘They worry he’s kind of nuts,’ one observer says

Impeaching Trump is a long shot. There’s another way to protect the country.

Hurricane Irma just slammed into Trump’s Caribbean estate — and is headed toward his Florida properties

Freedom Caucus leaders vent to Paul Ryan after talks with Steve Bannon

‘It’s like someone with a lawn mower from the sky has gone over the island’

Extreme Hurricane Irma closing in on Florida, posing dire threat

Hurricane Irma is literally sucking the water away from shorelines

Bannon declares war with Republican leadership in Congress

Trump’s legal team debated whether Kushner should leave White House

Sanders will introduce universal health care, backed by 15 Democrats

Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save ‘dreamers’ from deportation

Harvard dean rescinds Chelsea Manning’s visiting fellow invitation, calling it a ‘mistake’

New York Times publishes eye-popping correction on campus-sexual-assault book review

McMaster says no redo on Paris climate deal decision

Trump lawyers spill beans thanks to terrible choice of restaurant — next door to the New York Times

Donald Trump Jr. wants to give up Secret Service protection

Another execrable health-care bill proves bad ideas never die

Behind the Senate GOP’s high-stakes health-care gamble: Unrelenting criticism back home

This Republican health-care bill is the most monstrous yet

As Trump campaigns for Strange in Alabama, he expresses some doubts: ‘I might have made a mistake’

Trump demands NFL teams ‘fire or suspend’ players or risk fan boycott

GOP health bill in major peril as resistance hardens among key senators

Trump’s plutocracy problem complicates push for tax cuts

After Alabama, GOP anti-establishment wing declares all-out war in 2018

Racial slurs written on doors of five black cadet candidates at Air Force Academy Preparatory School

Lost weekend: How Trump’s time at his golf club hurt the response to Maria


Trump called San Juan’s mayor a weak leader. Here’s what her leadership looks like.

At least 50 dead, more than 400 injured after shooting on Las Vegas Strip

CBS fires VP for writing ‘Republican gun toters’ killed in Las Vegas don’t deserve sympathy

Furious Republicans are working hard to make Trump’s Russia scandal disappear

Top House Republicans open to legislation regulating ‘bump stocks’

Russian government hackers used antivirus software to steal U.S. cyber capabilities

Trump is on track to win reelection

In a switch, GOP deserts its budget-cutting mantra

Bob Corker tirade encapsulates five reasons why Trump has failed at governing

If Trump doesn’t deal on DACA, some Democrats threaten a shutdown

‘He’s better than this,’ says Thomas Barrack, Trump’s loyal whisperer

Trump to sign order to eliminate ACA insurance rules, undermine marketplaces

‘Just ash and bone’: Death toll in California wildfires reaches historically grim heights

Bob Corker on Trump’s biggest problem: The ‘castration’ of Rex Tillerson

Have dirt that could impeach Trump? Larry Flynt will pay you $10 million.

Inside the ‘adult day-care center’: How aides try to control and coerce Trump

NFL endorses criminal-justice reform bill in the midst of anthem debate

Trump disputes account of his call with soldier’s widow. But congresswoman who heard exchange says it was ‘horrible.’

Trump’s unmoored week shows just how aimless he is

Megadonor Tom Steyer launches TV ad campaign for Trump impeachment

Trump authorizes release of JFK assassination documents despite concerns from federal agencies

‘My pain is everyday’: After Weinstein’s fall, Trump accusers wonder: Why not him?

Gold Star widow Myeshia Johnson has ‘nothing to say’ to Trump after controversial condolence call

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is wrong about John Kelly

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

McConnell allies declare open warfare on Bannon

‘I don’t want to sit on your lap,’ she thought. But, she alleges, Mark Halperin insisted.

I’m one of Mark Halperin’s accusers. He’s part of a bigger problem we need to fix.

What Va. voters can agree on: These guys and Trump are from different planets

Manafort and former business partner asked to surrender in connection with special counsel probe

Virginia ad features minority kids chased by truck with Gillespie sticker, Confederate flag


New York truck attacker who killed 8 was a lone wolf who ‘radicalized domestically,’ governor says

Sam Clovis, Trump’s nominee for USDA’s top scientist, confirms he has no hard science credentials

Democrats express outrage over allegations of early party control for Clinton in 2016

Longtime Trump bodyguard to face questions about 2013 Moscow trip

Securing North Korean nuclear sites would require a ground invasion, Pentagon says

An unlikely hero describes gun battle and 95 mph chase with Texas shooting suspect

Trump adviser sent email describing ‘private conversation’ with Russian official

Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official, unseating conservative in House race

White House chief of staff tried to pressure acting DHS secretary to expel thousands of Hondurans, officials say

As Roy Moore declines to step aside, a talk of two Republican parties emerges

‘He said he didn’t meddle’: Trump talks with Putin about U.S. elections and Syria in brief interactions

Trump dominates the GOP base. Party leaders live with the consequences.

Ignore the spin. Trump and the GOP have made a devil’s bargain with Roy Moore.

In new TV ad, Alabama Democrat hits Roy Moore over ‘awful’ allegations

Even Sean Hannity has had it with Roy Moore, gives candidate 24 hours to explain ‘inconsistencies’

‘Al Franken kissed and groped me without my consent,’ broadcaster Leeann Tweeden says

I’m a feminist. I study rape culture. And I don’t want Al Franken to resign.

How a conservative group dealt with a fondling charge against a rising GOP star

A dying vet needed CPR, Hidden video shows his nurse laughing instead

After border agent is killed and partner injured in Texas, Trump renews call for wall

Eight women say Charlie Rose sexually harassed them — with nudity, groping and lewd calls

‘Poor man’s version of Don King’: Trump continues his war of words with LeVar Ball

Congressman told woman he would report her to Capitol Police if she exposed his secret sex life

‘Keep coming at me guys!!!’: Donald Trump Jr. meets Russia scrutiny with defiance

Doug Jones’s problem: African American voters not energized by Alabama’s Senate race

Why a historically conservative county in Virginia is making national Republicans nervous

Trump wants to destroy Elizabeth Warren’s brainchild. In a new interview, Warren hits back.

A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation.

From ‘Access Hollywood’ to Russia, Trump seeks to paint the rosiest picture

The national security emergency we’re not talking about


Michael Flynn charged with making false statement to the FBI

Mueller’s swift moves signal mounting legal peril for the White House

Did Trump’s tweet about Michael Flynn’s guilty plea just admit something it shouldn’t have?

Trump lawyer says president knew Flynn had given FBI the same account he gave to vice president

A bold new legal defense for Trump: Presidents cannot obstruct justice

If Sen. Orrin Hatch won’t retire, Mitt Romney should shove him aside

Trump had for months been determined to move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Russian social media executive sought to help Trump campaign in 2016, emails show

Prominent appeals court Judge Alex Kozinski accused of sexual misconduct

Bitter Senate race tests Alabama’s image in the country — and at home

Four thoughts on the story that almost broke the #ToddlerinChief thread

‘Brothers in arms’: The long friendship between Mueller and Comey

Doug Jones’ victory scrambles the Republican congressional agenda

Farenthold won’t seek reelection amid allegations of sexual harassment

Charge upgraded to first-degree murder for driver accused of ramming Charlottesville crowd

CDC gets list of forbidden words: fetus, transgender, diversity

Mueller unlawfully obtained emails Trump transition team claims

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program

The Repbulican tax bill was the easy part. The next debate could be much uglier.

Forget what they say — House Democrats are readying for impeachment

Why I started saying ‘reality-based press’ in 2017, instead of ‘mainstream media’

Russian submarines are prowling around vital undersea cables. It’s making NATO nervous.

A teen is charged with killing his girlfriend’s parents. They had worried he was a neo-Nazi.

Departing GOP lawmakers warn that their party could lose majorities in 2018

What’s a Wendy’s doing there? The story of Washington’s weirdest traffic circle.

Israel’s transport minister wants to name a new Jerusalem train station after Trump

Roy Moore asks Alabama court to block Doug Jones, call a new Senate election

No, the Vanity Fair staffers behind the Clinton video shouldn’t be fired

Trump’s media neediness

Devin Nunes, targeting Mueller and the FBI, alarms Democrats and some Republicans with his tactics

News Source: Washington Post

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