2017: NEW YORK TIMES (362)


Trump Promises a Revelation on Hacking

Obama Plans Farewell Speech From Chicago

With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Hobble Independent Ethics Office

In Republicans’ Ethics Office Gambit, a Spectacle of Tweets and Retreats

4 Questioned After Video Shows Racially Charged Beating in Chicago

Trump Says Focus on Russian Hacking Is a ‘Political Witch Hunt’

Putin Ordered ‘Influence Campaign’ Aimed at U.S. Election, Report Says

As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change. These Kids Die Of It

Donald Trump Says He’s Not Surprised by Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes Speech

The Voter Fraud Case Jeff Sessions Lost and Can’t Escape

Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him

Intelligence Chief’s Olive Branch to Trump Gets Twisted in Translation

G.O.P. Lawmaker Hints at Investigating Ethics Chief Critical of Trump

Democrats Confront F.B.I. Chief at Closed-Door Intelligence Briefing

Judd Apatow Freaking Out Over Donald Trump

Trump Team Considers Moving Press Corps, Alarming Reporters

In ‘Brexit’ Speech, Theresa May Outlines a Clean Break for U.K.

Obama Commutes Bulk of Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

‘Learning Curve’ as Rick Perry Pursues a Job He Initially Misunderstood

Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

Andrew Cuomo to Widen Access to Free Abortion and Contraception

Trump Attacks News Media Over Reporting on Crowd Sizes

Why BuzzFeed News Published the Dossier

Trump Is Said to Keep James Comey as F.B.I. Director

Trump to Order Mexican Border Wall and Curtail Immigration

Trump Prepares Orders Aiming at Global Funding and Treaties

Trump Will Call for a Pentagon Plan to Hit ISIS Harder, Officials Say

Russians Charged With Treason Worked in Office Linked to Election Hacking

Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Cowardly and Dangerous

How Trump’s Rush to Enact an Immigration Ban Unleashed Global Chaos

Trump Fires Acting Attorney General Who Defied Him


Why Liberals Should Back Neil Gorsuch

Raid in Yemen: Risky From the Start and Costly in the End

New Yorker and Vanity Fair Pull Out of Correspondents Dinner Parties

Court Temporarily Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban, and Airlines Are Told to Allow Passengers

Steve Bannon’s Book Club

After 2 Weeks, Trump’s Bungles Have Aides Rethinking Strategy

President Trump’s Real Fear: The Courts

Republican Senators Vote to Formally Silence Elizabeth Warren

After Mr. Trump’s Din, the Quiet Grandeur of the Courts

Court Refuses to Reinstate Travel Ban, Dealing Trump Another Legal Loss

Reports of Raids Have Immigrants Bracing for Enforcement Surge

Stephen Miller Is a ‘True Believer’ Behind Core Trump Policies

Turmoil at the National Security Council, From the Top Down

Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser

Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence Agencies

What a Failed Trump Administration Looks Like

Sun, Sand and Influence: For Mar-a-Lago Members, Proximity Is Power

‘Last Night in Sweden’? Trump’s Remark Baffles a Nation

Jim Mattis to Baghdad: ‘We’re Not in Iraq to Seize Anybody’s Oil’

This Century Is Broken

Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall

Repeal of Health Law Faces Obstacles in House, Not Just in Senate

Kim Jong-nam Was Killed by VX Nerve Agent, Malaysians Say

In a Stand-Up Act, Leslie Jones Finds the Humor in Being Hacked

What Does Steve Bannon Want?

Geert Wilders, Reclusive Provocateur, Rises Before Dutch Vote

Trump and Paul Ryan Head for a Clash Over the Budget, and Ideology


Ever a Showman, Donald Trump Keeps Washington Guessing

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking

Sergey Kislyak, Russian Envoy, Cultivated Powerful Network in U.S.

Sessions Controversy Heightens Trump’s Feeling of Being Under Siege

Trump Seeks Inquiry Into Allegations That Obama Tapped His Phones

A Conspiracy Theory’s Journey From Talk Radio to Trump’s Twitter

House Republicans Unveil Plan to Replace Health Law

Millions Risk Losing Health Insurance in Republican Plan, Analysts Say

How Many People Are Affected by Obamacare Premium Increases? (Hint, It’s Fewer Than You Think)

Samantha Bee Show Apologizes to Writer for ‘Nazi Hair’ Mockery

Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign

What Happens When You Fight a ‘Deep State’ That Doesn’t Exist

Steve King Says Civilization Can’t Be Restored With ‘Somebody Else’s Babies’

No Magic in How G.O.P. Plan Lowers Premiums: It Pushes Out Older People

Trump Wrote Off $100 Million in Losses in 2005, Leaked Forms Show

Donald Trump Budget Slashes Funds for E.P.A and State Department

White House Tries to Soothe British Officials Over Trump Wiretap Claim

Donald Trump Jr Is His Own Kind of Trump

Jimmy Breslin, Legendary New York City Newspaper Columnist, Dies at 88

Comey Confirms F.B.I. Investigation of Russian Election Interference, Links to Trump Campaign

Trump’s Weary Defenders Face Fresh Worries

Why People Continue to Believe Objectively False Things

Jewish Center Bomb Threat Suspect Is Arrested in Israel

A Brave Front, but Regrets? On Health Bill, Trump Has a Few

Republicans Land a Punch on Health Care, to Their Own Face

Paul Ryan Emerges From Health Care Defeat Badly Damaged

To Win Again, Democrats Must Stop Being the Abortion Party

How the Republicans Sold Your Privacy to Internet Providers

U.S. War Footprint Grows in Middle East, With No Endgame in Sight

Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity


Who’s Worth What at the White House: The Financial Disclosures

China Learns How to Get Trump’s Ear: Through Jared Kushner

Explosion in St. Petersburg Metro Kills 10

Republican Health Proposal Would Undermine Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions

The Supreme Court as Partisan Tool

My Most Unpopular Idea: Be Nice to Trump Voters

Russia Suspends Cooperation With U.S. in Syria After Missile Strikes

Trump Fires Warning Shot in Battle Between Bannon and Kushner

59 Missiles Don’t Equal a Foreign Policy

For Obama, Syria Chemical Attack Shows Risk of ‘Deals with Dictators’

On Trump’s Syria Strategy, One Voice Is Missing: Trump’s

Live Results: Republicans Defend House Seat in Kansas Special Election

Sheila Abdus-Salaam, Judge on New York’s Top Court, Is Found Dead in Hudson River

Assad Says Videos of Dead Children in Syria Chemical Attack Were Faked

North Korea Shows Off Long-Range Missiles in Military Parade

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump: Pillars of Family-Driven West Wing

A ‘Cuban Missile Crisis in Slow Motion’ in North Korea

Trump’s Unreleased Taxes Threaten Yet Another Campaign Promise

Jon Ossoff, a Democrat, Narrowly Misses Outright Win in Georgia House Race

Activity Spotted at North Korea Nuclear Test Site: Volleyball

Xavier Jugele, 37, Paris Police Officer who Championed Gay Rights

Nurse Replaces Surgeon General After Obama Appointee Resigns

Is It Time to Break Up Google?

Five Key Questions as a Government Shutdown Looms

Russian Hackers Who Targeted Clinton Appear to Attack France’s Macron

Trump’s Tax Plan: Low Rate for Corporations, and for Companies Like His

Trump’s Tax Plan Is a Reckoning for Republican Deficit Hawks

State Department Wants to Clear Nikki Haley’s Remarks Before She Speaks

On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang

Trump Invites Rodrigo Duterte to the White House


Trump Abruptly Ends CBS Interview After Wiretap Question

Which Republicans Will Vote No? What 5 News Organizations Are Reporting

James Comey Says He’s ‘Mildly Nauseous’ at Suggestions He Swayed Election

A Little-Noticed Target in the House Health Bill: Special Education

G.O.P. Cheers a Big Victory. But Has It Stirred a ‘Hornet’s Nest’?

U.S. Far-Right Activists Promote Hacking Attack Against Macron

House Republicans Go Off the Cliff

E.P.A. Dismisses Members of Major Scientific Review Board

A French Lesson for the American Media

Days Before He Was Fired, Comey Asked for Money for Russia Investigation

‘Enough Was Enough’: How Festering Anger at Comey Ended in His Firing

In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred

President Trump Craves Loyalty, but Offers None

For Liberals, Is It Time to Move to Norway?

Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case

When the World Is Led by a Child

The 25th Amendment Solution for Removing Trump

Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House

Julian Assange Rape Investigation Is Dropped in Sweden

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Will the Presidency Survive This President?

White House Moves to Block Ethics Inquiry Into Ex-Lobbyists on Payroll

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Ends in Explosion, Panic and Death

Police Investigate ‘Network’ of Salman Abedi, Manchester Bomber

Montana Republican Greg Gianforte, Charged With Assault, Awaits Fate in Vote

A Journalist Was Body Slammed, but Some Conservatives Want the News Media to Apologize

Two Killed in Portland After Trying to Stop Anti-Muslim Rant, Police Say

Trump family members met with GOP leaders to discuss strategy

Donald Trump: The Gateway Degenerate

Investigation Turns to Kushner’s Motives in Meeting With a Putin Ally

Trump Expected to Pull U.S. From Paris Climate Accord


Putin Hints at U.S. Election Meddling by ‘Patriotically Minded’ Russians

Bucking Trump, These Cities, States and Companies Commit to Paris Accord

Trump Appears Unlikely to Hinder Comey’s Testimony About Russia Inquiry

After Britain Attack Trump Unleashes a Twitter Storm

5 Arab States Break Ties With Qatar, Complicating U.S. Coalition-Building

Marc Kasowitz, ‘Toughest of the Tough Guys,’ Stands Beside Trump

Comey Told Sessions: Don’t Leave Me Alone With Trump

‘Must-See TV’: Free Drinks and Canceled Meetings for Comey’s Testimony

‘I Was Right’: As Trump Watches Comey on TV, Anxiety Yields to Relief

Mayor de Blasio’s Symbolism, Plastic-Wrapped in Arrogance

Comey and Trump, the G-Man vs. the Mob Boss

Flexibility That A.C.A. Lent to Work Force Is Threatened by G.O.P. Plan

How Outrage Built Over a Shakespearean Depiction of Trump

Member of Congress Reportedly Shot at Baseball Field in Virginia

Mueller Seeks to Talk to Intelligence Officials, Hinting at Inquiry of Trump

Trump Will Allow ‘Dreamers’ to Stay in U.S., Reversing Campaign Promise

Alexandria Gunman Carried List With Names of 3 Republican Lawmakers

High-Stakes Referendum on Trump Takes Shape in a Georgia Special Election

Russia Warns U.S. After Downing of Syrian Warplane

Let’s Not Get Carried Away

Democrats Seeth After Georgia Loss: ‘Our Brand Is Worse than Trump’

Abortion Adds Obstacle as Republicans Plan to Unveil Health Bill

The Senate’s Unaffordable Care Act

T r u m p ‘ s  L i e s

Medicaid Cuts May Force Retirees Out of Nursing Homes

Justices to Hear Case on Religious Objections to Same-Sex Marriage

3 CNN Journalists Resign After Retracted Story on Trump Ally

Sarah Palin Sues New York Times, Claiming Editorial Defamed Her

Trump Mocks Mika Brzezinski; Says She Was ‘Bleeding Badly From a Face-lift’

I’ve Overestimated Donald Trump


‘Morning Joe’ Row Is Fresh Sign of TV’s Iron Grip on Trump

Cruella de Trump

How Low Can Taxes Go? Outside Washington, Republicans Finds Limits

Happy Fourth of July! Show Us Your Papers

Police Officer Is Shot and Killed in ‘Unprovoked Attack’ in the Bronx

In Poland, Trump Asks Whether West Has ‘Will to Survive’

Hackers are Targeting Nuclear Facilities, Homeland Security Dept. and F.B.I. Say

Once Dominant, the United States Finds Itself Isolated at G-20

Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign

Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton

Russian Government Sought to Aid Trump’s Candidacy, According to Email

Natalia Veselnitskaya, Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr., Seen as Fearsome Moscow Insider

Sheldon Silver’s Conviction is Overturned

Trump, in France, Tells Brigitte Macron, ‘You’re in Such Good Shape’

Couldn’t We Just Trade Presidents? — Why can’t Emmanuel Macron be our president?

Soviet Veteran Who Met With Trump Jr. Is a Master of the Dark Arts

Outgoing Ethics Chief: U.S. Is ‘Close to a Laughingstock’

Health Care Overhaul Collapses as Two Republican Senators Defect

Trump and Putin Held a Second Undisclosed, Private Meeting

Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

Trump Aides, Seeking Leverage, Investigate Mueller’s Investigators

Trump Says He Has ‘Complete Power’ to Pardon

Sean Spicer, We’ll Always Have ‘Facts’

‘I Did Not Collude,’ Kushner Says in Prepared Remarks to Senators

This Is Not the Mooch I Know

A Trump Tower of Absolute Folly

Allies Warn Trump of Conservative Revolt Unless He Backs Off Sessions

Anthony Scaramucci’s Uncensored Rant: Foul Words and Threats to Have Priebus Fired

Reince Priebus Is Ousted Amid Stormy Days for White House

Trump Tries to Regroup as the West Wing Battles Itself

Satan in a Sunday Hat


Trump Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role

Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions

Oh, Wait. Maybe It Was Collusion.

John Kelly Quickly Moves to Impose Military Discipline on White House

Trump Defends McMaster as Conservatives Seek His Dismissal

The Policies of White Resentment

Diplomats Question Tactics of Tillerson, the Executive Turned Secretary of State

The Political Payoff of Making Whites Feel Like a Minority

Manafort’s Home Searched as Part of Mueller Inquiry

It’s Not Too Late on North Korea

Meet Kim Jong-un, a Moody Young Man With a Nuclear Arsenal

‘We’ve Had Enough’: Conservatives Relish the ‘Fury’ in Trump’s Talk

Trump Is Criticized for Not Calling Out White Supremacists

North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say

Outraged in Private, Many C.E.O.s Fear the Wrath of the President

In Ukraine, a Malware Expert Who Could Blow the Whistle on Russian Hacking

Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Echoing Secessionist Rhetoric

James Murdoch, Rebuking Trump, Pledges $1 Million to Anti-Defamation League

Steve Bannon, Back on the Outside, Prepares His Enemies List

The Failing Trump Presidency

Bannon Was Set for a Graceful Exit. Then Came Charlottesville.

Angry Trump Grilled His Generals About Troop Increase, Then Gave In

ESPN Pulls Announcer Robert Lee From Virginia Game Because of His Name

We’re Journalists, Mr. Trump, Not the Enemy

Gary Cohn, Trump’s Adviser, Said to Have Drafted Resignation Letter After Charlottesville

Trump Pardons Joe Arpaio, Who Became Face of Crackdown on Illegal Immigration

Behold Our ‘Child King’

Trump to Travel to Texas With Torrential Rain Still in the Forecast

Harvey, the Storm That Humans Helped Cause

It’s a Myth That Corporate Tax Cuts Mean More Jobs

The Cheap Prosperity Gospel of Trump and Osteen


Software Glitch or Russian Hackers? Election Problems Draw Little Scrutiny

Forceful Chief of Staff Grates on Trump, and the Feeling Is Mutual

North Korea Says It Tested a Hydrogen Bomb Meant for Missiles

Trump Seriously Considering Ending DACA, With 6-Month Delay

On DACA, President Trump Has No Easy Path

To Allies’ Chagrin, Trump Swerves Left

Devastation in the Caribbean as Irma Heads Toward Miami

New White House Chief of Staff Has an Enforcer

Bound to No Party, Trump Upends 150 Years of Two-Party Rule

Conspiracies, Corruption and Climate

Stephen Bannon, Outspoken Critic of China, Has Subtler Message in Hong Kong Visit

Why We Need Medicare for All

Anthony Weiner Says His Actions ‘Crushed the Aspirations of My Wife’

London Underground Is Struck by Crude Bomb at Parsons Green

Trump Declines to Release List of His Visitors at Mar-a-Lago

How Big Business Got Brazil Hooked on Junk Food

Stanislav Petrov, Soviet Officer Who Helped Avert Nuclear War, Is Dead at 77

With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

The G.O.P. Bill Forces States to Build Health Systems From Scratch. That’s Hard.

Cruelty, Incompetence and Lies

Behind New Obamacare Repeal Vote: ‘Furious’ G.O.P. Donors

Trump Attacks Warriors’ Curry, LeBron James’s Retort: ‘U Bum’

Puerto Rico’s Agriculture and Farmers Decimated by Maria

Dean Skelos’s 2015 Corruption Conviction Is Overturned

Trump Deletes Tweets Supporting Luther Strange

Jones Act Waived for Puerto Rico, Easing Hurricane Aid Shipments

U.S. to Pull More Diplomats Out of Cuba After Attacks

Trump Lashes Out at Puerto Rico Mayor Who Criticized Storm Response


At Trial, a Focus on the Facts, Not the Politics, of Benghazi

Las Vegas Shooting Near Mandalay Bay Casino Kills More Than 50

Nothing Will Change After the Las Vegas Shooting

If Only Stephen Paddock Were a Muslim

Repeal the Second Amendment

Democrats, Seeking to Disavow Weinstein, Plan to Give His Donations to Charity

Will Liberals Give Weinstein the O’Reilly Treatment?

Lisa Bloom, Lawyer Advising Harvey Weinstein, Resigns Amid Criticism From Board Members

‘S.N.L.’ Prepped Jokes About Harvey Weinstein, Then Shelved Them

Harvey Weinstein and the Silence of the Men

Pledge to Impeach Trump, a Key Donor Demands of Democrats

Weinstein Company Was Aware of Payoffs in 2015

Trump’s Obamacare Order Will Deepen Health Inequality

Mnuchin Says Estate Tax Repeal Will Help ‘Rich People’ Most

Somalia Truck Bombings Kill Over 200, Officials Say

Bowe Bergdahl, Called a ‘Traitor’ by President Trump, Pleads Guilty

Trump and McConnell See a Way to Make Conservatives Happy

Top General’s Grief Becomes Political Talking Point for Trump

Signaling Frustration, Senior House Republican Plans to Quit Early

Tarantino on Weinstein: ‘I Knew Enough to Do More Than I Did’

Uber’s Whistle-Blower Is Developing a Movie and Having a Baby

Jimmy Carter Lusts for a Trump Posting

Hopes Dim for Congressional Russia Inquiries as Parties Clash

Honor the Truth, John Kelly

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

As G.O.P. Bends Toward Trump, Critics Either Give In or Give Up

Mark Cuban’s Not Done Trolling Donald Trump

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

Refusing Weinstein’s Hush Money, Rose McGowan Calls Out Hollywood

Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Told to Surrender

The Plot Against America


From Truck Driver to Uber Driver to Terror Attack Suspect

Republicans Release Tax Plan, Cutting Corporate and Middle-Class Taxes

Trump and Sessions Denied Knowing About Russian Contacts. Records Suggest Otherwise.

Trump Campaign Adviser Met With Russian Officials in 2016

Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Waleed bin Talal

Gunman Kills at Least 26 in Attack on Rural Texas Church

Report Details Weinstein’s Covert Attempt to Halt Publication of Accusations

With Virginia, Voters Give Democrats First Big Wins of the Trump Era

After Night of Drinking, F.B.I. Supervisor Wakes to Find a Woman Stole His Gun

Sex Allegations Against Roy Moore Send Republicans Reeling

Trump Says Putin ‘Means It’ About Not Meddling in U.S. Elections

Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core

Past Sex Scandals Show McConnell Is Willing to Take a Tough Line

Roy Moore Reminds Me of My Rabbi

Republican Tax Plans Put Corporations Over People

Gillibrand Says Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Affair

Top Russian Official Tried to Broker ‘Backdoor’ Meeting between Trump and Putin

Blue States Practice the Family Values Red States Preach

Glenn Thrush, New York Times Reporter, Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Robert Mugabe Resigns as Zimbabwe’s President, Ending 37-Year Rule

Ratko Mladic Is Convicted in 1990s Slaughter of Bosnian Muslims

Trump Organization Will Walk Away From Its Struggling SoHo Hotel in New York

Militants Kill More Than 235 People at Sufi Mosque in Egypt

Diplomats Sound the Alarm as They Are Pushed Out in Droves

Pakistan Deploys Military Troops After Violent Clashes in Islamabad

2 Bosses Show Up to Lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Trump Mocks Warren as ‘Pocahontas’ at Navajo Veterans’ Event

NBC Fires Matt Lauer Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations

White House Envisions Tillerson Ouster From State Dept., to Be Replaced by Pompeo, Within Weeks


Flynn to Plead Guilty to Lying to the F.B.I. 

Mueller Removed Top F.B.I. Agent Over Possible Anti-Trump Texts

ABC Suspends Reporter Brian Ross Over Erroneous Report About Trump

Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That

Conyers Won’t Seek Re-election in Wake of Harassment Claims, Relative Says

Trump’s Endorsement of Roy Moore Points Up a G.O.P. Problem: Chaos

Rallying Cry of Jerusalem May Have Lost Force in Arab World 

The G.O.P. Is Rotting

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

Alabama, Despite History of Unruly Politics, Has ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’

Rise of the Roypublicans

Suspect in Times Square Bombing Leaves Trail of Mystery

In Texts, F.B.I. Officials in Russia Inquiry Said Clinton ‘Just Has to Win’

Music Mogul Russell Simmons Is Accused of Rape by 3 Women

Republicans Are Set to Release Compromise Tax Bill

‘Trump, Trump, Trump!’ How President’s Name Became a Racial Jeer

As Venezuela Collapses, Children Are Dying of Hunger

A Tax Plan to Turbocharge Inequality, in 3 Charts

Tax Bill Lets Trump and Republicans Feather Their Own Nests

Republican Tax Bill Passes Senate in 51-48 Vote

You Cannot Be Too Cynical About the Republican Tax Bill

Trump Administration Considers Separating Familites to Combat Illegal Immigration

Appeals Court Rules Against Latest Travel Ban

Andrew McCabe, F.B.I.’s Embattled Deputy, Is Expected to Retire

Parents Killed After Warning Daughter About Boyfriend’s Racist Views, Family Says

America Is Not Yet Lost

When Harry Met Barry: The BBC Obama Interview

Roy Moore Sues to Block Certification of Alabama Senate Election Results

Trump, The Insurgent, Breaks With 70 Years of American Foreign Policy

How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt

How Can Trump Help Iran’s Protesters? Be Quiet.

News Source: New York Times

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