2017: THE ATLANTIC (110)


The Democratic Party Faces a Daunting Future

What Jeff Sessions’ Role in Prosecuting the Klan Reveals About His Civil-Right Record

‘It Is Fake News Meant to Malign Mr. Trump’

Breitbart Alumni Launch ‘Populist-Nationalist’ Group

‘He Is Going to Test Our Democracy as It Has Never Been Tested’

An Inaugural Celebration That Rings Hollow

How Ultrasound Became Political

Advice for Those Weighing Jobs in the Trump Administration

A Clarifying Moment in American History


Bracing for Trump’s revenge

These Conservative Christians Are Opposed to Trump — and Suffering the Consequences

The Rudderless Ship of State

Donald Trump’s Great Escape

I Was a Muslim in Trump’s White House


The State of Trump’s State Department

Sam Brownback Might Not Be Governing Kansas Much Longer

Kellyanne’s Alternative Universe

Washington’s Split-Screen Reality

What Hardcore Conservatives Really Want for Health Care

The Republicans Fold on Health Care

What if the Health-Care Collapse Saves Trump’s Presidency?

The Fundamental Dishonesty of the Gorsuch Hearings

The Prince of Oversight


The Fight Against the Islamic State Just Got Harder

How Trump Is Changing What ‘Conservative’ Means

North Korea and the Risks of Miscalculation

Are Anti-Trump Protests Losing Steam?

Alec Baldwin Gets Under Trump’s Skin

A Chilling Threat of Political Violence in Portland


The Fight for Control of the Heritage Foundation

Can Democrats Convince Millennials to Vote in 2018?

What the GOP’s Health-Care Gamble Means for 2018

There’s something about Mitch.

It Was Cultural Anxiety That Drove White, Working-Class Voters to Trump

America Isn’t Having a Constitutional Crisis

A Special Prosecutor Is Not the Answer

The Terrible Cost of Trump’s Disclosures

The Trump Presidency Falls Apart

The Ghost of Mike Flynn

How Trump Is Torturing Capitol Hill

Speaker of the House of Trump


What Trump Really Fears

Are Senate Republicans Really Doomed on Health Care?

The Incompetence Defense

How the Party Decided on Trump

Macron Shouldn’t Misinterpret His Mandate

A Friend of Trump’s Reports That He Is Considering Firing Robert Mueller

A Resolution Condemning White Supremacy Causes Chaos at the Southern Baptist Convention

The GOP’s Risky Calculation for 2018

Who’s Afraid of Free Speech?

The White House Press Briefing Is Slowly Dying

The Kabuki Theater of the AHCA

Planned Parenthood Still Believes It Can Win the Culture Wars

The Logic of Trump’s Sexist Attacks


How the Left Lost Its Mind

The Congressional War on Expertise

Russia Threatens to Expel 30 U.S. Diplomats

Mitch McConnell’s Heavy Health-Care Lift

The Disturbing Process Behind Trumpcare

Republicans Aren’t Turning on Trump — They’re Turning on Each Other

Russian Anti-Sanctions Campaign Turned to California Congressman

Trump’s Battle Over LGBT Discrimination Is Just Beginning

The Final Humiliation of Reince Prebus


Trump Has Quietly Accomplished More Than It Appears

The War Against H.R. McMaster

Hillary Wants to Preach

How America Lost Its Mind

Trump’s Immigration Agenda Makes a Fundamental Miscalculation

Progressive Values Can’t Be Just Secular Values

From Trump Aide to Single Mom

‘The President Was Entirely Correct’

Bannon Is ‘Going Nuclear’

The Book He Wasn’t Supposed to Write

The Republican Establishment Stands Behind Trump

What Joe Manchin Can Teach Democrats

‘We Are Living Through a Battle for the Soul of This Nation’

What Steve Bannon’s Return Means for Breitbart


Hurricane Harvey’s Public-Health Nightmare

The First White President

Should a Judge’s Nomination Be Derailed By Her Faith?

Donald Trump Has Left America Less Prepared for Another 9/11

Will Donald Trump Destroy the Presidency?

The David Carr Generation

Democrats Dare to Trust Trump on DACA

Cutting Taxes Will Be Harder Than Trump Thinks

The Lawlessness of Roy Moore


That Is What a Real Middle-Class Tax Cut Would Look Like

The Problem with ‘Containing’ Donald Trump

What Bob Corker Really Fears

What Facebook Did to American Democracy

Rich City, Poor City

Why Trump Can’t Handle the Cost of War

Steve Bannon’s ‘Season of War’ Roadshow


An Unknown ‘Void’ Found in the Great Pyramid Using Cosmic Rays

Keith Ellison Believes Democrats Will Take Back the House and Senate

The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks

Christian Support for Roy Moore ‘Looks Like Hypocrisy to the Outside World’

Will the Senate Expel Roy Moore If He’s Elected?

Republicans Are Throwing Away Their Shot at Tax Reform

The Nationalist’s Delusion

Nazis Are Just Like You and Me, Except They’re Nazis

No Family Is Safe From This Epidemic

An 11th-Hour Raid by the Wealthiest Baby Boomers


God’s Plan for Mike Pence

What’s Missing From Reports on Alabama’s Black Turnout

What Putin Really Wants

The Making of an Upset

Conservatism Can’t Survive Donald Trump Intact

‘Never Trump’ Will Be the Only Faction Still Standing When He’s Gone

America and the Great Abdication

News Source: The Atlantic

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