2017: THE HILL (332)


Trump: I ‘know things that other people don’t know’ about hacking

Aide downplays Trump hacking revelation

WikiLeaks founder: Obama admin trying to ‘delegitimize’ Trump

Schumer: Trump ‘really dumb’ for attacking intelligence agencies

FBI never examined hacked DNC servers itself: report

Vicente Fox blasts Trump over ‘his racist monument’

Dems try to voice objections as Congress certifies Trump’s win

Warren: No confirmation hearing until ethics concerns addressed

What Trump can accomplish on day one

Five things to watch for in Sessions confirmation hearing

Mattis views on women in combat takes center stage

Ryan confronted by cancer patient who says ObamaCare saved his life

Trump rips John Lewis: Worry about your ‘crime infested’ district

Trump team considers evicting press from White House: report

WH Correspondents’ board responds to Trump on media access

Trump: Approval polls are rigged against me

Earnest: GOP intellectually dishonest on Manning pardon

Obama: Reports of voter fraud are ‘fake news’

Ex-Bush speechwriter: Trump is worse than slave-holding presidents

Trump signs ObamaCare executive order

Trump attacks Time reporter for mistake about MLK bust

Rubio to vote for Tillerson

Sales of ‘1984’ surge after Conway talks ‘alternative facts’

Trump expected to sign order funding border wall

Trump White House senior staff have private email accounts: report

GOP chairman to introduce pre-existing conditions bill

McConnell all but rules out filibuster change

Trump signs three more executive actions

Trump warns senators ‘looking to start World War III’

White House: Trump will enforce LGBTQ workplace protections


Dem: Trump could be impeached over immigration order

Trump aide: Bannon’s experience crushing ‘left-wing rivals’ an asset on NSC

Chelsea Clinton trolls Conway on ‘Bowling Green Massacre’

BuzzFeed sued over unverified Trump dossier

Appeals court rejects Trump administration’s request to restore travel ban

Torture Memos author John Yoo says Trump has gone too far

Rosie O’Donnell: I’ll play Bannon on ‘SNL’ if asked

McConnell: Warren’s blistering Sessions speech broke Senate rules

Blumenthal: We’re careening ‘toward a constitutional crisis’

Protesters swarm Chaffetz town hall

Protests erupt in NYC over immigration enforcement raids

Trump hits Cuban: ‘He’s not smart enough to run for president’

Flynn has no plans to resign, no expectations he’ll be fired: report

GOP chairman: Oversight won’t investigate Flynn

Rand Paul: Flynn probe would be ‘excessive’

Intel agency denies withholding info from Trump

Trump: ‘Fake media not happy’ with press conference

Reports: Patraeus off the list, Trump down to three candidates to replace Flynn

Priebus: Top levels of the intel community assured me no collusion between Trump camp and Russia

Trump clarifies remarks on Sweden: I got it from Fox News story

Breitbart employees threaten to leave over Yiannopoulos

Maher takes credit for Milo Yiannopoulos’s downfall

Tom Cotton faces uproar at town hall meeting

Fox’s Shepard Smith: CNN is not ‘fake news’

Trump: I won’t attend White House correspondents’ dinner

GOP leader: Leaked ObamaCare replacement ‘no longer’ viable


Bush’s ethics lawyer on Sessions talks with Russia ambassador: ‘Good way to go to jail’

St. Louis man arrested in anti-Semitic bomb threat case

White House calls on Congress to investigate Trump’s wiretap claims

Former Bush attorney general: Trump right that there was surveillance

White House appears to copy from Exxon Mobil release

Ex-CIA director: When Trump tweets unproven allegations, it ‘weakens the office of the presidency’

WikiLeaks will give info on CIA hacking to tech companies

Ethics watchdog slams White House for not disciplining Conway

Diplomats warn of Russia hysteria

King defends controversial tweet: ‘I meant exactly what I said’

WH releases Trump tax info ahead of MSNBC report

McDonald’s tweets to Trump: ‘You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President’

CNN host, GOP rep spar over Trump wiretap talk

White House cites satire column to tout budget

Trump’s ‘major meeting’ Friday on VA didn’t take place

GOP leaders unveil changes to healthcare bill

Poll: By 2 to 1 margin, registered voters reject Comey

Women’s group report: Fox News website best for gender parity

Nunes: Manafort volunteered to interview with Intel panel

Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

Report: Bannon wanted to use healthcare vote to make ‘enemies list’

Senate committee to question Kushner over Russian meetings: report

Storm builds around Intel chair after secret White House trip

How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans

Dem senator: Intel panel should probe financial ties between Trump, Russia

Pelosi and Nunes: ‘I’ve never seen behavior this bizarre’


Watchdog groups ask ethics group to investigate Nunes

DNC chairman: Republicans ‘don’t give a s— about people’

Trump’s risk of impeachment rises

Pence presents new healthcare offer to Freedom Caucus

Hillary Clinton unlikely to return to family foundation

Nunes steps aside from Russia investigation

Rand Paul: Trump needs Congress to authorize military action in Syria

White House frustrated by palace intrigue

Haley: No political solution in Syria with Assad in power

Priebus made Bannon, Kushner make up: report

Budget chief: Trump’s promise to eliminate debt was ‘hyperbole’

GOP rep on Spicer: ‘He needs to go’

Afghans: US blast killed 36 ISIS militants, no civilians

Megyn Kelly left Fox News in part due to O’Reilly: report

Maxine Waters rallies Tax March crowd for Trump’s impeachment

Trump juggles the foreign policy balls Obama dropped

China approved three Ivanka trademarks on same day she met with Xi: report

GOP senator calls on Trump to release his tax returns

Report: CIA, FBI hunting for insider who gave docs to WikiLeaks

Obama making his first public appearance of post-presidency in Chicago

Dem lawmaker jokes: I’ll support Trump’s border wall ‘if Russia pays for it’

Sanders denounces threats against Ann Coulter

Report: Senate’s Russia probe understaffed

Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

White House: Judge’s sanctuary cities ruling a ‘gift’ to criminals

Fox host Jesse Watters announces vacation following backlash over Ivanka Trump remark

Schumer blocks one-week stopgap funding bill

Trump team did background check on Flynn, knew of Turkey ties: report

Trump says rally crowd broke records despite empty seats


Philippines’ Duterte on Trump’s White House invitation: ‘I’m tied up’

Axelrod on Clinton: ‘It takes a lot of work to lose to Donald Trump’

Congressional exemption from GOP healthcare plan to be addressed separately

State Dept. takes down retweet promoting Ivanka Trump’s book

GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’

Ryan on Republicans not reading the bill: ‘Bogus attack’ from the left

Netanyahu attacks US media as ‘fake news’

Dem senator rips GOP insurance claim: ‘What the f–k is that?’

Sessions was told to find reasons to fire Comey: reports

Trump angry Comey would not back wiretap claims about Obama: report

Trump’s Comey firing sets off new round of leaks

Gingrich urges Trump: ‘Close down the press room’

Warner: I will ‘absolutely’ subpoena tapes between Comey and Trump if they exist

‘Morning Joe’ hosts: Conway secretly hates Trump

GOP senator: Senate panel needs briefing on whether Trump shared info

First Republican raises impeachment for Trump

Kellyanne Conway cancels Fox appearance after special prosecutor announcement

Comey was ‘disgusted’ by hug with Trump

Court strikes down rule forcing toy drone users to register with govt

Comey’s father rips Trump: ‘He’s nuts’

Report: Girl in Weiner sexting case lied to damage Clinton

US intelligence chief: No confirmation ISIS responsible for Manchester attack

Liberal group targets Hannity advertisers over conspiracy theory

Hannity on attempted advertiser boycott: ‘Nobody tells me what to say on my show’

DHS chief: If you knew what I knew about terror, you’d ‘never leave the house’

Ex-CIA Director: CIA would consider Kushner actions ‘espionage’

Kelly: Any channel of communication with a country like Russia a ‘good thing’

Kushner under pressure to take hiatus from White House: report

Trump retweets report based on anonymous source after blasting anonymous sources

Trump faces shrinking talent pool for new hires


Trump to nominate Richard Spencer for Navy secretary

High-Stakes Georgia race puts pressure on Dems

Trump: I am calling it a ‘TRAVEL BAN!’

London mayor calls for cancellation of Trump visit to UK

Fox host to Trump: ‘Fake news media’ isn’t the issue, it’s you

CNN issues correction after Comey statement contradicts reporting

Trump’s lawyer to file complaint against Comey: report

OPINION: The damaging case against James Comey

Sessions to testify in front of Senate Intel committee this week

Senate GOP sees path to ObamaCare repeal

Mattis: Russia wants no ‘positive relationship’ with US

Scalise among wounded in shooting at congressional baseball game practice field

Australian prime minister mocks Trump in leaked video

Ex-Bush ethics lawyer: Pence will soon become the president if Trump fires Mueller

Senate GOP considers deeper Medicaid cuts than House Bill

OPINION Bill O’Reilly: Sandy Hook families deserve better than Alex Jones

GOP hits the gas on ObamaCare repeal

Gingrich: Mueller’s Trump investigation will be a ‘personal vendetta’

Trump says tape bluff was to keep Comey honest

Trump called Cruz to press him on ObamaCare repeal bill: report

Koch political leader says GOP healthcare bill not conservative enough

Kushner company received $285M loan from Deutsche Bank shortly before elections: report

Trump blasts media after CNN retraction: ‘They are all Fake News!’

Time asks Trump Organization to remove fake cover from golf clubs

NBC exec: ‘Beneath my dignity’ to respond to Trump attacks on Mika Brzezinski


24 states refusing to provide voter data to Trump election panel

Lewandowski: Trump is the ‘Hemingway of Twitter’

PBS: 70 percent say civility has dropped since Trump’s election

Energy Department to reconsider Obama energy efficiency rule

Jersey Shore sand sculpture mocks Christies’ beach trip

GOP tensions rise over Cruz proposal

Melania Trump unable to leave hotel because of G-20 protests

CNN’s Gergen praises Trump on Putin meeting: ‘This was big-league stuff’

Hillary Clinton looks for her role in midterms

Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

OPINION: Why does the media still portray James Comey as a hero?

DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

Lynch distances herself from Russian lawyer after Trump attack

Russian lobbying that touched Trump tied to Moscow figures

McCain to miss week, likely delaying healthcare vote

Break-In reported at GOP Senator’s office

Trump blames Dems, ‘a few Republicans’ for collapse of healthcare bill

Trump calls on Senate to end filibuster after healthcare defeat

Trump warns Mueller against investigating his family’s finances beyond Russia probe

Maxine Waters is joking about 2020 — but not about Trump

Trump: Everyone agrees the president has ‘complete power to pardon’

Scaramucci deletes old tweets bashing Trump

Dems to unveil ‘better deal’ messaging campaign Monday

Boos for Obama as Trump speaks at Boy Scout jamboree

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country

Trump dines with Sean Hannity, Scaramucci at White House

Trump says he wants a ‘general’ to replace Priebus: report

GOP in shock over White House drama

Gingrich: Trump and Scaramucci ‘speak the same language’

Flake: ‘As conservatives, our first obligation is to be honest’


Flake: Republicans in denial about Trump

Navy secretary, seven other Pentagon posts confirmed

Golf journalist: At least 8 people heard Trump call the White House a ‘dump’

Newsweek: Trump is a ‘Lazy Boy’

Trump files notice with UN to withdraw US from Paris climate deal

Trump claims New Jersey getaway is ‘not a vacation’

Former DNC chair criticizes ‘whiny’ left

Haley decries leaks after Trump tweets Fox story

Poll: Half of Republicans would back postponing 2020 election if Trump proposed it

Dems urge Tillerson to rein in Trump on North Korea

Pentagon: We’ve received no new orders on Venezuela after Trump remarks

Mueller wants to interview Priebus in Russia probe: report

Merck CEO resigns from presidential council over Trump remarks

Pentagon may propose changes to Trump transgender ban

Dem lawmaker: Trump showing signs of ‘mental instability,’ must be removed

Centrist Dems push back on Warren

Member of Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board resigns over ‘conflict in values’

Evangelical students returning university diplomas to protest Trump

Trump cheers Falwell for ‘fantastic’ defense on ‘Fox and Friends’

OPINION: Sen. Rand Paul: 16 years on, it’s past time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan

Gingrich: Left’s treatment of Trump is like ‘slave newspapers’ attacking Lincoln

Franken seen as reluctant 2020 candidate

McCain blasts Trump over Arpaio pardon

Obama adviser: Trump asking to drop case against Arpaio could get him impeached

Trump talks Harvey, NAFTA and border wall in wide-raging morning of tweets

Rep. King: NY won’t ‘abandon’ Texas despite ‘hypocrite’ Ted Cruz

Poll: Majority opposes government shutdown for border wall

Eric Trump: Negative media could make you kill yourself out of depression


Mueller teams up with IRS in Russia probe: report

Kid Rock lashes out over alleged campaign finance violation

Trump goes hands-on in return to storm-ravaged Gulf Coast

Sen. Lankford on DACA: ‘We as Americans do not hold children’ accountable for parents’ actions

N. Korea moving rocket believed to be ICBM: report

Dems threaten to sue Trump over DACA

Pelosi asked Trump to issue tweet reassuring DACA recipients

House passed Trump deal on majority Democratic vote

Florida sheriff warns citizens: Don’t shoot at Hurricane Irma

Trump company hires Chinese government-owned firm despite promise: report

White House: Border wall funding doesn’t have to be tied to DACA legislation

Democratic leaders keep distance from Sanders single-payer plan

White House: ‘There will be no amnesty’ under Trump

California legislature passes bill requiring presidential candidates to release tax returns

Trump inaugural committee has yet to give funds to charity despite pledge: report

WH denies reports that Trump is softening stance on Paris climate deal

N. Korea: We’ll speed up nuclear plans if more sanctions imposed

GOP rep: North Korea wants Iran-type nuclear deal

Clinton criticizes Trump’s ‘rocket man’ nickname for North Korean leader

‘The View’ co-host: Trump making ‘phallic reference’ with ‘Rocket Man’ talk

Medicaid directors issue warning on new ObamaCare repeal bill

DHS tells 21 states they were Russia hacking targets before 2016 election

Mnuchin: NFL players ‘can do free speech on their own time’

Chiefs QB: Why is Trump condemning football players more harshly than white supremacists?

Romney: Put aside controversies, prioritize Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

Fake news writer in 2016 presidential election found dead

Trump lifts Jones Act to bolster Puerto Rico relief

Trump slams Puerto Rico: ‘They want everything to be done for them’


Dem senator compares Trump to Marie Antoinette

Trump told UN head Netanyahu is bigger peace obstacle than Abbas: report

Secret Service claims there are no Mar-a-Lago visitor logs

Ivana Trump speculates Ivanka could run for president

Trump: I want to focus on North Korea not ‘fixing somebody’s back’

Feinstein says she is running for reelection

EPA chief: I’d ‘do away with’ wind, solar tax credits

Ken Starr praises Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe

Trump: ‘Disgusting’ that press able to write whatever it wants

69 Republicans vote against aid for Puerto Rico, other disaster sites

Corker: Trump trying to ‘publicly castrate’ Tillerson

Gingrich: ‘The alligators are really unhappy’ that Trump is ‘draining the swamp’

Bergdahl plea in desertion case expected Monday

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

FBI informant blocked from telling Congress about Russia nuclear corruption case, lawyer says

Dem rep threatened after sharing account of Trump’s call to soldier’s widow: report

Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision

Trump: ‘I don’t know’ if I’ll interview with Mueller for Russia probe

Carter volunteers to help solve tensions with North Korea

O’Reilly on sexual harassment allegations: ‘It’s horrible what I went through’

O’Reilly: I’m ‘mad at God’ over allegations of sexual harassment

George H.W. Bush apologizes after actress accuses him of sexual assault

NBC’s Mark Halperin accused of sexual harassment by five women

Tillerson eliminates key State Department sanctions office: report

Mattis: North Korea threat has ‘accelerated’

Trump sons to launch real estate project in India

GOP lawmaker once held a knife to Boehner’s throat

Bannon pushing Trump to take action on Mueller: reports


Trump nominee in danger of being pulled after Russia revelations: report

Network newscasts don’t mention Brazile Clinton-DNC revelations

House committee to question former Trump bodyguard over Russia dossier: report

Rand Paul assaulted at Kentucky home: police

Texas Gov. Abbot: Gunman was denied gun permit

Northam wins big in Virginia, thrilling Democrats

House Judiciary chairman announces retirement

GOP senator asks to be taken off Moore fundraising appeals

Trump: I don’t watch much television ‘primarily because of documents’

Democrat: Effort to delay Alabama Senate election like a ‘dictatorship’

GQ names Kaepernick ‘Citizen of the Year’

Gingrich on Roy Moore: Amazing how fast ‘lynch mob’ can form

Porn star, Coolio launching 2020 White House bid

Scarborough to release Trump-themed Christmas album

Papadopoulos told reporters he had larger campaign role: report

Former Oklahoma state senator pleads guilty to child sex trafficking charge: report

Moore accuser refuses to appear on ‘Hannity’

Pastor: Moore dated ‘younger ladies’ for their ‘purity’

Two additional women accuse Franken of groping

How Dem insiders rank the 2020 contenders

Obama ethics chief warns Trump: Tweet on CNN could be evidence in AT&T case

Bharara compares Trump to Jan Brady after Russia tweet

Navajo Nation delegate rips Trump: Code talkers aren’t ‘pawns to advance a personal grudge’

Trump still privately questions Obama’s birth certificate: report

McCain a yes on tax reform, boosting Republicans


DACA advocates see efforts gaining steam in the House

Trump: I’m not worried about Flynn’s guilty plea

Book on Trump campaign reveals Hope Hicks steamed Trump’s suits while he wore them

Missing the big picture in Flynn plea: Trump team crippled American diplomatic power

Pelosi denounces GOP tax reform as ‘armageddon’

Time picks women who sparked ‘#MeToo’ movement as ‘Person of the Year’

Former McCain aide Steve Schmidt: Trump’s ‘impairment is chilling’

Brzezinski questions Franken accuser: ‘Playboy model who goes on Hannity, voted for Trump’

Burning objects thrown at synagogue in Sweden: reports

Emails: Disney annoyed by Obama push to use ‘Frozen’ brand

Wall Street Journal: Bannon ‘is for losers’

Trump described admitting Kremlin hacked Dem emails as a ‘trap’: report

Mueller requests emails from Trump campaign data firm: report

Republicans unveil final version of tax bill

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment

Manchin: I’ve ‘moved on’ from Trump sexual misconduct allegations

Former Intel chief: Putin is handling Trump like ‘an asset’

Haley: ‘The US will be taking names’ when UN votes on Jerusalem decision

Trump praises ‘Fox & Friends’ for being named ‘most influential’ because he watches it

Trump advisers express midterm concerns in tense meeting: report

Trump criticisms hurting FBI morale: report

Flake on chaos of Trump campaign: ‘Was that campaign even capable of colluding with anybody?’

Sally Yates: Watch out for ghosts at Mar-a-Lago

Utah paper tells Hatch to ‘call it a career’ in blistering editorial

Flynn’s brother calls for pardon from Trump

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, ‘it’s not a crime’

White House surprised, frustrated by Trump’s New York Times interview: report

Golden State Warriors coach: ‘Our core values’ as a nation are ‘under attack’

News Source: The Hill

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