2017: USA TODAY (134)


Senate approves first step to repealing Obamacare

Party at Pence’s: LGBT activists host dance party outside VP-elects’ Chevy Chase rental

Trump prepares for busy Monday, pledges NAFTA changes, other executive orders

Elon Musk may actually be serious about tunneling under L.A.

Trump fails to mention Jews in Holocaust remembrance statement


Time for outrageous obstruction against Gorsuch

Kellyanne Conway invents ‘Bowling Green massacre’ to defend refugee ban

Why Elizabeth Warren was accused of ‘impugning’ Jeff Sessions

Alleged gang rape shown on Facebook shocks Sweden

Businesses across U.S. close for ‘Day Without Immigrants’

Could Milo Yiannopoulos now lose his lucrative book deal?

Mexico says no to Trump’s new deportation rules

Here’s how the worst flub in Oscar history went down


Western snowpack too deep for scientists’ measuring devices

Two other Trump advisers also spoke with Russian envoy during GOP convention

A Day Without a Woman: What you need to know

Army brass, led by future Joint Chiefs head Martin Dempsey, gave amourous general a pass

Kellyanne Conway suggests even wider surveillance of Trump campaign

Preet Bharara proved Trump Right: Glenn Reynolds

Trump hasn’t donated hotel profits from foreign governments yet

Trump signs four bills to roll back Obama-era regulations

Felony charges for 2 who secretly filmed Planned Parenthood

Don’t torpedo Senate rules for Gorsuch

Penn State trustee says he is ‘running out of sympathy’ for so-called’ victims


Omarosa’s White House gig is her first steady job in a while

Gorsuch merits confirmation: Our view

Syria: U.S. ‘aggression’ kills 9 in missile strike on airbase

Stop the execution madness in Arkansas: John Grisham

Republicans avoid town halls after health care votes

For Neil Gorsuch, Supreme Court job may seem subordinate

Trump’s taxes must be released before tax reform: Painter and Eisen

First protected DREAMer is deported under Trump

Trump condos worth $250 million pose potential conflict

Surgeon general dismissed, replaced by Trump administration

Republicans in Congress push for religious liberty executive order

Are Trump voters ruining America for all of us?

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones loses primary custody of his kids


Orioles’ Adam Jones berated by racist taunts at Fenway Park

Obama’s $400,000 speech could prompt Congress to go after his pension

Trump issues broad, ‘Bush-style’ signing statement on spending bill

Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen are fake populists: Sen. Sherrod Brown

Chelsea Manning to remain on active duty, receive health care after prison release

Pretend Clinton did what Trump has done

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner pleads guilty to sexting with minor

Supreme Court Strikes down North Carolina maps for Congress

Donald Trump 2018 budget could turn off his voters and sink his approval rating

Trump talks tough to NATO but bows hypocritically to Saudi Arabia

Donald Trump’s business ties explain a lot of his dictator worship


Donald Trump’s budget slashes government junk food pipeline to the poor

Hillary Clinton: Writing new memoir has been ‘painful’

President Trump’s foreign misadventures

Black troops as much as twice as likely to be punished by commanders, courts

James Comey’s testimony doesn’t make the case for impeachment or obstruction against Donald Trump

Will Republicans ever stop defending Donald Trump?

Trump property buyers make clear shift to secretive LLCs

The GOP health bill will hurt Americans. Bad Backroom deals won’t cure that.

We need a Robert Mueller resignation or second special counsel

Tour group says no more Americans to North Korea after Warmbier’s death

Pentagon wasted $28 million on uniforms for Afghan soldiers, report says

Trump proposes a law that’s existed for 20 years

Woman suspected of setting Iowa mosque on fire

Senate health bill breaks GOP promises on costs and Trump’s on coverage

Poll: Only 12% of Americans support the Senate health care plan


Trump tweets about ‘fake news’ nearly 10 times more often than ‘build the wall’

Delta flight returns to Seattle after passenger assaults flight attendant

CNN, journalists should have no pity for anonymous internet trolls

Republicans’ best play amid health bill chaos is failure

First DREAMer deported under Trump files court documents disputing administration’s account

A’s on the rise in U.S. report cards, but SATs flounder

Russia’s Lavrov Says Trump May Have Met Putin More Times

Poll: Americans split 42%-42% on impeaching Trump

Sec. of State Tillerson ‘taking a little time off’ but not resigning

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago trips cost more than trans soldiers’ health care

Russia probe could reveal Trump’s closest-held secrets

Secret donations are helping to boost President Trump’s agenda, fights with investigators


What if the South had won the Civil War? 4 sci-fi scenarios for HBO’s ‘Confederate’

Poll: Americans in battleground districts would strongly oppose Trump firing special counsel Robert Mueller

Special counsel Robert Mueller using multiple grand juries in Russia inquiry

I invested early in Google and Facebook and regret it. I helped create a monster.

‘Not helpful,’ Donald: World reaction to Trump’s ‘fire and fury’ comments

Trump approval rating: So low it’s got to go up? Don’t bet on it.

Mitch McConnell’s secret fury over Charlottesville response highlights GOP’s Trump dilemma

Colin Kaepernick items to be included in Black Lives Matter collection at Smithsonian

Secret Service out of money to pay agents because of Trump’s frequent travel, large family

Donald Trump’s new American strategy for Afghanistan will undo past failures

ESPN pulls announcer Robert Lee off Virginia game in reaction to Charlottesville protests

Flooding from Hurricane Harvey, now Category 1, could leave communities underwater for days

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is no conservative and no hero, no matter what President Trump says

Mattis freezes transgender policy; allows troops to continue serving, pending study


Army general’s racy texts with subordinate’s wife prompt official probe

Hurricane Harvey photo proves chivalry is alive and well in America

Hurricane Irma now at Category 5, with 175 mph winds

White Christians decline in U.S., but still dominate Republican Party

Alleged Russian political meddling documented in 27 countries since 2004

Trump shows GOP how it’s done: Scrap absolutism, deal with reality

Hurricane Irma: Where it is now and what we know

Hillary Clinton says Trump associates helped Russia meddle in the 2016 election

Faced with an up-or-down choice on Charlottesville resolution, Trump chooses third option

White House says no change in position on Paris climate agreement

I moved from a blue state to a red state and it changed my life

At U.N., Trump’s ‘me first’ doctrine abandons Truman’s postwar ‘security for all’

Paper ballots are back in vogue thanks to Russian hacking fears

Russians tried to hack election systems of 21 states in 2016, Wisconsin officials say

Trump’s tax plan could actually benefit wealthy people like him


Las Vegas Strip shooting: More than 50 dead, 400 others injured

Las Vegas shooter booked rooms facing Lollapalooza music festival in Chicago in August

Mark Zuckerberg apologizes for tone-deaf virtual tour of hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico

Bernie Sanders to deliver opening-night speech at Women’s Convention

Feds to help prosecute murder case of gender-fluid teen killed in Iowa

Air Force could recall as many as 1,000 retired pilots to address serious shortage

President Trump: With tax reform we can make it morning in America again

Trump to declare public health emergency for opioids, a partial measure to fight drug epidemic

If you care about foreign election interference, Manafort indictments miss real threat


Trump’s inevitable Manafort-indictment tweet-storm is working against him

San Juan mayor blasts President Trump over recovery efforts in Puerto Rico

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates to remain on house arrest with movements tracked by GPS, judge orders

The man who took down the Texas church gunman

Pence: ‘It has been a year of accomplishments’

Texas church, site of deadly massacre, to be demolished

Who pays for Trump’s contempt for ethics? USA, USA, USA.

In Thanksgiving spirit, keep DACA Dreamers at the family table

Arby’s to acquire Buffalo Wild Wings for $2.4B in restaurant shakeup


Firing Mueller would be hard for Trump — and Congress should make it impossible

Did President Trump slur his Jerusalem speech? You be the judge

Roy Moore is the last straw, you can now call me a Democrat

Young conservatives say school disbanded club following flag protest battle

Will Trump’s lows ever hit rock bottom?

End net neutrality, Federal meddling can’t improve the Internet.

Power back on after outage strands thousands at Atlanta airport

Who are we as a country? Time to decide: Sally Yates

After tax cuts, Republicans may suddenly find Trump is more trouble than he’s worth

Does Trump have a grand strategy for foreign policy? Dream on.

It’s cold outside, but that doesn’t mean climate change isn’t real

Florida ‘hot cop’ resigns amid probe into anti-Semitic Facebook posts

News Source: USA Today

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