2016: NBC NEWS (172)


ISIS Lover Emanuel Lutchman Planned New Year’s Machete Attack: FBI

Cruz Says Attacks Show That Other Campaigns Are ‘Panicking’

$675M Powerball Rollover Prize Is Largest in U.S. History

Poll: Neck-And-Neck 2016 Races in Iowa, New Hampshire

Chelsea Clinton Takes Aim at Sanders Over Health Policy

Trump More Than Doubles National Lead in Poll

Donald Trump Booed by Conservative Crowd After Attacks on Ted Cruz

Trump, Clinton Still Way Ahead, Weekly Tracking Poll Shows

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG

Officials: New Top Secret Clinton Emails ‘Innocuous’

Trump Says He Could ‘Shoot Somebody’ and Still Maintain Support

Hillary Clinton: A Bloomberg Presidential Run Will Be Unnecessary

Trump Strong in Three Early States as Clinton and Sanders Battle: Poll


Cruz Beats Trump in Iowa: Clinton Edges Out Sanders in Historically-Close Caucus

Revolution or Evolution: Sanders, Clinton Tout Differences

Former Mexican President: We’re Not Paying for ‘Stupid’ Wall

Bill Stumping for Hillary Clinton: ‘Sometimes .. I Wish We Weren’t Married’

FBI Looked at Ohio Machete Attacker Four Years Ago

Obama Could Win SCOTUS Battle in This 17-Day Window

Judge Forces Apple to Help Unlock San Bernardino Shooter iPhone

Donald Trump Falls Behind Ted Cruz in National Poll

Donald Trump’s Lead Slashed in South Carolina

Jeb Bush Suspends 2016 Presidential Campaign

Obama: I’m ‘Absolutely Committed to Closing’ Gitmo

Cedric Larry Ford Kills 3, Injures 14 in Kansas Shooting Spree

Christie Campaign’s Finance Co-Chair Calls on Donors to Reject Trump


Trump Hits New High, Clinton Maintains Big Lead in New National Poll

Possible MH370 Jet Part Found Off Mozambique: Sources

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Hold Big Leads in Michigan: Poll

Why Trump’s Delegate Lead Could Be Narrower Than You Think

Where Have All the Popular Candidates Gone?

Secret Service Rushes Stage to Protect Donald Trump at Ohio Rally

Mitt Romney to Campaign with John Kasich in Ohio

Obama to Nominate Federal Judge Merrick Garland For the Supreme Court

RNC Rules: Insiders Speak Out on Contested Convention

Trump Campaign Denies That Video Shows Lewandowski Grabbing Protester

Brussels Airport Suicide Bombers Were Brothers: Sources

Revealed: Donald Trump’s Big Plan to Stop a Contested Republican Convention

16 GOP Senators Back Meeting With Obama’s SCOTUS Pick

Rubio Makes Unprecedented Bid to Keep Delegates for Contested Convention

Trump Advocates Abortion Ban, Walks Back ‘Punishment’ for Women Remark


Obama Nixed CIA Plan That Could Have Stopped ISIS: Officials

Donald Trump’s National Lead Dips After Controversial Week: Poll

Why Are Americans Not Included in the Panama Papers?

Despite Complaints, Delegate System Has Given Trump a 22 Percent Bonus

Texas School Cop Who Body-Slammed 12-Year-Old Girl Is Fired

Poll: Trump Clinton Lead in Maryland

Sanders Under Fire for Supporter’s ‘Whores’ Remarks

New York Republicans Ignore Ted Cruz at GOP Gala

Trump and Clinton Hold Strong Leads in Pennsylvania, New Poll Shows

Poll: Trump Reaches 50 Percent Support Nationally for the First Time

Former Speaker Boehner Calls Cruz ‘Lucifer in the Flesh’


Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race

Seattle May Day Violence: 5 Police Injured in Clashes, 9 Arrested

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over ‘Out of Business’ Comments

Poll: Majority of Democrats Want Sanders to Stay in Until Convention

Hacker ‘Guccifer’: I Got Inside Hillary Clinton’s Server

North Carolina Governor Files Lawsuit Over LGBT Rights Law

Donald Trump Supporters Boost Bernie Sanders in West Virginia

Alan Grayson Blows Up at Harry Reid in Meeting: ‘Say My Name’

Majority of Republican Voters Trust Trump Over Ryan to Lead Party

Hillary Moves Within 100 Delegates of Nomination

The Democratic Race Isn’t as Close as You Think It Is

NYC Man Who Joined and Escaped ISIS Speaks Out

Clinton’s Lead Over Trump Shrinks to 3 Points: Poll

Poll: Majority of Americans Dislike Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Bernie Sanders Agrees to Debate Donald Trump

UN: 700 migrants feared dead in Mediterranean shipwrecks


Muhammad Ali, ‘The Greatest of All Time’, Dead at 74

Ali Family Spokesman Reveals Legend’s Cause of Death

Trump Starts the General After Squandering a Head Start

At Least 50 Dead After ‘Terrorism’ at Orlando Gay Club

Trump’s Tweets After Tragedy Often Strike Self-Congratulatory Notes

Clinton Expands Lead Over Trump: Poll

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Agree to Work Together

Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn’t Intend It for Civilians

U.S. Officials Fear Saudi Collapse If New Prince Fails

Some Gay Voters Say It’s ‘Dangerous’ to Come Out for Trump

A Trump Campaign in Critical Condition

Bernie Sanders Says He Will Vote for Hillary Clinton

West Virginia Floods: 23 Killed, Including Toddler, as Thousands Left Without Power

Poll: Clinton Leads Trump by 5 Points

Supreme Court Strikes Down Strict Texas Abortion Law

Benghazi Panel Finds Blunders, No New Blame for Clinton

Team Clinton Spent $26M on Battleground Ads in June, Trump Spent $0

After Saying He Forgave Loans to Campaign, Trump Won’t Release Proof


Donald Trump Praises Saddam Hussein’s Approach to Terrorism — Again

Trump Can’t Stay on Message, And It’s a Problem for the GOP

Dallas Police Ambush Suspect ‘Wanted to Kill White People’: Police Chief

Hillary Clinton’s Lead Over Trump Shrinks After Controversial Week: Poll

Head to Head: Here’s Who’s Winning Battleground States

Pence: I’ll Stand With Trump, Implement His Policies

Poll: Clinton Keeps 5-Point Lead Over Trump Heading Into Conventions

Gavin or ‘Cosmo’? Baton Rouge Shooter Left Long, Twisted Digital Footprint

Poll: Clinton and Trump Now Tied as GOP Convention Kicks Off

2 Dead, Several Wounded After Shooting Outside Nightclub

Poll: No Post-Convention Bounce for Donald Trump

Officer Killed, 2nd Expected to Survive After Shootings

Computer Program Used by Clinton Campaign Hacked as Part of DNC Cyber Attacks


A Last Exit Ramp for the GOP?

Experts Say Trump’s Muslim Ban Would Cripple Immigration System

George Zimmerman Claims Man Punched Him in Face at Florida Restaurant

Despite Claim, Trump Campaign Says It Barred Ryan Challenger From Rally

Poll: Clinton Opens Up Double-Digit Lead Over Trump

Trump Hits Clinton on Mateen Father’s Seating — as Disgraced Congressman Foley Sits Behind Him

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting

Clinton Surges Past 270 Electoral Votes in Our News Battleground Map

Poll: Clinton Maintains Big Lead as Voters Doubt Trump’s Temperament

Two U.S. Swimmers Pulled Off Plane in Rio Amid Robbery Probe

Trump Places First TV Ads With $4 Million Buy

Trump to African-American Voters: What Do You Have to Lose?

Donald Trump Openly Weighs a Massive Immigration Reversal

Trump Doctor Wrote Health Letter in Just 5 Minutes as Limo Waited

Is Donald Trump Gaining on Hillary Clinton?

Prosecutor Probes Trump Campaign CEO Stephen Bannon’s Voter Record


Colin Kaepernick Pledges $1 Million to Charity as Anthem Protest Spreads

No More Antibacterial Soap for You, FDA Says

Pence on Clinton: ‘Most Dishonest Candidate … Since Richard Nixon’

Clinton Maintains Six-Point Buffer Over Trump: poll

Poll: Trump Leads Clinton Among Military and Veteran Voters

Trump is Erratic, Clinton Defensive in Veterans Forum

Clinton Slams Trump But Blabbed About Briefing in 2008

Does Hillary Clinton Have a Classic Case of Walking Pneumonia?

Poll: Clinton’s Lead Narrows Among Independents, Voters Nationally

Colin Powell Calls Trump a ‘National Disgrace’ in Hacked Emails

Why Trump Can’t Escape His ‘Birther’ Past

Ahmad Rahami Identified as N.Y., N.J. Bombings Suspect: Officials

Hillary Clinton Regains Momentum Against Donald Trump: Poll

Poll: Clinton Leads Trump Ahead of First Debate

Clinton, Trump Camps Fire Up Supporters Before Debate

Charlotte Shooting Video: Footage Shows Fatal Encounter Between Police, Keith Lamont Scott

Poll: Majority of Voters Say Clinton Won First Presidential Debate

Phoenix Demands Trump Campaign Drop Ad Using City’s Uniformed Cops


Trump May Have Had the Worst Week in Presidential Campaign History

Poll: Hillary Clinton Holds National Lead Over Donald Trump

Ground Game: Democrats Started Fall with 5-to-1 Paid Staff Advantage

Trump’s Pledge to ‘Jail’ Clinton Unprecedented

Trump Told Russia To Blame for Hacks Long Before Debate

Major GOP Donors Are Asking Trump for Their Money Back

Trump’s Campaign Is ‘Pulling Out of Virginia’

Biden: Bill Clinton ‘Paid a Price’ for Conduct

CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia

Clinton Holds 11-Point National Lead Over Trump: Poll

Poll: Clintion Maintains 50-Point Lead Among Latinos

Poll: Clinton Maintains Solid National Lead

Trump, Clinton Trade Biting Jokes at Al Smith Dinner After Fiery Debate

Poll: Republicans Party Fractured As Hillary Clinton Maintains Solid Lead

Raqqa Offensive Against ISIS to Begin Within Weeks: Ash Carter

Trump Supporter Brings Effigy of Clinton With Noose to Rally

FBI Obtains Warrant for Newly Discovered Emails in Clinton Probe — as Reid Accuses Comey of Hatch Act Violation


FBI Making Inquiry Into Ex-Trump Campaign Manager’s Foreign Ties

U.S. Govt. Hackers Ready to Hit Back If Russia Tries to Disrupt Election

Final Poll: Clinton Holds a Four-Point National Lead Over Trump

Gingrich, Giuliani, Priebus Eyed for Top Jobs in Trump White House: Sources

Analysis: As Election Day Arrives, Plenty of Blame to Go Around

‘He Is Not My President’: Donald Trump Inspires Thousands to Protest in Streets Across U.S.

Donald Trump Requests Security Clearance for Son-in-Law Jared Kushner

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns

Trump National Security Adviser Pick Michael Flynn Has Medals — and Baggage

Kanye West Hospitalized After Tour Canceled: Sources

Gov. Nikki Haley Accepts Trump Offer to Be Ambassador to United Nations: Source


Donald Trump’s Call With Taiwan President Was No Surprise: Official

Democrats’ Popular Vote Advantage Is Growing But That May Not Equal Election Wins

Donald Trump to Remain Producer on ‘The Apprentice’ While President

Rex Tillerson of Exxon Mobil Expected to Be Named Trump’s Secretary of State: Sources

Trump Picks Energy Department Opponent Rick Perry for Energy Secretary: Sources

U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack

Why Didn’t Obama Do More About Russian Election Hack?

What Obama Said to Putin on the Red Phone About the Election Hack

Amazon Reviewers Are Trolling Ivanka Trump, But That Won’t Decide Her Brand’s Fate

France’s National Front Finds Support Among Millennials

News Source: NBC News

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