2016: FOX NEWS (124)


GOP field rips Obama’s move toward executive action to tighten gun control laws

Trump Organization says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks ‘a dangerous precedent’

Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages

Poll: Trump holds commanding lead in New Hampshire

FBI’s Clinton probe expands to public corruption track

Paris-style terror attack in Jakarta leaves 5 attackers, 2 other dead

Growing number of police chiefs, sheriffs join call to arms

Building where Bill of Rights was born partially demolished

Rifle capable of taking down helicopter found at ‘El Chapo’ hideout purchased through Fast and Furious program

Clinton email exposed intel from human spying

Poll: Trump gains in Iowa, still dominates in New Hampshire

New ISIS video shows Paris attackers committing prior atrocities, threatening UK

Grand Jury in Texas indicts activists behind Planned Parenthood videos

Full statement on Trump declining to participate in Debate

Official: Some Clinton emails ‘too damaging’ to release


Official: Withheld Clinton emails contain ‘operational’ intel, put lives at risk

Benghazi committee Dems gave thousands in bonuses while blasting probe’s cost

Senate report: Illegal immigrants benefited from up to $750M in Obama subsidies

Supreme Court puts Obama’s power plant regs on hold

Hillary Clinton plays literal attack dog in effort to shore up Nevada

Freed Gitmo detainee, ex-bin Laden aide cements place as top jihadist in videos

Poll: Clinton ‘feels the Bern,’ trails Sanders by three points nationally

Romney suggests a ‘bombshell’ in Trump’s tax returns

Ben Carson: Why I intend to stay in the GOP presidential race


Super Tuesday prizes: Candidates in fierce fight for Texas, other delegate goldmines

Trump is now unstoppable, It’s game over for Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson

Luntz Focus Group’s Winner of GOP Debate, Low Point of Night

Poll: Kasich ahead in Ohio

Clinton commits Benghazi gaffe, saying US ‘didn’t lose a single person’ in Libya

Clinton tried to change rules to use BlackBerry in secure facility for classified information

At least 13 killed in terror attacks at Brussels airport, Metro station


Poll: Cruz leads in Wisconsin

Obama vows no influence in Clinton email probe, defends terror fight

Russian jets pass US Navy destroyer at ‘unsafe’ speed in Baltic Sea, official says

Poll: Trump widens lead in GOP race, Clinton-Sanders tightens 

ISIS suspect reveals plans to open up route from Syria to U.S. through Mexico

Poll: Trump tops Cruz by eight points in Indiana

At least 20 arrested following violent protests after Southern California Trump rally


Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, ‘it was easy’

Oakland, Calif. police cancel Cinco de Mayo DUI checkpoints after outcry

“We could have been there”: Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response

Trump says Washington Post owner Bezos has ‘huge antitrust problem’

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender’s jet much more than previously known

Megyn Kelly Special: Trump defends tone, says bid will be ‘complete waste’ if he doesn’t win

Trump refers to alleged Bill Clinton sexual indiscretions as ‘rape’

College boots ex-Delta Force hero after complaint from LGBT activists

Family of Kate Steinle files lawsuit over deadly shooting on San Francisco pier


State Department admits briefing footage on Iran deal intentionally deleted

VFW fires back at Obama: Politics not ‘confused’

NYC spends $285G to urge people to use restroom of their choice

Poll: Majority thinks Clinton is lying about emails

Police say ‘around 20’ killed in shooting at Orlando nightclub, more than 40 taken to local hospitals

Orlando gunman tied to radical imam released from prison last year, say law enforcement sources

Orlando terrorist’s chilling Facebook posts from inside club revealed

Fury as feminist blames toddler alligator death on white ‘entitlement’

Trump hits ‘hostile’ media, ‘rogue’ Scarborough, ‘disappointed’ in McConnell

DOJ to scrub Islam references from transcripts of Orlando Terrorist’s calls to police

House GOP Report: Despite eyewitness accounts, Clinton, administration pushed video explanation for Benghazi

FEC Democrats voted to punish Fox News over debate changes


Under fire after secret meeting, Lynch to step back from Clinton probe

Clinton sought secret info on EU bailout plans as son-in-law’s doomed hedge fund gambled on Greece

Trump calls for charges against Clinton after FBI interview in email investigation

Trump slashes TV appearances as advisers clash over controlling his message

GOP officials rip Cruz for withholding Trump support, Gingrich gives endorsement on his behalf

‘TERROR ATTACK IS SUSPECTED’: Many feared dead after shooting spree at Munich shopping center

1 San Diego cop killed, another wounded in shooting


Clinton acknowledges hard work ahead, frustrated by America’s ‘caricature’ of her

Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points, both seen as flawed

Freed American Hostage: We Waited All Night at the Airport

Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation

Italian restaurant under fire for selling ‘Black Olives Matter’ merchandise

Air Force officer faces investigation over Bible on his desk

Trump tours La. flood damage, draws cheers as he says region will rebuild

Clinton Foundation executives left 148 phone messages for Hillary Clinton’s top aide

Trump says he’s open to ‘softening’ immigration laws in ‘Hannity’ town hall

U. of Chicago to frosh: No ‘safe spaces’ here

Ex-Congressman Weiner embroiled in new sexting scandal

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry to appear on ‘Dancing With The Stars’, report says


Poll: Trump narrows Clinton’s lead

Police raid Amish party in Ohio field, 73 arrested

The bashing of Matt Lauer: Why many of the attacks are driven by partisanship

Bill Clinton suggests Trump slogan racist – but he used the same one

Hillary Clinton has ‘medical episode’ at 9/11 ceremony, source says

Trump to release results of physical, calls candidate health ‘an issue’ after Clinton incident

Poll: Clinton and Trump in a one-point race among likely voters

Minnesota mall attacker referenced Allah before stabbing rampage, police chief says

Bomb suspect Rahami a deadbeat, hated America, says his daughter’s mother


Poll: Clinton ahead of Trump after debate, fear motivating both sides

Russian deploys advanced anti-missile system to Syria for first time, US officials say

BIAS ALERT: Police group accuses CNN of deceptive edit of Charlotte shooting

FBI files reveal missing email ‘boxes’ in Clinton case, allegations of evidence tampering

Houthi rebels fire 2 missiles at US Navy destroyer in Red Sea

FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insider

Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 7 points

New FBI files contain allegations of ‘quid pro quo’ in Clinton’s emails

WikiLeaks says Assange’s internet link was severed by ‘state party’

The one thing Trump should do at the final debate

Clinton lectured State Dept. staff on cybersecurity in 2010 video

Tech blogger finds proof DNC chief’s emails weren’t ‘doctored’ despite claim

Comey memo to FBI staffers says election, timing required disclosure of renewed probe


North Korea preparing for another ballistic missile launch, sources say

FBI’s Clinton Foundation investigation now ‘a very high priority,’ sources say

Poll: Clinton ahead of Trump by two points

‘Disregarded ethics guidelines’: Clinton document raised issues with 2010 Shanghai Expo

Boss tells pro-Trump employees to resign

New York Times Publisher vows to ‘rededicate’ paper to reporting honestly

Pence removing lobbyists from Trump transition team

Trump transition team announces five-year lobbying ban for appointees

American Jihadists on the move from Mosul pose threat to US

Gingrich: ‘I can think of 20 other people’ better suited for secretary of state than Romney

Priebus: Trump will void Cuba deal unless Castro regime moves to concessions


Obama administration stiff-arms lawmakers questioning secret refugee deal

Hampshire College returns US flag to full staff; president denies playing politics

Why Trump was right to talk with Taiwan’s president

Presidential recount: Counting complete in 6 counties; results have barely changed

Missouri governor-elect’s wife robbed at gunpoint; three suspects arrested

Trump: Claims of Russian interference in 2016 race ‘ridiculous,’ Dems making excuses

Indiana town without a police department after every Bunker Hill officer quits

Families of Orlando nightclub shooting victims sue Facebook, Twitter and Google

Trump taps Conway as senior counselor

Israel accuses Obama administration of helping craft, push UN censure

‘You cannot eat here’: Hawaii cafe riles residents with ban on Trump Voters

Kerry rips ‘settler agenda’ in speech defending UN vote, Israeli PM fires back

Alan Dershowitz: If Keith Ellison is Appointed DNC Chair, I Will Resign My Membership

News Source: Fox News

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