2016: THE HILL (333)


Clinton emails: Billionaire Soros said he regretted backing Obama

Skywriting above Rose Parade: ‘Trump is disgusting’

Rand Paul: Hillary will ‘take us back to war’

Bill gutting ObamaCare would save half-trillion over a decade, CBO finds

GOP scrambles for response to Obama’s gun control actions

Bill Clinton rape accuser: Hillary ‘tried to silence’ me

Trump tells security to take protesters’ coats; ‘Throw them out into the cold’

Clinton’s gamble on Muslims

Executive actions used to enhance power of government

President barely mentions guns in SOTU

South Carolina GOP chairman: Coulter’s attack on Haley ‘despicable’

Rand Paul: GOP is turning into ‘the old white man’s party’

Obama unveils plan to reform unemployment insurance

US finds Iran in compliance with deal, lifts nuclear sanctions

GOP to blame for civility’s breakdown

Cruz blasts Trump’s ties to Democrats

Trump: Cruz is ‘nervous’

Conservatives pen anti-Trump manifesto

Mexico aims to extradite ‘El Chapo’ as soon as possible

Trump: I could shoot people in streets and not lose support

Clinton vows to win nomination to keep Bloomberg out of race

Trump: I’ll work with Democrats

The rise of the misinformed voter and Donald Trump

Trump refuses to reconsider debate in fiery Fox interview

State to release some Clinton emails on Friday: thousands still delayed

Clinton emails labeled ‘top secret’

Koch network spent nearly $400M in 2015


Santorum precinct chairman on not voting: ‘Failure to launch’

Sanders won’t debate Thursday unless Clinton agrees to future debates

Female senators urge Warren: Back Hillary Clinton

Carson: Cruz staff must be punished for ‘deceptive’ voicemail

DHS ordered to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties

Video calls ABC ‘Anybody But Carly’ network for debate snub

Pressure on Lynch to step aside in Clinton email probe

Trump calls Cruz a ‘pussy’

Jeb: New Hampshire has reset the race

GOP doubts grow about Rubio

Sanders’s Secret Service code name revealed

Albright: ‘Special place in hell’ comment came at ‘wrong time’

Judiciary chair: ‘Standard practice’ to not confirm SCOTUS nominee in election year

Clinton has superdelegate edge in Nevada and South Carolina

Republicans stand down for FBI investigation of Clinton server

White House: Obama ‘regrets’ his filibuster of Supreme Court nominee

Pope suggests people can use contraception to avoid Zika virus

Trump tells story about Muslims being shot with bullets dipped in pig’s blood

Conservatives: Court nominee must be stopped at all costs

Collins backs hearing for Obama SCOTUS nominee

TurboTax: Most uninsured escaped ObamaCare penalty

Romney: There’s a ‘bombshell’ in Trump’s tax returns

Rubio, Cruz throw everything they can at front-runner Trump

Ex-CIA chief: Armed forces would have to disobey Trump

Trump blames ‘lousy earpiece’ for David Duke uproar


Farrakhan praises Trump for rejecting ‘Jewish’ money

Trump: Ryan can get along with me or ‘pay a big price’

Report: Fox News ‘finished with Rubio’

Sanders blames Clinton for Michigan’s declining middle class

Limbaugh on Trump: Much bigger upside than downside

Trump: Contested convention would be ‘pretty unfair’

Rubio shut out in delegates from Tuesday voting

Obama zeroes in on court pick

Judge: 17-Year-Olds Can Vote in Ohio Presidential Primary

Sanders: My supporters are not to blame for violence at Trump rally

Left frets about possible Obama pick for high court

Sanders gains on Clinton ahead of huge Tuesday contests

Insider: Trump to skip GOP debate for pro-Israel conference

No hearing for Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, McConnell says

Contested convention is looking more likely, says Speaker Ryan

Garland selections proves that to Obama, DC doesn’t count

Kasich calls Trump’s riot prediction ‘outrageous’

Priebus: ‘You Let the process play out’

Trump: ‘I would close up our borders’ after Brussels

Romney mocks Trump at GOP dinner

Gingrich: Brussels ‘validates’ Trump’s campaign

Lost emails from Clinton server discovered

Cruz campaign to Trump: Ever had a psych eval?

Wasserman Schultz: Trump is the most ‘misogynistic candidate in modern times’

147 FBI agents involved in Clinton email probe

Rubio wants name off California ballot

Glenn Beck’s Lie Could Blow Up Ted Cruz

Cruz jokes about running over Trump with a car


Clinton: ‘I’m so sick’ of Sanders campaign lying about me

Obama: Iran not following ‘spirit’ of deal

Clinton ‘not at all worried’ about FBI probe

Liberal bastions may decide GOP race

Report: Trump eyeing money transfers from immigrants in plan to build wall

Reid plots strategy to force vote on Obama nominee

Bill Clinton clashes with protesters over his crime bill

Trump: Sanders was right, Clinton is unqualified

Obama sees ‘carelessness’ in Clinton’s management of emails

Sanders fans are blind to reality of socialism

Trump slams RNC chairman, calls 2016 process ‘a disgrace’

Trump asks Pittsburgh: How’s Joe Paterno?

Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable

Bill Clinton: Sanders fans would ‘shoot every third person on Wall Street’

RNC chief: No changes to delegate requirement likely

Pataki on GOP nominee: ‘I don’t care if they ran for president or not’

White House signals veto on Saudi 9/11 bill

Sanders defiant: ‘We still have a path to the nomination’

Conservative activist sues the RNC, alleging delegate fraud

Republicans worry PC police taking over GOP

Charles Koch: ‘It’s possible’ Clinton would be better president than a Republican

Trump: ‘Don’t think you’re ever going to see me again’ if I lose

Lena Dunham promises to move to Canada if Trump wins

Trump wins every county in ‘Acela primaries’

Defense bill would require women to register for draft

Obama makes jokes at Cruz’s expense

Clinton: I can handle men who go ‘off the reservation’


Five ways Trump will attack Clinton

Trump: The GOP’s a ‘rigged party’

Cruz’s slip of the tongue will doom him in Indiana

Kasich campaign: Indiana results won’t alter our plans

Trump: I’m open to Cruz as VP

Third-party push gaining steam

Jeb Bush: I won’t vote for Trump or Clinton

Decision time for FBI on Clinton

GOP operatives on the prowl for secret Clinton transcripts

White House seeks to contain fallout from aide’s comments

McConnell: Trump is underestimated

Trump, Ryan signal unity

Nader: Clinton winning by ‘dictatorship’

GOP chief: Voters don’t care about Trump’s personal life

Clinton: I’d put Bill ‘in charge of revitalizing the economy’

Hillary’s unlikely ally: The media

Amid Democratic infighting, polls are improving for Trump

Clinton fury with Sanders grows

Clinton feels no pressure to debate Sanders

Sanders: Clinton can beat Trump in November

Electoral map looks grim for Trump

Dems call for unity as Sanders fuels intraparty fighting

Dems discuss dropping Wasserman Schultz

Team Sanders pressures Trump for debate

Bible verse prompts GOP walkout after LGBT vote labeled a sin

Feds fight to prevent Clinton deposition in email case

McAuliffe heads off probe that could hurt Clinton

Dems to Clinton: Ignore Trump on past scandals

GOP senators shoot down Cruz’s aid on campaign trail


Half of voters think Clinton’s private email server use was illegal

Drumbeat builds for Clinton press conference

Rick Perry: Trump will ‘peel her skin off’ when debating Clinton

Susan Sarandon: Clinton ‘more dangerous’ than Trump

Former attorney general: Trump right to question judge’s fairness

Gingrich: Trump’s judge attacks ‘one of the worst mistakes’ he’s made

FBI asks to make new secret filing in Clinton email case

Hatch: ‘Be nice’ to ‘first-time candidate’ Trump

Kasich signs medical marijuana bill into law in Ohio

Ryan under GOP fire for Trump remarks 

Romney rips Trump, but won’t run as independent

WV Dems call for resignation of DNC chair

FBI interviewed Orlando shooting suspect 3 times

FBI: Orlando shooter was on, then off watch list

Political correctness to blame for Orlando massacre

Dems end Senate takeover after nearly 15 hours

Can Trump turn it around?

Several GOP delegates working to block Trump’s nomination: report

Gun store owner: FBI was contacted about Orlando shooter a month ago

Laying the odds on the veepstakes

RNC head: Trump’s staff shakeup shows ‘seriousness’ 

Abortion is weakness for Clinton VP favorite

After firestorm, Facebook training employees to check political biases

Defiant Sanders tells supporters: ‘You can beat the establishment’

Nigel Farage: Britons voted for Brexit because Obama told them not to

Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering US a moving target

Rubio faces Trump-like challenger in primary

Virginia man accused of threatening to shoot senators

Pro-Hillary group takes $200k in banned donations

Email story won’t end for Clinton


Feds ask for 27-month delay in release of Clinton staff emails

WH defends Lynch’s record after Clinton meeting

Trump adviser: ‘Never any intention of anti-Semitism’ in tweet

FBI recommends no charges against Clinton

FBI’s Clinton decision proves rules don’t apply to rich and powerful

Five panels to grill FBI on Clinton

Trump calls Dallas shootings ‘an attack on our country’

Clinton rebuts FBI charge of recklessness

Sanders moves toward endorsement after Clinton health proposal

Pressure grows on Clinton aides to lose security clearances

Intelligence director won’t deny Clinton classified briefings

New poll shows Trump leading Clinton in key swing states

Trump’s ‘law-and-order’ gamble

Trump on VP: ‘I haven’t made a final, final decision’

Trump’s secret weapon is Ivanka

Anti-Trump delegates plot convention havoc: report

Curtain goes up on the Trump show

Chris Matthews: GOP ‘ruined’ evening by having ‘that woman’ speak on Benghazi

Carson defends ‘Lucifer’ comment: Clinton and Alinsky ‘on a first-name basis’

Cruz defends distance from Trump: I won’t be ‘servile puppy’

Liberal group: Kaine could be ‘disastrous’ VP pick

Outcry from Sanders supporters after leaked DNC ‘atheism’ emails

Green candidate: Sanders should leave party that ‘betrayed’ him

Wasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia

Dem Senate nominee calls Toomey an ‘a–hole’

US has ‘high confidence’ Russia behind DNC hack: report

WikiLeaks releases hacked DNC voicemails

RNC official accuses Clinton of plagiarism

‘No more war’ chants interrupt General

Mother of soldier killed in Iraq: I was too ‘in pain’ to speak at convention


Trump: Muslim soldier was a hero, but his father ‘has no right’ to criticize me

Thirteen states sue over EPA methane rule

Pennsylvania poll: Clinton has double-digit lead over Trump

Clinton: I ‘short-circuited’ in describing FBI findings

GOP senator rips Trump over ‘unhelpful’ remarks about Somali immigrants

CIA veteran expected to announce challenge to Trump

Georgia poll: Clinton leads by 7 points

Warren: Trump a ‘pathetic coward’ who can’t handle ‘losing to a girl’

Former Florida Rep. Mark Foley sits behind Trump at rally

Trump: Calling Obama ISIS founder was ‘sarcasm’

Clinton gains big edge in swing-state polls

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

Aetna pulling back from ObamaCare in blow to health law

Perry: Khizr Khan shouldn’t have expected ‘free ride’

Trump on Clinton campaign: ‘She doesn’t really do that much’

Naked Donald Trump statues pop up in several cities

A tale of two Louisiana disasters and media bias

New Trump campaign manager called on him to release tax returns in April

Powell: Clinton ‘trying to pin’ her email use on my advice

CNN headline makes blacks and felons synonymous

Emails threaten to shadow Clinton through Election Day

Coulter: Trump’s ‘softening’ on immigration remark a panic move

Assange: ‘Unexpected’ Clinton campaign leaks coming

Trump says canceled Arizona event moving to larger venue

Anthony Weiner apparently deletes Twitter account

Trump’s popularity with African-American voters polling at zero


FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump affirms hard-line immigration plan

Report: Trump edited speech after Mexican leader’s wall tweet

Clinton emails wiped clean after NYT story

Detroit mayor slams Trump’s visit to black church

Report: China blames America for Obama embarrassment

Judge gives State until after election to release some Clinton docs

Clinton campaign warns media to tread carefully

Poll: Half of Americans disapprove of ObamaCare

The media elites feel that shiver up the spine — and it’s not victory

Trump Jr. and top top supporter share White nationalist image on social media

Clinton’s reluctance to drink water causing tension with her staff: report

Obama: I’m not one who ‘bleeds’ Dem

Powell in leaked email slams Bill Clinton on continuing affairs with ‘bimbos’

Kasich: ‘Very unlikely’ I’ll vote for Trump

Third-party candidate miss cut for first debate

Trump: Robert Gates ‘probably has a problem that we don’t know about’

Republican friendships shatter over Trump

CNN falsely adds “racial” to Trump vetting comments

Scrutiny of Trump Foundation deepens

Trump cites ‘lack of spirit between the white and the black’ in police shootings

Trump: Police wrongdoing needs to be ‘vigorously addressed’

Cruz says he forgives Trump for attacks on family

Giuliani: I wouldn’t debate again after Holt’s ‘interference’

House strikes deal on Flint, potentially ending shutdown threat

Johnson has an ‘Aleppo moment,’ can’t name any foreign leader he admires

Trump: ‘Check out sex tape’ of Former Miss Universe


Clinton’s strategy: Get under Trump’s skin

Onlooker repeatedly yells ‘Bill Clinton is a rapist’ live on Fox News

WikiLeaks cancels announcement amid security concerns: report

DiCaprio: Climate change deniers shouldn’t hold public office

RNC: Kaine interrupted over 70 times

EpiPen maker overcharged taxpayers for years, officials say

Two boxes of Clinton emails unaccounted for: report

Former RNC chair: Trump campaign can’t be salvaged

McConnell: Don’t ask me about Trump

Trump campaign CEO wanted to destroy Ryan

Armed protester stands outside Dem’s office for 12 hours

Dem PAC poll-tested attacks on Obama over father’s Muslim heritage

Clinton camp to compare email hacks to Watergate

Amid firebombing talk, CNN’s Stelter says Trump ‘raising the temperature’ of rhetoric

Court rules against EPA in case over coal job losses

Ecuador confirms it cut off Assange’s internet over Clinton emails

Biden blasts Trump: I wish ‘I could take him behind the gym’

Clinton holds huge ground game advantage over Team Trump

Trump in 2012: ‘I don’t believe in’ deporting many illegal immigrants

Feds: Most states to see steep ObamaCare rate hikes

Hispanic crowd boos Marco Rubio off stage

Trump: I’ll teach military expert ‘a couple of things’

Trump seizes on leaked memo to blast ‘corrupt’ Clinton World

Anger, disbelief in Clinton camp

Former federal attorney: FBI email review a ‘convoluted mess’

Holder, ex-Justice officials question Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’


Comey breaks department protocol by commenting on investigation

FBI investigating alleged donor scheme tied to Senate candidate

Protests turn violent over inclusion of David Duke in La. debate

Protester at Trump rally: I got ‘tackled’

Caffetz asks: If Clinton is clean, why does her staff keep pleading the Fifth?

Topless protesters crash Trump’s polling place

Celebs who said they’d leave country if Trump won

Clinton aides blame FBI director, media for devastating loss

Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party

Clinton approached by people ‘scared’ after election

Where now for Democrats?

Glenn Beck: Bannon has ‘clear tie’ to white nationalism

Trump ditches press pool to go out to dinner

Spy chief James Clapper resigns

Cruz tells friends he’s interested in AG job

Bannon: ‘I’m not a white nationalist, I’m a nationalist’

Trump meets with Indian business partners after vow to step away from company

Record number of Americans think nation is divided

Trump asks for media ‘reset,’ but lashes out at execs

Trump to tap investor Wilbur Ross for Commerce secretary: reports

Russia tells U.S. to get out of the way in Syria

Putin: Castro was a ‘reliable friend of Russia’

Pelosi challenger: Dems understand need for ‘new messenger’

Conway calls MSNBC report ‘sexist’

‘Fake news’ isn’t the problem — mainstream news with an agenda is

Protesters burn flag outside Trump’s New York hotel


GOP leaders aim to pass ObamaCare repeal by inauguration

Van Jones: Dems ‘have a problem with elitism’

Bergdahl asks Obama for pardon

Trump attends lavish costume party

Trump slams China on Twitter

Biden raises possibility of 2020 presidential bid

Clinton to throw thank-you party for millionaire donors

Carrier union boss gets threatening calls after Trump’s tweets

Report: Megyn Kelly in talks with ABC

Obama urges Congress not to repeal ObamaCare

McMullin: ‘Trump is not a loyal American’

McConnell rejects special panel for Russian election interference allegations

America is held hostage by flyover states

Trump’s son involved in Interior secretary hunt: report

Critics bash Trump children’s presence at tech meeting

DC-area venue faces harassment for declining to host Trump supporters’ ‘DeploraBall’

Trump mocks media as he recounts Election Day win

China says it will return US drone it seized

Big questions over Trump’s pick for schools

Gingrich suggests Trump pardon advisers who break the law

Trump’s doctor on health: ‘If something happens to him, then it happens to him’

Ron Paul: ‘We don’t have very much room for condemning’ Russian election meddling

Biden: Clinton never figured out why she was running

Why Obama broke with Israel at UN

Cruz: No money for UN until Israel decision reversed

Obama pulls bait-and-switch on anti-Israel Security Council vote

Report: Israel to build more settlements in defiance of UN

Trump: Obama ‘lost’ in key swing states for Clinton

Trump on Russian hacking: ‘Computers have complicated lives very greatly’

Nixon’s lawyer accuses Trump of lying

Trump tweets: Happy new year to my enemies who ‘lost so badly’

News Source: The Hill

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