2016: NEW YORK POST (151)


If Carrie Fisher doesn’t like being judged on looks, she should quit acting

Why America is right to think Obama’s losing the War on Terror

The myth of the cop killing ‘epidemic’

Here’s the bottom line of the Hillary e-mail dump

The Clintons are in denial about Bill’s sex scandals

Hillary Clinton is running the most sexist campaign ever

Looming setback for public unions would be a political earthquake

Woman raped at gunpoint by eHarmony date: cops

Rubio’s last-minute theatrics make it a three-man GOP race

Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big

‘13 Hours’ captures how Americans really feel about our global standing

Hillary Clinton blames the vast right-wing conspiracy for her e-mail woes

The shoes are raining down in Hillary’s e-mail mess

‘Excluded’ by the Rev. Martin Luther King — a new low in campus PC

‘This was all planned’: Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying


The e-mail scandal stretches far beyond Hillary

Hillary can’t dodge Goldman Sachs questions forever

Apparently we should get on a boat and leave America ASAP

Putin proves Obama wrong with his ugly military solution in Syria

Eliot Spitzer investigated over alleged choking incident

The true meaning of Justice Scalia

If Trump’s foes don’t unite soon, It’s a Don deal

Obama is looting the Treasury to pay off insurers

Pro-Palestinian student group ‘harassing’ Jewish CUNY students

‘Hate-crime killer’ caught on camera: ‘I f-king shot him dead!”

Chris Rock crushed it


Here’s how Rubio and Cruz can still take down Trump

Romney calling Trump ‘phony,’ urging Republicans to shun him

How Democrats abandoned the working class and spurred rise of Donald Trump

Tech mogul accused of keeping ex-stripper as sex slave for 13 years

By Hamilton’s rules on Supreme picks, the Senate’s right and Obama’s wrong

Hulk Hogan Gets $115M Verdict Against Gawker at Sex Tape Trial

Arnold Schwarzenegger walks out of interview over Trump question

Will Hillary get charged, or what?

Trump says allies must start paying for ‘American protection’


Ivana Trump on how she advises Donald — and those hands

Ted Cruz’s campaign stop in the Bronx is a complete dud

FBI probing Mayor de Blasio’s fundraising activities

Team Obama is setting us up for another housing-market collapse

Hulk accuses Gawker chief of hiding millions to avoid payout

How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11

Nervous Hillary downplays potential of New York landslide

A sobering night for New Yorkers who fear Hillary vs. Trump

Ted Cruz is crumbling before our very eyes


How Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton

With Trump’s win, it’s time for GOP to unite against Hillary

White House admits it played us for fools to sell Iran deal

Hillary Clinton is unraveling quickly

Clinton charity gave $2M to company owned by Bill’s ‘friend’

Obama doesn’t think rapists, armed robbers, drug dealers are ‘criminals’

How corporate America bought Hillary Clinton for $21M

Hillary still can’t explain why she should be president

Is Zuckerberg building a secure bunker next to his home?

Billionaire admits he secretly funded Gawker’s downfall

Clinton has been burying emails since she was First Lady


Pathetic excuses and endless stonewalls: The Clinton’s version of the truth

The de Blasio’s are strapped for cash

How Ayatollah Khomeini suckered Jimmy Carter

Team Hillary’s final e-mail defense: mass amnesia

Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre

Obama’s tantrum a striking display of failed leadership

Funding terrorism — and the Clintons

Leaked document shows the DNC wanted Clinton from the start

Lewinsky allegedly freaked out after Clinton’s affair with VP’s daughter

NRA says Trump’s Orlando comments ‘defy common sense’

Only thing transparent about Hillary is her dishonesty

Benghazi lies were just standard procedure under Obama


Hillary Clinton’s FBI interview to happen ‘very soon’

Loretta Lynch falls under the Clintons’ corrupting influence

Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules

FBI’s James Comey to address press after agents grill Clinton

The military fired me for calling our enemies radical jihadis

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s ‘regrets’ don’t cut it

The end is near for Roger Ailes

Male escorts are making crazy money at the RNC

Leaked emails show how Democrats screwed Sanders

Why Obama’s half-brother says he’ll be voting for Donald Trump

DNC disarray is the foreshadowing of a Clinton administration

Bill’s desperate bid to humanize Hillary shows fear she might lose

How Hillary blew her big moment

Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before


Melania Trump’s girl-on-girl photos from racy shoot revealed

Radicals ‘occupy’ City Hall Park calling for Bill Bratton’s head

If it wasn’t a ransom payment, why did Obama keep it a secret?

I can no longer justify calling myself a Trump supporter

Anthony Weiner caught in new flirty online chat

Imam killed execution-style walking from Queens mosque

Hillary scrubs sexual assault pledge after allegations against Bill resurface

Akai Gurley’s family to receive $4 million settlement from city

Ryan Lochte is everything the world hates about Americans

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

Huma Abedin worked at a radical Muslim journal for 10 years

Trump campaign CEO accused in divorce papers of attacking wife

Sorry, Hillary: Trump’s policies are clearly better for blacks

Team Obama’s new low in the name of ‘trans rights’

Anthony Weiner sexted busty brunette while his son was in bed with him

‘It’s outrageous’: Clinton’s aides had concerns about email setup


Muslim aunt of NYPD cop killed in apparently random attack

We’ve never seen a falling Weiner quite like this before

Obama defends Kaepernick’s national anthem protest

The worst person in New York has been arrested

Hillary Clinton’s Health is now a real issue

Colin Powell: Bill Clinton ‘still d—ing bimbos (according to the NYP)’

Man shot by cops after meat cleaver attack over parking boot

Explosion rocks Chelsea in New York City

FBI raids New Jersey building near where suspicious devices found

Obama led the world downward into chaos

The grim reality of human organ harvesting in China

Why did feds grant immunity to Hillary’s ‘highly improper’ aide?

Lester Holt shows he doesn’t know the meaning of impartial

The FBI’s Hillary email probe is looking even more like a coverup


Donald Trump is seriously preparing for next debate

Elections official caught on video blasting de Blasio’s ID program

Saddam Hussein had a secret torture chamber in NYC

Trump camp puts forward witness to refute sex assault claim

Now, even Democrats can see the ObamaCare death spiral

State Department security really didn’t like working for Clinton

Anthony Weiner could soon be indicted in sexting scandal

Huma on Hillary’s $12M Morocco fiasco: ‘She created this mess and she knows it’

Residents want to dump Trump’s name from high-rise

Huma email reveal: Hillary ‘still not perfect in the head’

Clinton donor got State Department invite — and Bill got $17M

Hillary only has herself to blame for the mess she’s in

Professor who tweeted against PC culture out at NYU


Dems should blame Hillary, not Comey, for the ‘October surprise’

Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials

Assemblywoman who allegedly beat son was a child advocate

The markets’ foolish panic over Donald Trump

Chelsea Clinton being groomed to run for Congress

New York Times: We blew it on Trump

ISIS calls Thanksgiving Day Parade an ‘excellent target’

FDNY forbids firefighters from hanging pictures of Trump

Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House

The real problem with the ‘Hamilton’ shout-out to Pence

Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’

Key adviser claims Elton John will play at Trump’s inauguration

‘Suicide bomber’ squirrel sends anti-squirrel politician to hospital

Trump Tower security may take over 2 floors — and cost millions

Trump administration will pressure foreign states to probe Clinton Foundation


Trump already winning — and he’s not even president yet

Donald Trump makes surprise call to Al Sharpton

The real reason for New York City’s traffic nightmare

The disclosure that could end Eric Scheiderman’s career

Kerry ‘fesses up about Obama’s ‘red line’

Even anti-Trump working-class voters are having second thoughts

Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign cost a record $1.2B

Electors are being harassed, threatened in bid to Stop Trump

Time to face reality, Obama — Trump is going to be president

Rockette goes on Instagram rant over Trump inauguration gig

Teacher groomed her accused murderer to be sex toy, baby daddy

Obama’s ugly bid to snub voters and tie Trump’s hands

News Source: New York Post

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