2016: REUTERS (117)


Time Warner Cable says up to 320,000 customers’ data may have been stolen

Trump likes to sleep in his own bed and it may cost him votes

Republican politicians jumped the gun on terrorism suspect’s arrest: sources

Ex-politician John Edwards among lawyers vying for lead role in Volkswagen suit

Iran frees U.S. sailors with start of nuclear deal in sight

In negotiating to free Americans in Iran, U.S. blinked on new sanctions

North Korea detains U.S. student on New Year trip for ‘hostile act’

Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his warchest

Trump’s Fox News debate fight widens Republican rift


Marco Rubio emerges as champion of battered Republican establishment

Foreclosure crisis snarls Clinton, Sanders’ efforts to reach Nevada voters

FBI finds trench of human feces at cultural site on Oregon refuge

Trump leads Republican field nationally by more than 20 points: poll

San Bernardino victims to oppose Apple on iPhone encryption

Spy agencies say Clinton emails closely matched top secret documents: sources


Google says it bears ‘some responsibility’ after self-driving car hits bus

Koch brothers will not use funds to try to block Trump nomination

Republican ‘Dump Trump’ effort struggles to gain traction

Inside Kasich’s long-shot strategy to beat Trump to the GOP nomination

Srinivasan or Garland likely Obama choice for U.S. Supreme Court: source

Israeli firm helping FBI to open encrypted iPhone: report

Islamic State video calls for jihad after Brussels blasts

Role of tech who set up Clinton’s server unknown to bosses at State

Islamic State planted thousands of mines in Palmyra: Syrian army


Trump faces uphill fight in Wisconsin presidential primary

White House declines to support encryption legislation – sources

Fidel Castro makes rare public appearance after Obama visit

Blocking Trump could hurt Republicans in election – Poll

Ted Cruz wins Wyoming Republican presidential nominating contest

Trump candidacy: Where some fear to tread others see a path to victory

VW to offer to buy back nearly 500,000 U.S. diesel cars – sources

Trump: Republican rivals Cruz, Kasich ‘colluding’ to block him

Half of Americans think presidential nominating system ‘rigged’ – poll


Chicago schools to allow transgender students to choose facilities

Trump’s deportation plan could slice 2 percent off U.S. GDP: study

Russia’s ‘Obama’ ice cream deepens chilly relations with US

Trump says taxes for wealthy should go up

Democrats gird for fight with Trump in U.S. Rust Belt states

Iran threatens to sink US warships

Lyft agrees to revised $27 million deal in driver lawsuit

UK’s Cameron struggles to make Britons believe his EU message: poll

Pope criticises West for trying to export own brand of democracy to Iraq, Libya

Trump would talk to North Korea’s Kim, wants to renegotiate climate accord

Obama mourns dead in Hiroshima, calls for world without nuclear arms

Judge criticized by Trump unseals documents in Trump University case

Poland to appeal court decision not to extradite Polanski to the U.S.


Use it or lose it: Occasional Ohio voters may be shut out in November

Clinton ally Warren weighs potential VP role, sees hurdles – sources

Clinton leads Trump by 11 points in White House race: poll

Orlando investigators probe what gunman’s wife knew of plan

Clinton considering Warren, not Sanders, for running mate: WSJ

Trump doubles monthly campaign fundraising, lags Clinton

Clinton regains double-digit lead over Trump: Poll


Trump defends ‘star’ tweet: Clinton says it’s anti-Semitic

In first, U.S. judge throws out cell phone ‘stingray’ evidence

Turkey army says it seizes power: Erdogan says ‘We will overcome this’

Virginia high court to hear Republican lawsuit over voting rights

Trump could seek new law to purge government of Obama appointees

Trump considering fracking mogul Harold Hamm as energy secretary – sources

Undocumented immigrants given roles at Democratic convention

Trump pulls nearly even with Clinton after Republican convention: poll

Knife attacker in Japan kills 19 in their sleep at disabled center

FBI investigates hacking of Democratic congressional group – sources

Clinton campaign also hacked in attacks on Democrats


FBI took months to warn Democrats of suspected Russian role in hack: sources

Billionaire Klarman slams Trump, vows to work for Clinton

Indonesia arrests six suspected of plotting Singapore ‘rocket attack’

One-in-five U.S. Republicans want Trump to drop out: Poll

Clinton Foundation hired cyber firm after suspected hacking: sources

Hackers targeted Trump campaign, Republican Party groups: sources

Clinton leads Trump by eight points: Poll

Biden tells Baltic states: Don’t take Trump seriously

Biden says expects Guantanamo prison to close before Obama leaves office

Clinton leads Trump by 5 points: Poll

Half of Germans against Merkel serving fourth term: Poll

Courting Republicans, Clinton to tout ‘American exceptionalism’


U.S. others agreed to ‘secret’ exemptions for Iran after nuclear deal – report

One secret of Trump’s low-cost campaign: free labor

Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion – FBI report

U.S. companies tout climate change policies, fund climate skeptics

Germany’s anti-immigrant AfD party suffers election setback in west

U.S. confirms two more freed Guantanamo inmates rejoined militant groups

Probe of leaked U.S. NSA hacking tools examines operative’s ‘mistake’

Violent crime in U.S. rose in 2015 but not to peak levels: FBI

Miss Universe ‘fat-shamed’


TV audience for vice presidential debate about half that of Trump-Clinton

U.S. job growth slows, clouds case for Fed rate hike

Trump trails Clinton by 8 points after tape scandal, debate: poll

Trump to lay out what he would do in first 100 days if elected president

Clinton, Michelle Obama make first joint campaign appearance in bid for women’s support


U.S. militia girds for trouble as presidential election nears

FBI fear of leaks drove decision on emails linked to Clinton: sources

Clinton’s charity confirms Qatar’s $1 million gift while she was at State Dept

Trump looking at fast ways to quit global climate deal: source

Immigration hardliner says Trump team preparing plans for wall, mulling Muslim registry

Confusion over Trump’s first talks with foreign leader

Trump selects candidates for CIA, attorney general: transition

Senior U.S. officials recommend removal of NSA director: sources

Judge blocks Obama rule extending overtime pay to 4.2 million U.S. workers

Mexican cement maker ready to help Trump build border wall

Activists burn US flag outside Trump hotel in response to Trump’s flag-burning threat


Separation anxiety: Trump’s management style poses challenges in Oval Office

Payrolls rise solidly; jobless rate at nine-year low

Putin says Trump clever, will understand new responsibilities

Pope warns media over ‘sin’ of spreading fake news, smearing politicians

Trump gets one presidential intelligence briefing a week: sources

Exxon CEO is now Trump’s secretary of state favorite – transition official

Trump likely to name Exxon CEO secretary of state – source

Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking – sources

Ex-CIA chief says Trump risks blame for an attack if he skips briefings

U.S. election agency breached by hackers after November vote

Merkel says asylum-seeker may have carried out Christmas market attack

EU accuses Facebook of misleading it in WhatsApp takeover probe

Trump, Netanyahu urge Obama to veto U.N. resolution on halting settlement

Trump on nuclear weapons tweet: ‘Let it be an arms race’ 

Trump team seeks names of officials working to counter violent extremism

Britain, edging towards Trump, scolds Kerry over Israel

News Source: Reuters

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