2016: BLOOMBERG (207)


Ben Carson Looks to Reset Amid Campaign Turmoil

Trump Backers Say Their New Hampshire Voter Database Is ‘Huge’

What the 2016 Presidential Candidates Must Do to Win

Amazon to Sell Its Own Brand of Chips Next to Wipes, USB Cables

The State of Chris Christie’s New Jersey, in Six Charts

Chinese Gaming Billionaire Buys U.S. Gay Dating App Grindr

Obama’s State of the Union Optimism at Odds With Voter Anxiety

Donald Trump Says His Political Movement Is Bigger Than Reagan’s

Cruz’s ‘Natural-Born Citizen’ Status Tested in Birther Suit

Sanders Releases ‘Medicare for All’ Health Plan Hours Before Debate

Trump Fear Stalks Davos as Elite Pray for Spring Reality Check

Google Paid Apple $1 Billion to Keep Search Bar on IPhone

Sentences for Young Murderers Limited by U.S. Supreme Court

Cruz-Hating Republicans Need a Reality Check

Trump, Fox News at War After He Decides to Skip Debate

Inside Facebook’s Decision to Blow Up the Like Button

Apple Said Developing Wireless-Charged Phone for as Soon as 2017

Trump Overtakes Cruz in Final Iowa Poll Before Caucuses


BofA: The Oil Crash Is Kicking Off One of the Largest Wealth Transfers In Human History

How Ted Cruz Engineered His Iowa Triumph

Goldman Sachs Says It May Be Forced to Fundamentally Question How Capitalism Is Working

Clinton’s Security Clearance Is Under Scrutiny

Sports Authority to Take Steps Toward a Bankruptcy Filing

The Rich Are Already Using Robo-Advisers, and That Scares Banks

Clinton Campaign Has No Answer Yet on Releasing Speeches to Goldman

Republican Elites Land in South Carolina With No Plan to Stop Trump

The New Frontier of Negative Interest Rates

Trump and Cruz Trade Punches as South Carolina Turns Fierce

The ‘You Lie’ Debate: Republicans Running Out of Time to Stop Trump in South Carolina

Republicans Show Signs of Division on Supreme Court Tactics

Secret Memo Details U.S.’s Broader Strategy to Crack Phones

South Carolina, Nevada Votes to Test Anti-Establishment Mood

Houston Investor Linked to $1 Million Cruz Super-PAC Donation

Roberts Calls Late Justice Scalia ‘Our Man For ALL Seasons’

Four Problems With the ‘Winnowing’ Theory of Trump’s Downfall

Abortion Clinics Are Closing at a Record Pace

Trump’s 12 Years of Audits ‘Very Unusual’ Ex-IRS Agent Says

Trump’s Debate Was a Disaster. If Voters Notice.

Heroin Crisis Puts Vulnerable U.S. Senate Republicans in a Bind


‘Machiavelli Would Love This Plot Twist From Banks’ Washington Book Club

Bookmaker Pays Out Early on Trump Winning Republican Nomination

Romney to Attack ‘Phony’ Trump in Utah Address

Payrolls in U.S. Surge While Wages Drop in Mixed Jobs Report

Cruz Serves Up Spoilers on Contested Convention and Rubio’s Florida Hopes

Clinton Backs Rescinding Tax Breaks for Moving Jobs Overseas

Trump Tower Funded by Rich Chinese Who Invest Cash for Visas

The Risk I Will Not Take

Republican National Committee Sues for Clinton Aides’ E-Mails

Clinton Rebuffs Question About E-Mails in Debate With Sanders

How to Steal a Nomination From Donald Trump

Trump’s Fundraising for Others Left Deep Roots

Trump Says He’ll Skip Debate, Warns of Possible Convention Riots

Ginsberg Warns of ‘Political Guerilla Warfare’ at Contested GOP Convention

Stabbing Surge Stumps NYC Police, Sows Fear Among Residents

Marine Death From Islamic State Attack a First for U.S. in Iraq

Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost From Mexico’s Efforts in U.S.

Trump Calls for Border Closings, ‘A Lot More than Waterboarding’ After Attacks

Democrats Evenly Split Over Clinton, Sanders: Poll

The U.S. Population is Swelling in Almost Every State

Newspapers Gobble Each Other Up to Survive Digital Apocalypse

Clinton ‘Perfectly Willing’ to Debate Sanders in New York, Aide Says

Nascar Driver Derek White Targeted in Tobacco-Smuggling Operation


Walker Sees Cruz Victory Over Trump in Wisconsin Resetting Republican Race

RNC Lays Groundwork for Nominee Who May Not Be Trump

Republican Crisis May Deepen Even If Trump Loses Wisconsin

Twitter Said to Win NFL Deal for Thursday Night Streaming Rights

U.S. Scrambles to Repair Damaged Saudi Ties

Wide-Open Colorado Convention Is a Republican Delegate Rodeo

Subpoenaed Into Silence on Global Warming

Washington Watchdog Adjusts to Life With Partisan Roommates

Wall Street Wages Double in 25 Years as Everyone Else’s Languish

Five Big Banks’ Living Wills Rejected by U.S. Banking Agencies

Plan for Woman on $10 Bill in Question as Hamilton Fans Lobby

Merkel Allows Prosecution of German Comedian Over Erdogan Satire

Musk’s Secret Plan to Curb City Traffic With Self-Driving ‘Bus’

Trump to Hone Image, Raise Funds for Republican Candidates, Adviser Says

Obama Says Merkel on ‘Right Side of History’ on Refugees

How to Be Presidential, Trump-Style

Trump Lays Claim to Nomination Backed by Smashing Victories

‘Clinton Cash’ Has Been Made Into a Movie

Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street’s Renegade Blog


Bernie Sanders Vows Contested Convention, Makes Case for Superdelegate Flips

Cruz Mounts Go-for-Broke Campaign in California

Masters in Politics Podcast: Adviser Says Trump Is ‘Very Much’ Like Bill Clinton

Huawei Prepares for Robot Overlords and Communication with the Dead

Facebook Dislikes Conservatives, and That’s OK

Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman

Complaints Over Airport Security Delays Surged 10-fold in March

Clinton, Democrats Confronting Dangerous Divisions Within Party

Sanders, Defiant on the Stump, Quietly Reassures Democrats on Unity

Hillary Clinton Opposes Heller Gun Rights Ruling, Adviser Says

Jets Owner Woody Johnson Said to Back Trump

Ryan Said to Tell Confidants He’s Ready to End Trump Standoff

How to Get Trump Elected When He’s Wrecking Everything You Built

Nearly 46 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery, Report Finds


Kristol Eyes Conservative Lawyer for Independent Presidential Run

Snapchat Passes Twitter in Daily Usage

Obamacare, Executive Power and the Rule of law

This Job Market Slump Started a While Ago

The Republican Party Can Get Even Worse

Trump Says ‘No Reason’ to Raise $1 Billion for Campaign

McConnell: Donald Trump ‘Doesn’t Know a Lot About the Issues’

Clinton Says Gun Laws, Allies Key to Stemming Terror Threat

Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in National Poll

House to Vote on Curbing NSA Surveillance in Wake of Orlando

More Companies Opt to Sit Out Trump’s Coronation in Cleveland

Belgium Arrests 12 Amid Reports of Plot to Attack Soccer Fans

Trump Removes Corey Lewandowski as Campaign Manager

Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won’t Support Clinton

The ‘Anti-Business’ President Who’s Been Good for Business

Brexit Voters Spurn Obama Pitch, Testing ‘Special Relationship’

‘Citizens of the World’? Nice Thought, But…

Secret Campaign Cash Gushes Into U.S. State and Local Elections

Trump Embraces Executive Orders to Avoid Congressional Gridlock

North American Leaders Meet, With Brexit and Trump Clouding Ties

Trump Campaign Lining Up Tyson and Ditka for Convention


Lynch Said to Stop Short of Recusing Herself on Clinton E-Mails

The Palestinian Incentive Program for Killing Jews

Sanders’ Influence Fades Ahead of Clinton Endorsement

Clinton Beats Trump Among College-Educated in Poll

Republican Convention Panel Crushes a Bid to Block Trump

Erdogan Vows to Punish Rebels as Leaders Say Coup Foiled

Clinton Vows Speedy Push to Overturn No-Limits Campaign Spending

Convention Protests Will Probably Help Trump, Top Aide Says

RNC Chairman Says He’d Consider Firing Melania Trump’s Speechwriter

Kaine Pick Won’t Help Clinton Win Over Anti-Wall Street Critics

Trump Says He Prevented Cruz Being ‘Ripped’ Off Stage in Cleveland

A Mouth Full of Crickets? Lobbyists Speak Up for Edible Insects

Sanders Outlines a Plan to Help Clinton, Fundraising Not Included

Clinton Running Mate Kaine Endorses Repeal of Hyde Amendment on Abortion

U.S. Economy Grew Less-Than-Forecast 1.2% in Second Quarter


Clinton Says Trump’s Remarks About Putin Show He’s Unfit

The Israeli Company That Fenced in Gaza Eyes Trump’s Mexico Wall

Clinton Spending Big on Olympics Ads With Trump on Sidelines

Trump to Propose Moratorium on New Financial Regulations

E-Mails by Clinton Aides Show State-Foundation Links

More Old Than Young: A Population Plague Spreads Around the Globe

Aetna to Quit Most Obamacare Markets, Joining Major Rivals

Aetna’s Retreat From Obamacare Is More Than It Seems

Uber’s First Self-Driving Fleet Arrives in Pittsburgh This Month

Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Policy Blocked by Federal Judge

The Robot Surgeon of Your Nightmares Can Wiggle It’s Way Inside You

Apple Ordered to Pay Up to $14.5 Billion in EU Tax Crackdown


Putin Says DNC Hack Was Public Service, Russia Didn’t Do It

FBI Says a Laptop That Held Clinton’s E-Mails Has Gone Missing

Clinton’s Drug Proposals ‘Very Negative,’ Pfizer CEO Says

Trump Plans to Keep Quiet on Clinton’s Health Issues

How Big Sugar Enlisted Harvard Scientists to Influence How We Eat — in 1965

Trump Has 5-Point Lead in Poll of Battleground Ohio

China’s Housing Gets Scarily Expensive

Obama Throws Himself Into 2016 Race Hellbent on Clinton Victory

Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Comparison Used to Be a Feminist Meme

Rioting May Tip Presidential Scales in Crucial North Carolina

Trump, Clinton Deadlocked in Poll Before Key Debate

Clinton, Trump Dive Directly Into Attacks in First Debate

Trump Tweets About Sex Tape as Campaign Struggles to Regroup


Secret Alpine Gold Vaults Are the New Swiss Bank Accounts

Republicans Wonder If Trump Can Recover From ‘Worst Week’

Trump’s 1995 Return Shows Good Tax Policy at Work

Jobless Claims Near Four-Decade Low Ahead of U.S. Payrolls Data

It’s Obama Versus Trump as Clinton Leans on Her ‘Cleanup Hitter’

Trump to Intensify Attacks on Clinton Over Husband’s Accusers

How Republican Rob Portman May Drail the Trump Train in Ohio

Hillary Clinton’s Worst Friend

Clinton Has 9-Point Lead as Comeback Obstacles Loom for Trump

Trump has 2-Point Edge in Poll of Florida

Inside the Trump Bunker, With 12 Days to Go

Clinton’s Attacking Strategy to Blunt Comey Damage Has Risks


Clinton and Trump Prepare for Possibility of Election Overtime

Clinton Narrowly Beats Trump With Independents in Poll

The FBI Wants to Make America Great Again

Payrolls in U.S. Rose by 161,000 in October as Wages Accelerate

Job Interviews Are Useless

In Trump’s Most Important County, a Surge of Hispanic Voters

Russian Says It Was in Contact With Trump’s Team During Campaign

Trump’s Original Four: The Staffers Behind His Historic Victory

Revenge of the Deplorables

Obama Defends EU, NATO Amid Doubts About Trump’s European Policy

Trump Says Same-Sex Marriage Is Settled Law, Abortion Isn’t

Ex-Intelligence Chairman Rogers Leaves Trump Transition Team

Ted Cruz Considered by Trump for Attorney General

Yellen Says Interest Rate Hike Could Come ‘Relatively Soon’

Jeff Sessions Said to Be Trump’s Pick for Attorney General

Trump Needs to Earn His Mandate

No Evidence of Aloe Vera Found in the Aloe Vera at Wal-Mart, CVS

Soaring Consumer Confidence: Are Americans Happy It’s Trump, or Just Happy It’s Over?

Trump Expected to Pick Ross for Commerce Job, Person Says

Trump Walks Business-Politics Tightrope on Cuba After Castro

Trump’s ‘Thank You Tour’ Said to Start in Ohio on Thursday

Donald Trump, the First President of Our Post-Literate Age


Wall Street Wins Again as Trump Picks Bankers, Billionaires

Payrolls in U.S. Rise; Jobless Rate Falls on Lower Participation

Trump Takes ‘Thank-You Tour’ to Wealthy Donor’s Costume Ball

Trump Says Boeing’s Air Force One Order Should Be Cancelled

Trump Picks Iowa Governor Branstad as China Ambassador

Koch Industries Says House GOP’s Tax Plan ‘Could Be Devastating’

Trump Team’s Memo Hints at Broad Shake-Up of U.S. Energy Policy

Rick Perry Said to Be Trump’s Top Candidate for Energy Secretary

China Warns Trump Against Using Taiwan for Leverage on Trade

Airbnb Is Building a Flight-Booking Tool

Trump May Have a $300 Million Conflict of Interest With Deutsche Bank

GOP Wants Trump to Trim ACA Benefits, Say Congress Aides

Erdogan Seeks to Join Forces With Trump Against IS in Syria

Kerry Plans Middle East Speech as Israel Retaliates Over UN Snub

Obama Calls Trump After Twitter Complaint About ‘Roadblocks’

Trump’s Border Wall, Deportation Plans Face Pushback From GOP

Trump Said to Weigh Aide’s Husband for Top Legal Job

News Source: Bloomberg

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