Even Europe’s humanitarian superpower is turning its back on refugees

America’s self-destructive whites

In Chicago, distrust toward mayor has turned ‘personal’

Donald Trump’s provocative first TV ad raises the temperature of GOP race

Armed men, led by Bundy brothers, take over federal building in rural Oregon

Trump says Cruz’s Canadian birth could be ‘very precarious’ for GOP

State Department gave ‘inaccurate’ answer on Clinton email use, review says

Obama’s top national security officials to meet with Silicon Valley CEOs

Cruz: I spank my daughter when she lies — voters can ‘administer… a spanking’ to Hillary Clinton

Rand Paul, bumped from main debate stage, will boycott Thursday’s undercard

Iran releases captured U.S. Navy crew members

Can Donald Trump actually be the Republican nominee?

Post reporter Jason Rezaian and others to be freed in prisoner swap, according to Iranian media

International sanctions against Iran lifted

‘13 Hours,’ Benghazi and the slippery definition of ‘political’

Trump’s bad bet: How too much debt drove his biggest casino aground

Clinton blew ‘the most crucial foreign policy issue,’ Sanders says in Iowa

Who had the worst week in Washington? Hillary Clinton

Jason Rezaian’s wife, mother describe their tortuous final hours in Iran

Guess which divisive Republican is now campaigning as a political uniter?

Why we must rethink solitary confinement: Obama

Donald Trump’s biggest fan is an excitable 9-year old girl from Maine (Video)

The admiral in charge of Navy Intelligence has not been allowed to see military secrets for years

Black lives like my father’s should matter. That’s why I’m endorsing Bernie Sanders.

Google Fiber may be looking to add phone services

The big Iowa test: Can Trump and Sanders turn enthusiasm into votes?


A more agitated Sanders tries to fend off attacks of nervous establishment

Airbnb slammed for offering rooms with a view in Jewish settlements

Cut Clinton some slack

Trump and Rubio question President Obama’s visit to a mosque

Democratic candidates exhibit a new ferocity in last debate before N.H. vote

Clinton email scandal: Why it might be time for Democrats to draft Joe Biden

North Korea launches ‘satellite,’ sparks fears about long-range missile program

Another Islamic State jailer who held Western hostages identified as Londoner

Bernie Sanders’s huge New Hampshire win exposes a fractured Democratic Party

Congressional Black Caucus to formally endorse Clinton on Thursday

‘You didn’t hear this from me, but…’: Why South Carolina primary politics are so dirty

Talking to Marco Rubio: A scripted candidate suddenly gets chatty

If Republicans block Obama’s Supreme Court nomination, he wins anyway

Why blocking Obama’s pick to replace Scalia could cost Republicans their Senate majority

Reid to GOP: For the good of the country, stop your nakedly partisan obstruction

Apple vows to resist FBI demand to crack iPhone linked to San Bernardino attacks

McConnell and Grassley: Democrats shouldn’t rob voters of chance to replace Scalia

On caucus eve, Clinton’s allies warn Nevada Latinos to beware of Bernie Sanders

Clinton defeats Sanders in Nevada; black voter support appears decisive

Trump has a stranglehold on the GOP nomination. So why isn’t he getting credit?

Joe Biden in 1992: No nominations to the Supreme Court in an election year

Shouts of ‘liar’ are taking their toll on Ted Cruz’s campaign

GOP leaders, you must do everything in your power to stop Trump

Trump is the GOP’s Frankenstein monster. Now he’s strong enough to destroy the party.

U.S. details 9 Zika pregnancies: 2 abortions, 2 miscarriages, 1 baby with ‘severe microcephaly’

MSNBC to sever ties with Melissa Harris-Perry after host’s critical email

Spray tans, pants-wetting and little hands: The GOP race goes in the gutter


Trump on NYT interview leak: ‘Everything’s negotiable’

The GOP has two weeks to take down Donald Trump

Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server

Blistering attacks upend Trump’s pivot to statesman mode

Trump throws the GOP into an identity crisis

Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified

Some supporters of Rubio say bad strategy, poorly run campaign killing his chances

Poll: Trump leads GOP race nationally but with weaker hold on the party

Poll: Clinton leads Trump, aided by Obama coalition

Inside Rubio’s collapse: A fateful decision that helped unravel his campaign

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest

Trump has lit a fire. Can it be contained?

Police officer shot and killed outside Prince George’s police headquarters: 2 suspects in custody

Caught on a hot mic, Clinton speculates about Chris Christie’s support for Trump

Two Trump delegates with ‘foreign’ names underperform in Illinois

It’s ‘harassment’ for a sixth-grader to criticize vegetarianism to a vegetarian classmate

Do Republicans really think Donald Trump will make a good Supreme Court choice?

Two Americans killed in suspected ISIS bombing in Turkey, U.S. official says

Donald Trump’s personal investment in campaign climbs to nearly $25 million

Blasts leave ‘scores’ dead at Brussels airport and metro station

AIPAC’s apology for Trump speech is unprecedented

North Carolina passes bill blocking LGBT protections

Donald Trump can’t stop saying nasty things about women. It could cost him.

The media are losing their handle on this campaign — not that they ever had much of one

How Clinton’s email scandal took root

Rush Limbaugh’s blessing of Trump is killing conservatism

All three GOP candidates backed away from their pledge to support GOP nominee

Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times


The worst stereotype of the GOP is coming to life in the form of Donald Trump

Why Hillary Clinton is justifiably annoyed by criticism of her Big Oil fundraising

In a revealing interview, Trump predicts a ‘massive recession’ but intends to eliminate the national debt in 8 years

Internal memo reveals Trump campaign’s mounting fury with its critics

Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

California authorities raid home of anti-Planned Parenthood videographer

Clinton questions whether Sanders is qualified to be president

Bernie Sanders plans short hiatus from New York campaign trail to speak at the Vatican

Obama can appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court if the Senate does nothing

Cruz camp accuses Trump and Kasich of teaming up in Michigan, They don’t deny it.

Where living poor means dying young

Ted Cruz’s war with Matt Drudge could become a huge problem for his campaign

FBI paid professional hackers one-time fee to crack San Bernardino iPhone

Republicans like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. The general public doesn’t

The new Gilded Age: Close to half of all super PAC money comes from 50 donors

It’s on: Tensions between Trump and the GOP escalate in public fight

Trump to RNC: Reform nomination system or ‘have a rough July at that convention’

Supreme Court to hear case regarding Obama’s action on immigration

Leading Philippine presidential contender: Gang rape victim ‘so beautiful’ he wishes he had ‘been first’

Hillary Clinton won New York, but her image is underwater

Britain issues warning for LGBT travelers visiting North Carolina and Mississippi

Well-known ISIS operative instructed Americans to kill organizer of Muhammad cartoon contest, prosecutors reveal

About 200,000 convicted felons in Virginia will now have the right to vote in November

Sanders says he has lost primaries to Clinton because ‘poor people don’t vote’

We can celebrate Harriet Tubman without disparaging Andrew Jackson

Obamacare disaster will be Obama’s enduring domestic legacy

Trump: If Clinton ‘were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote’

Are women headed for the draft? One House committee says yes

GOP elites are now resigned to Donald Trump as their nominee

If Trump is nominated, the GOP must keep him out of the White House


Nerdy fight breaks out at WHCD afterparty between Fox News and Huffington Post reporters

For local transgender teen, national debate on restrooms is just a start

As voting begins, Trump sees a decisive Indiana victory, demise of Cruz, Kasich candidacies

Trump promises to obliterate Clinton’s record

This brutal new ad shows the shredding machine that awaits Trump

Trump turns to general election — and away from past positions

Mitt Romney met privately with William Kristol, who is leading the effort to draft an independent candidate

Hillary Clinton is going to be exonerated on the email controversy. It won’t matter.

Make America empathetic again

From playboy to president? Trump’s past crude sex talk collides with his White House bid.

Democratic focus groups reveal warning signs about Donald Trump

Former senator: Release the uncensored truth about 9/11

Donald Trump masqueraded as a spokesman to brag about himself

Sorry, liberals. Elizabeth Warren isn’t going to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

Is Ben Carson the worst or the best surrogate of all time? Yes.

Even supporters agree: Clinton has weaknesses as a candidate. What can she do?

Five people who are never going to be Donald Trump’s vice President

Hillary Clinton’s viral nightmare: A video of her ‘lying for 13 minutes’

This is how fascism comes to America

DNC to offer Sanders a convention concession

Poll: Election 2016 shapes up as a contest of negatives

Proposed national park is a multimillion-dollar gift wrapped up in distrust

The Trump train is fueled by conspiracy

Trump accuses New Mexico’s Republican governor of not doing her job

Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules

4 things Hillary Clinton got wrong in her latest statement about those emails

In San Diego, Trump shames local ‘Mexican’ judge as protesters storm streets

Judge bashed by Trump orders release of company records

Even in victory, Donald Trump can’t stop airing his grievances

Clinton’s challenge: Become a change agent in a year shaped by voter fury


Trump involved in crafting controversial Trump University ads, executive testified

It wasn’t a ‘glitch’: State Department deliberately cut embarrassing questions from press briefing video

Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump supporters outside rally

The media have reached a turning point in covering Donald Trump. He may not survive it.

Pushing racial boundaries, Trump draws rebuke from a fretful GOP

Joe Scarborough just went off on Donald Trump’s ‘racism’

Republicans finally discover that Trump is an actual racist

Primary win shows Hillary Clinton needs the left less than pro-Sanders liberals think

Warren: Trump is a ‘loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud’

How Bernie Sanders’s day in Washington got eclipsed by Democratic unity

Paul Ryan put in the hot seat about Trump endorsement at Romney Summit

Orlando nightclub shooting: 50 killed in ‘domestic terror incident’ at gay club: gunman identified

Orlando shooting suspect’s father hosted a political TV show and even tried to run for the Afghan presidency

FBI director: Orlando shooting probe also looks ‘backward’ into agency files on shooter

‘I’m the shooter. It’s me’: Gunman called local TV station during attack, station says

Orlando shooter posted messages on Facebook pledging allegiance to the leader of ISIS and vowing more attacks

In memo, U.S. diplomats urge more aggressive stance on Syria

A Sanders endorsement of Clinton could come ahead of the Philadelphia convention

The brutal numbers behind a very bad month for Donald Trump

Senate will vote down new gun laws today because of an intensity gap that favors the NRA

Trump entered June with just $1.3 million in the bank, while Clinton sat on $42 million war chest

Marco Rubio will seek Senate re-election, reversing pledge not to run

Supreme Court deadlocks, thwarting Obama’s immigration actions

Stop underestimating Trump. ‘Brexit’ vote shows why he can win.

As markets roil from Brexit, Trump holds a ribbon-cutting at his golf resort

Donald Trump’s bad month just got worse, because Sanders backers just rallied to Clinton

Trump campaign’s claim that State Department gave $55.2 million to Laureate Education after hiring Bill Clinton

Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years

Russian FSB guard attacked U.S. diplomat outside Moscow embassy

Islamic State routs Pentagon-backed Syrian rebels in fresh setback for U.S. strategy


Attorney general pledges to ‘accept’ FBI and Justice findings in Clinton email probe

How everyone looks bad because Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch

FBI interviews Hillary Clinton for more than 3 hours in email probe

Trump draws rebuke for his tweet with an image of Clinton and a Star of David

A home that looks perfect, until bigotry rears its ugly head

On Clinton’s emails, no ‘reasonable person’ can disagree with James Comey

Minn. cop fatally shoots man during traffic stop, aftermath broadcast on Facebook

‘Like a little war’: Snipers shoot 11 police officers during Dallas protest march, killing five

Republican attacks on Comey undermine the rule of law

Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson taken into custody by Baton Rouge police

56 percent of Americans disapprove of FBI decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton

The deadliest weapon against Donald Trump? His own words.

9th Circuit: It’s a federal crime to visit a website after being told not to visit it

Trump promises ‘showbiz’ at convention, but stars on stage will be relatively dim

We don’t need Lincoln-inspired racial ‘unity.’ We need whites to stop being racist.

Sixty mega-donors gave 30 percent of the money raised by Donald Trump and the Republican Party

Anti-Trump delegates consider several attempts to upend convention

Donald Trump’s answer on Mike Pence’s Iraq vote is really something

Melania Trump’s speech appears to have cribbed from Michelle Obama’s in 2008

Lobbyists have raised $7 million for Hillary Clinton, For Trump? Zero

Fla. police shoot black man with his hands up as he tries to help autistic patient

Officials detect THC, marijuana’s active ingredient, in Colorado town’s public water supply

Alleged shooter in Munich spree who killed 9 was an 18-year-old German-Iranian from Munich

Democrats grapple with intraparty divisions two days before convention opens

Leaked DNC emails reveal the inner workings of the party’s finance operation

The neat political trick that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders played on Monday night

Would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley Jr. to be freed after 35 years

The Democrats’ well-deserved WikiLeaks blowback

The father of Muslim soldier killed in action just delivered a brutal repudiation of Donald Trump

On three-day bus tour, Clinton hopes to woo blue-collar voters away from Trump

Khizr Khan responds to the latest from Trump: ‘Typical of a person without a soul’


Republicans denounce Trump as confrontation with Muslim parents escalates

Will GOP officials jump ship on Trump?

Trump refuses to endorse Paul Ryan in GOP primary: ‘I’m just not quite there yet’

Why Donald Trump’s campaign is like a speeding car with its parts falling off

Two new polls put Donald Trump further back than Mitt Romney ever was

HIllary Clinton tried to answer questions about her emails. It didn’t go well.

Poll finds Clinton has widened lead ahead of Trump to 8 points

George W. Bush administration official announces support for Clinton over Trump

Donald Trump needs a miracle to win

The GOP must dump Trump

U.S. will affirm its prohibition on medical marijuana

The Trump we saw: Populist, frustrating, naive, wise, forever on the make

Hope Solo, tolerated and excused in victory, exposes herself in Olympic defeat

Why Donald Trump’s ‘rigged elections’ warning could actually make his supporters less likely to vote

Trump unpopularity fuels wide lead for Clinton in new Virginia poll

Aetna decision exposes weaknesses in Obama’s health-care law

Trump doubles down in naming a combative true believer as campaign chief

Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigns

Trump’s Sickening attacks on Clinton’s health

Trump campaign has biggest spending month yet, but Clinton dominates financially

FBI uncovers 15,000 more documents in Clinton email probe

Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept.

Now Hillary has a big Clinton Foundation problem, too

Trump ‘softening’ on immigration? Many of his supporters don’t seem to mind.

Here are the leading Republicans who rushed to defend Donald Trump on race

The strange tale of Donald Trump’s doctor letter just got stranger

Donald Trump has a massive Catholic problem

Anthony Weiner just blew his second chance at a second chance

Trump said he could put several blue states in play. It’s clear he can’t

Trump to meet in Mexico with the country’s president


Jorge Ramos: Pena Nieto was meek with Trump, Latino voters in the U.S. won’t be.

Trump enlists veteran operative David Bossie as deputy campaign manager

Clinton understands America’s place in the world. Trump does not.

Obama: Kaepernick’s national anthem protest a ‘tough thing’ for service members

Inside Bill Clinton’s nearly $18 million job as ‘honorary chancellor’ of a for-profit college

Trump making a play for Virginia, despite long odds

Donald Trump’s thoroughly strange claim about his Mexico visit

Inside a $10M scheme to steal federal funds intended to feed hungry children

Democrats wonder and worry: Why isn’t Clinton far ahead of Trump?

Kaine: Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ characterization doesn’t merit an apology

Secret Service followed atypical protocol with Clinton’s early departure from Sunday 9/11 event

Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist

House Democrats ask for Justice investigation as New York AG looks into Trump Foundation

Despite gestures, Trump is still the least transparent U.S. presidential candidate in modern history

Trump defiant as polls rise, won’t say Obama was born in United States

Donald Trump’s birther event is the greatest trick he’s ever pulled

Trump says ‘bomb’ went off in New York before details of explosion confirmed

Suspect in New York, N.J. bombings taken into custody

Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

CNN commentator Lewandowski remained on Trump payroll in August

Clinton asks why she isn’t beating Trump by 50 points

In America, gun rights are for whites only

A ferocious assault on Aleppo suggests the U.S. may be wrong on Syria

Gennifer Flowers said she would attend debate for Trump, but Trump camp says no

It’s beyond debate that Donald Trump is unfit to be president

Clinton goes after Trump’s weakness: His famously thin skin

Clinton to score another GOP endorsement: former senator John Warner of Virginia

Enabler or family defender? How Hillary Clinton responded to husband’s accusers

Trump’s ‘disgusting’ tweet about Alicia Machado got one thing right. It isn’t what he thinks.


It turns out Donald Trump was right about his defective microphone. Vindication?

As news of Trump’s taxes broke, he goes off script at a rally in Pennsylvania

Who gave Trump’s taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.

Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

Donald Trump sniped at Megyn Kelly as the vice presidential debate began

Clinton debate prep is focused on what happens once the debate is done

‘I will NOT wear a hijab’: U.S. chess star refuses to attend world championships in Iran

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

NBC waited for green light from lawyers before airing Trump video

Trump’s debate plan to seat Bill Clinton’s accusers in family box was thwarted

The GOP tumbles toward anarchy: ‘It’s every person for himself or herself’

Clinton campaign chairman ties email hack to Russians, suggests Trump had early warning

Hillary Clinton for president

Two speeches in two hours crystallize the state of Campaign 2016

The press always got booed at Trump rallies. But now the aggression is menacing.

Clinton has 4-point edge as voters weigh in on Trump’s treatment of women

‘Rigged’ election talk didn’t start with Trump

Trump’s path to an electoral college victory isn’t narrow. It’s non-existent.

After the Trump tape, calls to rape hotlines spike

Trump-driven divide will consume GOP long after the election

At charity roast, Donald Trump delivered what might as well be a campaign eulogy

Donald Trump is in a funk: Bitter, hoarse and pondering, ‘If I lose…’

Adult film actress accuses Trump of offering $10,000 to come alone to hotel suite

Sanders is prepared to be a liberal thorn in Clinton’s side

How angry does Donald Trump make me? Angry enough to steal 40 Trump signs.

‘You are fascinated with sex’: That Megyn Kelly-Newt Gingrich showdown was one for the ages

Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income

Americans are tuning out Trump’s ugly lies. This new poll proves it.

Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Clinton aide Huma Abedin has told people she doesn’t know how her emails wound up on her husband’s computer

James Comey is a good man, but he made a serious mistake


Poll: Trump 46, Clinton 45, as Democratic enthusiasm dips

Two Iowa police officers killed in ‘ambush-style attacks.’ Search for suspect underway in Des Moines area

Senior FBI officials were told of new emails in early October but wanted more information before renewing Clinton probe

‘He’s got to get control of the ship again’: How tensions at the FBI will persist after the election

Trump is a threat to the West as we know it, even if he loses

Trump in final stretch pursues new opportunities to reach 270 electoral votes

A cyberattack could disrupt Tuesday’s U.S. elections — but wouldn’t change the results

Panel upholds ‘soft-money’ ban but sends GOP campaign finance challenge to Supreme Court

Donald Trump wins the presidency in stunning upset over Clinton

Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says

I said Clinton was in trouble with the voters I represent. Democrats didn’t listen.

If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ guess what: You got conned

One-third of Clinton supporters say Trump election is not legitimate, poll finds

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Steven Bannon

Paul Ryan is set to remain as House speaker, and so are GOP tensions

I told conservatives to work for Trump. One talk with his team changed my mind.

Facebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the White House because of me’

Trump poised to learn the Pottery Barn rule of governing

For foreign diplomats, Trump hotel is place to be

Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs have urged Obama to remove the head of the NSA

Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows

Gov. Nikki Haley tapped to be Trump’s U.N. ambassador

Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win

The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner.  They should choose Clinton

Fidel Castro, Cuban dictator, dies at 90

Reddit’s CEO regrets trolling Trump supporters by secretly editing their posts

Donald Trump’s bogus claim that millions of people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton

Trump names Rep. Tom Price as next HHS secretary

Trump fills key economic Cabinet posts and promises to put his personal fortunes aside


Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump

Shouting match erupts between Clinton and Trump aides

China blasts ‘petty’ Taiwan call with Trump

Fearing abandonment by Trump, CIA-backed rebels in Syria mull alternatives

Trying to imitate Trump’s victory, Italy’s Beppe Grillo could help throw Europe into crisis

Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste

Schumer: If Republicans destroy our health system, we won’t throw them a lifeline

Our campaign lost the election. But Trump’s team must own up to how he won.

The reality show president: Trump to retain producing credit on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’

The CIA concluded that Russia worked to elect Trump. Republicans now face an impossible choice.

FBI and CIA give differing accounts to lawmakers on Russia’s motives in 2016 hacks

Trump draws rebuke after saying U.S. isn’t bound by One China policy

Trump is assembling an anti-government. Did Russia help get him here?

Labor Secretary Tom Perez will join race to run DNC

Griping about the popular vote? Get over it.

Something is deeply broken at the FBI

FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

A new poll shows an astonishing 52% of Republicans incorrectly think Trump won the popular vote

The electoral college is poised to pick Trump, despite push to dump him

Trump’s OMB pick seems poised to ignite a worldwide financial crisis

Bill O’Reilly rose to the defense of white privilege in America’s presidential voting process

Trump names campaign manager Kellyanne Conway as White House counselor to the president

Putin to Democratic Party: You lost, get over it

The Obama administration fires a dangerous parting shot

Donald Trump plans to shut down his charitable foundation, which has been under scrutiny for months

Transition adviser’s tweets add intrigue to Trump aide Jason Miller’s sudden resignation

Thanks to no-drama Obama, American leadership is gone

Obama administration is close to announcing measures to punish Russia for election interference

Americans — especially but not exclusively Trump voters — believe crazy, wrong things

Putin says he won’t deport U.S. diplomats as he looks to cultivate relations with Trump

Russian hackers penetrated U.S. electricity grid through a utility in Vermont, U.S. officials say

News Source Washington Post

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