2016: DAILY MAIL (123)


Marco walks tall! Rubio channels Nicolas Sarkozy and wears some well-heeled boots while campaigning in New Hampshire

Why Germany can’t face the truth about migrant sex attacks: SUE REID finds a nation in denial as a wave of horrific attacks is reported across Europe

Longest armed stand off in American history ends: Grandfather who bit a cop then threatened to kill any officer who came to arrest him has charges dropped after 16 years meaning he is free to leave his home for the first time since 1999

Terrifying echoes of Kristallnacht: Mayor condemns ‘naked violence’ after far-right thugs rampage through streets of Germany smashing windows of kebab shops

Dramatic video shows ten American sailors on their knees as they surrender to Iranian troops while their commander APOLOGIZES for trespassing in the Persian Gulf

ABC producer was ‘murdered and sexually assaulted while on vacation in Belize’

Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group

Gang of migrants arrested after ‘sexually assaulting women and masturbating at historic German swimming baths’

Muslims are ‘not like us’ and we should just accept they will never integrate, says former racial equalities chief Trevor Phillips

Chelsea Clinton’s fundraising flop: Soul Cycle event to raise money for Hillary a bust as $2,700 seats are offered for just $50 to fill bikes

The city destroyed by migration: Inside the Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker’s murder has shocked Europe

EU leaders insist there is ‘NO LINK’ between the migrant crisis and New Year sex attacks in Cologne – and vow to bring about an end to ‘false accusations’


Trump drops the F-bomb: Republican frontrunner tells American companies that relocate overseas ‘to go f— themselves’ at a campaign rally in New Hampshire

St. Louis usurps Detroit to become most violent city in the US: Gateway City is worst for rape, robbery aggravated assault and murder according to FBI data

NO TOUCHING: Huma Abedin caught on camera shoving a woman away who tries to give her a hug and then uttering a few stern words before walking away

Act better! Academy Award-winner Jamie Foxx takes a dig at Will Smith’s Oscar boycott

Decapitated in her cot: Horrific details emerge of how burka-clad nanny left four-year-old child’s body in her bed before parading through Moscow streets with little girl’s head


‘Free speech should flourish’: Jewish head of Oberlin college defends his decision not to sack female professor who claimed Jews were behind 9/11 attacks

NHS to harvest babies’ organs: ‘Ghoulish’ proposal gives mothers pregnant with a damaged foetus an agonising choice – abort the dying child or give birth so body parts can be used for transplants

Trump credits the ‘organized group of thugs’ with ‘ENERGIZING America’ after they shut down his Chicago rally amid simmering racial tensions as GOP frontrunner now cancels CINCINNATI rally

‘He feels I’m a race traitor’: The black blues musician who convinces Klansmen to leave the KKK through friendship still has a hard time getting on with Black Lives Matter campaigners

Terror in the terminal: Chilling footage shows moment passengers cower under desks and run for their lives in immediate aftermath of twin blasts

Piers Morgan: When it comes to terror, isn’t it time we started listening seriously to Trump?

Were Brussels jihadis trying to make a RADIOACTIVE BOMB? Expert says ISIS may have been plotting to steal nuclear material – as 11 power plant workers have their access revoked amid fears of ‘insider help’

Armed police shoot man ‘carrying a bomb in a rucksack after he takes a woman hostage’ at Brussels tram station as they swoop on terror suspects linked to ‘imminent attack in France’

Revealed, how UK aid funds TERRORISTS: After yet more budget cuts, another 12Bn of your taxes are being splurged on foreign hand-outs for militants, killers, Palestinian palaces and jobs that don’t exist

ISIS ‘crucifies Catholic priest on Good Friday’ after kidnapping him from old people’s home where four nuns were shot dead

Ted Cruz dodges question about whether he’s ‘always been faithful’ to his wife as endorser Carly Fiorina leaps in to insist a declaration that he’s not an adulterer is a ‘dance to Donald Trump’s tune’

‘It has to be the best selfie ever’: British hostage hails the photo he posed for EgyptAir hijacker… but reveals he couldn’t bring himself to tell his mother about it

Hillary Clinton’s entourage blocks up traffic in New York as she gets $600 haircut at Luxury Bergdorf Goodman salon before heading to Harlem on the campaign trail


Hilarious moment anti-Trump activist backflips on his own face after calling supporter a ‘fat b****’

Peace out, fools! Obama appears to give the peace sign for nuclear security summit ‘team photo’ … and gets a very unimpressed look from David Cameron and bemused world leaders

Utah teacher who had sex with three of her students blames their parents saying they had strained relationships with the boys and defends her ‘risque’ clothing from jail

Erotic sex and the ‘pursuit of pleasure’ between couples is a ‘gift from God’, Pope says in 260-page Joy Of Love report – but he’s not ready to budge on gay marriage

Why did Hillary Clinton leave Good Morning America in the lurch by pulling out of live town hall just hours before the event on Friday?

Not just a pretty face then? Justin Trudeau stuns room full of reporters and scientists with perfect answer to complex quantum computing question

How can Obama break bread with them? President meets with Saudi ruler in Riyadh as row rages over secret report ‘linking the Arab kingdom with 9/11 attacks’

Obama infuriates the Brits as he threatens to send UK ‘to the back of the queue’ if they vote to leave the European Union

Jay-Z’s not the only one who needs to be nervous about Beyonce, the born-again-black woman with a political mission

Protesters clash with cops at California Trump rally: Hundreds of Mexican flag-waving demonstrators smash up a squad car, punch a Donald supporter and scuffle with riot police amid angry scenes


Time to quit, Ted!: Trump tells Cruz to get ready to ‘leave the race’ and won’t offer the constitutional lawyer a spot on the Supreme Court as a consolation prize because of his ‘tough temperament’

Tom and Jerry are blamed for ISIS: Head of Egypt’s Information Service blames cartoon characters for teaching children that you can blow people up and encouraging extremism

Sex abuse victim in her 20s allowed to choose euthanasia in Holland after doctors decided her post-traumatic stress and other conditions were incurable

America’s most vile auction is back on: George Zimmerman finds new site to sell the gun that killed Trayvon Martin for $5,000… but NO ONE has bid for it yet

No apology, no rebate! Chelsea Clinton’s contemptuous husband Marc Mezvinsky has ‘nothing to say’ to his investors (some Hillary contributors) despite losing 90 percent of their millions

The woman killed by doctors because she was obsessed with cleaning: Just one of the growing numbers of Dutch people given the right to euthanasia because of mental, not terminal, illness

Newlywed husband divorces his wife hours after the ceremony because she was too busy texting her friends to have sex on their wedding night

Mystery of Flight MS804: EgyptAir now says NO wreckage has been found and Pentagon says they have NO indication of an explosion on the plane that ‘plunged 22,000ft into the sea with 66 on board’

Trump slams Hillary Clinton for not ‘protecting women’ in video featuring voices of Bill’s sex-assault and rape accusers

Iraqi migrant who bought a T-shirt saying ‘I’m Muslim, don’t panic’ is hospitalised by three Islamic asylum seekers who thought he was insulting their religion

Parents-of-four whos son fell into zoo enclosure sparking killing of Harambe the gorilla as it emerges father has lengthy criminal history – including kidnap and drug trafficking


High School students build a ‘Trump Wall’ made of boxes and leave their Latino classmates outraged

Stanford rapist ‘took photograph of his victim’s breasts during attack – and shared it with swim team friends who deleted it after his arrest’, police believe

ISIS claims responsibility for Florida gay club massacre: American-Afghan terrorist phoned 911 to pledge allegiance to group DURING attack before he was killed by cops

FBI raid Orlando gunman’s in-laws: Agents move in on California home as it emerges grand jury is considering whether to charge ISIS fanatic’s wife as an accessory

Omar Mateen’s brother-in-law REFUSES to say if he knew about terror plot as it is revealed gunman sold him the deed to his $165k home just two months before club massacre – for only $100

Look who’s coming to dinner: Trump dines with Rupert Murdoch and wife Jerry Hall at posh Scottish golf course – but the meal’s on the house because The Donald owns the place!

‘Gosh, I suppose I better get up!’ SARAH VINE (aka Mrs Gove) reveals what her husband said when he learned Leave had won the referendum… and how PM’s resignation was ‘absolutely’ not intended

Trump on top: Republican pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton by 4 points in shock poll after trailing by 5 a week ago


What planet are you on?  Leo DiCaprio flies his LA friends 6,000 miles around the world so they can listen to his speech on GLOBAL WARMING

‘It’s a YUGE party!’ Kennedy family takes a shot at the Donald with a Trump-themed Pinata over Fourth of July weekend at their Cape Cod compound

Bill O’Reilly shares photos of Barack Obama in traditional Muslim dress he claims are from half-brother Malik’s wedding saying they prove his ‘deep emotional ties to Islam’

‘He wanted to kill white people, especially white officers’: Police kill sniper after twelve cops were shot – and FIVE killed – during furious nationwide protests over U.S. police shootings of two black men that ended in a four hour stand-off

Army reservist Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, who shot dead five cops at Dallas Black Lives Matter protest had bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a combat journal in his home

Laptops recovered from ISIS jihadists are filled ‘up to 80%’ with PORN, reveals former US intelligence director

Was killer depressed about the break-up of his marriage? Police arrest Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel’s ex-WIFE over massacre that left 84 dead as dramatic footage reveals moment he was killed in shoot-out

Did Erdogan STAGE the coup? US-based Turkish cleric facing extradition over botched rebellion claims president orchestrated plot to justify a clampdown on civil rights

Did Munich killer Ali Sonboly lure children to their deaths on Facebook? Police probe fake ad for free food at massacre McDonald’s where Iranian, 18, killed first of his nine victims before turning gun on himself

ENTIRE Russian team of 387 athletes will be banned from competing at the Rio Olympics as punishment for their country’s state-sponsored doping programme

‘You Christians, you kills us’: Nun reveals words of ISIS knifemen who forced elderly priest, 84, to kneel at altar as they slit his throat on camera after invading Mass- before police shot them

ISIS church-attacker worked at a French airport as a baggge handler three months before priest murder and go through police checks ‘easily’ to secure the job


‘She’s the devil!’: Trump goes all-in on bashing Hillary as he says Bernie Sanders ‘made a deal with the devil’ by endorsing her

PICTURED: The moment police bundled crazed Norwegian-Somali knife attacker to the ground after he stabbed US woman to death in Russell Square. Police claim attack was ‘spontaneous and random’

Could Trump have been right? Propaganda film suggests Iran DID videotape cash-drop plane and photograph shipment of cash during January prisoner swap

Woman tells police she was RAPED by a Pokemon Go character after she felt an ‘assault’ … and the virtual reality game detected the creature in her bedroom

Nancy Pelosi is flooded with ‘sick and obscene’ phone calls after ‘Russian’ hacker posted House Democrats’ private numbers

What robbery? Brazilian police say Ryan Lochte’s wallet was detected in X-ray scan AFTER he claims it was seized at gunpoint as officers launch probe into star’s dramatic hold-up story

Jewelry designers are branded ‘trashy’ over note that they sent to Ivanka Trump in which they snidely boast about donating proceeds from her purchase to Hillary Clinton

Huma Abedin was working as ASSISTANT EDITOR at her mother’s radical Muslim journal when it blamed America for 9/11

Get ’em off! Armed police order Muslim woman to remove her burkini on packed Nice beach – as mother, 34, wearing Islamic headscarf is threatened with pepper spray and fined in Cannes

Jews are ‘adept at working the American political system’ aided by ‘the memory of the Holocaust’ – extaordinary claim made by journal where Huma Abedin was assistant editor

Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal – what Huma Abedin’s Muslim journal claimed about her boss’s husband

NIGEL FARAGE: Trump was MY warm-up man… but I gave him a bounce – and he’ll be new Ronald Reagan


Melania Trump: A retraction

Hacking fears over Clinton server: FBI reveal Hillary was sent ‘phishing’ email with porn links and ‘dark web browser’ was used to access another account

Obama gives Putin his best death stare: Tense moment the world’s two most powerful men squared up at the G20 summit in China

Three blood clots, a concussion, deep vein thrombosis: Hillary’s shielded medical history is no longer just for conspiracy theorists as her ‘penchant for privacy’ gets serious scrutiny

Now Mexico wants to build a border wall with Central America to keep out illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala

Trump accused of inciting violence against Hillary AGAIN: Donald under fire urging Clinton guards to drop their guns and ‘see what happens’ as he makes her Deplorables ‘insult’ his new slogan

Were New York and New Jersey explosions the work of a lone wolf? FBI says it’s not looking for any more suspects after alleged ‘terrorist bomber’ is arrested in NJ shootout

Anthony Weiner carried on a months-long online sexual relationship with troubled 15-year-old girl telling her she made him ‘hard’ asking her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits and pressing her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’


Send for Nigel! Trump flies in Farage to help sharpen up his debating skills for his next clash with Hillary Clinton

BBC sacked me for being a white man… even though I work in radio: The Now Show comic was told he was being axed to make way for more women and diversity

Kim Kardashian is reunited with Kanye in NY – flanked by security – after fleeing Paris on private jet following 8.5m jewellery robbery by gang who bound and gagged her and put a gun to her head

16 ISIS fighters are killed when faulty suicide vest worn by one militant goes off during meeting to plan an attack in Iraq

‘Time is up’: Killer Matthew to hit Florida with 145 mph in hours as storm becomes most powerful Hurricane to strike Florida in 12 YEARS amid warning it will cause immense human suffering’

Hate crime probe after leaflets saying those who insult Islam must be killed ‘were handed out at London mosque’

It was Ecuador! After Julian Assange’s internet link to the world was mysteriously shut down amid Clinton fury, Wikileaks reveal the embassy he is holed up in was responsible

‘It’s only an engagement’: Outrage as by 12, is to marry his 11-year old cousin and the couple is given father’s blessing in Egypt

Widower tells jury how he helped pimp out his own wife to pay their bills at the trial of Craiglist John accused of stabbing the pregnant woman to death

Bill Clinton’s long-time lover reveals how he called ruthless Hillary ‘The Warden’, bemoaned his sex life with his wife who had greasy hair and BO but wanted baby to dispel the rampant ‘lesbian rumors’

‘Put it all out on the table’: Hillary ramps up her war with FBI director Comey as she hits out at his ‘strange, unprecedented and deeply troubling’ decision to announce reopening of email probe

Resignation letters piling up from disaffected FBI agents, his wife urging him to admit he was wrong: Why Director Comey jumped at the chance to reopen Hillary investigation


The Donald is rushed off the stage by Secret Service while speaking during Reno rally after a ‘Republicans against Trump’ protester causes chaos in the crowd over fears he had a gun

Grandmother, 72, who was raped by a 17-year-old asylum seeker after helping out of a canal has ‘lost the will to live’

Destructive tsunami waves hit New Zealand’s South Island after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes killing two people – as LOOTERS prey on vulnerable residents forced to leave their homes

‘I’m going to be a daughter’: Ivanka Trump denies she will be part of her father’s administration – as the family says his hotels don’t matter next to the presidency

President-elect attacks Hamilton saying Mike Pence was ‘harassed’ by ‘very rude’ cast who stopped the show to confront VP sitting in the audience – while the crowd Booed him and his family

Percolator protest! Republican voters fight election backlash by telling Starbucks baristas their name is ‘Trump’ so they have to shout the name when their cup of Joe is ready

REVEALED: Number of Hamilton stars haven’t voted in YEARS despite clash with vice president-elect Mike Pence over his political persuasions

We got some Hillary B****es on here?’ Trump supporter gets up and goes on a bizarre rant in the middle of a flight – much to the dismay of his fellow passengers


The vibrating smart umbrella that warns you when it’s about to rain

IBM to hire 25,000 more workers in the US in the next four years and invest $1billion in employees development, tech boss vows ahead of Trump meeting

Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails – they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for ‘disgusted’ Democratic whistleblowers

Arkansas boy, 3, is shot dead in sickening road-rage attack ‘because his grandma wasn’t driving fast enough’

Blunders that let Berlin Christmas terror suspect go free: He was under surveillance for months, arrested and freed three times, and not deported because of a clerical error

Facebook ‘fact checker’ who will arbitrate on ‘fake news’ is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes – and it’s staff includes an escort-porn star and ‘Vice Vixen domme’

‘Slaughter the pigs’: Berlin terrorist’s chilling video is released by ISIS as he vowed to punish ‘crusaders’

Carrie Fisher’s daughter rushes to mom’s intensive care bedside with her beloved dog, as pilot call reveals actress 60 , suffered a major heart attack on flight and ‘stopped breathing for 10 minutes’

George Michael’s extraordinary acts of charity revealed – including how he gave 15,000 to a woman for IVF after he saw her on TV – following his death in bed at his Oxfordshire home aged just 53

Seven migrants arrested after a sleeping homeless man was set on fire on Christmas Eve at a Berlin subway station

UK Government issues unprecedented attack on the US after Secretary of State John Kerry branded Israeli regime the ‘most right-wing in history’

Donald Trump supporter ‘films barrage of abuse he receives for wearing a #buildthewall T-shirt’ INSIDE his California apartment building

News Source: Daily Mail

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