2015: DAILY MAIL (97)


David Cameron on fixing the U-bend, making Boris wait, asking Sam before saving hostages.. and why this is the biggest Election for a generation

Female police officer killed in second Paris shooting was ’27-year-old rookie who dreamed of serving her country’

Berlin bunker where Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide at end of WW2 to be re-built

America snubs historic Paris rally: Holder was there but skipped out early, Kerry was in India, Obama and Biden just stayed home

Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam tells fellow Muslims who do not appreciate the ‘freedoms’ of living in the West to ‘pack your bags and f*** off’ on live TV

Justin Bieber accidentally joins meeting of gay Republicans… and they just think he’s just a ‘butcher version of Miley Cyrus’

Obamacare program costs $50,000 in taxpayer money for every American who gets health insurance, says bombshell budget report

‘Kill our pilot and we’ll execute All your prisoners’: Jordan ‘says it will hang its ISIS captives’ if airmen hostage is dead


Woman says she was pushed to the floor by a GHOST after security cameras filmed her being thrown to the floor when nobody was near her in Chile

Killed for ‘being gay’; ISIS savages blindfolded man and threw him off tower block – then stoned him to death when he SURVIVED the fall

Insider says Obama administration ‘sent a message’ to black Democratic lawmakers that they should skip Netanyahu speech to Congress, as Biden says he’ll be a no-show

The girls raised by the WRONG mothers: Two French women who discovered 10 years after giving birth that their babies were switched in hospital blunder are awarded 2million euros by court

Transgender former Navy SEAL plans to challenge second-ranking House Democrat in Maryland congressional primary and snipes that ‘religion … is going to destroy the earth’

Mother of four shot in road rage horror while teaching daughter to drive dies as grieving husband vows to find mystery killer

At least 500 people turn up at Muslim cemetery for burial of Copenhagen gunman – despite objections from Islamic group that owns it

Skulls of early humans show they developed compassion up to 3 million years ago – before they could even SPEAK


Snow forecasts for ALL 50 states: Records continue to tumble as the country experiences coldest month in decades

‘Enough is enough’: U.S. Air Force officials say budget cuts and non-stop war have threatened U.S. air superiority and left the fleet smaller and weaker than ever before

We were wrong to try to ban racism out of existence, says former equality chief

Jihadi Janes: ISIS militants ‘caught dressing in WOMEN’S clothes and wearing make-up in attempt to flee Iraq’s battlefields’

Jackie Mason bashes Obama on Israel: ‘It’s certainly hard to tell which side he’s on… You don’t hear him attacking Hamas half as much as he is attacking Bibi’

Mass-killer co-pilot who deliberately crashed Germanwings plane had to STOP training because he was suffering depression and ‘burn-out’

Lubitz was sitting in this cockpit, pictured, when he commanded the jet to crash into the Alps at 400 mph


Tea party groups win Round 1 in court as federal judge demands IRS’s list of all 298 conservative nonprofits if targeted

‘America is the real terrorist and my boys are the best’: Boston Marathon bombers’ defiant mother rails against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s guilty verdict in bizarre rant as he faces death penalty

More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton’s Twitter followers are fake or never tweet – and she’s already under fire for ‘buying’ fake Facebook fans

Hillary ditches Scooby van and flies to New Jersey after wrapping up three-day Iowa campaign tour – toting her own luggage!

Lucas strikes back – against his neighbors! Director to build hundreds of affordable homes in millionaire neighborhood after they blocked him from building a studio

Scooby hits the road at 92 MPH! Secret Service zooms Hillary to dinner through driving rain following secret afternoon house party

British man, 41, arrested after he ‘urinated in ice machine at Hard Rock Hotel in Florida’ 

A hug from the executioner… then two gay men are stoned to death: ISIS murderers stage show of kindness for the cameras before brutal killing


Man is raped at gunpoint by THREE women so they could collect his semen in a cooler box and ‘steal’ it in South Africa

Chelsea Clinton could take on role of first lady if Hillary wins, White House expert says

Iraq braced for the Battle of Baghdad: Chilling images show ISIS victory parade after fanatics seize key city of Ramadi – just 60 miles from the capital – in an orgy of violence and beheadings

ISIS execute a man with a BAZOOKA in shocking new video: Terror group blast prisoner after tying him to a post

Georgia teacher arrested because her honor-roll son took just ‘THREE unexcused absences from school when he was sick’

‘Don’t let Bill back in the White House, he abused women and he’ll do it again.’ Paula Jones warns against voting for Hillary – because she also lied about sex case which almost cost him presidency


ISIS bans pigeon breeding – punishable by public flogging – because seeing birds’ genitals overhead offends Islam

‘I consider myself to be black and I don’t give two sh*ts what you think’: Defiant NAACP leader is pictured for first time since her white parents said she is pretending to be black

Hillary Clinton Campaign denies access to political editor as Monday’s pool reporter in New Hampshire

Harvard professor who covered up Ben Affleck’s slave roots could be dropped from PBS after he is slammed by broadcaster for ‘breaching standards’

First picture emerges of man beheaded in French terror attack as arrested suspect refuses to answer police questions


Email bombshells from Hillary’s secret account show she didn’t know when cabinet meetings were held, was dumbfounded by a fax machine and emailed aides to fetch her iced tea

Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will ‘go to sleep’ in 2030 and could cause temperatures to plummet

Hillary is outdone in first major Iowa test as Bernie Sanders calls for a ‘revolution’ and Martin O’Malley has some Clinton partisans on their feet – and she talks mostly about HERSELF

‘I’m only here because of the smoke’: Florida council official caught on camera telling resident the smoke from his barbecue ‘cannot leave the property’

Video shows Hillary Clinton boarding private jet just hours after launching global-warming push — and she’s using a FRENCH aircraft that burns 347 gallons of fuel every hour!

‘Hillary must NEVER become President’, says the woman who exposed Bill’s affair with Monica. Former Clinton West Wing assistant Linda Tripp says Democratic contender is a liar who treats the public with contempt

Kissing babies is so old-fashioned: Donald Trump says he’ll bring $7 million helicopter on campaign trip to Iowa State Fair – and give free rides to children!


Banned Donald Trump says: I was talking about Megyn Kelly’s NOSE! Tycoon declares war on ‘politically correct fools’ who kicked him out of GOP conference for his ‘sexist’ attack on Fox host

Lord of the Rings actor warns world has ‘lost its moral compass completely’ and fears the end of ‘Western civilization’ due to Isis threat in Middle East

Little boy, you WILL ride in The Donald’s helicopter: Trump dodges Iowa State Fair ban by setting up his $7million Sikorsky in nearby parking lot – where kids will ride for free

Hillary’s email firm was run from a loft apartment with its servers in the BATHROOM, raising new questions over security of sensitive messages she held

Black Lives Matter organizer and Oprah scholarship recipient who was ‘revealed to be white’ refuses to answer questions about his race – claiming he is the victim of a ‘white supremacist conspiracy’

Crew on Paris-bound train ‘barricaded themselves in their staffroom and locked the door as Kalashnikov-wielding terrorist went on the rampage – leaving PASSENGERS to take him down’

Police foil plot to carry out ‘mass shooting’ at Pokemon World Championships after gunmen boast of plans on social media

‘He was the human tape recorder’: How TV murderer was criticized by bosses for appalling journalistic standards and reprimanded for wearing an Obama badge to report on elections


What Caitlyn effect? Fears for safety of transgender high school senior as two hundred classmates (and their parents) protest at ‘offensive’ decision to let her use the girls’ bathrooms in Missouri

PETER HITCHENS: We won’t save refugees by destroying our own country

‘Our baby was swapped at birth’: DNA test reveals British father’s son was switched for darker-skinned baby hours after his wife gave birth in El Salvador hospital – then sold by people traffickers

The hajj WILL go ahead: Religious leaders confirm Islam’s mass pilgrimage to Mecca goes ahead this month despite the crane disaster killing 107 there yesterday

Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke ‘can’t stand’ sex scenes

White House briefly on lock down after scare over ‘unattended package’ – that turned out to be a coffee mug

Revenge! Drugs, debauchery and the book that lays Dave bare: How PM’s snub to billionaire who funded the Tories for years sparked the most explosive political book of the decade

‘Kate, the Queen and my dog’: Prince William reveals wife, close family and his spaniel Lupo would support him against bullies at event honouring Princess Diana

Controversial South Park episode shows Donald Trump being raped and murdered: Show attacks tycoon’s run for President, his immigration policies and then kills him off in shocking final scene

High school teen hailed as a hero after defending a blind classmate who was being beaten by a bully

Holy water: Congressman steals Pope Francis’ glass after White House address to sip remaining liquid with his wife – and then saves some to sprinkle on his grandchildren

Shocking moment a Mexican sports reporter is hit by a car during live broadcast from airport


Chris Mintsz was shot as he charged the Umpqua Community College shooter in Oregon

Pregnant Yazidi sex slaves were forced to undergo barbaric abortions which left them unable to walk or talk, reveals freed ISIS captive who was told: ‘Once ten of us rape you, you become Muslim’

Trump blames George W. Bush for 9/11: ‘Say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time’

Smoking gun emails reveal Blair’s ‘deal in blood’ with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started

Enough of this PC nonsense! James Bond can’t be gay or female any more that I can play Wonder Woman or Lassie


Is this proof that ISIS shot down Russian plane killing all 224 on board? Terror group releases chilling video as experts say jet did NOT lodge SOS call or have ‘any faults’ that would have caused crash

Islamist extremists are extorting ‘infidel tax’ from fellow prisoners in some of Britain’s toughest jails

‘We fell to the floor and crawled over bodies’: British survivors of Bataclan massacre tell how they escaped ISIS gunmen as a Briton and an American are revealed to be among first victims of Paris attacks that killed 129

Two of the Jihadis sneaked into Europe via Greece by posing as refugees and being rescued from a sinking migrant boat – and survivors say one of the attackers was a WOMAN

Obama is LATE for moment of silence as rest of the G20 leaders hold somber observance to mourn Paris attacks

Russia and France wreak revenge on ISIS: Putin orders his warships in Med to work with French Navy as jihadists in Syria are pummelled from the air

First footage of Paris attacks shows diners diving for cover as jihadist sprays cafe with bullets… and women he tried to kill at point-blank range but who escaped because his gun jammed

American mother gunned down in Mali massacre: Aid worker is named as first victim after terrorists slaughtered 27 at luxury hotel, leaving bodies piled up in gore-spattered corridors

University of Vermont held a ‘white privilege’ retreat for students who ‘self-identify as white’

Thugs hurling stones, cars set on fire and refugee children aged five escorted to school by POLICE: Inside the once tranquil Swedish village at war with migrants housed in emergency centre

Struggling pupil at Trojan Horse school ‘wasn’t allowed to have extra maths classes because she didn’t wear a hijab’


‘It doesn’t seem plausible to us’: Family of US Muslim who killed 14 says they don’t believe official account of the massacre and even suggest the Sandy Hook slaying didn’t take place

Trump’s not wrong – we can’t wear uniform in our OWN cars’: Five police officers claim Donald Trump is RIGHT about parts of London being so ‘radicalised’ they are no-go areas

Poll Shows Voters Split on Trump’s Muslim Ban

Trump’s Muslim travel ban may be dumb but laid-back, do-nothing Obama is even dumber

Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police reveal

Saudi millionaire cleared of raping teenager after telling court he may have accidentally penetrated 18-year-old when he tripped and fell on her

Bullring ‘bomb plot’: New image found on Paris jihadi’s phone points to plan by terror cell to target Birmingham shopping centre

The super-rich ruler who stones gays, now bans Christmas: Sultan of Brunei threatens Muslims who celebrate it with up to five years in prison while Christians must keep theirs secret

Facebook page linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda was registered to same address as British Muslim father whose Disneyland trip was blocked by Homeland Security

Man named Jihad arrested for threatening ‘jihad’ on California police and making bomb threat

Who are these thugs? Brutal moment a Jewish man, 60, is beaten to the ground in savage mugging

Teenage Islamist ‘poster girl’ who fled Austria to join ISIS was used as a sex slave for new fighters before she was beaten to death as she tried to escape, former prisoner reveals

News Source: Daily Mail

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