2015: BUZZFEED NEWS (103)


The Origins of the Alleged “Dead Cops” Chant

Jeb Bush in ’94: “Sodomy” Shouldn’t Be Given Same Protections As Race, Religion

Ben Carson’s History Book Plagiarizes SocialismSucks.net and Many Other Sources

Supreme Court Will Hear Four Cases Challenging Same-Sex Marriage Bans

Here’s the “Willie Horton” Ad Romney Almost Ran Against Mike Huckabee

Democratic Congressman: A Lot of Strong GOP Support For Israel “Has To Do With Fundraising”

Jindal Warns of Sharia “Colonization,” “Invasion” Of America That Would Lead To Lone Wolf Attacks


Nancy Reagan Turned Down Rock Hudson’s Plea For Help Nine Weeks Before He Died

Same-Sex Couples Begin Marrying In Alabama After U.S. Supreme Court Action

New Jeb Bush Chief Technology Officer Deleting Old Tweets about “Sluts”

Obama Defends His Legacy: “These Are The Kinds Of Things You Learn”

What Colors Are This Dress?


ISIS Threatens Twitter Founder And Employees Over Blocked Accounts

The Clinton Campaign Gets Off To A Grim Start

Missouri LT. Governor: “More Racism In The Justice Department” Than Entire St. Louis Area

Marriage Equality Advocates Stall On Decision About Who Will Argue At Supreme Court

Tucker Carlson’s Brother: De Blasio Spokesperson A “Self-Righteous Bitch”

Rand Paul Said He Doesn’t Believe In The Concept Of Gay Rights


Black Pastor Who Spoke At Rand Paul’s Rally: Obama Will “Evolve” From Christianity

Ben Carson: South Carolina Shooting By Cop An “Execution… In The Street”

Dove Has Women Walk Through Doors Labeled “Beautiful” Or “Average” In Latest Campaign

Hillary Clinton Hasn’t Said How She Thinks The Supreme Court Marriage Cases Should Turn Out

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show

Steve King: Obama “Importing…Illegal Aliens” To Create “Massive Electorate” For Democrats Like Civil Rights Act

Pennsylvania High School Students Organize “Anti-Gay Day”


Rick Santorum: “Love and Accept” Bruce Jenner

Bill Clinton Says He’s “Taken Almost No Capital Gains in 15 Years” — Here’s What the Returns Show

Joss Whedon Calls “Horsesh*t” On Reports He Left Twitter Because Of Militant Feminists

U.S. Releases Contents Of Bin Laden’s English-Language “Bookshelf”

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert Indicted On Federal Charges

Hastert Reportedly Sexually Abused Man While He Was A High School Wrestling Coach


Huckabee On Transgendered People: I Wish I Could’ve Said I Was Transgender In HS To Shower With The Girls

Tom Coburn on 2016: Cruz And Walker Not Ready For Primetime, America Won’t Elect Another Bush

Texas Police Officer Suspended After Pulling Weapon On Teens During Pool Party

Justice Department Subpoenas Reason.com To Unmask Commenters

Co-Author Of Mike Huckabee Books Was Accused Of Child Molestation In Two Legal Cases

A Civil Rights Leader Has Disguised Herself As Black For Years, Her Parents Say

Rachel Dolezal’s Brother Says She Warned: “Don’t Blow My Cover”

Jeb Bush Embarks On Least Joyful Campaign Ever

Trump’s Fake 2000 Campaign: Gun Bans, Single-Payer Health Care, and Taxes

Rand Paul’s First Two Books Are Full Of Fake Founding Fathers Quotes

Clinton Camp Blasts Republicans For Religion Attack

Rand Paul: Confederate Flag ‘Inescapably A Symbol Of Human Bondage And Slavery’

President Obama To Address Supreme Court Ruling For Nationwide Marriage Equality

FBI Investigation of Black Church Fires


Rand Paul Philosophizes on Tax Rates: “If We Tax You At 50%, You Are Half Slave, Half Free”

Donald Trump in 1999: “I Believe in Universal Health Care…It’s an Entitlement” From Birth

Bill Cosby’s Famous “Pound Cake” Speech, Annotated

President Obama Says He Will Veto Legislation To Block Iran Deal, Which Is “Built On Verification”

Lena Dunham Is Launching A Newsletter For Young Women

Trump Earlier This Year: A Strong America Would Execute Bergdahl

Democrats Plan To Introduce Sweeping LGBT Rights Bill In Congress This Week

Love Is Love For Julianne Moore And Ellen Page In The First “Freeheld” Trailer

People Are Speculating That Sandra Bland Was Already Dead When Authorities Took Her Mugshot


The Twilight Zone: How the GOP Candidates Left Out Of The Big Debate Are Prepping For Theirs

Walker: I’m Not The Target Of A Criminal Investigation

Trump: Fox News Questions “Not Nice,” “Inappropriate”

Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Adds Young Black Woman as New Public Face

Breitbart Staffers Believe Trump Has Given Money To Site For Favorable Coverage

Ben Carson did research on 17 week fetal tissue

Al Gore Insiders “Figuring Out If There’s A Path” For Him To Run

Trump: “A Lot” Of “Gang Members” In Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago Are “Illegal Immigrants”

MLB Adopts New Policy For Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, And Child Abuse

Here’s What We Know About The Virginia Shooting Suspect

DNC To Vote On Resolution Supporting Black Lives Matter

Democrats Make A $15 National Minimum Wage An Establishment Principle


Supreme Court Denies Kentucky Clerk’s Request To Halt Same-Sex Marriage Order

Donald Trump Mixes Up The Quds Force And The Kurds In A Radio Interview

Justice Department Lawyers: Clinton Had Authority To Delete Personal Emails

Scott Walker Drops Out Of The Republican Primary Race

Mike Huckabee Says He Doesn’t Want “Stupid” People To Vote

Clinton Campaign Accounts For Previously Undisclosed Petraeus Emails


Lindsey Graham: Russia and Iran “Slapping” Obama “In The Face”

Hillary Clinton Interrupted By Immigration Protester Over Private Prison Donations

As Precondition for Interview, Campaign Told Me I Couldn’t Ask Trump About Policy, Radio Host Says

Over A Year Before 9/11, Trump Wrote Of Terror Threat With Remarkable Clarity

Hardline Republicans To Paul Ryan: Family Time Isn’t In The Job Description For Speaker

This Man Failed A Paternity Test Due To His Vanished Twin’s DNA

WE Withdraw From SXSW Over Cancelled Gaming Panels

There’s No Evidence In Clinton White House Documents for Clintons’ Story On Anti-Gay Law


What Changed While Jeb Was Gone

Why Is The LGBT Movement Struggling To Uphold A Simple Law In Houston?

Ben Carson: Egyptian Pyramids Built For Grain Storage, Not By Aliens Or As Tombs

How A Conservative Radio Host Inspired Ben Carson To Apply To Yale

Yale Classmate: We Did The Prank Test That Ben Carson’s Talking About

White Supremacists Are Thrilled Donald Trump Mentioned “Operation Wetback”

Carson in 1999 Book: I’m Not A Conservative Republican

Governor Of Alabama Says His State Will Refuse Syrian Refugees

State Department: Only 2% of Syrian Refugees in U.S. Are Military-Aged Men With No Family

Congresswoman: Paris Attack A “Chilling Reminder” That We Need Tighter Gun Laws

GOP Front-Runner Donald Trump Was Once A Pro-Obama Blogger

Whisper Campaigns And  “Zipper Problems”: How Jeb Bush’s Allies Tried — And Failed — To Stop Marco Rubio


Loretta Lynch: “Actions Predicated On Violent Talk” Toward Muslims Will Be Prosecuted

Trump Adviser Doesn’t Get How Judaism Works

The 13 Women Who Accused A Cop Of Sexual Assault, In Their Own Words

Rand Paul: Establishment Will “Destroy” GOP If They Block Outsider Nomination

Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation

Putin Endorses Donald Trump For President

Bernie Sanders Campaign Accessed Confidential Clinton Data

Rick Perry Praises Cruz, Rips Trump And Rubio In Iowa Radio Interview

Trump Doubles Down On Putin Love, Says There’s “A Lot Of Truth” To U.S. Killing People

Obama Says Donald Trump is “Exploiting” Blue-Collar Workers’ Anger And Fear

Sanders: Trump “Must Have A Very Unusual Relationship With Women”

News Source: BuzzFeed News

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