Jeb Bush severs ties to most firms with eye on 2016

Republicans in state governments plan juggernaut of conservative legislation

Protestors slam Oprah over comments that they lack ‘leadership’

The Boehner for speaker whip count

This post shamelessly uses Frederick County (Md.) Council Member Kirby Delauter’s name without authorization

Gunmen storm Paris satirical newspaper, killing at least 12

French police close in on Paris attack suspects

Romney to GOP donors: ‘I want to be president.’

A signal of distaste for dynasties bodes ill for Bush, Clinton

Democrats, in a stark shift in messaging, to make big tax-break pitch for middle class

Romney moves to reassemble campaign team for ‘almost certain’ 2016 bid

Rand Paul announces campaign manager for likely 2016 campaign

That time John Kerry got James Taylor to sing ‘You’ve got a friend’ to France

Holder limits seized-asset sharing process that split billions with local, state police

Romney, moving toward 2016 run, outlines vision to eradicate poverty

U.S.-built Ebola treatment centers in Liberia are nearly empty as outbreak fades

Obama uses his tax proposal to taunt the GOP

Shiite Insurgents control Yemen’s presidential palace and residence

Abortion bill dropped amid concerns of female GOP lawmakers

China harassing and imprisoning Chinese working for foreign news outlets

Jeb Bush previews 2016 run, promising ‘adult conversations’ on big issues

Palin says she’s ‘seriously interested’ in 2016 campaign

End Obamacare, and people could die.  That’s okay.

Koch-backed network aims to spend nearly $1 billion on 2016 elections

Obama drops proposal to cut tax benefits of 529 college savings plans

Sarah Palin and her one time fans on the right: It’s so over


Jeb Bush has become the GOP front-runner for 2016 — so now what?

GOP holds security hostage to immigration

Vaccination debate flares in GOP presidential race, alarming medical experts

Senator says restaurant employees shouldn’t be required to wash their hands

Here’s how the GOP would repeal and replace Obamacare

Critics pounce after Obama talks Crusades, slavery at prayer breakfast

Why Obama invoked the Crusades — and what it says about how he views terrorism

NBC’s Brian Williams told varying versions of rocket fire in Israel-Hezbollah war

Democrats suffering from Clinton fatigue say they’re ready for Warren

Jeb Bush’s chief technology officer resigns after racially insensitive comments

Within NBC, an intense debate over whether to fire Brian Williams

FBI director acknowledges ‘hard truths’ about racial bias in policing

This woman will soon become the first openly bisexual governor in American history.

Pro-Iran militias’ success in Iraq could undermine U.S.

Jeb Bush: ‘I love my father and my brother… but I am my own man’

Clinton foundation’s global network overlaps with family’s political base

Chris Christie losing home-state donors as Jeb Bush makes inroads

120-year-old record low broken in D.C., one of many today and in the past week

Walker says he is unaware whether Obama is a Christian

Documents show the expensive tastes of Jeb Bush’s low-key wife

On Homeland Security funding, Republicans govern without logic

U.S. military vehicles paraded 300 yards from the Russian border

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept.

Investigators probing for criminal activity with Lois Lerner’s missing emails

Putin critic, Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov killed in Moscow


Retired Israeli veterans warn against speech

Hacked emails indicate that Hillary Clinton used a domain registered the day of her Senate hearings

Awash in cash, Bush asks donors not to give more than $1 million – for now

Conservative Justices: If we gut Obamacare, Republicans will fix it! (No, they won’t)

Scott Walker gets a crash course in foreign policy

Russia’s anti-American fever goes beyond the Soviet era’s

The public deserves answers, not stonewalling from Hillary Clinton

Ted Cruz’s claim that the IRS tax code has more words than the Bible

Some top Democrats are alarmed about Clinton’s readiness for a campaign

Early Onset Clinton Fatigue

War with Iran is probably our best option

Mitt Romney warms to Marco Rubio as young senator cultivates relationship

Ted Cruz tries to drum up conservative support in New Hampshire

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

Sen. Ted Cruz seeks to upend D.C. laws on contraception coverage, gay rights

Patraeus: The Islamic State isn’t our biggest problem in Iraq

Role of Hillary Clinton’s brother in Haiti gold mine raises questions

O’Malley steps up Wall Street critique in swing through Iowa

Report: Israel spied on Iran-U.S. talks and shared information with lawmakers

Iran isn’t providing needed access or information, nuclear watchdog says

U.S. forces begin airstrikes in Tikrit, where Iran-backed militias are in lead

Bush and Walker start to sharpen their messages

GOP congressman: Ted Cruz backers are making boorish phone calls to my office

Pro-discrimination ‘religious freedom’ laws are dangerous

Poll: Clear majority supports nuclear deal with Iran


Arkansas lawmakers approve religious liberty bill despite firestorm over Indiana law

Poll: Bush now tops GOP field; Clinton runs ahead of all Republicans

Obama’s Iran deal falls far short of his own goals

Alabama inmate free after 30 years on death row, How the case against him unraveled

Columbia Journalism School report blasts Rolling Stone

I’m gay. And I want my kids to be gay, too.

YouTube’s copyright system has taken Rand Paul’s presidential announcement offline

These Texas rebels say the American flag is more racist than the Confederate flag

The Iran deal: Anatomy of a disaster

For Republicans, ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign begins in earnest

Wealthy donors on left launch new plan to wrest back control in the states

Hillary Clinton says she would support a constitutional amendment on campaign finance reform

‘Sustainability’ gone mad on college campuses

She rides by van: The Hillary Clinton launch

FBI overstated forensic hair matches in nearly all trials before 2000

Top Christie ally defects to Bush

Obama’s global warming distraction

For Clintons, speech income shows how their wealth is intertwined with charity

After a ridiculous delay, Loretta Lynch finally gets confirmed

How do the Clinton scandals end?

Is anyone afraid of Jeb Bush?

Never before have so many people with so much money run for president

The Supreme Court must finish the job on same-sex equality

What you really need to know about Baltimore, from a reporter who’s lived there for over 30 years

Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was ‘trying to injure himself,’ document says


Findings indicate Gray got head injuries in van

Nearly half of Obamacare exchanges are struggling over their future

Conservative Party’s fortune is cautionary tale for GOP

The Clintons, a luxury jet and their $100 million donor from Canada

Ben Carson’s over-the-top ego

Surveillance planes spotted in the sky for days after West Baltimore rioting

This isn’t 1968, Baltimore isn’t Watts. And Hillary Clinton isn’t Michael Dukakis.

‘Shawshank’ prison escape ends 56 years later with cinematic stakeout

Election may set Britain on a path to becoming Little England

Hillary Clinton hasn’t answered a question from the media in 20 days

10 Members of Congress took trip secretly funded by foreign government

Veterans Affairs improperly spent $6 billion annually, senior official says

Scientists have discovered the first fully warm-blooded fish

I flew a gyrocopter onto the Capitol Lawn to save our democracy

Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals

Dean, Potter, extreme climber, dies in Yosemite base jumping accident

The Republican field is a clown car

After rioters burned Baltimore, killings pile up largely under the radar

Suspect in 4 D.C. killings identified after DNA is found on pizza sent to burned home

Clinton Foundation reveals up to $26 million in additional payments

What Hillary Clinton’s e-mails tell us about her management style

Cleveland officer acquitted in killing of unarmed pair amid barrage of gunfire

Maryland’s ‘free range’ parents cleared of neglect in one case

The decline of Rand Paul

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate

Former House speaker Dennis Hastert indicted by federal grand jury

Hastert indictment is related to old allegations of sexual misconduct, law enforcement official says

Beau Biden, vice president’s son, dies of brain cancer


Sun sets on some NSA surveillance powers as Rand Paul foils extension

Frontrunner angst: Bush lead evaporates, Clinton favorability hits 7-year low

The inside story of how the Clintons built a $2 billion global empire

As FIFA allegations swirled, Clintons gave Qatar a stage — and legitimacy

Hillary Clinton calls for sweeping expansion of voter access

Ben Carson’s campaign faces turmoil amid staff exits and super PAC rivalry

As he nears a 2016 bid, Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal hits political bottom

New video shows Texas police officer pulling gun on teenagers at pool party

Didn’t the McKinney, Texas, police officer know he was being recorded?

Voldemort is polling better than many Republican presidential candidates

Jeb Bush’s recipe for a better society: Shame

‘Are you an African American?’ Why an NAACP official isn’t saying.

House Democrats rebuff Obama on trade, delivering major defeat

How Hillary Clinton launched her campaign’s latest phase

How a devastating loss in Florida taught Jeb Bush what it takes to win

Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal: Clash of identity and authenticity

Donald Trump’s festival of narcissism

9 dead in ‘hate crime’ shooting at historic African American church in Charleston

In L.A., Obama addresses Washington’s dysfunction: ‘I did not say I would fix it’

An NRA board member blamed the pastor killed in Charleston for the deaths of his members

Americans reclaim the liberal label

Billy Graham’s grandson steps down from Florida megachurch after admitting an affair

The Confederate battle flag is not worthy of respect

Anesthesiologist trashes sedated patient — and it ends up costing her

The story of Bobby Jindal and an apparent exorcism you probably haven’t heard

Supreme Court rules gay couples nationwide have a right to marry

The Confederate flag is just a distraction

In a fast-changing culture, can the GOP get in step with modern America?

Jeb Bush dogged by decades of questions about business deals

Why Ted Cruz watched pornography with Supreme Court justices


Officers often lack the training to approach the mentally unstable, experts say

As Donald Trump surges in polls, Democrats cheer

The worst agreement in U.S. diplomatic history

What the Declaration of Independence Really Claimed

Scott Walker’s wife, toughened by life, is ready for fires of a campaign

At Trump hotel site, immigrant workers wary

Federal judge orders cancellation of Redskins’ trademark registrations

GOP leaders fear damage to party’s image as Donald Trump doubles down

Hillary Clinton’s push on gun control marks a shift in presidential politics

Blame John Boehner for the House GOP’s Confederate flag fiasco

Donald Trump: ‘We have to take back the heart of our country’

Listening to Donald Trump swear and talk politics on his private plane

Why Hillary Clinton made gender such a big deal in her major economic speech

Undercover video shows Planned Parenthood official discussing fetal organs used for research

How the plunging price of oil has set off a new global contest

Chattanooga gunman came from a middle-class Muslim family

Trump slams McCain for being ‘captured’ in Vietnam; other Republicans quickly condemn him

Scott Walker tells undocumented worker that immigrants must follow law

The Republican poll nightmare that is Donald Trump, in four charts

‘I will light you up!’: Texas officer threatened Sandra Bland with Taser during traffic stop

Why Hillary Clinton and her rivals are struggling to grasp Black Lives Matter

The price of fetal parts

TV host remember alleged Lafayette gunman as anti-tax, anti-feminist ‘gadfly’

No rest for the candidates in this summer of discontent

A kiss is not a kiss. In some cultures it’s just gross, researchers find.

Hillary Clinton’s ridiculous hedge on Keystone XL

Planned Parenthood president: These extremist videos are nothing short of an attack on women

Why aren’t libertarians rejecting Rand Paul’s fight against Planned Parenthood?


Top Clinton aide accused of receiving overpayments at State Department

Charles Koch invokes fight for civil rights as model for political activism

Charles Koch’s focus on ‘injustices’ is fueled by an unlikely partnership

FBI looking into the security of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail setup

Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid

Carly Fiorina won the ‘Happy Hour’ debate. By a lot.

Donald Trump disinvited to speak at RedState event; Megyn Kelly invited

Trump’s history of flippant misogyny

Bernie Sanders draws 28,000 people in Portland, his campaign says — largest 2016 contender crowd by far

Clinton: Trump is offensive to women but so is Rubio and the rest of the GOP field

Hillary Clinton agrees to provide private e-mail server to FBI

Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server turned over to FBI

An Iowa surprise: Donald Trump is actually trying to win

Republican presidential candidate’s reckless anti-tax crusade

It’s too late for Democrats to start rethinking Clinton’s 2016 viability

Jeb Bush on Donald Trump’s immmigration ideas: ‘A plan needs to be grounded in reality’

Birthright citizenship was one of the Republican Party’s greatest accomplishments

5 mistakes Hillary Clinton made in her latest e-mail press conference

Inside the GOP field’s new strategies to ride out the Trump tornado

Mr. Trump’s immigrant-bashing rhetoric breeds violence

Train suspect had been flagged as potential risk

Why salad is so overrated

Oscar winners Julianne Moore, Bruce Cohen work to strip school’s Confederate name

How companies make millions off lead-poisoned, poor blacks

The havoc that Trump wreaks

How Huma Abedin operated at the center of the Clinton universe

Democratic challengers launch attacks against Clinton, party leadership

Dems say party chair blocked Iran resolution at DNC meeting

What happened to Scott Walker?


Republicans are digging themselves a hole over immigration

Clinton, using private server, wrote and sent e-mails now deemed classified

Staffer who worked on Clinton’s private e-mail server faces subpoena

Trump’s party loyalty pledge ends one GOP problem, brings others

Clintons personally paid State Department staffer to maintain server

What have Bush, Clinton learned from voters’ attraction to the outsiders?

A hands-off Democratic race: Clinton, Sanders won’t speak ill of each other

Get ready for a second GOP debate with even more fireworks

Hungarian bishop says pope is wrong about refugees

Ben Carson: I don’t want to get into a ‘gladiator fight’ with Donald Trump

A new 9.11 memorial to Flight 93: ‘Our loved ones left a legacy for all of us’

University of California considering recognizing a “right” to be “free from … expressions of intolerance”

Tech company: No indication that Clinton’s e-mail server was ‘wiped’

Poll: Trump, Carson top GOP race; Clinton leads Dems but support drops

Republicans think Donald Trump is trustworthy, empathetic, and well suited to presidency

Boehner and his allies prepare fall battle with conservative GOP critics

The rest of the field figured out how to make Trump not quite as dominant

Trump doesn’t correct rally attendee who says Obama is muslim and ‘not even an American’

Are Democrats and Republicans talking about the same country?

Cyclist, a White House staffer, dies on charity ride after collision with a car

Cancer-stricken children, parents ejected from park near White House

How Donald Trump destroyed Scott Walker’s presidential chances

State Department’s account of e-mail request differs from Clinton’s

Donald Trump wants the FCC to fine a critical Fox News pundit

Jeb Bush: Win black voters with aspiration, not ‘free stuff’

Carly Fiorina’s bogus ‘secretary to CEO’ career trajectory (Fact Checker biography)

Donald Trump says the media underestimates his crowds — and him

Elizabeth Warren just gave the speech that Black Lives Matter activists have been waiting for

Conservatives float Trey Gowdy as next House majority leader

Boehner’s likely successor credits Benghazi committee for lowering Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers


Secret Service official wanted to embarrass congressman

Oregon shooter said to have singled out Christians for killing in ‘horrific act of cowardice’

Rush, Rubio and Kasich eye one another in the shadow of Trump

Deal reached on Pacific Rim trade pact in boost for Obama economic agenda

FBI probe of Clinton e-mail expands to second data company

House conservatives spurn McCarthy, flex muscle ahead of speaker vote

The GOP sinks deeper into chaos. Can it still function as a party?

Wooing Chairman Ryan: Paul Ryan remains on sidelines as House GOP looks to regroup

Back in the pack, this is not the campaign Chris Christie envisioned

The wild card at the Democratic debate could be the guy no one’s talking about

Ted Cruz: The military shouldn’t be a ‘cauldron for social experiments’

Hillary Clinton towers over her debate rivals

Obama expected to announce new plan to keep 5,500 troops in Afghanistan

In campaign money race, Democrats vastly outpacing Republicans

What is a democratic socialist? Bernie Sanders tries to redefine the name

Sanders planning ‘major speech’ on democratic socialism, he tells Iowa supporters

Gowdy’s pleas to keep Benghazi probe above politics have gone unheeded

‘Clock Kid’ Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar

‘Supermajority’ of House Freedom Caucus to back Paul Ryan’s speaker bid

The GOP’s unfortunate Benghazi hearing

Donald Trump seeks a sharp contrast with Ben Carson’s Seventh-day Adventist faith

The GOP’s dysfunction all started with Sarah Palin

3 sentences that explain just how clueless establishment Republicans are about 2016

Rand Paul will filibuster debt ceiling bill

The third Republican debate transcript, annotated

Can Jeb Bush come back?

Obama seeks to intensify operations in Syria with Special Ops troops


After vowing to end two wars, Obama may leave three behind

Republicans shoot themselves in the foot with Latino’s again

Trump’s campaign says he’ll negotiate directly with TV networks on debates

Trump team says his retweet of a Nazi image was an accident

George H.W. Bush slams ‘iron-ass’ Cheney. ‘arrogant’ Rumsfeld in new biography. Also faults Bush 43

Bill O’Reilly slanders Ronald Reagan

Clinton refrains from attacks while bearing the brunt of her opponents’

Trump’s sorry night on ‘SNL’: An overhyped bummer for us all

A decade into a project to digitize U.S. immigration forms, just 1 is online

Ben Carson Under Pressure Ahead of Critical Fourth Debate

University of Missouri, please immediately fire employees who taunted media

Hillary Clinton’s claim that she tried to join the Marines

Donald Trump’s 95-minute rant: ‘How stupid are the people of the country?”

Ben Carson: U.S. should block Middle Eastern refugees after Paris attacks

Hillary Clinton invoked 9/11 to answer a question about Wall Street, and Twitter was not happy

Cruz: ‘No meaningful risk’ of Christians committing terrorism

Obama Chides Republicans Who Want to Screen Muslim Refugees

Senior Obama officials  warned of challenges in screening refugees from Syria

41 years. $3 billion, Inside the Clinton donor network.

Dear CNN: Are you biased?

A threat to freedom of speech at the Supreme Court

Trump leads, Carson second as GOP voters favor change over experience

Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

Electric cars and the coal that runs them

Trump blasted by New York Times after mocking reporter with disability

He said, ‘All right, let’s do this.’ Then he jumped the White House fence.

Three dead, 9 injured following shootout at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs

For Democrats, it’s not just ‘demographics as destiny’

Abortion rights groups; Political rhetoric contributed to shooting


Donald Trump ponders charging CNN for his debate participation

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war

Two dead suspects named after mass shooting that killed 14 at Calif. office party

Couple seemed quiet and withdrawn — until explosion of violence

The nonexistent case for progressive taxation

From Trump, Ryan, Cruz and Rubio, clues to the Republican Party’s identity

Obama’s Oval Office address reflects struggle to be heard

“I. Will. Never. Leave. This. Race.”

Democrats’ misleading claims about closing the no-fly list ‘loophole’

Thanks to Trump, fringe news enters the mainstream media

196 countries approve historic climate agreement

Cruz campaign credits psychological data and analytics for its rising success

In face of criticism, Trump surges to his biggest lead over the GOP field

GOP candidates have an unruly fight over serious issues, with no clear winner

DNC penalizes Sanders campaign for improper access of Clinton voter data

Accord reached after Sanders sues the DNC over suspended access to critical voter list

Trump: Fellow Republicans are ‘jealous as hell’ of Putin’s praise

Iran provokes the world as Obama does nothing

Donald Trump says Clinton’s bathroom break during the debate is ‘too disgusting’ to talk about

Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props

U.S. plans raids to deport families who surged across border

Now it’s even easier for candidates and their aides to help super PACs

Trump’s fans are excited to rally — but they’re not sure they’ll show up to vote

Ben Carson on the brink: ‘A process like this is pretty brutal’

How Donald Trump destroyed the Republican Party in 2015

Trump is right: Bill Clinton’s sordid sexual history is fair game

How Rubio helped his ex-con brother-in-law acquire a real estate license

News Source: Washington Post

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