2015: BLOOMBERG (222)


Pence Visits Israel as Potential 2016 Candidates Polish Foreign-Affairs Resumes

Bush Team Sets Bold Fundraising Goal: $100 Million in Three Months

Obama’s College Plan Bows to Elites

Kerry Brings Paris a ‘Big Hug’ and James Taylor after Attacks

Obama Proposes New Tax Increases on Wealthy to Help Middle Class

Israeli Mossad Goes Rogue, Warns U.S. on Iran Sanctions

Obama Gets a Warm Welcome, but Indians Pine for Bush

Rubio Says 2016 Decision Coming By Spring

Hillary Clinton Willing to Testify, Again, On Benghazi

Obama Rallying Democrats to Fight for Spending Boost in Budget

Why Mitt Romney Thinks He Can Win (and Jeb Bush Can’t)

New Iowa Poll: Romney Would Have Faced Many Campaign Hurdles


Walker Surging in Iowa Poll as Bush Struggles

Obama Wants a New Tax on U.S. Companies’ Overseas Profits

Poll: Iowa Republicans Side with Obama After Huckabee’s Beyonce Attack

As Ukraine Crumbles, U.S. Wonders if Putin has Asperger’s

Want Elon Musk to Hire You at Tesla? Work for Apple

Gay Marriage Cleared by U.S. High Court to Start in Alabama

How Long Will Jeb Bush Hold His Fire on His Republican Rivals?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Thinks Americans Are Ready for Gay Marriage

Jeb Bush Doesn’t Want to Talk About Brother-Led Wars

Democrats to Be at Fault if Homeland Money Ends: Boehner

What Warren’s Backers Think About Her Meeting With Hillary Clinton

Swing-State Voters Not Feeling Community College Plan or Obama In General, Poll says

Apple Wants to Start Producing Cars as Soon as 2020

Jeb Bush Chooses to Be Cross Examined at CPAC

Here’s What the DNC Thinks Will Help Democrats Win More Elections

Is Washington Ready for the Death of Obamacare?


Netanyahu Ready to Press Congress to Help Delay Iran Deal

Netanyahu’s Careful, Clever Speech to Congress

Democrats See a Familiar Pattern in the Clinton E-mail Story

Did Jeb Bush Go Far Enough to Try to Save Terri Schiavo to Save His Iowa Chances?

Jeb Bush, Confronted by DREAMer, Compares Obama Orders to Decrees of ‘Latin American Dictator’

Republicans Warn Iran — and Obama — That Deal Won’t Last

How a Lindsey Graham Joke Turned into a Coup Plot Against the Government

Will Jeb Bush Succeed Where His Brother and Father failed?

U.S. Exaggerates Islamic State Casualties

Carville Says He Suspects Hillary Clinton ‘Didn’t Want Louie Gohmert Rifling Through Her E-mails’

Iranian Leaders ‘Clearly’ Got Letter’s Message, Tom Cotton Says

Google, Intel, and TAG Heuer Team Up on Luxury Smartwatch

The Conservative Media Warrior Who May Run for Aaron Schock’s Seat

Obama’s Empty Message to Iran

Taco Bell Introduces Breakfast Biscuits in Bid for Morning Sales

Ted Cruz Knocks Goldman Sachs, Wife’s Firm, Over ‘Special Favors From Government’

Bergdahl’s Defense Is He Was Planning to Come Back

Jeb Bush’s Biggest Weakness May be His Biggest Annoyance


Iran’s Charmer in Chief Wins Again

Why Ted Cruz is Fighting ‘the Fortune 500’ on Gay Marriage

GOP Hawks Set to Ruin Rand Paul’s Big Day

New Ted Cruz Super-PAC’s Take in Record Haul

White House Trolls Netanyahu on Iran with Bomb Graphic

Hillary Clinton Plans Campaign Kickoff on Sunday

RETRACTED: Nancy Reagan Gives Her Endorsement to …Hillary Clinton?

Politics National Poll: Rand Paul, Jeb Bush Face Primary Obstacles

Why Hillary Clinton Can’t Win the Fundraising Expectations Game

Will Hillary Clinton Be the Agent of Her Campaign’s Undoing — Again?

Chipotle Manager: Hillary Clinton Didn’t Leave Anything in Tip Jar

Hillary Clinton Said to Hire Former Wall Street Cop as Campaign CFO

Democratic Party Chair Says Clinton Will Get Primary Challenger

Elon Musk Had a Deal to Sell Tesla to Google in 2013

Can Chris Christie Staunch the Bleeding?

Happy Earth Day! Unless You’re Running for President in the GOP

Clinton Cash Author Is Targeting Jeb Bush Next

Ted Cruz Introduces Bills to Stop Gay Marriage

George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle East

Boehner: Congress Doesn’t Have Votes to Stop Iran Deal

Hillary Clinton to Outline Pitch for Criminal Justice Reform

What Brought Carly Fiorina Down at HP Is Her Greatest 2016 Asset


Why Larry Flynt Is Endorsing Hillary Clinton

The Definitive H&H Carly Fiorina Scouting Report

What the Clintons Haven’t Learned

Scott Walker Keeps Lead as Jeb Bush Struggles in Latest Iowa Polling

Trade Debate Give Bernie Sanders a Chance to Put Hillary Clinton on the Hot Seat

How a Ragtag Group of Lefties Mainlined Debt-Free College Into The Democratic Primary

New Hampshire Poll: Republican Field Tightens, Hillary Clinton Still Out in Front Among Democrats

Why Huckabee, Carson and Fiorina Will Matter

Rand Paul: Advocates for the Disabled Should Help Brainstorm Ways to Cut Social Security Spending

Two Former Leaders of the Free World Sitting Around Chatting

Jeb Bush Hates Obamacare, but Loves his Apple Watch

Obamas’ Net Worth as Much as $6.9 Million, U.S. Filing Says

Oil CEO Wanted University Quake Scientists Dismissed: Dean’s Email

Iowa Democrats: Flawed Hillary Clinton Our Only Hope

Iowa Republicans Are Worried About Jeb Bush’s Viability

Charter Agrees to Acquire Time Warner Cable for $55 Billion

Martin O’Malley Announces Democratic Presidential Bid

Scott Walker Has Early Lead in Iowa Poll as Jeb Bush Faces Challenges


Iowa Poll: Bill and George W. May Not Hurt Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush

Report: A Republican Supreme Court Victory on Obamacare Could Backfire in 2016 Swing States

Clinton Support Has Nowhere to Go But Down

Can Republicans Win by Losing at the Supreme Court?

GOP Swiftly Rejects Obama’s ‘One-Sentence Fix’ to Obamacare If Supreme Court Voids Subsidies

Reason Magazine Subpoena Stomps on Free Speech

Jamie Dimon Says He’s Unsure If Elizabeth Warren Understands Global Banking System

Scott Walker Says Supporters Have Suggested Walker-Rubio 2016 Ticket

Favorite Son or Total Stranger? Nearly Three-Quarters of Florida’s Voters Have Never Seen Jeb Bush on a Ballot

For Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, It’s Time to Get Serious

Jeb Bush Offers Some Surprises

Rubio, Bush, Paul Are Clinton’s Top Opponents in Swing-States Poll

Republican Presidential Hopefuls to Make Their Pitch at Evangelical Summit

Rand Paul on Charleston Shooting: ‘There’s A Sickness in Our Country’

Budget Brawl Give Ted Cruz, Rand Paul a Chance to Break Out

Bobby Jindal to Join Republican Presidential Race

Bernie Sanders Gains on Hillary Clinton in Bloomberg Early-State Polling

Jeb Bush Tries to Win Without Speaking to His Favorite Strategist

Chris Christie Said to Plan Tuesday Announcement of Presidential Run

Greeks Line Up at Banks and Drain ATM’s as Tsipras Calls Vote

States Seeking Voter Citizenship Proof Denied by U.S. Supreme Court


Scott Walker Sees Iowa Lead Shrink in Latest Quinnipiac Poll

Jobs report Disappoints, Participation Rate Falls to Lowest Since 1977

Rick Perry Assails Republicans’ Lack of “Moral Legitimacy” on African Americans

Scott Walker Heads Into 2016 Race With Wins on Gun Sales, Union Dues

Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore Says He’s Running For President, Too

Taking On Donald Trump May Be a Key Step in Getting to the Oval Office

The Chinese Stock Meltdown That Makes the Greece Saga Look Trivial

Once Ex-Im Foe, Tea Party Congressman Leads Fight to Save It

Graham: Iran Deal ‘Akin to Declaring War’ on Israel

Google to Offer Internet Service for Free in White House Program

Why Aren’t More Women’s Groups Fighting to Get Carly Fiorina Into the GOP Debate?

Donald Trump Says He’s Thankful for Ted Cruz’s Support

Scott Walker Inquiry Shows the Danger of Secrecy

Trump on John McCain: ‘I Like People That Weren’t Captured, Okay?’

Ashley Madison.com Hack Threatens Millions of Would-Be Adulterers

Homeland Security Leaders Bent Rules on Private E-Mail

Digital Misfits Link JPMorgan Hack to Pump-and-Dump fraud

Why Isn’t Rand Paul Making a Data Deal With the GOP?

Governors Who Would Be President Have Mixed Records on Miracles

Here’s Our Tally of Donald Trump’s Wealth

Smoke That Pot Now, Chris Christie Tells Users in States That Allow It

Former Marco Rubio Donors Turning to Others in Presidential Race

State Department to Release Next Load of Hillary Clinton E-Mails


Donald Trump Dominates Republican Field in Pre-Debate Poll

The Selzer Score: Does Rick Perry Deserve a Spot on the Debate Stage?

Obama Puts Fear Before Facts on Iran

Fox News Couldn’t Kill Trump’s Momentum and May Have Only Made It Stronger

White House Should Leave Politics Out of Iran Deal

Hillary Clinton Instructs Aides to Hand Over E-Mail Server to Justice Department

Sorry Donald Trump, Mexico Says It Will Not Pay for Border Wall

FBI Said to Examine Whether HIllary Clinton E-Mail Was Backed Up

VW Has Spent Two Years Trying to Hide a Big Security Flaw

How Trump Is Winning Over Conservatives Without the Bona Fides

Hillary Clinton Aide Palmieri on E-Mail: ‘She Didn’t Really Think It Through’

Trump Thinks Alabama Is Key to Winning the GOP Nomination

Donald Trump Puts ‘Hedge Fund Guys’ on Notice

Even Before Stock Market Swoon, 2016 Republicans Mum On Social Security Privatization

Biden More Competitive Than Clinton Against Leading Republicans: Poll

Donald Trump Wants to Raise His Own Taxes, But Would He Kill the 1031 Real Estate Break?

Ben Carson Edging Close to Front-Runner Trump in Latest Iowa Poll

Islamic State Flips Gold Coins to Break Fed ‘Enslavement’


The Science Behind Trump-Mania

Joe Biden on Presidential Run: ‘I Would Not Hesitate’ If Emotional Energy Is There

Scott Walker’s Labor Day Weekend: Union Bike and Anti-Union Message

Ted Cruz to Star in Government Shutdown, the Sequel

Filibuster Opponents Have Gone Quiet Since Democrats Lost the Senate

Joe Biden’s Late Show Appearance With Stephen Colbert Turns Emotional

How Grown-Ups Deal With ‘Microaggressions’

Biden Secretly Meets With Top Obama Bundler During New York Swing

Can Donald Trump Be Stopped?

Joe Biden Decries Donald Trump’s ‘Sick Message’ on Hispanic Immigrants

Long Shadow of Donald Trump Dominates Debate He Missed

“It wasn’t people from Sweden that blew up the World Trade Center,”

Pope Francis’ Political Critics Are Missing Something Fundamental

VW Sets Aside $7.3 Billion to Pay for Emissions Crisis

Poll: Joe Biden Now Top Presidential Choice for 1 in 4 Democrats

Most Agree With Trump on America’s Lost Greatness, Poll Finds

Poll: Americans Want Supreme Court to Turn Off Political Spending Spigot


Clinton Camp Senses Moment to Expose Benghazi Committee

TPP Trade Deal Strengthens Obama’s Hand in Asia Strategy

Politics Focus Groups: What’s Powering Ben Carson Boom

White House Is Weighing a Syria Retreat

Joe Biden and Paul Ryan Face Decisions That Could Shape Politics for Years to Come

Bernie Sanders Isn’t Socialist Enough for Many Socialists

What the Democratic Debate Means for Joe Biden

Republicans Gone Wild: Q&A with Mann and Ornstein

Insurrection Erupts at the Democratic National Committee

Donald Trump on Yellen, Clinton, Sanders, and Taxes

Hillary Clinton Looks to Turn Benghazi Hearing Into Next Boost

Mike Murphy of Right to Rise Explains His Theory That Jeb Bush Is Still the Candidate to Beat

Paul Ryan’s Conditions for House Speaker Bid Meet Early Resistance

The Conservative Reviews Are In: Benghazi Hearing a Bust

The Most Likely Next President Is Hillary Clinton

The Sanders Brain Trust’s Plan to Beat Hillary Clinton

Bill to Avoid Default on U.S. Debt Advances in Senate Vote

Hillary Clinton Vows to Fight Profiling as Black Protesters Chant


Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush Draw Contrasts With Each Other at Iowa Event

Climate Change Kills the Mood: Economists Warn of Less Sex on a Warmer Planet

Steve Jobs Considered Building an Apple Car in 2008

How Richard Nixon Created Hillary Clinton

Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee Miss Cut for Next Prime-Time Debate

Carson Defends Claim That He Was Offered a Scholarship to West Point

Donald Trump Says Ben Carson Has to ‘Explain a Lot of Things’

Clinton Rivals Poised to Sharpen Attacks in Next Debate

Cruz, Rubio Join Fray Over Defense, Banks at Republican Debate: Tale of the Tape

House Republican Hard-Liners Drafting ‘Contract With America II’

10 Questions for Clinton After the Paris Massacre

Clinton’s Wall Street Donors Say More Than 9/11 Built Their Bond

Governors Press White House for Refugee Information

Poll: Most Americans Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement

Clinton Opens 25-Point Lead on Sanders in National Poll

Passenger Taken Off Chris Christie’s Flight, Campaign Says

Putin Says Turkish ‘Stab in Back’ Caused Russian Warplane Crash

United Offers Pilots 13% Raise in Bid to Find Labor Peace


Cruz Excoriates Rubio on Foreign Policy, Links Him to Clinton

Ted Cruz Vows to Put Hard-Core Conservatives on Supreme Court

Obama Says California Shooting May Be Related to Terrorism

Clinton Voices Confidence in Rahm Emanuel as Chicago Mayor

Gun Advocates Rejected by U.S. High Court on Assault Weapons

Biden Calls Trump’s Comments on Muslims a ‘Dangerous Brew’

Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds of Likely GOP Primary Voters Back Trump’s Muslim Ban

Cruz Soars to Front of the Pack in Iowa Poll; Trump Support Stays Flat

Cruz Poised to Steal Even More Trump Supporters in Iowa

Oil Export Plan Last Obstacle to U.S. Spending Bill, Reid Says

Terrorism Dominates Republican Debate But So Do Personal Attacks

Shkreli, CEO Reviled for Drug Price Gouging, Arrested on Securities Fraud Charges

Pelosi, White House Support Plan Allowing U.S. Crude Oil Exports

Data Breach Takes Back Seat to Fights Over Foreign Policy and Finance in Democratic Debate

Iran Nuclear Deal Restricts U.S. More Than Congress Knew

How Donald Trump May Be Helping Hillary Clinton

Marco Rubio Dips in Polls Heading Into Christmas

Webb Attacks Clinton With Eye on Independent Run

Six Factors That Could Make a Difference for Republicans in 2016

George Pataki Quits Presidential Race

Republicans Scramble to Pick Up Graham’s Supporters in South Carolina

News Source: Bloomberg

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