2012: NEW YORK TIMES (352)


Chief Justice Defends Peers on Health Law

After Three Decades, Tax Credit for Ethanol Expires

The Next War: Pentagon to Present Vision of Reduced Military

Romney Wins Iowa Caucus by 8 Votes

Keith Obermann Clashes With Current TV

U.S. Adds 200,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate 8.5%

Michelle Obama and the Evolution of a First Lady

Romney Eludes Rivals’ Attacks at Republican Debate in N.H.

Pro-Gingrich PAC Details Ads Against Romney’s Bain Role

President Bashar al-Assad Vows to Crush ‘Conspiracy’ Against Syria

Blaming U.S. and Israel, Iran Reports Killing of Nuclear Scientist

Adversaries of Iran Said to Be Stepping Up Covert Actions

U.S. Warns Top Iran Leader Not to Shut Strait of Hormuz

Obama Asks Congress for Powers to Trim Government

The 1 Percent Paint a More Nuanced Portrait of the Rich

Scott Walker Recall Drive Is Closely Watched

Forceful Attack Against Romney in G.O.P. Debate

Web Site Will Shut Down to Protest Antipiracy Bills

Hedge Funds May Sue Greece if It Tries to Force Loss

Dodd Calls for Hollywood and Silicon Valley to Meet

Blacks Face Bias in Bankruptcy, Study Suggests

Gingrich Wins South Carolina Primary, Upending G.O.P. Race

Under the Name of a Senate Hopeful, Blog Posts on Sex and Drugs

Ex-C.I.A. Agent Accused of Leaking Identity of Covert Officer

U.S. Military Frees 2 Western Hostages From Somali Pirates

The iEconomy: Apple’s iPad and the Human Costs for Workers in China

Romney Stays on the Offense With Gingrich

The Calculations That Led Romney to the Warpath

Jeb Bush Remains Silent on Endorsement

Buoyant Romney Speaks of Victory in Florida


Campaign Finance Report Shows ‘Super PAC’ Donors

Uproar as Komen Foundation Cuts Money to Planned Parenthood

U.S. Economy Added 243,000 Jobs in January; Unemployment Rate is 8.3%

Activist Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot

Gingrich Patron Adelson Called Open to Aiding Romney

Religious Caucus Causes Protest in Las Vegas

Major Obama Donors Tied to Fugitive Who Fled to Mexico

Florence Green, Last World War I Veteran, Dies at 110

States Negotiate $26 Billion Agreement for Homeowners

Bishops Were Prepared for Battle Over Birth Control Coverage

A Chilling Verdict in Spain

Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It

Greek Parliament Passes Austerity Plan After Riots Rage

Some Who Decline an Optional Iris Photo Are Kept Longer in Jail, Critics Say

Obama Shift on Providing Contraception Splits Critics

Mitt Romney and Ron Paul Friendly Amid the Rivalry

For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage

John Fairfax, Who Rowed Across Oceans, Dies at 74

Iran Raid Seen as a Huge Task for Israeli Jets

‘Super PAC’ Role Grows for Republican Campaigns

Obama Offers to Cut Corporate Tax Rate to 28%

Afghan Protests Over Burning of Korans Spread for 3d Day

Delusions About the Detroit Bailout

For Romney, a Message Lost in the Empty Seats

Ghastly Outdated Party

Violent Uproar in Afghanistan Casts Shadow on U.S. Pullout

New Hampshire May Revoke It’s Gay Marriage Law

Romney Wins Arizona: Tight Race in Michigan


Romney Wins, the Middle Class Loses

State Cutbacks Curb Training in Jobs Critical to Economy

‘Super PACs,’ Not Campaigns, Do Bulk of Ad Spending

Israel’s Backers in Aipac Press Obama to Harden Iran Policy

Obama Tells Aipac He Won’t Tolerate a Nuclear Iran

Holder Explains Threat That Would Call for Killing Without Trial

News Analysis: No Super Tuesday Knockout Punch

Romney Lags in G.O.P. Grass-Roots Fund-Raising

Ignorance Is Strength

As Governor, Romney’s C.E.O. Style Could Irk Lawmakers

American Is Held After Shooting of Civilians in Afghanistan

News Analysis: Attack May Derail Effort to Force Taliban Into Talks

Obama Approval Rating Shows Serious Slip in New Poll

Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

Violence Against Women Act Divides Senate

Suspect in Afghan Attack ‘Snapped,’ U.S. Official Says

Afghan Shooting Suspect Identified as Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales

The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin

Romney’s Court Women Put Off by Birth Control Issues

When the Good Do Bad

Romney Wins by Wide Margin in Illinois Contest

Jeb Bush Endorses Romney; Aide Makes ‘Etch A Sketch’ Gaffe

U.S. Inches Toward Goal of Energy Independence

Cheney Recovering After Getting a New Heart

Health Act Arguments Open With Obstacle From 1867

Supreme Court Hears Arguments to Health Care Law

Political Memo: Whatever the Ruling in Health Case, Bipartisan Fallout

Broccoli and Bad Faith

A Health Law at Risk Gives Insurers Pause


Romney Looks to Wisconsin Primary for Closure

Pink Slime Economics

Divide and Discriminate

Calling Radicalism by Its Name

This Election, Supreme Court Could Rally Democrats

U.S. Added Only 120,000 Jobs in March, Report Shows

Welfare Limits Left Poor Adrift as Recession Hit

The Gullible Center

Obama to Make Case for Buffett Rule

Santorum Withdraws From Republican Race

Obama Won’t Order Ban on Gay Bias by Employers

Failed North Korean Launch a Setback for Kim Jong-un

White House Opens Door to Big Donors, and Lobbyists Slip In

Europe’s Economic Suicide

In Senate, Republicans Block Debate on ‘Buffett Rule’

U.S. Condemns Photos of Soldiers Posing With Body Parts

Colombian Escort Speaks About Secret Service Scandal

Fears Rise That Recovery May Falter in the Spring

Obama Campaign Faces Dropoff in Big Donations

At Wal-Mart in Mexico, a Bribe Inquiry Silenced

Shift on Executive Power Lets Obama Bypass Rivals

New Fashion Wrinkle; Stylishly Hiding the Gun

Romney Focuses on November as Primaries Resume

2 House Democrats Defeated After Opposing Health Law

House Defies Veto Threat on Hacking Bill

Obama Trumpets Killing of Bin Laden, and Critics Pounce

The iEconomy: Apple’s Tax Strategy Aims at Low-Tax States and Nations

The Ticket: Paul Ryan’s Kinetic Rise in G.O.P.


Senators Reject Claim That Torture Helped Hunt for Bid Laden

Obama and Romney Vie for Mayor Bloomberg’s Endorsement

Behind Richard Grenell’s Departure, a Right-Wing Storm

U.S. Added Only 115,000 Jobs in April; Rate is 8.1%

Adam Yauch, 1964-2012: Adam Yauch, a Founder of the Beastie Boys, Dies at 47

Never Mind Europe, Worry About India.

A Scramble as Biden Backs Same-Sex Marriage

Maurice Sendak, Children’s Author Who Upended Tradition, Dies at 83

Suicide Mission Volunteer Was Double Agent, Officials Say

News Analysis: Obama’s Watershed Move on Gay Marriage

Romney Accused of Prep School Bullying

U.S. May Scrap Costly Efforts to Train Iraqi Police

After Obama’s Decision on Marriage, a Call to Pastors

Politics Seen in Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Support

States Diverting Mortgage Settlement Money to Other Uses

G.O.P. ‘Super PAC’ Weigh Hard-Line Attack on Obama

Apocalypse Fairly Soon

Dissident From China Arrives in U.S., Ending an Ordeal

Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, Convicted in 1988 Lockerbie Bombing, Dies at 60

‘Super PACs’ Changing How Political Operatives Operate

New Republican Ad Takes a Soft Shot at Obama

Father Doesn’t Know Best – Your parents spill a few secrets as they get older.

Welcome End of a Pseudotheory

Obama Leaps Into Direct Attacks

Billionaire Finds New Role in Anti-Obama Campaign

In Rarefied Sport, a View of the Romneys’ World

Syria Denies Responsibility for Massacre Near Homs

Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will

Romney, on His Big Day, Finds Himself Upstaged

Bloomberg Plans a Ban on Large Sugared Drinks


Weak U.S. Hiring Adds to Global Gloom

Egyptian Court Sentences Mubarak to Life in Prison

Crude Oil Output Is Soaring in Iraq, Easing Markets

Recall Battle in Wisconsin May Snarl Obama Camp

Wisconsin Governor Recall Election Is Today

Walker Survives Wisconsin Recall Vote

The Candidate Next Door

In New Poll, 44 Percent of Americans Approve of Supreme Court

Holder Directs U.S. Attorneys to Track Down Paths of Leaks

Liberals Are Ruining America. I Know Because I Am One.

Another Bank Bailout

North Dakota Considers Eliminating Property Tax

New Weapons Push Syrian Crisis Toward Civil War

New Political Showdown in Egypt as Court Invalidates Parliament

Recent Cases Shed Light on China’s Feared Interrogation System

C.E.O. Pay Is Rising Despite the Din

Markets Relief Fades as Greek Election Results

Road Trip Helps Romney Brush Up on Banter

As Issue Divides School, Congressman Takes a Side

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

Billions of Dollars Are in Play Over Health Care Law

Penn State’s Sandusky Convicted of Sexually Abusing Boys

Morsi Is Winner of Egyptian Presidency

Supreme Court Upholds Key Part of Arizona Law

In a Big Network of Computers, Evidence of Machine Learning

Rangel Feds Off Challengers to Win Difficult Primary

Supreme Court Lets Health Law Largely Stand

States Face a Challenge to Meet Health Law’s Deadline


Bain Attacks Make Inroads for President

Economy Cuts Into Obama’s Youth Support

U.S. Adds Forces in Persian Gulf, a Signal to Iran

As Weather Channel Buys Wunderground, Storm Clouds Brew Among Fans

Romney Shifts Tone, Saying Health Care Mandate Is a Tax

‘No Child’ Law Whittled Down by White House

California Senate Narrowly Approves Rail Project

Barney Frank Weds Jim Ready

Romney Mines the Hamptons for Campaign Cash

Obama Trails Romney Again in Battle for Campaign Cash

Mr. Romney’s Financial Black Hole

Conservatives Push Romney to Deliver Counterpunch

Why Our Elites Stink

Romney Demands Apology From Obama on Bain Allegations

F.D.A. Surveillance of Scientists Spread to Outside Critics

When Did Romney Step Back From Bain? It’s Complicated

The Capitalism Debate

Attack Kills Syrian Defense Minister in Damascus

Economic Fears Hurting Obama, Poll Indicates

12 Killed in Shooting at Colorado Theater

12 Are Killed at Showing of Batman Movie in Colorado

N.C.A.A. Gives Penn State $60 Million Fine and Bowl Ban

President Criticizes Romney Over Foreign Policy

Medicaid Expansion Ruling Blunts Health Law’s Effect

Equestrian – Dressage: Ann Romney’s Horse Prepares for Olympic Debut

U.S. Economy Slowed to a Tepid 1.5% Rate of Growth

A 5-Ring Circus: Olympics Opening Is Oddly, Confidently British

The Conversion of a Climate-Change Skeptic

Bill Clinton to Have Key Convention Role

Half of India Crippled by Second Day of Power Failures


Polls Give Obama Edge in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida

Goldman to Invest in City Jail Program, Profiting if Recidivism Falls Sharply

Pace of Hiring Rose in July, but Jobless Rate Ticked Up

Cass Sunstein to Leave Top Regulatory Post

Record Spending by Obama’s Camp Shrinks Coffers

Curiosity Rover Lands Safely on Mars

Hospital Chain Inquiry Cited Unnecessary Cardiac Work

Polls See Sharp Divide in 3 Swing States

Romney Campaign Carefully Chooses Speakers for Convention

In Real Estate Deal, Romney Made His Loss a Couple’s Gain

Romney Picks Paul Ryan of Wisconsin

Racial Profiling Rife at Airport, U.S. Officers Say

Paul Ryan’s Fairy-Tale budget Plan

Ryan Travels to Las Vegas to Meet G.O.P. Donor Adelson

Ecuador Grants Asylum to Assange, Defying Britain

Russian Punk Band Is Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Anti-Putin Stunt

A Measure of Change: Obama Lags on Filling Seats in the Judiciary

Obama’s (Perceived) Transformation

Senate Candidate Provokes Ire With ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment

Health Experts Dismiss Assertions on Rape

Costs Seen in Romney’s Medicare Savings Plan

Ties to Obama Aided in Access for Big Utility

Armstrong Drops Fight Against Doping Charges

Police Decision to Shoot in Midtown Left 9 Wounded

Romney Adopts Harder Message for Last Stretch

Republicans Worry About Keeping Factions Reined In

Court Rules Israel Wasn’t at Fault in U.S. Activist’s Death

The TV Watch: A Revved-Up Ann Romney at Republican Convention

Paul Ryan Accepts Republican Vice-Presidential Nomination

Romney Vows to Deliver Country From Economic Travails


Party of Strivers

Inquiry on Tax Strategy Adds to Scrutiny of Finance Firms

In the Los Angeles Area, Bans Are Hot

Democrats Say U.S. Is Better Off Than Four Years Ago

Democratic Convention Opens With Pitch to Middle Class

Transcripts of Bill Clinton’s Speech to the Democratic National Convention

Obama, in Democratic Convention Speech, Asks for More Time

A Terrifying Way to Discipline Children

With No Contract Deal by Deadline in Chicago, Teachers Will Strike

Op-Ed Contributor: The Bush White House Was Deaf to 9/11 Warnings

American Ambassador and 3 Diplomats Killed in Libya

Turmoil Spreads to U.S. Embassy in Yemen

Egypt Hearing From Obama, Moves to Heal Rift From Protests

Obama Erases Romney’s Edge on Economy, Poll Finds

Neocons Slither Back

Cultural Clash Fuels Muslims Raging at Film

Thurston Howell Romney

Obama Holds Edge Over Romney In Wisconsin, Poll Shows

Romney Campaign Cautious With Ad Budget, Even in Key States

Before Debates, Romney Faces a Daunting Path

Libyan Protesters Besiege Militant Group in Benghazi

Egypt’s New Leader Spells Out Terms for U.S.-Arab Ties

Deadly Attack in Libya Was Major Blow to C.I.A. Efforts

A Measure of Change: Arab Spring Proves a Harsh Test for Obama’s Diplomatic Skill

Polls Show Obama Is Widening His Lead in Ohio and Florida

Clinton Suggests Link to Qaeda Offshoot in Deadly Libya Attack

Netanyahu Warns Iran Is Close to Making a Bomb

Shifting Reports on Libya Killings May Cost Obama

Supreme Court Faces Crucial Rulings in Coming Term


The Media Equation: Challenging the Claims of Media Bias

Leaders at Work on Plan to Avert Mandatory Cuts

N.Y. City Subpoenas Ken Burns Film on ’89 Jogger Rape

Check Point: A Closer Look at What the Presidential Candidates Said in the Debate

Jobless Rate Falls to 7.8%, Lowest Since January 2009

Jobs Report: Cooked or Correct?

As More Vote by Mail, Faulty Ballots Could Impact Elections

Romney Remains Vague on Foreign Policy Details

With New Vigor, Romney Resets Ohio Campaign

Romney Pledges to Keep Tax Deductions for Mortgages

Voters Give Romney Better Grades for Leadership, Polls in 3 State Find

In Biden’s Debate, Aides See Inspiration but Don’t Expect Imitation

The Self-Destruction of the 1 Percent

Jihadists Receiving Most Arms Sent to Syrian Rebels

Election-Year Stakes Overshadow Nuances of Libya Investigation

Obama and Romney Turn Up the Temperature at Their Second Debate

Man Accused of Plot to Blow Up Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Suspect in Libya Attack, in Plain Sight, Scoffs at U.S.

Romney as a Manager: Unhurried and Socratic

U.S. Officials Say Iran Has Agreed to Nuclear Talks

Explanation for Benghazi Attack Under Scrutiny

Obama and Romney Bristle in Foreign-Policy Debate

Obama Is Prominent in ‘SEAL Team Six,’ Weinstein Film

Parliament Questions Former BBC Chief’s Role

Family of Wen Jiabao Holds a Hidden Fortune in China

Barack Obama for Re-Election

Medicaid on the Ballot

A Big Storm Requires Big Government

Race Narrows as Campaign Enters Its Final Week


Political Memo: Romney Tones Down Campaign Rhetoric as Vote Nears

C.I.A. Played Major Role Fighting Militants in Libya Attack

Staten Island Was Tragic Epicenter of Storm’s Casualties

In Ohio, a Study in Contrasts as 2 Campaigns Get Out Vote

Obama and Romney Campaigns Begin Skirmish Over Balloting

Ohio Law Could Bring Long Delays in a Recount

Divided U.S. Gives Obama More Time

Rove’s On-Air Rebuttal of Fox’s Ohio Vote Call Raises Questions About His Role

Let’s Not Make a Deal

Citing Affair, Petraeus Resigns as C.I.A. Director

F.B.I. Said to Have Stumbled Into News of Petraeus Affair

Officials Say F.B.I. Knew of Petraeus Affair in the Summer

Motives Questioned in F.B.I. Inquiry of Petraeus E-Mails

Ryan Sees Urban Vote as Reason G.O.P. Lost

Frederick Humphries, F.B.I. Agent in Petraeus Case

As G.O.P. Governors Gather, Prescriptions and Whispers for 2016

Petraeus Says U.S. Tried to Avoid Tipping Off Terrorists

U.S. Fears a Ground War in Gaza Could Hurt Israel and Help Hamas

Paul Ryan Emerges as Power Broker in Fiscal Talks

Clinton Visits in Effort to Defuse Gaza Conflict: Egypt Hints at Truce

Fighting Continues as U.S. Seeks Truce in Gaza

Clothes and Other Storm Aid, From Rikers Jail

President Morsi in Egypt Seizes New Powers

Jeb Bush in 2016? Not Too Early for Chatter

White House Presses for Drone Rule Book

A Minimum Tax for the Wealthy

City Is Amassing Trove of Cellphone Logs

House Republican Urges Party to Yield on Tax Cuts for Most Earners

Big Issues Are Lost in Focus on Libya Talking Points

Republicans Balk at White House Plan to Avert Fiscal Crisis


In Latest Campaign, Obama Takes Deficit Battle to the Public

Jacob Lew, Low-Key Power Broker

Criticized as Weak in Past Talks, Obama Takes Harder Line

Bloomberg Asked Clinton to Consider Succeeding Him as Mayor

In Tax Fight, Republicans Seeking Fallback Position

U.S.-Approved Weapons Transfer Ended Up With Libyan Jihadis

Administration Weighs Legal Action Against States That Legalized Marijuana Use

Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage

Clinton’s Countless Choices Hinge on One: 2016

Sidebar: Court Enters Same-Sex Fray With Uncaracteristic Speed

In Talks, House Majority Weights Loyalty to Voters

Questions on Whether Boehner Could Sell a Deal to G.O.P.

Solar Panels for Every Home

The G.O.P.’s Existential Crisis

18 Children Killed in Grad School Shooting in Connecticut

Killer’s Mother, His First Victim, Was a Gun Enthusiast, Friends Say

Rifle Used in Killings, America’s Most Popular, Highlights Regulation Debate

Richard Engel of NBC Is Released in Syria

Obama Facing Critical Choice After Shooting

Obama and Boehner Split on Fiscal Plan

Obama Picks Kerry for Secretary of State, Official Says

News Analysis: Still Bitter About Election, Republican Opposition Unwilling to Compromise with President

How Party of Budget Restraint Shifted to ‘No New Taxes,’ Ever

Search for Way Through Fiscal Impasse Turns to the Senate

Charles Durning, Prolific Character Actor, Dies at 89

Obama Returning to Capital to Seek Fiscal Deal

As Fiscal Deadline Looms, Path to Deal Remains Unclear

Gen. H. Norman Shwarzkopf, U.S. Commander in Gulf War, Dies at 78

Woman Dies After a Gang Rape That Galvanized India

Obama Accuses Republicans of Blocking Tax Compromise

Clinton Admitted to Hospital With Blood Clot

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