2009: NEW YORK TIMES (363)


In Dense Gaza, Civilians Suffer

Bribes Corrode Afghans’ Trust in Government

Some Forecasters See a Fast Economic Recovery

The End of the Financial World as We Know It

Obama Plan Includes $300 Billion in Tax Cuts

Panetta Is Chosen as C.I.A. Chief, in a Surprise Step

Obama Warns of Trillion-Dollar Deficit Potential

Rockets Fired From Lebanon Into Northern Israel

Unemployment Hits 7.2%, 16-Year High

No Instruction Manual as Stimulus Bill Takes Shape

Is Government Spending Too Easy an Answer?

Crisis in Gaza Imperils 2-State Plan

Obama’s Plan to Close Prison at Guantanamo May Take Year

Why Israel Can’t Make Peace With Hamas

Intelligence Court Rules Wiretapping Power Legal

Plane Crew Is Credited for Nimble Reaction

Poll Finds Disapproval of Bush Unwavering

Bailout Is a Windfall to Banks, if Not to Borrowers

Obama Reaches Out for McCain’s Counsel

Transition Holds Clues to How Obama Will Govern

Israel Completes Gaza Withdrawal

Obama Issues Directive to Shut Guantanamo 

Paterson Picks Gillibrand for Senate Seat

Obama Reverses Rule on U.S. Abortion Aid

Radio Spreads Taliban’s Terror in Pakistani Region

Will Obama Save Liberalism?

Obama Interview Signals New Tone in Relations With Islam

Stimulus Plan Would Provide Flood of Aid to Education

Putting Torture Behind Us

Democrats Set Sights on Republican Senators Who Oppose Stimulus Plan

Daschle Pays 3 Years of Tax on Use of Car


Daschle Knew of Tax Issues over Car Use Last June

Justice Dept. Under Obama Is Preparing for Doctrinal Shift in Policies of Bush Years

Iran Says It Has Launched Satellite

U.S. Plans $500,000 Cap on Executive Pay in Bailouts

Economy Sheds 589,000 Jobs in January

Sometimes a President Is Just a President

Congress Is Divided Over Competing Stimulus Bills

Already Back on the Trail, Now to Sell a Stimulus Plan

Taking on Critics, Obama Puts Aside Talk of Unity

On War Criminals’ Trail, NBC News Stirs Criticism

Cuomo Finds Big Bonuses for Many at Merrill

Large Banks on the Edge of Insolvency

Stimulus Plan Places New Limits on Wall St. Bonuses

Rise in Jobless Poses Threat to Stability Worldwide

Obama Is Said to Drop Plan for ‘Car Czar’ to Fix Detroit

In a World Not Wholly Cooperative, Obama’s Top Economist Makes Do

Obama’s War on Terror May Resemble Bush’s in Some Areas

E.P.A. Expected to Regulate Carbon Dioxide

Iran Has More Enriched Uranium Than Thought

Obama Widens Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan

Obama Has Plan to Slash Deficit, Despite Stimulus Bill

Democrats Resisting Obama on Social Security

Survey Reveals Broad Support for President

Group of Rich Americans Sues UBS to keep Names Secret in Tax Case

To Pay for Health Care, Obama Looks to Taxes on Affluent

Obama Plans to End Combat Mission in Iraq by August 2010

Sharper Downturn Clouds Obama Spending Plans


Message to Regulators: Bank Fix Needed Quickly

A.I.G. Reports $61.7 Billion Loss as U.S. Gives More Aid

Memos Reveal Scope of the Power Bush Sought

Job Losses Show Breadth of Recession

Obama Taps Clinton Ideas but Not Clinton Herself

651,000 Jobs Reported Lost in February

‘Mafia Cops’ Get Life, and Their Pensions

Mixed Opinions of a Judge Accused of Misconduct

Skeptics Dispute Climate Worries and Each Other

Detainees Say They Planned Sept. 11

Some Banks, Citing Strings, Want to Return Federal Aid

Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty

China ‘Worried’ About Safety of U.S. Treasuries

Chinese Grease the Wheels of Power With Luxury Gifts

A.I.G. Planning $100 Million in Bonuses After Huge Bailout

Obama Braces for a Backlash Over Wall Street Bailouts

The Case for Paying Out Bonuses at A.I.G. 

Paying Workers More to Fix Their Own Mess

A.I.G. Uproar Is a Defining Moment for Gethner

In an Unusual Video, Obama Offers Iran a ‘New Day’

Toxic Asset Plan Foresees Big Subsidies for Investors

Obama Responds to Criticism From Cheney

Global Stocks Up on Hope for Bank Plan

Treasury Chief Seeks Wider Power to Seize Troubled Firms

Dear A.I.G., I Quit!

Budget Has Obama Courting Fellow Democrats

Pakistani and Afghan Taliban Unify in Face of U.S. Influx

White House Debate Led to Plan to Widen Afghan Effort

Speaking Freely, Biden Finds Influential Role

Iraqis Snap Up Hummers, Seeing Them as Icons of Power

Paying in Full as the Ticket Into Colleges


Upstate New York House Race Is Too Close to Call

Brown Details G-20 Pact on Stimulus and Banking Rules

Jobless Rate Hits 8.5% After 663,000 Jobs Lost in March

Mexican and U.S. Attorneys General Confer to Strengthen Cooperation on Drug Violence

North Koreans Launch Rocket Over the Pacific

At Least 92 Die in Earthquake in Italy

Obama Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq

Pirates Seize Ship With U.S. Crew Off Coast of Somalia

Navy Tracking Pirates and Their U.S. Hostage

Both U.S. and Pirates Sending More Ships to Standoff

Chinese Bias for Baby Boys Creates a Gap of 32 Million

Talks With Somalis Over U.S. Captains’s Release Break Down

‘Surgical’ Bankruptcy Possible for G.M.

U.S. May Drop Key Conditions for Talks With Iran

U.S. Planning to Reveal Data on Health on Top Banks

Officials Say U.S. Wiretaps Exceeded Law

Court Says File-Sharing Site Violated Copyright

Divisions Arose on Rough Tactics for Qaeda Figure

Torture Versus War

Waterboarding Used 266 Times on 2 Suspects

Obama Urges C.I.A. Not to Be Discouraged by Memos

Banned Techniques Yielded ‘High Value Information,’ Memo Says

Pelosi Tells of a Briefing by Officials on Harman

Obama Resisting Push for Interrogation Panel

Clinton, in Iraq, Blames ‘Rejectionists’ for Violence

Students Fall Ill in New York, and Swine Flu Is Likely Cause

Europe Urges Citizens to Avoid U.S. and Mexico Travel

With Swine Flu Cases Rising, Borders Are Tightened

First U.S. Death From Swine Flu Is Reported

Chrysler Bankruptcy Looms as Deal on Debt Falters


Souter Said to Be Leaving Court in June

Obama Has Chance to Select Justice With varied Resume

As a Professor, Obama Held Pragmatic Views on Court

Worries Rise on the Size of U.S. Debt

Schumer Offers Middle Ground on Health Care

Bank of America Needs $33.9 Billion Cushion, U.S. Says

After Party Switch, a Senator’s Confused Alliances

U.S. Jobless Rate Hits 8.9%, but Pace of Losses Eases

List Says Top Democrats Were Briefed on Interrogations

Shift to Saving May Be Downturn’s Lasting Impact

Industry Pledges to Control Health Care Costs

45 Centrist Democrats Protest Secrecy of Health Care Talks

Ire Over a Columnist, an Author of Torture Memos

Obama Moves to Bar Release of Detainee Abuse Photos

Health Care Leaders Say Obama Overstated Their Promise to Control Costs

Familiar Obama Phrase Being Groomed as a Slogan

Obama Can’t Turn the Page on Bush

Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says

Credit Card Industry Aims to Profit From Sterling Payers

Calif. Voters Reject Measures to Keep State Solvent

4 Accused of Bombing Plot at Bronx Synagogues

In Bronx Bomb Case, Steps and Missteps Alike Caught on Tape

President’s Detention Plan Tests American Legal Tradition

Some Obama Enemies Are Made Totally of Straw

North Korean Nuclear Claim Draws Global Criticism

Favorites of Left Don’t Make Obama’s Court List

Sotomayor’s Rulings Are Exhaustive but Often Narrow

On Sotomayor, Some Abortion Rights Backers Show Unease

Sotomayor’s Sharp Tongue Raises Issue of Temperament

Bush-Clinton Policy Talk Trikes a Congenial Tone

Justice Dept. Backs Saudi Royal Family on 9/11 Lawsuit


Abortion Doctor Shot to Death in Church

Foreclosures: No End in Sight

In Online Slip, Nuclear Sites Makes Rounds

Obama Calls for Alliances With Muslims

Job Losses Slow; Unemployment at 9.4%

U.S. May Permit 9/11 Guilty Pleas in Capital Cases

Obama to Forge a Greater Role on Health Care

Obama’s Economic Circle Keeps Tensions High

G.O.P. Regains Control of New York State Senate

Palau to Take Chinese Guantanamo Detainees

Doctors’ Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan

Obama Takes His Health Care Case to the Public

Privacy May Be a Victim in Cyberdefense Plan

Can Leon Panetta move the C.I.A. forward without confronting its past?

Iran Bans Opposition Rally as Critics Are Detained

Oppositions in Iran Rejects Call for Partial Recount

E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress

Outcry on Federal Same-Sex Benefits

As Confrontation Deepens, Iran’s Leader to Speak

Iranian Police Clash With Protesters

A Supreme Leader Loses His Aura as Iranians Flock to the Streets

Iran Admits Possible Discrepancy in 3 Million Votes

Justices Say Waste Can Be Dumped in Lake

One Candidate Withdraws Iran Election Complaints

Ahmadinejad Reaps Benefits of Stacking Key Iran Agencies With His Allies

Michael Jackson, 50, Is Dead

House Passes Bill to Address Threat of Climate Change

In Tehran, a Mood of Melancholy Descends

Honduran President Is Ousted in Coup

U.S. Pullout From Iraqi Cities Marked by Holiday


Roberts Shifts Court to Right, With Help From Kennedy

Job Losses Rise in June as Unemployment Reaches 9.5%

Green Power Takes Root in the Chinese Desert

Palin’s Move Shocks G.O.P. and Leaves Future Unclear

Leading Clerics Defy Ayatollah on Disputed Iran Election

Obama Arrives in Moscow to Seek Arms Control Deal

France, Unlike U.S., Is Deep Into Stimulus Projects

Family Night for Obamas Miffs Some in Moscow

Democrats Say C.I.A. Deceived Congress for Years

With Sale of Good Assets, G.M. Out of Bankruptcy

Leaders in House Seek to Tax Rich for Health Plan

Cheney Is Linked to Concealment of C.I.A. Project

Palin’s Long March to a Short-Notice Resignation

C.I.A. Had Plan to Assassinate Qaeda Leaders

House Health Plan Outlines Higher Taxes on Rich

Health Care Vote Illustrates Partisan Divide

Obama Tells Fellow Blacks: ‘No Excuses’ for Failure

Amazon Erases Orwell Books From Kindle

Windfalls for Bankers, Resentments for the Rest

Pentagon Seeks to Overhaul Prisons in Afghanistan

Harvard Professor Jailed; Officer Is Accused of Bias

For Holder, Inquiry on Interrogation Poses Tough Choices

Obama Criticizes Arrest of Harvard Professor

Professor’s Arrest Tests Beliefs on Racial Progress

Obama Shifts Tone on Gates After Mulling Debate

Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man

In Incoherent Truth

Health Policy Now Carved Out at a More Centrist Table

Sarah Grabs the Grievance Grab Bag From Hillary

New Poll Finds Growing Unease on Health Plan

‘Cash for Clunkers’ Car-Rebate Plan Sells Out in Days


Voices From Above Silence a Cable TV Feud

Pilot’s Remains Found in Iraq After 18 Years

U.S. Weigh Iran Sanctions if Talks Are Rejected

Bill Clinton in North Korea to Seek Release of U.S. Reporters

Bill Clinton and Journalists in Emotional Return to U.S. 

White House Affirms Deal on Drug Cost

247,000 Jobs Lost in July; Rate Falls Slightly to 9.4%

Obama Reverses Stand on Drug Industry Deal

Drug Industry to Run Ads Favoring White House Plan

U.S. to Hunt Down Afghan Drug Lords Tied to Taliban

White House Adapts to New Playbook in Health Care Debate

Survey Finds High Fees Common in Medical Care

Yale Press Bans Images of Muhammad in New Book

False ‘Death Panel’ Rumor Has Some Familiar Roots

Health Debate Fails to Ignite Obama’s Grass Roots

Why We Need Health Care Reform

Threats by Taliban May Sway Vote in Afghanistan

DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show

Democrats Seem Set to Go Alone on a Health Bill

Obama Calls Health Plan a ‘Moral Obligation’

C.I.A. Said to Use Outsiders to Put Bombs on Drones

Saschle Has the Ear of the White House and the Health Industry

Justice Dept. Report Advises Pursuing C.I.A. Abuse Cases

Obama to Nominate Bernanke to 2nd Term at Fed

Edward Kennedy, Senate Stalwart, Dies

Health Care Fit for Animals

Abuse Issue Puts the Justice Dept. and C.I.A. at Odds

Lobbying Group Says Letters Against Climate Change Bill Were Fake

Students Get New Assignment: Pick Books You Like

Cheney Offers Sharp Defense of C.I.A. Interrogation Tactics


Justice Dept. to Recharge Enforcement of Civil Rights

Conservative Democrats Expect a Health Deal

Obama Aides Aim to Simplify and Scale Back Health Bills

Unemployment Hits 9.7%, but Job Loss Slows in August

Senate Chairman Says Health Care Bill Is Coming

White House Advisor on ‘Green Jobs’ Resign

New Fee on Health Insurance Companies Is Proposed to Help Expand Coverage

As Obama Speech Nears, Details on a Compromise

Despite Fears, Health Care Overhaul Is Moving Ahead

In Lawmaker’s Outburst, a Rare Breach of Protocol

Obama Faces Doubts From Democrats on Afghanistan

Heckler’s Behavior May Bring Action in House

U.S. to Expand Review of Detainees in Afghan Prison

New Message Reported From bin Laden

New Objections to Baucus Health Care Proposal

Senate Health Bill Draws Fire on Both Sides

White House to Scrap Bush’s Approach to Missile Shield

New Tax in Senate Health Plan Draws Bipartisan Fire

Obama Rejects Race as Lead Cause of Criticism

White House Asks That Paterson Drop New York Campaign

General Calls for More U.S. Troops to Avoid Afghan Failure

White House Takes Aggressive Role in State Races

Obama Is Considering Strategy Shift in Afghan War

Obama to Use Current Law to Support Detentions

Leaders Warn Iran Over Nuclear Site

Cryptic Iranian Note Ignited an Urgent Nuclear Strategy Debate

U.S. Job Seekers Exceed Openings by Record Ratio

New Cheney Taking Stage for the G.O.P.

Abortion Fight Complicates Debate on Health Care

Scores Are Killed as Tsunami Hits Samoa Islands


Iran Meets U.S. and Allies for Nuclear Talks in Geneva

David Letterman Reveals Extortion Attempt

U.S. Wonders if Iran is Playing for Time or Is Serious on Deal

Report Says Iran Has Data to Make a Nuclear Bomb

Report on Bailouts Says Treasury Misled Public

Obama Reaches Past Congress for Health Care Support

Obama Rules Out Large Reduction in Afghan Force

Health Care Bill Gets Green Light in Cost Analysis

In Surprise, Nobel Peace Prize to Obama for Diplomacy

For Presidency in Search of Success, Nobel Adds a Twist

Obama Pledge Again to End ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t tell’

Insurance Industry Assails Health Care Legislation

Congress Is Split on Effort to Tax Costly Health Plans

Biden No Longer a Lone Voice on Afghanistan

Public Option Is Next Big Hurdle in Health Debate

A Hatchet Job So Bad it’s Good

$1.4 Trillion Deficit Complicates Stimulus Plans

The Battle Between the White House and Fox News

The Banks Are Not Alright

Basic Medicare Premium to Rise 15% Next Year

Volcker Fails to Sell a Bank Strategy

Democrats Lose Big Test Vote on Health Legislation

Behind the War Between White House and Fox

Bloomberg Sets Record for His Own Spending on Elections

How an Insurance Mandate Could Leave Many Worse Off

U.S. Considers Reigning In ‘Too Big to Fail’ Institutions

Public Option Push in Senate Comes With Escape Hatch

Brother of Afghan Leader Is Said to Be on C.I.A. Payroll

Pelosi Backs Off Set Rates for Public Option

Deal Reached in Honduras to Restore Ousted President

Ayn Rand’s Revenge


Qaeda Had Role in Attack on U.N. Staff, Official Says

With Karzai, U.S. Faces Weak Partner in Time of War

3 contests on Election Day Could Signal Political Winds

G.O.P. Wins Two Key Governors’ Races; Bloomberg Prevails in a Close Contest

Energized G.O.P. Looking to Avoid an Intraparty Feud

U.S. Unemployment Rate Hits 10.2%, Highest in 26 Years

Broader Measure of Unemployment Stands at 17.5%

House Democrats Who Voted Against the Health Care Bill

Fort Hood Gunman Gave Signals Before His Rampage

Obama Seeks Revision of Plan’s Abortion Limits

Blackwater Said to Approve Iraqi Payoffs After Shootings

Lou Dobbs Abruptly Quits CNN

Key 9/11 Suspect to Be Tried in New York

9/11 Trial Poses Unparalleled Legal Obstacles for Both Sides

In House Record, Many Spoke With One Voice: Lobbyists’

Obama Pushes Rights With Chinese Students

Audit Faults New York Fed in A.I.G. Bailout

3 Democrats Could Block Health Bill in Senate

Senate Health Plan Seeks to Add Coverage to 31 Million

Reid, as Legislative Tactician, Takes Ownership of Health Care Overhaul

Hacked E-Mails Fuel Climate Change Skeptics

As Afghans Resist Taliban, U.S. Spurs Rise of Militias

Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government

Conservatives Make a List to Measure Candidates’ Commitment

Obama May Add 30,000 Troops in Afghanistan

At the First Obama State Dinner, the First Crashers

Obamas’ Uninvited Guests Prompt an Inquiry

Uninvited Pair Met Obama; Secret Service Offers Apology

Senate Report Explores 2001 Escape by bin Laden From Afghan Mountains

Obama’s Speech on Afghanistan to Envision Exit


Obama Sets Faster Troop Deployment to Afghanistan

Obama Adds Troops, but Maps Exit Plan

Black Caucus Seeks to Ease Radio’s Woes

U.S. Economy Lost Only 11,000 Jobs in November

Baucus Nominated Girlfriend for U.S. Attorney, Aide Says

Obama’s Logic Is No Match for Afghanistan

In Face of Skeptics, Experts Affirm Climate Peril

Liberal Senators Press for Expansion of Medicare

Reid Says Deal Resolves the Impasse on the Public Option

Accepting Peace Prize, Obama Evokes ‘Just War’

High Premiums in Senate Democrats’ Health Plan

Going Naked in Kabul

Huston Is Largest City to Elect Openly Gay Mayor

Lieberman Rules Out Voting for Health Bill

Lieberman Gets Ex-Party to Shift on Health Plan

Europe Drops Microsoft Antitrust Case Over Browsers

Intelligence Improperly Collected on U.S. Citizens

Liberal Revolt on Health Care Stings White House

U.N. Climate Talks ‘Take Note’ of Accord Backed by U.S.

Why the Senate Should Vote Yes on Health Care

Health Bill Passes Key Test in the Senate With 60 Votes

Democrats Face Challenge in Merging Health Bills

Plan to Move Guantanamo Detainees Faces a New Delay

Senate Passes Health Care Overhaul Bill

Vatican Defends Status of WWII Pope

Terror Attempt Seen as Man Tries to Ignite Device on Jet

Officials Point to Suspect’s Claim of Qaeda Ties in Yemen

Explosive on Flight 253 Is Among Most Powerful

U.S. Struggles Anew to Ensure Safety as Gaps Are Revealed

As the Nation’s Pulse Races, Obama Can’t Seem to Find His

Afghan Suicide Bomber Kills C.I.A. Operatives

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