2000: NEW YORK TIMES (365)



Chechnya’s Capital Becomes A Deadly Zone for Russians

Israel And Syria Meet Today In U.S. On Tangled Issues

Under Legal Attack, H.M.O.’s Face a Supreme Court Test

Greenspan Named To A Fourth Term As Fed Chairman

U.S. Says It Agrees To Return Boy, 6, To Father In Cuba

Texas’ Busy Death Chamber Helps Define Bush’s Tenure

Gore, In Reversal, Shuns Litmus Test Over Gay Troops

Mexican Tale of Absolute Drug Corruption

Online Sales Spur Illegal Importing Of Medicine To U.S.

America Online Agrees To Buy Time Warner For $165 Billion; Media Deal Is Richest Merger

Merger May Produce the Rival Microsoft Has Always Dreaded

Flight Can Justify Search By Police, High Court Rules

Antimissile Test Viewed As Flawed By Its Opponents

Justices To Rule On Law That Bans Abortion Method

Suspect in Serbian War Crimes Murdered by Masked Gunmen

Glaxo and SmithKline Agree To Form Largest Drugmaker

Annan Picks Ex-Arms Inspector To Head Iraq Monitoring Panel

Missile Is Unable To Hit Its Target In Pentagon Test

Ocean Change Making Winter More Volatile

Document Details Abuses In A Union Of Civil Servants

Big Smuggling Ring With A Wide Reach Scandalizes China

Prosecutors Portray the Strands Of a Bin Laden Web of Terror

Palestinian Talks May Miss Deadline, Israeli Aide Says

U.S. Asserts Pakistan Backed Hijacking of Air India Jetliner

Democrats Plan To Aid McCain In Ballot Fights

Evidence Is Seen Linking Bin Laden To Algerian Group

Clinton Stakes Claim to U.S. Prosperity

U.S. Acknowledges Radiation Killed Weapons Workers

States And Cities Removing Prisons From Courts’ Grip

Rams Win Super Bowl Thriller, as Titans Fall a Yard Short


C.I.A. Inquiry of Its Ex-Director Was Stalled at Top, Report Says

McCain Romps In First Primary; Gore Wins, Edging Out Bradley

U.S. Moves To Halt $30 Billion Union Of Oil Companies

McCain On Ballot Across New York As Pataki Gives In

Panel Recommends Reparations In Long-Ignored Tulsa Race Riot

U.S. Antidrug Plan To Aid Columbia Faces Skepticism

It’s Official: First Lady Is Now Candidate Clinton

Clinton’s Budget Stresses Surplus And Having It All

U.S. Productivity Rose At 5% Rate in 2nd Half Of ’99

Spread of Attacks on Web Sites Is Slowing Traffic on the Internet

Scores on Hijacked Afghan Plane Ask Unhappy British for Asylum

Britain Suspends Self-Government In North Ireland

I.R.S. Is Bolstering Efforts To Curb Cheating On Taxes

Term Limits Bring Wholesale Change Into Legislatures

Guilty Pleas Seen In The Laundering Of Russian Money

Bush Campaign Rushes To Refill Dwindling Coffer

Banker and Husband Tell Of Role in Laundering Case

As Commerce Chairman, McCain Is Hard to Define

Gore Back In Step With White House Over China Trade

Bush Halts McCain In South Carolina By Drawing A Huge Republican Vote

Iran Reformers’ Gains Reflected In Homages to Outspoken Cleric

China Says Taiwan Cannot Continue Delaying Reunion

McCain Rebounds In Michigan, Buoyed By Big Crossover Vote, And Wins Easily In Home State

Diallo Jurors Begin Deliberating In Murder Trial of Four Officers

A Daunting Edge In Campaign Cash Narrows For Bush

4 Officers In Diallo Shooting Are Acquitted Of All Charges

Marchers Protest Diallo Verdict, Taunting Police Along the Way

Bush Rues Failure To Attack Bigotry In Visit To College

McCain Denounces Political Tactics Of Christian Right


Bush Sweeps McCain in 3 G.O.P. Votes

In New York, McCain Faces Sharp Attacks

Longtime Fund-Raiser for Gore Convicted in Donation Scheme

Clinton To Send China Trade Bill To Congress Soon

McCain And Bush Face Crucial Test In Tuesday Voting

California Proposal Toughens Penalties for Young Criminals

Missile Contractor Doctored Tests, Ex-Employee Charges

Gore And Bush Triumph Nationwide, Putting Nominations In Their Grasp

I.N.S. Is Looking the Other Way As Illegal Immigrants Fill Jobs

McCain Quits Race But Stops Short Of Endorsing Bush

Aides to Reno Strongly Urged Inquiry on Gore

Gore To Embrace Campaign Finance As Central Theme

F.C.C. To Promote A Trading system To Sell Airwaves

Donating to the First Lady, Hoping the President Notices

Pataki Proposes A Broad Package Of Gun Controls

Bush Rebuffs Bid To Embrace Views Pushed By McCain

Undercover Police in Manhattan Kill an Unarmed Man in a Scuffle

U.S. Ending A Few Of The Sanctions Imposed On Iran

Taiwan Nationalists Ousted After Half-Century Reign

Waco Simulation Is Held, and Judge Seals Videos

Clinton Will Meet Syria’s President On Israel Issues

High Court Holds F.D.A. Can’t Impose Rules On Tobacco

Pope, At A Camp, Deplores Plight Of Palestinians

Putin Will Use Ex-K.G.B. Men To Battle Graft

Shooting Raises Scrutiny Of Police Antidrug Tactics

Angry Mourners and Police Clash At Funeral of Man Shot by Officer

Putin Wins Russia Vote in First Round, But His Majority Is Less Than Expected

Donors Wary Of Gore’s Plan On Financing

Poor Management By NASA Is Blamed For Mars Failure

Cuban Father Set To Get Boy In U.S., Castro Announces

Gore Supporting Residency Status For Cuban Child



Microsoft and U.S. Unable To Reach Antitrust Accord

Officials Worried Over A Sharp Rise In Identity Theft

U.S. Judge Says Microsoft Violated Antitrust Laws With Predatory Behavior

Ruling Party Picks No. 2 Official To Take Over as Japan Premier

General Accused Of Sex Harassment Had Won Key Post

Ex-Leaders of 2 Auction Giants Are Said to Initiate Price-Fixing

U.S. Set To Order A Speedy Return Of Boy To Father

C.I.A. Fires Officer Blamed In Bombing Of China Embassy

Two Koreas Agree To First Meeting Of Their Leaders

Microsoft Hires A Bush Adviser To Lobby Bush

Relatives to Give Cuban Boy To His Father, Officials Say

In Only a Few Weeks, Nasdaq Falls 25.3% From Its Pinnacle

Cuban’s Family Defies Reno; Court Issues a Stay

Stock Market In Steep Drop As Worried Investors Flee; Nasdaq Has Its Worst Week

I.R.S. More Likely To Audit The Poor And Not The Rich

Chinese Embassy Bombing: A Wide Net of Blame

Mindful of China, U.S. Agrees To Weapons Deal for Taiwan

U.N. Rights Group Foils U.S. Effort To Condemn China

Cuban Boy Stays In U.S. For Now A Court Decides

2 With Ties to Chief of Welfare Got Jobs With Major Contractor

3rd Party Joining Effort To Return Boy To His Father

Cuban Boy Seized By U.S. Agents And Reunited With His Father

Raid in Miami Opens New Front In Struggle Over the Cuban Boy

Albright Orders Staff Shake-Up Over Security

Justices Appear Set to Reject Law Banning Late Abortion

Justices Explore Scouts’ Exclusion Of Gay Members

Giuliani Fighting Prostate Cancer; Unsure On Senate

U.S. And 17 States Ask Judge To Cut Microsoft In 2 Parts; Serious Curbs Also Sought

South Asia Called Major Terror Hub In A Survey By U.S.


Bush To Advocate Private Accounts In Social Security

First of Iranian Spy Suspects Is Tried and Confesses on TV

Administration Steps Up Effort For Support of China Trade Bill

Cardinal O’Connor, 80, Dies; Forceful Voice For Vatican

House Trade Bill For The Caribbean And Africa Passes

U.S., In A Reversal, Begins An Inquiry Into Ex-C.I.A. Head

In Breakthrough, I.R.A. Will Allow Arms Inspections

Putin Is Made Russia’s President In First Free Transfer of Power

U.S. Plans To Help Airlift U.N. Forces Into Sierra Leone

Former Louisiana Governor Guilty of Extortion on Casinos

Giuliani and His Wife of 16 Years Are Separating

Companies To Cut Cost Of AIDS Drugs For Poor Nations

Report Disclosing Massacre By G.I.’s Is Under Question

U.S. Labor Leaders Push Hard To Kill China Trade Bill

Mother Rally to Assail Gun Violence

Poll Shows Bush Ahead of Gore, With Leadership a Crucial Issue

Fed Lifts Key Rate By 1/2 Point, To 6.5%; More Rises Hinted

2 Congress Panels Strongly Endorse China Trade Bill

U.S. Takes Blame In Los Alamos Fire, Which Still Burns

Giuliani Quits Race For Senate, And G.O.P. Rallies Around Lazio

Chinese Consider Trade Bill In U.S. Vital To Reform

Israel Summoning Negotiators Home After New Attack

Panel Advises That Clinton Be Disbarred

Israelis Out of Lebanon After 22 Years

House, In 237-197 Vote, Approves Normal Trade Rights For China

In Queens, Shock of a Methodical Massacre of 5

2 Men Arrested In Killings of 5 At Restaurant

Risk Of Arms Race Seen In U.S. Design Of Missile Defense

Blighted Areas Are Revived As Crime Rate Falls in Cities

Population Shift In The West Raises Wildfire Concerns

U.S. Seeks To Ease Some Restrictions On Broadcasters


Hudson River Park On Restored Piers Approved By U.S.

Court Upholds I.N.S.’s Rejection Of Asylum Effort for Cuban Boy

May’s Labor Data Indicate Economy Could Be Slowing

Clinton And Putin Meet At Kremlin With Wide Agenda

Clinton And Putin Unable To Agree On Missile Barrier

Ukraine Consents To Shut Chernobyl Before Year’s End

Corzine Trounces Florio In Primary, Richest Senate Bid

Microsoft Breakup Is Ordered For Antitrust Law Violations

British Attache Is Assassinated On Greek Street

Famine in North Korea Creates Steady Human Flow Into China

Syria’s Leader Assad Dies, Clouding Mideast Prospects

Leaders Of Syria Building Support For Son Of Assad

Nuclear Secrets Reported Missing From Los Alamos

Microsoft Claims Antitrust Judge Made Many Errors

Koreas Reach Accord Seeking Reconciliation After 50 Years

Seoul Celebrates Dawn Of ‘New Day’ As Talks Conclude

Missing Nuclear Data Found Behind a Los Alamos Copier

Long F.A.A. Delay Before A Warning About Jet Cables

A Dominating Tiger Woods Wins Open by 15 Strokes

Student Prayers Must Be Private, Court Reaffirms

Senate Expands Hate Crimes Law To Include Gays

Senate Approves $1 Billion To Aid Columbia Military

Justice Aide Seeks A Special Counsel In Inquiry Of Gore

An Angered Gore Defended ’96 Role To Investigator

Clinton Proposing Much Larger Plan For Drug Benefits

Nabisco In Accord To Be Purchased By Philip Morris

Genetic Code of Human Life Is Cracked by Scientists

House Backs Bill To Open Records Of Policy Groups

Court Rules That Governments Can’t Outlaw Type Of Abortion

$1.3 Billion Voted To Fight Drug War Among Columbians


Flight Tests Show Iraq Has Resumed A Missile Program

Reports Say China Is Aiding Pakistan On Missile Project

Challenger In Mexico Wins, Governing Party Concedes

Mexico, Voting In New Leader, Begins A Political Sea Change

Victor In Mexico Plans To Overhaul Law Enforcement

Arafat Will Meet With Barak In U.S. For Peace Effort

U.S. Plans Delay In First Execution In Four Decades

Antimissile Test Fails Over Pacific, Pentagon Reports

Key Missile Parts Are Left Untested As Booster Fails

Nooses, Symbols of Race Hatred, At Center of Workplace Lawsuits

Religious Groups At Odds With G.O.P. On Radio Licenses

Arab-Israeli Talks Open at Camp David

Israel Drops Plan To Sell Air Radar To China Military

Measure To Curb Internet Gambling Gains In The House

Jury Finds For U.S. In Deaths At Waco

Amid Race Profiling Claims, Asian-Americans Avoid Labs

Clinton Voices Some Optimism On Peace Talks

Proposal Offers Surveillance Rules For The Internet

U.S. Offers Africa $1 Billion A Year For Fighting AIDS

Clinton Leaves Peace Talks; Arafat and Barak Stay

No Cushions Seen For Bush Or Gore On Electoral Map

A Special Counsel Finds Government Faultless At Waco

U.S. Recommending Strict New Rules At Nursing Homes

Deutsche Telekom To Pay $50 Billion For U.S. Company

Central Park Shut To Spray For Virus

Bush Names Cheney, Citing ‘Integrity’ and ‘Experience’

Ford Said To Plan Improved Mileage In Sport Utilities

A Combative Leader Shapes Venezuela to a Leftist Vision

Clinton Hints That He Is Ready To Move Embassy to Jerusalem

Bush, In Address Will Make Appeal Beyond the G.O.P.

Officials Say Chavez Wins In Venezuela


Republicans Open Convention, Emphasizing Unity

For Republicans, a Night to Bolster Bush

Bush-Cheney Ticket Nominated And The Attacks On Gore Begin

Bush, Accepting G.O.P. Nomination, Pledges To ‘Use These Good Times For Great Goals’

Gore Fires Back, Hoping To Dampen Convention Spirit

President’s Veto Sets Up A Battle On Marriage Tax

Iran Leaders Bars A Bill Restoring Freedom Of Press

Lieberman Will Run With Gore; First Jew On A Major U.S. Ticket

Gore and Lieberman Make Tolerance the Centerpiece

Fund-Raisers for 2 Clintons Set for Eve of Convention

In Shift, Mrs. Clinton Stresses Behind-the-Scenes Influence

Cheney Is Said to Be Receiving $20 Million Retirement Package

Brooklyn Gunman Wounds 3 Officers Before Being Slain

Democrats Ready the Stage For Their Post-Clinton Era

Clinton, Opening Convention, Says Gore Will Protect Legacy

Sunken Submarine Sends SOS As Russia Pushes Rescue Effort

Lieberman Sets Stage For Gore As Democrats Seal The Ticket

Gore, In Debut As A Presidential Nominee, Says, ‘I Stand Here Tonight As My Own Man’

After Convention, Bush Chides Gore For Divisive Tone

All 118 on Sub Probably Dead, Russians Assert

Norwegian Divers Open Sub’s Hatch But Find No Bodies

U.N. Readies Team To Check Weapons Held By The Iraqis

Mitsubishi Admits To Broad Cover-Up Of Auto Defects

New Rules On Use Of Human Embryos In Cell Research

Accused Scientist To Go Free On Bail In Los Alamos Case

On Hair-Trigger Wall Street, A Stock Plunges on Fake News

Clinton In Nigeria To Show Support For Civilian Rule

President Urges Nigeria To Fight Tyranny Of AIDS

U.S. Spy Sub Said to Record Torpedo Blast Aboard Kursk

Judge Orders U.S. To Turn Over Data In Secrets Inquiry

Clinton Handled Military Poorly, Cheney Contends


Pentagon Likely To Delay New Test For Missile Shield

Accused Scientist Has Bail Blocked At Last Moment

Russian Resistance a Key To Delay on Missile Shield

Foreign Workers At Highest Level In Seven Decades

TV Networks Jilted by Bush Won’t Take Part in 2 Debates

Bush Spells Out Major Overhaul In Medicare Plan

Clinton Warns U.N. of a New Age of Civil Wars

Clinton Won’t Meet His Goal Of Mideast Peace, Aides Fear

A Populist Pitch Helps Gore Woo Back His Party’s Base

Congress Poised For Big Increase In U.S. Spending

U.S. To Reduce Case Against Scientist To A Single Charge

Documents Indicate Ford Knew Of Engine Defect but Was Silent

Chase Is Reported On Verge Of Deal To Obtain Morgan

Nuclear Scientist Set Free After Plea In Secrets Case; Judge Attacks 

Clinton Criticizes Officials’ Actions Against Scientist

Clinton Doubts Scientist’s Race Influenced Case

Ground Shifts In Fight to Gain Electoral Edge

Bucking the Swing-State Trend, Ohio Holding Steady, Polls Show

U.S. Asks Putin Not to Sell Iran A Laser System

Senate Votes To Lift Curbs On U.S. Trade With Beijing; Strong Bipartisan Support

Whitewater Inquiry Ends; A Lack Of Evidence Is Cited In Case Involving Clintons

‘Soft Money’ Ban Called A Problem For Mrs. Clinton

Senate Donors Among Guests At White House

Candidates Back ‘Soft Money’ Ban In New York Race

Both Sides Claim To Hold The Lead In Yugoslav Vote

Yugoslavia’s Opposition Leader Claims Victory Over Milosevic

Reno and Freeh, in Hearing, Defend Case Against Scientist

After Yugoslavs Celebrate, Belgrade Orders a Runoff

U.S. Approves Abortion Pill; Drug Offers More Privacy, And Could Reshape Debate

Bush, in Energy Plan, Endorses New U.S. Drilling to Curb Prices


Strike Fears Grip Hollywood As Unions Flex New Muscle

Violence Spreads To Israeli Towns; Arab Toll At 28

As Arabs and Israelis Fight On, Albright Seeks Talks

Bush and Gore Stake Out Differences in First Debate

Former Sotheby’s Chief Is Said To Be Planning to Plead Guilty

Yugoslavs Claim Belgrade for a New Leader

Milosevic Concedes His Defeat; Yugoslavs Celebrate New Era

Arab-Israeli Conflict Spreads to Border With Lebanon

Clinton Is Asking Egypt To Convene A Mideast Meeting

Israelis Extend Deadline for Arafat to Quell Violence

U.S. Warning China On Trade Pledges

Candidates Meet in Restrained Debate

Blast Kills Sailors On U.S. Ship In Yemen

Toll Rises to 17 in Ship Blast, as U.S. Hunts Suspects

Elite U.S. Team Investigates Ship Attack

Sailors Praised for Saving Ship After Collapse of a Bulkhead

Yemenis Now Say That Ship Blast Was Criminal Act

2 Sides In Medeast Promise To Work To Stop Violence

New Criticism of First Lady In Final Travel Office Report

F.D.A. Ban Sought On Chemical Used For Cold Remedies

Bin Laden Linked To Embassy Blast By An Ex-Soldier

New Front Opens In Effort To Fight Race Bias In Loans

Arab States Take Diplomatic Steps To Punish Israel

Albright Greeted With A Fanfare By North Korea

Republicans Agree On Abortion Deal To Advance Budget

AT&T, In Pullback, Will Break Itself Into 4 Businesses

In 5 Games, a Third Straight World Series Trophy

On Each Side, Accusing Fingers Over Nasty Turn in Campaign

Big Push Starts To Lift Turnout Of Black Vote

Gore Team Renews Criticism Of Bush As Inexperienced

A Confident Bush Says He Can Win California’s Vote


Gore Accuses Bush of Waging ‘Class Warfare’

Gore and Bush Trade Jabs On Pensions and Spending

Car Bomb Kills 2 Israelis and Threatens Truce Effort

U.S. to Open Civil Rights Inquiry In New Jersey Turnpike Shooting

President Vetoes Measure To Punish Disclosing Secrets

Focus Is on Crucial States in Campaign’s Final Hours

Campaign Ends; Now the Voters Will Have Their Say

Bush And Gore View For An Edge With Narrow Electoral Split; Hillary Clinton Goes To Senate

Bush Barely Ahead Of Gore In Florida As Recount Holds Key To The Election

Gore Campaign Vows Court Fight Over Vote With Florida’s Outcome Still Up In The Air

Bush And Advisers, Confident Of A Victory In Recount, Urge Gore Not To Stand In Way

Bush Sues To Halt Hand Recount In Florida

Recount Fight Widens As Court Case Begins

A Vote Deadline In Florida Is Set For Today

Judge Upholds Hand Recounts In Florida; 2 Counties Are Facing New State Deadline

Florida Says No To Further Recounts As Bush Dismisses Overture From Gore

Florida’s High Court Rules Recounts Can Go On

Florida Court Bars Naming A Winner; Bush Lead Grows With Overseas Tally

Bush’s Lead Stands at 930 After Overseas Count

Recounts Drag On; Court Battle Lines Are Drawn

Florida’s Justices Zero In on Recount Deadlines

Florida Court Backs Hand Recounts And Orders Vote Deadline Of Monday

Bush Takes Appeal To U.S. Supreme Court; Cheney In Hospital With Mild Heart Attack

Florida’s High Court Deals Gore A Setback, Denying Bid To Force A Miami-Dade Recount

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Florida Recount Case

With Deadline Near, Florida Recount Grinds On

Bush Is Declared Winner In Florida, But Gore Vows To Contest Results

Gore Asks Public For Patience; Bush Starts Transition Moves; Administration Withholds Aid

Florida Lawmakers Moving To Bypass Courts For Bush; Judge Bars A Quick Recount

Public Splits On Party Lines Over Vote And Long Delay


Bush’s Lawyers Attack Suit By Gore To Challenge Vote

U.S. Supreme Court Presses 2 Sides on Vote Case

Gore Asks Judge For New Tally But Bush Calls It Unjustified

Gore And Bush Lawyers Close Arguments Over Florida Tally

Gore Loses Florida Recount Case; Puts Last Hope In State High Court

Conservatives To Lead Senate; Gore Says He’ll Continue Fight

With Court Set To Hear Appeal, Legislators Move On Electors

Florida High Court Hears Gore’s Appeal on Vote

Florida Court Backs Recount; Bush Appealing To U.S. Justices

Supreme Court, Split 5-4, Halts Florida Count In Blow To Gore

Bush v. Gore Is Now in Hands of Supreme Court

Justices’ Questions Underline Divide On Whether Hand Recount Can Be Fair

Bush Prevails: By Single Vote, Justices End Recount, Blocking Gore After 5-Week Struggle

Bush Pledges To Be President For ‘One Nation,’ Not One Party; Gore, Conceding, Urges Unity

AOL And Time Warner Gain Approval For Huge Merger, But With Strict Conditions

Putin, in Cuba, Signals Priority Of Ties to U.S.

Powell To Head State Dept. As Bush’s First Cabinet Pick

Bush Adviser Gets National Security Post

President-Elect Courts Congress And Urges Tax Cut

Fed, Shifting Goal, Stresses Fighting Risk Of Recession

Alcoa’s Chairman Is Named By Bush To Treasury Post

G.O.P. Split Slows Bush’s Selection For Defense Post

Conservative For Justice Post: Whitman Chosen To Head E.P.A.

Voters In Serbia Erase The Remains Of Milosevic Rule

Worker Shortage In Health Fields Worst In Decades

Clinton Presents A Broad New Plan For Mideast Peace

In A Turnaround, White House Kills Drug-Import Plan

3 Arab Countries React Favorably To Mideast Plan

Defense Secretary Chosen; Held Same Post Under Ford

New Picks Firm Up Conservaitve Cast Of Bush’s Cabinet

All Sides Resist Plan by Clinton For the Mideast

News Source: New York Times

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