1999: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


11 Countries Tie Europe Together In One Currency

Clinton Proposes A Budget Increase For The Military

Oregon Falters On a New Path To Health Care

Congress Returns To A Shadow Cast By Impeachment

U.S. Ready To Ease Some Restrictions In Policy On Cuba

Iraqi’s Angry Call For Revolt Splits The Arab Nations

A Full Impeachment Trial, Including Vote On Articles, Likely As Compromise Fades

Clinton Trial Opens, but Process Talks Go On

Senate, In Unanimity, Sets Rules For Trial; Witness Issue Put Off

Trial Accord Shifts Focus Back to Starr’s Evidence

Witness Question In Clinton’s Trial Remains Big Issue

President Offers Formal Argument Against Removal

Anxiety Growing Over Indian Claim In New York State

Brazil Devalues Its Currency 8%, Roiling Markets

Senators Hear First Plea by House to Remove Clinton

Senate Told It’s Clinton ‘Who Is Not Telling the Truth’

Prosecution Argues Impeachability of Clinton’s Deeds

Clinton To Urge More U.S. Controls On Aid To Schools

Losing Ground on Witness Issue, White House Opens Case Today

Unbowed, Clinton Presses Social Security Plan

Defense Challenges Impeachment ‘Mumbo Jumbo’

Clinton Defense Concludes By Weighing Admitted Sins Against Good Of The Nation

Byrd Will Offer A Motion To End Trial Of Clinton

U.S. Judge Orders Lewinsky To Meet With House Team

Prosecutors Query Lewinsky, Saying She’d Be Good Witness

Witness Wrangling Goes On As Senate, In Closed Session, Debates A Dismissal Motion

Senate Moves Toward a Vote to Call 3 Witnesses

Senate Refuses To Dismiss Case And Agrees To Call Lewinsky; Daschle Sees Clinton Survival

G.O.P. Trial Plan Passes In Senate Along Party Lines

U.S. Economy Grew At Fast 5.6% Rate At The End Of ’98

Starr Is Weighing Whether To Indict Sitting President


Broncos Win Second Straight Super Bowl Title

Lewinsky Queried As Clinton’s Trial Enters New Phase

Damaged By Trial, Senate’s Standing Sinks In New Poll

Senate Is Poised For Crucial Votes On Its Witnesses

Senate Decides Not To Call Lewinsky As A Live Witness; Votes To Show Tape Instead

Witnesses Provide No Breakthrough In Clinton’s Trial

Public Hears Lewinsky’s Story As Videos Are Played In Senate

Hussein of Jordan, Voice for Peace, Dies

Hyde, In Closing, Demands Senate ‘Cleanse Office’

Out of Earshot, the Senate Deliberates

Majority Verdict In Doubt For Conviction On Perjury; Obstruction Faltering, Too

Senate Condemns Clinton In Debate; Is Ready To Acquit

Clinton Acquitted Decisively: No Majority For Either Charge

Road to Reconciliation Appears Long and Hard After Acquittal

G.O.P. Moderates Meet to Frown Before an Unflattering Mirror

How U.S. Wooed Asia To Let Cash Flow In

First Lady Gives ‘Careful Thought’ to Senate Bid

Oregon Reporting 15 Deaths In 1998 Under Suicide Law

Reno Considering Separate Counsel For Starr Inquiry

U.S. Helped Turkey Find and Capture Kurd Rebel

U.S. Is Asking for Patients’ Help In Fight Against Medicare Fraud

Albright Forsees No Raids On Serbs If 2 Sides Bar Pact

Citing Security, U.S. Spurns China On Satellite Deal

Kosovo Albanians, in Reversal, Say They Will Sign Peace Pact

A Plunge in Use Of Food Stamps Causes Concern

Texas Jury Picks Death Sentence In Fatal Dragging of a Black Man

In A Stiff Rebuke, U.S. Accuses China Of Abusing Rights

For Microsoft, Humbled May Not Mean Defeated


Former Military Ruler Wins Nigerian Presidential Vote

Albright Debates Rights And Trade With The Chinese

8 Tourists Slain in Uganda, Including U.S. Couple

New Yorkers Hear First Lady and See a Candidate

Pilot Acquitted In Deaths of 20 on Ski Gondola

China Stole Nuclear Secrets For Bombs, U.S. Aides Say

Unity Is Elusive As Religious Right Ponders 2000 Vote

Cable Rates Rising As Industry Nears End Of Regulation

U.S. Fires Scientist Suspected Of Giving China Bomb Data

RJR Nabisco Splits Tobacco Ventures And Food Business

Albright Defends Policies On China As G.O.P. Attacks

President Denies Ignoring Evidence Of Nuclear Spying

Poland, Hungary and the Czechs Join NATO

Russia Remains Uneasy Over NATO’s Expansion

Will Beijing’s Nuclear Arsenal Stay Small or Will It Mushroom?

Leading Senators Demand U.S. Limit Help For Beijing

N. Korea Consents To U.S. Inspection Of A Suspect Site

Government Study Of Marijuana Sees Medical Benefits

U.S. Trade Deficit Soars As Imports Increase Sharply

Clinton Says Force Is Needed to Halt Kosovo Bloodshed

Russian With Many Faces May Get Lift in U.S. Visit

Milosevic To Get One ‘Last Chance’ To Avoid Bombing

Police Head Defends His Force As Protests in Diallo Case Go On

NATO Authorizes Bomb Strikes; Primakov, In Air, Skips U.S. Visit

NATO Opens Broad Barrage Against Serbs As Clinton Denounces Yugoslav President

NATO Strikes Go On as Serbs Step Up Campaign

NATO Launches Daytime Strike; Milosevic Resisting Fiercely; Two Serb Jets Are Shot Down

U.S. Stealth Fighter Is Down In Yugoslavia As NATO Orders Attack On Serb Army Units

NATO Planes Step Up Attacks on Serb Troops

NATO Hunting For Serb Forces; U.S. Reports Signs Of ‘Genocide’

Thwarted, NATO Agrees to Bomb Belgrade Sites


NATO Plans Weeks Of Bombing To Break Grip Of Serb Leader

Allies Hit Troops And Bridge; Serbs May Try 3 Captured G.I.’s 

NATO Hits Belgrade Center For First Time, Razing Command Sites For Kosovo Fighting

NATO Bombs Belgrade Again, Widening Strikes

NATO Plans Airlift of 100,000 Kosovo Refugees

Serb Forces in Kosovo Under Attack as Weather Clears

NATO Dismisses a Milosevic Bid and Steps Up Raids

Intelligence Reports Points To 2d China Nuclear Link

U.S.-China Talks Fail To Produce Major Trade Deal

Apache Copters May Take Month to Be Combat-Ready

Allies Expecting ‘Many More Weeks’ Of Air Campaign

I.R.S. Figures Show Drop In Tax Audits For Big Companies

Clinton Is Found To Be In Contempt On Jones Lawsuit

After Criticisms, Clinton Moves To Restart Talks With Chinese

House Democrats Renew Effort To Pass Campaign Finance Bill

NATO Admits the Mistaken Bombing of Civilians

Alliance Reports Successful Night Of Bombing Serbs

How a President, Distracted by Scandal, Entered Balkan War

U.S. Is Asking NATO For Sea Blockade Of Yugoslav’s Oil

Stock Market Hit As Investors Flee Technology Area

2 Students In Colorado School Said To Gun Down As Many As 23 And Kill Themselves In A Siege

15 Bodies Are Removed From School in Colorado

2 Youths Wanted to ‘Destroy the School,’ Sheriff Says

NATO Approves Naval Embargo on Oil Going to Serbs

Attack At School Planned A Year, Authorities Say

Clinton and Yeltsin Agree to Share Ideas on Kosovo

Diary of a High School Gunman Reveals a Plan to Kill Hundreds

U.S. Says Suspect Put Codes On Bombs in Unsecure Files

Deadlocked House Denies Support for Air Campaign

Bombing Unites Serb Army As it Debilitates Economy


Bomb Kills 2 in London Gay Bar; Extremists Tied to Three Attacks

1998 Report Told Of Lab Breaches And China Threat

Clinton Will Meet The Russian Envoy On Balkans Today

NATO Air Attacks On Power Plants Pass A Threshold

Oklahoma and Kansas Dig Out From Tornado Ruins

Arduous Search for the Missing In Tornado-Stricken Oklahoma

Russia In Accord On Need For Force To Patrol Kosovo

NATO Raid Hits China Embassy; Beijing Cites ‘Barbarian Act’; Allies Admit Striking Hospital

NATO Says It Thought Embassy Was Arms Agency

More Anti-U.S. Protests in Beijing as Officials Study Bombing Error

Embassy Bombing May Badly Impede Kosovo Diplomacy

Committee Told Of Beijing Cash For Democrats

Yeltsin Dismisses His Prime Minister In A New Shake-Up

China Is Installing a Warhead Said to Be Based on U.S. Secrets

Senate Passes Republican Plan On Checking Gun-Show Buyers

Pentagon Withholds Copters From Battlefields in Kosovo

A Doctor’s Drug Studies Turn Into Fraud

Israelis Choose A New Leader And Remake Their Parliament

NATO Says Serbs, Fearing Land War, Dig In On Border

In Surprise, Witness Says Officer Bragged About Louima Torture

Senate Votes Gun Curbs, Hours After School Shooting

Clinton Is Pushing For 50,000 Troops At Kosovo Border

Booming Job Market Draws Young Black Men Into Fold

Serbs Reinforcing Troops In Kosovo Close To Albania

In Harsh Testimony’s Wake, Officer Accused In Torture Of Louima To Plead Guilty

Spying Charges Against Beijing Are Spelled Out By House Panel

Tribunal Is Said To Cite Milosevic For War Crimes

U.S. Accuses 3 of Smuggling Mexican Babies

How Serb Forces Purged One Million Albanians

Secret Witness To Car Crashes In Black Boxes

Firearms Limits Gaining Support In Legislatures


Clinton Declares Most War Cleanup Is Europe’s Task

Low-Cost Trading On Line Is Planned By Merrill Lynch

Moscow And West Making Headway On A Kosovo Plan

Milosevic Yields On NATO’s Key Terms; 50,000 Allied Troops To Police Kosovo

Bombing of Serbs Could End This Weekend, U.S. Says

Pullout Talks Start, but Pact Is Delayed

Kosovo Talks Break Down As Serbs Balk Over Details; NATO Will Step Up Bombing

Russians Balking As Gains Are Made On Kosovo Talks

Moscow And West Agree On Kosovo; Plan Given To U.N.

Serb Military Accepts Accord, Clearing Way To Halt Bombing

Bombing Ends as Serbs Begin Pullout

Russians Enter Kosovo Early But Moscow Calls It A Mistake; British Lead NATO’s Vanguard

NATO Troops Roll Into Kosovo; Confusion Over Russian Move

NATO Expands Its Force in Kosovo but Russians Still  Block Airport

Kosovo Rebels Savor New Role as Serb Troops Leave

Kosovo Landscape Lays Bare Serbs’ Brutal Campaign

Kosovars Rush Home and Overwhelm Relief Workers

House Vote Deals A Stinging Defeat To Gun Controls

Gun-Control Bill Rejected In House In Bipartisan Vote

Democrats Mount Attack On G.O.P. Over Gun Control

G.O.P. Retreating From Hard Stand Against Abortion

In A Big Shake-Up, Crew Will Close 13 Failing Schools

Senate Kills Effort to Impose Tight Limits on Steel Imports

States Are Given New Legal Shield By Supreme Court

House Passes Bill Making It Harder To Seize Property

F.B.I. Is Proposing A Special Division For Hunting Spies

Clinton Planning To Cut Long-Term Cost Of Medicare

Asbestos Cases In for Overhaul By Lawmakers

Clinton Outlines Plan For Surplus; G.O.P. Suspicious

Clinton Lays Out Plan To Overhaul Medicare System


Fed Raises A Rate, But Then Suggests That May Suffice

Bill To Overhaul Financial System Passes The House

Bias Permeates The State Police, Whitman Admits

Reason Is Sought For Lag By Blacks In School Effort

Suspect Sought In Attacks Said To Kill Himself

Midwest Gunman Had Engaged In Racist Acts at 2 Universities

Record Heat Claims Lives and Cuts Power

18-Hour Blackout Ends as Heat Fades

Blackout Spoils Research Work In Medical Labs

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Spurs A Wave of G.O.P. Fund-Raising

G.O.P. Renews Push For A Big Tax Cut, Citing The Surplus

Foes Report Plan To Begin Pullout In Kashmir Region

Iran Protests Spread to 18 Cities; Police Crack Down at University

Chaotic Protests Reign In Teheran’ Vigilantes Active

New Means Found For Reducing H.I.V. Passed To Child

U.S. in a Push To Bar Vaccine Given to Infants

House Is Prepared To Cut Off Funds For F-22 Fighters

John Kennedy’s Plane Vanishes Off Cape Cod

Rescue Search in Kennedy Crash Ends

Kennedy Flight Ended in a Plunge, Radar Shows

Maneuver by Kennedy’s Plane Suggest He Was Disoriented

Bodies From Kennedy Crash Are Found

China Steps Up Its Drive to Halt Dissident Sect

Data Tying Cancer To Electric Power Found To Be False

Democrats Aim for Record In Unregulated Donations

U.S. And China Say They Are Mending Post-Bombing Rift

Chinese Officials Held In Campaign Against Vast Sect

U.S. Drawing Plan That Will Monitor Computer Systems

Toll Now 19 in Swiss Canyon In an Adventure Gone Awry

Gunman in Atlanta Slays 9, Then Himself

Senate Approves Big Cut In Taxes, Courting A Veto


Audit of V.A. Health Care Finds Millions Are Wasted

Coalition’s Woes May Hinder Goals Of Christian Right

In Plea Deal, a Banker Outlines Money Laundering in Caymans

Zapruder Heirs Get $16 Million For Dallas Film

New Jersey Court Overturns Ouster Of Gay Boy Scout

F.C.C. Will Permit Owning 2 Stations In Big TV Markets

U.S. Colonel’s Wife Named In Bogota Drug Smuggling

Clinton To Chide States For Failing To Cover Children

Clinton Cautions States On Tax Cut

Yeltsin Dismisses Another Premier; K.G.B. Veteran Is In

3 Small Boys Are Shot at a California Day Camp

Man With a Past of Racial Hate Surrender in Day Camp Attack

China and U.S. Are Reported To Trade Threats on Taiwan

Israel’s History Textbooks Replace Myths With Facts

Bush Triumphs In a Straw Poll By Iowa G.O.P.

A.T.M. Cards Fail to Live Up To Promises Made to the Poor

Rarely Bested Astronomers Are Stumped by a Tiny Light

Official Asserts Spy Case Suspect Was A Bias Victim

Activity At Bank Raises Suspicions Of Russia Mob Tie

Bank in Laundering Inquiry Courted Russians Zealously

Turkish Quake Relief Turns to Preventing Epidemics

States Called Lax On Tests For Lead In Poor Children

Dismissed Before Reaching Court, Flawed Arrests Rise in New York

Lobbying for Research Money, Colleges Bypass Review Process

Subversion Trials Due For Leaders Of Sect In China

F.B.I. Backs Away From Flat Denial In Waco Cult Fire

Reno Admits Credibility Loss In Waco Case

Russian Says Officials Funneled Cash to Bank in Laundering Case

Leftover Money for Welfare Baffles, or Inspires, States

Democrats Ready For Fight To Save Test Ban Treaty

AT&T Joins Rivals By Lowering Rate For Long Distance


F.B.I. Chief Says He Supports An Outside Inquiry on Waco

City To Hold Back 60% Of Those Sent To Summer School

Mideast Standoff Remains Unsolved As Albright Visits

Reno Vows To Get At Truth On Fire At Cult Compound

First Lady Asks Clinton to Drop Clemency Offer

Hispanic Leaders Scold First Lady

Israel Court Bans Most Use Of Force In Interrogations

Viacom To Buy CBS, Forming 2D Largest Media Company

Ex-Senator Picked By Reno To Head New Waco Inquiry

President Unveils Gun Buyback Plan

Puerto Ricans Clinton Freed Leave Prisons

Clinton And Jiang Heal Rift And Set New Trade Course

Indonesia Invites a U.N. Force to Timor

Moscow Blast, 3d in 2 Weeks, Kills at Least 95

Southeast Coast Braces as Hurricane Wheels Nearer

Gunman Kills 7, and Himself, At Baptist Church in Fort Worth

Clinton Refuses Subpoena For Material on Clemency

Trade Sanctions On North Korea Are Eased By U.S. 

Cases Give Court Chances To Define Church And State

North Carolina Reeling in Hurricane’s Aftermath

Taiwan Quake Kills Hundreds; Thousands Trapped Or Injured

Director Of F.B.I. Opposed Clemency For Puerto Ricans

U.S. Will Broaden Investigation Of China Nuclear Secrets Case

House Passes Bill That Would Limit Class-Action Suits

African Virus May Be Culprit In Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

A Fiscal Deadline Could Force G.O.P. To Break A Pledge

Drop In Recruits Pushes Pentagon To New Strategy

Outbreak of Virus in New York Much Broader Than Suspected

Brooklyn Museum Sues to Keep Mayor From Freezing Its Funds

Gore Heads Home In Move To Revamp Lagging Campaign


Japanese Fuel Plan Spews Radiation After Accident

Safety And Crime At Heart Of Talks On Gun Lawsuits

Business Thrives on Unproven Care, Leaving Science Behind

Police Account Challenged In Killing of Troubled Man

MCI To Buy Sprint In Swap Of Stock For $108 Billion

Jury Charges 3, One A Bank Aide, In Russian Case

Health Care Bill Passed By House Intensifies Furor

House Passes Bill To Expand Rights On Medical Care

Chip Progress Forecast to Hit A Big Barrier

I.R.S. Is Allowing More Delinquents To Avoid Tax Bills

Clinton Opposes A Plan By Allies To Give Serbs Aid

A Plan Is In Works To Put Off A Vote On Test Ban Pact

Pakistan Army Seizes Power Hours After Prime Minister Dismisses His Military Chief

Senate Kills Test Ban Treaty In Crushing Loss For Clinton; Evokes Versailles Pact Defeat

Clinton Says ‘New Isolationism’ Imperils U.S. Security

White House Inquiry Still Stews As Starr Prepares to Step Down

U.S. Asks Russia To Alter Treaty For Help On Radar

After 15 Pitchers and 15 Innings, Mets Live

New York Psychologists Forming Alliance With a Teachers’ Union

Vote On Campaign Finances Is Blocked By Senate G.O.P. For Fourth Year In A Row

Low on Cash, Dole Withdraws From G.O.P. Race

Court Orders City To Allow Protest By Ku Klux Klan

Accord Reached On Lifting Of Depression-Era Barriers Among Financial Industries

Unmasked Klan Is Besieged at Manhattan Rally

Standoff on Budget Yields An Unexpected Dividend

Buchanan Bolts G.O.P. for Reform Party Run

Clinton To Unveil Rules To Protect Medical Privacy

Yankees Sweep Braves for 25th Title As Clemens Gets His Series Dream

House Approves a 1% Budget Cut Across The Board

Death Penalty Gets Attention Of High Court

Brooklyn Museum Recruited Donors Who Stood To Gain


Egyptian Jet, Carrying 217, Plunges Into The Atlantic; Cause Of Crash Is Unknown

Clinton Seeks China Deal On Trade by Month’s End

New York Voters Strongly Reject Charter Revision

7 Utilities Sued By U.S. On Charges Of Polluting Air

Rebound in City Murder Rate Puzzling New York Officials

U.S. Judge Declares Microsoft Is A Market-Stifling Monopoly; Gates Retains Defiant Stance

Pataki To Impose Strict New Limits On Auto Emissions

Computer Worries Fuel Withdrawal Of U.S. Diplomats

Court’s Refusal to Hear Cases Preserves Delays on Death Row

Poll Finds Greater Confidence in Democrats

U.S. Seeks To Curb Israeli Arms Sale To China Air Force

Agreement on Plan to Revamp Organ Distribution

First Lady’s New Campaign Worries

South Korea Seen Trying To Extend Range Of Missiles

Deal Is Reached On Dues Owed U.N., Breaking Impasse

U.S. Reaches An Accord To Open China Economy As Worldwide Market

Crew Member Suspected of Crashing Jet

Egyptians See U.S. As Rushing To Find Reason For Crash

Yeltsin And West Clash At Summit Over Chechen War

In Wake of Attack, Giuliani Cracks Down on Homeless

Underlying Tensions Kept Congress Divided to the End

Chaos and Intolerance Prevailing In Kosovo Despite U.N.’s Efforts

Plan To Exclude Remedial Students Approved At CUNY

Clinton, Saluting Kosovo Albanians, Urges Forgiveness

Whirlwind of Facial Surgery By Foreigners Upsets China

Congress Leaves Business Lobbies Almost All Smiles

Exxon And Mobil Expected To Get Merger Approval

Ulster Unionists Open Way to Govern With Sinn Fein

Motherhood Deters Women From Army’s Highest Ranks

U.S. Frees Man Jailed 3 Years On Secret Data


National Guard Is Called to Quell Trade-Talk Protests

Black Masks Lead to Pointed Fingers in Seattle

Academic Standards Eased As a Fear of Failure Spreads

President Halts Target Practice By Navy on Puerto Rican Island

Impasse on Trade Delivers A Stinging Blow to Clinton

Truants’ Parents Face Crackdown Across The U.S.

Mars Lander’s Apparent Failure Dashes Spirits and Raises Fears

Investigator Says Teachers In City Aided In Cheating

Work-for-Shelter Requirement Is Delayed by New York Judges

McCain Planning To Join Bradley In Campaign Plea

Nuclear Weapons Engineer Indicted in Removal of Data

As Vote Nears, Russians Leaning Toward Return of a Strong Hand

Mental Disorders Common, U.S. Says; Many Not Treated

Volpe Sentenced To A 30-Year Term In Louima Torture

Transit Union Reports Pact Averting A Citywide Strike; Mayor Expects Normal Day

Transit Pact Raises Pay by 18% And May Influence Other Talks

Inquiry Says U.N. Inertia in ’94 Worsened Genocide in Rwanda

E.P.A. Is Ordering 392 Plants To Cut Pollution In Half

Colonialism Ending in Asia As China Reclaims Macao

Russina Vote Bolsters Pro-Yeltsin Camp in Parliament

City Too Zealous On X-Rated Shops, State Court Rules

Democrats Able To Circumvent Donation Limit

U.S. Will Monitor New Jersey Police On Race Profiling

Board Ousts Schools Chief, Saying Crew Lost His Focus; Mayor’s Role Becomes Issue

Hijackers Send Indian Jetliner On an Odyssey

Ambitious Effort To Cut Mistakes In U.S. Hospitals

China Sentences 4 In Spiritual Group To Long Jail Time

Religious Faction Says It Will Quit Barak’s Cabinet

Plane’s Hijackers Dealing With India, Issue New Demands

NASDAQ Ends Day Above 4,000 Points For The First Time

Brooklyn Man Is Charged With Aiding in Bomb Plot

News Source: New York Times

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