1998: NEW YORK TIMES (363)


A U.S. Judge Strikes Down Parts Of ’96 Telecommunications Act

At Inauguration, Giuliani Outlines Police Expansion

Water Main Ruptures, Creating A Huge Sinkhole on Fifth Avenue

Deadly Bacteria a New Threat To Fruit and Produce in U.S. 

Netanyahu’s Hold On Power Is Hurt As Minister Quits

Clinton Will Seek Balance Budget In ’99 Instead Of ’02

With the Focus on South Korea, Thai and Indonesian Aid Falters

Death Penalty Ruled Out As Nichols Jury Deadlocks In Oklahoma Bombing Case

Unabom Chaos Grows on Talk Of Suicide Try

U.S. to Suspend Road Building In Many National Forest Areas

Casino Inquiry Pushes Babbitt From the Pinnacle to the Brink

Casinos Paying Top Dollar To Coddle Elite Gamblers

Aids Group Urges New York To Start Reporting Of H.I.V.

Iraq Bars Arms Inspectors Again, Saying American in Charge Is Spy

Iraq Is Warned To Open Sites To U.N. Team

Public Still Backs Abortion, But Wants Limits, Poll Says

Turks’ High Court Orders Disbanding Of Islamic Party

Hussein Delivers A New Ultimatum On U.N. Inspectors

Cuba and the Church Continue To Maneuver Over Pope’s Visit

Clinton Plan to Widen Medicare Can’t Pay for Itself, Experts Say

Lawyers for Kaczynski Agree He Is Competent to Stand Trial

Subpoenas Sent As Clinton Denies Reports Of An Affair With Aide At White House

Clinton And Vernon Jordan Tighten Denials On Affair And On Seeking A Cover-Up

Ex-Intern Offered to Tell of Clinton Affair In Exchange for Immunity, Lawyers Report

How a Single Telephone Call Was the Catalyst for a Crisis

White House Acts To Contain Furor As Concern Grows

Clinton Emphatically Denies an Affair With Ex-Intern

Clinton, With Crisis Swirling, Puts Focus On Social Security In Upbeat State Of Union Talk

Ex-Intern Said to Describe Clinton Advice on Invasion

A U.S. Judge Bars Lewinsky Evidence In Jones’s Lawsuit

Figure In Scandal Asserts She Heard Clinton On Phone


President’s Crisis Giving Democrats A Surprising Lift

Lewinsky Would Take Lie Test In Exchange for Immunity Deal

Logs at White House Show 3 Dozen Visits by Lewinsky

Friend of Clinton Surrenders In Campaign Finance Inquiry

Starr Turns Down Limit On Questions To Clinton’s Aides

Aide’s Statements Are Said To Differ From President’s

Clinton Rules Out Any Consideration On Stepping Down

Draft Of Report For G.O.P. Attacks Clinton Campaign

U.S. Will Not Ask To Use Saudi Bases For A Raid On Iraq

On the Stand in the BrawleyTrial, Sharpton Likens Himself to King

‘China Area’ Tied To Illegal Gifts

Subpoenas Issued To Secret Service In Intern Inquiry

U.S. Judge Rules Line Item Veto Act Unconstitutional

White House Using Candor About War To Prepare Public

Attack By G.O.P. Over Fund-Raising Doesn’t Slow Gore

Pataki To Assist Health Coverage For The Individual

U.S. Seeks To Limit Role Of U.N. Chief During Iraq Talks

Clinton Describes Goals For A Strike On Iraqi Arsenals

Clinton Lawyers Prepare To Argue Issue Of Privilege

Clinton Sets Out To Revive Support For Stand On Iraq

U.S. Plan for Iraq Envision 4 Days of 24-Hour Bombing

As Surveillance Cameras Peer, Some Wonder if They Also Pry

Iraqi Agrees To Inspections In A Deal With U.N. Leader; Washington Awaits Details

Clinton Says Iraq Is Promising Unconditional Access To Sites

Court, 6-0, Backs New York Statute Limiting Sex Shops

Top G.O.P. Senator Opposes U.N. Deal On Iraq Inspection

Deadlock In Senate Blocks Campaign Finance Reform, All But Killing It For Year

Europeans Clear Remaining Hurdle To Currency Unity


A Burst of Renewal Sweeps Old Beijing Into the Dumpsters

Balanced Budget Faces A Big Test: Transit Spending

U.N. Rebuffs U.S. On Threat To Iraq If It Breaks Pact

Jordan Tells Federal Grand Jury Of Helping Lewinsky in Job Hunt

Prisons Replace Hospitals for the Nation’s Menatally Ill

Clinton Reported To Call Secretary Main Tie To Intern

Connecticut Lottery Workers Kills 4 Bosses, Then Himself

Tobacco Industry Steps Up Flow of Campaign Money

Clinton Partner In Whitewater Dies in Prison

Lott Shifts Blame On Inquiry’s Pace To The President

Consumed by a Blaze He Set, McDougal Grasped His Fate

Clinton Moves Up His Trip To China To Late In June

New South Korea Leader Grants Sweeping Amnesty to 5.5 Million

Jones Lawyers Issue Files Alleging Clinton Pattern Of Harassment Of Women


White House Volunteer, on TV, Details Encounter With President

White House Attacks Credibility Of Aide Who Accused Clinton

Biggest S.&L.’s In Merger Deal Of $9.9 Billion 

President Derides G.O.P. Budget Plan As Ill-Conceived

U.S. To Ease Curbs On Relief To Cuba And Money To Kin

President’s Team Demands Dismissal of Jones Lawsuit

Africa Enduring Rebirth Awaits Clinton’s Arrival

3 Big Oil Nations Join To Announce A Production Cut

German Media Will Buy Random House for $1.4 Billion

5 Are Killed at School; Boys, 11 and 14, Are Held

Clinton Declares, U.S., With World, Failed Rwandans

In Arkansas Jail, One Boy Cries And the Other Studies the Bible

U.S. Approves Sale Of Impotence Pill; Huge Market Seen

Police Tactics Chipping Away at Suspects’ Rights

Arms Contractors Spend To Promote An Expanded NATO

Japan, to Revitalize Economy, Prepares to Reshape Its Markets


19 1/2-Year Term Set In Fatal Stabbing In Crown Heights

Paula Jones Case Is Dismissed; Judge Says Even If Tale Is True, Incident Was Not Harassment

Democrats Raise Pressure on Starr To End Investigation of Clinton

Companies Are Investigated For Aid to China on Rockets

Dismissal Of Suit Puts Clinton Back On Center Stage

Clinton To Impose A Ban On 58 Types Of Imported Guns

In Largest Deal Ever, Citicorp Plans Merger With Travelers Group

Airliner Rewiring Is Urged To Reduce Risk Of Explosion

One in Every 8 Plant Species Is Imperiled, a Survey Finds

Dozens Are Dead As Tornadoes Hit Southern States

Irish Talks Produce An Accord To Stop Decades Of Bloodshed With Sharing Of Ulster Power

Political Interests Arouse Raging Debate on Census

U.S. Business Role In Policy On China Is Under Question

Power Broker Ousted by Disney Challenges Ex-Boss on Broadway

Foiled Drug Pursuit of a Mexican Bares a System Rife With Graft

Pol Pot Is Dead, Thai Army Says; Made Cambodia a ‘Killing Field’

Pol Pot’s Body Is Shown to Reporters in Jungle Hideout

U.S. Trade Deficit Soars As Exports To Japan Decline

Leading Dissident Is Freed By Beijing And Sent To U.S.

A Record Backlog To Get Citizenship Symies 2 Million

U.S. And Britain Relocate A Cache Of Nuclear Fuel

Astronomers Say a Disk of Dust Holds a Clue to Birth of Planets

Assisted Suicides Are Rare, Survey Of Doctors Finds

Giuliani Drops Workfare Jobs At the Hospitals

Giuliani Proposes $34 Billion Budget With Cut In Taxes

Exercise Finds U.S. Unable To Handle Germ War Threat

Russia Is Helping India Extend Range of Missile, U.S. Aides Say

Clinton Argues For ‘Flexibility’ Over Sanctions

Greek Cypriots To Get Missiles From Russians

No Immunity Deal Given To Lewinsky, Judge Said To Find


Friend Of Clinton Indicted A 2D Time; Tax Scheme Cited

Ex-Premier Admits He Led Massacres In Rwanda In 1994

Reno Aide Says He Had Urged Special Counsel

G.O.P. Leader Is Under Attack In Tape Release

Judge Sentences Confessed Bomber To Four Life Terms

White House’s Bid To Cite ‘Privilege’ Fails, Lawyers Say

Daimler-Benz Will Acquire Chrysler In $36 Billion Deal That Will Reshape Industry

Senate Votes 97-0 To Overhaul I.R.S. After Complaints

U.S. Jobless Rate Plunges To 4.3%, Lowest Since 1970

Scientist’s Plan: Map All DNA Within 3 years

F.A.A. Grounds Scores of 737’s To Check for a Wiring Problem

India Sets 3 Nuclear Blasts, Defying A Worldwide Ban; Tests Bring A Sharp Outcry

Clinton To Impose Penalties On India Over Atomic Tests

India Carries Out 2 More Atom Tests Despite Sanctions

Democrat Fund-Raiser Said to Detail China Tie

Republicans Ask Clinton to Show Donations Didn’t Breach Security

How Chinese Won Rights To Launch Satellites For U.S. 

India Detonated A Hydrogen Bomb, Experts Confirm

U.S. And 20 States File Suits Claiming Microsoft Blocks Competition Over Internet

Gingrich Plans Panel on China And Clinton Tie

Suharto, Besieged, Steps Down After 32-Year Rule In Indonesia

Oregon Student Held in 3 Killings; One Dead, 23 Hurt at His School

Judge Rejects Bid To Cite ‘Privilege’ In Clinton Inquiry

Irish Voters, North And South, Give Resounding ‘Yes’ To Peace

Clinton Aide Says China Trip Delay Would Be Mistake

How Japan Germ Terror Alerted World

U.S. Delays World Bank Loans For India in Response to A-Tests

Police to Tighten the Scrutiny Of All Suspects Under Arrest

Pakistan, Answering India, Carries Out Nuclear Tests; Clinton’s Appeal Rejected

Leaders In India And In Pakistan Tone Down Crisis

Pakistan Sets Off Atom Test Again, But Urges, ‘Peace’


U.S. Say Nazis Used Gold Loot To Pay For War

President Decides to Abandon His Claim of Executive Privilege

Lewinsky Dismisses Her Lawyer And Hires Washington Veterans

At Least 80 Die in German Train Crash

Training Ordered For Controllers At U.S. Airports

Reno Lifts Barrier To Oregon’s Law On Aided Suicide

E.P.A. And States Found To Be Lax On Pollution Law

N.R.A. Tries To Improve Image, With Charlton Heston in Lead

Nigeria Dictator Dies After 5 Years Of Ruthless Rule

Southern Baptists Declare Wife Should ‘Submit’ to Her Husband

U.S. Drug Sting Riles Mexico, Imperiling Future Cooperation

6,000 G.M. Workers At Michigan Plant Join Auto Strike

Reports Show Chinese Military Used American-Made Satellites

Benefits Dwindle Along With Wages For The Unskilled

Conference Opens On Creating Court To Try War Crimes

Nato Jets Patrol Skies Near Serbia In Show Of Force

Milosevic Pledges Steps To Hold Off Attack From NATO

Senate Drops Tobacco Bill With ’98 Revival Unlikely; Clinton Lashes Out At G.O.P.

Administration Details Defense Of Controls on Satellite Exports

Pushed by U.S., Columbia Plans New Chemical Attack on Coca

U.S.-Saudi Inquiry Into 1996 Bombing Is Falling Apart

Cabinet In Israel Decides Jerusalem Will Be Expanded

New Painkiller Is Withdrawn After 4 Deaths

Microsoft Winner In Appeal To Keep Software Intact

White House Revises Policy On Contracts for Minorities

Justices, 6-3, Bar Veto Of Line Items In Bills; See H.I.V. As Disability

Court Spells Out Rules For Finding Sex Harassment

Surprising Exchange on Rights on Chinese Television

Clinton, at Beijing University, Presses Call for Liberty

President Arrives in Shanghai; Focuses on Talk With Citizens


Turbulent Labor Rally Snarls Midtown

In Slap At Starr, A Judge Dismisses Hubbell Tax Case

CNN Retracts Report That U.S. Used Nerve Gas

Clinton Optimistic On China’s Future As He Heads Home

Wildfires Still Raging in Florida, Though Some Are Now Contained

Teachers Reject Merger Of Unions By Large Margin

Clinton To Punish Insurers Who Deny Health Coverage

Court Orders Secret Service To Testify in Lewinsky Case

New York Police Will Start Using Deadlier Bullets

Senate Votes 96-2 On Final Approval For Changing I.R.S.

Yeltsin In Appeal Directly To West For Billions In Aid

Yielding To West, I.M.F. Will Double Russia Loan Offer

Japanese Premier Resigns As Voters Rebuke His Party

Sharpton Liable For Defamation In Brawley Case

In Breakthrough, Mexican Official Testifies In Texas

Freeh Says Reno Clearly Misread Prosecutor Law

20 in Precinct Accused of Sex With Prostitutes

Police Used Brothel So Often, Madam Got Worried

Military Weighing Changes In Policy Toward Adultery

Europe, Bucking Trend in U.S., Blocks Genetically Altered Food

New Nigeria Ruler Pledges Elections Early Next Year

Scaffold Collapses, Paralyzing Times Square

Iran Said To Test Missile Able To Hit Israel And Saudis

Senate Puts Aside Bill to Punish Nations That Persecute Religion

Gunman Invades Capitol, Killing 2 Guards

Clinton Receives Order To Testify In Lewinsky Case

Aides Say Clinton May Lose Support In Subpoena Fight

Exploring Deal, Lewinsky Talks To Prosecutors

Lewinsky, Given Immunity, Reportedly Agrees To Tell Of Pact With Clinton To Lie

Clinton Agrees To Testify For Lewinsky Grand Jury; Starr Retracts Subpoena

Prosecutors Seek Testing For DNA In Lewinsky Dress


Clinton Vows ‘Complete and Truthful’ Testimony

New York Begins To Raid And Close Adult Businesses

Lawmakers Call For Explanation In Lewinsky Case

Calls For Clinton To Confess Affair Are Turned Aside

Rehnquist Allows Starr to Query One of Clinton’s Closest Advisers

Iraqis Break Off All Cooperation With Inspectors

Lewinsky Said to Detail Clinton Affair

Bombs Rip Apart 2 U.S. Embassies In Africa; Scores Killed; No Firm Motive Or Suspects

Bombing Toll Rises; Rescue Effort in Nairobi Intensifies

Experts Starting Search For Clues In Kenya Bombing

Reward Is Offered And Clues Studied In African Blasts

British Petroleum Is Buying Amoco in $48.2 Billion Deal

Toughening Stand on Weapons, Iraq Foils Long-Term Monitoring

President Weighs Admitting He Had Sexual Contact

Court Rules F.D.A. Lacks Authority To Limit Tobacco


Adviser Says Clinton Will Admit Relationship

Clinton Admits Lewinsky Liaison To Jury; Tells Nation ‘It Was Wrong,’ But Private

Starr Summons Lewinsky Again, Seeking Flaws in Clinton Account

Starr Demands DNA Sample From President

U.S. Cruise Missiles Strike Sudan And Afghan Targets Tied To Terrorist Network

Clinton, Dogged by Scandal, Juggled Politics and Bombing

President Swears To Use ‘All Tools’ Against Terrorism

Yeltsin Dismisses Russian Government

U.S. Says Iraq Aided Production Of Chemical Weapons in Sudan

U.S. Investigating Microsoft’s Role In Intel Decisions

American Inspector on Iraq Quits, Accusing U.N. and U.S. of Cave-In

Markets Jolted, Dow Off 4.1% As The Russian Economic Slide Adds To Pressures On Yeltsin

Flaws in U.S. Account Raise Question on Strike in Sudan

Northwest Strike Grounds Its Fleet And Its Customers

Clinton Admission Increases Tension Among Democrats


Dow Off 6% In Wave Of Selling, Erasing Market’s Gains For ’98; Pressure For Rate Cut Likely

Bargain-Hunters Drive Stocks Back Up

Clinton Defends His TV Admission On Lewinsky Case

Experts Seek the Cause of Swissair Crash Fatal to 229

Clinton Says He Is ‘Very Sorry’ After Senator’s Harsh Criticism

A Smash Hit: McGwire Clouts His 60th

An Election Season Shadowed By Crises at Home and Abroad

McGwire Grabs Share of Maris’s Mark

Reno Announces An Initial Inquiry Into Clinton Ads

Report By Starr Sent To House; Impeachment Process Weighed; Clinton Seeks Party’s Support

Starr Report Is Said To Claim Perjury And Abuse Of Power By President In Lewinsky Case

Starr Finds A Case For Impeachment In Perjury, Obstruction, Tampering

White House, In Rebuttal To Starr, Assails Report As ‘Smear Campaign’

Sosa Matches McGwire With Homers 61 and 62

Clinton Presents Strategy To Quell Economic Threat

Schumer Is Senate Nominee; Vallone Will Face Pataki

‘Right Thing,’ Clinton Says, Is for Him to Stay in Office

Partisan Quarrel In Panel Debating Clinton Videotape

Blacks Stand by a President Who ‘Has Been There for Us’

Lawyers Say Tape Of Clinton Shows Regret And Anger

Decision To Strike Factory In Sudan Based On Surmise

Tape Shows Nation a Clinton Irate and Sad

Republicans Vow To Press Inquiry On The President

Seeing a Fund as Too Big to Fail, New York Fed Assists Its Bailout

Poll Finds Clinton In Strong Rebound Since Video Airing

Clinton Casts The Congress As Do-Nothing

McGwire Reaches 68; Mets Are a Game Out

German Voters End An Era, Reject Kohl After 16 Years And Pick A Social Democrat

U.S., Israel and Arafat Inch Toward Pact

Bellwether’s Rank and File Strongly Support Clinton


Fiscal Year Ends With U.S. Surplus, First In 3 Decades

Fed Chief Defends U.S. Role In Saving Giant Hedge Fund

Panel Releases Conversations Taped by Tripp

Starr Said to Have Received Tip On Affair Before Call by Tripp

Japanese Tell U.S. That Their Banks Are In Big Trouble

Judiciary Panel, In Party Vote Urges Impeachment Hearings

France Detects Iraqi Nerve Gas, Experts Assert

President Urges ‘Conscience’ Vote On House Inquiry

House, In A Partisan 258-176 Vote, Approves A Broad, Open-Ended Impeachment Inquiry

Facing Severe Shortage of Food, Russia Seeks Foreign Relief Aid

Angry Voters Aren’t Sure Where to Place the Blame

F.B.I. Set To Open Its DNA Database For Fighting Crime

NATO Opens Way To Start Bombing In Serb Province

Milosevic Accepts Kosovo Monitors, Averting Attack

Congress’s Rating Continues To Slip In Inquiry’s Wake

Budget Accord Is Reached; Both Sides Claim A Victory As A Shutdown Is Averted

In About-Face Democrats Give Clinton Praise

Britain Arrests Pinochet To Face Charges By Spain

Chinese Said to Reap Gains In U.S. Export Policy Shift

As Microsoft Trial Gets Started, Gates’s Credibility Is Questioned

Brosius’ Homers Put Yanks Within One Victory of a Title

Yanks Sweep Series and Assure Legacy

Mideast Talks Show Progress on Final Obstacles

Arafat And Netanyahu In Pact On Next Steps Toward Peace; Modest Deal To ‘Rebuild Trust’

U.S. Plans To Send Billions To Shield Brazil’s Economy

Political Parties Channel Millions To ‘Issue’ Attacks

Haiti Paralysis Brings a Boom In Drug Trade

G.O.P. Begins Ad Campaign Citing Scandal

Gleeful Democrats Assail Ads By G.O.P. on Clinton Scandal

U.S. Ex-Sergeant Linked to bin Laden Conspiracy

Economic Growth Surprisingly Solid In Third Quarter


New York Police Lag in Fighting Domestic Violence by Officers

Parties Pushing Message: Your Vote Counts

Bored, Dispirited, Disgusted, Most Won’t Vote

Democrats Hold Off G.O.P. Advance, Weakening Impeachment Prospects; Schumer Ousts D’Amato; Pataki Wins

G.O.P. In Scramble Over Blame For Poor Showing At The Polls

Judiciary Chairman Asks Clinton To Admit or Deny 81 Findings

Facing A Revolt, Gingrich Won’t Run For Speaker And Will Quit Congress

U.S. Set To Give Up Arms Inspections For Curbing Iraq

Lawmaker Claims to Have The Speaker’s Job Sewn Up

It’s Impeachment Or Nothing, Panel Is Told By Experts

C.I.A. Chief Vowed To Quit If Clinton Freed Israeli Spy

Clinton Is Sending Bombers And G.I.’s To Persian Gulf

U.S. Signs A Pact To Reduce Gases Tied To Warming

Clinton To Pay $850,000 To Settle Jones Claim Of Sexual Harassment

U.S. Says It Was Just Hours Away From Starting Attack Against Iraq

Clinton Accepts Iraq’s Promise To Allow Weapons Inspections

Allies See Bombing of Iraq as Inevitable

Federal Reserve Cuts Key Rates In Its 3d Attack on Global Slump

Starr to Accuse President Of Obstructing His Inquiries

Rancorous House Panel Hears Starr’s Case For Impeachment

Remaining States Approve The Pact On Tobacco Suits

Clinton Appeals To North Korea For Closer Ties

White House Renews Push for Impeachment Deal

Clintons’ Friend Found Not Guilty Of All 9 Embezzlement Charges

Reno Ends Inquiry Into Fund-Raising By Vice President

British Court Rules Against Pinochet; Now Cabinet Must Weigh Extradition

Computer Trouble Looms For States In 2000, U.S. Finds

Clinton Responds To Hyde’s Queries; Yields No Ground

Public Schools Confronting Issue of Racial Preferences

For Oil Workers, Merger Is Just Another Word for More Layoffs


Judiciary Panel Plans To Examine Campaign Finance

Exxon And Mobil Announce $80 Billion Deal To Create World’s Largest Company

Espy Is Acquitted On Gifts Received While In Cabinet

Republicans Drop Bid To Investigate Clinton Campaign

C.I.A. Is Focus of Inquiry in China Rocket Case

Hoffa Will Lead Teamsters After Chief Rival Concedes

Clinton Lawyers Get Two Full Days For Defense Case

Netanyahu Gains Delay In Key Vote On Removing Him

Satellite Company Faulted Over Rocket Aid to China

Impeachment Counts Unveiled As Democrats Draft A Censure

Debate On Impeachment Begins As Lawyers Make Final Pleas; Panel’s First Vote Likely Today

Panel, On Party Lines, Votes Impeachment; Clinton Voices Remorse, Invites Censure

Panel Completes Impeachment Votes And Defeats Democrats’ Censure Bid

President, Facing Vote, Denies Perjury And Says He Won’t Quit

Polls Aside, G.O.P. Stance on Impeachment Hardens

White House Grasps At Options As Waverers Move To Impeach

Impeachment Vote In House Delayed As Clinton Launches Iraq Air Strike, Citing Military Need To Move Swiftly

House To Debate Impeachment Today As U.S. Continues Air Assault On Iraq

With Partisan Rancor, A Bitter House Debates The President’s Impeachment

Clinton Impeached: He Faces Senate Trial, 2D In History; Vows To Do Job Till Term’s ‘Last Hour’

Parties In Senate Split On Issue Of Whether Trial Is Mandatory

As Octuplets Remain in Peril, Ethics Questions Are Raised

U.S. Help for Mexican Military Has Not Curtailed Drug Traffic

Homicides Decline Below 1964 Level In New York City

4-Day Cold Spell Slams California; Crops Devastated

Yeltsin Agrees To Closer Ties With Belarus

Belarus’s Chief Pursues Dream To Revive the Old Soviet Union

Germ Weapons: In Soviet Past Or in the New Russia’s Future?

Cambodian Leader Resists Punishing Top Khmer Rouge

New Requirements for Sprinklers In Apartment Buildings Is Likely

House Panel Says Chinese Obtained U.S. Arms Secrets

News Source: New York Times

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