1996: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Nation’s Smaller Jails Struggle To Cope With Surge in Inmates

Federal Impasse Saddling States With Indecision

Job Cuts At AT&T Will Total 40,000, 13% Of Its Staff

95 Is Hottest Year on Record As the Global Trend Resumes

Retailers Call Sales in December Worst Since ’90-’91 Recession

Elusive Papers of Law Firm Are Found at White House

Clinton Meets Challenge By Offering Budget Plan; Crucial Talks Begin Soon

Coastal Blizzard Paralyzes New York and Northeast

New York Shut By Worst Storm In 48 Years; East Is Buried, Virginia To Massachusetts

Snow-Clogged Region Stirs Back to Life As Novelty Fades and Frustrations Mount

Budget Foes See Fight Continuing Till The Election

Giuliani Is Forming A New City Agency On Child Welfare

U.S. Sees Bosnia Role Widening To Protect War Crimes Inquiries

Clinton Visits Bosnia to Thank the G.I.’s

Program To Clean Toxic Waste Sites Is Left In Turmoil

Russians Pounding Rebels Who Hold 100 Hostages

Citing Security, China Will Curb Foreign Financial News Agencies

Budget Standoff Deepens As G.O.P. Calls Off Talks

Russians Capture Caucasus Village; Some Foes Escape

New York Region Registers A Surge In Unemployment

G.O.P. Revolution Hits Speed Bumps On Capitol Hill

Giuliani Faces Another Deficit Despite Cutting

Hillary Clinton Is Subpoenaed To Testify Before a Grand Jury

Clinton Offers Challenge To Nation, Declaring, ‘Era Of Big Government Is Over’

Giuliani Weigh Reducing Police Force by 1,000 Jobs

G.O.P. Backing Off From Tough Stand Over Environment

Hillary Clinton Tells Grand Jury She Cannot Account for Records

War Crimes Tribunal on Bosnia Is Hampered by Basic Problems

Stepping Out of a Frigid House, Du Pont Heir Is Seized by Police

A Secret Agency’s Secret Budgets Yield Lost Billions, Officials Say

Murdoch Joins a Cable-TV Rush Into the Crowded All-News Field



Congress Votes To Reshape Communications Industry, Ending A 4-Year Struggle

Bitter Cold Locks Much of the U.S. In A Fierce Grip

U.S. Warns China Over Violations Of Trade Accord

Shortfall Posted By Medicare Fund Two Years Early

Governors Group Finds Agreement On Medicaid Plan

Governors Raise Hopes For Ending Budget Deadlock

China Sold Parts For Nuclear Arms, U.S. Officials Say

Public Employees Vote 5-Year Deal In New York City

3 Killed as Trains Collide in New Jersey

Tedious Sifting for Cause of Deadly Train Wreck

Candidates Look for Last-Minute Dazzle in Iowa

Dole Tops the Field in Iowa Caucuses

An On-Line Service Halts Restriction On Sex Material

Giuliani Warns of Austerity Plan If Police Win Costly Pay Raises

Yeltsin, Seeking a Second Term, Points to Communism as the Foe

12 Killed in Fiery Amtrak Collision Near Washington

Clinton Urged To Cite Mexico For Drug Flow

Region’s Economy in Fundamental Shift

Copyright Pirates Prosper In China Despite Promises

Buchanan A Narrow Victor Over Dole In New Hampshire

Some Republicans Hoping For A Way To Stop Buchanan

Russia And I.M.F. Agree On A Loan For $10.2 Billion

Economy Slowed in Late 1995 As Growth Rate Dipped to 0.9%

Exiles Say Cuba Downed 2 Planes And Clinton Expresses Outrage

2 Suicide Bombings in Israel Kill 25 and Hurt 77, Highest Such Toll

Clinton Seeking Wider Sanctions Against Cubans

U.S. Says Cubans Knew They Fired On Civilian Planes

President Agrees To Tough New Set Of Curbs On Cuba


House Approves Biggest Change In Farm Policy Since New Deal

Clinton Declares That Columbia Has Failed to Curb Drug Trade

Dole Easily Beats Buchanan To Win In South Carolina

Israeli Rage Rises As Bomb Kills 19, Imperiling Peace

4th Terror Blast In Israel Kills 14 At Mall In Tel Aviv; Nine-Day Toll Grows To 61

Dole, Sweeping 8 Primaries Calls For Party To Unite; Alexander Ready To Quit

Beijing Steps Up Military Pressure On Taiwan Leader

Chinese, In A Move To Alarm Taiwan, Fire Test Missiles

Market Takes Steepest Drop Since ’91

Anti-Abortion Passion in G.O.P. Threatens to Pull Dole Off-Center

Political Power Likely To Shield Ships’ Subsidies

Dow Leaps 110.55 As Stocks Recoup Much Of Selloff

Dole Captures All 7 States In Biggest Day Of Primaries; Grip On Nomination Is Solid

World Leaders Join in a Condemnation of Terrorism

Clinton, In Israel, Stresses Support For Peace Effort

3 Men Held in Killing of Officer, Bringing Calls for Death Penalty 

Many States Fail To Meet Mandates On Child Welfare

Curbs on Silt Disposal Threaten Port of New York

President Drafts 1997 Budget Plan Offering Tax Cuts

Dole Continues to Roll Toward G.O.P. Nomination

Money Is Channeled to Hamas By Way of a ‘Shocked’ Jordan

General Motors And Union Agree To End Walkout

House Approves Repealing Of Ban On Assault Guns

Guatemalans Covered Up Killing Of an American, U.S. Aides Say

China Is Offering High-Level Talks To Taiwan Leader

Giuliani Officials Broke Rules On Contract Bids, Records Show

Bratton Quits Police Post; New York Gains Over Crime Fed A Rivalry With Giuliani

House Votes Ban On A Method Used In Late Abortions

Fire Commissioner To Take Over as Police Head

President Orders Faster Approval Of Cancer Drugs

Job-Training Bill Is Being Attacked By Conservatives


Facing Election, Yeltsin Is Halting War On Chechens

Under Pressure, Federal Judge Reverses Decision in Drug Case

Court Overturns Ban In New York On Aided Suicides

Commerce Secretary Among 33 Lost In A Croatia Plane Crash

Suspect Arraigned on One Bomb Count

Bomber Inquiry Shifts to Tactics For Legal Case

Many States Give Polluting Firms New Protections

Hotel Records May Forge Link in Unabom Case

A Device In Cabin Is Said To Match The Unabomber’s

U.S. Is Evacuating Americans Caught By War In Liberia

President Vetoes Measure Banning Type Of Abortion

Israeli Aircraft Strike Guerrillas In Beirut Suburbs

Bomber Manifesto Amid Items Found, Law Officials Say

Israelis Blockade Ports In Lebanon And Shell South

Panic In Lebanon Spreads As Israel Keeps Up Attacks

U.S. Helps to Start Negotiations To End the Fighting in Lebanon

Home-Grown Courts Spring Up As Judicial Arm of the Far Right

With Help Fading, Giuliani May Cut 12,000 City Jobs

Israeli Barrage Hits U.N. Camp In Lebanon, Killing At Least 75

Russia Struggles in Long Race To Prevent an Atomic Theft

Study Says Babies in Child Care Keep Secure Bonds to Mothers

Nynex And Bell Atlantic Reach Accord On Merger; Links 36 Million Customers

New Medicare Trust Fund Data Show an Unexpected Shortfall

Senate Passes Health Bill With Job-To-Job Coverage

Congress And White House Finally Agree On Budget, 7 Months Into Fiscal Year

Grain Prices Soar On Poor Weather And Low Supplies

Israel And Lebanon Agree To Halt Border Shellings; A Safeguard For Civilians

G.O.P. Is Preparing Budget Plan With Political Traps for Clinton

U.S. To Aid Israel With Technology Against Attacks

President Decides U.S. Will Soon Sell Oil From Reserves


Lawmakers Agree On Testing Babies For The AIDS Virus

Mexico’s Leader Quietly Adopts A Warmer Approach to the U.S. 

Senate Votes Bill To Reduce Influx Of Illegal Aliens

Christian Leader Would Back Shift On Abortion Issue

Republicans Face Plight That Hurt Democrats In 1994

Major Crimes Fell In ’95, Early Data By F.B.I. Indicate

Russia’s Communists Have New, Mixed Manifesto

Software Pirates Growing In Number In China, U.S. Says

Clinton and Dole Clash on Delay Of Wage and Gas-Tax Measures

Clinton Denies Any Links To Whitewater Case Loan

U.S. Won’t Punish China Over Sale Of Nuclear Gear

More Families Are Separated As Child Abuse Reports Rise

Search Called Off for Survivors of Crash in Everglades

Black Box Found At Site Of Crash In The Everglades

$2.3 Billion Deal Creates Giant In Managing of Doctors’ Offices

Dole Says He Will Leave Senate To Focus On Presidential Race

His Medals Questioned, Top Admiral Kills Himself

Admiral, in Suicide Note, Apologized to ‘My Sailors’

Teen-Age Mothers Viewed As Abused Prey of Older Men

Worst Drought Since 30’s Grips Plains

Gay Rights Laws Can’t Be Banned, High Court Rules

Heat Forces Halting of Power to 40% of Queens

China’s Arms Aides Are Sought By U.S. In Smuggling Plot

House Approves Increase To $5.15 In Minimum Wage

Sighs Sum Up D’Amato’s Verdict As Whitewater Panel Nears End

The Tortured Genius of Theodore Kaczynski

Side by Side Now in Cambodia: Skulls, Victims and Victimizers

Strictures on Legal Immigrants Jeopardize Bill on Illegal Aliens

Clinton Partners In Arkansas Deal Convicted By Jury

Election for Prime Minister of Israel Is a Dead Heat

Netanyahu, Set To Lead Israel, To Seek ‘Peace With Security’


Netanyahu Narrow Victor; Sets Out To Form A Cabinet And Assure Arab Neighbors

India Swears In Its 2nd Premier In 3-Week Span

A Tattered Crackdown on Illegal Workers

China Confronts Retardation Of Millions Deficient in Iodine

Clinton Proposes U.S. Tax Credits For College Aid

Shifting Tactics, F.B.I. Puts Pressure on Montana Ranch

In Concession, China Is Ready To Ban A-Tests

Police Identify Comatose Victim In Brutal Attack in Central Park

Dole and Clinton Refocus On Tax Cuts as an Option

Atlanta Leaders See Racial Goals As Olympic Ideal

Whitewater Counsel Examining Use of F.B.I. to Get G.O.P. Files

U.S. Blames Allies For Undercutting Its China Policy

Judges Turn Back Law To Regulate Internet Decency

High Court Voids Race-Based Plans For Redistricting

Request For Files ‘Victimized’ F.B.I., Its Director Says

Report Takes Aim At Mrs. Clinton

Yeltsin And Communist Rival To Be Paired In Russia Runoff

U.S. and China Agree on Pact To Fight Piracy

Whitewater Hearing Cleared The Clintons, Democrats Say

Police Say Zodiac Suspect Admits Attacks That Killed 3 and Hurt 5

For Dole, Nixon Was a Mirror and a Mentor

In Slap at President for Tort Veto, Silicon Valley Reduces Donations

Iraqis, Hurt by Sanctions, Sell Priceless Antiquities

Republicans Challenge Notion Of Separate Jails for Juveniles

Justices Uphold Civil Forfeiture As Anti-Drug Tool

23 U.S. Troops Die In Truck Bombing At Big Saudi Base

Saudis, Aided by the F.B.I., Seek Blast Clues

U.S Commanders at Saudi Base Defend Efforts to Avoid Attack

In a Milestone, Islamic Leader Is Turk Premier

F.B.I. Finds Clues To The Truck Used In Saudi Bombing


Quirk in Medicare Law Yields Bigger Bills for Outpatient Care

High Court Finds Damage To S.&L.’s From Rule Change

1996 Data Show Crime Rates Are Still Falling in New York

Yeltsin Defeats Communist Foe By A Surprisingly Wide Margin; Health Issue Looms For 2D Term

U.S. Is Considering Dispersal of Troops Inside Saudi Arabia

Democrats as Well as G.O.P. Profit From Tobacco

How U.S. Missteps and Delay Opened Door to Saudi Blast

Federal Program Will Take Sales Of Guns To Youths

‘Smart’ Weapons Were Overrated, Study Concludes

Senate Passes Bill For Raise, To $5.15, In Minimum Wage

In Netanyahu, Congress Sees Familiar Spin

Security Levels To Set a Record At the Olympics

Under Pressure, Dole Reconsiders Abortion Plank

Being Intimate With Power, Vernon Jordan Can Wield It

Bombing Of Hotel Diminishes Hopes For Ulster Peace

A Power Struggle Is Seen As Yeltsin Enters Sanitarium

Clinton Will Limit Those On Welfare To 2 Years Of Aid

T.W.A Jetliner Leaving New York For Paris Crashes In Atlantic; More Than 220 Aboard

Investigators Suspect Explosive Device As Likeliest Cause For Crash Of Flight 800

Rough Seas Hamper Search for Clues in Plane Crash

Search for Clues of Flight 800 Focuses on Ocean Floor

Dole Sends Message of Inclusion To Abortion-Rights Republicans

Divers Report Dozens of Bodies in Wreckage of Crash

No Evidence of Explosive So Far in Crash Inquiry

Navy Retrieves 2 ‘Black Boxes’ From Sea Floor

Clinton Sets Tough Rules For Tighter Air Security; Tape Reveals Sudden Noise

At Least 100 Hurt By An Explosion At Olympic Park

Olympics Park Blast Kills One, Hurts 111; Atlanta Games Go On

Clinton Proposes Harsher Measures Against Terrorism

Airliner Bombings Are Reviewed For Similarities to T.W.A. Crash

Jet’s Landing Gear Is Said To Provide Evidence Of Bomb


Clinton To Sign Welfare Bill That Ends U.S. Aid Guarantee And Gives States Broad Power

2 Acquitted by Whitewater Jury; Mistrial Declared on Other Counts

Growth in Jobs Slowed in July, Breaking Trend

Dole Seeks A Lift As Campaign Tilts To The Convention

Atlanta Games, a Celebration for 197 Nations, Close

Dole Offers Economic Plan Calling For Broad Tax Cut Aimed At Spurring Growth

Clues in Meteorite Seem to Show Signs of Life on Mars Long Ago

Replying to Skeptics, NASA Defends Claims About Mars

Tough Crackdown on NASDAQ Market Announced By U.S. 

Dole Is Said To Settle On Kemp, A Sometime Foe, To Fill Ticket

Dole Hails Kemp as Partner in Run for White House

Dole, In San Diego, Quickly Zeroes In On The President

G.O.P. Convention Begins With Display of Unity

G.O.P. Opens Fierce Attack On Clinton Over Character And Handling Of Economy

Dole Hailed As An Honorable, ‘Quiet Hero’ As Republicans Give Him Their Nomination

Dole, ‘The Most Optimistic Man In America,’ Vows Return To Nation’s Enduring Values

Homeless Parents In New York Face A Work Mandate

Reform Party Names Perot Its Presidential Candidate; 49,000 Participated In Vote

Barrooms’ Decline Underlies A Drop In Adult Killings

Prosecutor Gains Sentencing Delay In Arkansas Trial

Clinton Friend Gets Sentence Of Two Years

New Report Cited On Chemical Arms Used In Gulf War

Prime Evidence Found That Device Exploded In Cabin Of Flight 800

F.B.I. Says 2 Labs Found Traces Of Explosive on T.W.A. Jetliner

Advisers See Bright Side To Criticism of First Lady

Police Hit Drug Suppliers, And Serious Crime Falls

With Few Issues to Quarrel Over, Democrats Convene

Democrats Lay Claim to Family Values

Democrats Send Clinton Into Battle for a 2d Term

Clinton, Declaring ‘Hope Is Back,’ Defends His First Term And Lists Plans For Second

Conventions Over, the Candidates Take to the Road


Blue Ribbon Goes to Clinton At This Year’s County Fair

U.N. Halts Deal for Iraq Oil Sales As U.S. Pledges Action on Attack

U.S. Attacks Military Targets in Iraq

U.S. Launches Further Strike Against Iraq After Clinton Vows He Will Extract ‘Price’

Clinton, Claiming Success, Asserts Most Iraqi Troops Have Left Kurds’ Enclave

Iraq Pulling Out, But Leaving Spies Behind, U.S. Says

Jobless Rate Fell To 5.1% In August, Lowest In 7 Years

Loopholes Allow Presidential Race To Set A Record

Pro-Hussein Kurds Take Another City In Northern Iraq

Clinton Suggests An Array Of Steps To Foil Terrorism

Iraq Repairing Air-Defense Sites Hit by Missiles, Pentagon Says

Two Clinton Aides Resign To Protest New Welfare Law

Senate Persuaded By Dole To Shelve Poison Gas Treaty

Federal Audit Faults F.A.A. On Tests of Airport Security

Crucial Midwest States Lean Toward Clinton

U.S. Warning Iraq That New Attacks Are Still Possible

U.S. Command Faulted in Blast At Saudi Base

Panel on Debates Bars Perot, Calling Him Unelectable

Pill For Abortion Clears Big Hurdle To Its Sale In U.S. 

Cellular Industry Rejects U.S. Plan For Surveillance

Diaries Disclosed In Unabom Hearing

Russian Surgeons Deliver A Grim Report on Yeltsin

Most States Find Goals On Welfare Within Easy Reach

G.O.P. Will Delete Disputed Measure In Immigrant Bill

Some Immigrants Begin to Lose Food Stamps Under New Law

Empire Blue Cross Seeking To Become For-Profit Group

50 Are Killed As Clashes Widen From West Bank To Gaza Strip

10 More Die In Mideast Riots As Violence Enters 3d Day; Mosque Is Scene Of A Clash

Violence Ebbs, Uneasily, in West Bank

U.S. Using Swaps To Protect Land


Arabs and Israelis Arriving for Emergency Meeting

Netanyahu Holds Talk With Arafat For Three Hours

U.S. Jets Pounded Iraqi Arms Depot Storing Nerve Gas

Clinton In North, And Dole In South, Study For Debate

U.S. Reports Drop In Rate Of Births To Unwed Women

For Poor, Life ‘Trapped in a Cage’

Clinton And Dole, Face To Face, Spar Over Medicare And Taxes

In Spin Wars After the Debate, Clinton Campaign Takes Lead

New York Losing Millions For Lack Of Welfare Plan

Economy Dominates Kemp-Gore Debate

2 Afghan Factions Sign Pact To Fight New Kabul Rulers

New Law Bans Genital Cutting In United States

Split Over T.W.A. Crash’s Cause Widens as the Inquiry Continues

Yankees in Series After 15 Years in Wilderness

Archer Daniels Agrees To Big Fine For Price Fixing

Conrail Accepts $8.4 Billion Offer By Eastern Rival

Dole Attacks Clinton’s Ethics; President Parries On Economy

Yeltsin Angrily Announces Dismissal Of Aide He Hailed As A Likely Political Heir

Czechs Say They Warned U.S. Of Chemical Weapons in Gulf

Clinton Proposes Drug-Testing Plan For Young People

Clinton, Looking to ’97 Congress, Visits New York and New Jersey

Aggressive Turn By Dole Appears To Be Backfiring

G.O.P. Pushes Congress Strategy That Shuns Dole

New York Zoning Against Sex Shops Is Upheld As Fair

Perot Turns Down Dole Plea To Quit, Calling It ‘Weird’

Dole Is Imploring Voters To ‘Rise Up’ Against The Press

Comeback Is Complete: Yanks Win the Series

A Man’s Life Turned Inside Out By Government and the Media

Dole Sees Failure Of Three Decades In Anti-Bias Fight

Ex-C.I.A. Analysts Assert Cover-Up

Party Aide Now in Eye of Storm Frequently Visited White House


Boom In Profits For Corporations Now Appears Over

F.B.I. Pulls Out of Joint Inquiry On Fatal Blast in Saudi Arabia

On the Final Weekend, a Restrained Clinton and an Insistent Dole

Candidates, Near Finish Line, Call for Hope and Unity

Hoarse But Gritty Candidates Wind Up Their ‘Last’ Campaigns

Clinton Elected To A 2D Term With Solid Margins Across U.S.; G.O.P. Keeps Hold On Congress

Clinton Preparing For 2D Term With Shuffle Of Top Officials

Liquor Industry Ends Its Ad Ban In Broadcasting

Clinton Calls on G.O.P. for Cooperation

Holyfield Upsets Tyson in 11-Round Bout

Bipartisan Mood Starting To Fade On Potent Issues

Pataki Welfare Plan Would Cut Payments to Families Over Time

Drawn by Child’s Cries, Police Uncover Arsenal

Clinton Offers U.S. Troops to Help Refugees in Zaire

Ex-Soviet Spy Free as C.I.A. Chief Calls Arrest by F.B.I. a Mistake

U.S. Ready To Keep A Force In Bosnia 18 Months Longer

Throngs of Refugees Flood Into Rwanda

C.I.A. Employee Is Accused Of Giving Secrets to Russians

Officials Outline 2-Year Betrayal Within the C.I.A.

Careers Are Among the Casualties Of C.I.A.’s Latest Security Breach

U.S. Trade Deficit Worsens, And Gap With China Grows

29 Arrested in Tax Fraud Scheme Described as New York’s Largest

State Tells Crew To Seize Control Of 42 Bad Schools

Concern Is Voiced Over The Quality Of Economic Data

Clinton and Chinese President Agree to Exchange State Visit

Dalai Lama Movie Imperils Disney’s Future in China

Trapped, Fugitive Ex-Prosecutor Kills Himself in a Nevada Hotel

Ex-Prosecutor Was Cavalier In Disregard for Trail He Left

Cap On Borrowing Jeopardizes Plans In New York City

Republicans’ Call For A Prosecutor Is Rejected By U.S. 


U.S. Takes Hard Look at Saudis With Bombing And Shah in Mind

160 Nations Meet To Weigh Revision Of Copyright Law

Powell Says He Had No Evidence Of Toxic Chemicals in Gulf War

2 Former Archer Daniels Officers Indicted on Price-Fixing Charges

Pentagon Says Gulf War Data Seems to Be Lost

Albright To Head State Dept.; Republican In Top Defense Job

U.S. Bans Limits On H.M.O. Advice Within Medicare

More Downsized Workers Are Returning as Rentals

Donations to Universities Sometimes Carry a Price

Hospitals Looking Abroad To Keep Their Beds Filled

New York City Hears of Surplus, But Big Budget Gaps Lie Ahead

U.S. And Europe Agree On Freeing Technology Trade

3 Human Species Coexisted Eons Ago, New Data Suggest

U.S. Agency Says A Defect in 747’s Could Cause Blast

Many Answers in Crash Except the One That Counts

Boeing Offering $13 Billion To Buy McDonnell Douglas, Last U.S. Commercial Rival

U.S. Seeks To Limit Inspections’ Scope At Nursing Homes

Albany In Schools Accord To Give Chancellor Power And Weaken Local Boards

F.B.I. Supervisor Charged With Spying for Russians

New York Crime Plummets To Levels Not Seen in 30 Years

Clinton Promises Better Screening At White House: Arms Dealer Was Guest

Loophole in Law Permits States To Put Off Cuts in Food Stamps

Peru Rebels Free 225 Hostages, But Retain Many Of High Rank

No Progress Seen In Peruvian Talks On 140 Hostages

U.S. Places Limits On H.M.O. Bonuses For Cost Cutters

In Political Money Game, The Year of Big Loopholes

Building a Bulging War Chest: How Clinton Financed His Run

Democrats Hoped To Raise $7 Million From Asians In U.S.

20 More Hostages Released By Group of Rebels in Peru

Administration Proposes Paying U.N. Debt, but Congress Resists

Doctors Given Federal Threat On Marijuana

News Source: New York Times

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