1994: NEW YORK TIMES (364)


Taking Oath, Giuliani Urges ‘Courage’

Giuliani May Model Fiscal Plan On Innovations Tried Elsewhere

Giuliani Urges Dream of Better City and End to Fear

Macy Cool To Bid As Federated Acts To Wrest Control

States Rebelling At Federal Order To Cover Abortion

Council Chief to Oppose Giuliani On Decentralizing of Government

Special Counsel in Clinton Deals Depends on Congress, Reno Says

Big Oil Spill Off Puerto Rico Fouls Beach at Height of Tourist Season

U.S. Begins Effort To Recast The Law On Atomic Secrets

Ex-Chief Of B.C.C.I. To Be Extradited To U.S. For Trial

Ukraine Gives In On Surrendering Its Nuclear Arms

A Draft State Dept. Report Finds China’s Rights Record Is Still Poor

Clinton Asks Reno To Name A Counsel On His Land Deals

Police in Oregon Make Arrests In Assault on Olympic Skater

Third Suspect Arrested by F.B.I. In the Attack on Olympic Skater

China Promises U.S. To Try To Improve Its Human Rights

Assad Holds Out Prospect Of Normal Ties With Israel After Talks With Clinton

Severe Earthquake Hits Los Angeles; At Least 30 Killed; Feeways Collapse

Inman Withdraws As Clinton Choice For Defense Chief

Ex-Husband of Harding Arrested in Skating Attack

Counsel Granted A Broad Mandate In Clinton Inquiry

Lorena Bobbitt Acquitted In Mutilation of Husband

Residential Real Estate Market Rebounds in New York Region

Leading Contender Is Said To Decline Top Defense Post

Pentagon Deputy Is Clinton’s Choice For Defense Chief

Clinton Vows Fight for His Health Plan

Finance Minister Shuns Yeltsin Plea And Quits Cabinet

Harding Conceded She Learned Of Attack but Then Kept Silent

Aides Say Giuliani Plans to Cut 14,000 to 18,000 Jobs by 1995

Profits And Ethics Clash In Research On Genetic Coding

Administration Plans Revision To Ease Toxic Cleanup Criteria


Eight Somalis Die As Marines Shoot In Crowded Street

I.M.F. Head Defends Russia Loan Policy Against Criticism

State Dept. Finds Widespread Abuse Of World’s Women

Clinton Drops 19-Year Ban On U.S. Trade With Vietnam; Cites Hanoi’s Help On M.I.A.’s

Federal Reserve, Changing Course, Raises A Key Rate

White Supremacist Is Convicted Of Slaying Rights Leader in ’63

Navy Has Long Had Secret Subs For Deep-Sea Spying, Experts Say

Clinton Aides Seek Approval By NATO On Bosnia Air Raids

Judge Dismisses Tailhook Cases, Saying Admiral Tainted Inquiry

Israel-P.L.O. Deal Solves Key Issues In Self-Rule Plan

New York Hospitals Chief Calls Brooklyn Plan a Giant Failure

Season’s Harshest Snow Yet Paralyzes New York Area

Staggering Under Heavy Snows, Region Digs Out

Suits Challenging Redrawn Districts That Help Blacks

U.S. Taking Action Against Japanese In One Trade Case

In Tailhook Deal, Top Admiral Says He’ll Retire Early

Saudi Air To Buy $6 Billion In Jets Built In The U.S.

U.N. Reports Serbs Are Pulling Back Around Sarajevo

Serbs Will Give Up Big Guns In Bosnia By Today, U.N. Says

Clinton Says Serbs Must Fully Comply On Arms Deadline

U.N. Says Serbs Are Complying With Arms Ultimatum

CUNY Chancellor’s Time Spent With Corporate Boards at Issue

Prosecutors Say Official At C.I.A. Spied For Russia

Spy Suspect Betrayed 10 U.S. Agents, F.B.I. Says

Gunman Slays 20 At Site Of Mosque, Israel Reports Say

At Least 40 Slain In West Bank As Israeli Fires Into Mosque; Clinton Moves To Rescue Talks

Massacre Leaves Israelis Shamed, Sad and Scared of What’s Ahead

Israel Orders Tough Measures Against Militant Settlers


NATO Craft Down 4 Serb Warplanes Attacking Bosnia

C.I.A. Had Hints of a Spy Years Before It Zeroed In

Suspect Arrested in Shooting of Hasidim

Grand Jury Is Reportedly Told Of Shredding at Little Rock Firm

4 Are Convicted In Bombing At The World Trade Center That Killed 6, Stunned U.S. 

Nussbaum Out as White House Counsel

U.S. Drug Industry Fights Reputation For Price Gouging

President Admits He Knew Of Inquiry On Land Dealings

President Chooses Another Counsel; Openness Is Vowed

Clinton Plan Sees Welfare Costing $6 Billion A Year

U.S. To Allow Sale Of The Technology For Spy Satellites

So What Is This Whitewater? The People Speak (or Yawn)

China Rejects Call From Christopher For Rights Gains

I.R.A. Forces 2-Hour Closing of London Airports

Clinton Associate Quits Justice Post As Pressure Rises

Eastern Utilities In Unusual Pact: A Smog Tradeoff

Judge Accepts Harding Plea In Conspiracy

Top Arkansas Lawyer Helped Hillary Clinton Turn Big Profit

Inquest Finds South Africa Police Aided Zulus in Terror Campaign

Fretting Over Prospect of Losses, Democrats Plot Fall Campaigns

Beijing Says It Could Live Well Even if U.S. Trade Was Cut Off

Senior Democrats Back Full Hearing Into Whitewater

Federal Reserve Moves Once Again To Raise Key Rate

Top Presidential Candidate Is Assassinated In Mexico

New Jersey Pipeline Explosion Sets Off Panic, Chaos and Fear

Last of the U.S. Troops Leave Somalia

In North Bosnia, a Rising Tide of Serbian Violence

New York Widens Work Release To Reduce Prison Overcrowding

At Least 31 Killed in Gun Battles in Johannesburg

Mexican Leader Picks Successor To Slain Nominee

U.S. Ending Curbs On High-Tech Gear To Cold War Foes


De Klerk Orders Army To Protect Vote In Zulu Area

456,000 Jobs Added in March, Largest Payroll Gain in 6 Years

Red Cross To Empty A Town Of Serbs’ Enemies

White House Says Interest Rate Rise May Slow Growth

White House Memo Sees Higher Costs For Welfare Plan

Blackmun Plans To Leave Court, Officials Report

Mitchell Viewed As Top Candidate For High Court

Japanese Premier Says He Will Quit As Scandal Grows

Split With Mayor Prompts Cortines To Say He’ll Quit

Western Troops Arrive In Rwanda To Aid Foreigners

2 NATO Jets Bomb The Serbs Besieging A Bosnian Haven; U.S. Warns Of More Strikes

U.S. Planes Bomb Serbian Positions For A Second Day

Mitchell Rejects President’s Offer Of Seat On Court

5 Killed In Israel As Second Bomber Blows Up A Bus

U.S. Jets Over Iraq Attack Own Helicopters In Error; All 26 On Board Are Killed

12 Police Officers Charged In Drug Corruption Sweep; Bratton Sees More Arrests

Serbs Down a British Jet Over Gorazde

Gorazde In Panic As Serbian Forces Enter ‘Safe’ Area

Feds Again Raises Short-Term Rate On Loans, To 3.75%

Zulu Party Ends Boycott Of Vote In South Africa

Democrats Press For A Compromise On Chinese Trade

Aristide Condemns Clinton’s Haiti Policy as Racist

Ricard Nixon, 81, Dies; A Master Of Politics Undone By Watergate

Serbs, Defying Ultimatum, Rain Shells Over Gorazde; U.N. Blocks NATO Air Raids

Bowing To Nato, Serbs Pull Back But Damage City

More Bombings Rattle South Africans

After 300 Years, Blacks Vote in South Africa

31 White Rightists Held In Bombings In South Africa

Spy Voices Shame and Defiance Before Receiving a Life Sentence

U.N. Council Urged To Weigh Action On Saving Rwanda


U.S. Examines Way To Assist Rwanda Without Troops

Mandela’s Party Grasps Firm Lead In Early Results

Mandela Proclaims A Victory: South Africa Is ‘Free At Last!’

Bill to Ban Some Assault Guns Seems Headed for House Defeat

Rabin And Arafat Sign Accord Ending Israel’s 27-Year Hold On Jericho And The Gaza Strip

Senate Refuses to Weaken Bill To Limit Gifts From Lobbyists

U.N. Council Votes Tougher Embargo On Haitian Trade

U.S. Shifts Stance In Effort To Slow Economic Growth

President Names Black Democrat Adviser On Haiti

Death Of Suspect In Police Custody Is Called Homicide

South Africans Hail President Mandela; First Black Leader Pledges Racial Unity

Senate Approves Bill To Ban Gifts From Lobbyists

U.S. Hints Of Force To End Haiti Crisis Draws Opposition

President Chooses Breyer, An Appeals Judge In Boston, For Blackmun’s Court Seat

New York May Use Industrial Zones As Shelter Sites

Payoff Inquiry Now Targeting More Buildings

U.S. Sending Back Haitian Refugees Despite New Plan

Federal Reserve Raises Key Rates To Curb Growth

Southeast Asians Highly Dependent On Welfare In U.S.

Experts Say U.S. Fails To Account For Its Plutonium

Thousands Of Rwanda Dead Wash Down To Lake Victoria

U.S. Backing Work On Czech Reactors By Westinghouse

Cable TV Industry Turns Pessimistic As Growth Slows

Fox Will Sign Up 12 New Stations; Takes 8 From CBS

Trade Center Bombers Get Prison Terms of 240 Years

Space Telescope Confirms Theory Of Black Holes

U.S. Is To Maintain Trade Privileges For China’s Goods

U.S. Economy Grew At Brisk 3% Rate In First Quarter

North Korea Foils Efforts To Halt Its Nuclear Plans

Weighing Options, U.S. Aides Assess Invasion Of Haiti

New York Hospitals Are Facing A Sharp Increase in Empty Beds


U.S. Indicts Rostenkowski In Broad Corruption Case; He Is Out Of Key House Post

Flaw Discovered In Federal Plan For Wiretapping

White House Asks Global Sanctions On North Koreans

May Jobless Rate Declined Sharply But Hiring Lagged

Giuliani Is Moving To Limit Awards When City Is Sued

U.S.-Mexico Trade Advances Sharply Under New Accord

Solemn Salute For Those Who ‘Saved the World’

A Deal With Russia on Uranium Draws Protest From U.S. Industry

In Largest Drug-Law Takeover, U.S. Seizes New York City Hotel

Health Legislation Advances in Senate

U.S. Bars Flights And Money Deals With The Haitians

New York Area Climbs Out of Recession

Parliament Vote In Europe Shows Rightward Trend

Jury Finds Exxon Acted Recklessly In Valdez Oil Spill

For Rangers, a Celebration 54 Years in Making

Charges Extended To Top Managers In Co-Op Bribery

Clinton May Add G.I.’s in Korea While Remaining Open to Talks

Simpson Is Charged, Chased, Arrested

Simpson, Under Suicide Watch, Is Jailed on 2 Murder Charges

Cuomo’s Pressure Breaks Deadlock In L.I. Rail Strike

A Grim O.J. Simpson Pleads ‘Not Guilty’ in Two Murders

Cigarette Company Developed Tobacco With Stronger Nicotine

Clinton Says the North Koreans Really May Be Ready for Talks

Tobacco Company Chief Denies Nicotine Scheme in Testimony

New Senate Proposal Retreats On Required Health Insurance


Gay Marchers Press Ahead in 25-Year Battle

Clinton Shuffles His Aides, Selecting Budget Director As White House Staff Chief

No More ‘Anything Goes’; Cyberspace Gets Censors

Surprise Alliance Picks A Socialist As Japan’s Leader


Simpson Lawyers Seek to Exclude Bloody Evidence Found at Home

Arafat Enters Gaza to Stake His Claim

Worst Drought in 30 Years Brings Rationing to Half of Puerto Rico

Europe’s Economy Looking Up, But Long-Term Worries Linger

Iran’s Difficulties Lead Some In U.S. To Doubt Threat

In Shift, U.S. Will No Longer Admit Haitians at Sea

2-Year Corruption Inquiry Finds A ‘Willful Blindness’ In New York’s Police Dept.

Panama Refuses To Take Haitians; A Rebuff For U.S. 

Kim Il Sung Dead At Age 82; Led North Korea 5 Decades; Was Near Talks With South

North Korea, Its Chief Dead, Leaves World Guessing

Korean Summit Talks Postponed As Northern Military Backs Heir

Convicted Police Officer Receives A Sentence of at Least 11 Years

Top Jersey Court Orders New Plan For School Funds

House Democrats Support Abortion In Health Plans

Rwandan Refugees Flood Zaire as Rebel Forces Gain

Rabin Is To Meet With King Hussein In U.S. On July 25

New York Police Force Lagging In Recruitment of Black Officers

Stampede Raises Toll in Rwanda Chaos

Earth-Size Storm and Fireballs Shake Jupiter as a Comet Dies

Coverage Of 95% Might Be Enough, Clinton Concedes

Rwanda Relief Workers Fear Cholera Epidemic

Cholera Stalks the Rwandan Refugees

President Orders Pentagon Action To Aid Rwandans

Cholera’s Spread Raises Fear Of Toll of 40,000 Rwandans

Israel And Jordan Agree To Call Off A State Of War That Has Endured 46 Years

Jordan And Israel Join In Pact Aimed At Broad Mideast Peace

House Committee Told Of Contacts Over Whitewater

Whitewater Inquiry Causes Rift Among Top Treasury Officials

Accord Reached On Sweeping Bill To Battle Crime

Abortion Doctor and Bodyguard Slain in Florida

Clinton Goes to Truman Land In Push to ‘Give ’em Health’


U.N. Authorizes Invasion Of Haiti To Be Led By U.S. 

Spy’s Spending Brought Alarm But No Action

Rwanda Plans to Try Thousands For Massacres, New Leader Says

Top U.S. Officials Divided In Debate On Invading Haiti

Pollster Advises Democrats: Don’t Be Too Close to Clinton

Judges Appoint New Prosecutor For Whitewater

Belgrade Appears To Be Cutting Off The Bosnia Serbs

After Six Months, Peace Fades Away Again In Sarajevo

Vatican Attacks Population Stand Supported By U.S.

Agriculture Chief Faces New Inquiry On Business Gifts

Senate Committee Receives Apology From Spy Agency

Crime Bill Fails On A House Vote, Stunning Clinton

Clinton Fights Back: ‘This Crime Bill Cannot Die’

Crime Bill Discord Grows As Clinton And G.O.P. Clash

Seoul Offers Help On Nuclear Power To North Korea

Carlos the Terrorist Arrested and Taken to France

Federal Reserve Raises Key Rates To Cool Economy

White House Gets 3 New Supporters Of The Crime Bill

White House Sees A Compromise Set On The Crime Bill

U.S. Halts Hundreds of Cubans At Sea in Abrupt Policy Change

Making Nuclear Arms Is Easier Than It Looks, New Study Shows

House Approves Crime Bill After Days Of Bargaining, Giving Victory To Clinton

Ruling Party’s Candidate Wins Presidency In Mexico, But Opposition Makes Gains

Subway Chaos: Officer Firing at Officer

Accounts of Police Shooting Say Officer Fired After Victim Fell

Crime Bill Approved, 61-38, But Senate Is Going Home Without Acting On Health

Clinton’s Allies On Health Concede That Broad Plan Is All But Dead This Year

Clinton Will Open Talks With Cuba On Refugee Crisis

Abuses Of Rights Persist In China Despite U.S. Pleas

U.S. Will Propose Reducing Barriers To Cuba Migrants

2 Latin Nations Plan To Accept Cuban Refugees


I.R.A. Declares Cease-Fire, Seeing ‘New Opportunity’ To Negotiate Irish Peace

U.S. And Cuba Talk At U.N. On Solving The Refugee Crisis

Drop In New Jobs Signals A Slowing For The Economy

U.S. Officials See Few Alternatives To Haiti Invasion

Giuliani Job Cuts Starting To Have Impact On Service

Population Meeting Opens With Challenge to the Right

Cuban Refugees Start To Arrive At Panama Base

On a Harlem Block, Hope Is Swallowed by Decay

Orphans of Haiti Disappear, Targets of Murderous Thugs

Cuba Vows To End Exodus In Return For A Rise In Visas

Giuliani Proposes Toughening Laws On X-Rated Shops

In Immigration Labyrinth, Corruption Comes Easily

Unimpeded, Intruder Crashes Plane Into White House

Top U.S. Officials Outline Strategy For Haiti Invasion

Owners Terminate Season, Without the World Series

Clinton Addresses Nation On Threat To Invade Haiti; Tells Dictators To Get Out

Holding Off, Clinton Sends Carter, Nunn And Powell To Talk To Haitian Junta

Carter, In Haiti, Pursues Peaceful Shift

Haiti’s Military Leaders Agree To Resign; Clinton Halts Assault, Recalls 61 Planes

3,000 U.S. Troops Land Without Opposition And Take Over Ports And Airfields In Haiti

Haitian Police Crush Rally As American Troops Watch

Clinton Says U.S. Will Deter Abuses by Haiti Police

Pope, Citing Health, Calls Off Visit to New York

Bill To Revamp Communications Dies In Congress

8 Haitians Killed By Marine Patrol

Disorders Follow Clash in Haitian City

National Health Program, President’s Greatest Goal, Declared Dead In Congress

Congress Decides To Conduct Study Of Need For C.I.A.

Little Hope for 800 Lost in Sinking of Baltic Sea Ferry

5 Haitians Killed As Explosion Rips Democratic Rally


Pro-Junta Gunmen Fire on Rally in Haitian Capital

U.S. Forces to Widen Role In Curbing Haiti Violence

Reports Describe Widespread Abuse In Farm Program

Clinton Talks About Religion As His Anchor

Haiti’s Military Power Structure Is Showing Signs of Falling Apart

48 in Sect Are Killed in Grisly Ritual in Switzerland

Swiss Examine Conflicting Signs in Cult Deaths

A Haitian Leader Of Paramilitaries Was Paid By C.I.A.

Pentagon Moving A Force Of 4,000 To Guard Kuwait

At Least 36,000 U.S. Troops Going To Gulf In Response To Continued Iraqi Buildup

Clinton Sends More Planes To Mideast, Saying He Sees No Sign Of Iraqi Pullback

U.S. Sees Signs of Iraqui Retreat but Continues Buildup

3 Hollywood Giants Team Up To Create Major Movie Studio

U.S. Plans To Keep Planes And Tanks In The Gulf Area

Kidnapped Soldier Is Killed As Israeli Troops Attempt Rescue At Captors’ Hideout

Aristide, In A Joyful Return, Urges Reconciliation In Haiti

Kohl’s Slate Slips As Germans Vote; Keeps Small Edge

Israel And Jordan Sign Draft On Wide-Ranging Peace Treaty

Clinton Approves A Plan To Give Aid To North Koreans

20 Killed In Terrorist Bombing Of Bus In Tel Aviv; 48 Are Hurt

U.S. Will Build Laser to Create Nuclear Fusion

Clinton To Make A Visit To Syria On Mideast Trip

G.O.P. Is Expecting To Make Big Gains In Governor Races

Training Of Police In Haiti Hampered By Personnel Gap

Giuliani, Defying His Party, Backs Cuomo For 4th Term; Sees Pataki As Bad For City

Giuliani Proposes $800 Million More In Spending Cuts

Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Accord

Ranks Of Inmates Reach One Million In A 2-Decade Rise

U.S. Economy Grew 3.4% In Quarter; Inflation In Check

Gunman Shoots at White House From Sidewalk

Suspect Charged in White House Shooting


Plane Waiting to Land at O’Hare Crashes in Indiana, Killing 68

Wary Of Expense, Arabs Block Plan For Mideast Bank

Voters Disgusted With Politicians As Election Nears

Mother of ‘Carjacked’ Boys Held in Their Deaths

Town, Feeling Betrayed, Reviles Woman Accused of Killing Sons

Control In Senate Near G.O.P. Grasp As Races Wind Up

Mexican and a Kenyan Triumph in the Heat

Clinton Makes Final Push to Stem Democratic Losses

G.O.P. Wins Control Of Senate And Makes Big Gains In House; Pataki Denies Cuomo 4th Term

G.O.P. Celebrates Its Sweep To Power; Clinton Vows To Find Common Ground

Pataki Voices Shock at Learning Size of Gap in Budget He Inherits

Unsolved Rwanda Mystery; The President’s Plane Crash

Momentum Builds For Cutting Back Welfare System

U.S. Offers China Deal To Resolve A Missile Dispute

U.S. Might Admit Detained Cubans To Help Children

Federal Reserve Increases Interest Rates by 3/4 point; Jump Is Largest Since 1981

Clinton Is Stern With Indonesia On Rights but Gleeful on Trade

White House Tries To Clarify Stand On School Prayer

12 Die as Arafat’s Police Fire on Palestinian Militants

Serbian Jets Bomb Muslims a 2D Day, Flouting U.N. Ban

G.O.P. Governors Caution Congress On Social Agenda

NATO, Expanding Bosnia Role, Strikes a Serbian Base in Croatia

U.S. in a Secret Deal, Removes Bomb Fuel in Ex-Soviet Republic

Dole and Clinton Strike a Deal on World Trade Pact

Fighting Rages as NATO Debates How to Protect Bosnian Enclave

NATO Jets Fly but Don’t Bomb As Bosnian Serbs Attack Enclave

Democratic Party Struggles To Find New Equilibrium

Congress Returns To Select Leaders For The New Term

U.S. In Shift, Gives Up Its Talk Of Tough Action Against Serbs

U.N. To Withdraw Unless The Firing In Bosnia Ceases


Researchers Link Obesity In Humans To Flaw In A Gene

Clinton Associate Is Reportedly Set To Plead Guilty

Jobless Rate Fell Again Last Month To A 4-Year Low

Trade Agreement Ends Long Debate, But Not Conflicts

Gingrich Is Urging A Tougher Policy On Bosnia’s Serbs

Republicans All for One, and One Is Gingrich

A Clinton Friend Admits Mail Fraud And Tax Evasion

C.I.A. to Pay $410,000 to Spy Who Says She Was Smeared

U.S. and Ukraine Cooperate To Destroy Nuclear Arsenal

Surgeon General Forced To Resign By White House

U.S. and 33 Hemisphere Nations Agree To Create-Free Trade Zone

F.B.I. says Fatal Mail Blast Is Work of Serial Bomber

I.B.M. Deals Blow to a Rival As It Suspends Pentium Sales

Clinton Is Reported Set to Seek Revolution in Mortgage Agency

Americans Like G.O.P. Agenda But Split on How to Reach Goals

Clinton Outlines a Plan for Tax Breaks

President Insists His Tax Cuts Keep Deficit In Check

G.O.P. Is Detailing Broad Proposals To Trim Welfare

Troops Clash in Chechnya as Peace Efforts Falter

Russians Bombard Chechens’ Capital From Land And Air

Hinting He Will Stay, Cortines Defends Work as Schools Chief

Firebomb Ignites in Subway Car, Hurting at Least 40

Police Say Firebombing Suspect Planned Subway Extortion Plot

Congressmen Pledge To Revoke Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption

Colleges Luring Students With Discounts in Tuition

Russia Announces 1,000 Rebels Died In Day Of Battle

French Storm Jetliner, Free Hostages, Kill 4 Gunmen

Mexican Currency Resumes Its Fall; Officials Silent

Director Of C.I.A. To Leave, Ending Troubled Tenure

White House Says Young Will Suffer Under G.O.P. Plan

Gunman Kills 2 at Abortion Clinics in Boston Suburb

News Source: New York Times

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