1993: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Sarajevans Jeer As U.N. Leader Urges Restraint

Yeltsin Receiving Criticism Of Foes On Nuclear Treaty

Clinton as National Idol: Is It Only Puppy Love?

Bush And Yeltsin Sign Pact Making Deep Missile Cuts

Health-Care Costs Up Sharply Again, Posing New Threat

U.S. Urging Allies To Threaten Iraq On Action In South

Clinton Backs Off His Pledge To Cut The Deficit In Half

400 U.S. Marines Attack Compound Of Somali Gunmen

Oklahoman Who Opposed Foley To Lose House Intelligence Post

U.S. Troops Begin Drive To Expand Hold On Mogadishu

China Builds Its Military Muscle, Making Some Neighbors Nervous

Iraq Is Said to Shift Missiles Into Excluded Zone in North

Bush Said To Plan Air Strike On Iraq Over Its Defiance

U.S. And Allied Planes Hit Iraq, Bombing Missile Sites In South In Reply To Hussein’s Defiance

Clinton Says U.S. Will Continue Ban On Haitian Exodus

U.S. Sends Flotilla To Prevent Exodus From Haiti By Sea

Capital Plans Party, but Reality Awaits: Clinton On Quest To Bring Back the Magic

Bush Launches Missile Attack On A Baghdad Industrial Park As Washington Greets Clinton

U.S. Leads Further Attacks On Iraqui Antiaircraft Sites; Admits Its Missile Hit Hotel

Clinton, Awaiting Oath, Asks For Help: Domestic Affairs Central in Plea for Support

Clinton Takes Oath As 42D President, Urging Sacrifice To ‘Renew America’

Clinton Cancels Baird Nomination For Justice Dept.

Clinton Orders Reversal Of Abortion Restrictions Left By Reagan And Bush

U.S. Asserts Serbs Are Still Running Prisoner Centers

Thurgood Marshall, Civil Rights Hero, Dies at 84

Joints Chiefs Hear Clinton Again Vow To Ease Gay Policy

Lawmakers Revolt On Lifting Gay Ban In Military Service

White House Backs 2-Step Plan To End Military’s Gay Ban

U.S. Says Economy Grew At Fast Pace In Fourth Quarter

Clinton Accepts Delay In Lifting Military Gay Ban

Clinton Weighing Freeze Or New Tax On Social Security

Clinton Considers Plan To Vaccinate All U.S. Children


President Allows States Flexibility On Medicaid Funds

Clinton Seeking $31 Billion in Stimulus

Clinton Rebuffed On Plan To Reduce Election Spending

Congress Passes Measure Providing Emergency Leaves

Judge Withdraws From Clinton List For Justice Post

As Ethnic Wars Multiply, U.S. Strives for a Policy: In Baring Old Hatreds, the Cold War’s End Imperils the Peace

U.S. Will Draw Up A Strategy To Aid Ex-Soviet States

Clinton Nominees Will Be Screened For Illegal Hiring

Joint Chiefs’ Head Is Said To Request Early Retirement

Board Removes Fernandez As New York Schools Chief After Stormy 3-Year Term

Clinton Picks Miami Woman, Veteran State Prosecutor, To Be His Attorney General

President Assails ‘Shocking’ Prices Of Drug Industry

Clinton Proposes Altering Medicare To Save $35 Billion

White House Hones All-Out Campaign To Sell Sacrifice

Clinton Tells Middle Class It Now Faces A Tax Increase Because Deficit Has Grown

Few To Pay More In Income Taxes, President Insists

Clinton Plan To Remake The Economy Seeks To Tax Energy And Big Incomes

Battle Lines Begin To Form on Clinton Economic Plan

Clinton’s Program Gets Endorsement Of Fed’s Chairman

Democrats’ Unease May Slow Clinton On Economic Plan

Clinton Says U.S. Is Planning Airlift To Eastern Bosnia

Clinton Proposes Changes In Policy To Aid Technology

Sweeping Reversal Of U.S. Land Policy Sought By Clinton

Door May Be Open For Abortion Pill To Be Sold In U.S.

Clinton Announces Airdrops To Bosnia Will Begin Shortly

Blast Hits Trade Center, Bomb Suspected; 5 Killed, Thousands Flee Smoke In Towers

Inquiry Into Explosion Widens; Towers Are Shut Indefinitely


Officials Studying Bomb Clues Seek Several For Questioning

Food Stamp Users Up Sharply In Sign Of Weak Recovery

‘Messiah’ Fond of Bible, Rock and Women

Bosnian Muslims Fleeing Villages Under Shellfire

Jersey City Man Is Charged In Bombing Of Trade Center After Rented Van Is Traced

Agents Step Up Search for Bombing Suspect’s Links

Inching Back To Life, Trade Center Tallies the Cost

In Shadow of Texas Siege, Uncertainty for Innocents

Trade Center Bombing Suspect Not a Patsy, Officials Conclude

Rodney King Testifies on Beating; ‘I Was Just Trying to Stay Alive’

Chemical Engineer Is Held In The Trade Center Blast

Russian Legislature Votes To Reduce Yeltsin’s Powers And Assume Dominant Role

200 Killed as Bombings Sweep Bombay

Storm Paralyzes East Coast; Snow Covers South; 33 Killed

Spared the Worst, New York Area Begins Digging Out

White House Plan Would Cover Costs Of Mental Illness

4 Are Convicted in Sexual Abuse Of Retarded New Jersey Woman

Senators Approve A Bill That Eases Vote Registration

House Democrats Unite To Approve Clinton’s Budget

White Announces He’ll Step Down From High Court

Yeltsin, Defying Congress Claims Emergency Powers; Calls April 25 Referendum

Hard-Liners Plan A Court Challenge To Yeltsin’s Move

Christopher Backs Yeltsin Vote Plan; Seeks More U.S. Aid

Attorney General Seeks Resignations From Prosecutors

South Africa Says It Built 6 Atom Bombs

Speaker In Russia Now Voicing Doubt On Yeltsin Ouster

Task of Turning Around I.B.M. Is Given to an Industry Outsider

U.S. Agents Say Fatal Flaws Doomed Raid on Waco Cult

Clinton Considers Stopping Medicaid Under Health Plan

Clinton Would End Ban On Aid To Poor Seeking Abortions

A Woman and a Black Proposed As U.S. Attorneys in New York


Calm Analysis Dominates Panel Hearing on Gay Ban

F.C.C. Orders Cuts In Cable TV Rates; Eases Rerun Rule

Bosnian Serbs’ Parliament Rules Out Mediators’ Plan As Basis For Peace Accord

Clinton Presents Billion To Yeltsin In U.S. Aid Package

Yeltsin Leaves Talks With Firm Support and More Aid

$32 Billion Budget Is Voted In Albany As Revenues Climb

U.S., To Cut Costs, Seeks Russian Help On Space Station

Cuomo Announces He Is Not Seeking Seat On High Court

Russia Rebuffs U.S. On Tougher Moves Against Belgrade

Rejection Is Seen For A Tax Credit Aimed At Business

A Black Leader in South Africa Is Slain and a White Is Arrested

Besieged Bosnians Facing A New Peril As U.N. Aid Dries Up

2-Week Cease-Fire Broken In Bosnia As Serbs Attack

Clean-Air Laws Push Big 3 To Cooperate on Electric Car

South Africa Riots Lead To 7 Deaths; Tensions Run High

7 Nations Pledge $28 Billion Fund To Assist Russia

Clinton and the Japanese Premier Scold Each Other on Trade Issues

2 of 4 Officer Found Guilty in Los Angeles Beating

As Health Plan Comes Together, Big Price Tag Comes Into Focus

Scores Die As Cult Compound Is Set Afire After F.B.I. Sends In Tanks With Tear Gas

F.B.I. Cites Fresh Evidence That Cult Set Fatal Fire; Officials’ Accounts Clash

G.O.P. Senators Prevail, Sinking Clinton’s Economic Stimulus Bill

Holocaust Museum Hailed as Sacred Debt to Dead

Pentagon Report Tells of Aviators’ ‘Debauchery’

China’s Crackdown on Births: A Stunning, and Harsh, Success

Gay Marchers Throng Capital in Appeal for Rights

Clinton Says U.S. Must Harden Line Toward The Serbs

Pentagon Plans To Allow Combat Flights By Women; Seeks To Drop Warship Ban

Clinton’s Plan for Economy May Hinge on His Popularity

Pace Of Economy Slowed Markedly In First Quarter


Clinton Proposes Service Program To Aid Students

Auto Union Seeks To Deter Detroit From New Layoffs

Top Bosnian Serb, Facing U.S. Action, Signs A Peace Plan

20,000 U.S. Troops May Go To Bosnia, NATO Admiral Says

Prompt Military Reprisal Unlikely If Serbs Shun Pact, U.S. Aides Say

Serbs Reject Bosnia Pact, Defying Friends And Foes, And Insist On Referendum

Clinton Pushes A Bosnia Plan Of Arms Supplies And Bombing

Unity With Europe Is Seen By Clinton On Plan For Bosnia

Confidence in Clinton Is Slipping Among Many Business Leaders

Rebuilding Lags in Los Angeles a Year After Riots

Seven Indicted In 1992 Slaying Of a Journalist

CUNY Violated Speech Rights Of Department Chief, Jury Says

Clinton Supports Creating Fund Designated Solely to Cut Deficit

Clinton Proposal For Tax Increases Passes First Test

A U.N. Agency May Leave China Over Coercive Population Control

Serbs Are Voting on Peace Plan; Signs of Rejection Are Apparent

Clinton Aides Seek New Review Board For Drug Pricing

U.S. To Stay Away From Talks At U.N. On War In Bosnia

New York’s Blacks Back Dinkins But Whites Don’t, Poll Indicates

New Tally of World’s Economies Catapults China Into Third Place

Blue Cross Investigation Pointed To Deep Problems, Officials Say

Economic Advisers Caution President On Medical Costs

Allies Announce Strategy To Curb Fighting In Bosnia; U.S. Offers Planes, Not Men

Free-Trade Treaty May Widen Traffic In Drugs, U.S. Says

Clinton Aides Propose Renewal Of China’s Favored Trade Status

Belgrade Reneges on Verification Of Ban on Arming Bosnian Serbs

First Lady Sets Aggressive Tone For Debate on Health-Care Plan

House Gives Narrow Approval To Clinton Budget Proposals

Badillo Joins Race On Giuliani Ticket To Oppose Dinkins

Dinkins Campaign Strategy; Show Them Who’s the Mayor

Forbidden City No Longer, Vladivostok Is Wide Open


4 Years After Tiananmen, The Hard Line Is Cracking

Mortar Fire Kills 12 At Soccer Game In Bosnian Capital

Clinton Delays Push To Increase Minimum Wage

Clinton Abandons His Nominee For Rights Post Amid Opposition

U.N. Is Authorizing Allied Air Strikes Against The Serbs

More People View Clinton As Liberal As He Seeks Center

7 Die as Crowded Immigrant Ship Grounds Off Queens

Captain And Crew Charged In Voyage Of Chinese To U.S.

Behind Immigrants’ Voyage, Long Reach of Chinese Gang

U.S. Is Sending Planes to Bolster U.N. in Somalia

New U.S. Program Of Student Loans Clears Key Panel

U.S. Attacks Somali Clan Chief To Support U.N. Peacekeepers

U.N. Says Attack Dealt Heavy Blow To Somali Faction

Shelling By Serbs Is Said To Kill 50 In First-Aid Center

Clinton Names Ruth Ginsburg, Advocate For Women, To Court

Clinton, Defending His Record, Insists He Hasn’t Wavered

Senators On Finance Panel Reach Accord On A Budget With Gas Tax And New Cuts

Bishops Struggle Over Sex Abuse By Parish Priests

Japan’s Government Falls: Party in Peril

Billions In Losses Seen In Mortgages Insured By H.U.D.

Clinton Aides See Problem With Vow To Limit Welfare

Empire Blue Cross Says It Paid Claims Without Checking Them

Court Rules That First Lady Is ‘De Facto’ Federal Official

Split in Japan’s Ruling Party Is Rearranging Political Map

8 Seized As Suspects In Plot To Bomb New York Targets And Kill Political Figures

Budget Survives Senate Struggle; New Fight Ahead

U.S. Fires Missiles At Baghdad, Citing April Plot To Kill Bush

U.S. Says Strike Crippled Iraq’s Capacity for Terror

Court Questions Districts Drawn To Aid Minorities

U.S. Indicts 31 for Extortion Plots In Minority Hiring in Construction


Clinton Backs a $1 Billion Plan To Spare Trees and Aid Loggers

Sessions Is Said to Fight Removal Till New F.B.I. Head Is in Place

U.S. Detains Cleric Linked to Militants

Haitian Military And Aristide Sign Pact To End Crisis

Setbacks And Surprises Temper A Mayor’s Hopes to House All

U.N. Team Leaves Iraq In Standoff Over Missile Site

Clinton Courting Rebel Lawmakers On Trip To Japan

7 Nations’ Leaders Open Tokyo Talks; Expectations Low

7 Nations Hasten Aid to Russia; Will Push for Growth and Trade

Heat (101 degrees) Refuses to Loosen Its Grip

Records Rewritten as East Bakes and Midwest Soaks

Iraq Again Refuses To Let A U.N. Team Close Missile Sites

U.N. Raids Somali Clan’s Base; Mob Kills at Least 2 Journalists

97 Japanese Reported Killed By Quake and Huge Waves

Clinton Requests $2.5 Billion In Aid For Flood Region

Egyptian Says Confession Links Iran to Bombing of Trade Center

Director Of F.B.I. Appears On Brink Of Losing His Job

Clinton Tours Floods and Considers Sending Troops

Japanese Reject Old Guard But Splintered Vote Means A Struggle For A Coalition

Defiant F.B.I. Chief Removed From Job By The President

Crown Heights Study Finds Dinkins And Police At Fault In Letting Unrest Escalate

Ginsburg Affirms Right Of A Woman To Have Abortion

Ginsburg Deflects Pressure To Talk On Death Penalty

Another Italian Business Leader, Tied to Scandal, Is Found Dead

Rostenkowski Defiantly Denies Wrongdoing in Postal Scandal

Israeli Jets, in Answer to Attacks, Bomb Guerrilla Bases in Lebanon

Israel Intensifies Raids In Lebanon; Galilee Under Fire

Clinton Facing Threat of Revolt On Budget Plan

Clinton Says He’s Ready to Hit Serbs Attacking U.N. in Bosnia

Victory Now Seems In Clinton’s Grasp On A Service Plan

European System Tying Currencies Faces A Rupture


Reluctant Giant: Germany Balks At Leading Europeans to Unity

For Nation’s Blue Cross Plans, Echoes of the Troubles at Empire

Democrats Report Accord In Negotiations On Budget; A Close Senate Vote Is Seen

Clinton Pushes For Budget, Reassuring Public On Taxes And Vowing Economic Gains

Judge Reinstates Jeffries as Head Of Black Studies for City College

House Passes Budget Plan Backing Clinton By 218-216 After Hectic Maneuvering

Clinton Wins Approval Of His Budget Plan As Gore Votes To Break Senate Deadlock

Rejoicing Is Muted For The President In Budget Victory

Four U.S. Soldiers Are Killed By Mine In Somali Capital

Western Europe Is Ending Its Welcome to Immigrants

New Rules Tighten Access To Shelter In New York City

Serbs Must Withdraw Promptly Or Face Air Strikes, U.S. Insists

Launching Halted at Ignition In Latest Setback for Shuttle

3 Nations Resolve Issues Holding Up Trade Pact Vote

Pope Expounds Stern Guidelines, Warning U.S. Could Lose Its Soul

A History of Pollution in Mexico Casts Clouds Over Trade Accord

Clinton Outlines Health Care Plan Paid By Employers

Clinton May Let U.S. Troops Serve Under U.N. Chiefs

Report Says Top Dinkins Aides Showed Favoritism to Contractor

Hidden Bombs Kill 9 Israelis On Patrol in South Lebanon

Deep South and Down Home, But It’s a Ghetto All the Same

Portrait of a White House Aide Ensnared by His Perfectionism

Crackdown Fails To Stem Smuggling Of Chinese To U.S.

Papers on Kennedy Assassination Are Unsealed, and ’63 Is Revisited

U.S. Determines China Violated Pact on Missiles

U.S. Indicts Egyptian Cleric As Head Of Group Plotting ‘War Of Urban Terrorism’

Sheik, in Court, Denies Terror Charges

U.N. Lifts Haitian Oil Embargo As Junta Prepares to Step Aside

Israeli Reports Agreement Toward Palestinian Rule In Gaza Strip And Jericho

In Draft Accord, Israelis And P.L.O. Near Recognition

Cabinet In Israel Backs Autonomy For Palestinians


Israel And P.L.O. Ready To Declare Joint Recognition

Jordan Is Reported Ready To Make Peace With Israel After P.L.O. Deal Is Signed

Clinton Cuts Aims On Mental Health And Dental Costs

Leading Indicators And Payroll Jobs Display Weakness

How Oslo Helped Mold The Mideast Pact

China Sees ‘Market-Leninism’ as Way to Future

Smiling and Relaxed, Giuliani Puts Polished Image Forward

South African Blacks Gain Share Of Power In Months Before A Multiracial Vote

P.L.O. Aide Reports Pact With Israel Over Recognition

P.L.O. And Israel Accept Each Other After 3 Decades Of Relentless Strife

Clinton Offering Health Plan With Guarantee Of Coverage And Curb On Private Spending

Old Enemies Arafat and Rabin to Meet

Arafat Arrives in U.S. to ‘Make Peace’

Rabin And Arafat Seal Their Accord As Clinton Applauds ‘Brave Gamble’

Jordan And Israel Agree On A Basis For Finding Peace

U.S. And Israel Ask Syrians To Silence Arafat Opponents

Muslims And Serbs In Bosnian Accord; 3-Way Meeting Set

New Missile Defense in Japan Under Discussion With U.S.

Side Agreements To Trade Accord Vary In Ambition

School Officials Strive to Prevent Opening-Day Chaos

Disorder on Day 1 in New York Schools

Yeltsin And Legislature Act To Oust Each Other; Clinton Backs President

Clinton Asks Backing For Sweeping Change In The Health System

U.S. Lays Out Rules For A Big Auction Of Radio Airwaves

Mandela Calls for an End to Sanctions

U.S. Vows To Stay In Somalia Force Despite An Attack

Supporting Dinkins, Clinton Worries About Role of Race

Pentagon Changes Its Somalia Goals As Effort Falters

Hillary Clinton, on Capitol Hill, Wins Raves, if Not a Health Plan

A.M.A. Rebels Over Health Plan In Major Challenge to President


Quake in India Levels Villages and Kills Thousands

Report On Siege In Texas Is Said To Blame Agents

Papal Encyclical Says Church Must Enforce Basic Morality

Yeltsin Sends Troops To Oust Armed Foes From Parliament; Fierce Battle Rages In Capital

Russian Army Routs Rebels At Parliament As Yeltsin Takes Steps To Tighten Control

Clinton Reviews Policy In Somalia As Unease Grows

Clinton Sending More Troops to Somalia

Clinton Doubling U.S. Force In Somalia, Vowing Troops Will Come Home In 6 Months

U.S. Mixes Signals To Somali General On Its Next Steps

A Truce Is Offered By Somali General To U.N.-U.S. Forces

Clinton Care Plan May Cut Benefits To Some Children

Haitians Block Landing of U.S. Forces

Bid To Restore Haiti’s Leader Is Derailed

U.N. Again Imposes Sanctions On Haiti After Pact Fails

Haiti Justice Minister Slain In Defiance Of U.S. Warning To Military To Keep Peace

President Orders Six U.S. Warships For Haiti Patrol

Tension Is Rising As Haiti Military Tightens Its Grip

After Supporting Hunt for Aidid, U.S. Is Blaming U.N. for Losses

Jury Acquits 2 on Most Charges In Beatings in Los Angeles Riots

Bid To Limit Terms Can Be On Ballot In New York City

U.S. To Offer Plan On A Role In Nato For Ex-Soviet Bloc

Gangs in Sarajevo Spread Terror, Unchecked by the Cowed Leaders

Washington Mayor Seeks Aid Of Guard In Combating Crime

Giuliani Campaign Theme: Dinkins Isn’t Up to the Job

Giuliani, Striving to Be Liked, Tries to Elude Shadow of ’89

Governing Tories In Canada Routed By Liberal Party

U.S. Cancels A Plan To Begin Sanctions After Japan Acts

Congress Is Given Clinton Proposal For Health Care

Flurry Of Attacks As Race For Mayor Is Nearing An End

Moderate Growth In Seesaw Pattern Seen For Economy

New York Contest Goes Down To Wire In Hectic Weekend


Dinkins and Giuliani Grapple for Voters

Hillary Clinton Accuses Insurers Of Lying About Health Proposal

Giuliani Ousts Dinkins By A Thin Margin; Whitman Is An Upset Winner Over Florio

Dinkins and Giuliani Join in a Call for Healing and Unity

Administration Offers New Math To Bolster Health Plan’s Appeal

Giuliani Says He Might Keep Minority Contracts Program

Clinton Calls Trade Debate World Issue

As U.S. Vote on Trade Pact Nears, Mexicans Are Expressing Doubts

Study Says Haiti Sanctions Kill Up to 1,000 Children a Month

Court, 9-0, Makes Sex Harassment Easier To Prove

Whitman Denies Report by Aide That Campaign Paid Off Blacks

U.S. To Give Israel Incentives To Seek A Broader Peace

U.S. Investigating Claims Of Payoffs By Whitman Staff

Clinton Delivers Emotional Appeal On Stopping Crime

Puerto Rico Votes To Retain Status As Commonwealth

Judge Orders Rollins To Answer Questions on Payoffs to Blacks

Scramble in the Capital for Today’s Trade Pact Vote

House Backs Free Trade Pact In Major Victory For Clinton After A Long Hunt For Votes

A Strike at American Airlines Disrupts Travel of Thousands

Senate Approves Broad Crime Bill; Splits Over Guns

Leaders at Summit Seek Strong Pacific Community

Strikers at American Airlines Say the Objective Is Respect

Airline Strike Ends as Clinton Steps In

U.S. Restrictions On Adult TV Fare Are Struck Down

Gun-Control Act Wins Final Battle As G.O.P. Retreats

U.S. To Encourage Legal Immigrants To Get Citizenship

Bowing to U.N., Iraq Will Permit Arms Monitors

Russia’s Military: A Shriveled and Volatile Legacy

Britain Concedes It Secretly Made Contact With I.R.A.

New Jersey Democrats Drop Effort To Overturn Whitman’s Election


Gaza Strip Suffers Its Worst Violence Since Pact Signing

President Defends His Efforts in Combating AIDS

Head of Medellin Cocaine Cartel Is Killed by Troops in Columbia

U.S. Jobless Rate Falls In New Sign Of Brisk Recovery

Astronauts Snare Hubble Telescope For Vital Repairs

Successful Work On Hubble Brings NASA Some Relief

Pittsburgh Bank Is Buying Dreyfus For $1.85 Billion

Gunman Kills 5 on L.I.R.R. Train; 19 Are Wounded

Portrait of Suspect Emerges in Shooting on L.I. Train

Administration Floats Proposal For Licensing All Gun Owners

3 Arabs Are Slain As Killings Persist On The West Bank

U.S. Says Russians Assisted Damascus With Missile Plan

Yeltsin’s Reformers Show Weakness In Russian Vote; Constitution Is Approved

Nationalists Move Far Out In Front In Russian Voting

U.S. And Europe Clear The Way For A World Accord On Trade, Setting Aside Major Disputes

Aspin Resigns From Cabinet; President Lost Confidence In Defense Chief, Aides Say

Inman, Ex-Admiral, Is Defense Nominee

As Boot Camps for Criminals Multiply, Skepticism Grows

Fear Makes Powerful Sales Pitch In Gun Shops Around the Nation

Inman’s Business Record Includes Bankruptcy of Defense Contractor

White House Took Clinton Files After a Top Aide Killed Himself

First Lady, Defending President, Denounces ‘Outrageous Attack’

Pentagon Spells Out Rules For Ousting Homosexuals; Rights Groups Vow A Fight

Clinton To Yield All Of His Files On Land Dealings

Clinton To Require States To Finace Abortions Of Poor

Intelligence Study Says North Korea Has Nuclear Bomb

Medicare To Stop Pushing Patients To Enter H.M.O.’s

A Year After Hurricane Andrew, Insurers Maneuver to Lower Risk

New York’s Police Allow Corruption, Mollen Panel Says

2 Held in Upstate New York Bombings Fatal to 5

Another Suspect Named In Slaying In Crown Heights

News Source: New York Times

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