1992: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Token Price Rises 10 Cents, To $1.25, In New York City

Yeltsin and Russians Prepare For Harshness of Price Plan

Yougoslav Factions Agree To U.N. Plan To Halt Civil War

Democrats Agree To Seek End Of Ban On Budget Shifts

Arabs Delay Leaving for Talks But U.S. Expects a Resumption

Bush Warns Seoul On Pace Of Pacts With North Korea

Washington Joins U.N. In Condemning Israeli Expulsions

Japan Announces A Host Of Steps To Aid U.S. Trade

Bush Collapses at State Dinner With the Japanese

Bush Reaches Pact With Japan, But Auto Makers Denounce It

Flu Sweeps New York Region, Causing Crowding in Hospitals

Panel From C.I.A. Urges Curtailing Of Agency Secrecy

Russian Scientists to Detail Plans For a Fast Nuclear Space Rocket

2nd Wall St. Agency Downgrades Bond Rating for New York State

Iraq Admits Buying German Materials To Make A-Bombs

Breakup of Yugoslavia Leaves Slovenia Secure, Croatia Shaky

Salvadorans Sign Treaty to End the War

5,000 Angry Military Men Gather With Complaints in the Kremlin

Saudis Press U.S. For Help In Ouster Of Iraq’s Leader

Maker of Sleeping Pill Hid Data On Side Effects, Researchers Say

Libya Is Expected To Get U.N. Demand On Bomb Suspects

U.S. Agents Say Libya Is Adding And Hiding Chemical Weapons

U.S. Considers Move To Cut Multiple-Warhead Missiles, Core Of The Nuclear Force

Military Proposes To End Production Of Most New Arms

Tisch Proposal to Rescue Macy Falls Through as Creditor Balks

Corruption and Waste Clog Aid Pipeline to Russia

U.N.’s Fund Crisis Worsens As Role In Security Rises

In Retreat, Supreme Court Limits Scope of ’65 Voting Rights Act

Bush Vows Economic Relief And Proposes Modest Steps In State Of The Union Talk

Bush And Yeltsin Propose Deep Cuts In Atomic Weapons

Leaders Gather in New York to Chart a World Order


World Leaders, At The U.N., Pledge To Expand Its Role To Achieve A Lasting Peace

Bush And Yeltsin Declare Formal End To Cold War; Agree To Exchange Visits

Bush Health Plan Would Be Financed By Medicare Curb

C.I.A. Casting About for New Missions

Iraqis Defying U.N. On Arms Industry And Oil Sale Terms

Blatant Fraud Pushing Up The Cost of Car Insurance

Senate Backs Faster Protection Of Ozone Layer as Bush Relents

U.S. To Offer Plan To Keep Scientists At Work In Russia

Border Crossings Near Old Record; U.S. To Crack Down

Agencies Hindered In Efforts To Widen Definitions Of AIDS

Tyson Found Guilty on 3 Counts As Indianapolis Rape Trial Ends

Officer Acquitted In Teaneck Killing

Clinton Thanked Colonel in ’69 For ‘Saving Me From the Draft’

Clinton Could Have Known Draft Was Unlikely for Him

Ex-Soviet Atom Scientists Ask Baker for West’s Help

Fiscal and Political Forces Move Pakistan to Seek Afghan Peace

Israelis Kill Chief Of Pro-Iran Shiites In South Lebanon

Baker And Yeltsin Agree On U.S. Help In Scrapping Arms

Bush Jarred In First Primary; Tsongas Wins Democratic Vote

I.R.A. Fugitive Sent to Belfast From U.S. Jail

Israeli Army Hits Bases In Lebanon, Piercing U.N. Lines 

Head of Endowment for the Arts Is Forced From His Post by Bush

Delay By The U.S. Said To Imperil Aid To Ex-Soviet Lands

American Business Starts A Counterattack in Japan

G.M. Picks 12 Plants to Be Shut As It Reports a Record U.S. Loss

Kerrey Is South Dakota Victor; Keeps Presidential Hopes Alive

2 Teen-Agers Shot to Death in a Brooklyn School

United Way Head Is Forced Out In a Furor Over His Lavish Style

White House Says Buchanan Is Likely To Remain In Race


U.S. Moves To Bar Americans Buying Soviet Technology

Brock Adams Quits Senate Race Amid Sex Misconduct Allegations

Gotti Confidant Tells Courtroom Of Mafia Family’s Violent Reign

Clinton Wins Georgia Primary And Tsongas Takes Maryland; Protest Erodes Bush Victories

The 1980’s: A Very Good Time for the Very Rich

U.S. Plans To Hire Russian Scientists In Fusion Research

The Jobless Rate Increases To 7.3% In A Mixed Report

Ailing Gun Industry Confronts Outrage Over Glut Of Violence

Japan’s Statistics Point To A Slump, Ending Long Boom

Nixon Scoffs at Level of Support For Russian Democracy by Bush

Clinton Takes Florida Easily, Sweeping Primaries In South; Protest Votes Still Dog Bush

Citing Character, Tsongas Steps Up Attack On Clinton

U.N. Again Warns Iraq On Cease-Fire

Bush Gives Break To Auto Industry On Gasoline Fumes

Congressional Officials Disclose 21 Names In House Bank Affair

How a Battered Clinton Has Stayed Alive

Baker Rebuffs Compromise Plan By Congress on Israel Loan Issue

Clinton Wins Big Victories In 2 Midwestern Primaries; Bush Increases G.O.P. Edge

South African Whites Ratify De Klerk’s Move To Negotiate With Blacks On A New Order

Tsongas Abandons Campaign, Leaving Clinton A Clear Path Toward Showdown With Bush

Iraq Agrees to Destroy Missiles To Meet U.N. Cease-Fire Terms

Japanese Shifting Their Investments Back Toward Home

Sale Of Plutonium By Russia To U.S. Faces Unseen Snag

Investigators Look for Clues in LaGuardia Crash

Democrats Rebuff Clinton In The Connecticut Primary As Brown Wins Close Vote

U.S. and Allies to Resume Effort To Get Sanctions Against Libya

Tyson Gets 6-Year Prison Term For Rape Conviction in Indiana

China Is Warned Not to Veto Plan To Place U.N. Sanctions on Libya

Collapse Of Inner-City Families Creates America’s New Orphans

Kurds In Turkey Seem To Be Nearing Full-Scale Revolt

An Industrial Comeback Story: U.S. Is Competing Again in Steel


I.M.F. Endorses Russian Plan For Economy, Clearing Way For Aid And For Membership

Bush And Kohl Unveil Plan For 7 Nations To Contribute $24 Billion In Aid For Russia

Gotti Guilty of Murder and Racketeering

United Way Finds Pattern Of Abuse By Former Chief

Growing Black Debate on Racism; When Is It Real, When an Excuse?

Huge Crowd Backs Right To Abortion In Capital March

Peru Suspends Democracy, Citing Revolt

Clinton Is Victor In New York With 41% Of Democratic Vote; Tsongas Edges Brown For 2D

U.S. Chip Makers Stem the Tide In Trade Battles With Japanese

U.S. Jury Convicts Noriega Of Drug-Trafficking Role As The Leader Of Panama

Russian Emigres Importing Thugs To Commit Contract Crimes in U.S.

Full Spectrum of Judicial Critics Assail Prison Sentencing Guides

Iranian President Appears To Beat Anti-West Rivals

U.S. Panel Seeking Restriction On Use Of DNA In Courts

Chief Says Panel Backs Courts’ Use Of A Genetic Test

Isolation Of Libya Grows As Its Links To World Are Cut

Afghan President Ousted As Rebels Approach City

Afghan Guerrillas Order Kabul Army To Surrender City

U.S. To Reconsider Denial Of Benefits To Many Disabled

Afghan Guerrillas Differ On Makeup Of Interim Regime

AS China Looks at World Order, It Detects New Struggles Emerging

F.B.I. Promises Gains to Blacks In a Settlement

Court Gets Stark Arguments On Abortion

Car Plows Into Park, Killing 4 and Injuring Many

Rohatyn Warns New York City It Risks Loss of Millions in Aid

After 14 years, Afghan Guerillas Easily Take Prize

Documents Charge Iraqis Made Swap: U.S. Food For Arms

Lending Agencies Admit Ex-Soviets As Full Members

Clinton And Bush Prevail In Pennsylvania Primaries; Feminist Is Senate Nominee

Los Angeles Policemen Acquitted in Taped Beating


22 Dead After 2D Day Of Los Angeles Riots; Fires And Looting Persist Despite Curfew

Toll Is 38 In Los Angeles Riots But Violence Seems To Abate; Bush Dispatches Force Of 5,000

Cleanup Begins In Los Angeles; Troops Enforce Surreal Calm

Calm Endures With Grief in Los Angeles

Tokyo in the New Epoch; Heady Future, With Fear

Clinton, In Attack On President, Ties Riots To ‘Neglect’

At Site of ‘Iron Curtain’ Speech, Gorbachev Buries the Cold War

Bush Finds ‘Horror’ on Los Angeles Tour

Payrolls Increased And Jobless Rate Retreats To 7.2%

Riots Shook Affluent Blacks Trying to Balance 2 Worlds

Los Angeles Riots Are a Warning, Americans Fear

Graduates Facing Worst Prospects In Last 2 Decades

Fear of Serb Onslaught Increases As Europe’s Monitors Quit Bosnia

3 Astronauts, in Space Walk, Grab Errant Satellite

White House on Conflicting Paths As It Agrees to Protection for Owl

Dinkins Delays Action on Homeless Panel’s Ideas

North Korean Site Has A-Bomb Hints

Thai Troops Fire On Demonstrators In Capital Streets

Deaths Mount as Troops Fire on Thais

Quayle Says Riots Sprang From Lack Of Family Values

Thai Enemies Agree At Urging Of King To Cease Violence

U.S., In New Policy, Will Not Pick Up All Haiti Refugees

Judge Sets Los Angeles for Retrial Of Officer in Rodney King Beating

4 Ex-Soviet States And U.S. In Accord On 1991 Arms Pact

Switching Policy, U.S. Will Return Refugees To Haiti

Yale President Quitting to Lead National Private-School Venture

Abortion Issue Rips Away Veil Of G.O.P. Unity

Olympia Files Bankruptcy Plan For Huge London Office Project

Senate In Albany Backs Police Guns Opposed By Dinkins

Exodus From Haiti Appears To Hasten Despite U.S. Shift

U.N. Votes 13-0 For Embargo On Trade With Yugoslavia; Air Travel And Oil Curbed


Tens Of Thousands Call For Removal Of Serbia’s Leader

Pentagon Analyst Questions Timing For Missile Shield

Clinton Wins A Majority For Nomination But Perot’s Appeal Is Strong In 2 Parties

Albany Legislators Agree on Plan For Revised Congressional Lines

Bill to Aid Former Soviet Lands Is Stuck in Capitol Hill Quagmire

Jobless Rate Rose To 7.5% For May, Highest Since 1984

U.S. Documents Raise Questions Over Iraq Policy

Blacks Reach a Milestone In Queens: Income Parity

Bosnian, Desperate Over Shelling, Appeals to U.S. for an Air Attack

Quayle Attacks a ‘Cultural Elite,’ Saying It Mocks Nation’s Values

Private Hospitals in New York Reach Accord on Job Security

Balanced-Budget Amendment Fails to Gain House Approval

With Climate Treaty Signed, All Say They’ll Do Even More

Wall of Silence Impedes Inquiry Into a Rowdy Navy Convention

North Korea Plan On Fueling A-Bomb May Be Confirmed

New York Police, in Compromise, Are to Get More Semiautomatics

Bush And Yeltsin Agree To Cut Long-Range Atomic Warheads; Scrap Key Land-Based Missiles

Yeltsin Cheered At Capitol As He Pledges Era Of Trust And Asks For Action On Aid

Jackson Sees a ‘Character Flaw’ In Clinton’s Remarks on Racism

High Court Eases States’ Obligation Over Toxic Waste

De Klerk’s Visit to Massacre Site Brings New Eruption of Violence

Black Neighborhood Faces White World With Bitterness

High Court Voids Law Singling Out Crimes Of Hatred

Israel’s Labor Party Wins Clear Victory In Election; Ready To Form A Coalition

Court Opens Way For Damage Suits Over Cigarettes

Industries Gaining Broad Flexibility On Air Pollution

Court, 8-1, Faults Mississippi On Bias In College System

Clinton Seeking Forceful Image As a Leader in Foreign Affairs

Most Powerful Quake in 40 Years Hits California

High Court, 5-4, Affirms Right To Abortion But Allows Most Of Pennsylvania’s Limits


Bias Is Admitted By New York In Public Housing

On the Path to an Open Economy, A Decrepit Steel Plant in the Urals

Unemployment Up Sharply, Prompting Federal Reserve To Cut Its Key Lending Rate

Albany Lawmakers End Session Without Acting on 2 Major Issues

Perot Told U.S. To Soften Policy On Vietnamese

Nuclear Accord Brings New Fears On Arms Proposal

Cuomo Turnabout: Now He Will Nominate Clinton

Amid Dinkins’s Appeal for Calm, Protesters Skirmish With Police

Clinton Secures Rivals’ Support And Considers Gore for Ticket

Clinton Selects Senator Gore Of Tennessee As Running Mate

Cinton Says Gore Will Help Push His Domestic Agenda in Congress

Democrats Gather To Reshape Image And Crown Clinton

Democrats Display a New Optimism, Reflected in Poll

Democrats Pledge Change, For Both Party And Nation, As Their Convention Begins

Democrats, Emphasizing Unity, Embrace A Moderate Platform

Democrats Give Clinton Their Blessing; Cuomo Hails ‘New Voice For New America’

Perot Quits Race, Leaving Two-Man Field; Clinton Vows Change And ‘New Covenant’ As He And Bush Court Abandoned Voters

Poll Gives Clinton a Post-Perot, Post-Convention Boost

Gangs Abiding By Cease-Fire In Los Angeles

Fathers Find That Child Support Means Owing More Than Money

Sarajevo Airlift Suspended By U.N. After Truce Fails

Baker Is Reported To Take New Post Guiding Campaign

Columbian Drug Baron Escapes Luxurious Prison After Gunfight

White-Black Disparity in Income Narrowed in 80’s Census Shows

In 2 Diverse Neighborhoods Blacks Are Drawn to Clinton

For Weapons Buildup, Baghdad Used American Front Company

Fetal-Tissue Bank Cannot Meet Goal, Agency Memo Says

Four Years of Bush’s Drug War: New Funds but an Old Strategy

Ex-C.I.A. Official Testifies Boss Knew About Iran-Contra Affair

Indictment Charges Clifford Took Bribe

Economy’s Growth In Second Quarter Was A Slight 1.4%


Drug-Resistant TB Is Seen Spreading Within Hospitals

Social Programs Grow, but Largely by Neglect

Police In New York Shift Drug Battle Away From Street

Brown Abruptly Resigns His Police Post

Reagan Is Notified He Isn’t A Target In Contra Inquiry

For Americans, A Day to Forget At the Olympics

Bush Urges U.N. to Back Force to Get Aid to Bosnia

Jobless Rate Dips A Notch To 7.7% In Mixed Showing

F.D.A Steps Up Effort to Control Vitamin Claims

Serbian Forces Surround a City In a Muslim Enclave in Bosnia

Plan to Speed Approval of Drugs: Makers Would Pay Fees to U.S. 

Welfare Rolls Hit The Million Mark In New York City

Economic Accord Reached By U.S., Mexico And Canada To Lower Trade Barriers

Baker Leaving State Dept. To Head White House Staff And Guide Bush’s Campaign

Free Trade Accord Expected To Trim Nation’s Food Bill

U.S. Said To Plan Raids On Baghdad If Access Is Denied

Fractured G.O.P. Meets as Public Voices Disfavor

Bush Vows A Tough Campaign As G.O.P. Opens Its Convention

Republicans Assail Clinton As Radical And Big Spender And Assert Bush Strengths

Republicans Send Bush Into The Campaign Under A Banner Stressing ‘Family Values’

Bush Promises Across-The Board Tax Cut And An Economic Revival In A Second Term

Bush Pulls Close in Poll, but Not With Women

Nominees Criticize Each Other’s Plan To Revive Economy

A Million Are Told To Flee Hurricane In South Florida

Hurricane Rips Through Florida and Heads Into Gulf

Thousands Homeless in Florida Storm

U.S. And Allies Say Flight Ban In Iraq Will Start Today

Bush Sending Army To Florida Amid Criticism Of Relief Effort

Troops Arrive With Food for Florida’s Storm Victims

As Army Gears Up, Floridians Rely on Private Relief

Troops Begin Work In Storm-Hit Area, But Misery Mounts


President To View U.S. Relief Efforts In Storm-Hit Areas

G.M. Ultimatum to Parts Makers Brings Showdown With Workers

63 Days After Its Cash Ran Out, California Passes Austere Budget

U.N. Relief Plane Reported Down On Bosnia Mission

167,000 Jobs Lost In U.S. Businesses; Fed Cuts Interest

Recasting Bush Isn’t Easy, Baker and Aides Discover

Income Data Show Years Of Erosion For U.S. Workers

South African Homeland’s Troops Fire on Protest March, Killing 24

Judge Ousted From Tobacco Case Over Industry’s Complaining of Bias

Clinton Presses Welfare Overhaul, Stressing Job Training and Work

Israelis Disclose Talks With Syria On Steps To Peace

Jet Sale To Saudis Approved By Bush, Saving Jobs In U.S.

U.S. Orders Testing Of Poor Children For Lead Poisoning

Fugitive Leader of Maoist Rebels Is Captured by the Police in Peru

U.S. and Israel Working Out Deal To Offset Warplane Sale to Saudis

Abrams, In Tight Senate Vote, Appears To Edge Out Ferraro

Europeans’ Currency System Shaken As Britain Cuts Free

Monetary Accord Sought In Europe But Crisis Remains

Germany Reaches Deal to Deport Thousands of Gypsies to Romania

Europe Awaits Verdict on Treaty by French Voters

French Approve Unity Treaty, But Slim Margin Leaves Doubts

Europeans Say French Vote Forces Delay In Unity Pact; Seek To Quiet Public Fears

Encircling Arkansas Bush Opens Harsh Attack on Clinton’s Record

Backlash for Hillary Clinton Puts Negative Image to Rout

Senior Navy Officers Suppressed Sex Investigation, Pentagon Says

Ex-U.S. Aide Says He Told Bush Of Iran Arms-for-Hostage Swap

A Tense Uncertainty Grows in the Campaign

U.S. Set To Open National Forests For Strip Mining

Nominees’ Camps Make Their Cases to Perot Backers

Bush Shifts Stand, Saying He’s Ready To Hold 4 Debates


Brooklyn Beginning a City Plan To Link the Poor With a Doctor

Perot Re-Enters The Campaign, Saying Bush And Clinton Fail To Address Government ‘Mess’

Bush And Clinton Agree On Debates; Plan To Ask Perot

Clinton’s Foreign-Policy Agenda Reaches Across Broad Spectrum

Many Die as Jet Hits Dutch Apartments

Poll Finds Hostility to Perot And No Basic Shift in Race

Tax Bill Is Passed By House, But Veto By Bush Is Likely

C.I.A. Chief Orders Investigation Of Statements In Iraq Bank Case

Bills Sent To Bush As 102D Congress Wraps Up Its Work

Justice Dept. Role Cited In Deception In Iraq Loan Case

C.I.A. And Justice Feud Over Inquiry In Iraq Loan Case

Bush Stresses His Experience But 2 Rivals Cite Economic Lag

Kuwaitis Will Buy Tanks Made In U.S.

Justice Dept. Criminal Unit Is Investigating F.B.I. Chief

Russian Files Show Stalin Ordered Massacre of 20,000 Poles in 1940

Issues, Not Attacks, Dominate As Audience Guides 2D Debate

Attorney General Names Prosecutor In Iraq-Loans Case

Moscow Is Selling Weapons To China, U.S. Officials Say

On Eve of Last Candidate Debate, Bush Aide Predicts ‘Tough’ Race

Bush Pushes Hard In 3D Debate But Foes Put Him On Defensive

Debating Done, Bush and Clinton Begin Final Push

Salvador Skeletons Confirm Reports of Massacre in 1981

Dinkins Aide Trades Charges With Woman Over Advances

Republican Imperils Tide Of Democrats in California

Salvadoran Panel Calls for Purge Of Defense Chief and 110 Officers

Scientists Assail Congress on Bill For Money to Test an AIDS Drug

Bush Aide Calls Perot’s Story ‘Paranoid’

U.S. Economy Grew At A Rate Of 2.7% During 3D Quarter

As Race Looks Tighter, Theme Is Truth and Trust

Teen-Ager Acquitted in Slaying During ’91 Crown Heights Melee

Clinton and Bush Compete to Be Champion of Change


As Presidential Race Nears End, the Attacks Continue

Bush And Clinton Go Nonstop In Battling For Crucial States

Clinton And Bush In A Sprint As Race For White House Ends

Clinton Captures Presidency With Huge Electoral Margin; Wins A Democratic Congress

Clinton, Savoring Victory, Starts Sizing Up Job Ahead

Aides Say Clinton Will Swiftly Void G.O.P. Initiatives

Clinton Appoints 2 To Oversee Change Of Administration

Chief Judge of New York State Is Arrested in Extortion Scheme

New York’s Chief Judge Prepares To Step Aside in Wake of Arrest

Britain Drops a Case Against 3 Charged With Arms Sales to Iraq

Chief Judge Quits Post In New York In Extortion Case

Clinton To Open Miltary’s Ranks To Homosexuals

Banks Increase Loans to Business In Reversal of a 2-Year Downturn

Islamic Guerrilla Attacks on Israel Cause Rising Tensions in Lebanon

Yeltsin Says Foes Wage A Campaign To Stir ‘Hysteria’

Hillary Clinton’s New Role: The Job Description Is Open

Data Show G.M. Knew for Years Of Risk in Pickup Trucks’ Design

Dinkins Says Critics Distort Facts Of His Response to Crown Heights

Catholic Bishops in U.S. Reject Policy Letter of Role of Women

Mandela, Shifting Strategy, Offers Whites an Assured Share of Power

Europeans Agree With U.S. On Cutting Farm Subsidies; French Withhold Support

France Criticizes Farm Trade Pact As ‘Unacceptable’

Europeans Delay Plan To Abolish Passport Checks

$400 Million Paid By S.&L. Auditors, Settling U.S. Case

Lobbyists on Clinton’s Team: Potential for Conflict Endures

A Strong Upturn Found In Economy In Third Quarter

Washington Seeks Conditions On Plan For Somalia Force

U.S. Plan To Guard Convoys Is Backed By Somali General

Germany Creating Police Unit Aimed At Rightist Groups

Signals of the Clinton Recovery; Rebound Is Seen, but a Slow One


High Court Spurns Guam Bid To Revive Curbs On Abortion

Queens School Board Suspended In Fight on Gay-Life Curriculum

Insurers, In Shift, Ask U.S. To Require Coverage For All

U.N. Backs A Somalia Force As Bush Vows A Swift Exit; Pentagon Sees Longer Stay

Bush Declares Goal in Somalia Is to ‘Save Thousands’

Choice Of Bentsen Is Called A Signal Of New Teamwork

Hindu Militants Destroy Mosque, Setting Off a New Crisis in India

At Least 200 Killed In India As Muslim-Hindu Riots Rage

U.S. Forces Arrive In Somalia On Mission To Aid The Starving

Charles and Diana Are Separating ‘Amicably’

Clinton Team Takes Shape With Bentsen And 4 Others Named To Economic Posts

Storm Lashes New York Region With Rain, Gales And Flooding

On Heels Of Rampaging Gales Comes Snow and Floods

Weakening Storm Leaves Northeast With Huge Damage

Clinton Leads Experts in Discussion on Economy

I.B.M. Aims To Cut 25,000 More Jobs; Sees Record Loss

U.S. Names Figures It Wants Charged With War Crimes

Israel Expels 400 From Occupied Lands

Suspect, 17, Is Arrested in Killing Of Principal Caught in Gun Battle

U.S. Pension Agency Is In Deep Trouble, Economists Warn

California, Struggling in Slump, Faces High Hurdles to Recovery

Serb Nationalist Claims A Victory; Rival Cries Foul

Christopher And Aspin Named For State Dept. And Pentagon

Clinton Planning To Name A Woman For Justice Dept.

Bush Pardons 6 In Iran Affair, Averting A Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails ‘Cover-Up’

Prosecutor Shifts Attention To Bush On Iran Arms Deal

Clinton Job Plan In Manufacturing Meets Skepticism

U.S. Shoots Down An Iraqi Warplane In No-Flight Zone

Witnesses Report A Somali Massacre Before U.S. Arrival

U.S. And Russia Agree On Atomic-Arms Pact Slashing Arsenals And The Risk Of Attack

Federal Inquiry Finds Misconduct By a Discoverer of the AIDS Virus

News Source: New York Times

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