1991: NEW YORK TIMES (364)


Israel Expecting Iraq Missile Strike If War Breaks Out

45 Credit Unions And Banks Shut By Rhode Island

White House Hints It May Talk If Iraq Offers A New Date

102d Congress Opens, Troubled On Gulf but Without a Consensus

Joblessness In U.S. Increases To 6.1%, Highest Since 1987

Bush Leaves Open Timing Of Assault On Iraq’s Forces

U.S. Is Taking Over A Group Of Banks To Head Off A Run

Pentagon Scraps $57 Billion Order For Attack Plane

Bush Asks Congress To Back Use Of Force If Iraq Defies Deadline On Kuwait Pullout

Baker-Aziz Talks On Gulf Fail; Fears Of War Rise; Bush Is Firm; Diplomatic Effort To Continue

Arabs Say Iraq Plans Offer Linking Pullout To Israel; Congress Opens War Debate

Baker Warns Of Fast Strike If Kuwait Deadline Passes; Support In Congress Is Seen

Congress Acts To Authorize War In Gulf; Margins Are 5 Votes In Senate, 67 In House

Soviet Loyalists In Charge After Attack In Lithuania; 13 Dead; Curfew Is Imposed

U.S. And Iraq Prepare For War As Tonight’s Deadline Nears; Diplomacy Remains Fruitless

U.S. Weighs Timing Of Attack Against Iraq As Deadline Passes And Diplomacy Fails

U.S. And Allies Open Air War On Iraq; Bomb Baghdad And Kuwaiti Targets; ‘No Choice’ But Force, Bush Declares

Iraqis Fire Missiles At Israeli Cities After Second Day Of Allied Bombing; U.S. Discourages An Israeli Response

Iraq Fires New Missile Attack At Israel; Allies Continue Bombing; Seek Launchers

Allies Intensify Bombing Of Iraqi Troops; Israel Holds Fire, Gets American Defenses

U.S. Foils Missile Attacks On 2 Saudi Cities; Claims Hits On Iraqi Nuclear And Gas Sites

Iraq’s Military Reported Hurt But Not Halted In 5 Days’ Raids; Vows Captives Will Be Shields

Iraq Sets Oil Refineries Afire As Allies Step Up Air Attacks; Missile Pierces Tel Aviv Shield

Pentagon Is Confident On War But Says Iraqis Remain Potent; Sees No Imminent Land Attack

Allies, Aided By Weather, Intensify Bombing Of Iraq; Hussein Restates Defiance

U.S. Says Iraq Pumps Kuwaiti Oil Into Gulf; Vast Damage Is Feared From Growing Slick

Oil Spill, Growing Rapidly, Heads For Vital Saudi Sites; Air-War Goals Said To Shift

U.S. Bombs Kuwait Oil Stations, Seeking To Cut Flow Into Gulf; More Iraqi Planes Fly To Iran

80 Of Iraq’s Planes Now In Iran; Hosts’ Intent Called A Puzzle; U.S. Says Flow Of Oil Is Stemmed

Iran Promises Iraqi Planes Won’t Rejoin The Fighting; Bush Says U.S. Is Prevailing

Iraq Raid Across Saudi Border Leads U.S. Into Ground Combat; General Recounts Air Success


Saudis Recapture Ghost Town; Allies Bomb New Iraqi Column

Allied Air Forces Pound Iraqi Units At Kuwait Border

Iraq Navy Threat Ended, Allies Say; 2 U.S. Jets Downed

U.S. Bombers Hit Iraqis’ Air Bases And Supply Lines

Commander Claims Gains In Breaking Iraqi Army’s Will

Bush Doubts Air War Alone Will Defeat Iraqi Military; Top Units Still Judged Able

Bush Plan To Fight Infant Deaths Would Use Money Going to Poor

I.R.A. Attacks 10 Downing Streeet With Mortar Fire as Cabinet Meets

Bush’s Energy Plan Emphasizes Gains in Output Over Efficiency

U.S. Commanders Reported To Call For A 3-Week Delay Before A Ground Offensive

Hussein, In Speech, Urges The Iraqis To Be Steadfast

President Asserts He Is Putting Off Land-War Decision

Hussein Meets With Soviet Envoy And Talks of Effort to End War

Iraq Says U.S. Killed Hundreds Of Civilians At Shelter, But Allies Call It Military Post

Allies Study New Steps to Avoid Civilians in Bombing

Iraqis Speak Of A Withdrawal But Impose List Of Conditions; Bush Denounces ‘Cruel Hoax’

Moscow Tempers Its Satisfaction At Baghdad Offer

U.S. Troops Clash With Iraqi Forces On Saudi Frontier

2 Rail Terminals In Central London Hit By I.R.A. Bombers

Bush Criticizes Soviet Plan As Inadequate To End War; Iraqi May Revisit Moscow

U.S.-Iraqi Clashes Grow Fierce In Possile Prelude To Attack; Soviets Await Baghdad’s Reply

Soviets Say Iraq Accepts Kuwait Pullout Linked To Truce And An End To Sanctions; Bush Rejects Conditions; War Is To Go On

Bush Demands Iraq Start Pullout Today Despite Its Assent To 3-Week Soviet Plan; Oilfields And Trenches Aflame In Kuwait

Allied Forces Storm Iraq And Kuwait After Hussein Ignores U.S. Deadline; Bush Sees A Swift, Decisive Victory

Allies Report Fast Advances In Iraq And Kuwait, With Little Resistance; Thousands Of Iraqis Taken Prisoner

Iraq Orders Troops To Leave Kuwait But U.S. Pursues Battlefield Gains; Heavy American Toll In Scud Attack

Allied Units Surge Through Kuwait; Troops Confront Elite Force In Iraq; Bush Spurns Hussein’s Pullout Move

Bush Halts Offensive Combat; Kuwait Freed, Iraqis Crushed


Truce Holds, But U.S. Vows To Stay In Iraq Until Baghdad Meets Allies’ Peace Terms

Allied Generals And Iraqis To Meet Soon On Cease-Fire; Bush Stresses P.O.W. Return

Chaos Is Reported In Iraqi City; U.S. Said To Win New Tank Fight

U.S. Says Iraqi Generals Agree To Demands ‘On All Matters’; Early P.O.W. Release Expected

Iraqi Clashes Said To Grow As Troops Join In Protests; First Allied Captives Freed

Iraq Disavows Annexation, Pledging To Repay Kuwait; Rebellion May Be Subsiding

Bush, Urging Wider Peace, Hints At Pressure On Israel To Yield Land For Security

Joyous Kuwaitis Return From Iraq But Others Find the Border Closed

Unemployment Is at 4-Year High With Jump to 6.5% Last Month

U.S. Said To Plan Bombing Of Iraqis If They Gas Rebels

Census Shows Profound Change In Racial Makeup of the Nation

Annenberg Picks Met for $1 Billion Gift

Exxon to Pay $100 Million Fine And Plead Guilty in Valdez Spill

Rescuing The Daily News: Struggle Down to the Wire

Police Brutality Under Wide Review By Justice Dept.

U.S. Moves Units in Iraq Forward, Apparently as Message to Hussein

U.S. and Iraq to Meet on Request By Baghdad to Shift Its Warplanes

Videotaped Beating by Officers Puts Full Glare on Brutality Issue

How Milwaukee Has Thrived While Leaving Blacks Behind

Iran Organizes and Arms Rebels Fighting Hussein, Diplomats Say

Crucial Data Were Fabricated In Report Signed by Top Biologist

U.N. Survey Calls Iraq’s War Damage Near-Apocalyptic

Powell Says U.S. Will Stay In Iraq ‘For Some Months’

In Officers’ Murder Case, A Tangle of Contradicions

Age Bias Case Could Limit Right of Workers to Sue

U.S. Says Hussein Is Near A Victory Over Shiite Rebels

U.S., Fearing Iraqi Breakup, Is Termed Ready To Accept A Hussein Defeat Of Rebels

Wider Peril Found In Nuclear Waste From Bomb Making

Gun Control Bill Backed By Reagan In Appeal To Bush

Yeltsin Assails Gorbachev Rule For ‘Stagnation’

U.S. Laws Delayed By Complex Rules And Partisanship


Soviets Brace for Less of Less On Eve of Big Price Increases

High Court Limits Using Race To Bar People From Jury

Secret Nuclear-Powered Rocket Being Developed for ‘Star Wars’

U.N. Votes Stern Conditions For Formally Ending War; Iraqi Response Is Uncertain

Senator Heinz and 6 Others Killed In Midair Crash Near Philadelphia

Plane Crash in Georgia Kills 23, Including Former Senator Tower

Baghdad Formally Agrees To ‘Unjust’ U.N. Conditions For Permanent Cease-Fire

6 U.S. Planes Begin Airlifting Relief To Kurds In Iraq

U.S. To Simplify Insurance Plans For The Elderly

U.S. Says Harm From Valdez Spill Is Much Worse Than Was Thought

Officers Write 54% Fewer Tickets To Protest New York Pact Impasse

California Seizes Insurer Burdened With ‘Junk Bonds’ 

U.S. Military Takes Over Relief For Kurdish Refugees In Iraq

Nuclear Complex Becomes A Huge Magnet for Money

Flights That Kill Celebrities Show Risks of Finding Own Way to Fly

Supreme Court to Review Record On Bias in Mississippi Colleges

U.S. Troops To Build Camps In North Iraq To Aid Kurds; Bush Sees ‘Temporary’ Role

U.S. Scouting Refugee Sites Well Inside Iraq’s Borders, Aiming To Lure Kurds Home

Bush School Plan Would Encourage Choice By Parents

Cocaine Use and Infant Mortality Decline Together in New York City

U.S. Marines Land In Northern Iraq To Set Up Camps

Iraqi Forces Begin Pullback In North As The Camps Rise

New York Killings Set a Record, While Other Crimes Fell in 1990

Cuban Exile Is Arrested in Florida In 1976 Slaying of Chilean Envoy

Kurds And Iraq In Accord On Autonomy For Region; Refugees Urged To Return

Murdoch Selling 9 U.S. Publications For $600 Million

CUNY Protest Appears Near End As Police Retake Bronx Campus

High Medical Costs Hurt Growing Numbers in U.S. 

Medical Technology ‘Arms Race’ Adds Billions to the Nation’s Bills

Refugee Kurds Occupy Tent City After Guerrillas Lift Barricades


Bangladesh Cyclone Kills 1,000 And Millions Are Left Homeless

Toll in Bangladesh Put at 35,000 With Tens of Thousands Missing

Bangladesh Reports Toll From Storm Is Near 40,000; Says It May Exceed 100,000

Official Toll Reaches 92,000 in Bangladesh Cyclone

Bush Suffers Shortness of Breath During a Jog and Is Hospitalized

Bush’s Heartbeat Still Erratic, but Condition Is Stable

Kremlin Transfers Coal Mines To Control of Russian Republic

7-Day Wait for Gun Purchase Hits Crucial Obstacle in House

Webster Leaving As C.I.A. Director; Ex-Deputy In Line

Baghdad Rejects U.N. Police Force To Protect Kurds

In Bangladesh’s Storms, Poverty More Than Weather Is the Killer

U.S. Sends Troops To Aid Bangladesh In Cyclone Relief

Tree Yields a Cancer Treatment, But Ecological Cost May Be High

Deputy Security Aide Is Still Seen As C.I.A. Choice Despite Delay

Winnie Mandela Given Sentence Of 6 Years in Kidnapping Case

Bush Backs China Trade Status, Reopening Conflict Over Rights

Sea Turtles Put New Friction In U.S.-Japan Trade Quarrels

Separate Ethnic Worlds Grow on Campus

Mandela’s Group Quits Discussions On A New Charter

Bush Appoints More Women, but It’s All-Male Club at Top

Bush Links End Of Trading Ban To Hussein Exit

Rajiv Gandhi Is Assassinated In Bombing At Campaign Stop; India Puts Off Rest Of Voting

Gandhi’s Widow Named Head of Party

5 Justices Uphold U.S. Rule Curbing Abortion Advice

Israelis Begin Airlift of Ethiopia’s Jews

U.S., in Switch, Plans to Keep Out People Infected With AIDS Virus

More Than 200 Believed Killed As Plane Crashes in Thai Jungle

Bush Renewing Trade Privileges For China, but Adds Missile Curbs

NATO Is Planning To Cut U.S. Forces In Europe By 50%

Councilman Quits 2 Committee Posts As Pressure Rises

Marines Fear Glory of War Will Give Way to Old Stigma


U.S. Begins Storing Military Supplies In Israeli Bunkers

U.S. And Soviets Bridge Gap On Convetional Weapons And Plan For Summit Soon

U.S. Officials Believe Iraq Will Take Years to Rebuild

High Court Widens Ban On Using Race To Exclude Jurors

Bush Nominates A Top Democrat As Soviet Envoy

Rights Bill Passes In House But Vote Is Not Veto-Proof

Math Survey in Public Schools Shows No State Is ‘Cutting It’

U.S. And Kremlin Fail To Close Gap On Nuclear Arms

Without Fanfare, Blacks March To Greater High School Success

China Said To Plan New Arms Sales; U.S. Is Concerned

In a Ticker-Tape Blizzard, New York Honors the Troops

Bush Backs Loans For Soviet Farms Worth $1.5 Billion

Gulf Intelligence Draws Complaint By Schwarzkopf

Yeltsin Is Handily Elected Leader Of Russian Republic In Setback For Communists

U.N. Aides Say Iraq May Be Concealing Nuclear Material

Gene-Altered Pigs Produce Key Part Of Human Blood

Party Of Gandhi Narrowly Ahead In India Election

South Africa Scraps Law Defining People by Race

Close Friends Say Bush Is Upset Over Sununu’s Travel Practices

High Court Has Several Options For New Look at Abortion Right

Court, 6-3, Applies Voting Rights Act To Judicial Races

States May Ban Nude Dancing To Protect ‘Order,’ Justices Rule

Bush Defers an Emergency Plan To Provide Vaccines for Children

Official’s Report Blames 7 Guards In Prison Uprising

Murder Charges May Be Dropped Against Officers in Queens Death

2 Yugoslav States Vote Independence To Press Demands

Housing Earmarked for the Poor Is Enriching Big Investors Instead

Marshall Retires From High Court; Blow To Liberals

Iraqis Fire to Halt U.N. Inspection; ‘We Can’t Allow This,’ Bush Says

Two Remedies That Save Lives: Doctors Prescribe the Costly One


Accord Reached For Grim Budget In New York City

Conservative Black Judge, Clarence Thomas Is Named To Marshall’s Court Seat

Court Nominee Is Linked to Anti-Abortion Stand

I.B.M. and Apple Give Up Rivalry To Preserve Grip on Their Industry

Road to Confirmation Is Getting Bumpier for Bush’s C.I.A. Choice

7 Nations Charge Fraud And Seize A Banking Empire

New York Cost-Cutting Idea: City Jobs, Outside Workers

Third World Embracing Reforms To Encourage Economic Growth

Iraq Now Admits A Secret Program To Enrich Uranium

Ex-C.I.A. Aide Says He Misled Inquiry On Aid To Contras

Bush Lifts A Ban On Economic Ties To South Africa

Iran-Contra Prosecutor Obtains Tapes of C.I.A’s Calls to Agents

C.I.A. Reported to Have Used Bank That Regulators Seized

Poll Finds G.O.P. Growth Erodes Dominant Role of the Democrats

U.S. And Soviet Union Agree On All But Technical Issue For Strategic Arms Treaty

Big Bank Merger To Join Chemical, Manufacturers

7 Nations Voice Support for Gorbachev

Pact Is Reached to Reduce Nuclear Arms; Bush And Gorbachev To Meet This Month; 7 Powers Give Soviets New Economic Role

Syria Approves Bush’s Plan For A Mideast Conference; Baker Seeks Israeli Assent

U.S. Rejects New York Plan For City Council Districts; Finds Hispanic Voters Hurt

Saudis Would Lift Boycott If Israel Halts Settlement

No Medicaid Relief For Near Future, Cuomo Warns City

Israel Tells U.S. It Will Consider Mideast Conference

3 St. John’s Students Acquitted Of Sexually Assaulting a Woman

Shamir Is Unyielding on Makeup Of Palestinain Peace Delegation

Phone Companies Are Permitted To Provide Information Services

Jury Declines to Indict a Doctor Who Said He Aided in a Suicide

U.S. Wondering if Interests Lie In a United or Divided U.S.S.R.

Milwaukee Grasping for Answers As Horror Mounts Over Killings

Bush in Moscow to Chart a New Course

T.W.A. Accord With Creditors Averts Seizures


N.A.A.C.P. and Top Labor Unit to Oppose Thomas

Israelis Give U.S. Conditional ‘Yes’ On Mideast Talks

Bush Says Only Bad Health Would Bar Candidacy in ’92

U.S. Taking Steps To Bar New Wave Of Cuban Emigres

Military Has New Strategic Goal In Cleanup Of Vast Toxic Waste

U.S. Weapons Makers Intensify Lobbying Efforts as Budgets Fall

Officials Of C.I.A. Face New Scrutiny In Iran Arms Case

5 Powers At U.N. Decide To Allow Iraqis To Sell Oil

British Hostage In Beirut Freed, But Terrorists Vow Killings If More Are Let Go

Salomon Brothers Admits Violations At Treasury Sales

Lebanese Group Says It Will Free American Captive

2 More Hostages Are Freed And Hope Grows For A Swap Of All Captives In Mideast

Cocaine Is Again Surging Out of Panama

Clifford Resigning as Chairman Of Bank That Had Secret Links

Some Chinese Provinces Forcing Sterilization of Retarded Couples

Wall Street Sees A Serious Threat To Salomon Bros.

Salomon’s 2 Top Officers to Resign Amid Scandal

Iran Taking Lead In The Bargaining To Free Hostages

Gorbachev Is Ousted In An Apparent Coup By Soviet Armed Forces And Hard- Liners; Accused Of Steering Into A ‘Blind Alley’

K.G.B.-Military Rulers Tighten Grip; Gorbachev Absent, Yeltsin Defiant; West Voices Anger And Warns On Aid

Resistance To Soviet Takeover Grows As Defiant Crowds Rally For Yeltsin

Gorbachev Back As Coup Fails, But Yeltsin Gains New Power

Gorbachev Says Coup Will Hasten Reform; Yeltsin Leads The Celebration In Moscow

Yeltsin Is Routing Communist Party From Key Roles Throughout Russia; He Forces Vast Gorbachev Shake-Up

Gorbachev Quits As Party Head; Ends Communism’s 74-Year Reign

Soviets’ Rush Toward Disunion Spreads; Europe Embracing Baltic Independence

Gorbachev Pleads, But Breakaway Areas Defy Him, Putting Fate Of Union In Doubt

Gorbachev Threatens To Quit Unless Republics Find A Way To Preserve A Modified Union

Soviet Leaders Press A Rebellious Ukraine To Remain In The Union

Soviet Bar Communist Party Activities; Republics Press Search For A New Order

New Soviet Security Chiefs Pledge To Revamp Agencies And To End The Use Of Fear


Soviets Prepare to Design a New System

Soviet Upheaval Injects Urgency Into U.S. Debate On Intelligence

Gorbachev, Yeltsin And Republic Leaders Move To Take Power From Soviet Congress

Gorbachev and Yeltsin, Tense Allies, Push Union Plan

Soviet Congress Resists Reshaped Union

Soviet Congress Yields Rule To Republics To Avoid Political And Economic Collapse

Soviets Recognize Baltic Independence, Ending 51-Year Occupation Of 3 Nations

Thomas’s Foes, Off to Slow Start, Say Swaying Public Will Be Hard

Big Fire Destroys Terminal Of Ferry To Staten Island

Most Americans Are Undecided On Court Nomination, Poll Finds

Thomas Declines Requests By Panel For Abortion View

Gorbachev Says He’s Ready To Pull Troops Out Of Cuba And End Castro’s Subsidies

High Court Nominee’s Testimony Continues to Frustrate Democrats

Thomas to Win High Court Seat, Senators Predict

Remedy for Racism of Past Has New Kind of Shackles

NASA Moves To End Longtime Reliance On Big Spacecraft

Judge In Iran-Contra Trial Drops Case Against North After Prosecutor Gives Up

U.S. Ties Israeli Aid Request To Freeze On Settlements After Talks End In Impasse

U.S. Warns Iraqis It May Use Force To Inspect Arms

Testimony Casts New Light on Iran-Contra Affair

Albany Bars Military on Campus Over Gay Bias but Reverses Action

Monopoly Over Dead Sea Scrolls Is Ended

South’s New Blacks Find Comfort Laced With Strain

Baghdad Detains 40 U.N. Inspectors Who Find A-Plans

2 C.I.A. Officials Say They Told Gates of Iran-Contra Suspicions

Iraq Appears Ready to Yield Over U.N. Inspectors

Two Democrats on Senate Panel Say They Will Oppose Thomas

U.S. To Give Up Short-Range Nuclear Arms; Bush Seeks Soviet Cuts And Further Talks; Judiciary Panel Deadlocks, 7-7, On Thomas Nomination to Court

Soviets Hail U.S. Arms Plan And Signal Their Own Cuts; Britain And France Join In

Estimate On Gold Worsens Outlook For Soviet Union


U.S. Study Shows Pupil Achievement At Level Of 1970

U.S. Suspends Assistance to Haiti And Refuses to Recognize Junta

The O.A.S. Agrees To Isolate Chiefs Of Haitian Junta

Bush’s C.I.A. Choice Is Counterattack At Senate Hearing

Gates Wins Praise Of Panel Chairman As Testimony Ends

Gorbachev Matches U.S. On Nuclear Cuts And Goes Further On Strategic Warheads

Law Professor Accuses Thomas Of Sexaul Harassment in 1980’s

Thomas’s Accuser Assails Handling Of Her Complaint

Vote On Thomas Is Put Off As Senate Backing Erodes Over Harassment Charge

Bush Emphasizes He Backs Thomas In Spite Of Uproar

Conflict Emerges Over A 2d Witness

Thomas Accuser Tells Hearing Of Obscene Talk And Advances; Judge Complains Of ‘Lynching’

Thomas Backers Attack Hill; Judge, Vowing He Won’t Quit, Says He Is Victim Of Race Stigma

Parade Of Witnesses Support Hill’s Story, Thomas’s Integrity

Thomas’s Edge Steady, Vote Due Today: Each Side Seeks to Get Benefit of the Doubt

Senate Confirms Thomas, 52-48, Ending Week Of Bitter Battle; ‘Time For Healing,’ Judge Says

Gunman Kills 22 and Himself in Texas Cafeteria

Water Main Break Engulfs Grand Central’s Subways

Arabs And Israelis Invited To Begin Peace Talks Oct. 30 With Bush And Gorbachev

Israeli Nuclear Arsenal Exceeds Earlier Estimates, Book Reports

Louisiana Puts Ex-Klan Leader In Runoff Race

Appeals Court Upholds Limits For Abortion

House Approves Anti-Crime Bill With Something for Both Camps

4 Parties In Cambodian War Sign U.N.-Backed Peace Pact; Khmer Rouge Shares Rule

Senators And Bush Reach Agreement On Civil Rights Bill

Senate Democrats Back A Compromise On Civil Rights Bill

Drug Dealers’ Fast Withdrawals Raise Suspicion in Bank Inquiry

Palestinians Look To Modest Goals At Madrid Talks

Yeltsin Is Telling Russians to Brace For Sharp Reform


Mideast Foes Voice Guarded Optimism On Peace Parley

Israel And Arabs, Face To Face, Begin Quest For Mideast Peace

Mideast Foes List Demands And Trade Angry Charges Across Conference Table

Mideast Session Adjourns, With Prospects Uncertain For Second Phase Of Talks

Pennsylvania Race For Senate Seat Turns Into Brawl

In First Direct Negotiation, Israelis And Palestinians Agree To Discuss Self-Rule

U.S. Now Expects The Mideast Talks To Take Time Out

Wofford Wins Senate Race, Turning Back Thornburgh; G.O.P. Gains Edge In Trenton

New Jersey G.O.P. Vows To Roll Back Millions In Taxes

Magic Johnson Ends His Career, Saying He Has AIDS Infection

When AIDS Taps Hero, His ‘Children’ Feel Pain

Duke: The Ex-Nazi Who Would Be Governor

Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion Offers Hope for Power of Future

South African Gold Mine Closed After 69 Die in Ethnic Violence

A New Discipline in Economics Brings Change to Latin America

British Bend on Single Currency But Resist Full European Unity

U.S. Accuses Libya As 3 Are Charged In Pan Am Bombing

Poindexter Wins Iran-Contra Case In Appeals Court

Salvadoran Defense Chief Linked To Jesuit Killings by House Panel

Blacks and Affluent Whites Give Edwards Victory

2 Western Hostages Freed in Lebanon

President Vetoes Bill On Abortion; Override Bid Fails

Bush Orders End Of Rules Allowing Race-Based Hiring

Security Council Selects Egyptian For Top U.N. Post

Sununu Says Bush ‘Ad-Libbed’ Comment on Credit Card Rates

Mental Hospital Chains Accused Of Much Cheating on Insurance

Democrats Win On Major Issues In Deal on Crime

Bush Threatens to Veto Crime Bill, Saying It’s Too Soft on Defendants

Lacking Support, Democrats Give Up On Crime Measure

U.S., Turning From Moscow, Would Grant Recognition To An Independent Ukraine

Kremlin Indicates Irritation At Bush On Ukraine Stand

Russia Blocks Gorbachev On More Deficit Financing; Spending By Soviets Halted


Yeltsin to Finance Soviet Payroll to Avert Bankruptcy

Black-White Marriages Rise, But Couples Still Face Scorn

Nobelist Entangled in Fraud Case Resigns as Head of Rockefeller U.

Sununu Resigns Under Fire As Chief Aide To President; Cites Fear Of Hurting Bush

Anderson, Last U.S. Hostage, Is Freed By Captors In Beirut

Daily News Files for Bankruptcy; But Seeks to Continue Publishing

Kurds Unearthing New Evidence of Iraqi Killings

Recalling Pearl Harbor, Bush Urges an End to Rancor

Declaring Death Of Soviet Union, Russia And 2 Republics Form New Commonwealth

Gorbachev Rejects Move To Discard Kremlin Role; U.S. Keeps Link To Moscow

Europeans Agree On A Pact Forging New Political Ties And Integrating Economies


Gorbachev Is Ready To Resign As Post-Soviet Plan Advances

5 Asian Republics Join Slavs In Plan For Commonwealth Replacing The Soviet Union

A Russian Is Swept Aside By Forces He Unleashed

The Old Increasingly Being Bilked By the People They Must Rely On

U.N. Repeals Its ’75 Resolution Equating Zionism With Racism

California Plan to Cut Welfare May Prompt Others to Follow

General Motors To Cut 70,000 Jobs; 21 Plants To Shut

B.C.C.I. Agrees to Plead Guilty And Will Forfeit $550 Million

Fed Cuts Key Rate It Charges Banks To A 27-Year Low

11 Soviet States Form Commonwealth Without Clearly Defining Its Powers

Minority Business Set Back Sharply By Courts’ Rulings

New York Prison Chief Quits After Rebuke on Contract Bidding

Gorbachev Plans To Give Up Power To Yeltsin Today

Gorbachev, Last Soviet Leader, Resigns; U.S. Recognizes Republics’ Independence

Union Put To Rest, Kremlin’s Arsenal Is Now In Dispute

Philippines Orders U.S. to Leave Strategic Navy Base at Subic Bay

6 At City College Crushed To Death

Inquiries Begin Over City College Deaths

Ex-Soviet States Allow Separate Armies

News Source: New York Times

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