1990: NEW YORK TIMES (364)


Battle Against Drug Trafficking Is Languishing in South America

Dinkins Sworn In; Stresses Aid to Youth

Bucharest Says Entire Politburo Ruled by Ceausescu Is in Custody

Noreiega Gives Himself Up To U.S. Military; Is Flown To Florida To Face Drug Charges

Noriega Arraigned In Miami In A Drug-Trafficking Case; He Refuses To Enter A Plea

U.S. Worry: What Damage Can Noriega Do?

How the Ceausescus Fell: Harnessing Popular Rage

Phnom Penh, Eye on West, Tries To Shed Image as Hanoi Puppet

With Deaths Tied To Salvador Army, Aid Fight Is Likely

Universities Lose Shield Of Secrecy In Tenure Disputes

U.S. Easing Curbs As China Declares Martial Law Over

Bush Hails a Thaw in China; Congress Is Skeptical

East German Chief Scraps New Plans For Secret Police

Salvadoran President Announces Arrests of 8 in Killing of 6 Jesuits

Soviet Azerbaijan In Ethnic Turmoil; At Least 25 Dead

Campeau Invokes Bankruptcy Code For Its Big Stores

Moscow Dispatches 11,000 Troops to Azerbaijan

U.S. Cuts Back Trip Quayle Will Make In Latin Countries

Soviet Troops Bogged Down By Azerbaijanis’ Blockades Of Railroads And Airfields

Mayor of Washington Is Yielding Most Duties After Cocaine Arrest

Soviets Claim Control In Baku; Scores Of Azerbaijanis Killed; Coup Averted, Gorbachev Says

A Tearful Mayor Barry Pledges To Seek Help for ‘Weakness’

U.S. Prosecution of Noriega: Signs of Trouble at the Start

White House Asks An Irate Congress For China Support

Bush Is Set Back By House Override Of Veto On China

Senate, By 4 Votes, Fails To Override Bush’s China Veto

Toll at 72 in L.I. Air Crash; 89 Survive

Calling Party Too Weak to Go On, Polish Communists Act to Disband

Montana’s Passing Leads 49ers in Super Bowl Rout

Cheney Would Cut Divisions In Army But Maintian B-2

Reagan Is Ordered To Provide Diaries In Poindexter Case


Bush Calls On Soviets To Join In Deep Troop Cuts For Europe As Germans See Path To Unity

East Berlin Chief Presents His Plan To Unite Germany

South Africa’s President Ends 30-Year Ban On Mandela Group; Says It Is Time For Negotiation

Gorbachev Backs Multiparty State, Some In Party Say

100,000 At Rally In Moscow Urge Democratic Changes; Crucial Party Talks Today

Gorbachev Calls On Party To Forgo Power Monopoly; Meets Hard-Line Opposition

Gorbachev Gains Support In Raucous Debate On Role Of Party, Delegates Report

Soviet Leaders Agree To Surrend Communist Party Monopoly On Power

Party Maps Plan To Give Gorbachev Broader Powers

Gorbachev Accepts Deep Cuts In Europe If Forces Are Equal; Baker Hints Shift On Germany

Mandela To Go Free Today; De Klerk Proclaims Ending Of ‘Chapter’ After 27 Years

Mandela, Freed, Urges Step-Up In Pressure To End White Rule

President Rebuffs Gorbachev’s Plan On Size Of Forces

West And Soviets Agree With 2 Germanys On Rapid Schedule For Unification Talks; Gorbachev Accepts Bush’s Troop Ceiling

Drug Bosses Give Up Laboratories On Eve of Bush Visit to Columbia

Mayor Barry Indicted on Charges Of Possessing Cocaine and Lying

Christian General Drives His Rivals From East Beirut

I.R.S. Investigating Foreign Companies For Tax Cheating

Jeering Romanians Seize Offices To Demand Government’s Ouster

Moscow Rejects U.S. Plea To Allow Flights To Israel

Gorbachev Voices New Reservations On German Unity

Exxon to Renew Alaska Cleanup; Accord Ends Standoff With State

Reagan Testifies He Did Not Order Any Illegal Acts

Ortega Says He Won’t Arm Rebels In El Salvador if He Is Re-elected

New York Region Faces Slowdown Of The Economy

Lithuanians Vote Strongly For Independence Backers; Soviet Crowds Ask Change

Nicarauguan Opposition Routs Sandinistas; U.S. Pledges Aid, Tied To Orderly Turnover

Exxon Is Indicted By U.S. Grand Jury In Spill At Valdez


New York Plans to Double-Bunk Inmates in 10 of Its State Prisons

World Drug Crop Up Sharply In 1989 Despite U.S. Effort

Annenberg to Give $50 Million To United Negro College Fund

Message for Nicaragua’s Victors: Things Must Get Better, and Fast

Early Soviet Vote Leaves Opposition Expecting Victory

Justices Limit Path to U.S. Courts For State Prisoners on Death Row

U.S. Intelligence Aides Say Libya Is Again Making Chemical Arms

Gorbachev Wants Lithuania To Pay Billions To Secede

Sandinistas Move To Claim Property And Gain Immunity

North Says He Aided the Contras Under Direction From Poindexter

Military Leader Of Haiti Resigns; Election Promised

Parliament In Lithuania, 124-0, Declares Nation Independent

Gorbachev Calls Lithuania’s Move An ‘Alarming’ Step

Parliament Votes Expanded Powers For Soviet Leader

Mongolia Ousts Leaders and Ends Communists’ Monopoly on Power

Gorbachev Takes New Post And Pledges To Speed Move Toward A Market Economy

De Klerk To Meet With Delegation Led By Mandela

American Politics Loses Way As Polls Displace Leadership

Conservatives Backed By Kohl Top East German Vote Solidly But Appear To Need Coalition

Soviet Insurgents Voted Into Power In The 3 Main Cities

Bonn Will Cut Aid To East Germans Who Move To West

Gorbachev Tells The Lithuanians To Turn In Arms

Valdez Captain Cleared of Felony But Is Convicted on Minor Charge

Moscow’s Forces Step Up Pressure Across Lithuania

C.I.A. Shedding Its Reluctance To Aid in Fight Against Drugs

87 Die In Blaze At Illegal Club; Police Arrest Ejected Patron; Worst New York Fire Since 1911

Soviet Troops, Storming Hospital, Seize Lithuanian Army Deserters

U.S. and Japan to Work Together On Weapons Systems Research

Atom Bomb Parts Seized In Britain En Route To Iraq

House, 265-145, Votes to Widen Day Care Programs in the Nation

U.S. Will Avoid Inflaming Crisis, Bush Assures Gorbachev in Note


Gorbachev Offers Conditional Talks With Lithuanians

Moscow Sends Armored Vehicles Through Tense Lithuania Capital

Lithuania Leader Softens His Tone Toward Moscow

Lithuanians Meet Gorbachev’s Aide; Seek To Ease Crisis

Bush Officials Say War on Drugs In the Nation’s Capital Is a Failure

U.S.-Soviet Summit Is Planned May 30 With Bush As Host

Moscow Reported To Yield On Neutrality Of German; No Breakthrough On Arms

Poindexter Is Found Guilty On All 5 Criminal Charges For Iran-Contra Cover-Up

Pepsi Will Be Bartered for Ships And Vodka in Deal With Soviets

Obscure Engineer Now The Favorite To Lead Peruvians

Walesa Declares Intention To Seek Polish Presidency

Cuban-American Is Apprehended In Slaying of Chilean Exile in ’76

The East Germans Issue An Apology For Nazis’ Crimes

Boeing To Finance New 767-X Airliner Without Japanese

Peru’s New Frontrunner Vows Shake-Up on Coca and Rebels

Soviets Rebuffed By Cheney On Plan Curbing Sea Arms

U.S. Won’t Rejoin UNESCO, Deriding Agency As Inept

Bush Warns Moscow of U.S. Move Over Cut in Fuel for Lithuanians

Lithuanians Say Moscow Has Cut Main Oil Pipeline

Toughening Stand, Moscow Cuts Back Gas For Lithuania

Milken Set To Pay A $600 Million Fine In Wall St. Fraud

U.S. Will Arm Peru To Fight Leftists In New Drug Push

Beirut Kidnappers Free American, 55, A Hostage 3 Years

Bonn Offers East A Generous Rate In Unifying Money

Milken Defends ‘Junk Bonds’ As He Enters His Guilty Plea

Bonn Opposition Chief Stabbed at Campaign Rally

Cheney Proposes Sharp Reductions In New Warplanes

Four Years Later, Soviets Reveal Wider Scope to Chernobyl Horror

Gun Sales and Vigilantism Rise in the New South Africa

Witness Prepares To Tell Of Favors By Pierce At H.U.D.


Fraud Was Rampant at H.U.D., Ex-Reagan Official Tells Congress

Gorbachev Jeered At May Day Rally

South Africans Open Black-White Talks

NATO Adopts Plan To Revamp Itself For German Unity

South Africans Get Accord On Efforts To End Violence And Free Political Captives

Gorbachev Speaks of Retaliation Over Latvia’s Independence Move

Crucial Evidence Vanishes In Case Of 6 Slain Jesuits

Soviet Scientists Flock to U.S., Acting as Tonic for Colleges

Bush Budget Chief Sounds The Alarm On A Rising Deficit

Border Screening Against Criminals Is Seen As Flawed

Senate, 67-30, Votes to Amend The Hatch Act

Justice Aide Quits Amid Tensions Over Thornburgh’s Stewardship

U.S. Shows Doubts About Gorbachev And Future Pacts

Blacks Attack 3 Vietnamese; One Hurt Badly

Police Now Say Flatbush Attack Wasn’t Planned

$2.9 Billion Bill For AIDS Relief Gains in Senate

South Africa to Admit All Races As Patients in Its Public Hospitals

Bensonhurst Defendant Is Found Guilty

2d Brooklyn Jury Rejects Murder Counts But 12 Charges in Racial Case Are Upheld

U.S. And Soviets Close To A Pact On 30% Cut In Nuclear Missiles; Agree On Chemical-Arms Curbs

Lone Israeli Slays 7 Palestinians; 7 More Arabs Die as Riots Erupt

Muslim Leader of Kashmir Slain; 30 Die as Police Fire on Mourners

Gorbachev Plans To Double Prices Of Food Next Year

Soviet Economic Program Will Be Put To The Voters In First Policy Referendum

Bush Withholding Normal Trade Ties From The Soviets

Tests by Experts Challenge Navy Over Iowa Blast

Russian Maverick Again Fails To Win Top Republic Post

Divisive Abortion Politics Bring Iowa Democrats’ Primary to a Boil

Many States Cut Food Allotments For Poor Families

Yeltsin Is Elected Russian President On 3d-Round Vote

Besieged At Home, Gorbachev Arrives In U.S. For Summit


Bush and Gorbachev Discuss New Ideas on Germany

Bush And Gorbachev Sign Major Accords On Missiles, Chemical Weapons And Trade

2 Leaders Spend Day in Relaxed Talks at Camp David

Summit Talks End With Warmth But Fails To Resolve Key Issues

Gorbachev, Ending U.S. Trip, Meets South Korea Leader, Who Sees A Renewal Of Ties

Doctor Tells of First Death Using His Suicide Device

Tax Revolt Fades As Californians Vote An Increase

Loss of Tropical Forests Is Found Much Worse Than Was Thought

Store Owner Arrested for Selling Rap Record

A Thin Paper Trail In Noriega Inquiry

Flaming Oil Is Spilled Into Gulf as Blasts Rack Tanker

Iran-Contra Role Brings Poindexter 6 Months In Prison

Gorbachev Yields On Alliance Roles In A New Germany

Mayor Of Capital Says He Won’t Run For A Fourth Term

Court Approves Sobriety Checks Along the Road

Payment Deadline Missed By Trump, But Talks Go On

Politicians Forced To Confront Issue Of Defacing Flag

Security Agency Debates New Role: Economic Spying

Kohl Sees Ballot By Two Germanys Before End Of ’90

Drug Trial Begins For Mayor Barry

Mandela Gets an Emotional New York City Welcome

Thousands Of Iranians Die As A Major Quake Destroys Many Villages In The North

U.S. Declares Owl To Be Threatened By Heavy Logging

Lenin’s City of Revolution Is Turning Its Back on Him

Militant Muslims Grow Stronger As Algeria’s Economy Weakens

Justices Find A Right To Die, But The Majority Sees Need For Clear Proof Of Intent

Bush Now Concedes A Need For ‘Tax Revenue Increases’ To Reduce Deficit In Budget

Hubble Telescope Loses Large Part Of Optical Ability

Senator Urges Military Resources Be Turned to Environmental Battle

U.S. Space Agency Grounds Shuttles Over A Fuel Leak


Soviets Open Line For Lithuania Oil To Help End Crisis

In a Leap Toward Unity, 2 Germanys Meld Currencies

Marcos Is Cleared of All Charges In Racketeering and Fraud Case

Iran-Iraq Talks Produce Progress On Ending Long Confrontation

Land-Buying Drive by Pentagon Runs Into Stiff Resistance in West

White House Spurns Expansion Of Nation’s Anti-Poverty Efforts

NATO Allies, After 40 years, Proclaim End Of Cold War; Invite Gorbachev To Speak

Misuse of Savings Bailout Reported in Texas Purchase

Americans’ Support for Israel; Solid, but Not the Rock It Was

New York Is Reportedly Chosen For ’92 Democratic Convention

U.S. Savings Agency Weighs Suit Against Bush’s Son and Others

President Defends His Son’s Integrity In Savings Inquiry

Kremlin Maverick Leaves The Party; More May Follow

2 Top City Chiefs Quit Soviet Party As Congress Ends

Tuberculosis Germ Resurging As Risk To Public Health

Gorbachev Orders Change In Control Over TV And Radio

Gorbachev Clears Way For German Unity, Dropping Objection To Nato Membership

2 Germanys Vow To Retain Border With The Poles

U.S. Shifts Cambodia Policy; Ends Recognition Of Rebels; Agrees To Talks With Hanoi

Another Nixon Summit, at His Library

Brennan, Key Liberal, Quits Supreme Court; Battle For Seat Likely

Two Sides Prepare For Hard Battle On Court Nominee

Most East German Troops Facing Unemployment After Unification

Souter, New Hampshire Judge, Named By Bush For High Court; No ‘Litmus Test,’ President Says

Senators Divided On Asking Souter His Abortion View

Soviets to Sell Diamond Stockpile Through a Subsidiary of De Beers

House, 408 to 18, Reprimands Rep. Frank For Ethics Violations

Louisiana Abortion Bill Vetoed; Governor Calls It Too Restrictive

Trinidad Rebels Threaten to Kill Premier and 11 Other Hostages

Young Immigrant Wave Lifts New York Economy

Steinbrenner’s Control of Yanks Severed


Steinbrenner Places Son at Helm As Vincent Plots Yanks’ Course

Iraq Army Invades Capital Of Kuwait In Fierce Fighting

Invading Iraqis Seize Kuwait And Its Oil; U.S. Condemns Attack, Urges United Action

Iraqis Mass On Saudi Frontier; Arabs Agree To Meet On Crisis; Bush Is Ready To Help If Asked

Arabs’ Summit Meeting Off; Iraqi Units In Kuwait Dig In; Europe Bars Baghdad’s Oil

Bush, Hinting Force, Declares Iraqi Assault ‘Will Not Stand’; Proxy In Kuwait Issues Threat

Security Council Votes 13 To 0 To Block Trade With Baghdad; Facing Boycott, Iraq Slows Oil

Bush Sends U.S. Force To Saudi Arabia As Kingdom Agrees To Confront Iraq

U.S. May Send Saudis A Force Of 50,000; Iraq Proclaims Kuwait’s Annexation

U.S. Set To Blockade Baghdad’s Shipping; Iraq Detains Foreigners, Upsets Summit

Arabs Vote To Send Troops To Help Saudis; Boycott Of Iraqi Oil Is Reported Near 100%

Arab Troops Join Saudi Force; Bush Says He Hopes The Iraqis ‘Do Something’ About Hussein

Bush Orders Navy To Halt All Shipments Of Iraq’s Oil And Almost All Its Imports

Ships Turn Away From Ports As Iraq Embargo Tightens; U.S. Military Force Pours In

Bush Threatens A Blockade Of Jordan Port Aiding Iraq; King Comes To U.S. For Talks

Iraq Seeks Peace With Iran, Turning Back Spoils Of War In Move To End Its Isolation

Jordan Vague On Embargo; Teheran To Back Sanctions; New Threat Made In Kuwait

Bush Said To Approve Plan To Activate Some Reserves; U.S. Taking Over 38 Airliners

Foreigners In Iraq Will Share In Hardships, Baghdad Warns; Saudis To Increase Oil Output

Foreigners Trapped Till U.S. Leaves Region, Iraqi Warns; Says Kuwait Is ‘Arab Issue’

Bush Vows Not To Be Cowed By The Taking Of ‘Hostages’; Iraq Shifts Them To Targets

U.S. To Call 40,000 Reserves To Support Saudi Trooplift; Rejects Iraqi Offer To Talk

U.S. Keeps Kuwait Mission Open, Joining Others In Defying Iraq; Tokyo Funds To Back Embargo

Baghdad Warns Diplomats Against ‘Act Of Agression’; Hussein Shows Off Hostages

Gorbachev Warns Baghdad To Back Off Or U.N. Will Act; Iraqis Ring Kuwait Missions

U.N. Calls On Navies To Block Iraq’s Trade; Resolution Permits Use Of Force, U.S. Says

Sanctions Starting To Pinch Iraq Economy, U.S. Aides Say; U.N.’s Diplomacy Welcomed

Iraq Is Said To Order Ships Not To Oppose Inspections; U.S. Expels Baghdad Envoys

Iraqi Leader Says He Will Free Foreign Women And Children

OPEC To Increase Oil Output To Offset Losses From Iraq; No U.S. Hostages Released

Bush Urges Allies To Bear ‘Their Fair Share’ Of Costs Of Military Effort In Gulf


U.S. Ready To Send Israelis New Arms As Signal To Iraq

Bush Will Meet Gorbachev On Sunday, Gulf On Agenda; Iraqis Let Some Hostages Go

U.N. Chief Says His Talks Failed And Looks To U.S.-Soviet Effort

Wide Air Deployment By U.S. Is Reported In Gulf Nations; Iraq Bars 3 Hostage Flights

Baker Foresees A Long Stay For U.S. Troops In Mideast; Urges A Regional Alliance

Baker Warns U.S. To Have Patience On Iraq Embargo

Cracks Appear In Embargo As Several Nations Discuss Relief For Iraq And Kuwait

Deposed Kuwaiti Offers $5 Billion For Gulf Effort

Bush and Gorbachev, in Helsinki, Face the Gulf Crisis

Bush And Gorbachev Say Iraqis Must Obey U.N. And Quit Kuwait

Bush, Reversing U.S. Policy, Won’t Oppose A Soviet Role In Middle East Peace Talks

Bush Vows To Thwart Iraq Despite Fear For Hostages; U.S. Won’t Be ‘Blackmailed’

Resist U.S. In Gulf, Top Iranian Cleric Urges All Muslims

Souter Deflects Senators’ Queries On Abortion Views

Souter Seems Sure To Win Approval, Key Senators Say

Paris Adding 4,000 To Force In Gulf; Bonn’s Aid To Rise

Bush Tells Iraqis Leaders Put Them On ‘Brink Of War’

Air Force Chief Is Dismissed For Remarks On Gulf Plan; Cheney Cites Bad Judgment

Russia Gets Call By Solzhenitsyn For Slavic State

U.N. Near Accord To Assure Cutoff Of Iraqi Air Links

Team Cures Cells In Cystic Fibrosis By Gene Insertion

Gorbachev Seeks Sweeping Power To Meet A ‘Crisis’

In North Carolina’s Senate Race, A Divisive TV Fight Over ‘Values’

Iraqis Threaten To Attack Saudis And Israelis If Nation Is ‘Strangled’ By Embargo

Mitterrand Says Iraqi Withdrawal Could Help End Mideast Disputes

Security Council Adds Air Embargo To Iraq Sanctions

Soviets’ Warning To Iraqis On War Praised By West

5,000 Officer for Street Patrol Included in New Police Proposal

Senate Ethics Committee Is Urged To Clear 2 of 5 in Savings Inquiry

World’s Leaders Gather at U.N. For Summit Meeting on Children


Accord To Reduce Spending And Raise Taxes Is Reached; Many In Congress Critical

White House and Top Democrats Take Budget Accord to Congress

Two Germanys Unite After 45 Years With Jubilation And A Vow Of Peace

U.S. And Soviets Reach Agreement On New Arms Pact

Stringent Rules on Death Penalty Added to Anti-Crime Bill in House

Bush Rejects Stopgap Bill After Budget Pact Defeat; Federal Shutdown Begins

President Vetoes Stopgap Budget; Shutdown Begins

New Budget Deal Is Forged And Approved by The House In Move To Break Deadlock

Impasse On Budget Is Ended; Stopgap Spending Measure Averts Federal Shutdown

U.S. Presses the U.N. to Comdemn Israel

U.N. Appears Close To A Resolution Rebuking Israel

P.L.O. Move Divides U.S. And Its Allies On Israel Censure

U.S. Votes To Censure Israel In Palestinian Riot Deaths; Joins Unanimous U.N. Action

Economy and Mideast Standoff Bring a Drop in Bush’s Standing

Leonard Berstein, 72, Music’s Monarch, Dies

Gorbachev Gets Nobel Peace Prize For Foreign Policy Achievements

Gorbachev Offers His Plan To Remake Soviet Economy, But Includes No Timetable

Senators Demand Role In Approving Any Move On Iraq

Assailing Beijing, House Votes A Rise In China’s Tariffs

Berlin Police Raid Ex-Communists After Moscow Is Sent $63 Million

Germans to Shut 5 Atom Plants Built by Soviets

Palestinian Stabs 3 Israelis Dead; Revenge for Mosque Melee Is Seen

Saudi Prince Hints At Deal With Iraq For Kuwaiti Port

Hearings Planned For All 5 Senators In Keating Inquiry

Leaders Reach A Tax Deal And Predict Its Approval; Bush Awaits Final Details

U.S. Decides To Add As Many As 100,000 To Its Gulf Forces

Health Insurers Face Tight Rules In Covering Aged

Budget Passed By Congress, Ending A 3-Month Struggle; Bush Says He’s Very Pleased

Iraq Is Dropping Its Fuel Rationing, Blaming Minister

U.N. Council Holds The Iraqis Liable On Kuwait Damage

Souter Questions A Curb On Doctors


Despite Laws, Water in Schools May Contain Lead, Study Finds

Subtly and Not, Race Bubbles Up As Issue in North Carolina Contest

Sharp Drop Found In Number Of Jobs In U.S. Workplace

As Election Day Nears, Poll Finds Nation’s Voters in a Gloomy Mood

Guns Offer New York Teen-Agers A Commonplace, Deadly Allure

Kahane Is Killed After Giving Talk In New York Hotel

Democrats Retain Grip On Congress, Take Top Posts In Texas And Florida; Cuomo Re-elected, Bradley Survives

Vouters Oust Governing Party In 14 States; Congress Is Shaken But Few Are Unseated

Bush Sends New Units To Gulf To Provide ‘Offensive’ Option; U.S. Force Could Reach 380,000

U.S. Says Its Troops Won’t Be Rotated Until Crisis Is Over

Practice of Medicine Is Changing Under Specter of the AIDS Virus

Ethnic Rivalries Revive in East Europe

Free-Trade Talks Imperiled By Fight On Farm Subsidies

Senators Asking President To Call Session Over Gulf

Alarmed Soviet Legislators Insist Gorbachev Give an Accounting

Soviet Aide Urges Delay Of U.N. Move On Force In Gulf

Four Senators Deny Doing Favors For Keating in Exchange for Cash

Soviets Adopt Emergency Plan To Center Power In Gorbachev And Leaders Of The Republics

Fighting the Iraqis; Four Scenarios, All Disputed

Bush Fails To Gain Soviet Agreement On Gulf Force Use

Thatcher Unable To Eliminate Foe In Party Election

Milken Gets 10 Years for Wall St. Crimes

Thatcher Says She’ll Quit; 11 1/2 Years As Prime Minister Ended By Party Challenge

Women’s Push Into Work Force Seems to Have Peaked, for Now

Iraq Tries to Offeset U.S. Weapons With Low-Technology Strategies

Possibility of War Sinks In As Iraqi Reserves Are Called

U.N. Draft Offers One ‘Final’ Chance For Iraqi Pullout

Democrats Press Bush To Put Off Combat With Iraq

2 Ex-Military Chiefs Urge Bush to Delay Gulf War

U.N. Gives Iraq Until Jan. 15 To Retreat Or Face Force; Hussein Says He Will Fight


Bush Offers To Send Baker On A Peace Mission To Iraq, But Vows Resolve In A War


Kohl’s Coalition Elected To Lead Unified Germany

Justices Limit Police Questioning When Suspect’s Lawyer Is Absent

Turkish Leader Is Said to Favor Sending Troops to Saudi Arabia

Head Of C.I.A. Sees Iraqis Weakening In 3 To 9 Months

Iraqi Leader Declares He Will Free Hostages To Promote Diplomacy

Joblessness Rises To A 3-Year High; Fed Eases Credit

Large Evacuation Of U.S. Hostages Is Expected Today

Hostage Exodus Begins In Iraq; 75 Come Out Of Hiding In Kuwait

U.S. Advisers Urge Sweeping Change In Space Program

United Beirut, New Oasis of Peace, May Signal a Lebanese Recovery

Bush, Lifting 15-Year-Old Ban, Approves Loans For Kremlin To Help Ease Food Shortages

Legislators Gain Accord to Close $1 Billion New York Budget Gap

Europe Supports $2.4 Billion Plan To Assist Kremlin

Atrocities by Iraqis in Kuwait: Numbers Are Hard to Verify

Soviet Troops in Germany Become Army of Refugees

White House Retreats on Ruling That Curbs Minority Scholarships

Fed Cuts Key Rate To Bolster Fight Against Recession

Forces Not Ready For January War, U.S. General Says 

Shevardnadze Stuns Kremlin By Quitting Foreign Ministry And Warning Of ‘Dictatorship’

Clemency Granted to 25 Women Convicted for Assault or Murder

K.G.B. Chief Warns Against West’s Aid To Soviet Economy

Soviet Military Grows Resentful At Gorbachev’s Policy of Change

Military Leaders Reported To Urge A Delay In Attack

Gorbachev Given Direct Authority Over His Cabinet

Census Bureau Places Population At 249.6 Million

Russia Cuts Share Of Soviet Budget By More Than 90%

2 Subway Riders Die After A Blast

Homelessness in New York; Years of Plans, No Solution

Employers Shun Sub-Minimum Wage

News Source: New York Times

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