1967: NEW YORK TIMES (364)


Boeing Picked To Design U.S. Supersonic Airliner; G.E. Engine Plan Selected

Vietcong Pledge 7-Day Cease-Fire For Asian Holiday

Rockefeller Calls For ‘Just Society’ As He Is Sworn In

Ruby, Oswald Slayer, Dies Of a Blood Clot in Lungs

Governor Offers $2-Billion Plan On Highways And Unified Transit; City Study Urges New Taxi Setup

City Calls for Gas-Oil Plan Of Heating to Cut Pollution

Pollution Foes Ask Storing Gas in Pits Dug by A-Blasts

Manchester’s Book Says Oswald ‘Was Going Mad’

New Police Board Finds Complaints Are Off Sharply

Democrats Vote To Oust Powell As House Committee’s Chairman; He May Be Kept From Seat Today

Johnson Asks A 6% Surcharge On Taxes For Vietnam War And Poverty Programs – Powell Denied House Seat Pending Five-Week Inquiry

Stocks and Bonds Surge In Massive Trading Day

Control Of Army Tightened By Mao Amid Dissension

Hundreds Saved as Gas Leak Starts 4-Block Queens Fire

Chou Says Foes Of Mao’s Policies Are Losing Fight

Eaton Joins Rockefellers To Spur Trade With Reds

U.S. Jets Resume Raids On Targets In The Hanoi Area

Negro Woman Is Named to Head State Civil Services

Maoist Red Guards Seize Headquarters Of Police in Peking

Republicans Say President Leads U.S. To ‘Failure’

Kerr Ousted as President By California U. Regents

Space Planners Debating Next Stop After the Moon

Johnson May Adapt Program to Court South’s Democrats

Johnson Proposes Raising Social Security Benefits; Seeks Higher Payroll Tax

Johnson’s $169.2-Billion Budget Provides $73-Billion For Defense And Limited ‘Great Society’ Rises

Tax on New TV Sets Urged To Help Educational Video

Johnson Drops Guidepost Of 3.2% For Rise In Wages; Chase Reduces Loan Rate

3 Apollo Astronauts Die In Fire; Grissom, White, Chaffee Caught In Capsule During A Test On Pad

Board Of Inquiry Begins A Review Of Apollo Blast

Explosions In U.S. And Canada Rock Yugoslav Offices

President Urges National Attack On Air Pollution


Oxygen Fire Kills 2 In Space Test

$4.7-Billion State Budget Balanced By Bond Issues, Lottery And Tax Speedup

U.S. Is Considering Double Nike Shield If Soviet Talks Fail

Chinese Embassy Accuses Russians Of Beating Aides

Detective in Nader Case Says G.M. Altered Papers

Tug Strike Ended With Agreement For 30-Hour Week

Johnson Outlines $350-Million Plan To Aid Crime Fight

Blizzard Cripples East Coast; A 12.6-Inch Snow Buffets City; Schools Will Be Closed Today

Johnson Says U.S. Hopes New Truce Leads To Parley

Rusk Bars A Halt In Raids Till Hanoi Eases War Effort

President Seeks To Roll Back Rise In Gasoline Prices

U.S. Fails To Raid In North Vietnam As Truce Expires

State’s 8 Catholic Bishops Ask Fight on Abortion Bill

700 Pages of Leonardo MSS. Found in Madrid

Order By Johnson Reported Ending C.I.A. Student Aid

President Bars Agency Influence Over Education

13 U.S. Helicopters Shot Down By Foe, 10 In Single Action

News Guild Aided By Groups Linked To C.I.A. Conduits

Aid By C.I.A. Put In The Millions; Group Total Up

Javits Calls on Legislature To Pass Abortion Reform

Students Opposing U.S.-Aided Regimes Got C.I.A. Subsidies

C.I.A. Men Aided Strikes In Guiana Against Dr. Jagan

Kennedy Defends View On Abortion

C.I.A. Aid Backed By White House As Legal Policy

3 Of SS Sentenced In Death Of Jews

‘Strangler’ Is Seized Near Boston

U.S. Planes Drop Mines In Rivers In North Vietnam

Hoffa Faces Early Jailing As High Court Denies Plea


Ramsey Clark Nominated To Be Attorney General; Father To Quit High Court

House Excludes Powell, 307 To 116; Rejects Inquiry’s Censure Move, Overriding Two Parties’ Leaders

Kennedy Asks Suspension Of U.S. Air Raids On North; Administration Unmoved

Civilian Dead Put at 95 In Raid in South Vietnam

Pentagon Hopes to Reduce The Guard by 15 Divisions

Blunting of C.I.A. Drive By Disclosures Is Feared

Johnson Plans Draft By Lottery, With 19-Year-Olds Called First; Would Cut Deferments Sharply

Hoffa, Manacled, Is Led Into Prison

Jackie Robinson Condemns Party Over Meredith

Stalin’s Daughter Apparently Defects And Consults With U.S. Aides in India

Stalin’s Daughter Will Get Asylum in Western Europe

U.S. Jets Attack Iron-Steel Plant In North 2d Time

De Gaulle Loses 40 Seats; Assembly Evenly Divided; Reds Make Big Advances

De Gaulle Wins One-Vote Margin In New Assembly

Bodies of Kennedy, Children Are Moved To Permanent Grave

Johnson Defends Bombing But Invites Peace Talks; Bunker To Replace Lodge

U.S. Aides Forecast Rise In the Bombing in Vietnam

Lone U.S. Jet Raids Major Power Plant In the Hanoi Region

Ford Fund to Cut Grants, Especially to Universities

Wealthy Negroes Form New Group For Legal Rights

Guam Talks End; President Voices Hope And Caution

Outnumbered G.I.’s Rout Foe in Jungle, Killing 423

900 of Foe Killed in a Day; Westmoreland Hails G.I.’s

Dr. King To Press Antiwar Stand

U.S. Aides Shifting View On Pacifying Vietnam Villages

Vietcong Batter A Large Convoy On Main Highway

Easter: A Day for Worship, a ‘Be-In’ or Just Parading in the Sun

Senators Charge Reins On Air War Increase Losses

Jets Bomb Grounded Tanker Off Cornwall

President Orders C.I.A. To Halt Aid To Private Groups

Jet Kills 9 Girls in Motel; 9 Others Dead in Crash


British Buy More F-111’s In Bid to Keep World Role

Thant Urges U.S. Declare A Halt In Vietnam War

New Strike Curb On Public Aides Voted In Albany

U.S. Fears Hanoi Is Brainwashing American P.O.W.’s

Influx Of Mafia Worries Canada

Cornell Fire Kills 8 Students and Professor

$250,000 Ransom Frees Boy, 11

Romney Calls for Victory; War Policy Like Johnson’s

Use of Battleships in War Considered by McNamara

Apollo Fire Review Board Finds ‘Many Deficiencies’; Calls For Safety Moves

N.A.A.C.P. Decries Stand Of Dr. King on Vietnam

Johnson and Other Chiefs Gather Without Fanfare

700 Pupils Flee Burning Queens School in 3 Minutes

Warren Critical Of Bugging Law

Treaty Pledging Peace In Space Backed In Senate

F.B.I. Is Watching ‘Antiwar’ Effort, President Says

Monument Unveiled For 4 Million Killed At Auschwitz Camp

Justices Rebuff the South On Pupil Integration Stay

Bugging Reported to Yield Evidence For Milk Inquiry

U.S. Finds Only 1% On Welfare Lists Are Employable

U.S. Jets Bomb Haiphong; First Attack Inside City Knocks Out Power Plant

Stalin’s Daughter in U.S. to ‘Seek Self-Expression’

Life, The Times to Serialize Stalin Daughter’s Memoirs

Cleveland to Crack Down On Riotous Negro Groups

Soviet Astronaut Killed As His Spacecraft Crashes When Chute Lines Snarl

Peking Says Planes Felled Two U.S. Jets Over China

Daughter Says Others Share Stalin Crimes

Censure Of Dodd Is Asked In Ethics Panel’s Report For ‘Dishonor’ Of Senate

Clay Refuses Army Oath; Stripped of Boxing Crown

Ford and Mobil Seek a Fume-Free Car


Dr. King Accuses Johnson On War

Senate G.O.P. Study Calls U.S. War Role Error by Democrats

Westmoreland Reported Seeking Force Of 600,000

Marines Repulse Northern Troops In Battle On Hill

U.S. Marines Drive For Final Stretch Of Hill In Vietnam

U.S. Marines Seize 3d Hill In Vietnam After 12-Day Push

Hanoi Displays 3 Downed Pilots Of U.S. Bombers

Ex-Official of C.I.A. Lists Big Grants to Labor Aides

High Court Voids Obscenity Charge In 3 Test Cases

U.S. Plans X-Ray Defense Against Missile Warheads

A U.S. Destroyer In Far East Bumped By Soviet Warship

A Soviet Warship Bumps U.S. Vessel 2d Time In 2 Days

Hong Kong Riot in 3d Day; Chinese Protest to British

Powell’s Exclusion Related to Racism, High Court Is Told

U.S. Crime Study Sees Cosa Nostra As Growing Peril

Kenedy Round Succeeds; 50 Nations To Cut Tariffs, Liberalizing World Trade

Mob in Shanghai Ransacks Home of British Diplomat

Shot Kills Texas Policeman In Riot at a Negro College

Allies In Vietnam Begin An Assault On Buffer Region

A Tax on Profits Of Churches Urged By Episcopal Group

U.S. Plans To Sell Navy Yard To City For $24-Million

Cairo Calling Up 100,000 Reserves; Iraq to Send Aid

U.S. Asks Citizens Not to Visit Israel Or Arab Neighbors

As Thant Arrives in Cairo, Egyptians Report Laying of Blockade Mines

U.S. Backs A Big Effort To Keep Mideast Peace; Thant Cuts Cairo Visit

Draft Extension Of 4 Years Voted By House, 362-9

Nasser Pledges To Destroy Israel If There Is War

Thant Bids U.N. Reaffirm Right To Police Mideast

Thant Says Failure In World Morality May Bring On War

Mideast ‘Breathing Spell’ Supported by U.S. in U.N.

1-Million Gold Theft Is Laid to 4 in Aruba


Political Tactics Block A Solution To Building Tie-Up

Egyptians Bar U.S. Consul From Ships at Suez Canal

Moscow Says U.S. Hit A Soviet Ship In Vietnam Port

U.S. Denies Attack On Soviet Vessel In North Vietnam

Israeli-Egyptian Battle Erupts; Planes And Tanks Are In Action; Cairo Reports Attacks From Air

Israeli And Arab Forces Battling; Both Claim Land And Air Victories; Cease-Fire Efforts Stalled In U.N.

Israel Sweeps Ahead On All Fronts; Security Council Asks A Cease-Fire; Egypt Breaks With U.S., Closes Suez

Israelis Rout The Arabs, Approach Suez, Break Blockade, Occupy Old Jerusalem; Agree To U.N. Cease-Fire; U.A.R. Rejects It

Egypt And Syria Agree To U.N. Cease-Fire; Israel Reports Troops Reach Suez Canal; Johnson, Kosygin Used Hot Line In Crisis

Nassar Says He Is Resigning, But Assembly Rejects Action; Forces Of Israel Invade Syria

Cease-Fire In Syria Accepted; Israelis Hold Border Heights; Soviet Breaks Ties To Israel

Israel War Toll Put At 679 Dead, 2,563 Wounded

Justices Upset All Bans On Interracial Marriage

Marshall Named For Hight Court, Its First Negro

Tens of Thousands at Wailing Wall

Kosygin Coming To U.N. Assembly, Meets De Gaulle In Paris Today; Johnson Will Be ‘Glad To See Him’

Kosygin Is Arriving Here Today; Meets 2 Hours With De Gaulle; Assembly To Open This Morning

China Announces It Has Exploded A Hydrogen Bomb

Kosygin Rides and Walks Around Manhattan

Kosygin Bids U.N. Penalize Israel; Eban Says Moscow Fosters War; Johnson Asks Arab-Israeli Talks

Clay Guilty in Draft Case; Gets Five Years in Prison

A.M.A., in Reversal, Favors Liberalizing Of Abortion Laws

Johnson To Meet Kosygin Today At College In Southern Jersey, With Agenda Open For Any Issue

Johnson, Kosygin Talk 5 Hours About Mideast, Vietnam, Arms And Agree To Meet Tomorrow

Kosygin Goes Sightseeing at Niagara Falls

Johnson, Kosygin End ‘Useful’ Talks, With No Gain On Mideast Or Vietnam; Russian Insists U.S. Pull Out Troops

U.S. and Panama Agree On New Canal Treaties

Johnson Reviews Life In America And Finds It Good

All Barriers in Jerusalem Are to Come Down Today

Arabs and Israelis Mingle Gaily in United Jerusalem


Ky Gives Up Race For Presidency, Bowing To Junta

Egypt And Israel In 5-Hour Battle Along Suez Canal

51 Marines Killed In Fierce Battle Near Buffer Zone

Israel Reports Suez Clash For the 3d Successive Day

Soviet Defeated In Voting At U.N. On Middle East

Moscow Apparently Bars Armed Role in Mideast

Two B-52’s Collide And Crash Into Sea On Way to Vietnam

Law On Vagrancy Voided In Albany As A Usurping Act

Police Shortages Disturb Suburbs

3 U.S. Transports Sent To Kinshasa To Aid Congo Army

Mercenaries, With Armor, Hold Airport in the Congo

Rocket Plane May Let Astronauts Land at Airfields

Israel Reports the Sinking Of 2 Egyptian Boats

Newark’s Mayor Calls In Guard As Riots Spread

11 Die, 600 Hurt In Newark Riots; Troops Used To Curb Negroes; Governor Sees ‘Insurrection’

Newark Riot Deaths At 21 As Negro Sniping Widens; Hughes May Seek U.S. Aid

Plainfield Policeman Is Slain by a Mob; Guards Sent In; 3 More Killed in Newark

Congress Votes Rail-Strike End; Lines Prepare To Resume Today; Commuters Take Tie-Up In Stride

Israeli Envoy Urges U.S. to Supply Arms

New Navy Chief Among 82 Killed In Air Collision

Newark Meeting On Black Power Attended By 400

Hatred and Pity Mix In Views of Whites On Newark Negroes

Carl Sandburg, 89, Poet And Biographer, Is Dead

Detroit Is Swept by Rioting and Fires; Romney Calls In Guard; 700 Arrested

U.S. Troops Sent Into Detroit; 19 Dead; Johnson Decries Riots; New Outbreak In East Harlem

Troops Battle Detroit Snipers, Firing Machine Guns From Tanks; Lindsay Appeals To East Harlem

Detroit Riots Reported Curbed After Tanks Battle Day Snipers; 4 Negro Leaders Call For Order

President Forms Panel To Assess Causes Of Riots

The Forrestal Set Afire By Blast, 29 Planes Burn; Some Aboard Feared Dead

At Least 70 Dead In Forrestal Fire; 89 Others Missing

Prayers for Racial Peace Led by President


Paris Vows To Aid Liberation Aims In French Canada

Officials in Newark Seek College Land For Negro Housing

Police in 3 Cities Say S.N.C.C. (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) Chiefs Incited Rioting

Johnson Asks For 10% Surcharge On Personal And Business Taxes; 45,000 More Men To Go To Vietnam

197 Missions Set Record For Raids On North Vietnam

Rockefeller Asks Wiretap Powers In Constitution

Rap Brown Calls Riots ‘Rehearsal For Revolution’

2 Policemen Held In Negroes’ Deaths During Detroit Riot

G.O.P. Governors to Join Rockefeller in Slum Talks

Senate Defeats A Move To Block Arms Sale Loans

New F-111 Troubles Delay Combat Tests in Vietnam

Senators Deplore ‘Fraud’ In Vote Drive in Vietnam

Johnson Orders New Target List In Vietnam Raids

U.S. Planes Bomb Targets 10 Miles From Chinese Line

Mansfield Terms Raids Near China A Dangerous Step

Dr. King Planning Protests To ‘Dislocate’ Large Cities

House Approves Civil Rights Bill To Curb Violence

State Court Bars Confining Addict Against His Will

Rap Brown Seized On an Arms Charge By Federal Agents

Rockefeller Asks U.S. Not To Draft Police, Firemen

New U.S. Smoking Report Warns of Cigarette Peril

Students Approve A Militant Stand For Black Power

U.S. Jets Flatten Buildings In Raid on Center of Hanoi

Meany Endorses A Tax Rise To Let All Share In War

113 Business Leaders Back A Temporary Rise in Taxes

(George Lincoln) Rockwell, U.S. Nazi, Slain; Ex-Aide Is Held as Sniper

Hanoi Said To Use Airfields In China As MIG Sanctuary

2 Dead, 14 Missing As 18 Sky Divers Fall Into Lake Erie

Team Leaves Washington to Observe the Elections in South Vietnam

Chinese Battle Police In London

Nassar And Hussein Urge Compromise With Israel At Arabs’ Summit Parley


Johnson’s Observers in Vietnam Fan Out to Inspect the Election

Mafia Is Giving Up Heroin Monopoly

Election Is Held In South Vietnam; Turnout Is Heavy

Thieu And Ky Are Victors In South Vietnam Ballot; 83% Of Electorate Votes

3 Experts From U.S. Call Voting ‘Reasonably Fair’

U.S. Aides Foresee Saigon Peace Step As Result Of Vote

36 Marines Killed South of Danang; 142 of Enemy Dead

U.S. To Construct Vietnam Barrier Near Buffer Zone

Peking Plotters Imperil Mao Rule, An Aide Asserts

U.S. Jets Renew Raids Near China; Strike Rail Yard

Teachers Reject Offer; Schools Will Open Today Under Supervisory Staff

Teachers Tie Up City’s Schools; 400,000 Pupils Miss Opening Day – L.I.R.R. Stoppage Affects 80,000 Riders

More Pupils Miss School; City Asks Court To Punish 3 Teachers’ Union Leaders

Justice Orders Teachers Back; Union Is Defiant

India to Get Contraceptives Under New U.S. Aid Plan

U.S. Will Deploy Missile Defense Around Nation

Israelis Assured U.S. Will Deliver Bombers In 1967

Jets Bomb Bridge Near Chinese Line And Hit Haiphong

M’Namara Warns Soviet On Adding To ICBM Defense

Air Safety Rules Stiffened; Cost Is Put at $2-Billion

School Accord Is Reached; Classes Expected Monday If Teachers Ratify Terms

Goldberg Urges Hanoi’s Friends To Advise Peace

O.A.S. Views Photos Said to Show Guevara

Soviet Signs Pact To Send More Aid To North Vietnam

Militant Vietnam Buddhists Ally With Critics of Voting

Lindsay Steps in As Schools Face Total Collapse

School Conferees Agree; Union To Vote Tomorrow; Classes Likely This Week

U.S. Planes Battle MIG’s During Raid On Rails in North

President Denies Military Victory Is Goal In Vietnam

Egypt Says U.S. Reneged On Its Mideast Promises


At Embattled Conthien, the Marines Dig Deeper

U.S Planes Bomb An Enemy Wharf And 2 MIG Fields

Johnson to Seek Aid Of Business For Ghetto Jobs

Myrdal Warns U.S. To Aid Poor Whites As Well as Negroes

U.S. Officers Say Conthein Assault Has Been Broken

U.S. Jets Attack 2 Enemy Bridges And 2 MIG Bases

Cut In NASA Funds Halted By Senate

Criticism of War Mounts; Johnson Defends Policies

Medical Scientists Differ On Safety of Marijuana

Bailey Says G.O.P. Uses War For Gain

Bolivia Confirms Guevara’s Death; Body Displayed

Red Sox Set Back Cardinals By 8-4 And Even Series

Rusk Says Stake In Vietnam War Is U.S. Security

Confession Gives Details Of Three Rights Killings

Romney Says War Is Used by Johnson To Conceal Waste

Reagan Charges Johnson Is Silent On Vietnam Gains

14 Allies Propose Plan To Give NATO A Political Role

Soviet Capsule Is Reported on Venus

Venus Inhospitable to Life, Soviet Capsule Discovers

Brooklyn Students Battle Police in Peace Protest

Mississippi Jury Convicts 7 Of 18 In Rights Killings

Egypt’s Missiles Sink A Destroyer Of Israel’s Navy

Israelis Blame Soviet Missiles In Sinking Of Ship

One of the Two Missile Boats That Cairo Says Sank Israeli Destroyer

Israel and Arabs to Get Jets As U.S. Eases Arms Curbs

Eisenhower Joins Truman In Group Backing The War

Coronation of a Modern Monarch and His Queen is Marked by Pomp of Old Persia. Iran’s Shah Crowns Himself and Queen

Adm. McCain’s Son, Forrestal Survivor, Is Missing in Raid

Columbia Starts $2,700,000 Plan To Help Harlem

Pentagon Buying Revised In Drive On Overcharges

Dr. King Gives Up In Alabama to Start 5-Day Jail Sentence


Shells Hit Lawn Of Saigon Palace During Reception

Johnson Asserts War Protesters Do Not Aid Peace

Cambodians Welcome Mrs. Kennedy

Johnson Predicts a Revolt By Public Against Crime

Kennedy Sees a Doubling Of Taxes if Charter Loses

$15.7-Million Given To Spur Research On Contraceptives

Stewart Bids Court Weigh Legality of U.S. War Role

Constitution Beaten, Transit Bonds Win Jersey G.O.P. Captures The Legislature

Cairo Says It Guarantees ‘Right of Israel to Exist’

Saturn 5 Places Apollo In Orbit In A Smooth Test

Recovery of Apollo 4 Spacecraft in the Pacific After its Successful 8 1/2- Hour Flight

Mystery Clouds Release of 3 G.I.’s by the Vietcong

Lindsay Supports Rockefeller Race As Good For G.O.P.

Japanese Pacifists Report 4 Deserted a U.S. Carrier in War Protest

Philby, in Interview, Says He Would Spy For Russians Again

X-Ray Missile to Be Key In Defense Against China

63 Cities Chose To Get Slum Aid; New York Listed

Johnson Retorts To Critics Of War; Scores Rowdyism

Britain Devalues Pound To $2.40 To Avert A New Economic Crisis; Severe Restraints Are Imposed

Federal Reserve Rate Up; 6 in Common Market Move To Back A Loan To Britain

Mills To Restudy Tax Rise Plan, Revised In Light Of Cut In Pound; Prime Bank Rate Begins To Go Up

Cuts In Spending To Spur Tax Rise Put At $4-Billion

Dakto Hill Falls To U.S. Soldiers; Fighting Is Bitter

Tension Over Cyprus Keeps Greek and Turkish Armies on the Alert

U.S. Stands Firm On Price Of Gold Stresses Supply

Russians To Limit East Coast Catch In U.S. Fish Accord

Kennedy Asserts Johnson Shifted U.S. Aim In Vietnam

M’Namara Is Named By U.S. To Head The World Bank; Johnson Move A Surprise

Eisenhower Backs U.S. Land Forays In North Vietnam

M’Namara Takes World Bank Post; War Shift Denied


Dollar Defended By U.S. Expansion Of Credit Abroad

62 Mothers Are Arrested in Protest Over Transfers of Bronx Pupils

Johnson Invites World Inspection Of Atomic Plants

Heart Transplant Keeps Man Alive in South Africa

Dr. King Planning To Disrupt Capital In Drive for Jobs

U.S. Aides Admit They Got U.N. Report of Enemy Bid

Police Turn Back War Protesters

Johnson Among Leaders at St. Patrick’s Rite for Spellman

Lynda Johnson Is Wed in White House

Soviet Warns U.S. On Spreading War Beyond Vietnam

30-Nation Appeal On Curbing Births Presented to Thant

Huge U.S. Airlift Taking Two Brigades to Vietnam

Greek King Flees To Rome With Family After Failing To Overthrow The Junta

Core of Virus Is Made Artificially

Johnson Welcomes Upton Sinclair, 89, At Meat Bill Signing

Prime Minister Holt Feared Drowned On a Skindiving Trip Near Melbourne

Panel on C.I.A. Subsidies Divided Over Alternatives

Marcus, Ex-Lindsay Aide, Held With Corallo, A Mafia Leader, In Kickbacks On City Contract

Council Approves A 3d Superagency (EPA)

President Is in Australia; He Gets Assurance on War

Johnson Meeting With Thieu Heals Rift On Vietcong

Pacificiation Moves Slowly In Mekong Delta Region

Johnson Confers With Pope Paul On Vietnam War

U.S. Says Chinese Have Conducted 7th Atomic Test

Christmas Brings Melancholy Joys to Dakto Bunkers

Saigon Force Pins Foe Against Sea, Reports 200 Dead

Pope Is Said to Plan A Mission to Hanoi

Sihanouk Eases Stand Opposing Incursion By U.S.

3 Drug Companies Guilty of Monopoly In Antibiotic Field

East Side Is Uneasy As Robberies Go Up 70 Per Cent in Year

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