1966: NEW YORK TIMES (362)


Transit Strike Apparently On; Lindsay, On First Day In Office, Outlines An Emergency Plan

Subways And Buses Halted By Strike; Lindsay Appeals For A Curb On Travel; Inaugural Asks Fight For A Better City

Lindsay Insist All Workers Stay Home Unless Essential; New Quill Offer Is Rejected

Quill Held In Contempt, Faces Jail Today; Transit Strike Keeps Millions At Home; Travel Jammed In Evening; Economy Hurt

Quill Jailed, Falls Ill, Taken To Hospital; 2d Team Continues Strike, Enters Talks; Traffic Worsens, Stifling City’s Economy

Lindsay Sees ‘Movement’ In Transit Talks, But Finds Gap Still Wide After New Offers

Johnson Sends Wirtz To Transit Parley After Lindsay Asks Aid In Ending Strike; City Is Choked By Its ‘Longest Rush Hour’

Transit Board Seeks $322,00-A-Day Fine And Rejects Freeing Of 9 Union Leaders; State Obtains U.S. Aid To Small Business

Strike Talks Show Gain; Lindsay Strives For End Of Tie-Up By Tomorrow

Lindsay Moves Parleys On Transit To City Hall; Traffic Rules Altered

Mayor Demands End To Strike, Denounces Union As ‘Lawless’; T.W.U. Aide Charges ‘Nonsense’

Strike Deadlock Holds; Mediators Will Suggest Ways To Resolve Dispute

Transit Strike Accord Is Reached; Service Expected To Resume Today – Johnson Asks Domestic Reform, Stands Firm on Vietnam

Johnson Deplores Strike Pact For Exceeding U.S. Guideposts; Rockefeller To Aid On 15c Fare

Wirtz Declares Lindsay Ignored T.W.U.-Pay Advice

U.S. Diplomats Confer With South Vietnamese Leader

Neighbors Boycott Grocer Who Helped Policemen in Bronx

Rockefeller Says He Can’t Give City 600-Million More

Vietnam Premier Hints Of Attempt To Topple Regime

Many Nations Ask U.S. To Continue Pause In Bombing

Distillers Win Right To Set Retail Prices Despite State Policy

Vietnam Build-Up To 400,000 Troops Expected In Year

Democrats Scrap Alabama Slogan In Bid To Negroes

China Reported Sending MIG-21’s To Assist Hanoi

$112.8-Billion Budget Adds To Spending For Defense And ‘Great Society’ Goals

President Gives Congress A Hint Lull Is Near End

Rusk Says Some Officials Profit From Aid to Saigon

Johnson Expects Gains In Economy To Continue In ’66

Ho Chi Minh Calls Peace Bids By U.S. ‘Impudent Threat’

Pontiff Suggests U.N. Arbitration In Vietnam War

Raids On North Vietnam Resumed By U.S. Planes As 37-Day Pause Is Ended


Johnson Asks U.N. To Summon A Vietnam Peace Conference As Bombing In North Resumes

Security Council Weighs Vietnam; Defers Vote On U.S. Agenda Item; Hanoi Bars Any U.N. Intervention

U.N. Council Will Debate U.S. Proposal On Vietnam; Jordan Casts Key Ballot

Soviet Achieves A Soft Landing On Moon; British Say Craft Is Sending TV Pictures

Johnson To Fly To Hawaii To Meet Saigon Leaders For 3-Day Review Of War

U.S. Reveals Sale Of Patton Tanks To Israeli Army

Moscow Reports Mission Of Moon Station Is Ended

Johnson-Ky Talks Begin With Accord On Reforms As A Key To Winning War

Humphrey To Visit Saigon To Study Reform Efforts Decided Upon In Honolulu

Welfare Workers, Fearful of Attacks, Bar Harlem Visits

Kennan Bids U.S. ‘Dig In’ And Await Talks In Vietnam

President Sees No Need To Call Reserves Soon

Hanoi Discloses Faction In Party Opposes Long War

Humphrey Gives Thais A Pledge Of U.S. Firmness

Millions May Starve In India Despite Aid, House Panel Hears

Pentagon Sees Long War Leading to a U.S. Victory

Johnson Tells Educators U.S. Must Stay in Vietnam

U.S. Grants India $100-Million Loan

Rusk Says Peace Of World Is Issue In Vietnam War

Kennedy Bids U.S. Offer Vietcong A Role In Saigon

Humphrey Scores Kennedy’s Plan On Vietcong Role

Bar Group Finds U.S. War Policy Legal Under U.N.

Britain to Cut Overseas Forces a Third; Admiral Quits Over Plan to Buy F-111

McNamara Hints Call-Up Of Reservists for Vietnam

Design Unveiled for National Shrine on Ellis Island

U.S. And Vietnam Draw War Plans For 3 To 7 Years

Johnson Appoints Negro Economist To Reserve Board

Humphrey Scores Vietcong As Unfit To Share In Rule


Gemini 9 Pilots Killed as Jets Hit Building Where Capsules Are Made

Congress Passes $4.8-Billion Fund For Vietnam War

M’Namara Adding 30,000 In Vietnam; Denies U.S. Strain

Lindsay Offers Income Tax Plan, Asks 50% Increase In Stock Levy; Exchange Threatens To Quit City

Second Jet Down in Japan With 130; 64 Killed in Earlier Crash in Tokyo

U.S. Marines Fight Big Northern Unit On Vietnam Coast

Rockefeller Moves To Make New Jobs By Aid To Business

Schools in South Ordered To Desegregate Faculties

Senate Approves Benefits For All Aged 70 Or More

U.S. Will Permit Scholars To Visit Communist China

Malcolm X Jury Finds 3 Guilty

Sukarno Yields Powers To Army To Curb Unrest; Communist Party Banned

41 Governors Back Policy Of President on Vietnam

Indonesian Army Told To Wipe Out Communist Party

China Denounces Humphrey Offer As ‘Kiss Of Judas’

New Riot in Watts Kills 2, Injures 25; 200 Police Quiet Negro Teen-Agers

Gemini 8 Crew Is Forced Down In Pacific After Successful Linkup With Satellite; Spacemen Picked Up After 3 Hours In Sea

Wholesale Prices In Sharpest Rise Since Korean War

Pope Eases Intermarriage Rules

Gemini 8 Mishap Traced By NASA To Short Circuit

Experts On China Urge U.S. To Seek A Peking Accord

High Court Rules Ads Can Be Proof Of Obscene Work

G.M. Apologizes for Harassment of Critic

Peking Declares It Will Boycott Soviet Congress

Lindsay Tells City Council He Backs Strong Bill to Fight Air Pollution

Mrs. Gandhi Confers With de Gaulle in Paris Stopover en Route to U.S.

U.S. Marines Land To Protect Ships On Saigon River

State’s Investigators Seek Forced Care for Addicts

13 Mississippi Klansmen Seized in Negro’s Death

Mrs. Gandhi Sympathetic To U.S. Stand in Vietnam

Forced Care For Addicts Is Approved by Assembly


British Labor Sweep Gives Wilson A Clear Mandate; Majority Above 100 Likely

U.S. Defers Trips By Congressmen To South Vietnam

H-Bomb Cleanup in Spain a Big Task

Ky Says Troops Will Go To Danang To Restore Order

Ky Goes To Danang With A Regiment To Reassert Rule

Mississippi Police Rout 1,000 Negroes With Gas and Clubs

F.D.A. Head Urges Drug Producers To Curb Abuses

H-Bomb Is Recovered Intact After 80 Days

Hughes To Sell His T.W.A. Stock

U.N. Council Backs British On Halting Oil Ships By Force

Buddhists Warn Regime In Saigon Civil War Is Near

First Stones Placed At Permanent Site Of Kennedy Grave

Steady B-52 Jet Bombing Of North Vietnam Likely

Saigon’s Junta Agrees To Hold Early Election

Cigarette Racket Is Linked To Mafia By Tax Officials

Mayor Submits Record Budget Of $4.61-Billion

4,000 Foes of War March Two Hours Around Times Sq.

U.S. Jets Strike 2 Missile Sites In Hanoi Vicinity

Ford Recalls 30,000 Of Its 1966 Models To Check Breakline

State Senate, 41-19, Votes To Forbid Busing of Pupils

M’Namara Sees Harder Fighting In Vietnam Soon

Big Battle Rages In South Vietnam, First Since Crisis

Johnson Bids U.S. Remain Steadfast On Vietnam Issue

14 NATO Countries Agree On Reform; Keep Integration

C.I.A.: Maker of Policy, or Tool?

Flying Ball of Fire In the Evening Sky Awes the Northeast

Missiles Fired by U.S. Jet Down MIG-21 Near China

Pennsy And N.Y. Central Win Approval Of Merger; The New Haven Included

President Alone to Decide On Pursuit of Red Planes

Bomb Parts Rushed by U.S. To Ease Vietnam Shortage


U.S. Toll Of MIG’s Continues To Rise As Air War Grows

Soviet Calls U.S. Cruel In Vietnam

McNamara Predicts Rise In U.S. Forces in Vietnam

Wife Of Wallace Wins In Alabama; Negro Vote Heavy

Split Negro Vote In Alabama Eases Fears Of Whites

U.S. Asks Court To Declare Baker Winner In Selma

Inflationary Trend Shown In Job Rate and in Prices

President Urges U.N. Pact To Keep Moon Open To All

4 Main Rail Links To Hanoi Severed By Raids, U.S. Says

Red China Explodes Device Viewed as Step to H-Bomb

L.I.R.R. Struck in Dispute on Drinking; 8,000 Rush-Hour Passengers Delayed

Barcelona Police Beat 100 Priests

75% Of Taxis Idle, But Strike Impact On Public Is Light

150 at City College Take Over Building In Protest on Draft

Ky Forces Fight Dissident Units, Occupy Danang

Ky Forces Hold Danang; Buddhists Fear Civil War; U.S. Appeals For Accord

U.S. Irked by Ky’s Action But Hopes He Can Survive

Fulbright Panel Votes For A Role In Policing C.I.A.

M’Namara Urges Two-Year Service For All U.S. Youth

White House Bars Draft Of Youths For Civilian Duty

Morhouse Found Guilty In Playboy Bribery Case

Johnson Appeals For Unity In War; Ky’s Forces Gain

Dissidents Yield To Ky In Danang, Surrender Arms

64 Child Clinics Closed By Tie-Up Of Public Nurses

Thant Asks Talks By All Concerned In Vietnam War

Tear Gas Blocks Saigon Marches By The Buddhists

President Terms White Supremacy In Africa Odious

Dr. King Criticizes Negro Sepratist

Nun’s Fiery Death In Hue Sets Off Clash In Saigon

NASA Chief Urges Space Planning Now For Post-Moon Era

Surveyor Heads for Soft Moon Landing


Student Mob in Hue Burns American Consular Office

Surveyor Makes A Soft Landing On Moon And Sends Back Photographs Of Surface

Nun Dies By Fire As Sixth Suicide In Anti-Ky Drive

Loose Shield Blocks Gemini Docking

Gemini Postpones A ‘Walk’ In Space; Docking Canceled

Cernan Floats 2 Hours in Space

Gemini 9 Lands Safely Nears Bullseye

U.S. Plans a Vietnam Drive Using 100,000 More G.I.’s

Buddhist Begins A Fast To Protest U.S. ‘Colonialism’

2 Top Buddhists Making Efforts To Mollify U.S.

Congressman Links Fatal XB-70 Flight To Publicity for G.E.

G.I. Who Refused to Bear Arms in Vietnam Gets Year

Medicare Spurs Vast Revisions In U.S. Hospitals

High Court Puts New Curb On Powers Of The Police To Interrogate Suspects

Two-Stage Tear-Gas Canisters Are Used in Saigon

U.S. To Pull Out Air Force Units Based In France

20 Marines Thwart A Six-Hour Attack By 400 Against Hill

Saigon Policeman Is Slain On the 6th Day of Rioting

Raborn Replaced As C.I.A. Director By A Career Man

Air Force Plans A Giant Missile to Thwart Radar

High Court Backs Driver Blood Test For Drunkenness

Philadelphia, Miss., Whites And Negroes Trade Shots

Ky Troops Storm Saigon Compound Of Buddhist Foes

15 in Klan Indicted In a Negro Slaying

Accord By Dr. King Angers Marchers

Meredith Leads the March On Eve of Rally in Jackson

12,000 End Rights March to Jackson

Dodd, On Stand, Denise Charges Of Misconduct

Silverman Winns Surrogate Race, Bolstering Kennedy’s Party Role; Weiss-Farbstein Primary Disputed

U.S., Extending Bombing, Raids Hanoi And Haiphong Outskirts; Cites Reds’ Dispersal Of Fuel


President Vows To Press Punishing Of Aggressors; Hanoi Area Bombed Again

Council Votes Income Tax After Albany’s Approval’ Medicaid’s Scope Reduced

‘Tactical’ French A-Bomb Exploded at Pacific Atoll

Kennedy Fears Airs Strikes May Delay Peace Efforts

Fare Goes To 20c; Democrats Urge A Tax Reduction

Wilkins Says Black Power Leads Only to Black Death

Humphrey Backs N.A.A.C.P. In Fight On Black Racism

5 Major Airlines Face Shutdown In Strike Today

Strike Against 5 Airlines Ties Up Travel And Mail; Talks Will Resume Today

2 Klansmen Given 10-Year Maximum In U.S. Rights Case

Dr. King and CORE Chief Act to Heal Rights Breach

New Police Board Has Two Negroes And Puerto Rican

Negro Gangs Attack Police And Loot Chicago Stores

Record Hot Spell Lingers At 101 degrees; Death Rate Rises

Armed Negroes Fight The Police In Chicago Riots

Troops Restoring Order In Chicago Negro Ghetto; 2 Dead, 57 Hurt In Rioting

Suspect Seized in Chicago In Slaying of Eight Nurses

Saigon Takes Reins Of C.I.A.’s School For Propaganda

Gemini Docks With Agena And Then Joined Vehicles Rocket Into Higher Orbit

Astronaut Opens Hatch, Stands Up to Take Photos

Wilson Slashes Spending In Move To Rescue Pound; Taxes Up, Pay Curb Urged

Brooklyn Sniper Kills Negro Boy In Race Disorder

1,000 Policemen Move In To Stem Brooklyn Unrest

Johnson Asserts Riots By Negroes Impede Reforms

Troops Relax, Too, as a Sunday Calm Returns to Cleveland’s Riot Area

Rights Bill Wins First House Test By Close Margin

City Starts Narcotics Plan To Turn Tide of Addiction

Democratic Nominee Held In Plot to Fix Bronx Case

U-2 Misses Florida Turn, Flies to Panama, Vanishes

Airline Accord Reached After Johnson Steps In; Union Votes Tomorrow

15 in Bronx Home Are Held Hostage By Fleeing Gunman 


Machinists Reject Airline Accord, Defy Johnson And Union Leaders; Congress Preparing To Act Today

Sniper in Texas U.Tower Kills 12, Hits 33; Wife, Mother Also Slain; Police Kill Him

Johnson Urges Gun Curbs To Prevent New ‘Tragedy’

The Unspent $10-Million: City’s Poor Are Losers

White House Sees Steel Price Rises As Inflationary

Rock Hits Dr. King As Whites Attack March In Chicago

Luci Johnson Wed to Patrick Nugent in Catholic Shrine

7 U.S. Planes Lost In North Vietnam, Most In Any Day

Politicians See War Issue Hurting Democrats in Fall

Civil Rights Bill Passed By House In Vote Of 259-157

Johnson Hails Rights Bill As ‘Milestone’ for Justice

City Finds Price of Food Is Highest in Poor Areas

Senate Unit Asks Reserve Call-Up For Vietnam War

Police in Chicago Clash With Whites After 3 Marches

Accord Reached In Airline Tie-Up; Union Will Vote

Shouts and Hissing Disrupt Hearing on Americans’ Aid to Vietcong

Katzenbach Warns Senate 30 to 40 Cities Face Riots

Johnson Weighs Civilian Service As Draft Option

Air Strike Ended After Six Weeks; Union Votes Pact

Cairo Editor Gets Life As A ‘U.S. Spy’

Dr. King and 500 Jeered In 5-Mile Chicago March

Kennedy to Stump Nation At Urging of Candidates

M’Namara Plans To ‘Salvage’ 40,000 Rejected In Draft

Negroes Expected To Make Up 30% Of Draft ‘Salvage’

How the Earth Looks From the Moon

Housing Pact Set, Dr. King Calls Off Chicago Marches

President Moves To Include Banks In Hiring Bias Ban

Strategists See Need In Vietnam For 600,000 G.I.’s

City Starts Serving Scofflaw Warrants In Drive on 600,000

President Says U.S. Can’t Ignore Chinese Threats


De Gaulle Terms U.S. Pullout Key To Vietnam Peace

De Gaulle Holds U.S. Would Gain If It Quit Vietnam

De Gaulle Stand Irks U.S. Officials

Negroes In Poll Ask More Police

U. of Pennsylvania Drops Secret Research for U.S.

President Offers To Set A Pullout After Hanoi Does

Verwoerd Is Slain By An Assassin In The South African Parliament; Killer, White, Is Subdued By M.P.’s

Roosevelt Agrees To Run For Governor As Liberal; Democrats Pick O’Connor

Johnson Acts Against Inflation By Asking Congress To Suspend Tax Credit Granted To Business

Pessimism Grows In White House Over Rights Bill

Clay Stops Mildenbereger; Emerson Upset in Tennis

Chinese Synthesize Insulin, German Scientists Confirm

Gemini, In Its First Orbit, Docks With Agena Target In A 94-Minute Maneuver

Astronaut Curtails Space ‘Walk’

Astronauts Soar 850 Miles, Spin Tethered With Agena

Big Marine Force Lands In Vietnam Near Buffer Zone

New Metropolitan Opera House Opens in a Crescendo of Splendor

A Marine Platoon Finds the Enemy – And a Fight

Civil Rights: A Turning Point

Rights Bill Dies As Closure Fails

White Principal Restored To Post In Harlem I.S. 201

U.S. Sets Ceilings On Interest Rate Paid On Savings

U.S. Offers To Stop Raids In North If Hanoi Pledges It Also Will De-Escalate

$1.3-Million Bail Frees 13 Of Mafia

124 Dead in Japan In Two Typhoons; Winds 202 M.P.H.

War Is Top Issue In Primary Fight Here Tomorrow

Hanoi Move Hinted if U.S. Sets a Pullout Timetable

New Haven Lease Sought By State And Connecticut To Assure Commuter Runs

Racial Violence Breaks Out Again In San Francisco

House To Inquire Into Guidelines For Integrations


House Votes Halt Of Tax Incentives To Curb Inflation

Mafia Figure Held In Airport Assault On an F.B.I. Agent

300 Ibo Tribesmen Killed By Troops And Nigerian Mob

G.O.P. Will Press Racial Disorders As Election Issue

Senate Approves Antipoverty Bill; $746-Million Cut

Texas Court Voids Ruby’s Conviction In Oswald Death

Hanoi Is Said to Insist U.S. End Bombing Before Talks

Johnson Acts To Improve U.S. Ties To East Europe; Says Troop Cut Would Aid

G.O.P. Threatened In South by Loss Of Backlash Vote

Dr. King Weighing Plan to Repudiate ‘Black Power’ Bloc

Pope Turns Down Cardinal Spellman’s Offer to Resign

President To Seek A 10% Benefit Rise In Social Security

Bank in Detroit Insolvent; Biggest Failure Since ’30’s

Johnson Rejects Unilateral Pause In Bombing By U.S.

Senate Puts Off Early Increase In Social Security

Soviet Calls U.S. ‘Deluded’ In Hope For New Ties Now

Arab Boycott Challenging Major U.S. Corporations

Johnson Stresses Unity On Vietnam In Hawaii Speech

12 Dead: The Department’s Worst Fire

250 Negroes Riot And Beat Teachers; Oakland School Shut

Tax Rise if Inflation Grows Is Urged by Johnson Panel

131, Mostly Children, Lost in Welsh Slag-Pile Slide

Tax Bill Is Passed As 89th Congress Ends Its Session

Kennedy Deplores Racism Of a ‘Few’ Negro Leaders

Grenada, Miss., Jails 200 at Negro Rally

U.S. And Allies Pledge To Leave South Vietnam Within 6 Months After Hanoi Abandons The War

The President Salutes American Fighting Men in Person on Secret Trip to Vietnam

Red China Says A-Bomb Borne By Guided Missile Exploded On Test Target

U.S. Asserts Test Does Does Not Advance Peking Timetable

President Warns China Of Danger In Nuclear Race

20 Right-Wingers Arrested In State In Weapons Plot


Bail Set for 19 Here In Alleged Fire Plot By Minutemen Unit

Autopsy Photos Put In Archives By The Kennedys

Rockefeller Links 4 City Democrats To Liquor Scheme

Titan Rocket Hurls Dummy Laboratory Into Orbit of Earth

A Judge Indicted Over Shakedown On Liquor Permit

Minutemen Accused Of Having Informer Among State Police

Vote Tomorrow Expected To Set Off-Year Record

G.O.P. Is Expected To Add Strength In Voting Today

Rockefeller Wins; Police Board Out; Wide G.O.P. Gains Extend Into South; Reagan, Case And Percy Are Elected

G.O.P. Finds ’68 Outlook Brighter As It Counts Election Successes: Gain Of 47 In House, 8 Governors

U.S. Will Train Negroes In South to Cut Migration

Gemini Links Up With Its Target; Orbit Boost Off

Astronaut Rides 2 1/2 Hours In Open; Eclipse Is Filmed

G.I.’s Dug In on Hill Survive 500-Round Mortar Attack

Catholic Bishops Say U.S. Coerces Poor Over Births

Last Of Geminis Splashes Down Close to Target

President Well After Surgery; Polyp Is Benign

U.S. Court Bars Georgia Election By Legislature

U.S. Would Favor A Holiday Truce, But Not Long One

Romney Attacks Rockefeller Plan On 1968 Strategy

Romney Endorses G.O.P. Consensus As A Principle

House Chief’s Back Warren Commission As Criticism Grows

M’Namara Hopes to Cut Troop Need A Third Next Year

Smog Here Nears The Danger Point; Patients Warned

Smog Emergency Called For City; Relief Expected

Smog Swept Away By Cool Air Mass; Emergency Ended

Study Urges City To Ease Its Rules On School Hiring

Romney Attacked Goldwater Race As Keyed To South

U.N. Defeats Move To Seat Red China And Oust Taiwan


Orbiter 2 Transmits Spectacular Close-up of Moon

5,000 at Berkeley Boycott Classes; Police Are Scored

S.E.C. Says Mutual Funds Charge ‘Excessive’ Fees; Asks Congress For Curbs

Vietcong Attack Saigon’s Airport And A U.S. Billet

Rhodesia Rejects Terms For Ending Of Rebellion; Britain Asks U.N. To Act

Johnson To Seek $9-Billion More For Vietnam War

Pearl Harbor Rites Viewed by Pilot Who Led Raid

Treaty To Bar Space War By Exclusion Of Weapons Agreed Upon At The U.N.

Tuskegee Students Riot Over Acquittal In Negro’s Slaying

Vietcong Step Up Terrorist Action In Area Of Saigon

Defense Spending Expected To Slow Its Rise Next Year

Hoffa Conviction Upheld In Jury Tampering Case

Soviet Says U.S. Bombed Residential Areas of Hanoi

Mrs. Kennedy Will Seek an Injunction To Block Book About the Assassination

Kennedy Book Fight Prompting Feelers To Avoid Court Test

Illinois Village Gets Giant U.S. Atom Project

Mrs. Kennedy and Look Consult in Book Dispute

Manchester Defends Book And Denies Breaking Faith

Parents Disrupt School Hearing, Then Start Sit-In

Nevada Is Shaken By a Nuclear Test; Radiation Held In

Kennedys Reach Accord With Look On Serialization

Fifth of City Pupils Found 2 Years Behind in Reading

U.S. Keeps Forces On Alert As Truce Begins In Vietnam

125 Die in Vietnam As Cargo Airliner Plows Into Village

Mao Marks 73d Birthday, His Goals Still Eluding Him

C.C.N.Y. Unit says Graduate Program Weakens Teaching

Federal Reserve Lets Banks Widen Business Lending

Saigon’s Attacking Force In Delta Is Put at 6,000

Planning Board Asks Big Outlays In Ghetto Areas

A.E.C. Hints China Tested ‘Dirty’ 3-Stage Atom Bomb

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