1965: NEW YORK TIMES (361)


Planning Board Assails Schools On Overcrowding

Governor To Ask $5 A Week More For Unemployed

Democrats Strip Two Southerners Of House Ranking

Congress Convenes Today Amid Leadership Battles; Johnson To Speak Tonight

President Bids Soviet Leaders Visit U.S., Accept TV Exchange; Outlines ‘Great Society’ Plan

City Invokes Law And Ousts 5,398 In Welfare Tie-Up

Democrats’ Battle Over Leaders Bars Organizing Of Legislature; Governor Offers Broad Program

Johnson Health Program Gives Medicare Priority; Regional Centers Sought

Sar of India and 9 Other Stolen Gems Returned to City From Miami Locker

DeLong Ruby Called Safe; 9 Gems Reported Cut Up

U.S. And Vietnam Act To Restore Strong War Ties

125,000 Deaths From Cigarettes Foreseen In ’65

Johnson Seeks $1.5 Billion For Education And Urges Public-Parochial Sharing

N.A.A.C.P. Accuses Welfare Pickets Of Racist Action

U.S. Planes Wreck Key Bridge In Laos On Reds’ Aid Route

Federal Indictments Voted In 3 Mississippi Slayings

Air Force Jet Crashes Into Wichita Homes, Killing 30

President Plans 88 New Projects To Fight Poverty

U.S. Terms Raids In Laos Justified By Red Violations

U.S. Says Soviet May Have Broken Test-Ban Treaty

Johnson, Taking Oath, Pledges Efforts To Bring An End To Tyranny And Misery; Both Parties’ Leaders Acclaim Address

Mayor Declares He Acted To Bar A ‘Money’ Bribe

‘Bribery’ Charge Denied By M’Keon At State Inquiry

Churchill Dies at 90 At Home in London

Churchill Is Dead At 90; The World Mourns Him; State Funeral Saturday

$99.7 Billion Budget Puts Emphasis On Broader Aid For Schools And Welfare

Saigon Generals Assume Control And Back Khanh

U.S. Is Resigned To Military Rule In South Vietnam

McKeon Brands Charges By Wagner ‘a Vicious Lie’

$3.48 Billion Rockefeller Budget Asks 2% Sales Tax And 100% Rise In Levies On Cars And Cigarettes

Churchill Buried in Day of Sorrow and Regal Pageantry


Moscow Softens Stand On U.S. Bid For Closer Ties

Dr. King and 770 Others Seized in Alabama Protest

520 More Seized In Alabama Drive

Zaretzki Wins As G.O.P. Steps In, Giving Wagner Many Needed Votes; Deadlock Persists In Assembly

De Gaulle Asks Revision Of U.N. By Big 4 And Peking, Return To Gold Standard

Bundy Asks Unity In Saigon Regime But Feuds Go On

Seven G.I.’s Slain In Vietcong Raid; 80 Are Wounded

U.S. Jets Attack North Vietnam In Reprisal For Vietcong Raids; Johnson Orders Families Home

South Vietnam Planes Hit North; U.S. Then Calls A Halt To Strikes; Soviet Pledges Red Defense Aid

U.S. Sells $1 Billion Arms To Britain and Australia

Johnson Urges Restraint In U.S. Investing Abroad To Cut Payments Deficit

160 U.S. And Vietnamese Planes Attack Military Bases In North; Washington Seeks To Limit War

I.L.A. Tells Dockers Here To Return to Work Today

Mafia Steps Up Infiltration And Looting of Businesses

Malcolm X Flees Firebomb Attack

Red China Urges ‘Concrete Action’ Against The U.S.

4 Held in Plot to Blast Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell and Washington Monument

Johnson Asserts U.S. Will Persist In Vietnam Policy

Khanh Is Deposed By Military Units In Coup At Saigon

Khanh Is Back In Power; His Troops Regain Saigon, Putting Down Brief Coup

Ranger 8 Hits Target On Moon And Radios Back 7,000 Pictures To Aid Search For Landing Site

Malcolm X Shot to Death at Rally Here

Muslim Mosque Burns In Harlem; Blast Reported

Mosque Fires Stir Fear Of Vendetta In Malcolm Case

Hunt For Killer In Malcolm Case ‘On Right Track’

U.S. Judge Voids A Major Charge In Rights Deaths

Black Muslim Guard Held In Murder of Malcolm X

Harlem Is Quiet As Crowds Watch Malcolm X Rites


Kosygin Calls White Paper A ‘Black Book’ of U.S. Evil

Court Lets A City Segregate Pupils On De Facto Basis

160 U.S. And Saigon Planes Bomb 2 Bases In North In Record Raid; Continuing Stikes Are Expected

U.S. Bombing Raid On Red Aid Route In Laos Reported

Police and Army Battle Mob Trying to Storm U.S. Embassy in Moscow

Vietcong Batter Three Battalions Of Saigon Troops

White Alabamians Stage Selma March To Support Negroes

Gross Integration Plan Backs Allen On Schools; Omits Busing And Pairing

New Selma March Today; Court Holds U.S. Can Sue States On Negro Voting

Dr. King Leads March At Selma; State Police End It Peaceably Under A U.S.-Arranged Accord

Mayor and Police Block 3 New Marches in Selma

Sitdown Inside White House Protests Selma

Governor Vetoes Bill To Reinstate Free Tuition Here

Johnson Pledge Vote For All; Calls Selma ‘American Tragedy’; Urges Wallace To Support Him

Wallace To Bar A Rights March Till Court Acts

Johnson Urges Congress At Joint Session To Pass Law Insuring Negro Vote

Mounted Posse Joins State Troopers in an Assault on Demonstration

Soviet Space Craft Carrying Two Men Is Placed in Orbit

Russian Floats In Space For 10 Minutes; Leaves Orbiting Craft With A Lifeline; Moscow Says Moon Trip Is ‘Target Now’

110 U.S. Planes Bomb Two Bases In North Vietnam

Johnson Calls Up Troops, Deplores Wallace’s Acts; Alabama March On Today

F.B.I. Crime Data Called Misleading By Sociologists

U.S. Reveals Use Of Nonlethal Gas Against Vietcong

Grissom Maneuvers The Gemini As He And Young Make 3 Orbits In Test For A Space Rendezvous

Ranger Hits Moon And Sends Photos Seen Live On TV

25,000 Go To Alabama’s Capitol; Wallace Rebuffs Petitioners; White Rights Worker Is Slain

Johnson Opens Fight On Klan After F.B.I. Seizes 4 Members In Alabama Murder Of Woman

Klan Chief Calls 2 Rights Deaths Part Of Red Plot

Dr. King Suggests Nation Boycott Alabama Goods

Bomb In Vietnam Rips U.S. Embassy; At Least 6 Dead

Full Investigation of Klan Voted by House Committee


Negro Students Are Dispersed by Smoke Bombs in Camden, Ala.

3 Bombs Planted In Birmingham

U.S. Plans Step-Up In Troops And Aid For Vietnam War

U.S. Fliers Bomb 2 Bridges Linking Hanoi With Bases

Hanoi MIG’s Down 2 American Jets In First Air Clash

United to Buy 75 Jetliners For Record $375 Million

Defense Department Releases Photo of North Vietnam Bomb Damage

President Makes Offer To Start Vietnam Talks Unconditionally; Proposes $1 Billion Aid For Asia

House Approves Medicare, 313-115; G.O.P. Plan Loses

Peking Reports Hainan Air Fight With U.S. Planes

Marine Units Join the Build-Up at Bases in Vietnam

Tornadoes Kill 150 In Midwest, Sweep 6 States

Saigon Catholics Fearful Of Buddhist Army Purge

Assembly Votes Sales Tax Of 2%; Senate Gets Bill

State Redistricting Law Killed By Appeals Court; Budget Is Finally Voted

230-Plane Strike, Biggest Of War, Pounds Vietcong

Troops Rushed to Seoul; Students Riot in 5th Day

Johnson Refuses To Halt Bombing; Again Asks Talks

From Fifth Avenue to St. Peter’s Square, Easter Is Observed by Crowds, the Pontiff and the President

Kosygin Says U.S. Invites Reprisal By Gas And Bombs

Peking Is Preparing Way To Send Men to Vietnam

U.S. Likely To Spur Ground Warfare In South Vietnam

City To Abolish Its Junior Highs, Shift Teachers

Dr. King, in Boston Common Rally, Warns Against Nation of Onlookers

2 Marines Die as Vietcong Attack 2 Danang Outposts

Dominican Coup Deposes Regime; Rebels Are Split

M’Namara Calls Hanoi Aggression ‘More Flagrant’

Johnson Renews Bid On Vietnam: Defends Bombing

President Sends Marines To Rescue Citizens Of U.S. From Dominical Fighting

U.S. Sends Airborne Units Into Dominican Republic; O.A.S. Summons Ministers


Nuncio Seeking Dominican Peace; Johnson Asks O.A.S. To Assure It; U.S. Troops In Action, One Killed

G.I.’s Advance In Santo Domingo; Johnson Sends 2,000 More Troops; U.N. Talks Set At Soviet Behest

Johnson Charges Red Plotters Took Over Dominican Uprising; Increases U.S. Forces To 14,000

U.S. Urges O.A.S. To Send An Inter-American Force Into Dominican Republic

Johnson Urges Congress To Vote $700 Million For War In Vietnam; U.S. Units Widen Dominican Zone

O.A.S. Votes Peace Force; Dominican Truce Signed; U.S. Issues Data On Reds

O.A.S. Recruiting Force To Restore Dominican Peace

Mayor Is Looking For New City Tax That Hurts Least

French Parade Biggest in Europe’s V-E Day

9 Southern Leaders Attack Plan to End School Segregation

U.S. Court Directs State To Hold An Election Nov. 2 Under G.O.P. District Plan

Lindsay, In Shift, Considers Race Against Wagner

Soviet Spaceship Strikes The Moon

Lindsay Says He Will Run Against Wagner To Halt ‘Decline And Fall’ Of City

U.S. Orders Pause In Bombing Raids On North Vietnam

Dominican Junta Fighting Rebels; Truce Plea Fails

Blasts Kill 21 Americans, Hit 40 Planes in Vietnam

U.S. And Dominican Rebels Said To Agree On Regime To Be Led By A Bosch Aide

U.S. Raids North Vietnam After 6-Day Lull Brings No Overture From Hanoi

Dominican Junta Accepts A Truce; Rebels Battered

Signals Imply a ‘Big Bang’ Universe

Colombia Is Placed Under Martial Law After Student Riots

Base 55 Miles From Hanoi Is Hit by U.S. Jet Bombers

U.S. Leads World In Sales Of Arms; Allies Irritated

High Court Voids Mail Law Curbing Red Propaganda

Clay Knocks Out Liston in One Minute; Bout, Like First, Ends in Controversy

Rusk Gives Reds A Stern Warning On Vietnam War

O.A.S. To Disburse Pay To Both Sides In Santo Domingo

Wagner Asserts He May Not Run, Citing Family Duties And Strain; Denies Maneuver To Unite Party

Liberals Hinting Lindsay Support If Mayor Retires

Vietcong Batter Saigon’s forces In Central Region


Admirers Mob Kennedy At Memorial to Brother

Governor Signs Bill To Abolish Death Penalty

Astronauts Ready to Start 62-Orbit Space Trip Today

American Floats In Space For 20 Minutes As He And Partner Start 4 Days In Orbit; Fuel Shortage Bars Booster Rendezvous

Gemini Sights Satellite; Pilots, On Quiet 2d Day, Chat With Their Wives

Armed Negro Unit Spreads In South

Gemini To Return Today; Failure Of Its Computer May Alter Re-Entry Plan

2 Astronauts Down Safely After 4 Days; Doctor Finds They Are In Good Condition; Spacecraft Lands 56 Miles From Carrier

Films Show White Afloat, A Brilliant Planet Below

Stocks Hit by False Rumor About President’s Health

Wagner Says He Won’t Run For 4th Term; Divided Democrats Face Primary Battle In September To Pick Lindsay’s Opponent

Saigon’s Premier Resigns, Yielding Rule To Generals

Finding of Blue Galaxies Backs ‘Big Bang’ Theory

U.S. Paratroops Prepare To Join Dongxoai Battle

Portions of 3 U.S. Divisions Reported Going to Vietnam

New Soviet Craft and Crash of U.S. Jet Highlight French Air Show

Saigon Orders Profiteers And Terrorists Executed

27 Heavy Bombers From Guam Hit Vietcong Force In South Vietnam; Wilson Will Lead Peace Mission

Few Casualties Indicated In Raid On Reds By B-52’s

Army Takes Over Algeria In Coup Ousting Ben Bella As A ‘Diabolical Dictator’

Soviet Says China Bars Joint Action To Support Hanoi

House Approves Death Penalty In Assassination

U.S. Jets Attack North Of Hanoi, Near Red China

Kennedy Proposes Treaty To Check Nuclear Spread

Dirksen Says U.S. May Soon Double Force In Vietnam

Terrorists’ Blasts Kill 31 At Floating Cafe in Saigon

Soviet Denounces U.S. As Aggressor At U.N. Ceremony

City Cab Drivers Strike In A Move For Unionization

Liberals Choose Lindsay To Lead A Fusion Ticket; Beame Joins The Contest

U.S. Troops Open First Big Attack Against Vietcong


Vietcong Raiders Slip Into Danang; Destroy 3 Planes

Profits Of A.T.&T. Now The Highest Of Any Company

Strike Makes U.S. Use Foreign Ships For Arms Cargoes

Screvane Urges A Taxicab ‘Czar’ To End Walkout

Old Glory Howitzer Fire Mark July 4 in Vietnam

Hydrogen Blast Injures 8 In Study Unit at Harvard

Theft of Rights Fund Laid to Selma Cleric

Senate Approves Social Security At The Age Of 60

White Man Is Shot By Negro In Clash In Bogalusa, LA.

State’s Highest Court, 4-3, Bars Electing A Legislature In Fall As Federal Court Had Ordered

U.S. Court Enjoins Bogalusa Police

Heavily Armed State Police Guard Bogalusa Marchers

U.S. Marines Rout Vietcong At Base Close To Danang

U.S. Judges Insist On Fall Election, Void State Ruling

Adlai Stevenson Dies In London Street At 65; Johnson Leads Tribute

First Mars Photo Is Transmitted; Mariner Signals Indicate Planet Lacks A Liquid Core Like Earth’s

Rockefeller Says He Will Run In ’66; Denies Javits Rift

Photos Reveal 600 Miles of Mars Surface

Big Saigon Force Clears Key Road; Reds Hit Bienhoa

Paris Charges U.S. Plane Photographed Atomic Site

Justice Goldberg Taking Stevenson’s Post At U.N.; Delegates Are Surprised

Johnson Starts Sweeping Survey Of Vietnam Role

U.S. Moves Closer To Policy Decision On Vietnam Force

Senate Votes Bill Making U.S. Crime Of Assassination

U.S. Accepts Offer By City To Discuss Water Desalting

Rockefeller Says He He Will Not Seek Presidency In ’68

Mayor and Miss Cavanaugh Wed by Spellman

U.S. Raids 2 Missile Sites In Vietnam, Wrecking One; Johnson To Speak Today

Johnson Orders 50,000 More Men To Vietnam And Doubles Draft; Again Urges U.N. To Seek Peace

U.S. To Increase Military Forces By 330,000 Men

President Signs Medicare Bill; Praises Truman


5 Negroes Beaten in Rights Picketing In Americus, Ga.

Two Churches Bar Civil Rights Groups In Americus Drive

30 B-52s Attack Vietcong Target

Johnson Rejects An All-Out War Or A Withdrawal

President Seeks $1.7 Billion More For Vietnam War

U.S. Says Raid on Oil Base Won’t Hamper Air Strikes

Johnson Signs Voting Rights Bill, Orders Immediate Enforcement: 4 Suits Will Challenge Poll Tax

U.S. Acts Quickly To Enforce Law On Voting Rights

700 at Klan Rally Honor Youth Slain In Americus Strife

Fire Traps 48 in a Titan Silo; 19 Killed, Rest Feared Dead

Voting Officials Sign 1,144 Negroes First Day Of Drive

New Water Rules Drastically Cut Air-Conditioning

New Negro Riots Erupt On Coast; 3 Reported Shot

2,000 Troops Enter Los Angeles On Third Day Of Negro Rioting; 4 Die As Fires And Looting Grow

21 Dead In Los Angeles Riots; 600 Hurt; 20,000 Troops Called; President Condemns Violence

Los Angeles Rioting Is Checked; Troops Hunt Snipers; 31 Are Dead; Policeman Is Slain In Long Beach

Calm Returning To Los Angeles; Death Toll Is 33

Military Pledge to Saigon Is Denied by Eisenhower

U.S. Marines Trap 2,000 Of Vietcong, Kill ‘Hundreds’

U.S. Marines Kill 600 Guerrillas In 2-Day Battle

White Seminarian Slain In Alabama; Deputy Is Charged

Gemini Orbited But A Power Loss Makes 8-Day Mission Uncertain; 2 Astronauts Strive To Continue

Gemini Cleared For 32 Circuits; It May Go 8 Days

U.S. Troop Plane With 71 Crashes Near Hong Kong

Johnson Assailed On Vietnam War By G.O.P. In House

Johnson Orders Military To Construct Spacecraft As A Defense Laboratory

U.S. Urging Hanoi To Join In Showing Wish To Ease War

Astronauts Set For Full 8 Days; Observe Storm

Gemini 6 Prepares Advance Landing Because Of Storm

2 Astronauts End 8-Day Flight Tired But In ‘Wonderful Shape’; Johnson Hails U.S. Space Gains

Glacier Avalanche Buries Scores on Swiss Dam Job


SAC B-52’s Pound 2 Vietcong Bases In South Vietnam

U.S. Aides Confirm Singapore Charge of 1960 C.I.A. Plot

Troops Sent Into Natchez; Negroes Call Off March

Johnson Reports Accord On New Steel Contract After Suggesting Terms

Pulp Sex Novels Thrive as Trade Comes Into Open

U.S. Survey Finds No Economic Peril In Arms Cutback

Indian Troops Drive On Lahore; Pakistan Chutists Raid Punjab; Thant To Fly On A Peace Mission

India Opens 2d Front In Pakistan; Bases In Both Countries Bombed; U.S. Halts Its Arms Aid Programs

Indian Army Widens Push; Pakistani Regime Alerts People To Chutist Drops

Pakistan Reports Drives Into India At Two Points; U.S. Considers Sanctions

U.N. Fails To Get Pakistan Assent For A Cease-Fire

Drive On Vietcong Near Danang Base Is Said To Kill 104

State Study Asks 150 Local Centers For Mentally Ill

State Democrats Propose Funds Now for Retarded

Beame Chosen Over Screvane; O’Connor And Procaccino Win; De Sapio Beaten Again By Koch

Beame Charts Campaign, Seeks To Reunify Party; Lindsay Scores ‘Machine’

China Gives India 3 Days To Abandon Border Posts

Thant Gives Plan For Truce; India Defies Red China

U.N. Is Preparing To Demand Halt In Kashmir War

U.N. Orders Kashmir Foes To End Fight Tomorrow; India Cites China Gunfire

U.S. Air Loss Sets Record For Day In Vietnam War

Pakistan Agrees To A Cease-Fire; India Reports New Air Attack; Thant To Name Observer Team

U.S. Troops Find Hidden Red Arms North Of Saigon

Gromyko Sores U.S. ‘Aggression’ In Three Areas

Ex-Taiwan Aide Reports ’55 U.S. Plot on Chiang

U.S. Catholic Unit Urges A Restudy Of Birth Control

Dormant Volcano Erupts Near Manila; Hundreds Feared Dead Under Lava

Peking Invites Invasion By America and Allies


Alabama Sheriff’s Aide Acquitted in Rights Death

Indonesia Says Plot To Depose Sukarno Is Foiled By Army Chief; Power Fight Believed Continuing

Sukarno, On Radio, Says He Still Rules Nation; Loyalists Hunt Rebels

Pope Calls For ‘No More War’ As U.N. Goal And Urges Effort To Admit All Nations; Sees Johnson; N.Y. Millions Hail Pontiff

Johnson To Have His Gall Bladder Removed Friday

Johnson Has Busy Day; Enters Hospital Tonight

Georgia Negroes Reject Truce; Whites Beat Youth

Johnson Is ‘Doing Well’ After 2-Hour Operation To Remove Gall Baldder

News Guild Ends Strike At Times On The 25th Day

Hanoi Battalions Face Entrapment By Big Joint Force

Klansman Is Arrested After Attack on Negro Cameraman in Georgia

150,000 Reserves Ordered By Army To Speed Training

December Draft Of 45,224 Biggest Since Korean War

A Rasputin Assassin Is Here to Sue C.B.S.

10,000 in City Parade Join World Protest on Vietnam

U.S Investigating Antidraft Groups

Draft Protester Is Seized By F.B.I. for Burning Card

Klan Head Balks At 73 Questions As Inquiry Opens

White Supremacist Jurors Approved in Liuzzo Trial

Auto Union Backs Johnson On Policy in Vietnam War

Klansman Freed In Liuzzo Killing

Rockefeller Seeks State Fund To Aid Victims Of Crime

South’s Negroes Slow To Register; U.S. Help Sought

Agena Shot Fails; Rendezvous Trip Of Gemini Put Off

Draft Expected To Call Students And Married Men

Vietcong Mortars Wreck 20 Aircraft at U.S. Bases

Pope Paul Promulgates Five Council Documents, One Absolving The Jews

6 G.I’s Killed in Vietnam By Gunfire From Own Side

48 Vietnamese Die In a Bombing Error


Johnson, Angry, Moves To Retain Aluminum Price

City Will Elect A Mayor Today; Heavy Vote Due

Lindsay Beats Beame In A Close Race; O’Connor And Procaccino Both Win; State Senate Is G.O.P.; Hughes Victor

Lindsay Confers With Wagner; Johnson Pledges Help To City; ’66 Governorship Race Shaping

De Gaulle To Run; Warns Of A Crisis If He Loses Office

Russians Abstain In Kashmir Vote; Big Powers Split

U.S. And Castro Agree To Start Refugee Airlift

G.I.’s Battle Foe West Of Pleim; Missile Sites Hit

58 Feared Dead As Jet Crashes Near Cincinnati

Power Failure Snarls Northeast; 800,000 Are Caught In Subways Here; Autos Tied Up, City Gropes In Dark

City Slowly Recovering From Blackout; Wagner Urges Restraint In Use Of Power – Aluminum Producers Cancel Price Rises, Bowing to U.S.

Rhodesia Asserts Independence; Britain Decries Act As Treason And Applies Economic Sanctions

F.A.A. Finds No Pattern In 3 Recent 727 Crashes

91 Lost, 459 Saved On Cruise Ship As It Burns And Sinks Off Nassau; Many Have To Jump Into The Sea

Rockefeller Asks State Colleges In Five Boroughs

Hanoi Offer In ’64 To Discuss Peace Rejected By U.S.

U.S. Units Pull Out After Killing 637

U.S. Acts To Sell Stockpile Copper To Ease Shortage

U.S. Casualties Strewn Over Vietnamese Valley After Fierce Battle

Margaret Unperturbed by Boycott at U.N.

Head Of City University, Dean And 2 College Chiefs Quit In Feud With Board

Nixon Views Vietnam War As Major Issue in ’68 Vote

Clay Knocks Out Patterson in the 12th And Keeps Heavyweight Championship

Lindsay Selects A Negro To Head Fire Department

G.I. Vietnam Toll Is 240 For Week, Heaviest Of War

Vietnam Casts a Shadow As Nation Gives Thanks

Treasures Stolen From Museum in Vatican

5,000 A-Warheads Stored For NATO, M’Namara Says

City Income Tax Of 2% Proposed By Wagner Panel

M’Namara Finds Hanoi’s Build-Up Means Long War


Two Freed G.I.’s Say US Should Quit Vietnam

Thant Rebuffed By Hanoi Regime On Peace Talks

Jury in Alabama Convicts White in Negro’s Slaying

Jury in Alabama Convicts Klansman in Liuzzo Case

Gemini 7 Team Is Orbited For A Flight Of 2 Weeks And Rendezvous In Space

Reserve Board Raises Bank Rate; Johnson Scores ‘Independent’ Act; U.S. Asks Cuts In Dollar Outflow

Interest Rates Increase In Wake Of Board Action Stocks Fall, But Recover

Kosygin Says U.S. Policy Foments War And Forces Soviet Arms Budget Rise

Bundy Quits White House To Head Ford Foundation

Mikoyan Resigns; Podgorny Named Soviet President

Selma Jury Frees 3 in Rights Killing Of Boston Cleric

Marines Battle Huge Enemy Unit In Quangtin Area

Gemini 6 Misfires on Pad but Will Try Again

G.O.P. Finds Rising Peril Of ‘Endless’ Vietnam War

President To Ask A $60 Billion Fund For Defense In ’67

Two Geminis Fly 6 To 10 Feet Apart In Man’s First Space Rendezvous; Crews, Face To Face, Talk By Radio

Gemini 6 In Perfect Splashdown After Its Historic Rendezvous; Gemini 7 Has Fuel-Cell Trouble

U.S. Is Studying A Hanoi ‘Feeler’ For Peace Talk

Gemini 7’s Pilots Return From Record 14-Day Trip; Both Reported Healthy

De Gaulle Wins French Runoff With 54.7% Vote

U.S. Spray Planes Destroy Rice in Vietcong Area

6 U.S. Planes Lost; Plant Again Raided Outside Haiphong

U.S. And Vietnam Order A 30-Hour Holiday Truce, But Alert Will Continue

Draft Seeking to Tap Pool Of 2 Million Rejected Men

11 Killed In Fires In Newark Hotel And A Tenement

Vietnam Truce Is Ended; Allies Resume Operations After Vietcong Attacks

Plane Lands On George Washington Bridge

A Hanoi Response To Pause In Raids Is Sought By U.S.

U.S. Tells North Vietnam Lull Is A Peace Overture; Vietcong Offer 2d Truce

Harriman Goes To Poland And Goldberg Visits Pope In Major U.S. Peace Drive

Pension Aid Spurs A Record Exodus Of U.S. Employees

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