1963: NEW YORK TIMES (351)


Romney Demands Crusade To Rehabilitate Michigan

Vietcong Downs Five U.S. Copters, Hits Nine Others

Pentagon Asks Pay Raise Of 14% for Armed Forces

9 Million Man-Days Lost in U.S. in 1962 Because of Strikes

Soviet Warns on Berlin But New Crisis Is Doubted

Brazil Will Get $30,000,000 Loan As U.S. Relents

Congress To Open Today; House Democrats Rally To Back Kennedy On Rules

Kennedy Wins House Rules Fight As 88th Congress Opens Session; 15-Man Committee Kept, 235-196

Next Space Goal Is Mars; ’64 Venus Plans Dropped

Role for Nonatom Nations In Nuclear Force Is Hinted

Togo President Is Slain in Coup

President Proposes Net Tax Cut Of 10 Billion Over Three Years; He Is Hopeful On World Outlook

Tshombe Offers To End Secession Under Amnesties

Attack In Senate On Filibustering Losing Its Steam

Budget Sets 11.9-Billion Deficit; Total 98.8 Billion, Half Defense; Criticism Voiced In Both Parties

4 Areas In South Are Sued To End Pupil Separation

Vietcong Forsees A Protracted War; Misjudged U.S. Aims

President Sees A ‘Moderate’ Rise In The Economy

Shipmen Agree; End Of Walkout Likely By Friday

U.S. Plan for Student Aid Questioned by Scientists

Congress Gets Tax Plan; President Says Passage This Year Is Essential

Tulane University Admits 5 Negroes, First in Its History

Britain Refuses to Share Cost of Perfecting Polaris

U.N. Finds 2 Million Gone, $116 Left in Katanga Bank

Common Market Talks Wrecked As France Vetoes British Entry; Blow To European Unity Is Seen

MacMillan Charges Veto Demonstrates De Gaulle Tries To Dominate Europe


U.S. Offers to Train Crews For Europe’s Polaris Craft

President Ready To Resume Tests As Parley Halts

Soviet Criticizes U.S. For Failure Of Test Ban Talks

Ottawa Minister Quits In Dispute Over Atom Arms

President Seeks Funds To Reduce Mental Illness

M’Namara Insists Offensive Arms Are Out Of Cuba

Kennedy Bars ‘Disaster’ Of Cutting European Ties

U.S. Resumes Atom Tests After Lag in Treaty Talks

U.S. Again Urging Soviet To Hasten Pull-Out In Cuba

2,000 Who Desire Space Contracts Besiege N.A.S.A.

Curb On Polaris Asked By Soviet At Arms Parley

U.S. Planning to Sell Plutonium to France

Kennedy Assures Europe U.S. Units Will Stay There

French Seize 5 In Plot To Take De Gaulle’s Life

Pentagon Faces Broad Shake-Up In Major Posts

General Motors to Spend 1.3 Billion for Equipment

Soviet Promises To Cut Cuba Units Before March 15

A.E.C. Reports Major Advances In Atomic Power

President Cautions Cuba As MIG’s Fire Near Boat; Incident Angers Congress

Soviet Warns U.S. Attack On Cuba Would Mean War

‘Soft’ Cuba Reply Expected By U.S. In Firing On Boat

187 Negroes Win Voided Sentences

Image Of Venus: ‘Glowing Earth’

Supreme Court Justices Debate Prayer in Schools


President Gives Civil Rights Plan On Votes And Jobs

C.I.A. Head Finds Cuba Is Training Latin Saboteurs

Airline Dispute Settled By U.S.; Public Sale Due

Manned Space Laboratory Planned After Moon Trip

Rejected Design For U.S. Aircraft Got Top Ratings

President Rejects Charge By Rockefeller on Judges

Justice Bureau Bids U.S. Retain Invention Rights

Printers’ Union And N.Y. Papers Reach An Accord

Celler Charges Rights Politics To Rockefeller

British Wary on Sharing Cost of a Nuclear Fleet

U.S. Opens Talks To Sway Britain To A NATO Fleet

President Says U.S. Must Avert A New Recession

General Motors Wins Acquittal In Trust Action

Federal Reserve Reports Economy Is Standing Still

Rate Of Growth Of U.S. Economy Lags In Quarter

President Urges Wall Of Liberty Encircling Cuba

France Resumes Atom Bomb Tests, Algeria Reports

Kennedy Insists Soviet Keep Out Of The Americas

Atom Fuel Sale to Industry, Ending Monopoly, Urged

Soviet Counters Peking Campaign In Latin America

U.S. Gives Brazil $398,500,000 Loan To Prop Economy

Russia Says U.S. Broke Pledge on Nuclear Checks

Berlin Problem Assessed In Talk By U.S. And Soviet

Engravers’ Union In N.Y. Rejects Terms In Strike

Police Loose a Dog on Negroes’ Group; Minister Is Bitten

Cuba Apologizes For Jets’ Firing At A U.S. Vessel


114-Day Newspaper Strike Ends As Engravers Ratify Contract; Loss Is In Excess Of $190,000,000

British Capture 17 Cuban Exiles And Raiding Boat

7 Steel Concerns Indicted By U.S. In Antitrust Case

S.E.C. Sees ‘Grave’ Market Abuses But No Broad Pattern Of Fraud; Asks New Curbs And Better Data

U.S. Citing Oppenheimer In Move to Clear His Name

Oppenheimer Makes Plea To Ease Science Secrecy

U.S.-British Deal For The Polaris Goes Into Effect

French Interest In Joint A-Force Encourages Risk

Pearson’s Party Wins Plurality In Canada’s Vote

Kennedy Makes Churchill Honorary Citizen

Atom Submarine With 129 Lost In Depths 220 Miles Off Boston; Oil Slick Seen Near Site Of Dive

Hope Abandoned For 129 Aboard Atom Submarine

Dr. King Arrested At Birmingham

Thresher Court Is Told Of Sound Of Ship Breakup

Birmingham Negroes Given Differing Receptions at White Churches

Wagner Submits 3-Billion Budget; Defends Tax Rise

President Urged To Cut Off Funds For Mississippi

Soviet Hints Aid To Truce In Laos; Neutralists Sag

$60,000 S.L.A. Bribery Plot Charged; Indictment Names Chicagoan as Fixer

President Denies That U.S. Pledged 2d Cuba Invasion

Laotian Leftists Capture Airport, Rout Neutralists

New Cease-Fire in Laos; U.S. Weighs a Naval Move

High Court Gives Negro Pilot Right To Job On Airline

U.S. Is Insistent Reds In Laos Quit Seized Territory

3 In C.I.A. Among 21 Released By Cuba

670-Million, 40-Year Waterfront Plan To Alter West Side Is Urged by Mayor

Havana Reports Air Raid; Says the Explosives Failed

City Health Expenditures Up Nearly 50% Since ’59

Advisers Urge U.S. To Find Americans For More U.N. Jobs

High Court Bars Any Segregation In A Courtroom


Lawyer Charges Lefkowitz Plots to Hide S.L.A. Deals

Moscow Parade Salutes Castro; U.S. Is Denounced

500 Are Arrested In Negro Protest At Birmingham

Dogs And Hoses Repulse Negroes At Birmingham

Gov. Rockefeller Marries Mrs. Murphy At Pocantico; Effect On 1964 Is Weighed

Rockefeller and His Bride Fly to Venezuela

Birmingham Jails 1,000 More Negroes

Rioting Negroes Routed By Police At Birmingham

Peace Talks Gain At Birmingham In A Day Of Truce

U.S. Indicts Hoffa in Plot To Fix Jury at His Trial

Birmingham Pact Sets Timetable For Integration

Bombs Touch Off Widespread Riot At Birmingham

U.S. Sends Troops Into Alabama After Riots Sweep Birmingham; Kennedy Alerts State’s Guard

Troops Won’t Go Into Birmingham If Peace Prevails

Rail Board Gives Guide To Settle Dispute On Jobs

Cooper Is Flying Smoothly On, Will Try For At Least 17 Orbits; He Ejects Beacon, Then Sleeps

Cooper Maneuvers To A Bullseye Landing With Manual Control As Automatic Fails; ‘I’m In Fine Shape,’ He Says After 22 Orbits

An Orbital Flight Of Up To 6 Days Being Considered

Kennedy, In South, Hails Negro Drive For Civil Rights

Cooper Gives World a Report on His Flight

Supreme Court Legalizes Sit-ins In Cities Enforcing Segregation; Birmingham’s Schools Drop 1,100

6 Killed in Haiti by Bombs In Anti-Regime Outbreaks

City Roars Big ‘Well Done’ to Cooper

Boutwell Seated In Birmingham; Peace Hopes Rise

Robert Kennedy Consults Negroes Here About North

Kennedy Decides To Renew Effort For Tax Reforms

Air Force Studies Scope Of Mission In Space Program

Supreme Court Prohibits Any Unwarranted Delay In School Desegregation

Kennedy May Ask For Law To Make Stores Integrate

Kennedy at 46: Busy, Cheerful ‘Father of the Year’

Johnson Asks Cooperation Between White and Negro


Pope, In Relapse, Given Last Rites; Hope Abandoned

Gov. Wallace Vows To Defy Injunction And Block Negroes

Pope Weakening In Final Stages Of His Struggle

Pope John XXIII Is Dead At 81, Ending 4 1/2-Year Reign Devoted To Peace And Christian Unity

20 Million Fraud Is Laid To Hoffa In U.S. Indictment

Wallace Ordered Not to Bar Negroes From Alabama U.

President Says Racial Barriers Imperil Schools

Protest by St. Louis Negroes Blocks School Buses

Civil Rights Conciliation Is Pressed in Senate Bill

Alabama Guardsmen In Tuscaloosa as Wallace Plans to Defy U.S. Court

Kennedy Asks Break In Cold War; New Atom Parley Set In Moscow; U.S. To Forgo Atmospheric Tests

Alabama Admits Negro Students; Wallace Bows To Federal Force; Kennedy Sees ‘Moral Crisis’ In U.S.

N.A.A.C.P. Leader Slain In Jackson; Protests Mount

Jackson Negroes Clubbed As Police Quell Marchers

Soviet Launches 5th Astronaut; 6th May Join Him

27 Are Arrested In Jackson After Evers Rite

Soviet Orbits Woman Astronaut Near Bykovsky For Dual Flight; They Talk By Radio, Are Put On TV

Supreme Court, 8 To 1, Prohibits Lord’s Prayer And Bible Reading As Public School Requirements

State Calling on Schools To End Racial Imbalance

Kennedy Asks Broad Rights Bill As ‘Reasonable’ Course In Crisis; Calls For Restraint By Negroes

Police Ask Calm In Race Protests

Cardinal Montini Elected Pope; Liberal, 65, Will Reign As Paul VI; Likely To Continue John’s Work

Negroes Inform Kennedy Of Plan For New Protests

Congress To Open Civil Rights Fight With 2 Hearings

Russell Asserts Kennedy Fosters Negro Marches

Kennedy Urges ‘Cohesive Europe’ In Equal Partnership With U.S.; Mixed Atomic Force Is Deferred

President Hailed By Over A Million In Visit To Berlin

Governor Speeds Projects To Open Jobs To Negroes

Kennedy Praises Ireland As Model To Small Nations

Moscow Orders Peking To Recall 5 As Undesirable


Paul VI Crowned in Ancient Splendor

F.B.I. Photos Show Meeting of Soviet Diplomat and C.I.A. Employe

4 Seized By F.B.I. As Soviet Spies; One On U.N. Staff

Racial Job Clash Erupts In Jersey

Dr. Blake Among 284 Held in Racial Rally in Maryland

Racial Sit-In Blocks Main Headquarters Of Education Board

Khrushchev Aim For U.S. Accord Seen By Envoys

7 Killed as Jet Hits A Day Camp

U.S. Freezes Cuban Assets In Move to Bar Subversion

President Asks Rail Men To Let Goldberg Decide; Unions’ Rejection Likely

Kennedy Averts Rail Strike Now; Will Bid Congress Act By July 29 After New Panel Studies Issues

Five Whites Shot In Cambridge, MD; Guard In Control

Barnett Charges Kennedy’s Assist Red Racial Plot

Russians Charge China Is Barring Paths To Peace

Neo-Nazis Seized With Arms Cache In Bronx Dispute

Wallace Asserts Air Force Offers Aid To Race Riots

M’Namara Limits Racial Protests By Men In Service

S.E.C. Study Says Stock Exchange Is Remiss In Guarding Investors; Asks Abolition Of ‘Floor Trading’

President Proposes Tax On Investments Abroad To Ease Drain On Dollar

Khrushchev Proposes Exchange Of Observers To Prevent Attack; Suggests Troop Cuts In Germany

Talks On Atom Test Ban Reach Tentative Accord; China-Soviet Parley Ends

Kennedy Alerts Senate Leaders On Test Ban Pact

Kennedy Asks I.C.C. Power To Referee Rail Dispute In 2-Year No-Strike Plan

Pact Is Reached For Racial Peace In Cambridge, Md.

5 Racial Pickets Here Get 30-to-60-Day Jail Terms

U.S., Soviet And Britain Reach Atom Accord That Bars All But Underground Tests; See Major Step Toward Easing Tension

Kennedy And Khrushchev Call Pact A Step To Peace But Not A War Preventive

Sweeping Inquiry On U.S. Research Pushed In House

Negroes To Push Picketing In City In Drive For Jobs

De Gaulle Rejects Role In Atomic Test Ban Pact And Non Aggression Talks

Asian Red Moves Stir U.S. Concern


Near-Riot Flares In Race Protest At Project Here

7 Pickets Seized For Blockading Governor’s Door

U.S. Tells U.N. It Will Halt Arms Sale to South Africa

Army Abandons Troop Rotation Without Families

U.S. Gets Secrets Of Crime Network From Gang Figure

Test Ban Treaty Signed In Moscow; Leaders Rejoice

Negroes Call Off Brooklyn Pickets As Governor Acts

2d Son Born to Kennedys; Has Lung Illness

Study For S.E.C. Charges Contract Mutual Funds With Victimizing Buyers

U.S. Panel Indicts 9 In Integration Unit For Picketing Juror

U.S. Agency Rules 6 Companies Rig Antibiotic Prices

New York’s Racial Unrest: Negroes’ Anger Mounting

Rockefeller Plans 2 Primary Races In 1964 Campaign

City Rights Panel Summons Unions To Racial Inquiry

Peking Declares Moscow Reneged On Atom Bomb Aid

2 More Buddhists Suicides by Burning In Vietnam Protest

U.S. And Russia Agree To Share Satellite Data

Professors Quit Over Saigon Move

Turkey Rounds Up ‘Leftist’ Leaders After Coup Trial

Talk Fails To End Integration Issue In City’s Schools

Crisis In South Vietnam Deepens As Diem’s Forces Raid Pagodas; U.S. Sees Its Troop Endangered

City Schools End Reading Of Bible

Two Versions of the Crisis in Vietnam; One Lays Plot to Nhu, Other to Army

Kennedy Decries House Aid Slash As Irresponsible

Nhu Declares Americans Are Deceived By Buddhists

Civil Rights Leaders Urge Proud and Orderly March

Vietnam’s Army Absolved By U.S. In Pagoda Raids

Capital Is Ready For March Today; 100,000 Expected

200,000 March For Civil Rights In Orderly Washington Rally; President Sees Gain For Negro

Lodge Refuses to Give Up Buddhists in U.S. Mission

‘Hot Line’ Opened By U.S. and Soviet To Cut Attack Risk


U.S. Emphasizing Use Of Diplomacy In Vietnam Crisis

Police Riders and Tear Gas Rout Louisiana Negroes

Kennedy Warns Buddhist Dispute Imperils Vietnam

U.S. Ready To Use Troops If Needed In Alabama Crisis

Bombing Sets off Birmingham Riot; One Dead, 18 Hurt

Birmingham Shuts Schools Scheduled for Integration

Wallace Closes 4 More Schools Due To Integrate

Saigon Arrests 800 Teen-Agers Staging Protest

Vietnam’s Pagoda Riders Reported on C.I.A. Payroll

Kennedy Says Red Threat Bars Saigon Aid Cut Now

Wallace Ends Resistance As Guard Is Federalized; More Schools Integrate

Goldwater Charges Kennedy Is Heading To Socialized State

Kennedy Calls War Effort Key to Policy on Vietnam

Colleges To Cut Student Loans; U.S. Fund Drained

Quintuplets Born to Dakota Mother of Five

Birmingham Bomb Kills 4 Negro Girls In Church; Riots Flare; 2 Boys Slain

Kennedy Decries Racial Bombings; Impugns Wallace

Vinson Asks Curb On Military Drive To End Color Line

Rockefeller Choice Of Hoffa for 1964

Soviet Proposes Summit Meeting On Arms In 1964

Kennedy Asks Joint Moon Flight By U.S. And Soviet As Peace Step; Urges New Accords In U.N. Speech

Pope Offers More Powers to Bishops In Move to Broaden Control of Church

Rallies In Nation Protest Killing Of 6 In Alabama

Kennedy Says Birmingham Can Solve Own Problems

Atom Treaty Is Approved By 80-19 Vote In Senate; Kennedy Sees Peace Again

Tax Cut Is Voted By House, 271-155; G.O.P. Plan Loses

U.S. Security Aide Accused of Passing Secrets to Senate

Valachi Accuses Mafia’s Leaders At Senate Inquiry

Pakistan to Receive 70-Million U.S. Loan Despite Tie to China

Alabama Seizes Two In Bombings In Birmingham


Alabama Surprises F.B.I. By 2 Arrests in Bombings

Racketeers Said to Drain Millions in Liquor Profits

Vietnam Victory By The End Of ’65 Envisaged By U.S.

Big 3’s Foreign Ministers Agree In Principle To Ban Orbiting Of Atomic Arms

C.I.A. Saigon Aide Reported Called To See President

Rusk Condemns Attack In Saigon On U.S. Newsmen

Violence in Saigon Renews U.S. Debate On Vietnam Policy

Haiti Storm Dead May Total 4,000; Cuba Is Hit Again

Senate Unit, 14-3, Bars Color Line In Serving Public

Giant Dam Falls In Italy; Hundreds Reported Dead As Water Engulfs Towns

Italian Flood Dead Pass 2,000 In Razed Villages Below Dam

U.S. Protests To Russians As Their Armor Holds Up Army Convoy Near Berlin

Russian Yield, Let U.S. Convoy Pass Into Berlin

Civil Rights Bill At Crucial Point; Scope Is Debated

Pan Am and T.W.A. Order Supersonic Planes in U.S.

Resolution to Bar Weapons in Space Presented to U.N.

House Prospects For A Rights Vote Appear Brighter

MacMillan Post Reported Going To Earl Of Home

Lord Home Named Leader, But His Tory Rivals Deter Effort To From A Cabinet

Lord Home Ends Revolt In Party; Takes Command

Lord Home Gives Posts In Cabinet To Three Rivals

Senate Votes 1.9 Billion For College Construction

House Unit Balks Moves To Soften Civil Rights Bill

President Joins Drive To Soften Civil Rights Bill

Stevenson Booed and Hit By Dallas Demonstrators

Dallas Leaders Apologize To Stevenson for ‘Outrage’

Soviet Bars Race With U.S. To Land Men On The Moon

Preferment for Negroes Is Sought by Board Here

Wagner Says City Has Not Discussed Negro Preferment

Jersey Engineer and Russian Arrested In Spy Case Involving Air Force Data

3 At U.N. Ousted In Soviet Spy Case


62 Dead and Hundreds Hurt In Blast at Indiana Ice Show

Rebels In Vietnam Oust Diem, Report Him And Nhu Suicides; Sharper Fight On Reds Vowed

Diem And Nhu Are Reported Slain; Army Ruling Saigon After Coup; Kennedy Reviews Vietnam Policy

Officer Who Led Diem-Nhu Force Reported Slain

Wagner Planning 1964 Senate Race Against Keating

Off-Track Betting Endorsed, 3-1; Aldrich, O’Dwyer Win For Council; Jersey Voters Defeat Bond Issue

Teamsters Demand 600 Million Raise In 3-Year Contract

U.S. Recognizes Regime In Saigon; Talks On Aid Set

Kennedy And Rusk Battle To Save Foreign Aid Bill; Win A Major Senate Test

U.S. Will Resume Key Aid Program In South Vietnam

Pope, in Warm Plea, Asks Understanding of His Role

President Honors War Dead at Tomb; Son Is With Him

Yale Professor Seized In Soviet On Spy Charges

Haiti Meat Concern Still Paying Baker For Aid on Exports

President Denies Barghoorn Is Spy; Demands Release

Kennedy Calls Jobs Vital, Outranking Civil Rights

Soviet, Heeding Kennedy, Releases Yale Professor But Insists He Was A Spy

Barghoorn Home, Seeks A Mystery In Soviet Arrest

President Denies Democrats Seek To ‘Soak The Rich’

Negroes Join Eisenhower To Rededicate Gettysburg

Air Force Is Given Wider Space Role In Pentagon Shift

Kennedy Pledges Space Advances; Opens Texas Tour

Kennedy Is Killed By Sniper As He Rides In Car In Dallas; Johnson Sworn In On Plane

Kennedy’s Body Lies In White House; Johnson At Helm With Wide Backing; Police Say Prisoner Is The Assassin

President’s Assassin Shot To Death In Jail Corridor By A Dallas Citizen; Grieving Throngs View Kennedy Bier

Kennedy Laid To Rest In Arlington; Hushed Nation Watches And Grieves; World Leaders Pay Tribute At Grave

Stock Market Up $15 Billion On Record Day

Johnson Bids Congress Enact Civil Rights Bill With Speed; Asks End Of Hate And Violence

Johnson’s Thanksgiving Address Asks Nation To ‘Banish Rancor’ And Move On To ‘New Greatness’

Johnson Names A 7-Man Panel To Investigate Assassination; Chief Justice Warren Heads It


Russians Aiding Oswald Inquiry; Turn Over Files

N.A.A.C.P. to Ask Voters To Purge Civil Rights Foes

U.S. Renews Call To Soviet To Join In Moon Venture

Hero’s Meal Given Secret Service Man For Dallas Bravery

Pope Will Visit Holy Land In January To Aid Peace; Liturgy Reform Is Voted

Warren Inquiry In Assassination Begins Its Work

Oswald Linked To A Shot Fired At Gen. Walker

F.B.I. Gets Oswald Letters Sent to Pro-Castro Group

81 On Jet Killed In Flaming Crash Near Elkton, MD.

Oswald Assassin Beyond A Doubt, F.B.I. Concludes

Congress Votes $1.2 Billion To Aid College Building

Sinatra Jr. Freed Unhurt; $240,000 Paid by Father

Cambodia Recalls Envoy; Break With U.S. Expected

Senate Unit Votes A 50% Tax Ceiling For High Incomes

3 in Jail in Sinatra Case; $233,855 Ransom Found

Pentagon Plans Radio Satellites As Strategic Link

U.S. Revises Rules On Shipping To Cut Trade With Cuba

Johnson, At U.N., Urges Settlement Of Cold War And Global Aid To Needy

Johnson Sets Up Top U.S. Position On Latin Affairs

McNamara Opens Inquiry In Vietnam on War Crisis

U.S. Drops Plans For 1965 Recall Of Vietnam Force

Vietnam’s Forces Revise Strategy; Kill 20 In Ambush

1,000 Abandon Burning Cruise Ship, Taking To Lifeboats In Atlantic; Many Picked Up By Rescue Craft

877 From Burned Liner Rescued; 24 Known To Be Dead, 135 Missing As Ships Press Atlantic Search

Johnson Upheld By House On Credit Sales To Reds; $3 Billion Aid Bill Voted

New Strategic Bomber Gains Favor in Pentagon

Grain Talks Gain As U.S. Licenses 2 Sales To Soviet

Sofia Mob Stones The U.S. Legation Over Spy Charges

President To Ask Rise In Spending For Human Needs

Florida Hotel Fire Kills 21 As Smoke Traps Victims

3,500 U.S. Airmen Serving In Japan To Be Withdrawn

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