1962: NEW YORK TIMES (361)


Pledges Of Peace Made By Kennedy And Khrushchev

President Finds Deficit Spending Aids New Budget

President Begins Review Of Plans To Reshape Army

Governor Outlines Plans For New Social Benefits; Asks $1.25 Minimum Wage

First Automated Subway Train Starts Run

S.E.C. Finds Many Abuses In the American Exchange

Kennedy to Ask 50 Million To Combat Adult Illiteracy

House Coalition Menaces Kennedy Bills in 2d Session

President Briefs Parties’ Leaders On Defense Needs

Kennedy Expected to Ask Increase in Debt Ceiling

U.N. Believe Mercenaries Are Still Entering Katanga

Kennedy Asks New Tariff Power And Right To Cut Taxes In Slump; State Of Union Talk Is Confident

Merger Of Pennsylvania And New York Central Is Approved By Directors

Budget Will Ask 5.5 Billion Total For Space Effort

Kennedy Faces Hard Fight By G.O.P. on U.N. Bonds

Builders To Halt 80% Of Work Here In Electric Tie-Up

Balaguer Quits As Chief After Dominican Rioting; New Junta Takes Power

U.S. Is Considering Pressure To Oust Dominican Junta

Kennedy’s Budget Is 92.5 Billions; 463 Million Surplus Estimated; Continued Gains In Economy Seen

M’Namara Vows To Counter Reds In All Aggression

Robert Kennedy Gets Invitation To Visit Moscow

Governor Drafts Bill To Give City Control Of Rent

President Finds Economy Gaining Under His Policy; Calls For Faster Growth

U.S. Is Advancing Plan To Suspend Cuba From O.A.S.

7 Nations In O.A.S. Resist Sanctions, But Assail Cuba

Kennedy Asks Tariff Cut And Gives Plan To Adjust Economy To Import Rises

Glenn Scheduled to Orbit Earth Today; Notes Risk but Asks Backing for Project

Glenn’s Orbiting Foiled By Clouds, 75,000 At Scene

Ranger Crosses Path Of The Moon; TV Attempt Fails

O.A.S. In Impasse Over Cuba Action; Showdown Near

O.A.S. Votes To Deny Cuba Any Inter-American Role; Prohibits Trade In Arms


Kennedy Asks For Inquiry On ‘Excessive’ Stockpile; He Hints At Profiteering

Robert Kennedy Begins One-Month Goodwill Trip Around World

U.S. Ready To Ban All Cuban Goods; Rusk Hails Talks

President Orders A Total Embargo On Cuban Imports

Wagner Accuses State Of Causing Tax Rise Threat

Kennedy To Ask Wide Ownership Of TV Satellites

Spiritual Key Is Hunted By Some in Soviet Science

Pentagon Assails Quizzing Of Marines on ‘Cold War’

Pentagon Sets Up Vietnam Command Under A General

Powers Is Freed By Soviet In An Exchange For Abel; U-2 Pilot On Way To U.S.

Powers Is Flown To U.S. After Exchange For Abel; Secrecy Marks Spy Trade

Powers to Face Inquiry by the C.I.A. 

Javits Declares G.O.P. Right Wing Is Peril To Party

Cuban Sugar Sale To Red Bloc Is Cut

Kennedy Denies Secrecy On Vietnam Is Excessive

Rockefeller Asserts President Violates Civil Rights Pledge

1.400 College Students Converge on Washington to Picket for Peace

McCone Picks Career Man To Head C.I.A. Planning

Robert Kennedy Assures Vietnam

Algerian Rebels And French Agree On Truce Terms

Glenn Orbits Earth 3 Times Safely; Picked Up In Capsule By Destroyer; President Will Greet Him In Florida

Kennedy Backs Joint Space Work In Reply To A Bid By Khrushchev; Will Offer ‘Immediate Projects’

U.S. Rejects Bids By Soviet On Atom And Arms Summit

Glenn Is Decorated By President As 100,000 Hail Him At Canaveral; Tells Of His Anxiety At Re-Entry

A.F.L.-C.I.O. Calls President ‘Timid’ In Policy On Jobs

State Bids City Create A Bureau To Build Schools

Two Planes Bomb Palace In Saigon; Diem Keeps Rule

Soviet Warns U.S. Action In Vietnam Is Peril To Peace


Kennedy Decides to Renew Atom Tests in Atmosphere

City Turns Out For Glenn; Parade In Paper Blizzard ‘Overwhelms’ Astronaut

Kennedy Sets Atom Tests In Atmosphere For April Unless Soviet Signs A Ban

Kennedy’s Satellite Bill Is Resisted in Congress

Mayor Planning Sale Of Bus Line After Seizing It

Bus Strike Ends In Westchester, But Goes On Here

Senators Praise Powers And Back C.I.A. Vindication

Storm Hits Coast 2d Day; 27 Dead, Damage Heavy

U.S. ‘Copters Help In Vietnam Raid

Pool of Reserves Ordered For Emergency Call-Ups

Mrs. Kennedy Receives a Warm Greeting in Rome

President’s Wife Received By Pope

Mrs. Kennedy Gets A Festive Welcome On Arrival in India

Kennedy Pledges Speed In Applying Any Arms Accord

Arms Talks Open As Gromyko Says ‘No’ To Inspection

107 on U.S. Plane Lost Over Pacific; 93 Soldiers Aboard on Way to Vietnam

Khrushchev Cautions U.S. ‘Global’ Rockets Render Warning Systems Useless

Soviets Requests U.S. To Pull Out Of South Vietnam

Algerian Cease-Fire Is Signed; De Gaulle Bids France Back It; Salan Appeals For Resistance

Algerian Truce Enforced By French Despite Strike Ordered By Secret Army

Frondizi Agrees To Form Coalition With Military; Peronists Will Be Barred

City Seizes Buses; Full Service Due 6 A.M. Saturday

Argentina Faces Military Rule; Peronists Strike

French Planes And Tanks Strike Back As Rightists Attack Army In Algiers

5th Avenue Lines Seek Men To Fill Jobs Of Strikers

Argentine Navy Insists Frondizi Quit Presidency

Supreme Court Gives U.S. Judges Voice In States’ Reapportioning; Urban-Rural Struggle At Issue

Catholics End Segregation At Schools in New Orleans

Frondizi Deposed In Coup By Military In Argentina; Senate Head Is Successor

Frondizi Jailed; Military To Let Guido Take Over

Appellate Court Voids Bus Seizures On Lack Of Notice


Boston Transit Taken Over By State in Wildcat Strike

U.S. Moves To Spur Atom Power Plan Of World Agency

Bill Lets President Choose How to Make Loan to U.N.

Missile Profits Pyramided, Senate Investigators Hear

44% Nike Profit Charged; Douglas Aircraft Denies It

Kennedy Transport Plan; Rate Cuts, Less Control, U.S. Aid To City Systems

President Seeks Wider Self-Rule In Virgin Islands

Cuba Frees 7 U.S. Divers; Treats Them as ‘Guests’

Algeria Truce Is Ratified By 90% Of Vote In France In Setback For Rightists

Teachers Vote To Defer School Strike For A Day; Mayor Orders Aid Study

U.S. Steel Raises Price $6 A Ton; Kennedy Angered, Sees Affront; Two Investigations Are Ordered

Union Bids Teachers Halt Strike; Complies With Injunction Order After Walkout Cripples Schools

State-City Fund Accord Breaks School Impasse After Teachers Return

Steel Gives In, Rescinds Rises Under Pressure By President; He Says Decision Serves Nation

Victory On Steel Expected To Spur Kennedy Policies

Marine ‘Copters Land In Vietnam

Kennedy Decides To Ease Pressure On Steel Industry

Blough Pays Call On The President; Has ‘Useful’ Talk

House Votes Defense Bill That Provides 47 Billion

B-52 Fires Skybolt Missile In First Air Test of Weapon

Salan Is Seized In Algiers, Flown To Paris For Trial; Moslems To Police Cities

Salan Is Indicted; Lays Terrorism To ‘Insane’ Aides

Publishers Find Kennedy At Peak Of His Popularity

Moon Rocket Is Launched But Fails to Transmit Data

Kennedy Orders A-Testing In Air In Next Few Days

U.S. Opens A-Tests In Air With Blast Of Medium Yield

U.S. Steel And Bethlehem Indicted As Price Fixers; Defense Orders Involved

2 Atomic Devices Exploded By U.S., One Underground

Mayor Rules Out Governor Race; Decision ‘Final’

H-Test May Erase Radiation Belt


U.S. May Forgo A-Testing In Air After Present Series

Educational TV Gets Federal Aid

A.M.A. Head Scores Kennedy’s Tactics

Kennedy Orders A Production Cut In Atom Weapons

4th A-Blast Fired In New U.S. Series

U.S. To Give NATO Five Submarines Carrying Polaris

U.S. Putting Ships Off Asia As Floating Arms Depots

Mansfield Offers Petition To Force Civil Rights Vote

U.S. Moves to Integrate Federally Aided Hospitals

Senate Rejects Bid For Closure; Rights Bill Dead

Eisenhower Says Kennedy Seeks Too Much Power

U.S., Shifting Laos Policy, Writes Off Routed Army; Plans Asian Fleet Moves

U.S. Ships And 1,800 Marines On Way To Indochina Area; Laos Decrees Emergency

Drivers On Strike At United Parcel; Service Is Halted

Senate Rejects New Move To End Debate On Rights

U.S. Orders 4,000 Troops To Thailand As Russians Back A Cease-Fire In Laos

U.S. Sues to Desegregate Voting Booths in Georgia

U.S. Units in Thailand Get Orders Not to Enter Laos

U.S. Indicts Hoffa And Trucking Line In $1,000,000 Deal

Mercury Hits 99 For Hottest Day In 5 Years Here

Kennedy Exhorts Public To Support Medical Care Bill

A.M.A. Rebuttal To Kennedy Sees Aged Care ‘Hoax’

4.6 Billion Voted By Senate Panel For Foreign Aid

Estes Is Silent On His Finances In Court Hearing

Carpenter Orbits Earth 3 Times Safely, But Overshoots Landing Area 250 Miles; Fate In Doubt An Hour, He Is Found In Raft

A.F.L.-C.I.O. To Open A National Drive For 35-Hour Work Week

Error by Carpenter Made Craft Use Too Much Fuel

Pro-Reds Menace Laos Border Post In Renewed Drive

Stock Prices Dive In Sharpest Loss Since 1929 Break

50 Vietnam Planes Bomb And Burn Guerrilla Base

U.S. Pays Homage To Its War Dead Here And Abroad


Eichmann Dies on Gallows For Role in Killing of Jews

Fall-Out Hazards To Health ‘Small,’ U.S. Study Asserts

Accountant Took Estes’ Own Word On His Finances

121 In Atlanta Art Group Killed As Jet Airliner Crashes At Paris; 9 Others Dead, 2 In Crew Survive

H-Bomb Destroyed in Air After Rocket’s Radio Fails

Jouhaud Appeals For Secret Army To End Terrorism

Senate Bans Aid To Red Nations; Rebuffs Kennedy

Kennedy Pledges To Push Tax Cuts Effective Jan. 1

Jury Sifts Story Of Bribe To Sell Parking Meters

Berlin Shootings Protested By U.S. As Lawless Acts

Pentagon To Take Major Space Role To Balk Russians

Kennedy and Blough Meet In Parley on Gold Outflow

U.N. Forced to Borrow 2 Million to Meet Bills

Nehru Hints India Will Accept MIG’s And Soviet Plant

Thirty Are Arrested in Plot Against de Gaulle’s Life as He Begins Tour

Terrorists Bomb Algiers City Hall And Big Hospital

Keogh Convicted With Two Others In Court Fix Case

Secret Army Orders Halt To Terrorism In Algeria; Moslems Pledge Amnesty

High Court Curbs Federal Powers To Enjoin Strikes

Flight Engineers Hold Up Walkout To Study U.S. Plan

West Berlin Acts To Guard Police From East’s Fire

Farm Bill Beaten In House, 215-205; Blow To Kennedy

Eisenhower Says Kennedy Course Upsets Economy

Kennedy Calls Air Tie-Up ‘Height of Irresponsibility’

New Laos Minister Scores U.S. on Troops in Thailand

Supreme Court Outlaws Official School Prayers In Regents Case Decision

Both Houses Get Bills To Lift Ban On School Prayer

President Urges Court Be Backed On Prayer Issue

House Passes Trade Bill; G.O.P. Aids In 298-125 Vote; President Hails Victory

Mexico Acclaims Kennedy On Visit; 1,000,000 Cheer


Federal Deficit Put At 7 Billion As Fiscal ’62 Ends

Kennedy Orders 1,000 U.S. Marines To Quit Thailand

U.S. Cotton Report Accuses Brokers Of Illegal Buying

Foreign Sugar Lobbyists Target of a Senate Inquiry

White House Drafts A Plan to Diversify Dominicans’ Crops

Dominican Sugar Backed In Senate

Hydrogen Explosion Set Off Underground in Nevada

Blast Detection Of Atomic Tests Improved By U.S.

Impact on TV on Children To Be Evaluated by U.S.

Hydrogen Blast Fired 200 Miles Above The Pacific

Satellite In Orbit Beams TV From U.S. To Europe; Pictures Clear In France

Business Taxes Are Cut 1.5 Billion By Treasury; Dividend-Levy Plan Fails

House Supports Kennedy’s Power To Aid Red Lands

M.C.A. Is Accused In Antitrust Suit Of Dominating TV

Kennedy Studies Rise In Spending To Spur Economy

‘Copter With 5 Americans Downed by Vietnam Reds

Pentagon Plans New Cuts To Stem the Dollar Drain

Medical Care Bill Killed By 52-To-48 Senate Vote; Kennedy Vows Fight In ’63

Conferees Grant Kennedy Leeway To Aid Red Lands

U.S. Assails Coup In Peru And Halts Its Aid Program

World Court Upholds U.N. On Assessing Of Members For Cost Of Peace Forces

Negroes Defy Ban, March In Georgia

55 Arrested at Fascist Rally in Trafalgar Square

President Urges Voters To Reject Policies Of G.O.P.

3.7 Billion Space Budget Is Approved by Congress

Algeria Nears Civil War; Ben Bella Backers Seize 2 Regions In Brief Battle

Sheriff Harasses Negroes At Voting Rally in Georgia

Dr. King Is Jailed Again at Prayer Rally in Georgia

Negro Lawyer Is Beaten, 37 Arrested in Albany, Ga.

Project Apollo: Man’s Race for Moon

Apollo: Astronauts Will Learn Make-Up of Moon


Apollo: Learning to Live in Space

President Says Georgia Impasse Is ‘Inexplicable’

Keogh Sentenced To 2-Year Term for Conspiracy

Rockefeller Calls For Wide Inquiry On Rent Charges

Massive Aid Plan Shaped To Induce Unity in Congo

Marilyn Monroe Dead, Pills Near

Nation Loves Music, Kennedy Tells Youth Concert on White House Lawn

Red China’s People Found In Despair Over Economy

U.S. Intervenes On Negroes’ Side In Georgia Case

U.S. Tightening Testing Of Drugs On Human Beings

Dr. King Set Free After Conviction

Third Russian Orbiting The Earth In Flight Expected To Set Record; Soviet Watches Him On TV Screen

Two Soviet Space Craft Circling Earth In Adjacent Orbits After New Launching; Pilots Keep In Touch By Sight And Radio

Soviet Pilots Spin On In Orbit; One Has Flown Million Miles; He Is Tired But Still Efficient

Astronauts Down Six Minutes Apart; Both ‘Feeling Fine’

Dutch Sign Pact Giving Indonesia New Guinea Rule

Malinovsky Says Space Trips Show Military Power

Senate Votes Satellite Bill By 66-11 After Long Fight

White House Urged To Use Compulsion In Negro Job Drive

Hungarian Chief Ousts 25 In Purge Of Pro-Stalinists

West Berliners Fight Own Police In Riots At Wall

Vietnam Conflict Seen At Impasse

Soviet Drops Berlin Post In Four-Power Command; Kennedy ‘Hopes’ For Talk

3 Allies Reject Any Soviet Curb On Berlin Rights

Russians Step Up Flow Of Arms Aid To Castro Regime

Scientists Fear New Laws May Curb Drug Research

U.S. Fires Probe To Pass By Venus In 109-Day Flight

Venus Probe Is Believed Succeeding

Moscow Rejects U.S. British Plans On Nuclear Tests

Justice Frankfurter Retires; Kennedy Hails 23-Year Service, Names Goldberg As Successor

North Western Is Tied Up By Nine-State Rail Strike


Boats Off Cuba Fire At U.S. Navy Plane; Havana Cautioned

Belt Of Radiation From Atom Test Above Estimates

3,000 Are Killed in Iran’s Worst Quake; Thousands Hurt and 200 Towns Leveled

Iran’s Quake Casualties Put at 20,000

Kennedy Pledges Any Steps To Bar Cuban Aggression

Russians Score U-2 Note; Call the Flight Aggressive

Buckley Winner In Close Primary; Ballots Seized

President Seeks Right To Call Up 150,000 Reserves

Congress Speeds Action On Power To Call Reserves

2 Negro Churches Burned in Georgia; F.B.I. Men Attacked

New Space Belt Forcing Revision In A-Test Series

Soviet Says A U.S. Attack On Cuba Would Mean War; Proposes Delay On Berlin

Kennedy Asserts Nation Must Lead In Probing Space

Kennedy Hits At War Talk; Sees No Cuba Threat Now, Says U.S. Would Crush One

Soviet Says Kennedy Stand Does Not Bar Cuba Attack

2 Russians At U.N. Accused As Spies; Both Discharged

Soviet Expected To Act On Berlin Before End Of ’62

Morgenthau Nominated To Oppose Rockefeller Victor On Second Ballot

Democrats name Dudely, A Negro, To State Ticket; Donovan To Oppose Javits

‘Bold New’ Trade Bill Wins; President Warns Aid Cut Is Threat To Fee World

Negro Rejected At Mississippi U; U.S. Seeks Writs

3 Acquitted of Contempt In Mississippi U. Dispute

Military Insurgents Win Battle For Buenos Aires; Jets And Tanks Rake City

U.S. Plane With 76 Ditches In Ocean; At Least 42 Saved

U. Of Mississippi Bows And Agrees To Accept Negro

U.S. Is Prepared To Send Troops As Mississippi Governor Defies Court And Bars Negro Student

Barnett Aide, In Scuffles, Bars Negro From U. Of Mississippi; Governor Rejects Court Notice

U.S., To Avert violence, Calls Off New Effort To Enroll Meredith; Sends Hundreds More Marshals

Gov. Barnett, In Contempt, Faces Arrest And Fine Of $10,000 A Day Unless He Obeys U.S. By Tuesday

Kennedy Federalizes Mississippi’s Guard; Mobilizes Troops, Orders State To Yield; Addresses Nation Today On Racial Crisis


Negro At Mississippi U. As Barnett Yields; 3 Dead In Campus Riot, 6 Marshals Shot; Guardsmen Move In; Kennedy Makes Plea

3,000 Troops Put Down Mississippi Rioting And Seize 200 As Negro Attends Classes; Ex.Gen. Walker Is held For Insurrection

Barnett Contempt Case Put Off, Court Clears University’s Aides; Campus Calm, 3,500 Troops Leave

21 killed, 95 Hurt In Blast In Uptown Phone Center; Boiler Wrecks Cafeteria

Flight by Schirra Viewed as Proving Pilots’ Space Role

Spellman Unhurt as Bomb Damages Residence Here

Mississippi Vetoes Inquiry Into Violence at University

West To Protest Berlin Red Curb On Allied Access

Cuban President Bids U.N. Condemn ‘Blockade’ By U.S.

Meredith Charges Army Segregated Oxford Force

Talk On Captives Hits Snag In Cuba; Release Delayed

Pope Opens Ecumanical Council With A Call For Christian Unity; 2,700 Of Hierarchy In St. Peter’s

Kennedy Aids State Tickets In Tours of City and Jersey

George Woods Is Chosen To Head the World Bank

Record 3,442,410 Qualified To Vote In Election Here

Eisenhower Calls President Weak On Foreign Policy

U.S. To Sell Paris Atom Submarine In Shift Of Policy

Khrushchev Trip To U.S. Expected Within 2 Months

Federal Reserve Eases Bank Loans To Spur Economy

Kennedy’s Aides Predict Economy Will Gain Speed

Chinese Push Indians Back In Heavy Border Fighting; Take Outposts On 2 Fronts

Capital’s Crisis Air Hints At Development On Cuba; Kennedy TV Talk Is Likely

U.S. Imposes Arms Blockade On Cuba On Finding Offensive-Missile Sites; Kennedy Ready For Soviet Showdown

Soviet Challenges U.S. Right To Blockade; Interceptions Of 25 Russian Ships Ordered; Cuba Quarantined Backed By United O.A.S.

Some Soviet Ships Said To Veer From Cuba; Khrushchev Suggests A Summit Meeting; Thant Bids U.S. And Russia Desist 2 Weeks

Kennedy Agrees To Talks On Thant Plan, Khrushchev Accepts It; Blockade Goes On; Russian Tanker Intercepted And Cleared

U.S. Finds Cuba Speeding Build-Up Of Bases, Warns Of Further Action; U.N. Talks Open; Soviet Agrees To Shun Blockade Zone Now

U.S. Gets Soviet Offer To End Cuba Bases, Rejects Bid To Link It To Those In Turkey; U-2 Lost On Patrol, Other Craft Fired On

U.S. And Soviet Reach Accord On Cuba; Kennedy Accepts Khrushchev Pledge To Remove Missiles Under U.N. Watch

Thant’s Cuba Talks ‘Fruitful’; He Will Fly To Havana Today; Blockade Halted During Trip

Thant Opens Talks With Castro On Verifying Missiles’ Removal; U.S. Halts Surveillance From Air


Castro Is Balking At Inspection; Missile Removal On, U.N. Hears; U.S. Renews Air-Sea Watch Today

Castro Refuses Any Inspections, Says Rockets Are Being Removed; Thant Has A Plan; Mikoyan Here

Kennedy Finds Progress On Cuba, But Insists Aerial Watch Go On Pending An International Check

Kennedy Insists On Ground Check Of Cuba Missiles

U.S. Closes Series Of A-Tests In Air; Urges World Ban

U.S. Says Soviet Fails To Remvoe Bombers In Cuba

Rockefeller, Javits And Levitt Win; Nixon Appears Defeated; Ribicoff In; Democrats keep Congress Strength

Gain For Kennedy Program Seen In Results Of Congress Election; Nixon Bitter In Conceding Defeat

U.S. Finds Bases In Cuba Stripped, Missiles On Ships

Navy Intercepts 5 Soviet Vessels In Missile Check

Capital Believes Most Of Missiles Are Out Of Cuba

U.S. Negotiators On Cuba Will See President Today

Kennedy Studies Strategy On Cuba With Chief Aides

7.8 Billion Deficit Is Now Forseen By Budget Bureau

Liquor Authority Studied By Hogan; Chairman Called

Cuba Threatens To Down Planes Of U.S. Air Watch

Mississippi Jury Says U.S. Marshal Touched Off Riot

3 Cubans Seized With Arms Here In Sabotage Plot

State Is Opening Its Own Inquiry On Liquor Agency

Castro Agrees Not To Bar Removal Of Russian Jets; Says Moscow Must Decide

Kennedy Lifts Blockade Of Cuba After Khrushchev Gives Pledge To Take Out Bombers In 30 Days

Fight On Border Halted, Nehru Tells Parliament; China Reports Cease-Fire

U.S. Gears Policy to Peril Of a Full China-India War

National Security Council Meeting About Cuba Held on Cape Cod

Pentagon Grants Big Jet Contract To Two Concerns

De Gaulle Bloc Wins Assembly By Solid Margin

Mikoyan Confers With 3 U.S. Aides On Cuban Issues

All 97 on U.S. Bound Jet Are Killed in Peru Crash

Rail Unions Lose U.S. Court Appeal Against Job Cuts

200 Labor Chiefs Order Picketing To Back Drivers


25 Are Killed, 25 Rescued As DC-7 Crashes And Burns At Idlewild In Heavy Fog

Delivery of MIG’s to India Is Deferred by Russians

Thorium Ore Found In New Hampshire; Raises Atom Supply

Russia Beginning Pleged Removal Of Cuba Bombers

Tax Agency to Liberalize Rule on Expense Accounts

At Least 55 Die as Fume-Laden Fog Cripples Britain

Russian Troops Said To Build Up Cuban Defenses

Eisenhower Sees Overdependence On Federal Help

Season Will See an Upsurge of the Cotillion

Black Says Merit Should Decide Aid

Rusk Is Insistent Russian Soldiers Get Out Of Cuba

Ex-F.B.I. Agent Is Ejected At Inquiry on Peace Group

Khrushchev Vows To Combat Reds Risking Atom War

Reds’ Subversion Of Troops In Laos Worries Capital

Mariner Inspects Venus at Close Range; Radios Data 36,000,000 Miles to Earth

Science Expands Government Role

President Says Cuba Prevented A Soviet Accord

Satellite System Causes U.S. and Allies Concern

200th I.C.B.M. Goes On the Firing Line; New Tests Succeed

Satellite Project Shifted From Military to Civilians

U.S. And Britain Propose Joint NATO Atom Force: Ask France To Take Part

Cuban Prisoners Land In Florida; Ransom Is Paid

Seamen To Honor Pier Picket Lines In Port Walkout

President Begins A Series Of Talks To Fix ’63 Policies

President Joins Military Chiefs In Budget Study

U.N. Forces Seize Key Katanga Post In Heavy Fighting

U.N. Drives On In Katanga, Vowing End Of Succession: Tshombe Out Of Country

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