1961: NEW YORK TIMES (364)


U.S. Warns Reds Not To Intervene For Laos Rebels

Rebels Advancing In Laos; U.S. Surges Seato Session On Intervention By Reds

U.S. Increases ‘Readiness’ To Meet Crisis Over Laos; Seato Studying ‘Invasion’

U.S. Breaks Its Diplomatic Ties With Cuba And Advises Americans To Leave Island; Eisenhower Cites ‘Vilification’ By Castro

U.S. Is Seeking To Isolate Castro; Says Guantanamo Treaty Stands; Derides Aggression Charge In U.N. 

Cuba Fails To Get U.N. Vote On ‘Plot’ By U.S. To Invade

School Aid Plan Costing 9 Billion Goes To Kennedy

Kennedy To Keep 2 Top Advisers On Soviet Policy

De Gaulle Sweeps Voting On Program For Algeria; Many Moslems Abstain

U.S. Helps Train an Anti-Castro Force At Secret Guatemalan Air-Ground Base

Soviet Tells U.S. Laos Government Is Not Legitimate

Georgia Students Riot On Campus; Two Negroes Out

State Of Union Message Sees Advance Since 1952, Notes Problems Remain

Readmit Negroes, Georgia U. Is Told

U.S. Bars Citizens From Possession Of Gold Overseas

27 Lost In Storm As Radar Tower Collapses At Sea

Grand Central Disrupted By Port Strike Picketing; Service Today Is In Doubt

Eisenhower’s Farewell Sees Threat To Liberties In Vast Defense Machine

Harbor Strikers Halt New Haven: Pennsy Picketed

Kennedy’s Inauguration Today; He And Eisenhower Meet Again; Snow And Crowds Snarl Capital

Kennedy Sworn In, Asks ‘Global Alliance’ Against Tyranny, Want, Disease And War; Republicans And Diplomats Hail Address

Kennedy’s Cabinet Is Sworn In; He Increases Food Aid To Needy; Khrushchev Calls In U.S. Envoy

Goldberg Enters Port Rail Crisis As Tie-Up Grows

Harbor Strike Settled; Rail Commuter Service Will Be Resumed Today

Seized Cruise Liner Eludes Hunt; Portuguese Rebels Deny Piracy, Bid U.S. And Britain Stand Aside

Moscow Frees 2 RB-47 Survivors; Kennedy Calls Khrushchev Move A Step Toward Better Relations

Kennedy To Move Swiftly To Check Economic Decline

Santa Maria Gets A U.S. Guarantee; Debarking Is Set

U.S. And Rio Study Way To Land 560 From Santa Maria

Southerners Ask Kennedy To Lead Civil-Rights Drive

Kennedy Challenges Congress To Meet Perils Abroad And Worsening Slump At Home


Kennedy Wins In House, 217 To 212, On Rules Committee Expansion; Drafts New Plans For Congress

President Revokes Cuts In Overseas Dependents; Will Curb Their Spending

Kennedy Recovery Plan Asks Increased Benefits For Aged And Extended Aid To Jobless

Snow Coats City And Most Of East; Cold Sets Record

17-Inch Snow Paralyzes City; Mayor Declares Emergency; Storm Ties Up The Northeast

City Battling To Clear Streets; Thaw Helps; Auto Ban Extended; Air Travel Limited; Schools Shut

Kennedy Moves To Widen Exports In Dollar Drive; Asks Tourist Buying Curb

Auto Ban Holds, Wagner Decides After Air Survey

Kennedy Pledges More Aid To NATO; Acheson To Help

Kennedy Submits Aged Care Plan; Stiff Fight Likely

Katanga Reports Lumumba Escape; Congo Is Alarmed

Khrushchev-Mao Clashes On Party Issues Revealed

Soviet Fires Venus Rocket From Sputnik; Aims to Reach Vicinity of Planet in May

Lumumba Murdered In Katanga; His Backers Predict A Civil War; U.N. Chief Calls For Full Inquiry

Soviet Will Boycott U.N. Chief; Blames Him In Lumumba Death; Bids Foreign Troops Quit Congo

Kennedy Warns Of Risks Of War In A Unilateral Action In Congo; Hammarskjold Firm; Riot In U.N. 

U.N. Mission Bids Congo’s Factions Negotiate Peace

Democrats Back Governor On $200 Student Grants

Billion in Mortgage Credit Freed as Spur to Economy

Kennedy’s Vast Patronage Major Lever on Congress

U.N. Council Backs Force To Prevent A Congo War; Upholds Hammarskjold

3 Chosen for Space Flight In Two or Three Months

Police Head Resigns Job; Accuses Mayor Of ‘Drift’ On Salary Rise For Force

Air Strike Ends; Engineers Agree To A Truce Plan

Kennedy Submits 2 Plans To Curb Outflow Of Gold

President Hails Louisiana Drive For Integration

British Spy Case Raises U.S. Doubt On Atom Sharing

Wiretaps for State Trials Upheld by Supreme Court


Hoffa Wins 3-Year Battle To Rid Union of Monitors

Pentagon Study Asks A Build-Up Of All Defenses

Rockefellers Flee Albany Fire; $325,000 Art in Mansion Burns

Airmen Say RB-47 Shot Back At MIG

Visa Rule Is Eased To Encourage Flow Of Tourists to U.S.

Peace Corps Wins Support Of Students and Educators

Kennedy Orders Equal Job Rights In Federal Work

Head Of Reserve Fears Job Crisis After Recession

660 Million Will Be Freed to Help Combat Recession

Soviet Orbits and Returns 5-Ton Satellite With Dog

House Votes 305 Million For Children of Jobless

Mayor Says State Hides School Aid In Political Plot

Bonn Says U.S. Impaired Effect of Revaluing Mark

Patterson Knocks Out Johansson in 6th; Retains Title After Being Down Twice

5 Concerns Sued In Electric Case For Prices To U.S.

Kennedy Pledges Support To Laos; Warning Is Seen

Senate Approves Jobless Aid, 84-4, Backing Kennedy

2 Seized in College Basketball Bribery; Nation-Wide Fixing of Games Indicated

Kennedy Expected to Ask 8 Billion Aid Over 5 Years

East Germany Will Scrap Entire Aircraft Industry

Transit Unit Asks 200 Million Loan To Buy 1,800 Cars

U.S. Will Bid West Give 1% Of Output To Poorer Lands

West Will Offer New Plan To Test Moscow On Laos

Kennedy Alerts Nation On Laos; Warns Soviet Bloc, Asks Truce; Stresses Seato’s Role In Crisis

Kennedy Beaten In House On Wage Bill By One Vote; Coalition Version Passed

Kennedy To Ask Manpower Rise In Arms Budget

Kennedy And MacMillan Appeal To Soviet To Back Neutral Laos; Rusk Asks Seato To Meet Crisis

Gromyko Sees Kennedy, They Voice Hope On Laos; Seato Ready To Back U.S.

Seato Warns Reds On Laos; Vows ‘Appropriate’ Steps If Peace Plan Is Rejected

District of Columbia Wins Vote by 23rd Amendment

Castro Tries Sport of ‘Idle Rich’


Holidays Of Joy And Liberty Give City Festive Air

Soviet Asks April Talks On Laos; Agrees To Join In Cease-Fire Plea; Kennedy Welcomes ‘Useful’ Steps

U.S. Urges Castro To Cut His Ties With Communism; Would Aid A Free Regime

Cubans Irate Over ‘Insult’ In U.S. Pleas to Oust Reds

Castro Minister Says U.S. Wages Undeclared War

Anti-Castro Units Trained To Fight At Florida Bases

Many Hard-Core Jobless Feel They Are Unwanted

Castro Foes Call Cubans To Arms; Predict Uprising

Folk Singers Riot In Washington Sq.

Congress Hears Economy Faces Slow Recovery

Soviet Orbits Man And Recovers Him; Space Pioneer Reports: ‘I Feel Well’; Sent Messages While Circling Earth

Russian Orbited The Earth Once, Observing It Through Portholes; Space Flight Lasted 108 minutes

‘I Could Have Gone On Forever’

Production Rose In March To End 9-Month Decline

Castro Foes Bomb 3 Air Bases; 2 Of Raiders Flee To Florida; Cuba Is Mobilizing, Blames U.S.

U.S. Avoiding Questions On Cuba Bombing Details

Anti-Castro Units Land In Cuba; Report Fighting At Beachhead; Rusk Says U.S. Won’t Intervene

Kennedy Warns Khrushchev On Cuba After Russian Vows Help To Castro; MIGs And Tanks Attack Beachhead

Castro Says Attack Is Crushed; Cuba Rebels Give Up Beachhead, Report New Landings On Island

Kennedy Says U.S. Won’t Allow Communism To Take Over Cuba; Does Not Bar Unilateral Move

Kennedy To Meet With Eisenhower On Crisis In Cuba

Eisenhower Urges Nation To Back Kennedy On Cuba; Khrushchev Chides U.S.

Debre Warns France To Prepare For Air Invasion From Algeria; De Gaulle Assumes Full Powers

Paris Orders Algeria Blockade; Calls Troops, Renews Air Alert; Rebel Generals Remain Defiant

Mutiny In Algeria Ends; Challe And Salan Flee; Loyalists Regain Cities

Challe Jailed For Algeria Coup; Other Rebel Generals At Large; Paris Intends To Purge Disloyal

President Urges Press Limit News That Helps Reds

Pravda Berates Kennedy; Charges a New Cuba Plot

Kennedy’s First 100 Days: Gain at Home, Loss Abroad


Wagner Pressed To See Bargain On Liberals’ Aid

U.S. Space Flight Scheduled Today; Astronaut Is Ready

U.S. Brands Cuba Communist State

Congress Passes Minimum Pay Bill; President Wins

Fulbright Hints U.S. Weighs Use Of Troops In Asia

U.S. Hurls Man 115 Miles Into Space; Shepard Works Controls In Capsule, Reports By Radio In 15-Minute Flight

2d Space Flight Scheduled By U.S. Within 6 Weeks

Kennedy Yields To Prendergast On Patronage

Washington Cheers Shepard as Hero

600 Million More Planned To Spur Space Programs

NATO Vows Fight To Counter Reds All Over World

House Committee Asks If The ICBM Can Work In War

Khrushchev Insists Reds Will Prevail Without War

Wave of Negro Militancy Spreading Over the South

Bi-Racial Buses Attacked, Riders Beaten in Alabama

South Korea Rule Seized As Armed Forces Revolt; U.S. Opposes Junta Coup

South Korea Junta Vows To Resign After Reform; U.S. Won’t Intervene Now

Segregation Bid Clouds Prospect For School Bill

South Is Losing Segregation Bid In Education Bill

Castro’s Cuba Described As Isle of Fear and Hate

400 U.S. Marshals Sent To Alabama As Montgomery Bus Riots Hurt 20; President Bids State Keep Order

Montgomery Under Martial Law; Troops Called After New Riot; Marshals And Police Fight Mob

200 More U.S. Marshals Being Sent To Alabama; F.B.I. Jails 4 In Bus Fire

President To Ask Urgent Effort To Land On Moon

27 Bi-Racial Bus Riders Jailed In Jackson, Miss., As They Widen Campaign

Kennedy Asks 1.8 Billion This Year To Accelerate Space Exploration, Add Forign Aid, Bolster Defense

New York to Paris by Jet in 3 1/3 Hours

U.S. Warns Reds Truce Violations Peril Laos Talks

U.S. Acts To Bar Raids On Vietnam By Reds In Laos

Robert Kennedy Asks L.C.C. To End Bus Segregation

Taylor Expected to Urge Reduction of C.I.A. Role


Trujillo Shot Dead By Assassins; His Regime Reports Army Rules; Dominican Crisis Studied By U.S.

Eisenhower Assails ‘Immoral’ Spending Of Kennedy Regime

Kennedy Finds De Gaulle In Accord On Most Issues; Meets Khrushchev Today

Kennedy And Khrushchev Stress Problem Of Laos In 4-Hour Talk; Discussion ‘Frank And Courteous’

Kennedy And Khrushchev Find Limited Laos Accord But Split On Berlin And Key Arms Issues

Kennedy And MacMillan See Laos As Soviet Test; Differ On Berlin Tactics

Kennedy Says Khrushchev Talks Eased Danger Of A ‘Misjudgment’; U.S. Bids Soviet Ends Laos Fighting

West Boycotts Laos Peace Talk As Reds Fight On

President’s Back Strain at Tree Planting Is Disclosed

Crutches Easing Kennedy’s Back

Soviet Proposed Six-Month Delay To U.S. On Berlin

Castro’s Repressive Acts Awaken Cubans to Reality

Kennedy Still on Crutches, But Is Reported Improving

Power Fails, Tying Up Midtown 4 1/2 Hours; Ind Subway Is Stopped In Evening Rush; Elevators Halted During Record Heat

Holifield Pushes Drive To End Ban On Atomic Testing

Kennedy’s Plan To Revamp F.C.C. Killed By House

Ship Tie-Up Grows As Dock Workers Support Strikers

U.S. Warns Soviet It May Drop Curb On Atomic Tests

Population Urged as Basis For Allotting U.N. Jobs

High Court Bars Evidence States Seize Illegally

Eichman, on Stand, Says He Only Obeyed Orders

Senate Rejects Kennedy’s Plan To Revamp S.E.C.

Wagner Announces He Will Run, Proposes Screvane-Stark Slate; Party Chiefs May Oppose Ticket

House Committee Votes 42.7 Billion For Arms Budget

Negro Leaders Seek Halt In Freedom Ride Testing

President Forbids Staff To Interfere in Agencies

Kennedy Invokes Taft-Hartley Act In Ship Walkout

Sea Officer Unions Deny Taft-Hartley Covers Them

Kennedy Calls Upon Khrushchev To Let Berlin Decide Its Future; Both Stress Peril, Offer To Talk

Ship Settlement With A Key Union Expected Today


Kennedy Signs Bill To Provide Housing For ‘the Forgotten’

British Landing Forces In Kuwait To Counter Iraq

Hemingway Dead of Shotgun Wound; Wife Says He Was Cleaning Weapon

Maritime Strike Halted By Court On Kennedy Plea

Sailings Impeded As Ship Officers Delay On Return

Wagner Bids U.S. Rescue New Haven From Collapse

U.S. Denies Loan For New Haven; Trusteeship Due

Levitt To Oppose Wagner; White House Appeal Fails To Avert Primary Battle

Negroes Shifting From Manhattan To All Boroughs

Russians Display New Big Bombers And Jet Fighters 

Rusk Urges West To Lead Crusade On Red ‘Coercion’

Top School Aide Accused Of Using Supplies On Home

Air Force Orbits Satellite To Spot Enemy’s Missiles

Eichmann Terms Killing Of Jews a ‘Hideous Crime’

Pope’s Encyclical Urges Rich Nations To Aid Poor; Deplores Fear In World

U.S. to Counter Russians By Self-Determination Bid

Fulbright Urges Neutral Nations To Counter Reds

G.O.P. Chooses a Woman For Manhattan Presidency

Mrs. Angier B. Duke Dies in Plane Crash In Queens With 2 Other Society Women

Tunisia And French Units Exchange Fire At Bizerte; Chutists Reinforce Base

French Air-Land Attack Breaks Siege Of Bizerte; U.N. Council Meets Today

U.S. Again Fires Man Into Space; Capsule Lost After Sea Landing, But Astronaut Swims To Safety

U.N. Votes Cease-Fire In Bizerte; France And Tunisia Give Assent; Accord Calls For Yielding Gains

Moscow Assails 2 U.S. Satellites As Space ‘Spies’

President Wants Radio Satellites In Private Hands

Kennedy Calls For 217,000 Men And 3.4 Billion Fund To Meet ‘World-Wide’ Threat By Soviet

Kennedy Arms Plan Wins Support In Both Houses; August Draft Increased

Wagner Charges Plot To Rig Bids On School Work

Kaplan Charges Huge Kickbacks To School Aides

Moscow Issues Party Program; Calls Coexistence A ‘Necessity’; Foresees Vast Economic Gains

Wagner Charges Brooklyn Deals For Judgeships


MacMillan Says Britain Will Seek Ties With Europe

McNamara Says Shelters Can Save 10 Million Lives

C.I.A. Will Lose its Role As Chief Evaluator of Data

2 Hijack Jetliner and Hold It 9 Hours

Senators Rush Bill to Set Life Term in Air Hijacking

Kennedy Pledges Billion To Latins As First-Year Aid

Soviet Astronaut Down Safely After Orbiting Earth 17 Times; Exercised, Ate And Slept Aloft

Khrushchev Asks Parley On Berlin But Warns U.S. Of Soviet Troop Build-Up

Cuba Confiscates All Cash Savings Over 10,000 Pesos

Jetliner Seized, Flown To Havana; Cuba Releases It

U.S. Sends Guards On Some Planes To Bar Hijacking

Argentine Rebels Seize 2 Buildings, Fight Police

East German Troops Seal Border With West Berlin To Block Refugee Escape

Soviet Troops Encircle Berlin To Back Up Sealing Of Border; U.S. Drafting Vigorous Protest

Reds Tighten Squeeze On Berlin, Bar Western Sector’s Vehicles; Kennedy Reviewing Allied Stand

West Protests To Soviet On Berlin Border Closing; U.S. Sees Propaganda Gain

Brandt Note To Kennedy Urges ‘Political Action,’ Not Just Talk, On Berlin

Allies Bid Soviet End ‘Illegal’ Ban On Berlin Travel

U.S. Sending 1,500 Troops To Bolster West Berlin; Johnson Is Flying There

Johnson Hailed In West Berlin As He Renews Pledge Of U.S. Aid; Soviet Rejects Allies’ Protest

West Berlin Crowds Cheer 1,500 In U.S. Troop Convoy; Rusk Expects Soviet Talk

City School Board Ouster Is Passed By Legislature After A Clash On Politics

German Reds Set New Entry Curbs For East Berlin

West Puts Tanks And 1,000 Troops On Berlin Border

U.S. Rejects Moscow ‘Threat’; Says Blocking Berlin Access Would Be An ‘Aggressive Act’

Pentagon Orders 76,500 Reservists To Active Service

German Reds Threat Of Forced Labor for Foes

City G.O.P. Urges Welfare Clients Be Provided Jobs

Levitt Charges Vast Waste In ’60-’61 Snow Removal

3 Mayoral Candidates Agree on Harlem Move to Aid City’s Negroes

Soviet Resuming Atomic Tests; Kennedy Sees Peril To World; Says U.S. Hands Are Now Freed


U.S. Charges Russian ‘Blackmail,’ Calls Own Atom Arms Adequate; New Soviet Test Expected Soon

Soviet Explodes Atomic Weapon Of Intermediate Force Over Asia; Nasser Assails Test Resumption

Nehru Says Soviet Tests Increase Danger Of War; Asks U.S.-Russian Parley

U.S. And Britain Call For Banning Of Nuclear Tests In Atmosphere; Ask Khrushchev To Agree At Once

Soviet Sets Off New Atom Blast; 24 Neutrals Back Urgent Appeal For Kennedy-Khrushchev Parley

U.S. Will Resume Nuclear Tests Underground With No Fall-Out; Reveals Third Soviet Explosion

4th Soviet Blast Set Off; Nehru And Nkrumah Take Peace Bid To Khrushchev

Wagner Defeats Levitt In Reform Sweep; De Sapio Is Upset By Lanigan; 740,000 Vote

Wagner Victory Seen As Mandate To Recast Party

Khrushchev Rejects Ban On Tests In Atmosphere; Insists On A German Pact

Russians Set Off 2 Nuclear Blasts In Arctic Region

Hurricane Moves Inland From Gulf; Damage Is Heavy

Soviet Sets Off Big Blast; Atom Test Is 7th in Series

U.N. Army Takes Katanga; Defeats Tshombe Forces In Fight Ending Secession

Russian Rocket Fired 7,500 Miles Into Pacific Area

U.S. Resumes Atom Tests With Underground Blast That Causes No Fall-Out

2d U.S. Atom Test Set Off In Nevada; Soviet Fires 11th

37 Dies As Electra Falls In Take-Off At Chicago Field

Hammarskjold Dies In African Air Crash; Kennedy Going to U.N. In Succession Crisis

U.N. Meet Snag On Plan To Fill Hammarskjold’s Post In Interim; Parley With Tshombe Under Way

U.N. And Tshombe Agree On Katanga Cease-Fire; Assembly Chooses Slim

U.N. Panel Backs Test Ban Debate Sought By West

I.C.C. Orders End Of Racial Curbs On Bus Travelers

100 Million Grant Aids Liberal Arts

3.9 Billion Accord on Aid May Speed Adjournment

Kennedy Warns U.N. Of Atomic War Peril; Says West Is Firm, Not ‘Rigid,’ On Berlin; Offers Disarmament With Nuclear Curb

Gromyko Indicates Move To Put Berlin Before U.N.; Rejects U.S. Atomic Plan

Congress Closes Session In Fight Over Money Bill

Nasser Says Syrian Army Revolt Puts The U.A.R. In ‘Grave Danger’; Rejects Demand For Compromise

Syria Quits United Arab Republic And Sets Up Independent Regime; Nassar Abandons Military Action


President Signs 9 Billion In Bills

Ngo Says Struggle With Vietnam Reds Is Now a ‘Real War’

Aide Who Raised Fund For Wagner Resigns City Job

Pentagon Orders a Draft Of Physicians and Dentists

Police in Berlin Exchange Shots Across the Border

East Berlin Guard Shoots At Policeman in West Zone

T.W.U. Cheers Hoffa Bid To Rejoin Merged Labor

U.S. Considering Sending Troops To Help Vietnam

L.I. Companies Vie For Larger Share Of Space Spending

Wagner Implies G.O.P. Shakedown Of 35 Companies

Wagner And Lefkowitz Clash On TV Over Ethics, ‘Bossism’ And State Aid

Gen. Taylor Going To South Vietnam To Counter Reds

President Warns Of Long Struggle With Communism

Reds Again Fire Over Berlin Line As 9 Youths Flee

Civilian Planes Halted 12 Hours In Defense Test

U.S.-Canada Test Of Air Defense Rated A Success

Rockefeller Asks Atomic Shelters For All Schools

Soviet Offers Delay On Berlin; U.S. Bids Khrushchev Drop Plan For Testing A 50-Megaton Bomb

Ngo Meets With Gen. Taylor After Declaring Emergency in Vietnam

U.S. Plans A-Tests In Air Unless Pact Is Signed Quickly

State Voter Test In English Only Upheld By Court

$7,500,000 Loan For New Haven Backed By Court

9 American M.P.’s Cross Berlin Line To Free Official

Soviet Fires Record Bomb Of 30-50 Megaton Range; Claims Anti-Missile Gain

Soviet Assailed In Many Nations Over Superbomb

Russians In Berlin Insist U.S. Accept Travel Curb; ‘Urgent’ Protest Planned

Russian Tanks Go Into East Berlin; U.S. Shows Force

Rockefeller Urges Atom Tests In Air To Match Russia

U.S. And Russians Pull Back Tanks From Berlin Line

Soviet Harasses U.S. Army’s Cars On The Autobahn

Soviet Explodes Biggest A-Bomb, But 50-Megaton Force Is Doubted; U.S. Joins In World-Wide Protest


Pressure Grows For U.S. To Resume A-Tests In The Air

Freer U.S. Policy On Trade Asked By Kennedy Aide

President Takes Steps To Prepare For Testing In Air

Jobs Rise to 67.8 Million, Highest for Any October

Khrushchev Warns Blasts May Go On If U.S. Tests In Air

Allies Disturbed By Tactics Of U.S. Over East Berlin

City Elects Mayor Today; Vote Of 2 Million Is Seen; Jersey To Pick Governor

Wagner Wins By 397,980 In A Party Sweep; New Charter And Court Reform Adopted; Hughes Beats Mitchell By 40,000 In Jersey

77 Are Killed On Airliner In Crash Near Richmond; Army Recruits On Board

Soviet Modifies Berlin Proposal; U.S. Unimpressed

Democrats Lose Fight At Albany On Redistricting

France Rounds Up Moslem Leaders; Seizes War Funds

American Jets Said to Fly Photo Missions in Vietnam

U.N. Vote Scores South Africans For Race Policy

Lumumba’s Death Termed Murder In Report To U.N.

Kennedy Sets Up A Panel To Help Jobless Youths

Mutinous Troops In Congo Murder 13 Italian Airmen

Gov. Rockefeller And His Wife Part; Will Get Divorce

Trujillo Jr. Out; Sails For Europe; A Coup Is Feared

U.S. Helps Avert Dominican Coup; Trujillos Leave

Thousands in West Berlin Try to Storm Reds’ Wall

Mississippi Loses Segregation Test

Cuba Charges U.S. With Aggression In Dominican Aid

U.S. Said To Back Increase In Arms For NATO Forces

Kennedy Prefers Atomic Shelters For Large Groups

Nation’s Engineer Scarcity Is Expected to Get Worse

Bowles Dropped As Top Rusk Aide; 9 Others Shifted

Bowles Is Named Foreign Adviser To The President

Kennedy Tells Russian People Reds’ World Aims Peril Peace; Points A Way To Berlin Accord

U.S. Orbits Chimpanzee and Recovers Him


U.N. Asks Treaty Against Spread Of Atomic Arms

Stevenson Tells U.N. Not To Grant Seat To Red China

Castro Is Setting Up Party In the Communist Pattern

White House Acts to Keep Top Scientists in U.S. Jobs

Dominican Police Lead Mobs In Bid To Crush Strike

U.N. Units Battle Katanga Troops; Will Get Jet Aid

U.N. Jets Smash 4 Planes of Katanga’s Air Force; Battle Goes Into 2d Day

State Justice Racketeer And Ex-U.S. Aide Indicted In Federal Court Fix Case

U.S. Backs U.N. On Katanga But 2 Allies Are Dubious; Hospital Hit In Fighting

President To Ask 100 Billion In ’63; Balance Is Seen

U.S. A-Bomb Test For Peaceful Use Frees Radiation

High Court Voids Sit-In Conviction Of 16 In Louisiana

Labor Spurns Kennedy Bid To Restrict Pay Demands

U.S. Against Truce Until U.N. Attains Goals In Katanga

Kennedy Seeking A Katanga Truce And Congo Unity

Red China Denied Seat In U.N., 48-37; Victory For U.S.

U.N. Takes Katanga Camp Advances In Heavy Fight; Tshombe Flees Capital

India Invades 3 Enclaves Of Portuguese On Coast; U.S. May Urge U.N. To Act

Goa Surrenders To Indian Troops; Soviet’s Veto In Security Council Bars West’s Move For Cease-Fire

Tshombe And Adoula Fly To U.N. Base For Parley; Katanga Fight Renewed

Katanga Agrees On Unified Congo In Kitona Parley

Reserve Officers Accuse Pentagon Of Call-Up ‘Libel’

Katanga Says Congo Pact Was Imposed on Tshombe

West Berlin Lights Shine Across Wall for Christmas

Science Seeks Ways to Sift Increasing Masses of Data

Profitable Radio Satellites Called a Long-Term Goal

Rockefeller Plans New Atom Agency To Spur Research

Transit Workers Authorize Strike On All Lines Here

Strike Averted On City Transit; 15c Fare Is Kept

Tshombe Says U.N. Jets Back New Congo Assault

President Feels West Gained In ’61 But Sees Danger

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