1960: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


City Transit Strike Is Averted; 2-Year Pact To Cost $35,000,000; Authority Will Hold 15c Fare

Costs Curb U.S. In Effort To Put Men Into Space

Kennedy In Race; Bars Second Spot In Any Situation

Nixon Plan Stirs Steel Pact Hope; Break Seen Near

Steel Settlement Is Reached; Union Victor; Price Rise Seen; Nixon, Mediator, Gains Stature

DiSalle Endorses Kennedy; Pledges All 64 Ohio Votes

Governor’s Message Asks Local Nonproperty Taxes To Finance School Costs

Eisenhower Hopeful On Peace; Reveals Pinpoint Atlas Shots; Soviet Plans Firings In Pacific

Democrats Enter A Kennedy Slate In New Hampshire

Nixon Is Placed In Race By Aides; Campaign Limited

Moscow Demands New Propaganda To Spur Ideology

Court Restores Vote To Negroes In Louisiana Case

G.O.P. Challenges Democrats To Aid Civil-Rights Bill

Jack Indicted On Four Counts; Denies Guilt, Gives Up Duties; Rockefeller Summons Mayor

Khrushchev Says Soviet Will Cut Forces A Third; Sees ‘Fantastic’ Weapon

Pentagon Says Soviet Aim Parallels U.S. Arms Policy

Nixon Criticizes Kennedy’s Views About Presidency

Mayor Is Taking De Sapio’s Place In The Campaign

Eisenhower, In Budget Message, Stresses Need To Save Surplus; Asks Postal And ‘Gas’ Tax Rises

Pentagon Chiefs Call U.S. Leader In Nuclear Arms

President’s Report Finds Economy Is Sound, Urges Pay And Price Stability

5 Million Fraud In Fuel Oil Bared; 2 City Aides Quit

Missile Race Data Support Optimism Over U.S. Defense

Navy’s Bathyscaph Dives 7 Miles in Pacific Trench

European Mobs In Algiers Rise Against De Gaulle; 19 Die In Riot; Army Declares A State Of Siege

French Premier Flies To Algiers; De Gaulle Firm As Rising Widens; Insurgents Now Face Paratroops

De Gaulle-Algeria Split Widens: Army Seems To Back Insurgents; Talks Seek To Avert Open Break

De Gaulle Standing Firm, French Public Backs Him; Aide Appeals To Algeria

De Gaulle Sends Algiers Aides To Headquarters Outside City; Delouvrier Asks Moslem Help

De Gaulle Orders Rising Ended; Army Bids Algiers Home Guard Leave Insurgents’ Barricades

Insurgents Defying De Gaulle; Algiers Troop Cordon Pierced But Army Tightens Lines Again


De Gaulle Is Winning In Algiers; Fresh Troops Restrict Crowds; Desertions Splitting Insurgents

Algerian Insurgents Surrender; Leader Is Flown To Jail In Paris; De Gaulle Seeks Decree Powers

U.S. Plan to Provide Allies Atomic Arms Is Reported

Pro-Rights Force Splits Over Plan For Negro Voting

Red Nations Warn Of Separate Pact For East Germans

Kennedy Bars Harlem Bid For a Negro Police Deputy

Home-Loan Fraud In L.I. Is Charged; F.B.I. Arrests 23

Senate Unit Maps Battle For Bill To Aid Negro Vote

Navy To Request 975 Million To Add Six Polaris Craft

Nelson Resigns As Inquiry Head; Moore Is Named

A Mystery Polar Satellite, Believed Russian, Spotted

A Giddy Day Brings Hail, Rain, Thunder And a Record 63.4 degrees

France Explodes Her First A-Bomb In A Sahara Test

Soviet Gives Cuba 100 Million Credit On Sale Of Sugar

Negro Sitdowns Stir Fear Of Wider Unrest in South

Johnson Assures Civil Rights Test; Accused Of Trick

5 Big Electrical Concerns Charged With Bid Rigging

House Unit Agrees to Send Civil Rights Bill to Floor

New Referee Bill For Negro Voting Goes To Congress

A Prince Is Born, and All Britain Rejoices

Castro’s Regime Puts All Trade Under Controls

State Plans Atom-Refuge Capitol

Eisenhower Hails Puerto Rico Gains As He Begins Tour

Court Backs N.A.A.C.P. On Secrecy in Little Rock

Eisenhower Hailed In Rio; Vows To Bar Outside Curb On Freedom In Americas

61 Lost As Planes Collide At Rio; 19 En Route To Eisenhower Fete; Airline Crash In Ireland Kills 27

U.S. Will Cut Off Arms Aid To Cuba And Dominicans

Pentagon Forms A ‘Truth Squad’ To Rebut Critics

Southerners Set Senate Strategy In Rights Battle


Senate’s Battle On Rights Joined; Filibuster Is On

President Denies Charge That U.S. Backs Dictators

Filibuster Shows No Sign Of Ebbing; New Plan Studied

Snow Cripples City; Schools Shut Today; Lincoln Tunnel Jam Strands Commuters; Suburbs Suffer; Most Of U.S. Stormbound

75 Die In Havana As Munitions Ship Explodes At Dock

Castro Links U.S. To Ship ‘Sabotage’; Denial Is Swift

Negroes Dispersed In Alabama March; Attacked by Whites

Nixon Denies Kennedy Is Soft on Reds, Repudiating New Hampshire Governor

Kennedy Making A Strong Showing In New Hampshire

Eisenhower Bars Flights To Berlin At High Altitude

Civil Rights Bloc Defeated In Move to End Filibuster

U.S. Rocket Put Into Sun Orbit Will Be First To Gather Data Deep In Interplanetary Space

Pioneer V Radios All Is Going Well In Its Solar Path

U.S. Asked to Back Wiretaps by State

Jack Indictment Voided; Judge Finds It Defective; Hogan, Vexed, To Appeal

Arms Parley On; Soviet Bloc Cool To Western Plan

West Bids Soviet Help Ban A-Bomb In Space Vehicle

63 Die As Plane Explodes Over Indiana On A Flight From Midwest To Miami

Maryknoll Bishop Is Jailed For 20 Years in Red China

Lunch Counters Integrated Peacefully in San Antonio

Nixon Reported Seeking G.O.P. Aid For Liberal Bills

State Permits City Bank To Expand Into Suburbs

State’s New Banking Law Decried in Suburbs Here

Rockefeller Drops Fight To Require Shelters In Home

Civil Rights Bill Passed By House; Gains In Senate

Consumer Prices Hit Record Again; New Rises Likely

City Wins State-Aid Rise; Rockefeller And Wagner Set A Goal Of 82 Millions

Butler Appeals To ‘Loyal’ South On Bolt Threat

Riots Flare Anew In South Africa; 15 Believed Dead

2 American Fliers Linked To Castro In Plane Incident

South Africa Put In State Of Alert; Opponents Jailed


Governor Loses On 4 Main Plans As Session Ends

U.S. Orbits Weather Satellite; It Televises Earth And Storms; New Era In Meteorology Seen

More Disorders Hit South Africa

Kennedy Gives President A Pledge on Test-Ban Pact

Mississippi Breaks Through Two Levees to Flood Illinois Farmland

Kennedy Beats Humphrey In Heavy Wisconsin Vote; Nixon Displays Strength

Passes Restored By South Africa; Easing Is Hinted

Victory Will Help Kennedy In California, Brown Says

Eisenhower Says Castro And Aides Have Betrayed Ideals Of The Revolution

South African Premier Wounded By White Assassin At Exposition; Tension May Bring Martial Law

‘Stop Kennedy’ Drive Led By Byrd of West Virginia

U.S. Notes To Cuba Link Castro Rule To Rising Tension

Jobs Decline Abnormally; March Weather Is Blamed

U.S. Orbits Navigational ‘Lighthouse’

U.S. Court Backs Use Of Wiretaps At State Trials

Castro Reported Pursuing Rebels With 5,000 Troops

Random House Will Buy Knopf in Merger

South Africans Said To Consider Sealing Borders

Castro Sees Plot At U.S. Navy Base To Help His Foes

U.S. Rebukes Rhee As ‘Repressive’; 80 Dead In Riots

Rhee’s Ministers Resign Over Riot; Offer An Apology

Congress Sends Civil Rights Bill To White House

Rhee Ready To Relinquish Much Of Executive Power And Revise Korean Regime

Rhee To Give Up His Party Post, Keep Presidency

Democrats Press Fight For Housing And Care Of Aged

Rhee Yields In New Korean Riot; Offers To Quit, Grants Election; U.S. Again Prods Him On Reforms

Rhee Quits As President; Caretaker Regime Set Up Under Forign Minister

New Korea Chief Mapping Reforms And Close U.S. Tie

Students In Turkey Riot Against Menderes’ Rule; Martial Law Proclaimed

Dick Clark Denies Receiving Payola


Truman Caustic In Nixon Attack

Rockefeller Demands U.S. Lead Way on Civil Rights

Caryl Chessman Executed; Denies His Guilt to the End

Nation Takes Cover in Air-Raid Alert

Kennedy Debates With Humphrey In West Virginia

Soviet Downs American Plane; U.S. Says It Was Weather Craft; Khrushchev Sees Summit Blow

President Hints Visit To Moscow Is Not Certainty

U.S. Concedes Flight Over Soviet, Defends Search For Intelligence; Russians Hold Downed Pilot As Spy

President Sees Herter In Effort To Lessen Blow To Summit Talks; Soviet Exploits Plane Espionage

Khrushchev Warns Of Rocket Attack On Bases Used By U.S. Spying Planes; Herter Indicates Flights Will Go On

U.S. Vows To Defend Allies If Russians Attack Bases; Soviet To Try Pilot As Spy

Khrushchev Cools To President, Doubts Welcome On Soviet Visit; Eisenhower Defends Espionage

U.S. Disclaims ‘Aggressive Intent’ In Sending Aircraft Over Soviet; Khrushchev Sees Peril Of A War

Visit by Russian Air Chief Put Off in View of U-2 Case

Capital Protests Cuban Ship’s Fire On U.S. Submarine

Summit Talks Open Today; President In Paris Trades Snubs With Khrushchev

U.S.-Soviet Clash Disrupts Summit Talks; Khrushchev Cancels Eisenhower’s Visit; U-2 Spy Flights Ended, President Reveals

Summit Conference Breaks Up In Dispute; West Blames Khrushchev’s Rigid Stand; He Insists On Eisenhower Spying Apology

Khrushchev Rails Against U.S.; Renews Threat To ‘Spy’ Bases; Soviet Bids U.N. Council Meet

President, Hailed In Lisbon, Bids Free World Renew Peace Drive; Khrushchev Meets German Reds

Khrushchev Bars Move On Berlin At Least Till After U.S. Election; 200,000 Welcome President Home

Kennedy Drive Gains Momentum In Oregon Sweep

U.N. Meets Today On Soviet Charge Of U-2 Aggression

Gromyko Bids U.N. Condemn U.S.; Lodge Cites Soviet Spy Network; 4 Nations Ask New Big Power Talk

Satellite To Spot Missile Firings Put Into Orbit In Air Force Test; Allies Defend U.S. In U.N. Debate

Eisenhower Says U.S. Must Deal With Soviet On Basis Of Reason; Offers Air Aid In U.N. Patrol Plan

Grymko Warns U.S. ‘Spy’ Policy May Lead To War

Army Takes Over Turkey; Menderes And Aides Held; Nation Calm; Vote Is Due

U-2 Case Perils Project For Higher-Flying Plane

U.S. Timed Flight of U-2 To Weather, Not Summit

2 Dead and 70 Hurt as Scaffold Falls at Indianapolis Speedway


Fulbright Holds C.I.A. Blameless For U-2 Incident

Space Aide Tells Why Agency Lied On U-2 Incident

Gates Says Aides Urged President Take U-2 Blame

Eisenhower Is Vilified By Khrushchev As Weak; U.S. Sees Lie On Germany

U.S. Note Accuses Castro Of Waging A Slander Drive

Stores in South Prosper With Integrated Counters

Population Loss Of 200,000 In City Noted Since 1957

Jersey Atom Missile Fire Stirs Brief Radiation Fear

Rockefeller Challenges Nixon To Speak Up On National Issues; Assails Administration Policies

Compromise Ends Theatre Dispute; Openings Monday

Hagerty Besieged  By Mob In Tokyo; Saved By ‘Copter

U.S. Presses Kishi to Curb Threats Against President

Rockefeller Firm In Barring Race; Would Aid Nixon

Japan Police Raid Anti-U.S. Groups To Block A Clash

Manila Hails Eisenhower; He Condemns Red Tactics In Speech To Legislature

Tokyo Mob Storms Parliament; 870 Police and Rioters Injured; Eisenhower’s Party Concerned

Japan Cancels Eisenhower Trip To Forestall Any Mob Attacks; Washington Sees Prestige Hurt

Eisenhower Is Hailed In Taiwan; Reds Shell Quemoy In ‘Contempt” Tokyo Leftists Keep Up Protests

U.S. Treaty Ratified By Japan While 300,000 Parade In Protest; Eisenhower Acclaimed In Korea

Genocide In Tibet Laid To Red China By World Jurists

Patterson Knocks Out Johansson in 5th; First to Regain the Heavyweight Title

Ungar Says Jack Balked At Saying $4,400 Was Loan

U.S.-Japan Pact In Force After 90-2 Vote In Senate; Kishi Says He Will Resign

U.S. Holdings to Be Taken If Sugar is Cut, Castro Says

Price Index Rises To Another High; Food Leads Climb

Senators’ Report Scores Handling Of U-2 Incident

Johnson Alleged To Have Used Post To Stop Kennedy

Soviet Breaks Up Arms Parley, Refusing To Hear New U.S. Plan; Eisenhower Calls Trip A Success

Wildcat Bus Strike Halts 21 Routes Serving 250,000; Tie-Up Likely To Continue

Democrats Call Congress Recess For Conventions


House Authorizes Eisenhower To Cut Cuba Sugar Quota

Congress Kills Pay-Raise Veto, 345-69 and 74-24

Congress Recess Delayed By Fight Over Cuba Sugar

Congress Passes Cuba Sugar Bill; Quits Till August

Fifty-Star Flag Flies for Fourth

U.S. Files Protest On Cuban Seizure Of Oil Refineries

U.S. Cuts Cuba Sugar Sale By 95% For Rest Of Year; President Cites Hostility

Jack Jury Is Discharged; Unable To Reach Verdict; New Trial To Be Weighed

Carolina Group Leaving Johnson To Back Kennedy

Eisenhower Bars A Red Cuba, Tells Russians Not To Meddle; Khrushchev Warns Of Rockets

L.I. Faces Bus Jam Today; Rails Strike There Slows Pennsy Long-Haul Trains

Soviet Downed U.S. Plane Lost On Arctic Mission; 2 Survive, Face Spy Trial

Plane Not Over Soviet, U.S. Says, Declaring Attacks Must Cease; Russia Defies Monroe Doctrine

Kennedy Nominated On The First Ballot; Overwhelms Johnson By 806 Votes To 409

Johnson Is Nominated For Vice President; Kennedy Picks Him To Placate The South

Kennedy Calls For Sacrifices In U.S. To Help The World Meet Challenges Of ‘New Frontier’

Eisenhower Will Inform Kennedy On Foreign Affairs In Campaign Through Stevenson And Bowles

15,000 Greet Kennedy; Boston Police Curb Crowd

Population Loss May Cost City 2 Seats in Congress

U.S. And Britain See Peril In Turn Of Soviet Policy

U.S. Warns Soviet In U.N. On Congo, Pledges Action To Bar Intrusion; Congolese Bids Belgians Get Out

U.N. Council Vote Asks Belgium To Pull Out Of Congo Speedily; Soviet Replies To U.S. Warning

Soviet Bids U.N. Condemn ‘Aggressive’ U.S. Flights; Lodge Charges Hypocrisy

Secret Nixon-Rockefeller Talks Draft A Basic Platform Accord; Rule Out Governor For 2d Place

Nixon-Rockefeller Plank On Rights Sets Off Fight; Convention Begins Today

Nixon Says Rights Plank Must Be Made Stronger

President Challenges Soviet To A World Vote On 2 Systems; Nixon Wins Civil Rights Fight

Nixon Is Given Nomination By Acclamation After Goldwater Gets 10 Louisiana Votes; Candidate Picks Lodge For Second Place

Lodge Is Nominated For Vice-Presidency; Nixon Asks That Fight Against Communism Be Waged On Social And Economic Fronts

Stevenson Gives Kennedy Pledge Of Help In Race

A.E.C. Seeks Bomb Tests To Develop New Warhead


Stevenson Urges His Supporters To Help Kennedy

Kennedy Assails Nixon ‘Betrayal’ On Farm Policies

U-2 Pilot’s Family Gets Visas to Go To Soviet for Trial

L.I. Strike Ends; Service On Road Is Due Tomorrow

X-15 Rocket Plane Flies 2,150 M.P.H. for a Record

Kennedy Appeals For Minority Vote On Visit To City

Castro Decrees Seizure Of Rest Of U.S. Property; Cites Cut In Sugar Quota

Catholic Church In Cuba Criticizes Communist Gains

U.N. Council Votes New Mandate For Hammarskjold On Katanga After He Warns Of War Dangers

Katanga Softening Stand Against U.N. Troop Entry; Belgium Reviews NATO Tie

Senate Ratifies Antarctic Pact; Arms Outlawed

‘Copter Recovers Capsule Ejected By U.S. Satellite

Balloon Satellite Orbits Relayed Message Heralds New Communications Era

G.O.P. Senators Prod Democrats To Act On Rights

Wife Defends Powers’ Plea Admitting He Flew the U-2

Eisenhower Is Given Flag That Orbited the Earth

G.O.P. Puts ‘Do-Little’ Tag On Reconvened Congress

Powers Pleads Guilty To Spying; Tells Soviet Court, ‘I Am Sorry’; Eisenhower Rebuts Propaganda

Powers Admits Flight Did U.S. An ‘Ill Service’

Powers Gets A 10-Year Sentence; Soviet Asserts Penalty Is Mild, But Eisenhower Finds It Severe

Two Soviet Dogs In Orbit Returned To Earth Alive As Satellite Is Retrieved

U.N. Declines To Curb Authority Given Hammarskjold On Congo; Soviet Drops Bid To Revise Set-Up

House Votes Bill For Debate On TV By 2 Candidates

Senate Rejects Kennedy’s Plan On Care Of Aged

President Taunts Kennedy On Split In Party’s Ranks

Father of Powers Says Pilot Doubts U-2 Was Shot Down

Top Labor Leaders Back Kennedy-Johnson Ticket

3 Judges Forbid Louisiana To Bar Pupil Integration

O.A.S. Votes To Condemn Red Moves In Hemisphere; Angry Cubans Walk Out

Jordan’s Premier Is Slain, 10 Others Die in Bombings

Flood In Queens Maroons 20,000 In Stalled Subways; Rush-Hour Travel Tied Up


Pennsy Shut Down by Strike; 136,000 Affected in 13 States

Congress Closes; Unable To Agree On Sugar Policy

Castro Says Cuba Will Recognize Communist China

Anti-Catholic View Found Widespread In Parts of South

Kennedy Predicts Democratic Gain From Bigger Vote

Lumumba Defies Ouster Ordered By President; Chaos Spreads In Congo

Two Code Clerks Defect To Soviet; Score U.S. ‘Spying’

Religion As Issue Denounced Again By White House

Kennedy’s Religious Stand Is Detailed by Democrats

New Haven Asks Workers To Lend 10% Of Their Pay

U.S. To Limit Khrushchev To Manhattan On U.N. Trip; Security Given As Reason

Nixon Seeks Date To End All Talk Of Religion Issue

Hurricane Pounds City And L.I., Disrupting Power And Travel; Connecticut Damage Is Heavy

U.S. Suit Charges An Economic Bar To Negro Voting

Congolese Army Assumes Power; Backs Kasavubu

Army Mob Tries To Kill Lumumba; U.N. And Congo Police Guard Him; Mobutu Military Rule Is Gaining

Kasavubu Tells Russians And Czechs To Quit Congo; U.N. Assembly Summoned

U.N. Chief Warns He May Quit Post Over Congo Rule

Asian-African Bloc Aids U.N. Chief; Khrushchev Arrives Here Today; Anti-Red Pickets And Police Clash

U.N. Chief Wins 70-0 Congo Vote; Khrushchev Received Coldly; Angry Castro Switches Hotels

U.N. Admits 13 African Countries; Tito Here To Seek A Buffer Bloc; Khrushchev Pays Call On Castro

Eisenhower To Confer With Tito After Addressing The U.N. Today; Will See Latins But Snub Castro

Eisenhower Calls For Peace Through U.N., Give Plans For Africa And Disarmament; Tito Urges Immediate Steps To Cut Arms

Khrushchev Asks Hammarskjold Ouster; Would Substitute A 3-Bloc Directorate; Herter Sees ‘Declaration Of War’ On U.N.

Khrushchev Insists U.N. Revision Must Precede Disarmament Pact; Africans Support Hammarskjold

Khrushchev Demands Veto Right For 3 Directors In His U.N. Plan; Herter Tells Africans Of Danger

Nixon And Kennedy Clash In TV Debate On Spending, Farms And Social Issues

Eisenhower And MacMillan Ask U.N. To Press For Disarmament; Nasser Urges U.S.-Soviet Talks

Researchers Link a Virus To Eight Forms of Cancer

MacMillan Meets Khrushchev And Discusses ‘Summit’ Issues; Neutrals Ask U.S.-Soviet Talk


Pentagon Is Using New Fund Fought By The President

Khrushchev Warns U.N. Of War Peril Over China Issue

President Rejects Neutrals’ Bid To Confer With Khrushchev Now; Awaits Shift In Soviet Attitude

Hammarskjold Defies Demand By Khrushchev That He Resign; Nehru Supports Record Of U.N.

61 Die, 11 Survive As Airliner Falls In Boston Harbor

Hulan Jack To Quit Soon And Avoid Second Trial; Negro Seen As Successor

Havana Reports 27 From U.S. Invaded Cuba to Aid Rebels

Nixon And Kennedy Clash On TV Over Issue Of Quemoy’s Defense; U-2 ‘Regrets’ And Rights Argued

U.N. Assembly Again Bars Seat For Red China, 42-34; Margin For U.S. Narrows

Kennedy Opposes U.S. Resumption Of Nuclear Tests

Kennedy Charges Urban ‘Neglect’ By Republicans

U.N. Rebuffs Khrushchev, 54 To 13; Bars Assembly Arms Debate Now; Premier Warns Of Rocket Power

Embargo By U.S. On Goods To Cuba Is Expected Soon

Nixon And Kennedy Renew Fight Over Quemoy In Heated Debate; Alson Clash On Labor Programs

Cuba Nationalizes Banks And All Major Companies; U.S. Indicts Castro In U.N.

Cuba Dooms 2 From U.S. For Joining Armed Revolt

2 More Americans Shot As Anti-Castro Invaders

Kennedy Gives Guidelines For Ethics in Government

2 World War II Veterans Address American Legion

Big Crowds Here Acclaim Kennedy And Mob His Car

Free Gold Prices Spurt In Europe; Hit A $40.60 Peak

Nixon And Kennedy Debate Cuba; Also Clash Over Quemoy Issue, Atom Testing And U.S. Prestige

Nixon Says Kennedy Plan On Cuba Risks World War

Third Sunday Bomb Rips Staten Island Ferry Deck

U.S. Survey Finds Others Consider Soviet Mightiest

Dr. King Gets 4 Months in Georgia

U.S. Sets Policy On Cuba; Will Defend Guantanamo By Fighting If Necessary

Soviet U.N. Aide and Artist Held Here As Spies Seeking Air Photos of Chicago

U.S. Says Cuba Is Getting Big Cargoes Of Red Arms; Asks O.A.S. Investigation

22 Are Dead In Ohio Crash Of College Team’s Plane Leaving For Coast In Fog

Militiamen Mass In Havana To Bar ‘Invasion’ By U.S.


Police Head Fears Wave Of Absences On Election Day

200,000 On Coast Acclaim Kennedy

Eisenhower Joins Nixon In Campaign Drive Here; Both Stress Peace Issue

Hydrogen Fusion Contained Again In Test On Coast

Nixon Charges Kennedy Offers Economic ‘Poison’

Kennedy Tours City Area, Crowds Greet Him In Rain; Nixon Sets 4-Hour TV Talk

Nixon Wants Eisenhower To Visit Red Countries; Kennedy Steps Up Drive

Record Vote Forecast For Today As Nation Picks A New President; Candidates Campaign To The Last

Kennedy Is Apparent Victor; Lead Cut In Two Key States; Democrats Retain Congress

Kennedy’s Victory Won By Close Margin; He Promises Fight For World Freedom; Eisenhower Offers ‘Orderly Transition’

Kennedy To Keep Dulles At C.I.A. And Hoover As Director Of F.B.I.’ Will Meet With Eisenhower Soon

Nixon Shuns Move For Vote Recount

U.S. Note Assails Cuba’s Execution Of 3 Americans

U.S. Court Bars Louisiana’s Move To Seize Schools

Kennedy And Nixon Meet; Roles In Administration For G.O.P. Liberals Hinted

Nuclear Submarine Armed With Polaris Begins First Patrol

U.S. Will Reduce Spending Abroad By A Billion To Stem Gold Drain; Dependents At Bases To Be Cut

U.S. Sends Navy To Bar Any Attack Against Guatemala Or Nicaragua; Cuba Aroused By Anti-Red Patrol

Robert Kennedy Being Considered For Cabinet Post

Symington Gives Kennedy His Plan To Build Defense

Louisiana Group Demands Kennedy Give Rights View

Congolese Army Battles U.N. Soldiers In Attempt To Deport Ghana’s Envoy

Kasavubu Wins Seat In U.N., 53-24; Ghana’s Envoy Leaves The Congo; Unruly Troops Harass U.N. Staff

U.S. Will Propose A Nuclear Force In NATO Command

Mrs. Kennedy Has a Boy After a Dash to Hospital

Kennedy Alters Schedule To Stay Close to New Son

Segregation’s Friends and Foes Picket in Atlanta

Ghana Says U.S. and Allies Aid Belgian Plot in Congo

20 Apalachin Convictions Voided By Appeals Court; Prosecution Is Criticized

Brother of Soble Is Seized As a Wartime Soviet Spy


U.S. Court Voids Louisiana’s Ban On Integration

5-Ton Soviet Space Craft With 2 Dogs Put in Orbit

Lumumba Seized in Congo; Mobutu Orders Him Tried; U.N. Urges Fair Treatment

Byrd Challenges Liberals To Cut His Senate Power

Crowd Of Racists Heckles Minister

Symington Panel Urges Revamping Of The Pentagon

Eisenhower And Kennedy Confer On World Problems For 3 Hours; Put Stress On Defense Of Dollar

Graft Is Charged To 38 Inspectors Of Wiring In City

Kennedy Asks Stevenson To Head U.N. Delegation; Acceptance Is Deferred

Lumumba’s Men Imperil Whites; U.N. Sends Troops

Rioting Moslems In Algeria Back De Gaulle Policy

61 Dead In Algiers Riots; Troops Fire On Moslems; De Gaulle Shortens Visit

17-Inch Snow Cripples City Area; Schools Shut, Suburbs Isolated As Blizzard Hits Eastern States

M’Namara Named To Defense Post; Now Heads Ford

Coup In Ethiopia Ousts Selassie; Son Claims Rule

Kennedy Names Goldberg And Freeman To Cabinet; Appoints Brother Today

127 Die As 2 Airliners Collide Over City; Jet Sets Brooklyn Fire, Killing 5 Others Second Plane Crashes On Staten Island

50 Killed In Plunge Of U.S. Plane Into Crowded Munich Street Car; Toll Rises To 137 In Disaster Here

Rightist Laotian Cabinet Takes Over In Vientiane

46 Killed, 7 Missing On Carrier In Fire At Brooklyn Navy Yard; Workers Trapped Below Decks

U.N. Congo Debate Ends In Impasse; Session Adjourns

Tapes Tell Story Of Air Collision, But Not The Cause

Kennedy Resigns His Senate Seat; Studies Job List

Soviet Says It Hopes Amity Will Grow Under Kennedy

Nitze Chosen by Kennedy To Map Disarmament Plan

Pentagon To Play More Direct Role In Arms Parleys

Scientists Hear Red China Taps Vast Mineral Riches

U.S. And 4 Allies Sign A NATO Pact To Produce Jets

City Police Head Held In Contempt In Promotion Suit

President Favors Radio Satellites Run By Industry

Negro Evictions Stayed By Courts

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