1959: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Union’s Monitors To Bar Hoffa Bid To Enroll Police

Batista And Regime Flee Cuba; Castro Moving to Take Power; Mobs Riot And Loot In Havana

Castro Names President As Rebels Enter Havana; Street Clashes Continue

Soviet Says Rocket Has Passed Moon And Is Going Into Orbit Around Sun; Instruments On It Seek Lunar Data

Soviet Rocket Is Up 343,750 Miles As It Soars Toward Orbit Of Sun; Signals Sent From Beyond Moon

Rocket’s Radios Go Dead 373,125 Miles From Earth

Halleck Unseats Martin As G.O.P. Leader In House; Congress To Open Today

Rockefeller For Tax Rise To Bar ‘Fiscal Disaster’; Sees Deficit Of 230 Million

Havana Welcomes Castro At End of Triumphal Trip

President Asks Congress To Plan Long-Range Security And Growth; Foes Of Filibuster Defeated, 60-36

Soviet Asks Early Talks On German Peace Treaty; Draft Opposed By Allies

U.S. Raising Missile Goals As Critics Foresee a ‘Gap’

Rockefeller Weigh Rise In Income Tax And Urges 2-Cent Increase On ‘Gas’

Republicans Plan A Civil Rights Bill To Test New Rule

100 Face Death in Trials About to Begin at Havana

Castro Says Cuba Wants Good Ties With Washington

5-Pound Atomic Generator Produced

Mayor Sponsors 5 Laws To Punish Neglect In Slums

Moses to Submit Battery Slum Clearance and Housing Program Today

Budget Is Balanced At 77 Billion; President Asks Curb On Spending; Democrats See Politics In Plan

Kennedy Offers Labor Bill Aimed at Hoffa ‘and His Ilk’

Cecil De Mille, 77, Pioneer of Movies Dead in Hollywood

Soviet Alleges West Wants Geneva Atom Talks to Fail

Batista Major Condemned In Havana Stadium Trial

Norfolk Divided and Bitter As It Faces Desegregation

Missiles Inquiry Tops Arms Study Facing Congress

Khrushchev Says ‘Thaw’ Is Possible In The ‘Cold War’

Khrushchev Says Rocket Success Shifts World Balance To Soviet; Dulles Doubts Russian Peace Bid

Eisenhower Gives Program To Curb Abuses In Labor

Arlington Set to Integrate; Charlottesville Gets Delay

Ship Carrying 95 Strikes Iceberg; Believed Sinking


Virginia Viewed As Turning Point For Integration

2 Virginia School Systems Begin Integration Today

Virginia Is Calm As Negroes Join White Students

Airliner Carrying 72 Crashes; 22 Dead, 39 Missing, 11 Rescued In East River Off La Guardia

Arliner Death Toll Is 65; 8 Are Saved In East River; U.S. And City Inquiries On

President Urges Civil Rights Code To Halt Violence

Senate Approves $465,000,000 Plan To Build Airports

City Asks Tax On Checks, Cab Rides, Coin Machines, Plus Bet or 4% Sales Levy

Opposition Rises On City Tax Plan; Mayor Confident

Extension of Rent Control Is Sought by Rockefeller

Eisenhower Says Red Radio Tricks May Trap Pilots

Democrats Back All But One Item In State Tax Plan

Sandburg on Lincoln Hushes Congress

Castro to Become Premier In Shift of Cuba’s Regime

Soviet And China Reaffirm Unity And Denounce U.S.

G.O.P. Still Hopes to Cut Rockefeller Tax Program

Moscow Denies 11 From Downed Plane Are in Soviet Union

Vanguard Fires Satellite In Orbit To Scan Weather

Juke Box Figure Linked To Racket Loans at 198%

Rockefeller Places Blame For Tax Rise on Harriman

Coliseum Crowd Boos Rockefeller Over Tax Policies

Levitt Disputes Rockefeller Data On State’s Debt

Food Trade Waits Impact Of U.S. Law on Additives

A.F.L.-C.I.O. Votes Organizing Drive To Combat Hoffa

Khrushchev Turns Down Foreign Ministers Parley; Again Asks Summit Talks

Eisenhower Says West Won’t Yield An Inch On Berlin

U.S. Navy Boards A Soviet Trawler In North Atlantic

State Union Chief Joins Opposition To Tax Increase


Mayor Acts to Board Up 5 of Wyckoff Tenements

G.O.P. Chiefs Urge Rockefeller To Cut Taxes And Budget

Army Fires Moon Rocket; Shot Is Apparent Success; Vehicle Due To Orbit Sun

Pioneer IV Soars Nearer The Moon; Sends Back Data

Governor Meets G.O.P. Tax Rebels; Still Lacks Votes

G.O.P. Tax Revolt In Albany Ending; Concessions Won

New Penicillins to Fight Microbes Now Resistant

Massachusetts Troopers Subdue Prison Rioters and Rescue 7 Hostages

Iraqi Army Units Opposing Kassim Rebel In Oil Area

Governor Wins Tax Fight; Revolt In G.O.P. Collapses After A Compromise Fails

Senate Authorizes 48-Million Increase In Space Program

President Bars Troop War In Europe But He Declines To Rule Out A Nuclear War

Hawaii Is Voted Into Union As 50th State; House Grants Final Approval, 323 To 89; Eisenhower’s Signature Of Bill Assured

President Asks 4 Billions For Mutual Aid Program; Says Berlin Proves Need

8 Yale Students Hurt, 16 Arrested as Police Quell Riot

Program To Aid Commuter Lines Given Governor

President Agrees To Summit Talk If Foreign Ministers Pave Way; Puts Duty To Berlin Above Peace

Walkout by 350 Workers Disrupts Jersey Turnpike

U.S. Atom Blasts 300 Miles Up Mar Radar, Snag Missile Plan; Called ‘Greatest Experiment’

Quarles Says Atom Shots Aided Weapons Research In Attack And In Defense

Air Defense Plans Facing Wide Pentagon Overhaul

U.S., Britain Agree On Summit Parley For Late Summer

A Spot Check: Public Firm On Berlin, But Ill-Informed

Macmillan Would Aid Iraq; U.S. Defers Stand on Arms

U.S. Undertaking Wide New Studies Of Fall-Out Peril

Rail Aid And Rent Control Voted In Albany Wind-Up; Inquiry On City Approved

4 Lost as Cruise Liner Hits Tanker

Tibetans’ Revolt Said To Be Failing; Dalai Lama Flees

Chinese Reds End Dalai Lama Rule; Rival Gets Post

Peiping ChargesTibetan Uprising Is Led From India

HIgh Court Backs Double Jeopardy In Certain Cases


Eisenhower Signs Bill Tapering Off U.S. Aid to Jobless

U.S. Opens Racket Inquiry Into Dress Industry Here

Dalai Lama Enters India And Asks for Sanctuary

Dalai Lama Gets Asylum In India; Harried In Flight

Bridges Plans Tie With Hoffa Union

U.S. Increases Lead Over Soviet Output As Recession Fades

U.S. Says Soviet Stirs ‘Hostility’ In Air Incidents

Jobs Up A Million As Idle Decline 387,000 In March

Soviet Won’t Top U.S. 1970 Output, C.I.A. Chief Says

7 Named As Pilots For Space Flights Scheduled In 1961

Judge Hand, on Bench 50 Years, Hailed

Investor Group Seeking To Buy All City Transit

Estimate Board Hostile To Plan For Transit Sale

Discoverer Shot Into Polar Orbit; Recovery Is Aim

MIG’s Again Buzz A U.S. Transport On Berlin Route

Dulles Resigns As Secretary; Saddened Eisenhower Hails Him; Herter Is Slated As Successor

Judge Voids Vote Section Of 1957 Civil Rights Law

H-Bomb Test Raid Stills Bustling City

President Names Herter As Successor To Dulles; Senate To Rush Approval

Castro Rules Out Role As Neutral; Opposes The Reds

Eisenhower Sends Appeal To Khrushchev To Accept Ban On Atom Tests In Air

Castro Gets a Noisy Reception Here

City Grants Rise In Police, Fire Pay Of $300 In 2 Steps

Police Increase Guard On Castro In Fear Of Plot

Some Radio Waves Kill When Beamed At Monkey’s Brain

St Lawrence Seaway Open to Ships

Soviet Building a New World in Siberia

Small Arms Sent To Panama By U.S.

Mrs. Luce Wins in Senate; Husband Asks Her to Quit

Eisenhower Backs Mrs. Luce, Calls Her Gibe Human


Eisenhower Veto Of R.E.A. Measure Upheld By House

U.S. Rocket Shots At Venus Put Off

Heavy Gold Flow From U.S. Causes Global Concern

Britons Complain U.S. Corners Sale Of Arms To Allies

Truman Asks End Of Ban On 3d Term

Rockefeller Maps Sweeping Survey Of Schools’ Needs

Britain and France Sign U.S. Atomic Pacts Today

Study Minimizes Fall-Out Danger

Employees Strike At Six Hospitals; Service Goes On

U.S. Cites Job Rise; Half-Million Dip In Idle Is Hinted

Gromyko Asks Full Geneva Role For 2 Germanys; West Bars Plan; Opening Of Talks Today In Doubt

Geneva Talks Open After Delay; Gromyko Yields On Seating Plan; Two Germanys Get Advisory Role

31 Killed As Plane Falls In Storm Near Baltimore; Two Die In Line’s 2d Crash

West’s Geneva Peace Plan Links Security And A German Merger To Uniting Of Berlin By Election

Herter Gives West’s Plan; Gromyko Prepares Reply; Moscow Is Firm On Berlin

Gromyko Renews Demand For A 2-Germany Treaty; Asks West To Quit Berlin

Soviet Agrees To Discuss Watch On Space A-Tests; Bars Package Peace Plan

U.S. Considers Proposing Interim Plan For Berlin; French Oppose Move Now

Strikers To Vote On Hospital Plan; Hope Called Dim

Con Edison Buys Plants Supplying Subways’ Power

Herter Charges Divided Germany Is Soviet’s Goal

27 Apalachin Men Indicted By U.S. In Drive On Mafia

Castro Bars Role For ‘Extremists’

Pentago Drafts A ‘Master Plan’ For Air Defense

John Foster Dulles Dies; Special Funeral Decreed; Geneva Talks To Suspend

2 Get Jail Terms For Not Halting Hospital Strike

2d Union Warns 7 More Hospitals Of Strike Spread

Dulles Is Buried; World’s Leaders Attend Services

2 Monkeys Survive Flight Into Space In U.S. Rocket And Are Retrieved At Sea

70 Police Officers Reassigned Here; 37 Are Promoted

Monkeys’ Pulses Were Steady in Space


Jersey’s Egg Producers Shaken by Price Slump

State Opens New Attack In War on Racket Unions

One Space Monkey Dies During a Minor Operation

U.S. Rockets 4 Mice; Orbit Is Doubted

Another Hospital Facing Walkout by Union Today

Strike Extended To 7th Hospital; Service Goes On

City Plan To End Hospital Strike Is Due Tomorrow

6 More Hospitals Facing Walkout By Hotel Union

High Court Backs Rights Of Congress And States In Subversion Inquiries

Mayor Endorses Hospital Report; Violence Flares

Jobs Rise to 66,016,000, Setting a Record for May

Gromyko Is Told Threats Imperil A Summit Parley

5 Hospitals Lose Injunction Plea; Strike Is Upheld

4 Guilty of Raping Negro; Florida Jury Votes Mercy

Defiance Of Law Growing In South, 3 Groups Report

Mayor Calls 7 Hospitals To a Joint Session Today

Rail Cars Tied Up By Tug Walkout

Monaghan Says He Will Not Quit; Assails Charges

Senate Rejects Strauss, 49-46, At Night Session; Vote Forced By Johnson

Geneva Talks Recessing Till July 13 In Deadlock; Soviet Is Firm On Berlin

U.S. Won’t Guard Planes Off Asia

Herter Returns, Says Soviet’s Aim Is A Red Germany

Hospital Strike Ends In 46th Day As Pact Is Voted

Herter Says Soviet Seeks To Enslave West Berlin; Reports No Geneva Gains

Herter Berlin Stand Wins Strong Bipartisan Backing

President Vetos Wheat-Price Bill And Tobacco Plan

68 Dead In Crash Of U.S. Airliner In Italy In Storm

President Wins A 2-Week Delay In Steel Strike

Nixon Committee Asks U.S. Action To Bar Inflation

High Court Voids Checks On ‘Risks’ In Arms Industry


Cuban Air Chief Resigns, Charging Red Influence

President Calls Inflation Issue For ’60 Campaign

Pentagon Fire Destroys Air Records and Computers

Castro Rules Out Any Foreign Hand In Cuban Affairs

Nation Unfurls Its 49-Star Flag To Salute July 4

Ben-Gurion Quits In Israeli Crisis Over Arms Sale

State Plan Asks Fall-Out Shelter In Every Building

U.S. To Ask Soviet If It Has Relaxed Stand On Berlin

200 U.S. Warplanes Will Leave France

Two U.S. Soldiers Slain In Vietnam

Reserve Opposes Shift In Its Policy To Buy U.S. Bonds

Steel Talks Fail; Peace Hopes Rest With President

Kozlov, at Close of Tour, Predicts a Socialist U.S.

The Furnaces Start to Cool as Steel Mills Prepare to Shut Down

Steel Strike Begins, Mills Shut; Lengthy Walkout Is Predicted; Talks Set On President’s Plea

Mediator Sees No Hopes For Early Steel Peace; Industry Bars Fact Panel

Khrushchev Gives A ‘Solemn Pledge’ Not To Start War

Castro Assails Cuban President, Forcing Him Out

Castro’s Cabinet Bids Him Remain As Cuba’s Ruler

70 Felled as Smoke Traps 400 on IRT Under River

Mayor Proposes A Vast New Plan To End City Slums

President Is Writing Off Chance Of Summit Talks; Geneva Showdown Nears

Nixon Takes Off On Trip To Soviet To Open Exhibit

Nixon, In Moscow, Pledges Effort To Ease Tensions; Khrushchev Attacks U.S.

Nixon And Khrushchev Argue In Public As U.S. Exhibit Opens; Accuse Each Other Of Threats

Muscovites Heckle Nixon; He Preaches Free Speech

Soviet Campaign Disparages U.S.

U.S. Output Rate In Decade Found Higher Than Index

House Unit Bars Injunction As Part of Civil Rights Bill

G.O.P. Wins Governorship In Hawaii’s First State Vote

Pentagon Bars Navy Plan For Missile-Cruiser Fleet


9 Governors Urge Khrushchev Visit In Exchange Plan

Nixon Tells Russians End Of Fear Depends on Khrushchev Tactics; Allies Back U.S. Visit By Premier

Rockefeller Bars Candidacy In 1960 As Vice President

Khrushchev Coming To U.S. Next Month; Eisenhower Will Go To Soviet In Autumn After Separate Trip To Western Europe

Hoffa Denounced In Senate Report For Union Abuses

Khrushchev Bars Saber Rattling, Calls Germany Key To U.S. Talks; Nixon Asks Courtesy For Premier

Mayor Appoints A City Watchdog In Slum Projects

Navy Missile Monitor Detects Firing Anywhere In The World – U.S. Puts Paddle-Wheel Satellite in Orbit

Dominican Rebels Recruit Puerto Rican Troops Here

World’s Fair Planned Here In ’64 at Half Billion Cost

Little Rock Asks Peace At Schools

Faubus Asks Little Rock To Shun Violence Today

Little Rock Opens 2 Mixed Schools; Mob Driven Back

House Approves Labor Bill Urged By The President

Cubans Capture Invasion Plane; Accuse Trujillo

Castro Is Lionized For Tricking Foes; American Is Hailed

Fleet Admiral Halsey Dies; Leader in Defeat of Japan

Power Cut Off For 500,000 In Manhattan; Failure In Heat Hits Travel, Hospitals; Extra Police Patrol In Dark; Park Shut

City Asks Report From Con Edison On Power Failure

Civil Rights Bill Shelved In House Until ’60 Session

State Democrats Will Back Wagner for Vice President

Hawaii Becomes The 50th State; New Flag Shown

Mitchell Notes ‘Severe’ Impact Of Steel Strike

U.S. Panel Fears Fall-Out Danger If Tests Resume

City Puts Blame Upon Con Edison In Power Failure

President Off To Europe To Unify Western Views Before Khrushchev Talk

Eisenhower Is Hailed In Bonn; Renews Pledge Of Free Berlin; British Seek Fall Summit Talk

Londoners Acclaim Eisenhower; He Obtains Adenauer’s Support For Meetings With Khrushchev

President Vetoes Civil Works Bill; Faces Overriding

Some Negroes Here Send Their Children To Schools in South

Toll of 50 Million Pictured In an Atom Attack on U.S.


1,400 City Police Shifted To Fight On Youth Crimes

Prime Suspect In Teen Slayings Seized In Bronx

New Labor Bill With Wide Curbs Set For Passage

Attack On Gangs is Ordered Here By City And State

U.N. Force Asked By Invaded Laos; U.S. Favors Help

U.S. Will Ask U.N. To Send Observer Group To Laos; Accuses Soviet And China

Soviet Press Says U.S. Stand in Laos Is Menace to Peace

Rights Unit Asks U.S. Act To Insure Negroes Of Votes

Rockefeller Seeks More Work Camps For Delinquents

Mayor Names 22 to Ease Racial Tension in Harlem

Congress Upsets Eisenhower Veto For the 1st Time

Senators Seeking Civil Rights Pact In Wind-Up Drive

Russians Fire Rocket At Moon, Expect It To Hit Target Today; Shot Timed To Khrushchev Trip

Soviet Rocket Hits Moon After 35 Hours; Arrival Is Calculated Within 84 Seconds; Signals Received Till Moment Of Impact

Khrushchev On His Way To U.S. To Begin Two-Week Tour Today; Bringing Memento Of Moon Shot

Khrushchev Gets Big But Quiet Welcome From 200,000 On Arrival In Washington; Has ‘Frank’ 2-Hour Talk With Eisenhower

Khrushchev Has An Arms Plan; Asks Peace Effort Lest Earth Turns Into ‘Ashes And Graves’

City Greets Khrushchev With Restraint; He Urges Accord With U.S. To Keep Peace; Herter And Lloyd, In U.N., Ask Disarming

Khrushchev, In U.N., Bids Nations Disarm Down To Police Units Within Four Years; West Is Critical; U.S. Stresses Control

Khrushchev Threatens To Return Home; Warns Coast Audience Of Soviet Rockets; Puts Question Of War Or Peace Up To U.S.

Khrushchev Greeted By Cheers In San Francisco; Won’t Cut Trip; Debates Sharply With Unionists

Khrushchev, In A Warm Speech, Renews Appeal For Friendship; President Again Asks Courtesy

Khrushchev, In Iowa, Asks Talks At Summit Once Or Twice A Year; Herter Questions His Arms Plan

Stevenson Reports Khrushchev Hints At ‘Give’ In Negotiations; Premier Greeted In Pittsburgh

Khrushchev Opens Talks With Eisenhower Today; An Atomic Accord Likely

Eisenhower, Khrushchev Begin Camp David Talks After Helicopter Flight

Eisenhower, Khrushchev Talk Privately All Day; German Issue Dominate

President And Khrushchev In Agreement On New Berlin Talks And More Exchanges; Eisenhower Defers Visit; Premier Leaves

President Sees Threats Ended On Berlin, Way To Summit Open; Khrushchev, At Home, Hails Him

10 Governors Bid Eisenhower Name Steel Peace Aide


President’s Plea In Steel Dispute Reopens Parleys

Longshore Strike Shuts Down Piers In East And South

Du Pont To Keep Its Stock In G.M., But Loses Votes

Soviet Scientific Vehicle Launched To Circle Moon And Return Toward Earth

Soviet Expects Satellite To Round The Moon Today And Send Data On Far Side

Satellite Slows; Passing Of Moon Is Now Due Today

Eisenhower Acts In Dock Strike; Orders A Taft-Hartley Inquiry; New Steel Peace Attempt Fails

U.S. Tells Peiping Blow At Taiwan Risks ‘Total’ War

Conservatives Victors, Expect Majority Of 110; British Voting Is Heavy

President Uses Taft-Hartley Act In A Move To End Steel Walkout; Longshoremen Back On Their Jobs

F.C.C. Powerless To Police Quizzes, TV Inquiry Is Told

Networks, F.C.C. Scored On Fixing Of Quiz Programs

High Court Links Criminal Juries And Negro Voting

B-47 Launches Anti-Satellite Missile

Van Doren Accepts Writ; Silent on TV Fix Charges

12 Countries Vow To Bar Warfare From Antarctica

Marshall Is Dead In Capital At 78; World War Chief

Steel Talks Break Down; Union And Industry Spurn Each Other’s New Offers

Steel Mediators Give Up, Find Accord Impossible; U.S. Injunction Next Step

Steel Strike Injunction Is Asked By Eisenhower; Union Fights Move Today

Steel Injunction Argued In Court; Ruling Due Today

Eisenhower Acts To Strip The Army Of Its Space Role

Steel Union Injunction Stay Until Next Week

State Police Round Up 139 In Betting Drive Upstate; Raid 29 Centers At Once

Nehru Says India Will Stand Firm Against Chinese

Kaiser To Sign With Steel Union, Ending Industry’s United Front; Major Producers Standing Firm

Back Of Moon ‘Seen’ First Time; Photo By Soviet Rocket Shows Fewer Craters Than Face Has

Steel Strike Injunction Upheld, But Judges Grant 6-Day Delay; U.S. Urges Speed In High Court

Van Doren, Bloomgarden Admit Getting TV Answers

Cuba Suspends Habeas Corpus To Quell Plots

Chinese Increase Demands On India In Border Dispute


Europe Supplies Caribbean Arms Despite U.S. Curb

TV Quiz Scandals Start F.T.C. Drive To Bar False Ads

Van Doren Admits Lying, Says TV Quiz Was Fixed; Loses His Columbia Post

School Bond Amendment Loses; City Rejects It By Large Margin; Clancy Beats Barnes In Queens

TV Inquiry Raises Issue Of Perjury Over Quiz Rigging

Kintner Testifies N.B.C. Police Unit Found Kickbacks

Wider TV Inquiry To Study Bribery And Paid ‘Plugs’

Supreme Court, 8 To 1, Upholds 80-Day Steel Strike Injunction; First Workers Return To Mills

Soviet Asks U.S. To Back U.N. Move For Space Parley

U.S. Says Cuban Charge Of Bombing Is ‘Malicious’

F.C.C. to Conduct Inquiry On TV Quiz and Ad Evils

Rockefeller Hails Kennedy’s ’60 Bid As U.S. Milestone

Herter Avoids Firm U.S. Stand On India Border

President Plans Top Labor Parley To Avoid Strikes

Rockefeller Now Uncertain If Nixon Could Win in ’60

Racket In Meat Defrauds Buyers Of Millions Here

15 Meat Officials Face Call By City In Wider Inquiry

Rogers Assails Mississippi Role In Lynching Case

Curtice Kills Ex-Associate At G.M. in Hunting Mishap

Hogan Starting ‘Payola’ Inquiry In Radio And TV

U.N. Vote Calls on France To Omit Sahara Bomb Test

Cuba Limits Search for Oil; Nationalization Step Seen

Cuban Labor Cuts Inter-America Tie With Foes Of Reds

Short-Weighting Of Poultry Found In Surprise Raids

City Law To Strip Youths Of Knives Voted By Council

Catholics Oppose Use Of Aid Funds In Birth Control

Eisenhower Says Arms Pact Value Outweighs Risks

Kennedy Opposes Advocacy By U.S. Of Birth Control

U.S. Survey Finds Population Peril In Needy Nations

60% Rise in Puerto Ricans And Negroes Is Seen Here


19 Senators’ Kin Found On Payroll

12-Nation Pact Makes Antarctic Science Reserve

President Bars U.S. Help For Birth Control Abroad

Eisenhower Off To Rome; Starts ‘Friendship’ Tour With Disarmament Plea

Eisenhower Is Welcomed In Rome On First Stop Of 11-Nation Tour; Begins Discussions With Gronchi

Eisenhower And Italians Unite In Pledge To Work For World Disarmament

Eisenhower Hailed By Big Crowd In Turkey After Trip From Rome; Talks With Pope John At Vatican

Eisenhower Gets A Warm Welcome From Pakistanis

Stevenson Asks Law to Bar Strikes Like Steel Walkout

President ‘Overwhelmed’ As Joyous Indian Crowds Rain Flowers On His Car

State Inquiry Hears Attack On Sweatshops System Here

Eisenhower Asks ‘World-Wide War Against Hunger’

U.N. Compromise Breaks Deadlock On Council Seat

Eisenhower Hints U.S. Is Duty-Bound To Defend India

State Democrats Oppose Pay-as-You-Go Financing

Jack Questioned On Who Paid Bill For Work In Home

Mayor Bids Jack Explain Charge On Home Repairs; Governor Asks A Report

Jack Admits $5,500 Ungar ‘Loan’; Goes Before Grand Jury Today; Deal ‘Not Proper,’ Wagner Says

Jack To Waive Immunity And Testify Before Jury; Harlem Foes Backing Him

West’s Big 4 Set April Summit; Eisenhower Fails To Convince De Gaulle In Talk On NATO Rift

U.S. Backs Summit Talk Series; Paris Chosen For April Session; West Acts To Avoid Trade Split

West Reaffirms Berlin Rights; Invites Khrushchev To Summit; Eisenhower Is Hailed In Madrid

Eisenhower Flies Home With Yuletide Greetings From Nations He Visited

Krupp Will Pay Slave Laborers

India Disturbed by Reports Of Chinese Massing in Tibet

High vs. Moderate Rents; Slum Body Has to Choose

Rockefeller Gives Up ’60 Race, Clearing The Path For Nixon; Democrats’ Hopes Are Buoyed

Governor Heeded Advice That Odds Supported Nixon

U.S. Syndicate Will Equip Big Textile Plant in Soviet

U.S. To Drop Ban On Atom Testing; No Blasts Slated

Humphrey Enters Presidency Race; Sees Uphill Fight

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