1958: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Rockefeller Unit Asks Basic Shifts In U.S. Defenses

President Assures Soviet Of U.S. Goodwill in 1958

Venezuelan Army Crushes Revolt; Rebel Chiefs Flee

Hillary Reaches South Pole By 70-Mile Forced March

Approach to Russia Raises Serious Problems for U.S.

Arms Rise Urged Lest Reds Seize Lead In 2 Years

Gavin Charges Pentagon With Barring Promotion; Richover Scores Red Tape

President Asks 1.3 Billion For Missiles, Air Defense As Congress Reconvenes

Dio Sentenced to 15 Years; Aide in Labor Plot Gets 5

President Asks More Missiles, Further Aid, Pentagon Unity; Bulganin Renews Bid For Talk

Space-Board Plan Scored By Air Force Missile Chief

Reactor Experts Ask Rise In U.S. Atom Power Funds

Eisenhower Bids Soviet Join A Ban On Space War And Limit U.N. Veto; Asks Studies Before Summit Talk

President Recommends Budget Of 73.9 Billion, 64% For Defense; Surplus Seen Without Tax Rise

Congress Asked To Raise Debt Ceiling By 5 Billion; Domestic Cuts Irk G.O.P.

President Prefers Deficit To Increase In Taxes Now: Stock Margins Cut To 50%

Democrats Ask Atom Use To Win Space Supremacy

Red China Combats Nationalism ‘Peril’

Raid by 500 Indians Balks North Carolina Klan Rally

Britain Requests Uranium From U.S. For Atom Power

President Asks Restraint On Price And Wage Rises; Sees Recession’s End Soon

House Unit Votes 1.2 Billion Fund To Speed Missiles

Caracas Revolt Ousts Dictator; Dead Exceed 100

Hoffa Takes Over; Court Order Puts Monitors in Union

Gains in Harnessing Power of H-Bomb Reported Jointly by U.S. and Britain

3 F.C.C. Members Deny Wrongdoing On Expense Funds

Democrats Press Rapid Revamping Of The Pentagon

Less U.S. Secrecy On Atom Sought

Head Of School Beset By Crime Leaps To Death

Principal’s Death Is Laid To Threat By A Grand Juror

Paris Gets $655,000,000 From U.S. and 2 Agencies


Army Launches U.S. Satellite Into Orbit; President Promises World Will Get Data; 30-Pound Device Is Hurled Up 2,000 Miles

U.S. Satellite Is ‘Working Nicely’: Army Ordered To Launch Another; Also Plans Reconnaissance ‘Moon’

Trackers Report Seeing Satellite Over New Mexico

4 Jersey Police Officials Indicted in Bribe Attempt

Vanguard Fired But Fails Again; Destroyed In Air

President Calls Tax Cut Possible If Slump Goes On

Schools To Expel Pupils Accused Of Breaking Law

Pentagon Forms A Space Agency; G.E. Aide Is Chief

25 French Planes Kill 72 In Attack On Tunisian Town

U.S. Calls in French Envoy; ‘Profoundly’ Upset by Raid

Schools to Start Hearings For Suspended Students

January Idle 4,494,000, Up 1,120,000 in a Month

Eisenhower Sees Upswing In Jobs Coming In March

11 Governors Bid U.S. Open Drive To End Recession

Output Delines For Fifth Month; 9.5% Below 1956

Indonesia Rebels Proclaim Regime, Defying Jakarta

8.5-Inch Snow Hits City; Commuters Face Snarl; Northeast Is Blanketed

6 degree Cold Hits City, Hampering Fight To Remove Snow

Cold Stings City for 10th Day in Row

President Seeks 3.9 Billion In Aid, Sees Peril 

Debt Ceiling Rise Of 5 Billion Voted By Senate Group

R.C.A. Is Indicted In Criminal Case Under Trust Law

Truman Declares G.O.P. Leads Nation Into Depression

Republicans Vow Tax Cut If Need

Eisenhower Calls His Critics ‘Men Of Little Faith’

Eisenhower And Truman Urge Strong Aid Program As Vital To Safety Of U.S.

President Says Halt In Recession Will ‘Take Time’

President Prodded to Tell Details of Disability Accord


Thor Shot With New Cone For Atmosphere Re-Entry

Soviet, In Shift, Proposes Foreign Ministers Meet To Arrange Summit Talk

Mayor Cautions On Welfare Cost If Slump Persists

Integration Delay Denied For Virginia’s Test County

Housing Bill to Fight Slump Is Backed by Senate Group

2d U.S. Explorer Fired, Vanishes; Orbiting In Doubt

U.S. Bars Parley Of Foreign Aides On Soviet Terms

Lehman, Uviller Named Mediators In Dress Walkout

President Asks Extension By U.S. Of Pay To Jobless; Lists 7 Anti-Slump Steps

A.E.C. and Congress Unit Speed Atom Power Plans

Nixon For Broad Tax Cut In Few Weeks If Dip Lasts; Opposes A Spending Plan

Jobless Total At 5,173,000, The Highest In 16 Years; Tax Cuts Facing A Delay

Senate Votes 1.8 Billion To Speed 200,000 Houses; President Wary On Taxes

Rayburn And G.O.P. Agree To Confer On Tax Action; Dip In Spending Forecast

Jobless Claims Increase Again; Incomes Slump

Soviet Urges U.N. Rule Outer Space For Peace Uses

One Worker In 15 Is Jobless Here

Navy Puts Vanguard In Orbit; 2d U.S. Satellite Up 2,513 Miles; Expected To Last 5 To 10 Years

Mayor Hints City Is Being Swindled By Realty Agents

24 Killed In Broadway Loft Fire; 15 Injured, Some Leap To Street; Trapped Victims Panic In Smoke

Snow In East Cuts Power And Travel In Wide Area; Jersey And L.I. Hard Hit

Storm Subsides; 45 Dead In 2 Days; Power Still Cut

Mike Todd and 3 Aides Die In New Mexico Air Crash

Democrats Work To Delay Decision On Tax Reduction

Saud Hands Vital Powers To Brother Prince Faisal

‘Shook’ Youngsters Spring From the Housing Jungles

3d U.S. Satellite Fired Into Orbit; Short Life Seen

Khrushchev Takes Full Control, Replacing Bulganin As Premier; U.S. Expects No Change In Policy

Pentagon Plans Give More Power To The Secretary

President Ready To Ask Space Unit Run By Civilians

Libby Calls U.S. ‘Hottest Place’ In Radioactivity


Soviet Announces Atom-Test Halt With Condition; U.S. Wants Check; West Requests Pre-Summit Parley

U.S. Dropped Plan To Beat Russians To Ban On H-Tests

Eisenhower Calls Soviet Atom Halt Just ‘A Gimmick’

Batista Decrees Cubans May Kill Strike Inciters

Cuba At Deadline For Castro Drive To Oust Batista

Batista’s Regime Reports Rebels Cut Off In Hills

47 Dead In Crash; Turboprop Plane Falls In Michigan

C.B.S. Technicians Strike; Some TV Shows Canceled

President Urges Soviet To Study Arms Inspection

Street Fighting Flares In Havana; 40 Reported Dead

Havana Quieter; Regime And Union Say Strike Failed

The Navy Fires a Dummy Polaris From an Underwater ‘Pop-Up’ Launcher

Sputnik II’s Weight Put at 7,000 Pounds

U.S. Pianist, 23, Wins Soviet Contest

U.S. in Worst Post-War Dip As March Output Declines

Gaillard Resigns In French Crisis Over Tunis Talks

Water and Taxes Termed Threat to Jersey’s Future

Eisenhower Asks Public’s Support Of Pentagon Plan

Soviet Says S.A.C. Flights Over Arctic Peril Peace; U.S. Denies Provocations

Costs of College Soaring; Likely to Double by 1970

Rockefeller Unit Asks Quick Action To Spur Economy

Airliner And Jet Collide In West; All 49 Aboard Die

Balloon Planned To Orbit The Moon

Food Costs Lift Price Index To Another Record Level

Nixon Forecasts End Of Recession Without New Aid

Nelson Rockefeller Heads Unit to Study State’s Constitution

House Democrats Plan To Abandon General Tax Cut

Reserve Banks’ Heads Say Consumer Is Recovery Key

Vanguard Fired, But Fails To Orbit 20-Inch Satellite

Jobless In Nation Decline By 78,000; Total Is 5,120,000


U.S. Ready To Put Arctic On Agenda Of Summit Talks

U.S. Satellites Find Radiation Barrier

Soviet Veto Bars U.N. Arctic Check; Debate Is Bitter

President Bids 11 Nations Join In Antarctic Treaty To Assure Peaceful Use

Jakarta Reports Rebels’ Capital Taken In Assault

Newspaper in Little Rock Wins Two Pulitzer Prizes

Millions Here Take Cover in Raid Drill

Gerosa Releases Realty Charges, Defying Wagner

Nixon Is Stoned By Peru Rioters Headed By Reds

Economic Gains Reported By Four Federal Agencies

Khrushchev Said To Fight To Hold Job As Red China Backs His Foes In Kremlin

Atom Accelerators Probe the Universe

5 Vaccine Makers Accused Of Fixing Polio-Shot Prices

U.S. Flies Troops To Caribbean As Mobs Attack Nixon In Caracas; Eisenhower Demands His Safety

Nixon Cuts Tour Short; Eisenhower Will Lead A Gala Welcome Today

De Gaulle Makes Bid For Power; Salan Offers Algeria’s Backing; Pflimlin Asks Emergency Edict

Wide Powers For Pflimlin Voted By Deputies, 461-114; Massu Demands De Gaulle

Pflimlin Set Back As Ely Resigns And Soustelle Flees To Algeria; De Gaulle To Give Plan Tomorrow

France Calls Up Reserves; De Gaulle Speaks Today’ Communists To Halt Work

De Gaulle Denies Dictatorial Aim; Backs Military Chiefs In Algeria; Salan Offers Pardons To Rebels

Assembly Backs Pflimlin; De Gaulle’s Bid Is Ignored; Army Showdown Avoided

Pflimlin Sending Aide To Algeria For Salan Talks

8 Nikes Explode At Jersey Base; 10 Killed, 3 Hurt

Army Stops Work On Nike Changes; Blast Inquiry On

French Rebels Take Over Corsica; Pflimlin Calls On Nation To Rally; Tunisia Mobilizes As Troops Clash

Pflimlin Acts To Stem Rebellion; Gaullists Gain, Joined By Admiral; Planes From Algeria Raid Tunisia

De Gaulle Visits Paris In Secrecy; Reds Call A General Strike Today; 4 French Warships Sail To Algeria

Pflimlin Submits Resignation Despite Heavy Assembly Vote; Way Seen Clear For De Gaulle

De Gaulle Talks Break Down; Socialists Continue To Bar Him; Leftists Demonstrate In Paris

De Gaulle Accepts Call To From Cabinet If It Receives ‘Full Powers’ For Reforms; Socialists Agree To Consider His Program

De Gaulle Seeing Political Chiefs To Obtain Wide Backing For Rule; Junta In Algeria Cuts Party Ties


De Gaulle Takes Office Today; Accepts NATO; Socialists Split; Ex-Premiers Will Get Top Posts

De Gaulle Named Premier In 329-224 Vote; Asks 6-Month Decree Rule; Leftists Riot; Algiers Is Displeased By Cabinet Choices

De Gaulle Wins Reform Power After He Threatens To Resign; Balky Assembly Yields, 350-161

De Gaulle Goes To Algeria Today To Calm Dissidents; Names Ely Military Chief

De Gaulle Tells Algeria All Will Have Equal Vote; Gets Restrained Welcome

De Gaulle Ready To Order Officers To Leave Juntas; Massu Reported Warned

Jobless Figures Take Sharp Drop; Total Is 4,904,000

Morhouse Works For Rockefeller In Governor Race

15 Million Given to Yale By Mellon for Expansion

Mitchell Says Labor Bill Is Filled With ‘Loopholes’

Kennedy and Ives Attack Mitchell View on Labor Bill

Kennedy Attacks Mitchell Again On Labor Reform

DeGaulle Reported Ready To End Breach With Tunis

New Agency on Air Safety Requested by Eisenhower

President’s Drive For Union Curbs Halted In Senate

Rockefeller Unit Asks New System For World Trade

Adams To Testify In Inquiry Today; Promises Details

Adams Denies Using His Influence But Admits Mistakes Of Judgment; President Voices Full Confidence

President Lauds Adams, Concedes Imprudence; Emphasizes ‘I Need Him’

Knowland Asks President To Weigh Policy on Adams

Russians Stone and Smear Danish Moscow Embassy

U.S. Judges Lets Little Rock Halt Its Integration

Rockefeller Unit Bids U.S. Overhaul Education System

Hoffa and 2 Others Freed In Second Wiretap Trial

Oil Barge Explodes In East River After Colliding With Freighter; Many Injured; Bridge Is Set Afire

Soviet Threatens To Scuttle Plans For Atom Parley

Jet Tanker on Speed Test Crashes; 15 Reported Dead

Fox Says Goldfine Reported Buying House For Adams

24 U.S. Navy Men Missing In Cuba; Kidnapping Seen

5 Million Given Lincoln Sq. By John D. Rockefeller Jr.


Alaska To Join Union As The 49th State; Final Approval Is Voted By Senate, 64-20; Bill Sent To Eisenhower, Who Will Sign It

Batista’s Drive To Crush Rebels Called Failure

Goldfine Admits Listing Gifts As Tax Deductions; Denies Help From Adams

Goldfine Admits He Gave Yule Checks To 33 Aides Of White House, Capitol

U.S. Limits Arms Build-up Despite Sputnik Challenge

Survey of Smokers Finds A 32% Higher Death Rate

Survey Finds Communists Gain Economic Foothold

House Investigator Quits Inquiry; Admits Using Microphone In Hotel To Get New Evidence On Goldfine

U.S. Says Soviet Shot Down Plane With Nine Aboard

U.S. Aide Assails ‘Inhumane’ Attack On Plane In Soviet

Airmen Tell of Beatings, Near-Lynching in Soviet

U.S. Asks Moscow To Punish Airmen For Plane Attack

Air Force Scientists Urge Big Step-Up in Research

Canterbury Thinks God May Doom Man

President Bids U.N. Act Today On Mideast After Pro-Nasser Coup Ousts Iraq’s King; U.S. May Intervene; Britain Alerts Troops

Eisenhower Sends Marines Into Lebanon; Calls For A U.N. Force To Replace Them; Soviet Charges Move Threatens New War

Soviet Calls On U.S. To Leave Lebanon; More American Troops Flying To Mideast; Sweden In U.N. Calls Landing Unjustified

British Land In Jordan, Backed By U.S. Jets; Soviet Set To Take Case To U.N. Assembly; U.S. And Britain Will Limit Intervention

Nasser, In Moscow, Cautions Khrushchev To Avoid Action Imperiling World Peace; Soviet Vetoes U.S. Bid For U.N. Police force

Khrushchev Asks Summit Parley Tuesday On Mideast Crisis; Hammarskjold Invited; U.S. Considers Bid, Consults With Britain

U.S. And Britain Weigh Parley At Summit After U.N.’s Debate; Agree On Joint Mideast Action

Soviet Scores Japan’s U.N. Plan To Add Observers For Lebanon; US Keeping Summit Move Open

Eisenhower Invites Khrushchev To U.N. If He Wants A Summit Parley On Mideast; Council Drops Debate After Soviet Veto

Khrushchev Accepts Summit Talk At U.N.; Wants Nehru And Arab Leaders Present; Meeting Is Expected In Two Weeks Or Less

U.S. To Insist Summit Talk Include All Aspects Of Mideast Question; Bars Soviet Domination Of Debate

U.S. Letter To Russian Forbids Limiting Talk To Allied Action; Asks U.N. Council To Set Rules

U.S. Army Orbits Satellite To Get Cosmic Ray Data

180,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses Gather

Khrushchev Says U.S. Stalls Asks 5-Power Talks In Europe; Dulles Vows Baghdad Pact Aid

Eisenhower To Insist U.N. Set Up Any Summit Talks; Bars Khrushchev Terms

City Bars Piers’ Transfer To Port Authority Control


Lebanon Elects A New President; U.S. Troops To Go If Regime Asks; Dulles Outlines Summit Talk Aim

President Offers To Join U.N. Summit Talks Aug. 12; Geneva Now Likely As Site

President To Tell Soviet That Indirect Aggression Threatens A Major War

Khrushchev, Mao Meet In Peiping, Charge West With Warlike Moves; Soviet Reply On Summit Due Today

State Insists City Improve Schools For Delinquents

Khrushchev Bars U.N. Summit Talk, Urges Special Assembly Session; U.S. Assents, Presses Its Own Bid

Khrushchev Setback Seen In His Meeting With Mao

U.N. Assembly Will Meet On Mideast Crisis Today; Council Adopts U.S. Plan

Nautilus Sails Under The Pole And 1,830 Miles Of Arctic Icecap In Pacific-To-Atlantic Passage

U.S. Bars Change In China Policies; Rebuts Criticism

U.N. Atom Panel Agrees Fall-Out Is Peril To Man

Erie Trains Collide, 5 Die; Towerman Admits a Lapse

President Here To Give Mideast Economic Plan To U.N. Assembly Today

President In 6-Point Plan Asks Arab Unit To Develop Mideast; Also Urges A U.N. Peace Force

99 On Dutch Airliner Lost Off Ireland On Trip Here; 51 Of Victims Americans

19 On Airliner Killed In Crash At Nantucket

Nantucket Toll Rises To 23 Dead

Hall Quits Race; Rockefeller Due To Be Nominated

Little Rock Integration Is Reinstated On Appeal; Circuit Court Vote Is 6-1

U.N. Asian Group Presses For Mideast Withdrawal

President Asks Obedience To Integration Decisions; Faubus’ Reply Is Defiant

Little Rock School Wins A New Integration Stay; Case Going To High Court

U.S. And Britain Give Plan To Halt A-Tests If Soviet Will Confer On Controls

Aid Bill Is Voted As 85th Congress Winds Up Session

U.S. Alerts Seventh Fleet; Doubts a Quemoy Invasion

Rockefeller And Harriman Picked; Senate Choices Remain In Doubt, But Drive To Name Wagner Gains

Democrats Pick Hogan For Senate Over Murray After A Party Split; Keating Is Named By Republicans

Eisenhower Hints Desire For ‘Slower’ Integration; Faubus Program Is Voted

Supreme Court Postpones Action On Little Rock Case Till Sept. 11; U.S. Opposes Delay In Integration

Soviet Says It Recovered 2 Dogs Shot 281 Miles Up

City Teamsters Asks Monitors to Remove Hoffa


Russians Ask U.S. To Collaborate On H-Bomb Power

Little Rock Delay To Sept. 15 Voted By School Board

Arlington Board Bars Negro Pupils

U.S. Said To Plan Quemoy Rescue If Chiang Fails

U.S. Decides To Use Force If Reds Invade Quemoy; Dulles Sees Eisenhower

Quemoy Blockade By Chinese Reds Found Effective

U.S. Welcomes A Red China Bid For Talks On Far East Peace; Shelling Of Quemoy Is Halted

Quemoy Garrison Supplied Under U.S. Fleet’s Escort’ Reds Charge An Intrusion

Khrushchev Letter Asks U.S. To Recognize Peiping; Eisenhower Warns Reds

Dulles Hints U.S. Has Specific Plan For China Parley

N.A.A.C.P. Submits Little Rock Plea; Court Sits Today

President Says Nation Must Fight If Necessary To Bar Quemoy Fall; Sees No War; Urges Negotiations

Court Bars Little Rock Delay; President Calls For Support; Faubus Orders 4 Schools Shut

Eisenhower Asks Moscow To Restrain Chinese Reds; Warsaw Talks Begin Soon

Dulles Calls Taiwan Crisis A Top U.N. Assembly Issue

49 Feared Dead As Train Drives Off Open Newark Bay Bridge; Sunken Cars Trap Commuters

Adams Is Reported Ready To Submit His Resignation

3 Arab Countries Said To Approve U.N. Monitor Plan

Hoffa Will Seek Monitor’s Ouster

Khrushchev Bids U.S. Quit Taiwan or Face Expulsion

Eisenhower Rebuffs Khrushchev, Rejects ‘Abusive’ Note On Taiwan; Crisis Deepening In Warsaw Talks

U.S. Will Rebut Moscow Charges In Taiwan Crisis

Sherman Adams Resigns; Sees ‘Vilification’ Drive; President Voices Sadness

Bribe Study Cites Ex-Head Of F.C.C.

Pessimism Rises On China Talks; Red Line Firmer

Dulles Bars U.S. Retreat Over Quemoy, But Offers A Peaceful Settlement

N.A.A.C.P. Taking Little Rock Fight To Appeals Court

Little Rock Vote Supports Faubus On Segregation

De Gaulle Constitution Approved By France In 4-1 Landslide Vote; Wins In Algeria By Bigger Margin

Supreme Court Forbids Evasion Or Force To Balk Integration; Lower Bench Bans Faubus Plan


Dulles Favors Reduction Of Garrison On Quemoy If Reds Accept Cease-Fire

Chiang Insists Islands Be Held; Disputes Dulles

Democrats Deny China Splits U.S.

Faubus Expects Donations To Run Private Schools

President Scores Critics Of Policy On Quemoy Issue

Peiping Offers Cease-Fire In Quemoy Area For Week If U.S. Stops Convoying

Pope Has Stroke; Still Gravely Ill After Some Gains

Pope Is Reported To Have Suffered A Second Stroke

Pope, 83, Dies After 2d Stroke; Millions Offer Their Prayers; Cardinals To Name Successor

Cardinals Name A Leader Pending Election Of Pope; Rites For Pius Begin Today

Pius XII Borne To Vatican Bier; Crowds Line Way

U.S. Rocket Rising 80,000 Miles, But Will Not Circle The Moon; May Be In Orbit Around Earth

Lunar Rocket Burns Out; Plunge Of 79,000 Miles Ends Over Pacific Ocean

Pope Laid To Rest With Regal Pomp In Vatican Crypt

New Agency Asks Army To Give Up Space Scientists

Nixon Sees G.O.P. Defeat If Party, Like President, Avoids Reply To Attacks

Rockefeller Says Tammany’s Chief ‘Rules’ Harriman

Churchmen Warn On Racial Injustice

Minnesota Farm Disquiet Found Aiding Democrats

Mass in St. Peter’s Closes Funeral Rites for Pius XII

Peiping Resumes Quemoy Shelling And Blames U.S.

President Urges Law To ‘Fumigate’ Dishonest Unions

President Says Democrats Sell ‘Doubt And Fear’

Nixon Denounces ‘Defeatist’ Mood; Campaigns Here

Rockefeller Sees Nixon To Disclaim Reports Of A Rift

Cardinals Enter Conclave For Election of New Pope

Cardinals Ballot 4 Times, But Fail To Elect A Pope

Eisenhower Urges Defeat At Polls Of ‘Spendthrifts’

Cardinal Roncalli Elected Pope; Venetian, 76, Reigns As John XXIII; Thousands Hail Him At St. Peter’s

12 of Buried Miners Alive; Freed After 6 Days in Pit

Russians Demand A Permanent Ban On Atomic Tests


Eisenhower Says G.O.P. Measures Saved Economy

State Recheck Gives Edge To Rockefeller and Hogan

17 Dead In Crash Of Cuban Plane Seized By Rebels

Vote On Governor Today May Set State Record; Clear Weather Forecast

Rockefeller Wins By A 560,000 Margin; Keating Victor,; Knowland Defeated; Democrats Widen Congress Control

Eisenhower Lays G.O.P. Defeats To Voter Apathy On U.S. Spending; Pledges Fight To Reduce Budget

21 Rescued After Arctic Storm Splits I.G.Y. Ice Isle

Tax Rise Is Hinted By Rockefeller To Avoid A Deficit

Rockefeller Off For A Short Rest In South America

Rockefeller Sees No Nixon Setback; Hailed In Caracas

Court Orders Little Rock To Take Integration Steps

Rockefeller and Wife Get Respite From Politics on Venezuelan Farm

TV Official Says $50,000 Was Asked To Win F.C.C. Vote

Catholics and Methodists Appeal for Desegregation

Russians Detain Three U.S. Trucks In Berlin Dispute

Economists Find No Slowing Down In Recovery Pace

Labor Urges U.S. To Act On Job Lag; Cities Output Rise

Gore Bids U.S. End All Atomic Tests That Pollute Air

New Soviet Plan For Space Omit Tie To U.S. Base

Pentagon Begins Trimming Forces; Draft Is Also Cut

Riverhead Missile Base to Get Bomarcs With Nuclear Warheads by ’60

Soviet And East Germany Map Transfer Of Berlin; U.S. Vows To Stand Firm

Nixon and Rockefeller Join In Plans to Rebuild G.O.P.

State Is Speeding Inquiry On Waste In City’s Schools

18-Nation Group On Outer Space Endorsed In U.N.

American’s Pilots Accede To Order Barring Walkout

Alaska’s Democrats Sweep Top Posts in First Election

Moscow Proposes West Berlin Be Free City, Denounces Pacts; U.S. Refuses To Yield Its Rights

First U.S. Firing of ICBM At Full Range Is Reported

Pentagon Confirms Full Atlas Success Is 6,325-Mile Shot


U.S. Plans Negotiations With Allies And Moscow On Germany And Europe

90 Perish In Chicago School Fire; 3 Nuns Are Victims; Scores Hurt; Pupils Leap Out Windows In Panic

Filibuster Foes Bar Compromise With The South

Pentagon To Fire Heavy Satellites, Animals In Some

Democrats Told To Stress West, Minimize South

Army Fires Moon Rocket; Aim and Speed Are Faulty

South Rebuffed In Party Clash On Civil Rights

Democratic Aides Challenge South Over Civil Rights

High Court Backs Quick Rate Rises By Gas Pipelines

Isaacs Says City Projects Drive Thousands to Slums

Hoffa Plans Police Union; New York 1st Major Target

Hoffa Is Ordered To Obey Monitors On Union Reform

Police Head Kept By Rockefeller

Monkey in Army’s Missile Fired 300 Miles Into Space

Printers Propose Return To Work; Drivers Still Out

Iraqi Mob Stones Visiting U.S. Aide; Thousands Jeer

Mao Resigns Post As Chief Of State; Keeps Party Job

Soviet Now Using Bomber Twice as Fast as Sound

U.S. Puts 4-Ton Missile Into Orbit; Atlas Is Equal To Sputnik’s Size; Expected To Circle Earth 20 Days

Atlas Satellite Relays An Eisenhower Message Of Christmas Goodwill

1,500 Pilots Halt American’s Trips; Long Strike Seen

U.S. Satellite Retransmits Seven Messages at Once

Goldfine Is Given 3 Months In Jail In Contempt Case

Pope Bids Christians Unite Against Communist Threat

Space Agency Aide Named Pentagon Research Chief

90% Of Businesses Surveyed In City Expect Good Year

American Nations Confer In Secret For Peace In Cuba

Britain And 9 European Nations Widen Currency Convertibility; Paris Devalues Franc 17 Per Cent

Papers Resume As Deliverymen End 19-Day Tie-Up

Teamsters Plan To Picket Police In Campaign Here

West Will Ask Negotiation Of a United Free Germany

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