1957: NEW YORK TIMES (363)


President Pushes Civil Rights Plan At G.O.P. Parley

President Adds To Refugee Quota At Nixon Request

14 Senators Map Filibuster Fight

Congress Opens, Democrats Rule; Joint Session To Hear President Present Mideast Plan Tomorrow

Senators Block Filibuster Curb By 55-To-38 Vote

President Asks Congress For Right To Combat A Red Attack In Mideast; Soviet Bloc Meets, Assails Policy

Democrats To Ask Rein On President In Mideast Moves

State G.O.P. Asks Rise In School Aid And Cut In Taxes

Kennedy Gets Post Sought by Kefauver

Eden Resigns, Pleading Ill Health; Butler Or Macmillan To Get Post; Eisenhower and Dulles In Tribute

President’s Message Puts Stress On Inflation Peril; Renews Plea On Mideast

Court Voids Virginia Plan To Keep Pupil Segregation

Soviet Warns U.S. Mideast Program Endangers Peace

Eisenhower Flies To Texas To Begin Drought Survey

President Visits 4 Drought States And Pledges Aid

Egypt Takes Over Assets Of Banks Of British, French

President Asks 71.8 Billion Budget, A Peacetime High, Tax Cut Opposed; Humphrey Is Critical Of Spending

U.S. Proposes U.N. Put Force In Gaza And At Aqaba Gulf

3 B-52’s Circle Globe Non-Stop in 45 Hours

Inaugural Crowds Gather; Private Oath-Taking Today

Albany Allots 469 Millions For Highways in City Area

Eisenhower, In Second Inaugural, Calls Upon Country To Sacrifice For A Global ‘Peace With Justice’

Bomber Is Booked; Sent To Bellevue For Mental Tests

Soviet Warns Allies of U.S. Not to Allow Atomic Bases

Electrical Union To Try Officers Who Invoke Fifth

3 Arrested Here As Spies In A Ring Acting For Soviet

U.S. Seeks A Rise In Exports Of Oil

Democrats Press Anti-Dulles Drive Over The Mideast

Eisenhower Asks Fund Of 2 Billion To Build Schools

School Problems Follow City Dwellers to Suburbs

House Approves Eisenhower Plan On Mideast, 355-61


Eisenhower Bids Congress Double Immigrant Limit

22 Die, 72 Survive As Plane Falls On Rikers Island During Take-Off For Florida In Heavy Storm

Eisenhower and Wilson’s Fly South Together

A.F.L.-C.I.O. Finds 3 Unions Guilty Of Fund Abuses

37 Dead in Gas Explosion At a Coal Mine in Virginia

Gas Blasts Raze Reno Area; 2 Dead, Damage in Millions

Eisenhower Warns Of Price Controls To Stem Inflation

‘Final’ Pier Offer Spurned; Strike Is Expected Tuesday

Talks Collapse In Tug Walkout; Oil Crisis Feared

Wagner Appeals For Tug Accord; Oil Supply Drops

Wreck Still Blocks Tanker Seeking First Passage Through Suez Canal

U.S. Offers Israel Pledge On Aqaba If She Retires; Moves To Break Deadlock

Dock Strike Is On Along East Coast: 25,000 Quit Here

Government Delays 97 New Buildings In Fight on Inflation

Pier Talks Reach ‘Critical Phase’ Over New Snarl

Soviet Appoints Gromyko To Head Foreign Ministry As Shepilov Is Removed

Truman Says Mideast Plan Is ‘Too Little and Too Late’

Pier Peace Set; 3-Year Contract To End Walkout

Dockers Delaying Return To Work In Mix-Up On Pact

Democrats Urge President Fight Israel Sanctions

President Says U.N. Has No Choice But To Force Israel Out Of Egypt; Also Warns Cairo On Violations

Israel Rejects Warning By Eisenhower And Asks New Talk On Withdrawal

Tug Men Reject 6-Year Contract By 5-To-1 Margin

Mediators Seek A New Tug Pact; Pier Men Return

City Seeks To Bar Spread Of Slums With State Law

‘Pro’ Football Placed Under Antitrust Law

Witnesses Link Teamsters Union To Underworld

Israel Agrees In Principle To U.S. Gaza-Aqaba Plan With Troop Withdrawals


Israel To Present Plan In U.N. Today For Withdrawal

Israel Pledges Early Withdrawal; U.N. Speeds Meeting On Take-Over; Dulles Acts To Placate The Arabs

Israel Now Balks At Withdrawal; Eisenhower Appeals To Ben-Guiron; Senate Backs Mideast Aid, 58 To 28

Israelis Divided On Withdrawal; To Decide Today

Ben-Guiron Orders Withdrawal; Gen. Burns And Israelis Arrange Gaza And Aqaba Take-Over By U.N.

Senate Approves Eisenhower Plan For Mideast, 72-19

Gaza Strip Goes Under U.N. Rule; Israelis Leaving

U.S. Urged To Aid Backward Lands, Neutral Or Not

Tug Crews End 36-Day Walkout

Living Cost Rise Laid To Services, Rent And Transit

U.N. Troops Halt Rioters In Gaza Asking Cairo Link

Nasser Moving To Take Over Gaza; Names Governor, Scores U.N. Unit; Hammarskjold Deferring Action

Teamsters Aide Testifies Union Paid Gamblers’ Bills

F.B.I. Seizes Hoffa In A Plot To Bribe Senate Staff Aide

Portland Prosecutor Invokes the Fifth; U.S. Grand Jury Takes Up Hoffa’s Case

Cairo Decides To Continue Suez Ban On Israeli Ships; Mrs. Meir Is Flying To U.S.

Egypt Puts Units At Base 40 Miles From Gaza Strip

Franco Hints He May Give Spaniards ‘More Liberties’

U.S. Jury Indicts 4 Teamster Aides Silent In Inquiry

Hoffa and Lawyer Indicted; Brewster Queried on Fund

Industry Maps Plan To Replace Officials Lost in Atom Attack

Air Force Plane With 67 Overdue On Way To Tokyo

7 Experts Find Cigarettes A Factor in Lung Cancer

Reuther Terms Beck Borrowing Morally Wrong

U.S. Will Supply Guided Missiles For Britain’s Use

Court Rejects Virginia Bid To Delay Pupil Integration

Beck Uses 5th Amendment To Balk Senate Questions About Teamsters’ $322,000

M’Clellan Scores Beck For ‘Theft’ Of Union’s Funds

Portland Mayor Seized In Racket; Prosecutor Held

Beck Suspended From 2 Key Jobs By Labor Chiefs

Paris Right-Wingers Riot in Support of French Army in North Africa


Teamsters Here Bar $1 Increase in Dues, Vent Anger on Beck

Study Depicts Middle East As Threat to World Peace

Tornado Rips Dallas; Kills 9, Hurts 400

Senators Check Underworld Link To Coin Machines

Britain To Rely On Nuclear Arms, End Draft, Cut Sea And Air Units; Pentagon Sees Move As Defeatist

Israel Insists U.S. Help Her Attain Passage In Suez

Missiles Program Dwarfs First Atom Bomb Project

Missiles Will Not Supplant Planes Soon, Experts Say

Scalise and Crony Confess In $299,000 Union Fraud

Unhappy Teachers Vent Feelings Before City Hall

Sobles Admit Guilt As Spies for Russia; Avert Death Penalty

Saudi Arabia to Bar Israel From Use of Gulf of Aqaba

U.S. For ’58 Start On End To Making Of Atomic Arms

Postal Spending A Breach Of Law, Controller Says

Jordan’s King Stages Coup, Seizes Backers Of Nasser; Army Factions In Clashes

King Keeps Helm In Jordan Crisis; Nabulsi Remains

Forbes Wins Over Dumont In Jersey G.O.P. Primary

3 Silent at Labor Hearing On Violence in Scranton

Eisenhower Cuts Budget Request By $1,342,000,000

65 Hurt In Crash Of Subway Trains On Brooklyn Line

Mayflower II Off for New World

Dulles Tells Tokyo Envoy Atom Tests Are Vital Now

Turks Ban Society Of Greeks and Hold Aide on Spy Charge

Jersey G.O.P. Re-elects Bodine, but Dissension Marks Its Meaning

U.S. Warns Free Jordan Is ‘Vital,’ Hints Eisenhower Doctrine Move; Hussein Accuses Reds In Rioting

U.S. Orders 6th Fleet To Mideast, Says Communists Menace Jordan; Hussein Proclaims Martial Law

Jordan Rounds Up Leftists As Soldiers Enforce Quiet

Lanza Seeks Ban On Tape Evidence At State Hearing

President Fights House Cut In State Department Funds

Lanza Inquiry On; G.O.P. Would Make Witnesses Talk


U.S. Blames Soviet For Plot To Oust Hussein In Jordan

Lanza On Stand; Release All Set, He Heard In Jail

M’Carthy Is Dead Of Liver Ailment At The Age Of 47

Costello Gunman Is Sought In Vain By 66 Detectives

Costello Is Lying, Knows Attacker, Police Aide Says

Colombia Crisis Mounts As Police Attack Students

A.F.L.-C.I.O. Unit Lays Corruption To Beck’s Union

Costello Jailed For Balking Jury In Shooting Case

Wiretap Held Valid For U.S. Court Use If Made by a State

Lanza Is Accused Of Racketeering While On Parole

Rojas Is Ousted; Colombia Ruled By A 5-Man Junta

Teamster Ouster Of Beck Forseen Before Fall Vote

14 Killed at Race in Italy; Marquis’ Car Hits Crowd

Loan of $200,000 to Beck Revealed at Senate Inquiry

U.S. Not to Oppose Israel Over Attempt to Use Suez

Billy Graham Opens His Crusade Here

$100,000 Repaid by Beck To Union in Last 2 Weeks

Boy in Well Rescued After 24 Hours

Inflation Linked To Pay Increases In New U.S. Study

G.O.P. Chief Says ‘Panicky’ Harrian Made Stone Resign

Beck Is Expelled by Labor Council For Fund Misuse

Mollet Defeated In French Crisis; Cabinet Resigns

Democrats Drop ’57 Tax Cut Plans In Inflation Fight

U.S. Flag Trampled By Rioters in Taiwan

Anti-U.S. Rioters In Taipei Curbed By Chiang Troops

Civil War Flares in Haiti; Army Groups Contest Rule

Coalition Regime Takes Over Haiti; Capital Is Tense

Pentagon Fears Use Of Fall-Out As War Weapon

U.S. Sets Off First Blast in New Nuclear Test Series

Humphrey Quits Treasury Post; Anderson Named

Lebanon Quells Anti-West Riots; 5 Die In Clashes


U.S. To Bid Soviet Join A Trial Curb On A-Bomb Test

Baseball Transfers Face Investigation In House Hearings

3d Nuclear Blast By A.E.C. Is Small

High Court Holds Du Pont Violates Antitrust Laws By G.M. Stock Ownership

Cigarette Smoking Linked To Cancer in High Degree

Eisenhower Bars ‘Total’ Outlawing Of Nuclear Tests

Auto Industry Will Drop Its Emphasis Upon Speed

Britain Authorizes Use of a Wiretap; An Uproar Results

King Saud Visits Hussein To Speed Anti-Red Efforts

Peiping Seeking To Build Up Ties With Europeans

Jordan Accuses Egyptian Of Plot; Asks His Removal

5,000-Mile Missile Explodes At Test

Mao Text Shows Reds ‘Liquidated’ 800,000 Since ’49

Mayflower II Hailed at Plymouth Rock

Moscow Accepts Control Of A Ban On Atomic Tests

White House Bars Ready Reservists From Draft Calls

Civil Rights Backers Push For House Passage Today

High Court, Releasing Watkins, Restricts Congress On Privacy; Frees 5 Reds In Smith Act Case

Civil Rights Plan Passed By House

Watchdog Group Balked By Lanza, Seeks Court Rule

U.N. Report Indicts Soviet For Crushing Hungarians; U.S. Urges Swift Action

U.S. Agrees to Withdraw Combat Troops In Japan; Studies 500 Million In Aid

Young G.O.P. Hits Eisenhower Stand On 4 Of 5 Issues

U.S. Affirms Right Of Free Passage In Gulf Of Aqaba

Eisenhower Asks States To Take Wider Tax Role; Urges Shift In Functions

Hoffa Is Accused Of Triple Spy Plot By Racket Witness

U.S. Urges Putting Weapons ‘In Bond’; Soviet Weighs Bid

Murray Would Speed Tests Of Small Atomic Weapons

Death Toll 120 In Gulf Hurricane; Hundreds Injured As Tidal Waves Ravage Louisiana Coastal Towns

Pentagon Scored On Secret Buying Under 1950 Edict


Fiscal Year Ends With U.S. Surplus Down To A Billion

Bill To Restrict Use Of F.B.I. File Gains In Senate

Kennedy Urges U.S. Back Independence for Algeria

Wide Shake-Up In Kremlin Ousts Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich As Khrushchev Tightens Reins

3 Ousted Soviet Leaders Also Lose State Offices; Shift In Satellites Begun

2 More Russians Ousted From High Cabinet Posts; Zhukov Assails Molotov

Malenkov Accused by Khrushchev As A Leader In ’49 Leningrad Plot; Possibility Of Purge Trial Seen

New Charge Ties Molotov, Malenkov And Kaganovich To Stalin’s Purges of 1930’s

Rights Struggle Opens In Senate; South Is Bitter

Senate Leaning To A Compromise Over Rights Bill

South’s Liberals Moving To Avert Rights Deadlock

Johnson Seeking First-Phase Vote On Civil Rights

Senate To Vote Tuesday In Test On Civil Rights

Rights Bill Foes Propose To Limit Use Of Injunction

Both Sides Firm As A Vote Nears On Civil Rights

Zorin Hints Move For A Compromise On Nuclear Curbs

Senate, By 71-18, Votes To Take Up Civil Rights Bill

Civil Rights Bloc Yields To South On Use Of Troops

Move To Weaken Civil Rights Bill Splits Coalition

Hoffa Acquitted Of Bribery Plot; Seeks Beck Post

Civil Rights Bloc Striving To Save Integration Plan

Heat At 97.3 Here, Highest Since ’55; More Due Today

Senate, 90-0, Rids Civil Rights Bill Of ’70 Troop Issue

Senate Blocks Two Moves To Amend Civil Rights Bill

Senate Restricts Civil Rights Bill To The Vote Issue

U.S. Asks War Ban On Missiles Fired Into Outer Space

Democrats Blame President For School Aid Bill Defeat

Guatemala Chief Is Assassinated By Palace Sentry

Civil Rights Bloc Expects To Balk Jury-Trial Plan

Jury-Trial Bloc Willing To Ease Civil Rights Plan

Morse Prevents Truce In Debate Over Civil Rights


Hoffa Is Linked To Dio in Scheme To Control Port

Senate, 51 To 42, Attaches Jury Trials To Rights Bill In Defeat For President

President Scores Senate, Finds Rights Jury Provision ‘Bitterly Disappointing’

Tito, Khrushchev Confer And Agree To A Closer Bond

Army Has Built 6 Test Missiles Not On Program

600 Rookie Police To Patrol In War On Youth Gangs

Police Rookies Go On Night Patrols In Fight On Gangs

Senate Approves Rights Bill, 72-18, With Jury Clause

Dio Pleads Fifth; His Voice, On Tape, Ties Him To Hoffa

Cost To Rid Union Of 3, Including Dio, Is Put At $396,000

Soviet’s Embassy Washes Its Hands Of Spy Case Here

G.O.P. Spurs Drive To Put Rights Bill Up To Conference

Martin Rejects Civil Rights Bill Voted By Senate

Civil Rights Bill Stalled In House By Parties’ Moves

Rules Unit Gets Rights Bill; 2 House Motions Conflict

Dio and His Guard Indicted On Charges of Tax Evasion

Paris Turns Loss To Currency Gain By Devaluation

Morros Testifies Mrs. Stern Spied For Soviet Here

Pro-Soviet Group Takes Over Army In Syria Shake-Up

Top Beck Aide Links Hoffa To ‘Phony’ Teamster Locals

Hoffa Says He Got $120,000 In Loans Without Security

West Gives Plan For 2-Year Halt In Atomic Tests

Hoffa Is Accused Of Using Dio In Bid For Control Here

Senators Assail Hoffa’s Behavior With 48 Citations

Civil Rights Foes Shun Filibuster

12 Scientists See Danger To Northeast in Fall-Out

Russians Announce Firing Intercontinental Missile ‘Huge Distance’ To Target

House Passes Rights Bill; Senators Rule Out a Delay

President Warns Moscow Of Peril In Delay On Arms

Senate Votes Rights Bill And Sends It To President; Thurmond Talks 24 Hours

Congress Closes As House Passes Aid And F.B.I. Bills


U.S. Is Still Cool To Pleas To Join Baghdad Treaty

Graham’s Farewell Packs Broadway

Militia Sent to Little Rock; School Integration Put Off

Little Rock Told To Integrate Now Despite Militia

Soldier and Jeering Whites Greet Negro Students

President Warns Governor Faubus He’ll Uphold Law

Little Rock Faces Showdown Today Over Integration

U.S. Court Denies Integration Stay For Little Rock

Faubus Bids U.S. Recede On Order For Integration

U.S. To Seek Writ To Force Faubus And Guard To Permit Integration; Extended Court Battle Expected

Faubus Ordered To Court Sept. 20 To Explain Stand; Nashville School Bombed

President Agrees To Bid By Faubus For School Talks

President’s Talk With Faubus Set For Tomorrow

Faubus ‘Hopeful,’ Arrives To Meet President Today

Gov. Faubus Assures President He’ll Obey Integration Order, But Asks For Patience By U.S.

Gov. Faubus Says He May Pull Out Guard This Week

Thai Army Seizes Control In Coup; Premier Missing

U.S. Summons 200 In Drafting Case Against Faubus

A.F.L.-C.I.O. Unit Lays Corruption To Beck’s Union

Eisenhower ‘Disappointed’ By Impasse at Little Rock

Gov. Faubus Withdraws Troops; Obeys Federal Court Injunction On Integration, But Will Appeal

Little Rock Negro Students To Seek Entry This Week

Little Rock Gets State Police Aid At School Today

President Threatens To Use U.S. Troops, Orders Rioters In Little Rock To Desist; Mob Compels 9 Negroes To Leave School

President Sends Troops To Little Rock, Federalizes Arkansas National Guard; Tells Nation He Acted To Avoid Anarchy

U.S. Troops Enforce Peace In Little Rock As Nine Negroes Return To Their Classes; President To Meet Southern Governors

Faubus Sees ‘Occupation’; Tension At School Eases; President Sets A Parley

F.B.I. Head Says Gov. Faubus Lied On Bureau’s Role

Eisenhower Says Faubus Encouraged Mob Action; Governor Hints New Step


The New York Giants: 1883-1957

French Premier Quits In Defeat On Algeria Plan

Eisenhower Defers Troop Recall, Says Faubus Failed On Pledge; Efforts For Accord To Continue

President Warns South Must Obey; Faubus Adamant

Faubus Asserts President Asks ‘Complete Surrender’

Soviet Fires Earth Satellite Into Space; It Is Circling The Globe At 18,000 M.P.H.; Sphere Tracked In 4 Crossings Over U.S.

Soviet Gives Satellite Timetable; Scientists Expect Lengthy Flight; Sphere Is Not Yet Visible In U.S.

Satellite Seen In Alaska; Soviet Now Planning One That Can Return To Earth

Khrushchev Asks World Rule Of The Satellite And Missiles If Part Of Wide U.S.-Soviet Pact

U.S. Ready To Talk With Soviet On A Study Of Missile Control; Dulles Snub To Zhukov Alleged

President Voices Concern On U.S. Missiles Program But Not On The Satellite

Soviet Is Warned U.S. Will Defend Turkey In Attack

Teamster Rebels Ask Court To Bar Hoffa From Post

State Study Asks School Mergers To Benefit Pupils

U.S. Working on Satellite That Could Film the Earth

Court Bars Hoffa And New Officers From Union Posts

G.O.P. to Cite Little Rock, Minimize ‘Moon’ in ’58 Bid

Dulles Says Soviet Faces U.S. Blow At Its Territory Should It Attack Turkey

Senators To Give Union Vote Data To Foes Of Hoffa

Moscow Charges ‘Secret’ U.S. Plan To Assault Syria

Democrats Score Policies Of G.O.P. As Threat To U.S.

Democrats Take A Strong Stand For Civil Rights

High Court Bars Virginia’s Appeal Over Integration

Saigon Terrorists’ Bombs Injure 13 U.S. Servicemen

Balloon Launches a Rocket Built to Go Up 4,000 Miles

Air Force Hits Rocket Streaked 2,000 Miles High

Anastasia Slain In A Hotel Here; Led Murder, Inc.

Zhukov Believed As Defense Chief; Soviet Gives No Clue To His Future; Malinovsky Appointed Successor

Zhukov Removal Seen In Moscow As Downgrading

Zhukov Will Get A Suitable Post, Khrushchev Says


Little Rock Moves To Seize Officers Of the N.A.A.C.P.

P.R.R. And Central Weigh Merger To Halt Declines; Wall St. Foresees A Fight

Soviet Fires New Satellite, Carrying Dog; Half-Ton Sphere Is Reported 900 Miles Up

Dog In Second Satellite Alive; May Be Recovered, Soviet Hints; White House Is Calm Over Feat

Soviet Says New Power Sources Were Used In Second Satellite; Concern Increases In Washington

Wagner Is Re-Elected By Record 919,902; State Convention Beaten, Bingo Voted; Meyner Wins In Jersey, Takes Assembly

White House Says G.O.P. Must Fight For Victory In ’58

Killian Named To Spur Science; President Revises Missile Plan And Bars Interservice Rivalry

U.S., In Policy Shift, Tells Army To Fire Satellites With Its Jupiter-C Rocket

Pentagon Forbids Army-Navy Race To Fire Satellite

Soviet Education Far Ahead Of U.S. In Science Stress

U.S Urged To Lay Plans To Put Man Into A Satellite

Army Expected To Fire Satellite Early Next Year

President Asks Arms Rise To Match Soviet, At Cost Of Other Items In Budget

U.S. Frees $15,000,000 For Nuclear Rocket Work

Abel Gets 30-Year Term And $3,000 Fine as a Spy

Democrats Seek Greater Urgency In U.S. Arms Plans

U.S. Closing Missile Gap With Soviet, Survey Shows

U.S. Acts Quickly to Meet Threat of Russian Missiles

Army Plan Seeks 6 Billion To Make A Missile Killer

Teamster heads Ask Union Aides For Court Funds

U.S. to Build Huge Base For Missiles in Wyoming

Price Rise Halts After 13 Months; Food Costs Down

Dave Beck Jr. Is Convicted Of Taking Teamster Funds

Growing Suburbs Battle Slum Blight

Teller Bids U.S. Disperse And Reinforce Air Bases; Bush Hits Service Rivalry

Eisenhower Has A Mild Stroke; Speech Impaired, But Improves ; Recovery Outlook ‘Excellent’

Eisenhower Continues Recovery; Sees Moroccan King; Signs Papers; Nixon Speaks For Administration

President May Go To Paris For December NATO Talks; Attends Church Services

Eisenhower Goes To Farm To Rest; Family With Him


Sukarno Escapes Assassin, But Grenades Kill 7 Others

U.S. Ready To Fire First Satellite Early This Week

Union Chief Bids Labor Freeze Pay To Curb Inflation

Stevenson Says ‘No’ To Eisenhower On Going To Paris

U.S. Delays Test of Space Rocket At Florida Base

White House Gives Program To Curb Abuses In Unions

Vanguard Rocket Burns On Beach; Failure To Launch Test Satellite Assailed As Blow To U.S. Prestige

Teamsters Show Signs Of Stirring  Labor Dissension

Motormen Begin Subway Walkout; 4 Leaders Jailed

Subway Strike Widened, 6 More Unions Out; City Is Disrupted As Surface Travel Jams; Motormen Ask Chiefs’ Release, Craft Vote

Motormen Defy Wagner Bid To End Strike; Transit Body Threatens Mass Dismissal; City Clogged, Absenteeism Up, Trade Dips

Subways Improve On Third Day; Back-To-Work Trend Reported; Business Opposes Strike Talks

Motormen Ask To See Wagner After He Offers A Peace Plan; Demands Eased; Service Better

Mayor Bars Subway Talk Until Motormen Return; Bus Strike Plan Put Off

Wagner Widens His Plan To End Subway Walkout; City Stores Set Records

Mayor Rules Out New Concessions In Subway Strike

Subway Strike Is Ended As State G.O.P. Promises Bill To Revise Bargaining

NATO Talks Move Toward Formula On Arms, Politics

NATO Reaches Limited Accords On Missiles And Talk With Soviet; Bonn Likely To Ban Nuclear Arms

NATO Meeting Concludes With Increased Emphasis On Pact’s Political Aims

No-Strike Edict By Mayor Sent To Quill And board; Authority Admits Spying

Soviet Opposes NATO Bid; Asks Special U.N. Session Or Global Talks On Arms

Pope Upholds NATO Aim Of Deterring Aggression

Eisenhower Asks Soviet Give Proof Of It’s ‘Sincerity’

Lincoln Sq, Given 27 Million By U.S. To Help In Razing

Christmas Eases Tension For Day All Over World

Soviet Bid Splits Top U.S. Officials As Well As NATO

500 Million Fund Urged To Exploit Missile Advances

2d Nuclear Carrier To Lose Its Priority To Atom Submarine

Pentagon To Fix Atom Plane Goal In Matter Of Days

Subway Strike Averted; Panel Of 8 Helps Mayor; T.W.U. Gets 32 1/2-Cent Pact

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