1955: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Crash Blocks Suez Canal; May Halt Traffic 10 Days

Pier Register to Drop 8,300 For Failure to Try for Jobs

President Remon Of Panama Slain By Assassin Gang

27% Of U.S. Closed To Soviet Travel As A Retaliation

Congress To Open Today In Harmony With White House

Harriman’s Message Finds State Is In Fiscal Trouble; He Bars New Construction

President Sees Parties On Trial And Bespeaks Unity For Peace; Finds State Of The Nation Good

Democratic Party Attacks Program Set By Eisenhower

Soviet Frees 2 Americans Long Held in Labor Camps

U.S. Plans To Help Industry Develop Own Atom Power

President Urges Extension Of Trade Act For 3 Years, Tax Cut On Profits Abroad

Costa Rica Loses Town In Uprising Laid To Nicaragua

U.S. Sending Planes To Costa Rica For Observation At Americas’ Bid; Nicaragua Pledges Curb On Rebels

2d Biggest Bank Planned By Chase And Manhattan

Americas Urge Nicaragua To Bar Aid Into Costa Rica; Panama Guards President

Americas Weigh Arms For Costa Rica; U.S. Would Furnish Fighter Planes; President Of Panama Is Dismissed

4 U.S. Aircraft Sold To Costa Rica In Response To Americas’ Request; Flown At Once To Bolster Defense

Budget Halves 1955 Deficit; Provides 62 Billion Outlay; 34 Billion Set For Defense

Wilson Backs Red Trade To Help End Fear of U.S.

President’s News Conference Filmed for TV and Newsreels for First Time

Eisenhower Report Visions Long-Term Economic Rise, Moderate Tax Cut in 1956

Consumers’ Prices Lowest Since ’53, U.S. Report Shows

Little America Base Closed; New Antarctic Camp Sought

Antarctic Airman Is Killed In Helicopter Crash On Ice

Eisenhower Asks For Authority To Defend Formosa From Reds; Chu Warns U.S. Must Withdraw

House Votes 409-3 To Back Eisenhower On Formosa; Senate Hears Joints Chief

2 Senate Committees Back Formosa Policy, Bar Curbs; Bitter Floor Debat Begun

President Says He Alone Will Make Decision On Formosa Strait Action; Dulles Bars Visits By Kin Of Fliers

Senate Votes Formosa Plan, 85-3; U.N. To Act, May Invite Red China; British Bid Soviet Curb Peiping

Peiping Asks U.N. to Force U.S. Out of Formosa Area

Moscow Asks U.N. To Set Cease-Fire Aiding China Reds


U.N. Invites Red China To Join Talks To Halt Fighting On Coastal Isles; Ridgway Sees Jeopardy In Army Cut

China Stalemate Foreseen By U.S. In Formosa Policy

Eisenhower Says War’s Prevention Is Aim On Formosa

Peiping Rejects U.N. Bid To Debate; Ready To Discuss U.S. ‘Aggression’ Only If Council Ousts Nationalists

Mendes-France Is Ousted On North African Policy; Vote In Assembly Is 319-237

Seventh Fleet Ordered To Tachens, Sails To Evacuate Chiang’s Troops; U.S. Planes Down 2 MIG’s Off Korea

Tachen Evacuation Begins; Reds Charge Provocation; U.S. To Ask U.N. Observers

13 Ex-Teachers Here Lose Red Case Plea in High Court

Bulganin Is Premier As Malenkov Resigns, But Khrushchev Is Viewed As Real Leader; Molotov, Warning U.S., Claims H-Bomb Lead

Zhukov Is Soviet’s Defense Chief; Bulganin Stresses Red China Tie; Eisenhower Views Shifts Calmly

Washington Links Kremlin Shake-Up To Arming Of Bonn

Tachens Cleared; Fleet To Resume Formosa Patrol

U.S. Heavy Water Supplied To India For Atom Reactor

Guatemalans Welcome the Touring Nixons to Capital

Efforts To Halt Formosa Fighting Suspended By U.N.

U.S. H-Bomb Test Put Lethal Zone at 7,000 Sq. Miles

Dulles Sees Peace Talks If Reds Renounce Force; Repeats China Warning

Britain to Make H-Bombs As Main Deterrent to War

F.B.I., Hogan Open Wiretap Inquiries

2 Men Are Seized In Wiretap Case; A Third Gives Up

Robles Shot Dead In Two Hour Siege On Flat In Harlem

House Unit Votes Democratic Plan For $20 Tax Cuts

President Offers A Roads Program Of $101,000,000,000

President Scores $20 Tax Cut Move; Democrats Irate

Legal Wiretaps Not Rare; Technique Getting Easier

$20 Tax Cut Wins Close House Vote; Senators Hostile

Bonn Bundestag Approves Arms Pacts By Big Votes; Saar Accord Also Passed

Americans Freed by China Laud Reds, Admit ‘Spying’


Senate Unit Stays Action On Tax Cut In Angry Session

Churchill Holds U.S. Has The Lead In Hydrogen Bomb

Eisenhower Insists U.S. Will Not Help A Chiang Invasion

22,000 Jam Garden, 5,000 Outside, for Billy Graham

City G.O.P. Opposes Republican Plan To Aid Landlords

Carney Declares New Formosa Aid Will Be Hastened

Scientists Urge U.N. To Sift Peril From Atom Tests

The Atka Completes Antarctic Scouting Mission

Dulles Warns Red China Force Will Meet Force; Eden Offers Compromise

Senate Unit Backs Harlan For Supreme Court, 10-4

Eisenhower Gives Promise To Keep Troops In Europe

Peterson Asks All to Build Shelters Against H-Bomb

Collapse of 150-Ton Conveyor at 75th Street Closes East River Drive

Treasury Head Denounces ‘Political Gimmick’ on Tax

Police Pay Rises Of $300 Planned In Next 2 Years

Senate Defeats Tax Cut Moves; President Wins

Secret Yalta Record Is Published; Shows Anglo-U.S. Doubts On Soviet And Refusal To Grant All It Asked

Churchill Finds Mistakes In U.S. Version Of Yalta; Envoys Score Disclosure

Fulbright Scores G.O.P. As Striving To Wreck Inquiry

George Deplores Yalta Publicity As Blow To Peace

State Democrats Back ‘Humanizing’ Of ’56 Income Tax

Dulles Sees China As Worse Threat Than Soviet Now

Rent Rise Plan Is Scrapped; State G.O.P. Charges Panic

‘Humanizing’ Bills On The Income Tax Voted In Albany

Harriman Insists U.S. Make Clear It Defends Israel

U.S. Expects Chinese Reds To Attack Isles In April; Weighs All-Out Defense

Soviet Hints It Endorses Eisenhower Idea On Talk; French Ratify Bonn Pacts

City’s Protests Jeopardize $300 Million Traffic Plan

Eisenhower Sees No War Now Over Chinese Isles; West Charts Big 4 Talks

Democrats Want President To Put Stop To War Talk

President Calms House Leader Over ‘War Talk’


Ending ‘Fair Trade’ Laws Is Urged by Federal Panel

City And Port Body Agree, Save Bridge-Road Plans; Wagner Budget 1.7 Billion

Legislature Ends Session; Restrains Bias In Housing; Votes City Traffic Relief

Nixon Declares ‘War Party’ Term Is Red’s ‘Big Lie’

China Red Leader Purged By Party; Commits Suicide

Churchill Quits As Prime Minister; Declines Dukedom To Stay An M.P.’ Eden Takes Over Leadership Today

Eden Appointed Prime Minister; Hailed By M.P.’s

Experts To Study Atomic Radiation

Corsi Embittered By Dulles Ouster, Accuses Walter

Peronism Shows Signs Of Yielding To A Democracy

Pope Calls for Arms Talks; Hails Peaceful Use of Atom

Stevenson Urges U.S. Bid Allies Aid Formosa Defense

Salk Polio Vaccine Proves Success; Millions Will Be Immunized Soon; City Schools Begin Shots April 25

Vaccine For All In Peril Of Polio Likely This Year

Weeks Predicts Best Year In U.S. ‘Economic History’

Austro-Russian Pact Set; Soviet Concessions Linked To Hope For 4-Power Talk

Truman Accuses Administration Of ‘Cynical’ Rule

Dulles Tells of Big Build-Up By Reds Opposite Formosa

Dr. Albert Einstein Dies in Sleep at 76; World Mourns Loss of Great Scientist

$225,000,000 Plan For Slum Razing In City Approved

Eisenhower Asks 3 1/2 Billion In Aid, Mostly For Asia

Billion To Build Warships Voted, 372-3, In House

Magins Increased to 70% To Curb Stock Speculation

Chou Asks For U.S. Talks On Easing Formosa Crisis; Washington Sets Terms

Publishers Favor Red China Parley But Urge Caution

Eisenhower Bids Congress Enact Trade Bill Intact; Senators Deadlock On It

Dulles Is Willing To Talk To Peiping On Cease-Fire Without Nationalists

President Seeks Peace Gain; Backs Talks With Peiping, Grants Rebuff Was Error

Saigon Is Swept By Civil Warfare; Big Area Is Afire

Vietnamese Army Winning Saigon Fight With Rebels; Premier Rebuffs Bao Dai


Premier’s Foe Takes Over Vietnam In Palace Coup; Gives Backing To Bao Dai

Vietnam Premier Clings To Power As Rival Flees; Gives Bao Dai New Chance

Power Of Bao Dai Over Regime Cut, Premier Asserts

City Council Asks Polio Inoculation By Age Timetable

President Set to Take Over Salk Vaccine if Necessary

Parents Here Back Vaccine; Only .7% Cancel Injections

U.S. Halts Flow Of Polio Vaccine Pending A Study

Polio Shot Delay Is Asked By U.S.; May Last A Month

Further Polio Shot Delay Urged Pending New Check; U.S. Still Supports Vaccine

President Agrees To Top Big 4 Talks If Agenda Is Set

West Asks Soviet To Big 4 Talks; Russia Gives U.N. Plans On Arms And Troops’ Exit From Germany

West Wary Of Soviet Plans On Atom And On Germany, Yet Is Encouraged; Bulganin ‘Favorable’ To Big 4 Talks

Capital Expects A Further Delay In Polio Program

Top Soviet Chiefs To Visit Belgrade On ‘Peace’ Mission

Soviet Accepts West’s Bid To Top-Level Big 4 Parley; Austria Gets Pact Today

Austrian Freedom Treaty Signed; Nation Will Proclaim Neutrality; Soviet Sets Like Aim For Germany

President Asks Funds To Insure Vaccine For All

Teachers Reject Salary Rise Plan Proposed By City

President Backs Trade As Weapon For World Peace

22,561 Inoculated In City For Polio; 28.5% Stay Away

Inoculation Rate For Polio Vaccine Slips To 69% Here

Informal Truce Appears To Prevail Off Formosa

Crisis in Mass Education Aired by Carnegie Study

City Polio Shot Rate Drops; 66.2% Is Lowest in 3 Days

Freed Vaccine Found Safe Except For 2 Cutter Lots; Program Is Due To Resume

U.S. Acts To Raise Vaccine Criteria; Drug Plants Balk

Eden’s Party Is Winning; British Vote May Widen His 17-Seat Margin To 70

Eden’s Margin 59 In New Commons; Majority Tripled

Study of Saving Marks Step To Control Slumps in U.S.

Red China To Free 4 U.S. Fliers Soon, Indian Announces

Four Of U.S. Airmen Freed By Chinese Reds At Border After ‘Conviction’ In Trial


High Court Tells States To End Pupil Segregation Within ‘Reasonable’ Time

Police Seek Curb On Youth Crime In A 5-Year Plan

Tito And Russians Concur On China And German Unity

Truman Charges Regime ‘Bungled’ Vaccine Program

Ford Rejects Arbitration On Fixed Pay Compromise; Strike Now Is Held Likely

Ford Strike Talks Go On After All-Night Session; Plant Picketing Starts

Ford And Union Reach 3-Year Pact Including Modified Annual Wage; Pattern Set For General Motors

Soviet Invites Adenauer To Moscow To Set Diplomatic And Trade Ties; Aim To Split Germany And West Seen

Strikers At G.M. ‘Sabotage’ Talks, Reuther Warns

U.S. Lays Defects In Polio Program To Mass Output

U.S. May Suggest Soviet Army Quit Rumania, Hungary

71 Killed and 75 Injured at Road Race As Auto Plunges Into Crowd in France

City Lags on Civil Defense, With Plans in A-Bomb Era

G.M. Battle Won, Union Will Widen Wage Plan Drive

U.S. H-Bomb Alert Today; City Streets to Be Cleared

‘H-Bombs’ Test U.S. Civil Defense; Goverment Is Moved To Hide-Outs; City Raid Alert Termed A Success

Argentine Rebels Rise, Raid Capital, But Peron Reports Revolt Crushed; He Is Excommunicated By Vatican

Peron Asks Calm, Says Communists Set Church Fires

26 Polio Experts Urge Vaccine Use Through Summer

Russia Now Calls Surprise Key Factor in Nuclear War

President Asks ‘New Kind’ Of Peace With Atom As ‘Productive Servant’; Address To U.N. Reaffirms Loyalty

Eisenhower Signs 3-Year Trade Act, Hails ‘Milestone’

Molotov, In U.N. Peace Bid, Assails Policies Of West; Soviet And India In Accord

Argentine Cabinet Resigns To Give Peron Free Hand

Dulles Asserts ‘Cold War’ Can End If Moscow Abides By U.N. Charter; Soviet Downs U.S. Plane Off Alaska

U.S. Weighs NATO-Soviet Bloc Pact As All-Europe Security Guarantee; Russia ‘Regrets’ Downing Of Plane

Peace Repledged By U.N. Members As Fete Is Ended

Extension Voted In U.S. Debt Limit

Congress Passes 4-Year Extension Of Draft Service

Eisenhower, in Gay Mood, Acts Just Like a Candidate


Dixon-Yates Doom Seen As President Orders A Review

Brief Steel Strike Settled By 15-Cent Hourly Pay Rise; Price To Go Up $7.50 A Ton

Knowland Denies G.O.P. Policy Shift Over Dixon-Yates

Democrats Fear Johnson Illness Will Hurt Party

Khrushchev Sees Fruitful Parley If West Is Honest

Peron Asks Truce Of Political Foes, But Is Rebuffed

Kefauver Scores Use Of F.B.I. To Get Dixon-Yates Data

Senators Oppose Dixon-Yates Fee If U.S. Kills Plan

Wenzell Reveals A Secret Meeting Over Dixon-Yates

Nine Noted Scientists Urge War Ban

3 Turncoats, Out of China, Condemn Communist ‘Hell’

Dixon-Yates Pact Is Killed By President as Memphis Pledges Own Power Plant

Soviet Proposes Uniting Germany A Step At A Time

‘Copter Crashes, Burns on 16th Floor Of 9th Avenue Heliport; Two Injured

Ridgway Assails U.S. Policy Stress On Air And Atom

President Sees Hope In Geneva Talk If Bulganin Means What He Says; Solutions Possible, Premier Holds

Eisenhower Is In Geneva; Proclaims ‘Great Hopes’ Of Americans For Peace

Big Four Conference Opens Today; West’s Chiefs Complete Strategy On Germany, Disarming, Security

Big Four Present Peace Plans; Soviet To Donate To Atom Pool; Eisenhower For ‘Alarm System’

Soviet Balks On German Unity; Unmoved By Eisenhower Plea To Zhukov On The Aims Of NATO

Big 4, Stalled, Bid Foreign Ministers Plan Parley On Germany, Security; President Asks Effort To End Rifts

Eisenhower Calls Upon Soviet To Exchange Arms Blueprints; Asks Mutual Aerial Inspection

Big 4’s Foreign Ministers Deadlock On Molotov Terms For Fall Agenda; West Bids Soviet Lift Iron Curtain

Big 4, Ending Talk, See Success; Set Foreign Ministers’ Meeting; President Flies Home To Report

Adams Discloses A 13% Reduction In Major Crimes

President Reports Gains For Peace, Says Geneva Proved All Desire It; U.S. And Red China Envoys To Meet

Talbott May Quit, President Angry, G.O.P. Source Says

President Stresses Ethics Over Law In Talbott Case; Secretary Quitting Firm

Democrats Prod The White House To Oust Talbott

U.S. To Launch Earth Satellite 200-300 Miles Into Outer Space; World Will Get Scientific Data

Chou Urges Pact For Peace In Asia Including The U.S.


Stassen Drafts Arms Curb; Would Ban Nuclear Bombs

Peiping Frees 11 American Fliers As U.S.-Red China Parley Starts; Dulles Credits Policy Of Patience

Congress Finishes Session; Housing Compromise Wins; Defense Act Is Extended

U.S. Ban Expected On Peiping’s Plan Of Student Check

Bulganin Rejects Eisenhower Plan To Inspect Arms

Bulganin Asserts He Did Not Reject Eisenhower Plan

Rockafellers’ Benefactions Placed at $2,500,000,000

Hot Spell Chased by 2.17-Inch Rain, Heaviest Of Year

Taming Of H-Bomb As Fuel Forecast Within 20 Years

64,995,000 Jobs in July Establish a Record High

27 Entertainers Face Red Inquiry

Long-Range Plan To Tame H-Bomb Revealed By U.S.

Record Rain Swamps City; Hurricane Losing Power; Gale Expected Here Today

Parley In Geneva Unveils Advance In Atomic Plants

Limitless Supply Of Energy Seen By Atom Experts

7 In Theatre Balk At All Questions On Communist Ties

4 More Witnesses Defy House Group On Links To Reds

New Code Orders P.O.W.’s To Resist In ‘Brainwashing’

6 More Witnesses Balk Red Inquiry; Hearings Ended

Floods Batter The Northeast; 73 Killed, Damage In Billions; 4 States Declare Emergencies

Flood Toll Is 143 As Rivers Recede; 31 Lost At Camp In The Poconos; President Speeds Disaster Relief

800 Dead In Riots In Africa On Eve Of Morocco Talk

French Open Talk With Moroccans; Riot Toll At 1,000

President And Governors Map Speedy Flood Relief; $75,000,000 Fund Is Planned

100 Million in Flood Grants Sped to States by President

President Allots A Billion In Loans For Flood States

Dulles Proposes Peace Guarantee For Israel, Arabs

Truman Charges Eisenhower Use Of ‘Demagoguery’

Experts See Many Causes For Rash of Prison Riots

U.S. Urges U.N. To Support Eisenhower Plan On Arms; Soviet Cites Cut In Troops

U.S. Would Merge Soviet Arms Plan Into Eisenhower’s


Peron Rescinds Effort To Resign; Vows War On Foe

Chrysler Accord Gives Auto ‘Big 3’ Peace Until 1958

U.S. Defers Moves To Ease Tension With Soviet Union

Soviet Experts See Army Stage Mock Atom Raid at Philadelphia Air Show

Schools in State Face Rise In ‘Substandard’ Teachers

Stevenson, Truman Assail G.O.P. on Farms and Labor

A.E.C. Reveals Secret A-Bomb Testing Base

U.S. Reports Triple Boom: Incomes, Jobs and Building

Other Ports Hit In Pier Walkout; Court Is Defied

G.O.P. Chiefs Unanimous In Asking President to Run

Pier Strike Leaders Press For Backing in Other Ports

‘Pinch-Waist’ Plane Lifts Supersonic Speed 25%

Dock Union Calls A Coastal Tie-Up; Court Ban Defied

Dock Chiefs Accept Plan To End East Coast Tie-Up; Union Will Get A Hearing

Australia Says Spying By Soviet Periled All West

Officials of Three States Collaborate on a Bomb Survival Study Here

Civil War Breaks Out In Argentina; Military Units Rise Against Peron; Rebels Set Up A Provision Regime

Peronists Claim Capture Of Insurgents’ Key Base; Rebel Ships Peril Capital

Peronists Plead With The Rebels To Spare Capital

Peron’s Regime Is Overthrown; Junta Will Meet With Rebels; Crowds Hail Fall Of Dictator

Peron Goes Into Refuge On Paraguayan Gunboat; Rebels Order His Arrest

Rebel General Will Head New Regime In Argentina; Political Captives Freed

U.S. Experts Meet In Effort To Ease Plight Of Farmer

U.S. Farm Experts Predict Early End Of Slump In Prices

Eisenhower Is In Hospital With ‘Mild’ Heart Attack; His Condition Called ‘Good’

President’s Attack Found ‘Neither Mild Nor Serious’: Condition ‘Satisfactory’

Eisenhower Is Improving; Chance Of Full Recovery Called ‘Reasonably Good’

Egypt To Obtain Arms Of Soviet; West Concerned

President Spends Day Without Use Of Oxygen Tent

Democrats Bar Illness ‘Politics’


Eisenhower Signs First Two Papers; Adams In Denver

France Recalls U.N. Delegation In Protest Over Algeria Debate; Sultan Of Morocco Quits Throne

Paris Boycotts Assembly But Not Security Council; Tribes Attack In Morocco

President Rested After A Setback; Writes To Nixon

U.S. Tells Soviet Arab Arms Deal Is Hurting Amity

President Shows Sign Of ‘Healing’; Names 4 To Jobs

66 Killed In Crash As Airliner Hits Peak In Wyoming

Stevenson Ridicules G.O.P. Farm Policy

Hitler’s Pilot Says He Saw The Dictator Shoot Himself

Physician Sees President Back In Capital Jan. 1

Dulles Declares Soviet Wavering Perplexes West

Eisenhower Takes Active Role Again On Foreign Policy

President Agrees With Soviet Plan For Arms Check

2 Senators Ask Law to Bar Eavesdropping on Juries

President Enjoys Birthday As World Says ‘Get Well’

Floods On Rampage Again In Areas Struck In August; Connecticut Hardest Hit

Floods Leave 34 Dead Or Missing; 48 Towns In Connecticut Are Hit; Rail And Road Travel Disrupted

Floods Receding; President Speeds Help For 3 States

New Atom Particle Found; Termed a Negative Proton

M’Arthur Held Soviet Aid Essential To Beat Japan, U.S. Documents Declare

M’Arthur Asserts Documents Prove His Yalta Stand

Stevenson Urges Rigid Farm Props At 90% Of Parity

Eisenhower Due To Quit Hospital Within 3 Weeks

Saar, By 2-1 Vote, Rejects Plan For ‘European’ Rule; Result A Blow To France

Pentagon Apologizes to Senators About Plane

President Poses For Photographs; Takes First Steps

Democrats Chart Liberal Program In New Congress

Molotov’s Tactics Delay Discussions On Germany As Big 4 Conference Opens

Russians Rebuff Offer From West To Curb Germany

Macmillan Warns Molotov On Arms Sale to Egyptians

Wife Kills Woodward, Owner of Nashua; Says She Shot Thinking He Was a Prowler


Ex-Commissioner Of Liquor Board Accused In ‘Deals’

Harriman Drops Hays And Places Aide In Pier Post

U.S. Held Ready to Accept Shelving of German Unity

Vaccine Is Called Effective For ‘Cold-Type’ Infection

Eisenhower X-Rays Show Heart Unhurt by Exercise

Eisenhower Plans Meetings In White House Dec. 12-13

Ford Stock To Go On Sale To The Public In January, Ending Family’s Sole Rule

U.S. Ready To Sell ‘Significant’ Arms To Israeli Forces

Democrats In City Sweep; Highways And Dam Beaten; Jersey G.O.P. Margin Is Cut

Butler Says Vote Is Preview Of ’56; Hall Discounts It

Two Companies Announce Billion-Dollar Expansions

Washington Turns Out to Welcome President Eisenhower Back Home

West German Army Born In a Garage as 101 Join It

Jew Junta Takes Argentine Rule; Lonardi Defies It

Youth Admits Planting Bomb in Airliner; 44 Victims Included Mother He Insured

Stevenson Seeks Nomination In ’56; Hits G.O.P. Record

Big 4 Talks End In Failure; Each Side Blames Other; No New Meeting Date Set

Murray Favors Showing World An H-Bomb Blast

Eisenhower Pledges Drive To Establish ‘Just Peace’; Dulles Hopeful On Geneva

Stevenson Leads Party In Assault On G.O.P.’s Record

Harriman Scores Stevenson’s Call For ‘Moderation’

Harriman Scores ‘Bungling’ By G.O.P. On Foreign Policy

Flint Axes Found at Rome Traced to 200,000 B.C.

Soviet Explodes Biggest Weapon In Nuclear Series

Russians Reject Move To Combine Big 4 Arms Plans

I.C.C. Orders End Of Segregation On Trains, Busses

Six States in South To Fight I.C.C. Edict

Harriman Wants State To Declare ‘War On Poverty’

Eisenhower To Run If He Feels ‘Able,’ G.O.P. Head Thinks

Faure Is Ousted; French Assembly Faces Dissolution


Stevenson Scores G.O.P. On Cutback In Public Housing

Truman’s Ex-Aide Is Indicted By U.S. In Tax Bribe Case

Arms Budget May Exceed Wilson Aim by Half Billion

Georgia Tech Students Riot To Save Sugar Bowl Game

A.F.L. And C.I.O. To Unite Today; Discords Arising

President Bids Labor Heed Minority Political Rights; Greets Unified A.F.L.-C.I.O.

Khrushchev Charges West Prepares Germans for War

Jobs And Income At Record Level, U.S. Reports Show

Stevenson Says Republicans Stir ‘Group Conflict’

Missile Speed-Up By U.S. Is Linked To Gain In Soviet

President Shows ‘Signs Of Fatigue’; Condition ‘Good’

Private Agents In State To Face Wiretap Inquiry

Ford Foundation Grants Record $500,000,000 To Aid 4,157 Colleges, Hospitals

U.N. Member Deal Killed; Formosa Bars Mongolia; Soviet Invokes 15 Vetoes

U.N. Votes To Admit 16 Nations; Japan And Mongolia Excluded; Soviet Reversal Ends Impasse

Soviet Bars Japan Again; U.S. Assails U.N. Vetoes

Kefauver To Run; Faces Stevenson In California Test

Foreign Aid Goal Up Almost 100%; Put At 5 Billion

Soviet Leaders Pledge Afghans $100,000,000 Aid

N.A. Rockefeller Quits As U.S. Aide

Wilson Budgets Missile Program At Record Level

State Seeking Housing Aid For $100-a-Week Families

Syria Urges U.N. To Eject Israel, Apply Sanctions

Floods Rise In California; City Of 12,500 Is Evacuated; ‘Major Disaster’ Aid Sped

Pope Backs Plans To Ban A-Bombs And Halt Testing

50,000 Homeless As Coast Floods Start To Recede

Traffic Deaths Set Record As Holiday Throngs Return

Harriman’s Tax Cut Plan Seeks $5-a-Person Credit

Air Force Plans Fast War Output After An Attack

Khrushchev Attacks Eisenhower, Rejects His Air Inspection Plan; President Weighs Long-Term Aid

Times Sq. Is Cleared But Bomb Is a Fake

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