1953: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Bus Strikes Starts On 8 Lines Here; Police Alerted, City Warns Autoists; Pier Men Threaten Tie-Up Of 4 Ports

Quill Boycotts Bus Parley; Schools To Stagger Hours; Strike’s First Impact Light

Quill Again Rebuffs Mayor; Suggests Citizen Mediation; City Takes Strike In Stride

G.O.P. Takes Over As Congress Opens; Filibuster And Rules Fights Averted; House Bill Asks 11% Income Tax Cut

Mayor Calls Bus Peace Conference; Quill Ends Boycott At C.I.O. Bidding; Full Strike Impact Due This Morning

Bus Strike Fails To Bog City Transit; Business Normal, Car Pools Active; Peace Talks To Get Under Way Today

Mayor Rebukes City Aides As Meddlers In Bus Talks; Parley Fails, Goes On Today

President Bids Stalin Drop Idea Of War, Warning Of Ruin From New Nuclear Weapons

Estimate Board Snubs Quill In Show Of Unity On Strike; Rejects His Bid For Meeting

Truman Asks 78.6 Billions In Budget And Bars Tax Cut; G.O.P. Plans Drastic Slash

36 Dead In Storms; Damage Is Heaviest Since ’44 Hurricane

U.S. Drops Its Plan To Indict ‘Big Five’ For Oil Monopoly

Moscow Arrests 9, Lays Murder Plot To Jewish Doctors

Further Arrests Expected In ‘Plot’ Of Soviet Doctors

Truman Forecasts 500 Billion Output 10 Years From Now

Truman, In Adieu, Hopeful Of Peace And Soviet Change

U.S. Court Sets $50,000 Bail For Ex-G.I.’s Held as Spies

Eisenhower Faces Delays On Cabinet And Envoy To India

U.S. Plane Downed Near China Coast; Rescuers In Crash

Eisenhower Will Take Oath Today; Capital Jammed; Nation To See Event; Brownell To Attend Wilson Hearing

Eisenhower Sworn, Pledges Quest For Peace; Backs U.N., Urges Western Europe To Unite; 750,000 See Parade; Morse Balks Cabinet Vote

Senate Confirms Eight For Cabinet; Hearing On Wilson Is Left Indefinite; Eisenhower Yields On Envoy To India

Wilson Agrees To Sell His G.M. Stock And Nomination Is Sent To Senate; Dulles Asks Staff Loyalty To Policy

Union Officer Defy Inquiry; One Called Pier Gaming Boss

Truman Rejects Job Offers Of $100,000 a Year and Up

Chinese Reds Halt U.N. Raid In Force In Western Korea

Lodge Asks F.B.I. For Security Test Of U.S. Aides In U.N.

Truman Scored for Doubting Russians Have Atomic Bomb

4-Week Bus Strike Is Ended; Third Ave. Service Resumed; Other Lines To Roll Today

M’Cormack Denies Knowing About $984,908 In Payments; Pier Reform Plans Offered

Ryan Admits Threatening Pier Tie-Up After Hogan Queried Aides In Killing; M’Quade Lays Extortion To M’Cormack


Wider War Role For Asians Seen In Shift Of 7th Fleet; M’Arthur Extols Decision

More Indictments Mapped On Evidence in Pier Inquiry

Eisenhower Frees Chiang To Raid Mainland; Bids Congress Void All ‘Secret’ Pacts Abroad; Would End Controls: Opposes Tax Cuts Now

A.F.L. Heads Tell Dockers To Clean Union Or Get Out

Dock Men To Join Tug Strike Today; 2 Ships Hit Piers

Tug Strike Talks To Resume Today; Picketing Curbed

White House Ends All Wage Control, Many Price Curbs

A.F.L. Plans New Pier Union If Ryan Fails to Rout Gangs

Taft For Blockade Of China, Says U.S. Is In Full War Now

Eisenhower Charts 11-Point Program With G.O.P. Heads

Reds Put Into City Police Jobs By Civil Service, Report Says

President Denies Clemency To Rosenbergs in Spy Case

New Price Order Frees Tires, ‘Gas,’ Poultry And Eggs

Government Eases Curb On Aluminum, Steel And Copper

DC-6 Down In Gulf Of Mexico With 46 Aboard; SOS Heard; Ships, Planes Seek Liferafts

Wrecked Airliner Is Located In Gulf; Bodies Of 17 Found

No Man’s Land Set in Berlin In Red Program to Split City

Monaghan Denies Police-F.B.I. Deal To Hide Brutality

Halley Urges City Sift ‘Deal’ On F.B.I.; Mayor Disagrees

Monaghan Ouser Sought Over ‘Deal’ In Brutality Cases

Mayor, Monaghan Aid House Inquiry Into Police ‘Deal’

Kennan Decries Witch Hunts As A Peril to Federal Service

Socialists Achieve Substantial Gains In Austria’s Vote

Monaghan Insists He Aided U.S. Quest In Police Beatings

Monaghan Ousts 23 Accused By Gross; 6 Men Are Cleared

Groceries, Copper, Cigarettes Freed; Prices Increased

Policeman Clear Of Beating Charge

Monaghan Barred F.B.I. Questioning; House Group Hears


Mossadegh Flees His Home As Teheran Mob Attacks It In Demonstration For Shah

Mossadegh Fights To Regain Control; Army Chief Ousted

Police Brutality ‘Agreement’ Is Disavowed by McInerney

Stalin Gravely Ill After A Stroke; Partly Paralyzed And Unconscious; Moscow Discloses Concern For Him

Stalin’s Condition Becomes Worse; His Associates Direct Government; Eisenhower and Eden Meet Hastily

Stalin Dies After 39-Year Rule; His Successor Not Announced; U.S. Watchful, Eisenhower Says

Malenkov Is Named New Soviet Premier; Wide Changes Disclosed To Avoid ‘Panic’; Throngs Pass Stalin Bier; Rites Monday

Malenkov Regime Acts Swiftly To Assure Security After Shift; Soviet Press Appeals For Unity

Stalin Is Entombed At Side Of Lenin; Malenkov’s Oration Vows A Victory Over ‘External And Internal’ Foes

Malenkov Eulogy Of Stalin Stresses Peace And Plenty

Dewey Asks A Transit Body With Power To End Deficit: Plans Pay Tax, Realty Rise

Dewey For Raising City’s Realty Tax To Add 50 Million

Soviet MIG’s Down R.A.F. Plane, Kill 5 In Berlin Air Lane

U.S. Warns Czechs It Will Take Steps To Protect Planes

Eisenhower Tells Physicians He Bars Socialized Medicine

Dr. Einstein Gives Name To A College

State Insists City Wipe Out Transit Deficit To Get Aid; July 30 Limit For Fare Rise

35th U.S. Nuclear Blast Tests Tactical Weapon

City Bars New Transit Body And Seeks An Economy Plan To Avert Deficit On Lines

Transit Body Maps $24,800,000 Saving By Ending 2 ‘Els,’ Free Rides, 3,200 Jobs; Albany Votes 7 Bills In Dewey’s Plan

Dewey Seeks To Force Transit Plan On City By Barring New Tax Powers; Mayor Sees Vital Services Slashed

Dewey’s Bills On City Transit Passed By Legislature In Its Final Hours; His Auto Insurance Plan Is Shelved

French Link Status As A World Power To Role In Europe

City Is Ready To Accept Dewey Plan Of Transit Authority With Fare Rise, But Is Against Proposed Payroll Tax

City Approves Transit Plan; Fare May Rise To 15 Cents; Tax On Payrolls Is Rejected

C. B.S. Jettisons Monopoly On Color Video Production

Vaccine for Polio Successful; Use in 1 to 3 Years Is Likely

3 Central Trains Wrecked In Ohio; 12 Killed, 150 Hurt

Reds Agree To Trade Ill And Wounded In Korea As First Step towards Truce; U.S. Cautious On Bid To Renew Talks

Einstein Offers New Theory To Unify Laws of the Cosmos

Peiping Yields On Korea Truce Plan; Drops Forced Repatriation Demand; U.S. Seeks Soviet Bid To Ease Tension


Soviet Agrees With West On Swede To Succeed Lie; Urges German Unity Talks

56 Put In Pier Jobs With Kenny’s Help On Ex-Convict List

U.S. Is Seizing 49 Tankers As Unlawfully Sold to Aliens

Soviet Frees 15 Physicians , Asserting No Plot Existed; Finds Confessions Extorted

Rumania Follows Kremlin In Freeing Many From Prison

Soviet Accuses a Party Chief Of Laxity in Case of Doctors

U.N. And Korean Foe Agree On Voluntary Repatriation Of All Ailing War Captives

Foe Would Return 600 Ill Prisoners; Allies Offer 5,800

U.S. Would Accept Peace in Divided Korea; Considers a U.N. Trusteeship for Formosa

Civil Cartel Suit Will Be Filed Against Major Oil Concerns

Pact On Ill Captives Signed In Korea; Exchanges To Begin April 21 At Latest; Foe Asks Renewal Of Truce Parleys

President Invites All 48 Governors To Secret Briefing

Eisenhower Names Brother To Foster Unity Of Americans

French Evacuate Laos Base As Indo-China Reds Advance

U.S. Favors Parley On Truce And Swiss As P.O.W. Guardian

6 Killed By Bomb At Peron’s Rally; U.S. Citizen Held

Eisenhower Asks Soviet Deeds: Peace In Asia And Disarmament; Would Use Savings To Aid World

Dulles Bids Soviet Cooperate Or Face Vast West Arming

Argentina Jails 78 To Scotch Rumors On Peron’s Regime

Prisoner Exchange Started In Korea; 30 Americans Among 100 Freed By Foe; Allies Begin Return Of 500 Reds Daily

U.S. Bids Comunist Party Register as a Soviet Organ

Freed U.N. Captives Tell Of Cruel Ties On ‘Death Marches’

Foe To Free More Captives; Ads Men ‘Recently’ Seized; Yields 14 G.I.’s, 40 Due Today

Eisenhower Asserts Allies Must Plan Arming For Years

Churchill Kneels to Queen And Arises as Sir Winston

Reds, In Renewed Truce Talk, Offer 6-Point Solution Of Prisoner Issue; U.N. Finds Flaws But Hope Is Voiced

U.N. Bars New Red Plan On Prisoners; Opposes Sending Men Out Of Korea To Long Detention In Neutral State

U.S. Offers $100,000 to Red Who Surrenders First MIG

Friend Of Gambler Lent Jersey G.O.P. $25,000 In ’49 Drive

Jersey G.O.P. Chief Says He And Kenny Traded Votes In ’49


Eisenhower To Cut Budget 8.5 Billion And Put Arming On Steady, Not Crisis, Basis

Hall To Shake Up G.O.P. Staff At Top And Trim Payroll

Judge Throws out 4 Perjury Charges Against Lattimore

Pakistan Proposed By U.N. As Guardian Of Korea Captives

U.N. Says Captives Will Resist Shift To Neutral Nation

7 Held in Pier War Killing; Jury Hits 3 Jersey City Police

Reds Bow To U.N. On Keeping P.O.W.’s In Korea, Ask 5-Nation Custody Body; U.S. Consulting On U.N. Aid For Laos

President Asks Peace Fair To Korea; Weighs Reds’ Truce Offer With Aides; Delay And Pressure On P.O.W.’s Feared

U.N. Bids Foe Prove Feasibility Of Plan To Achieve A Truce

‘Brainpower’ Loss Imperils Security, Eisenhower Told

U.N. Asks Korea Foe To Offer New Plan On Prisoners’ Fate

Churchill Proposes Parley To Seek East-West Accord; Washington Is Cool To Plan

87 Dead in Texas Tornadoes; Waco Faces a Flood Threat

Reds Bar U.N. Captives Plan As ‘Absolutely Unacceptable’

President Still Awaits Soviet Deeds; M’Carthy Leads Attacks On British; U.N. Accuses Reds Of Hiding Captives

Dock Union Evades A.F.L. Criminal Ban In Report To Meany

Oatis, Freed, Says He Was Not Abused In Jail By Czechs

U.N. Aides In Tokyo Weigh A New Move On Prisoner Issues

’54 Atomic Budget Is Cut 30 Per Cent

Eisenhower Rules Out Tax Reduction, Pledges More Equitable Levies In ’54; Plans A Speed-Up In Defense Program

Churchill Opposes Seeing Eisenhower; Minimizes Discord

Eisenhower And Churchill To Confer With French In Bermuda Next Month; Mayer Is Ousted As U.S. Calls Parley

Dulles Says Soviet Must End 3 Issues To Warrant Talks

4 British Everest Climbers Are Ready for Final Assault

City Transit Operating Loss Is Among World’s Largest

Cannon Fires Atomic Shell; Target 7 Miles Away Blasted

President Lists P.O.W. Aims; Claims Bipartisan Support; Taft Says U.N. Fails In East

South Korean Chiefs Insist They’ll Fight On After Truce

Eisenhower, Opposing Taft, Rejects Go-It-Alone Policy; Bars Coercing U.N. On China

U.N. Troops Give Up 2 Korean Posts To Attacking Reds

Eisenhower Meets With Top Advisers On Korea Problem


New Power Plant Adds Fuel To DeGasperi Election Drive

2 Of British Team Conquer Everest; Queen Gets News As Coronation Gift; Throngs Line Her Procession Route

Elizabeth II Crowned In Abbey; Millions Cheer Parade In Rain; Ruler Bids Subjects Look Ahead

Senate, by 76 to 0, Opposes Entry of Red China in U.N.

U.S. Hope For Truce Soars; Foe Is Reported Accepting Almost All Of Captive Plan

Truce Teams Meet Briefly; Captives Accord Expected, With Cease-Fire To Follow

Rhee Bids Koreans Fight On Unless Security Is Assured

Korea Prisoner Accord Is Signed, Removing Last Barrier To Truce; Eisenhower Urges Rhee To Accept

Delegates Mapping A New Truce Line In Final Preparation For Armistice; Rhee Spurns U.S. Bid, Vows To Fight On

South Korea Deputies Ban U.N. Truce; Swiss To Reject Role If Rhee Balks; Parley Recesses Till Line Is Mapped

New York Joining Jersey To Set Up Pier Control Unit

Wilson Says U.S. and Allies Could Defeat Soviet in War

U.S. Steel And C.I.O. Sign Pact To Raise Pay 8 1/2c An Hour

Everest Climbers Tell of Joy On Reaching Top of World

‘Book Burners’ Are Assailed By President At Dartmouth; He Asks Courage To End Bias

High Court Denies A Rosenberg Stay; New Plea Up Today

Turmoil Grips East Berlin; Thousands Assail Regime

Korean Anti-Red P.O.W.’s Freed By Rhee In Defiance Of The U.N.; Soviet Tanks Fight Riots In Berlin

U.S. Insists Rhee Retake P.O.W.’s; Reds Accuse US, See Test Of Faith; West Condemns Soviet On Berlin

Rosenburgs Executed As Atom Spies After Supreme Court Vacates Stay; Last-Minute Plea To President Fails

Russians Lay Riots In Berlin To West; U.S. Issues Denial

Lightning Kills 3, Injures 9; 93.7 degree Heat a June 21 Record

Soviet Travel Ban Against Outsiders Eased by Moscow

Rhee Notifies U.N. His Army Will Quit If A Truce Is Signed

Western Commandants Deny They Instigated Berlin Riots

Eisenhower Invites Rhee To Talk Outside Homeland; Korean And U.S. Aide Meet

Eisenhower Assails ‘Zealots’ And Backs Freedom of Ideas

Reorganization of Pentagon Upheld by House, 234-108

$100,000,000 Outlay On Schools Mapped, A Record For City

Clark Calls On Reds To Join In Talks To Sent Truce Date, Despite Opposing By Rhee


Halley Is Selected By Liberal Party; Coalition Dropped

Deficit of $9,389,000,000 Sets U.S. Peacetime Mark

Rhee Said To Insist On U.S. Drive To Aid Korea Unification

Rhee Issues Appeal To People Of U.S. To Stay In The War

India and Pakistan Near Pact To Split Kashmir, Avoid Vote

U.S. Psychological Offensive For East Germany Is Drafted

House Likely to Investigate Atom Test Ban on Legislator

Reds Agree To Resume Negotiations To Work Out Final Armistice Terms Despite Opposition Of South Koreans

State Department Denounces Book Burnings as ‘Wicked Act’

Beria Is Ousted As ‘Enemy’ Of Soviet; Chief Of Secret Police Held For Trial; Malenkov Brands Him Foreign Agent

Dulles Sees A Soviet ‘Convulsion’; U.S. Offers Food To East Germany; Rhee Truce Accord Believed Near

South Koreans Agree To A Truce; Signing Believed To Be Imminent; West Favors Big 4 Talks In Future

Airliner With 58 Missing In Pacific; Wide Search Is On

Fare Goes To 15c On July 25; Tokens For Subway And ‘El’; $9,000,000 Surplus Foreseen

7 Die, 130 Hurt as Red Riot Mars Paris’ Bastille Day

Allied Counter-Attack Gaining Lost Ground; 3 U.N. Divisions Strike Central Korean Front

$500,000,000 Asked To Build Schools In Next Six Years

40 Killed as Plane Carrying R.O.T.C. Men Falls in South

Reds Agree To Final Talks On Signing Truce But Insist On A Policing Accord First

Clark Expects Early Truce; Staff Talks On After Reds Agree To Final Negotiation

U.N. And Korea Foe Push Final Details For Truce Signing

Soviet Tells U.S. To Stop Free Food For East Germans

Rhee Again Imperils Truce; His Pledge Bared By Dulles; Eisenhower Still Hopeful

Rhee Charges U.N. Pledges To Reds Nullify Agreement With U.S. To Accept Truce

Truce Signing This Week-End Is Expected In Spite Of Rhee; Congress To Rush Korea Aid

Truce To Be Signed Tonight By Delegates In Panmunjom, Ending 3 Years Of Fighting

Truce Is Signed, Ending The Fighting In Korea; P.O.W. Exchange Near; Rhee Gets U.S. Pledge; Eisenhower Bids Free World Stay Vigilant

Fighting Ends, Troops Fall Back; Enemy Lists 3,313 U.S. Prisoners; Eisenhower Pushes Korea Relief

Dulles Will Fly To Korea To See Rhee; Bars A Deal To Seat Red China In U.N.; Priosner Exchange Will Start Aug. 5

East German Tries To ‘Buy’ U.S. Foods

New Reactor Will Add Speed To Third Atomic Submarine


Senator Taft Is Dead At 63; Eisenhower Leads Tributes; Republicans’ Unity Shaken

Senate Committee Shelves Bill To Increase Debt Limit; Early Adjournment Likely

Burst Main Floods Big Union Sq. Area, Halts 2 Subways

Congress Ends Its Session; Trade And Aid Bills Passed; G.O.P. At Odds On Taft Post

Prisoner Exchange Starts; 70 Americans In First Unit; Eisenhower Warns On Asia

392 More Captives Returned By Reds; Many Gravely Ill

Eisenhower Sees ‘Victories’ In Truce; Reds Hint Some Captives May Be Kept; Clark For Atom Bomb If Peace Talks

F.C.C. Ready to Authorize A New Color Video System

Malenkov Claims The Hydrogen Bomb; Delcares Monopoly Of U.S. Is Broken; Leaders In Washington Are Skeptical

Malenkov To Make Radical Revisions In Soviet Economy

Mayor Sees A Hoax In Story Of Threat To Injure DeSapio

Suspension of Ryan’s Union Is Urged by A.F.L. Council

Carpenters Quit A.F.L. In Protest On Pact With C.I.O.

Peiping Says 129 Captives Are ‘Secretly’ Held by U.N.

U.N. Demands Foe Return All P.O.W.’s Who Wish Release

319 North Koreans Injured In Rioting On Way To Release

More Red P.O.W.’s Stoned Near Inchon

Fight On Race Bias Pledged By Mayor In Harlem Speech

Murders Rise 22.1% Over ’52 Rate Here

Royalists Oust Mossadegh; 300 Die In Iranian Fighting; Shah Is Flying Home Today

U.S. Lacks Evidence Soviet Can Deliver A Hydrogen Bomb

Cole Tells Nation U.S. Will Keep Lead In Nuclear Bombs

Talbott Finds Us ‘Vulnerable’ In The Face of Soviet Air Gains

Senators Say Reds Still Hide In U.S. Jobs; Ask New Laws

U.S. Says Quashings In Lattimore Case Violate Basic Law

B-36 With Atom-Laden Jet Now Can Pierce Foe’s Core

U.S. Cost Of Living Sets Record High; Auto Pay To Go Up

2 Top Red Fugitives Captured By F.B.I. In Sierra Hide-Out

Union Chief Slain; Assassin Shot Dead

Record 97.3 degree Heat Scorches The City; Beaches Thronged

Allied P.O.W.’s Say Chinese Dominate All of North Korea


5th Soviet Atom Bomb Test Detected by U.S. on Aug. 23

Heat Drops To 93.1 degrees But Sets A Record; 6 Are Killed Here

Heat At 99 degrees Sets Peak For Summer, To Continue Today

Dulles Pins Blame For Split Germany On Soviet Policies

U.S. Seeks To Bar Seating Red China At 53 U.N. Session

$45,000,000 Grant To Iran Is Announced by Eisenhower

Adenauer Wins Decisively; Bonn Tie To West Endorsed In Rout Of ‘Neutral’ Parties

Chief Justice Vinson Dies of Heart Attack in Capitol

U.S. Mourns Vinson; Delicate Balance Of Court At Stake

U.N. Begins To Shift Reluctant P.O.W.’s To Indians’ Custody

Durkin Quits Cabinet Post; Charges Breach Of Accord To Seek Taft Law Changes

Army Awards G.M. Big Tank Contract; Chrysler Bid Loses

Khrushchev Rises To Top Party Post In Soviet Galaxy

Italian Premier Asks for Triest Plebiscite; Tito Fears Plot by West Involving the Area

Stevenson Asserts Republicans Rule By ‘Postponement’

Stevenson Urges U.S.-Soviet Talks Aimed At Arms Cut

28 Die As Airliner Clips Radio Masts, Crashes At Albany

World Court Hears 1,000 Year-Old Case

New Docker Union Free Of Gang Rule Planned by A.F.L.

19 A.F.L. Unions Join To Combat Tie-Ups At Big Atom Jobs

Red Lands MIG Near Seoul And Surrenders to the Allies

Pilot Is Surprised By Reward For MIG

Ryan’s Dock Union Expelled By A.F.L.; Violence Foreseen

A.F.L. Mocks Nixon As He Minimizes Durkin’s Charge

U.S. To Ask Joint Guarantee For A Free, Neutral Korea; Otherwise, Army Will Stay

A.F.L. Backs Durkin Against President By Unanimous Vote

Spain Signs Accord Giving U.S. The Use Of Military Bases

Ryan Union Is Set To Strike In Fight Against Pier Rival

Warren Is Slated For Appointment As Chief Justice

Shippers Reject Ryan Union Terms, Bid U.S. Bar Strike


Eisenhower Names Warren To Be Chief Justice Of U.S.; Rules Out Retail Sales Tax

President Invokes Taft Act In Move To End Pier Strike; Men Due Back Next Week

Wicks Paid Visits To Fay In Sing Sing; Dewey Asks Why

Dewey Moves Fay Into Dannemora; To Check Visitors

High Officials Say Nation Is Menaced By Hydrogen Bomb

U.S. Court Says Pier Strike To Oct. 15 Pending Hearing; Union Orders Dockers Back

British Rush Force To Guiana To Block A Communist Coup

Kidnapped Boy Found Slain; $600,000 Paid; Two Seized

U.S., Britain Giving Zone A Of Trieste Back To Italians

New Antipolio Vaccine Ready For Mass Tests on Children

Reds Accept U.S Proposal For Talks To Arrange For Korean Conference; Churchill Again Urges Soviet Parley

Duke Is Found Dead; Gun Mishap Blamed

Soviet Alleges Treaty Breach By U.S. and Britain in Trieste

Churchill Reported Nobel Prize Winner

Eisenhower Moves To Oust U.S. Aides Who Balk Inquiry

Color Video in 3 or 4 Months Forecast After F.C.C. Test

Radar Witness Breaks Down; Will Tell All About Spy Ring

Espionage in Signal Corps For 10 years Is Charged

3 Killed, 18 Hurt at Idlewild As Airliner Falls and Burns

Balked Reds Quit Repatriation Unit, Insisting On Force

Sewer in Queens Condemned By Lundy; Collapse Is Feared

Mayor Off Ballot By Court’s Ruling; Plans No Appeal

Atom Power Plant For Industrial Use To Be Built By U.S.

1,456 Ousted By U.S. As Security Risks In 4-Month Period

Upsurge of Harness Racing Spreads Scandals Over U.S.

State Wants Fay Suit Pushed To Prove There Is No ‘Mr. X’

Russians In Charge Of Fliers’ Torture In Korea, U.S. Says

Palestine Tension At ‘Breaking Point,’ Truce Aide Asserts

Korea Foe Slew or Tortured 6,113 Americans, Army Says

Wagner Loses ‘Mr. X’ Case; Secrecy on Fay Data Upheld

‘Mr. X’ Remains a Mystery; Wagner Denies It Is Warren


Soviet Lays Atrocity Charges To U.S. Aim To Spur Tension

4 Races Tomorrow Will Test President’s Political Prestige

Light Vote Is Likely Today When City Elects A Mayor; Close Race Ends In Jersey

Wagner Wins By 360,078 In Democratic Sweep; Mayner Is Elected In Jersey By A Landslide And Democrat Captures Congressional Seat

Eisenhower Undaunted By Elections; Says He’s ‘Lost Skirmishes’ Before; Democrats Here Forecast State Gain

Soviet Note Dims U.S. Hope For Talk To Stop ‘Cold War’

Voroshilov Calls China Key To Rise Of Reds In World

Brownell Charges On White Set Off Political Battle

Capital Is Stirred by Mystery Of Many-Faceted White Case

Byrnes Says Truman Read Report Calling White A Spy While Name Was In Senate

Truman, Byrnes Subpoenaed With Clark In White Case; Hearings Set For This Week

President Opposes Truman Subpoena; He And Brownell See No Loyalty Issue; House Inquiry Is Likely to Be Delayed

Truman Rejects Subpoena Of House As His ‘Duty’ Under The Constitution; Committee Will Not Act Against Him

Aides Say Truman Appointed White With F.B.I. Consent

Both Sides Urge F.B.I. Chief To Give Testimony on White

Hall Asserts G.O.P. Views Communism As Big 1954 Issue

Truman Accuses Brownell Of Lying; Sees Office Debased In White Case; Says G.O.P. Embraces ‘M’Carthyism’

Hoover Says Truman Hampered F.B.I. In Inquiry On White by Shifting Him; Brownell Terms Ex-President ‘Blind’

Eisenhower Hopes Red Issue Will Be History By ’54 Vote; Snyder Promoted A Suspect

Professed F.B.I. Spy Says Reds Were Active at G.E.

Canada Questions Brownell Release Of Letter On White

Pilot Flies at 1,327 M.P.H., Double the Speed of Sound

Senate Aide Sees New Facts Leading To Spy Convictions

Stevenson Sees Party Golfing 108: ‘Out in 52, Back in 56’

Stevenson Defends Truman, Accusing G.O.P. Of ‘Slander’

Canada Disclaims Warning On White, Disputing Hoover

Russians Accept Big 4 Conference Of Foreign Chiefs

U.S. Reacts Coolly On Russian Offer To Meet In Berlin

Korean Atrocities Detailed By U.S. For U.N. Delegates

Epstein Selected For Deputy Mayor In Wagner Regime


Lodge Says 38,000 Suffered Torture At Hands Of Reds

Dulles Proclaims M’Carthy Is Wrong On Foreign Policy

Eisenhower Takes Issue With M’Carthy On Policy; Cite Aims, Backs Dulles

Nixon Promises to Tell U.S. India Does Not Lean to Reds

West Big 3 Holds A General Review; Sets Talk Agenda

Dec. 24 Pier Strike Along East Coast Now Seems Likely

Eisenhower To Fly Here To Warn U.N. Of Atomic Dangers

Allies End Bermuda Parley; Approve Talks With Soviet, Reaffirm Unity Under NATO

Eisenhower Bids Soviet Join U.S. In Atomic Stockpile For Peace; West Asks 4-Power Parley Jan. 4

U.S. to Do Something About the Weather

U.S. To Disregard Initial Soviet ‘No’ On An Atomic Pool

U.S. Urges Moscow To Give Full Study To Atomic Pool Bid

Stevenson Warns ‘4 Fears’ Under G.O.P. Replace Freedoms

Nixon Back in U.S. Today; Tour Viewed as a Success

Fake Charity Toll $120.000,000 A Year, State Group Hears

U.S. Pledges NATO Efforts To Share Secret Arms Data

Witness, on Einstein Advice, Refuses to Say if He Was Red

Dewey Considering a ‘Czar’ For Harness Racing in State

Dewey Weighs Vast Program To Expand Mental Hospitals

Shah Dissolves Parliament, Sets New Iranian Election

Lung Cancer Tests Planned By State

Soviet Agrees To Talks On Atom Pool, But Again Insists On Outlawing Bomb; Dulles ‘Hopeful’; U.S. Will Push Plan

Dulles Holds U.S. Is Ready To Discuss Ban On Atomic War

Beria Is Executed With Six Of Aides By A Firing Squad

U.S. Returns Group Of Isles To Japan; Will Hold Okinawa

More Than 100 Die In Czechoslovakia As Trains Collide

U.S. To Withdraw 2 Korea Divisions, But Warns Enemy

Red Activity in West China Sways U.S. Policy in Asia

Dock Union Balks At Dewey Inquiry, Ends Strike Talk

U.S. Warns Reds Not To Be Misled By Cut In Troops

Troop Withdrawal in Korea Challenged by Democrats

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