1952: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


14 Of 40 On Plane Survive; Wreckage Is Found Upstate; One With 19 Cadets Is Lost

All 28 Found Dead On Plane In West, Including 19 Cadets

Truman Revamps Tax Set-Up To Eliminate 64 Collectors; Civil Service For New Heads

Rescue Tug Reaches Ship, Fails to Get a Line Aboard

Nearly 500 Seized In Narcotics Raids Across The Nation

Churchill Begins Talks With Truman; Greeted Warmly Here And In Capital; Calls Peace Outlook For 1952 ‘Solid’

Lodge To Enter Eisenhower In New Hampshire Primary; Sure General Is Republican

Eisenhower Will Accept A G.O.P. Call; Won’t Quit Post To Seek Nomination; Jubilant Backers Predict His Election

Armed Peace Force Backed In U.N. Against Soviet Plea

Truman Says War Is Still A Threat; Asks A Foreign Policy Above Politics; He And Churchill Warn Reds On Asia

President Likes Eisenhower But Not Republicans, He Says

9 On Rikers Island Seized In Round-Up Of Narcotics Ring

Sole British Jet Atom Bomber Crashes

Juin Expects Anglo-U.S. Aid If Chinese Attack Indo-China

Churchill Asserts West Will Defend Cause Of Freedom

Jury Hung, 11 To 1, In Costello Case; New Trial Asked

Truman Asks Rise Of 5 Billion For ’52 In New Revenues

Churchill Pledges Support To U.S. In Asia, Warns Reds; Appeals For ‘Steel, Not Gold’

Allies Charge Foe Plans To Withhold 50,000 U.N. Captives

36 Missing In Crash Of U.S. Troop Plane

British Clear City in Suez, Hold 41 After Nun’s Slaying

Truman Budget Asks 85 Billion, 76% For Defense And Atom Work; Congress Demands Sharp Cuts

Plane Falls In Elizabeth, 31 Die, 8 Of Them In Three Homes Set On Fire; Ex-Secretary Patterson A Victim

Truman Not Inclined To Run; Seaks Foreign Policy Backer; Kefauver Formally In Race

Hiss Asks Retrial On ‘New Evidence’

45 In Egypt Slain As British Disarm Police In A Battle

All Egypt Placed Under Martial Law As Anti-Foreign Riots Sweep Cairo; Clubs And Shepheard’s Hotel Burned

New Cairo Regime Set Up by Farouk As Riots Subside

U.S. Grants Britain $300,000,000 To Aid Her Arms Program

U.N. Unite Votes Soviet Guilty Of Flouting 1945 China Pact

Truman Barst to Senate Data Regarding Vincent’s Loyalty


President Assails Senator M’Carthy As Pathological

U.S. Blocks Mass U.N. Entry; Assembly Beats Soviet Move

Argentine Fire Routs British in Antarctica

U.S. Plans to Recoup Millions Lost in Grain Storage Fraud

Morris Takes Oath; He Hopes To Start An ‘Era Of Decency’

Moran Is Convicted As ‘Guiding Genius’ Of Fire Shakedown

King George VI Dies In Sleep At Sandringham; Elizabeth Queen At 24, Flying From Africa; President Among World Leaders In Tribute

Elizabeth II Arrives In London; Accession Proclamation Today; George’s Funeral Will Be Feb. 15

Elizabeth Takes The Oath As Queen Amid Medieval Pageantry In London; Joins Grieving Family At Sandringham

U.S. Hinges Parley For Orient Peace On Korea Solution

Airliner Carrying 62 Crashes In Elizabeth; 20 Survive Third Wreck There In 2 Months; 5 Die In Apartments; Newark Airport Closed

Death Toll In Elizabeth Crash 31; 43 In Plane And Homes Injured; Newark Field Shut Indefinitely

Truman Indicates He May Run Again To Assure Peace

Allies Yield Point To Reds On Return Of Korea Captives

Truman Requests Subpoena Powers For Morris Inquiry

High Mossadegh Aide Shot By Fanatic During Speech

10 of Klan Seized by F.B.I. In Carolina in Flogging Case

La Guardia Starts Shift In Schedules To Drop 226 Flights

Sutton, Bank Thief, Captured In Street By Brooklyn Police

Four-Power Talk Clears Obstacles To European Army

New Mystery Drug Raises Hopes Here Of Eradicating TB

New TB Drugs Are Revealed As Cheap Coal-Tar Synthetics

Nato Backs European Army, Including West Germany; Acheson Hails A ‘New Day’

West Drafts Aims to Sap Foe By Spreading Free Ideals

Idlewild To Spend $1,350,000 At Once To Spur Expansion

Resenbergs’ Guilt As Atom Bomb Spies Upheald On Appeal

Lattimore Calls Senators’ Inquiry On China ‘Stacked’

Alaska Statehood Shelved In Senate By One Vote, 45-44

White House Seeks A New Senate Vote On Alaska Status


Mufti Is Barred From Egypt; He Seeks Pakistan Asylum

4.9-Inch Snow Sets 3-Year High, Snags Motor, Air Travel

4 Firemen Injured By Manhole Blast

Red-Teacher Ban Is Upheld By 6 To 3 In Supreme Court

Moran Sentenced To 15 1/2-28 Years In Fire Shakedown

Shipping Clients Of Morris Carried Oil To Red China

Truman Presses Congress To Adopt Full Foreign Aid; Carries Appeal To Nation

Truman Bars Data Of Justice Agency To House Inquiry

Man Who Spotted Sutton Slain In Brooklyn Street; Assailants Flee In Auto

150 Police Seeking Schuster Slayer; Motive A Mystery

U.S. Fails To Halt Wide Rail Strike; Seeks Stay Today

Eisenhower Defeats Taft, Kefauver Wins Over Truman In New Hampshire’s Primary

Eisenhower, Kefauver Vote Seen As Two-Party Demand For New Era In Government

Senate, 53-37 Votes Truman’s Revision Of Revenue Bureau

Russia Tells U.N. U.S. Uses Germ War; Angry Denial Made

Korea Foe Charges Allied ‘Massacre’ Of War Prisoners

Democrats Back Rise In City Taxes, Including Realty

Dowling Ousted As Tax Head Here; Own Tax At Issue

Eisenhower Vote ‘Amazing’ In Minnesota Write-In Drive

Eisenhower Vote In Minnesota Held Public ‘Explosion’

Eisenhower Hints At Early Return; Taft Withdraws From Jersey Race; Truman Disavows M’Kinney On Korea

Senators Accuse Lattimore Of Untruths in Testimony

Tornado Deaths Pass 200; 2,500 Injured In Six States; Towns Razed, Wind Roars On

Cold Slows Relief In Tornado Region; Deaths Put At 233

Truman Urges Refugee Plan To Let In 300,000 in 3 Years

Mobs Fight Police In New Rome Riots On Trieste Issue

Banker Says He Irked Sutton By Tardiness Day of Robbery

U.S., Britain Map Bigger Rome Role In Rule Of Trieste

Truman Requests Moves To Assure G.I. Voting Rights

Truman Announces He Will Not Run Again; Says He Served Long, Feels ‘No Duty’ To Stay; News Stuns Democratic Leaders At Dinner

Truman Retirement Starts Scramble By Aspirants, With Stevenson Boomed; President Pledges Full Campaign Aid


Grand Jury Clears Murtaugh, Criticizes O’Dwyer on Police

Taft Is Winner In Wisconsin But 2 Rivals Hold Majority; Nebraska Write-In Is Close

2 Tests Show Rivals’ Split Assists Taft

M’Grath Is Out As Attorney General After Firing Morris As Inquiry Head; U.S. Judge M’Granery Put In Cabinet

M’Granery To Drop Scandals Inquiry And Rely On F.B.I.

Truman Dismissed M’Grath After Opposing Both Morris And Income Questionnaires

Jamaica Air Crash Being Investigated By 4 Expert Units

Pistol That Killed Schuster Is Found; Stolen From Army

Truman Seizes Steel; Strike Off; He Scores Industry As Reckless; Companies Start Fight In Courts

Steel Industry Loses In Court Test; Charges Truman Pays Debt To C.I.O.; President Puts Issue Up To Congress

Eisenhower Tells Truman He Wants To Quit NATO Post

Eisenhower Leaving NATO On June 1; To Quit Army If He Wins Nomination; Supporters Jubilant Over His Return

Internal Divisions Rend South Africa, Sap Its Strength

74,000 Homeless AS Floods Expand ‘Ghost Town’ List

Flood Crest Hits Sioux City Hard, Moves On Omaha

Eisenhower Wins In Jersey Defeating Taft By 115,000; Captures 31 Of 38 Delegates

Truman Demands Flood Action Now After Aerial Tour

Rain Turns Levees To Mud As Omaha Awaits Flood Peak

29 Killed in Airliner Crash On Hill in California Mist

Impeachment Step On Truman Asked For Steel Seizure

Floods Rush Down On St. Joseph, MO. And Huge Air Base

Michigan Prisoners Isolated By Troopers in 20-Hour Riot

Atom Bomb Fired With Troops Near; Chutists Join Test

Worst Invasion By Gangsters Since ’33 Vexes Unions Here

Byrd May Support Candidate Of G.O.P.

30 Killed in Turret Explosion On a U.S. Cruiser Off Korea

Big Narcotics Ring Traced To Peiping

176 Missing As U.S. Destroyer Sinks In Night Crash With Carrier Wasp: 61 Men Are Rescued In Mid-Atlantic

Ridgway Named To Eisenhower Post; Clark To Be Commander in Far East; Japan’s Pact In Force; Soviet Objects

Court Voids Steel Seizure; Workers Strike; President To Seek Stay And Go To High Court To Fight Ruling He Lacked Legal Authority


Steel Control Restored To U.S.; Appeals Court, 5-4, Grants Stay; Ruling In Effect Till Tomorrow

Truman Bids Burray End Strike; Calls Both Sides To White House, Citing Defense Peril In Steel Loss

Murray Calls Off Steel Strike, But Some Mills Will Stay Shut; Seizure Goes To Supreme Court

High Court Bars Steel Pay Rise After Truman Says He Plans It; Agrees To Review Seizure May 12

White House Steel Talks Collapse; Murray Says He Will Not Call Strike; Workers Angry, But Continue Return

Friend Of Sutton Seized As Suspect In Schuster Death

Wasp Makes Port With 61 Survivors of the Hobson

Gross Lists O’Brien, Moran And Bals As Bribe-Takers; Names 120 Police In Pay-Off

Gross Adds Whalen, Flath, Former Top Line Officers, To His Police Pay-Off List

TB Drugs Win First Case: Woman Patient Discharged

Gen. Dodd Is Freed By Koje Captives Unhurt And Happy

High Court Hears Argument On Steel Seizure Right Today

‘Blackmail’ Is Laid To Koje Captives In Dodd’s Ransom

High Court Is Told ‘War’ Justifies U.S. In Seizure Of Steel

American Superliner Begins Her First Trial Run

Monaghan Ousts 4 More Policemen Accused By Gross

Truman Sees West Verging On Success In Aim To Bar War

Paratroops Sent To Koje To Block Any New Uprising

Wasp, Repaired in Record Time, Quits Dock Today

M’Granery ‘Unfit,’ Two Senators Say

President Warns Of Atom Artillery In West Point Talk

Soviet Building Up Force In Far East, Ridgway Declares

200 in Hollywood Screened In Loyalty Test by Studios

U.S. Hands Back Railroads To Owners After 21 Months

Textbook Censors Alarm Educators

France Satisfied By U.S. Assurance; Bonn Signs Today

Court Guarantees Films Free Speech; Ends ‘Miracle’ Ban

Six Nations Sign European Army Pact; U.S., Britain Guarantee Community; German Reds Set Border Buffer Zone

Brokers Threaten To Move From City If Taxed Any More

Berlin Police Rout 6,000 Red Rioters Invading U.S. Area

Memorial Tribute To U.S. War Dead Paid Over World


French Police Raid Communist Offices In Largest Cities

Eisenhower Arrives, Calls On Truman; Abjures Politics, Tours White House; Taft Asks Policy Based Air Power

Supreme Court Voids Steel Seizure, 6 To 3; Holds Truman Usurped Powers Of Congress; Workers Again Strike As Mills Are Returned

Maybank Has Plan To Give President Emergency Power

Eisenhower Attacks One-Party Rule, Scores Foreign And Domestic Record In Opening Campaign Speech In Kansas

Eisenhower Outlines Campaign Issues Based On World Peace And Security; He Blames ‘Party In Power’ For China

Fund Of 1.3 Billion For Farm Program Is Voted By Senate

Truman Derides Taft On Air Power; Warns Of New Korea-Type Attacks; Eisenhower Not Against Seeing Stalin

At Last a Sunlit Sunda, and City Goes Outdoors

Red Core Crushed In Battle On Koje; 30 Of Foe, 1 G.I. Die

Truman Requests Steel Seizure Law; Senate, In Rebuff, Asks Taft Act Use; Arms Out Plan Held ‘Inadequate’

Search of Koje Compound Bares More Red Murders

U.S. to Buy Planes in Europe In Procurement Policy Shift

Truman Demands Civil Rights Based On Federal Power

Truman Assails ‘Cut-Rate’ Security As He Dedicates Atomic Submarine; Eisenhower Says He Is A ‘No-Deal Man’

Police Mass in Rome to Avert Red Riot on Ridgway Today

Long Island Rail Strikers Quit Talks; Road Faces Tie-Up For A Second Day; Highways, Busses And Subways Jammed

Long Island Strike Ended Too Late For Night Rush; Normal Service Due Today

Malik Holds Fire On Germ Warfare As Gross Hits ‘Lies’

Soviet Says Berlin Is ‘Breeding’ Area For Western Spies

20 More Policemen Identified By Gross And Are Suspended

Eisenhower Assails ‘Betrayal’ In Texas By Taft’s Forces

Russian Soldiers Kidnap 40 Germans In Border Dispute

500 U.N. Planes Hit 5 Red Power Hubs, One Close To China

Allegations Against Lattimore Baseless, Justice Aide Says

Eden Supports U.S. In Korea Bombing With Reservation

Eisenhower Says Democrats Failed at Home and Abroad

Reds Decry Attack By U.N. On Big Dam

Pressure Groups Prodding Schools to End Study of U.N.

Taft Sees Victory By 5 Million Votes If Named By G.O.P.


1 Dead, 46 Hurt, 42 Homeless In $1,000,000 Brooklyn Fire

G.O.P. Chiefs Bar Delegate Hearings To TV And Radio

Senate Unit Calls Lattimore Agent Of Red Conspiracy

Soviet Vetoes Germ Inquiry; U.S. Bids U.N. Score Charges

Taft’s Texas Split Adopted Over Eisenhower Protests; Senator Gets 22, General 16

Eisenhower And Taft Reach Chicago; General Pledges ‘Slugging’ Campaign; Senator Scores Rival’s ‘Wild Charges’

Republican Convention Opens Today; Crucial Seating Fight First Big Issue; Dewey Lines Up State For Rules Shift

Eisenhower In First Test Wins On Disputed Delegates, 658 To 548; M’Arthur Scores Truman’s Rule

Committee Backs Taft Georgia Bloc; Floor Fight On Credentials Up Today; Hoover Says Democrats Curb Liberty

Eisenhower Leads In Delegates; Taft Cedes Texas And Louisiana; Loses Georgia On Floor, 607 To 531

Taft Fights To Stop Eisenhower With Coalition In Ballot Today; Platform Wins Without Clash

Eisenhower Nominated On The First Ballot; Senator Nixon Chosen As His Running Mate; General Pledges ‘Total Victory’ Crusade

Eisenhower Resigns From The Army, Begins Drive For Republican Unity; Summerfield Is National Chairman

U.S. Promises Tito Jet Planes, Tanks And Heavier Guns

Democrats Facing Civil Rights Right And Seating Tests

1,300-Mile Jet Speed Disclosed by Error

Korea Reds Center More Prison Camps In Pyongyang Area

Mossadegh Out as Premier; Ghavam to Take Iran Helm

Truman Expected To Take Some Mills For Combat Steel

2 Anti-Truman Delegations Approved In Rebuff To Kefauver And Harriman; Battle On Loyalty Pledge Developing

Democrats, Widely Split, Meet Today; Illinois Will Ignore Stevenson’s ‘No’; Labor Heads Join ‘Stop Barkley’ Drive

Barkley Quits Race, Blasts Union Chiefs; Move To Draft Stevenson Is Increasing; Southerners Lose Loyalty Pledge Fight

North-South Compromise Drawn; Truman Said To Back Stevenson; Move To Stop Illinoisan Pressed

3 States Spurn Loyalty Pledge, Lose Their 64 Convention Votes; Platform Voted Without A Fight

Democrats Vote Today; Southerners Seated; Truman Puts His Support Behind Stevenson

Stevenson Is Nominated On The Third Ballot; Pledges Fight ‘With All My Heart And Soul’; Truman Promises To ‘Take Off Coat’ And Help

Sparkman Chosen By Democrats As Running Mate For Stevenson; Senator Hails Party Solidarity

Eisenhower and Nixon Map Campaign Strategy at Ranch

Spain Sets High Price to U.S. For Use of Air and Navy Bases

Air Force Debunks ‘Saucers’ As Just ‘Natural Phenomena’

French Imply Loss Of Indo-China War If U.S. Limits Aid


2 U.S. Helicopters Complete First Flight Across Atlantic

Spread Of Drought Puts 3 More States On Disaster Listing

Stevenson Criticizes General; G.O.P. Denies Dixiecrat Deal

70,000 See Colorful Closing Of Helsinki Olympic Games

Destruction Warnings Given To 78 Cities in North Korea

14 Coast Reds Found Guilty After Trial Lasting 6 Months

Edison Rate Rises Stir Wide Protest; Some Costs Up 40%

Eisenhower Bars Appeal To Bigotry As Tactic Of Nazis

President Asks Master Plan On Loyalty in Federal Jobs

Price Increases in City Cut Real Wages of Many Women

35 Tribes Hail Eisenhower As He Urges Indians to Vote

Major Crimes Here Up Sharply Over ’52 In Every Category

Mayor Says Police Will Add 1,600 Men; Denies Crime Wave

Egyptian Workers Riot And Set Fires; Army Brings Order

Foe In Korea Urges Truce Terms To End Fighting In Draw

U.S. Refuses to Pledge Ban On Atom and Germ War Now

U.S. Jury Delving Into Pier Rackets; Indictments Seen

City’s Huge Debt May Delay Start Of 2d Ave. Subway

U.S. Counters Red Charges Napalm Is Used on Civilians

Iran Troops Quell Red-Rightest Clash In Tehran Streets

Soviet Calls Party Congress Oct. 5; Will Abolish Politburo In Shake-Up; Anther Five-Year Plan Is Announced

Eisenhower for Korean War But Says Blunders Led to It

Eisenhower To Back M’Carthy If Named, But Assails Tactics

3 in U.S. Army Mission Held 36 Hours by Soviet as ‘Spies’

World Oil Cartel Laid To 7 Companies In Senate’s Report

Eisenhower Urges Helping Nations Escape Red Yoke; Sees U.S. In Greatest Peril

75,000 In The Legion Parade In 5th Ave; Eisenhower In Line

Stevenson Denounces Use Of ‘Patriotism’ As A Club; Ridicules G.O.P. Platform

Plane Output Lag Is Menace To Nation, Senators Declare

Heaviest Air Blow Of War Smashes Red Korea Capital

Mossadegh Snubs Truman, Churchill On Joint Oil Offer


Britain Is Ignoring Iranian Rejection Of Oil Proposals

Stevenson Calls For Taft Act Repeal, Offers Plan; Bars Sops To Minorities; Eisenhower Will Open Attack Today

Eisenhower Hailed In Tour Of South; Pledges End Of ‘Top-To-Bottom Mess’; Truman Says G.O.P. Risks Atomic War

Eisenhower Urges South To Protect Rights Of Negroes

Eisenhower Gives 10 Points For Peace To Avert ‘Koreas’; Charges ‘Bungling’ Has Led Us Close To World War III

Stevenson Favors ‘Change,’ But Not To Old G.O.P. Ideas; Rebukes Rival For Charges

Candidates Bid For Farm Votes; Eisenhower Favors Full Parity, But Stevenson Cites G.O.P. Record

Stevenson To Cite G.O.P. Vote Record In Coast Attacks

1,500 U.S. Teachers Red, Dr. Todd Says

Texas Democrats Back Eisenhower, Score ‘Trumanism’

Eisenhower Ready To Lead The Nation Into ‘Peace, Sanity’

Stevenson Calls Republicans Party of the Past and of Fear

Taft To Help Eisenhower; Bids Followers Back Him; Two Agree On Basic Issues

Atomic Discovery Opens New Fields

Output And Jobs Slump In Europe, U.N. Study Shows

Stevenson Terms The Taft Accord ‘Great Surrender’

Stevenson Hits Communism And Its ‘Irresponsible’ Foes

Eisenhower Favors Ridding Taft Act Of ‘Union Busting’; Rejects Labor Compulsion

U.S. Creates Huge Air Base In Far North of Greenland

Eisenhower Defends Nixon; Report On Fund Is Promised; Senator Charges ‘Smears’

Nixon’s Fund $18,235 Donated By 76; He Indicates He Will Not Withdraw; Stevenson, In South, For Rights Plank

Eisenhower Talks To Nixon On Issue Of Expense Funds

A.F.L. Cheers Stevenson Labor Bid; Nixon To Explain On Air Tonight; M’Granery Studies Law On Funds

Nixon Leaves Fate To G.O.P. Chiefs; Eisenhower Calls Him To A Talk; Stevenson Maps Inflation Curbs

Eisenhower Calls Nixon Vindicated; Committee Votes To Retain Nominee; Stevenson Bars Data On Illinois Fund

Stevenson Decides To Break Silence On Illinois Funds

Eisenhower Asks Unfettered South; Hails Senator Byrd

Stevenson To Bare Own Tax Files; Lists 8 He Aided And 1,000 Donors; Says Rival Twists Korea Policy

Allies Bomb Greeks In Korea by Mistake

Truman Lashes Eisenhower As Tool Of ‘Unholy Crew,’ Front For Lobbies; General To Disclose Financial Data


Big Atomic Cannon Unveiled By Army

Truman Declares Eisenhower Is Dupe Of Utilities Lobby

Truman Blames the General For Waste in Defense Buying

Eisenhower Scores President On Reds; Supports M’Carthy

Truman Links Eisenhower To Crises In Berlin And ‘Wave Of Filth’ On Korea; General Mocks Him For ‘Noisy Blanks’

Eisenhower Vows To Rout ‘The Pinks’ From Government

President Asserts 4 G.O.P. Senators Will Beat General

Stevenson Holds G.O.P. Responsible For U.S. Red Peril

78 Killed, 200 Hurt In 3-Train Wreck In London Suburbs

Truman Says G.O.P. Backs Racial Bias

Truman Arrives; Continues Attacks On General Here

Truman, In Harlem, Says G.O.P. Seeks To ‘Turn Back Clock’ On Civil Rights; Hailed By City Crowds On Auto Tour

Leading Physicists Protest Visa Curbs As Peril To Science

Nixon Criticizes Stevenson On Deposition in Hiss Trial

Eisenhower Earned $888,303 Since ’42; Paid $217,082 Taxes

Stevenson Scores Old Guard ‘Team’ As Peril To Nation

Eisenhower Says Unified Free World Can Defeat Conquest Aims of Soviet; Truman Challenges General On Korea

Truman Asserts Eisenhower Endorses ‘Reign of Terror’

Truman, In Brooklyn, Says Eisenhower Is Conducting A ‘Gutter Campaign’; Stevenson Calls Aim ‘Trade, Not Aid’

Eisenhower Stand Against Prejudice Lauded By Baruch

U.S. Reds Branded ‘Puppets’ Of Soviet

‘Crash’ Under G.O.P. Is Seen By Truman

U.S. Moves to Strip Costello Of Citizenship on Moral Basis

British Atom Test Vaporized Vessel

Eisenhower Would ‘Go To Korea’; Stevenson Assails ‘Slick’ Plans; Acheson Bars Peace Of Dishonor

Eisenhower Tells Harlem He’ll Fight Bias; Says Rival Favors Appeasing Communism

Survey Hints Close Election; Final Week May Be Crucial

Stevenson Wildly Cheered In Harlem; Truman Scores Eisenhower On Korea; General Pledges Wider Social Gains

25,000 In Garden Cheer Stevenson; Ovations In Midtown And Jersey; Eisenhower, Here, Stresses Korea

U.S. Agency Doubts New Arms Budget In Europe Can Rise

Eisenhower Scores ‘Vilification’ Before 22,000 At Garden Rally; Stevenson Flies To Prison Riot


Stevenson, Here, Charges Rival Risks Loss Of Allies; Chicago Hails Eisenhower

Eisenhower, Here, Lists Ten Pledges As Basis Of ‘Program Of Progress’; Stevenson Asserts Victory Is ‘In Air’

G.O.P. Says Truman Regime Rigs Farm Prices for Votes

55,000,000 Are Expected To Vote Today; Eisenhower Appeals For Unity, Faith; Stevenson Puts Korean Peace First

Eisenhower Wins In A Landslide; Takes New York; Ives Elected; Republicans Gain In Congress

Truman Asks Eisenhower To White House To Review Problems Confronting Country; House And Senate G.O.P. By Narrow Margins

Eisenhower Will Meet Truman; Suggests Parley Week Of Nov. 17; Asks Indoctrination Of Key Aides

Eisenhower Selecting Key Advisers To Begin Work In Federal Agencies; Truman Says Stevenson Leads Party

Nazi Specter Stirs In German Rivalry Over Voting Today

Eisenhower Picks Lodge For Liaison In Capital Affairs

Churchill Urges U.N. Shun Dishonor On Korea Captives

Rigid Security Ring to Shield Eisenhower on Korean Trip

U.S. Signs Accord in Tokyo To Lend Japan 68 Warships

Leaders Of Tammany Admit Close Links To Racketeers As State Opens Crime Study

Luchese Testifies To Social Contacts With Mayor, Judges, Political Chiefs; Tammany Man Explains His $250,000

Eisenhower Gets Optimistic Report On Economic Path

Experiments For Hydrogen Bomb Held Successfully At Eniwetok; Leaks About Blast Under Inquiry

Desapio Clashes With Crime Panel; Silenced In Protest On ‘Smear’ Tactics; U.S. To Challenge Luchese Citizenship

Truman And Eisenhower Confer; Plan Liaison On World Affairs; 500,000 Hail General In Capital

Ex-Justice Levy’s Income Questioned; Gifts From Figure In Trial Reported; Son-In-Law Ran Court, Inquiry Is Told

Dulles And Wilson Of G.M. Named State And Defense Secretaries; Westerner Gets Interior Post

G.M. Humphrey To Get Treasury Post And Brownell Attorney Generalship; Stassen Will Direct Mutual Security

U.S. And Britain Split Openly In U.N. On Indian Truce Plan; Eden Rejects Amendments

Eisenhower Visits U.N. Offices Today, Also Meets Nixon

Eisenhower Names Adams As Top Aide; Benson In Cabinet

Summerfield Put In Postmaster Job; Posts For 2 Women

1,000 Pier Workers Strike In Protest Over Crime Inquiry

Broad U.N. Backing Now Assured India On Plan For Korea

C.I.O. Aides See Eisenhower; He Pledges Help to Negroes

24 New Cardinals Named By Vatican; American Included


Pier Leaders Balk At United Defense For Crime Inquiry

A.F.L. Man Is Named Labor Secretary; Weeks Gets A Post

Clearing Of Spies For U.N. Laid To State Department By Defiant U.S. Jury Here

Pier Concerns Admit Buying Goodwill Of Thugs, Union Men, Ship Line Aides; One Company Reports $489,582 In Gifts

Hiring Of Gangsters To Buy Pier Peace Admitted By Ship, Stevedore Firms; Pilferage Drove U.S. Lines From Dock

Eisenhower Visits Korea Front; Says He Has ‘No Trick Solutions’; Cruiser Bringing Him From Guam

Bermuda Air Crash Kills 37; Rescuers Pluck 4 From Sea

Cabinet Aides Join Eisenhower At Sea For Korea Parley

Ship Man Calls Pier Reform Senseless Unless Law Aids; Strike Tied To Hague, Kenny

Fur Man Says $70,000 Graft Broke Longshore Red Ban; Monaghan Scores Ship Lines

Truman Demands M’Arthur Submit Korea Plan To Him

Truman Disparages Eisenhower Trip As Demagoguery, Scoffs At M’Arthur, Says He Was Misleading At Wake Talk

Eisenhower Is Irked At Truman Attack; To Shun Wrangle

Biggest Raid Test Turns New York Into A ‘Ghost City’

Eisenhower, Here, Confident Of Speeding Korea Solution; Calls His Trip A ‘Beginning’

Hoboken City Hall And Head Of Police Tied To Pier Evils

Kenny Protected Rackets Before And After Election, Pier Crime Witnesses Say

Kenny Admitted Lie To Jury On Talk With Pier Gangster; Police Got $108,000 Bribe Bid

O’Dwyer Aide Admits Burying Report In ’39 Pier Killing Tied To Anastasia; Ex-Mayor Under Grand Jury Inquiry

Anastasia Defiant On Stand; Ex-Gov. Hoffman Confirms Doing Favor For One Of Gang

84 Of 115 On Air Force Transport Die On West Coast In Worst Plane Crash; Most Victims Holiday-Bound Troops

Pier Boss Indicted In $2,500 Extortion From Stevedores

Eisenhower Promises Study To ‘Get Facts’ on Segregation

M’Granery Orders Inquiry By F.B.I. On City Pier Crime

Stalin For Eisenhower Meeting; Tells The Times That He Favors New Approach To End Korea War

New Stalin Overture Finds Western Capitals Cautious; Eisenhower Comment Waits

Truman Reviews 8 Years of Work for Peace; Says He Would Not Change Major Decisions

Truman Says Soviet Wants U.S. in All-Out Asian War

200-Plane Attack Blasts Red Supply In Pyongyang Zone

Kenny Refuses To Testify In Jersey On Pier Crime; Inquiry Seeks Court Order

Republicans Move To Bar Filibuster When Senate Sits

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