1951: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Reds Open Heavy Attack Above Seoul And Force Some Allied Units Back; U.S. For Individual Pacts With Japan

Allies Fall Back To Fixed Line; Foe’s Loss Heavy In Seoul Drive; Nations Push Talks To End War

Chinese Red Troops Closing On Seoul After Smashing Through U.N. Lines; Allies Retiring On 140-Mile Front

Seoul Abandoned To Red Armies; City Afire; U.N. Retreat Orderly; Dewey Asks State War Footing

Allies Pursued South Of Seoul; Navy Saves Thousands At Inchon; Truman Expects Full Controls

Taft Opposes Troops For Europe; Calls Aid To Korea A Usurpation; Red Forces Pour South Of Seoul

Reds Close On Wonju Road Hub; U.S. Warns That U.N. May Crumble Unless It Calls China Aggressor

Fighting Raging Around Wonju; Allies Continue To Fall Back; Eisenhower In Paris, Asks Unit

Truman Asks Swift Steps Toward War Basis; Tells Soviet ‘We Will Fight To Keep Freedom’; Allies Lose Wonju In Retreat, But Punish Foe

Fighting Is Heavy In 2 Korean Sectors As Communists Mass For New Blows; Empire For Peiping Role In Japan Pact

Marshall For Draft Of Youths 18, With Extended 27-Month Term; Bitter Fight Rages Near Wonju

U.S. Backs U.N. Plan For Far East Talks After A Cease-Fire, But Russians Balk; Truman Insists He Controls Troops

Commonwealth Heads Urge Talks With Stalin And Mao; U.S. Troops Attack In Korea

Asia Peace Plan Voted In U.N., 50 To 7; Mao Receptive, But Bars Prior Truce; Red Attacks Beaten Back Near Wonju

U.N. Army To Stay In Korea And Fight, Collins Asserts; Top Generals See M’Arthur

Truman Submits A 71 1/2 Billion Crisis Budget; Asks 16 Billion Tax Rise, 61 Billion For Arms; Allies Drive In West Korea, Quit Wonju Area

Allies Push Within 20 Miles Of Seoul; Capture Suwon But Withdraw Later; Connally Rebukes State Department

Peiping Rejects Cease-Fire Plan; U.S. Bars Terms, Asks U.N. Censure; Truman Sets Policy On Manpower

U.S. Urges New Action By U.N. To Brand Peiping Aggressor; Offers Loophole For Talks

U.S. Moves To Stop ‘Panic’ Enlistments By College Youths

U.S. Formally Bids U.N. Curb China; Warns ‘Time To Draw Line Is Now’; Eisenhower Offers Bonn Equality

Progress of Air Rearming Keyed to Capital’s Planning

India Reveals Peiping Offer Of Truce At Start Of Talks; U.S. Assails It; U.N. Recesses

Senate Calls On U.N. To Bar Red China And Denounce It As Korea Aggressor; Attlee Rules Out Use Of Sanctions

U.S. Bids U.N. Stand Against Aggression To Safeguard Members’ Own Security; Nehru Assails Move To Brand Peiping

150,000 4-F’s Facing Draft Under Cutting of Standards

Prices And Wages Frozen To Curb Inflation; Goods Held To Peaks Of Dec. 19-Jan. 25 Period And Pay At Levels In Effect Last Thursday

Freeze Edict Being Revised To Eliminate ‘Inequities’; Cut Of Third In Tin Use Due

2d Atomic Blast In 24 Hours Jolts Wide Nevada Area

390,000 Draft Pool Seen In Bid To Call 4-Fs And Childless

U.N. Unit Condemns Peiping, 44-7; Study Of Sanctions Also Voted; Allies Gain Three Miles In Korea


Truman To Seek 10 Billions In New Taxes Immediately; Freeze In Wages Relaxed

Eisenhower Asks Senate Not To Limit Dispatching Of U.S. Troops To Europe; U.N. Assembly Votes Red China Guilty

White House Denounces Rails Strike; Central Cancels Commuter Trains; More Factories Closed, 150,000 Idle

Rail Talks Stall; Resume Today; Postal Curbs Made Nation-Wide; Train Service Cut Further Here

Rail Talks Continue Deadlocked; Commuting At Grand Central Out; Buses And Planes Take New Loads

Wilson Calls On Rail Men To Return, Says They Cripple Defense Program; Commuter Autos Jam Suburban Roads

74 Killed, 330 Hurt In Jersey Train Wreck; Crowded Commuter Cars Plunge Off Rails At Temporary Road Overpass In Woodbridge

Jersey Rail Wreck Laid To High Speed And Lack Of Warning Signal At Span; 83 Dead, With 100 Still In Hospitals

Army Orders Rail Strikers To Return Or Forfeit Jobs; Walkout Broken In Nation

Ching To Resign Wage Post; Living-Cost Rises Urged; Meat Slaughtering Curbed

Engineer In Wreck Denies Exceeding Authorized Speed

Enrollment Drop to Compel Colleges to Cut Staffs 15%

Enemy Drive Races 18 Miles In Korea; Attack In Strength Menaces Wonju; U.N. Air Force Strikes Heavy Blow

Reds Lunch New Attacks In Korea, Shifting To West; Foes’ Convoys Are Blasted

Korea Foe Blocked In Effort To Split U.N. Central Front

U.S. To Send 100,000 Troops To Europe; Marshall Opposes Curby By Congress; Allies Again Smash Attacks In Korea

Stalin Holds U.N. ‘Dooms Itself’ But War Is Not Now Inevitable; Acheson Cites Europe’s Arms Rise

Moscow Accused By Britain Of Acts To Ruin Ex-Allies

3 City College Aces And Gambler Held In Basketball ‘Fix’

Hogan Questions Three L.I.U. Stars In Basketball ‘Fix’

3 Players At L.I.U. Admit Collecting $18,500 Bribe Cash

Uranium Is Produced In Fertilizer Process

Churchill Resents Selection Of U.S. Chief for Allied Fleet

Wilson Ties Safety Of The Free World To Vast U.S. Output

Sollazzo’s Betting Put At $8,000 A Day By Aides Of Hogan

London Is Stunned By Soviet Charges On Arms And Pacts

2-Term Amendment In Force As The 36th State Ratifies; Truman Exempt From Limit

City College Bans Games As 4th Star Confesses 3 ‘Fixes’


Labor Quits All Mobilization Posts; Denounces Wage And Price Formulas As ‘Great Wrongs’ In Blast At Wilson

Escalator Pay Rises Stand If Allowed Before Freeze; 12 1/2C Granted 15 Rail Unions

‘Key Figure’ Held On Bribery Charge In Basketball ‘Fix’

Acheson Tells Bitter Marine To Have Faith in U.S. Ideals

Bush Says A-Bomb Can Wreck Soviet

21 Indicted in a Wide Plot To Smuggle Opium to U.S.

Stockpiling of Tin Is Halted To Force Reduction in Price

M’Arthur Sees A Stalemate In Korea Unless Present Handicaps Are Lifted; Senate Votes To Limit Armed Forces

Former College Classmate Accuses 2 on Trial as Spies

Senate Votes To Draft At 18, Sets Service At 24 Months; Fight To Delete U.M.T. Fails

Truman Is Party’s 1st Choice, Senator Douglas 2d in Poll

Eisenhower Inspires Allies; For Atom Bomb Use in War

Hiss Loses Appeal To Supreme Court, Faces Jail Soon

U.N. Dropping Idea Of Unifying Korea By Military Force

Columbia Teacher Arrested, Linked to 2 on Trial as Spies

Costello Defies Senators, Walks Out Of Hearing Here; Faces Arrest On Contempt

Senators Try To Tie Dewey To Gaming; Costello Balks Crime Inquiry Again; O’Dwyer Friend Challenged On Story

College Emphasis on Sports Found to Victimize Students

Soviet Merging Collectives In a Vast Social Revolution

O’Dwyer Says He Saw Costello But Only On Air Force Frauds; Gambler Admits Tammany Link

O’Dwyer Draws Inquiry’s Fire On Anastasia; Admits He Placed Gangsters’ Friends In City Jobs

Crane Swears He Gave $10,000 To O’Dwyer, $55,000 To Moran; Both Repeat Denials Of Gifts

Moran Quits, O’Dwyer Won’t Resign; Both Facing Tax And Perjury Actions On Testimony Of Crane As To ‘Gifts’

U.S. Plane Crashes With 53; Flares in Atlantic Spur Hope

Million a Year Flee Mexico Only to Find Peonage Here

Truman Set To Ask 9 To 10 Billion More To Expedite Arming

Police Graft Set At $20,000,000 A Year; Can’t Deport Costello, M’Grath Says; Moran And Weber Indicted In Perjury

3 More Athletes From City College Seized For ‘Fixes’

Spy Jury Locked Up After Deciding On 2 In Atom Conspiracy

3 In Atom Spy Case Are Found Guilty; Maximum Is Death

Dewey Signs Sales Tax Rise, Asks 2 1/2% Limit On Impost; Doubts Extension After ’52


O’Dwyer Returns to Mexico On Aleman’s Private Plane

Wilson Reports U.S. Output Makes Nation Much Safer; Inflation Held Main Threat

Senate Asks Curbs On Troops To Europe; Bids Truman, 49-43, Consult Congress Before Exceeding Four-Division Limit

U.S. Troops in Force Cross Parallel on Ten-Mile Front

Rayburn Intimates Russians Mass Troops in Manchuria

Atom Spy Couple Sentenced To Die; Aide Gets 30 Years

Truman Assassin Sentenced To Die

22 On Plane Killed In Crash On Coast on 20-Minute Trip

Crew Bails Out, a B-25 Rams House, Kills Man, 2 Children

U.S. Rebukes Israel For Bombing Syria In Border Incident

Truman Relieves M’Arthur Of All His Posts; Finds Him Unable To Back U.S.-U.N. Policies; Ridgway Named To Far Eastern Commands

Truman Says He Fired M’Arthur To Avoid Risk Of New World War; Offers 3-Point Peace Plan; General, Returning, Would Address Congress

M’Arthur Due Back In U.S. Next Week; Rival Parties Trade Blows On Issue; Truman Confident He Will Be Upheld

Congress To Hear M’Arthur As Administration Yields; City Schedules A Welcome

Truman Says G.O.P. Seeks Confusion On Foreign Policy To Capture Votes; City’s M’Arthur Fete To Be Huge One

M’Arthur Leaves Tokyo For Honolulu And Home After Triumphal Good-By; He Will Address Congress Thursday

U.S. to Send Yugoslav Army $29,000,000 Worth of Aid

M’Arthur Is Hailed By San Francisco; Great Crowds Roar Hero’s Greeting; Bradley Opposes Widening Korea War

M’Arthur Bars A Political Role; Reaches Capital For Major Talk; U.S. Maps A Pacific Defense Pact

M’Arthur Calls Asia Policy ‘Blind To Reality’; Says Joint Chiefs Shared Views On Strategy; Cheered By Congress; Here For Parade Today

Millions Give Record Welcome To M’Arthur; Tons Of Paper Showered On 19-Mile Parade; Files Show General Expected Quick Victory

Joint Chiefs Will Answer M’Arthur And Will Analyze ‘Basic Differences’; General Says Red China Surprised All

Reds Open Attack Along Korea Line; Push Allies Back

Chinese Reds Punch Hole In U.N. Line And Press On South Of 38th Parallel; Their Losses In New Offensive Heavy

U.N. Forces Stem Red Drive In Center, Plugging Gap And Saving Vital Road; Enemy Presses Flanks, Wins Reservoir

Chinese Reds Pour In Reinforcements As Allies Again Retire Toward Seoul; U.N. Forces Hit Back In Other Sectors

U.N. Troops Retreat Slowly In West, Fighting Stubborn Delaying Actions; Foe’s Spearhead 11 Miles From Seoul

Allies Yield Kapyong On Key Highway As Withdrawal In Korea Continues; Civilians Are Ordered To Quit Seoul

Price Ceilings Set On Beef; Retail Drop Of 9 To 10 Cents In Two Stages Due By Oct. 1

Tobey Forecasts Key New York Men Will Be Indicted


M’Arthur Hearings To Start In Secret

O’Dwyer Accused In Kefauver Report Of Contributing To Rise In Crime Here; Federal Laws To End Rackets Urged

Democrats Filibuster to Bar Open MacArthur Hearing

M’Arthur Asks Ultimatum To China On Korea, With U.S. Fighting Alone If Allies In U.N. Balk; General Barred Intelligence Aid, Truman Says

M’Arthur Testifies Marshall Overruled Joint Chiefs On Limiting China Peace Talks; Says ‘Main Enemy’ Is Communism, Not Russia

M’Arthur Says Reds Must Be Beaten In Korea Lest Their Success Start Soviet Lunge At U.S.; Rejects Hoover Advice To Keep Troops Home

City’s Apartments And Office Face Elevator Strike

Marshall Says M’Arthur Upset Peace Move; Holds General’s Plan Could Not End Strife; Truman Defends Policy As Bar To Atom War

Marshall Says M’Arthur Hurts Army Morale And Allied Cause By Stressing Casualties; He Sees ‘Very Real Possibility’ Of Major War

Truman Warned M’Arthur Jan. 13 To Use ‘Great Prudence’ In Korea; Feared Widening Of The Conflict

Marshall Says U.S. Must Never Yield On Entry Of Communist China To U.N.; Denies Any Soft Policy Towards Reds

Truman Message Warned M’Arthur Not To Offend Allies We Might Need; Cited Soviet Threat, Says Marshall

Marshall Warns Soviet It Would Pay ‘Terrible Price’ In Launching A War; Says U.S. Is Alert For Attack Any Day

Military Teaching On ‘Why’ Men Serve Termed A Failure

Marshall Says Top Military Leaders Support Truman’s Policy On Korea; U.N. Unit Backs Ban On Arms To China

Bradley Charges M’Arthur Picks Wrong War, Place Time And Foe; Balks At Quoting Truman Talks

Truman Upholds Bradley On Secrecy; Hearing Halted Pending Vote Today; Reds Dent U.N. Korea Line In New Blows

Senators Uphold Bradley, 18 To 8; M’Arthur Ousted For Truce Move; Reds Break U.N. Line Near Inje

Murtaugh Put Under Arrest; Chief Magistrate Accused Of Neglect On Police Graft

Chinese Red Drive Slowed Despite New Gains In East; Toll Put As High As 30,000

Strong U.N. Patrols Thrust Against Foe To Slow Attack; Enemy Pushes Drive In East

Korean Foe Withdraws, Drive Halted; Losses Enormous Under U.N. Blows; Bradley Says M’Arthur Imperiled U.S.

Reds Rip Gap In Easter Korean Line, But Allies Gain In Center And West; Bradley Says Inquiry Imperils Nation

Foe In General Withdrawal In Korea After Huge Losses; Allies Gain Anew; Bradley Cites Intelligence Failure

U.N. Armies Pursue Retreating Reds; Plunge Over the 38th Parallel Again; M’Arthur’s Battle Tactics Criticized

Allies Press Pursuit In North Korea; Collins Testifies M’Arthur Ignored Staff Chiefs’ Warning On Yalu Drive

Allies Thrust Deep In East, Advance Freely Elsewhere; Collins Sees Soviet Alarm

Advancing U.N. Troops Trap 50,000 Of The Foe In Korea; Tibet Merged In Red China

China Air War Would Leave Us ‘Naked,’ Vandeberg Says

Price War Set Off in Stores; Some Goods Reduced 30%

Admiral Sherman For U.N. Blockade Of Chinese Coast


Sherman Discloses Fears Of A World War Last Dec. 6; Reds Advance In East Korea

Acheson Asserts M’Arthur Program Would ‘Gamble’ With U.S. Security; His Secrecy Plea On Formosa Fails

Acheson Says War Could Begin In Iran; Calls Hong Kong A Vital U.S. Interest; Korea ‘Pursuit’ Over, Van Fleet States

R.C.A. To Hand Over Tri-Color TV Tube For Study By C.B.S.

High Court Upholds Guilt Of 11 Top U.S. Communists; Other Prosecutions Are Set

Senators Open Fire On Acheson’s Story Of Policy On China

7 Nazis Executed For War Murders

Truman Declares ‘Inflation Torrent’ Must Be Checked

Truman Says Reds Will Win Cold War If Inflation Grows

M’Arthur Charges ‘Blunder’ In Marshall ’45 China Visit; Truman Aids Lobby Inquiry

U.S. College Students ‘Flunk’ In Knowledge of Geography

Wedemeyer Urges U.S. To Quit Korea, Break With Soviet

High School Users Of Narcotics Put at 1-In-200 Ratio

M’Arthur Charges Our Foreign Policy Is Ruled By Others

State Finds Addict Can Buy Narcotics Anywhere In City

6-Year U.S. Aid to Germans Now Tops $3,250,000,000

War Still On for 18 Japanese On Isle, Though One Gives Up

Entombed Six Years, Nazi Soldier Saved

Deadlock Tightens In Shipping Tie-Up; Mediator Shunned

Strike By Pilots Grounds All Craft Of United Air Lines

21 U.S. Red Leaders Indicted On Charges Of Conspiracy; 17 Arrested, 4 Still Sought

Hurley Testifies Roosevelt Tried to Modify Yalta Pact

Iran Wants Loan From U.S. To Keep Economy Solvent

Soviet Calls For Truce Parley, Both Sides To Quit Parallel; Omits Previous Korea Demands

Lie Proposes Immediate Truce Talks; U.N. To Relay His Korea Plea To World; U.S. Remains Wary; Allies Are Hopeful

Peiping Backs Korea Truce Plan; Says Foreign Troops Should Go; Truman Repeats U.S. Peace Aim

U.S. Will Request Moscow To Clarify Truce Proposal; Seeks Ban On A New Attack

Moscow For Limiting Talks On Truce To Military Chiefs Of U.N. And North Koreans

U.S. Hopes On Soviet’s Truce Bid Rise; Ridgway And U.N. Members Consulted; Lie Declares Progress Is ‘Promising’

U.S. Invites Red Command To Talk On Shipboard For Korean Truce; Will Put Political Issues To U.N.


50 On Airliner Die In Colorado Crash On Mountain Slope

Chinese And Korea Reds Agree To Truce Talk; Want It Near Kaesong In July 10-15 Period; U.S. Is Gratified; Sporadic Fighting Continues

Allies Accept Talk At Kaesong July 10 Or ‘Earlier Date’

U.S. Orders Ridgway To Bar Political Issues In Parley; Reds Silent On Early Talks

Ridgway Accepts Reds’ Proposal For Preliminary Talks Sunday; Truman Warns U.S. Not To Relax

Both Sides In Korea Pledge Safe-Conduct For Parley And Agree On Neutral Zone

Yams as Source of Cortisone Proved in Mexican Research

U.N. Delegates Meet Reds; Return Silent On Parleys; U.S. Expects Truce Delay

Truce Parleys Begin Tomorrow; 5 U.N. Leaders To Meet 4 Of Foe; Kaesong Contact ‘Harmonious’

Truce Meeting Opens In Kaesong; U.N. To Seek ‘Honorable’ Terms; Wilson Fears For Defense Plans

Reds Ask As A Korea Settlement Status Of 1950, Foreign Troop Ban; Urge Buffer Zone At Parallel

U.N. Stops Truce Talks Temporarily As Reds Bar Allied Press At Scene; Accord Thought Nearer Before Halt

Ridgway Demands Reds Remove Troops From Truce Parley Area; Pact Offers Japan Sovereignty

Reds Ask Talks Resume On Old Basis; Make No Reply To Ridgway Proposal; Acheson Insists On Full Reciprocity

Korean Truce Parleys Resumed; Reds Agree To Ridgway’s Terms For A Neutral Area, Admit Press

4th Truce Session Is Held In A Neutralized Kaesong; Agenda Discussion Renewed

Truce Sessions Make ‘Some Progress’; Both Sides Stress Own Agenda Aims; Negotiators Back After 5th Meeting

Flood Crest Nears Missouri Capital; Truman Sees Area

Truce Delegates Stalled On ‘Essential’ Agenda Item; Reach Accord On 2 Points

Four-Month Freeze At July 7 Ceilings Is Voted By House

Truce Talks In Korea Are Adjourned Until Wednesday At Request Of Reds; Troop Exodus Still Stumbling Block

14 Billions Spent in 7 Years To Educate 8,000,000 G.I.’s

Sherman Dies At 54 In Hotel In Naples At End Of Mission

No Transit Strikes And Faster Work Promised Until ’54

Reds Hint Willingness To Compromise On Key Issue Of Korea Troop Exodus; Acheson Warns Nation Not To Relax

Reds Make New, ‘Reasonable’ Proposal On Troop Exit; ‘Progress’ Is Reported; Washington Is Optimistic On Accord

Truce Conferees Agree On An Agenda, Start Discussion Of Specific Terms; Reds Defer Troop Withdrawal Issue

Truce Parleys Seek Accord On Fixing Of Military Lines; No Claim Of Progress Made

Truman Sees Soviet Expanding Power To Open New Aggression ‘At Any Time’; Truce Talks Stall On Armistice Line

Tank Arsenal Chief Ousted; Took Favors of War Firms

Poles to Try 9 High Officer Accused of Spying for West


Lattimore and Barnes Linked To Soviet Spies but Deny It

10% Rise In Prices Of Autos Forecast With New Formula

U.S. Rounding Up 39 To Void Their Bail, Posted By Red Fund

West Point Ousts 90 Cadets For Cheating In Classroom; Football Players Involved

Ridgway Suspends Parleys After Red Troop Violation In Demilitarized Truce Area

Reds Admit Violating Troop Accord, Say Forces Were In Kaesong In Error; Ridgway Defers Reply On Truce Talks

U.N. Ready To Renew Talks But Warns Of A Final Break On Further Troop Violation

West Point Says 80 Admit To Cheating; Coercion Is Denied

Johnston Predicts Cost-Of-Living Rise Of 5% To 8% In Year

Truce Conference Renewed As U.N. Accepts Red Pledge To Honor The Neutral Zone

Truce Talks Stay Stalled After Red ‘Boycott’ Tactics Over Armistice Line Issue

Truce Talk Break Averted; ‘Mutually Acceptable Area’ For Future Parleys Implied

23d Session ‘Unproductive’ On Buffer Zone In Korea; Another Meeting Is Slated

Soviet To Join In Japanese Peace Talk; Surprise Step Likely To Delay Treaty; Still No Compromise In Korea Parley

William Randolph Hearst Dies at 88 in California

Teachers Win Rises To $6,500 Top Pay, End Their ‘Strike’

Zwillman Sought To Buy Prosecutor, Witness Declares

Johnston Allows Wage Rises Of 2% Added To Basic 10%

Move On In Senate To Slash 2 Billion From Aid To Allies

Acheson Denies 12 Charges Of ‘Collusion’ With the Reds

Civil Defense Fund Cut 87%; House Ignores Atom Warning

Atomic Submarine Ordered By Navy After ‘Land’ Tests

Reds Call Off The Korean Truce Parleys; Accuse U.N. Planes Of Raid On Kaesong Area; Allies Brand Enemy’s Charge A ‘Frame-Up’

Reds Imply Readiness To Reopen Talks If U.N. Admits Neutrality Violation; View Break-Off As An ‘Adjournment’

Parley Up To Reds Ridgway Asserts, Rejecting Charges

Biggest Chute Drops Staged, 84 Hurt in Air War Games

V.F.W. Head Assails Our ‘Pussyfooting’

85 in Human Chain Free Pair in Cave

G.E. Offers Pay Rise of 2 1/2% Plus Tie-In With Living Cost

Russia’s Press in Broadside Says U.S. Aims to Attack Her

Ignoring Officials’ Dishonor Imperils U.S., Hoover Warns


Senators Ask War on Crime By Private National Council

Storm Upsets Fishing Boat; 9 Dead, 28 Missing, 19 Saved In Rough Seas Off Montauk

Montauk Boat Toll Put at 38; 2 Investigations Are Started

Truman In San Francisco For Treaty Session Today; Dulles Bars Veto Of Pact

Truman At Parley Offers Japan A Limited ‘Partnership Of Peace’; Foe Masses Satellites In Korea

Parley Votes Down Soviet Bloc, Limits Debate On Japanese Pact; Ridgway Urges A New Truce Site

Four Asian Nations Support Draft Of Japanese Treaty, Challenge Soviet Charges

Japan Accepts Pact In Atoning Spirit; Gromyko, Balked, Walks Out, Returns; 49 Of 52 Nations To Sign Treaty Today

Peace Treaty With Japan Signed; Gromyko Warns Steps Risks War; U.S. And Tokyo In Security Pact

President Praises Acheson For Averting Parley’s Ruin

Smaller Atom Bomb Evolved That Carrier Planes Can Use

U.N. Command Admits Plane Attacked Kaesong In Error; Reds Bar Shift In Truce Site

General Marshall Retires; Truman Praises His Work; Lovett Named Successor

Western Big 3 Reach Accord On Germans In Europe Army, Independent Role For Bonn

Red Radio Accuses Japan Of Assisting U.N. In Korea War

U.N. Guns Rake Communists In Hard Eastern Korea Battle

Ridgway Bids Reds Revive Truce Talk; Stresses ‘Concern’

Army To Make Test Of Atom Weapons On Combat Troops

6 Billion Is Urged For Atom Program

Gross’ Defiance Ends Trial; 18 Police Freed Of Charges; Bribery Is Seen By M’Donald

Frick Elected Commissioner Of Baseball for Seven Years

30 Homes Wrecked, 3 Killed In Blasts

Gambler Defiant At Crime Inquiry; His Wealth Bared

U.S. Becoming Penny-Poor; Mint Lacks Metal and Funds

Herlands Named As Special Deputy In Crime Hearing

Grand Jury Demands Ouster Of Top Police In Vice Units; 2 Accuse Ruppell On Bribes

Ruppell Accused Of Threat To Harm Witness’ Parents; Gross Indicted On 10 Counts

Gross Gets 12-Year Term; Police Graft Story Bared; Ruppell Quits Borough Job

Gross Said Bookies Had O’Dwyer Fund; Listed $20,000 Gifts

Marines To Draft 19,900 In 2 Months


Britain Will Ask U.N. Today To Enter Iranian Oil Crisis

47 Sanitation Men, ‘Loitering On Job,’ Suspended By City

15,000 In Carolina Speed Atom Plant

Soviet’s Second Atom Blast In 2 Years Revealed By U.S.; Details Are Kept A Secret

Moretti, Gambler, Slain By 4 Gunmen In New Jersey Cafe

Stalin Says Soviet Has Atomic Bombs Of Varied Calibers

Jersey Police Head Indicted In Gaming Is Found Shot Dead

Vandenberg Diary Says Top Advisers Fought China Aid

Cairo Acts To Oust British From Suez And Control Sudan

Hall, Fugitive Red, Seized In Mexico, Deported To U.S.

Auto Output Is Facing Cut Of 13.7%, Less Than Slated

‘Heartbreak Ridge’ Is Completely Won By Allied Assault

New U.N. Drive Gains Mile; ‘Heartbreak’ Hill Lost Again

Allies Push Ahead 3 Miles In Korea; Liaison Talk Held

Egyptian Rebuff To 4 Powers Seen On Suez Zone Base

Egypt Rejects 4-Power Bid; Ratifies Ouster Of British; Iran Keeps Door Open On Oil

Rioting Egyptians Battle British Army In Suez Area; 12 Die In Clashes In 2 Cities

U.S. Asks Soviet Cooperate On Korea; Moscow Is Sharp But Offers To Study All The Unsettled World Problems

U.S. Clings To Hope For Big 4 Parleys After Soviet Reply

Rothengast Succeeds Flath As Chief Police Inspector; Monaghan Overhauls Force

Gen. Clark Named First Ambassador Of U.S. To Vatican

Truman Pastor Tried to Bar Naming of Envoy to Vatican

Soviet Has 3d Atom Blast; Nevada Explosion Is Small

Pier Freeze Grows As Strikers Insist On Better Pay Pact

Mid-East Command Without Egyptians Is Pushed By U.S.

Conservative Victory Seen As Laborites Lose 12 Seats With Rural Count To Come

Churchill Is Returned To Power With A Margin Of 26 Over Labor; Washington Expects Visit Soon

Back-To-Job Drive On Docks Stalled; Police Are Blamed

Atom Battle Bomb Dims Sun In Nevada

Dock Rebels Agree To Man Army Piers; 123 Work On Liner

Churchill Slashes Salaries Of His Cabinet and Himself


McKinney, New Chairman, Warns Democrats on Gifts

Huge Blast Marks First Atom Games Involving Troops

59,650 To Be Called In January Draft; Most Since March

Reds Rebuff Plan To Place Kaesong In A No Man’s Land

City Urged to Reshuffle Jobs Of 86,000, Raise Pay of 85%

Gross’ Tale of Graft Quoted As 30 Policemen Go on Trial

Halley Wins By 163,492 Margin; Methfessel Beaten In Richmond; Voters Elsewhere Hit At Crime

Truman Offers Eisenhower Support For ’52 Nomination; General Implies Rejection

25-Day Pier Strike Is Ended; Insurgents Go Back Today Pending Findings By State

Sprague Says Eisenhower Will Run on G.O.P. Ticket

U.S., Upset by Crises Abroad, Leans to Granting More Aid

Churchill To Visit Truman In January To Align Policies

Korea Foe Charges Aerial Violation Of Truce Talk Zone

MacArthur Bids Voters Oust Leaders Imperiling Freedom

City Civil Defense Mobilized In Drill For ‘Atom Bombing’

Policeman Identified at Trial As Taker of $1,000 in Graft

Truman Removes Tax Chief Of the Justice Department

London Thunders Welcome As Princess and Duke Return

Italy Massing Boats to Save 20,000 Marooned by Flood

Sollazzo Is Jailed With Five Players In Basketball Fix

British Now Agree To U.S. Commander In North Atlantic

Soviet Accuses U.S. Of Violating Pact To Ban Subversion

Accord On Korea Truce Line Is Reached ‘In Principle’; Reds Accept U.N. Revision

8 Police On Trial Refuse To Testify Despite Warning

Soviet Downed U.S. Plane Outside Russia, U.N. Is Told

18 Feared Dead in Alabama As Trains Crash Head-On

Line For Korean Armistice Ratified At Plenary Session Of Negotiators; Proposals Offered On Guarantees

Snyder Dispels Allies’ Hopes Of More U.S. Help for Arms

Fighting Virtually Halted On Most Of Korean Front; Official Cease-Fire Denied

Trial of 29 Police Ended; Early Decision Is Promised


Daily Prayer in All Schools Is Urged By State’s Regents

Allies Reject Bid By Enemy To Build Airfields In Truce

Soviet Says It Downed C-47 In Hungary as Spy Carrier

Score Killed in Suez Clash Of Britons With Egyptians

20 Reported Slain In Another Clash Near City Of Suez

French Say Safety Depends On U.S. Atomic Bomb Lead

5,000 Red-Led Youths Battle Iranian Forces for 5 Hours

U.N. Firm On Right To Sail Off Korea After Cease-Fire

Truman Cuts Trip, Calls Staff Chiefs To Deal With Crisis In Korea Parley; Talk Set For Washington Tomorrow

City Panel Favors Tapping Of Hudson For Water Supply

Truman Sees Aides; Korea Hopes Rise; Enemy Agrees To Talks On Prisoners; Bombs Fall In Foe’s Zone At Kaesong

Iran’s Deputies in Fist Fight; Foes Seek Premier’s Ouster

F.B.I. Head, M’Grath Meet With Truman On Frauds Inquiry

President Pledges A Drastic Program To End Corruption

Snow Snarls Traffic in City and Suburbs; Delayed Commuters Jam Bus Terminals

Eisenhower For Output Rise; U.S. to Prod Britain on Army

All 56 Aboard Die As Plane Dives In Flames Near Elizabeth Homes Just After Take-Off For Tampa

Reds List 3,100 Americans As War Prisoners In Korea; Dean Among Those Named

Reds’ Captive List Revealed; U.N. Studying It Closely; U.S. Notifying Next Of Kin

Perjury Charged To 4 In R.F.C. Case; Merl Young Named

Ridgway Asks Foe To Let Red Cross Visit U.N. Captives

4 Killed and 100 Trapped In Illinois Mine Explosion

32 Miners Dead, 50 Missing; Search of Illinois Pit Is Slow

Hungary Fines 4 U.S. Fliers $30,000 Each For ‘Violation’; 3-Month Term Alternative

Miner Saved After 60 Hours; Last of 119 Bodies Recovered

Auto Policy Rates To Jump 20 To 30% In City On Monday

U.S. To Pay Hungary $120,000 In Fines To Free 4 Fliers; Men May Be Released Today

9 Police Dismissed On Rifkind Report Of Gambling Guilt

Hungary Frees Four Fliers; Acheson Bans Travel There, Closes 2 Consulates In U.S.

U.S. Study Slated To Ease Job Losses In Auto Industry

Airliner Is Lost With 40 Aboard In Pennsylvania

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