1949: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Wide Areas In Northeast Are Inundated By Floods; Snow And Ice Snarl Traffic

Tel Aviv Shelled By Egyptian Ships; Israelis Give Fight

5 Hurt As Planes Bomb Jerusalem; Cairo Threatened

Truman Forces Win Test In Congress As House Curbs The Rules Committee; Taft Retains Republican Policy Post

China Peace Report in Error; Marines’ Exit Is ‘Premature’

Truman Asks Increased Taxes, Debt Cut, Taft Labor Act Repeal, Authority To Build Steel Mills

Bullitt Asks U.S. Direction Of Chiang Forces In China

Marshall Resigns, Acheson Named; Lovett Also Quits, Webb Successor; Senate To Consider Views On Russia

Israelis Down RAF Planes; Britain Protests Strongly, Reinforces In Trans-Jordan

Britain To Demand U.N. Palestine Step In Plane Incident

Truman Asks 42 Billion Budget, Half For World Commitments; Seeks A 6 Billion Tax Increase

Air Funds Diverted To Heavy Bombers; 239 Craft Canceled

Graham Cleared For Atom Secrets Over Board’s ‘No’

No Appeaser, Acheson Says; Bans Public Talk On Russia; Hiss Brothers His ‘Friends’

Stiffer Spy Laws, Legal Wire Taps Proposed By Clark

High Escaped Czech Depicts Prague as a Soviet ‘Colony’

400 Police On Duty As 12 Communists Go On Trial Today

President Asks for Power To Reorganize Government

Senate, By 83 To 6, Confirms Acheson; Debate Vigorous

Truman And Barkley Take Oaths In Capital At Noon; Record Inaugurations Seen

Truman, 32d President, Is Inaugurated; Calls On U.S. To Lead Democratic World; Denounces Communism, Pledges U.N. Aid

Chiang Relinquishes Post To Speed Peace With Reds; Mission For Talks Named

Peiping Surrenders To Reds As Nanking Regime Offers To Confer On Foes’ Terms

Plan Asks $3,000,000,000 To Supplant Slums by 1959

Flying Boxcars Rush Feed For Starving Cattle in West

Bevin Hails Plan Of Truman To Help Backward Lands

Communists Insist Nanking Turn Over Chiang and Aides

Dewey Seeks End Of Building Curbs On ‘Little Homes’

Council Of Europe Formed By 5 Western Union Powers; They Will Recognize Israel

Truman’s Labor Bill Drops Federal Injunction Weapon And Sanctions Closed Shop

Stalin Says He Is Not Averse To A Meeting With Truman; Washington View Cautious


U.S. Grants Israel And Trans-Jordan Full Recognition

$936,190,300 Budget Asks Tax Rise Of $168,200,000; Income Levy 66 2/3% Higher

Stalin, ‘Ill,’ Bars Trip Here; Would See Truman In East, But Washington Says ‘No’

Truman Bars Negotiations With Soviet Outside U.N.; Still Would Receive Stalin

Greek Reds Relieve Markos; Athens Says He May Be Dead

Soviet Offers Norway Non-War Pact; Warns Her Against Atlantic Treaty; Ask Clarification On Foreign Bases

Republicans Seek ‘Showdown’ Today On Filibuster Curb

Mindszenty Is Found Guilty; Court Gives Life Sentence; Flood Of Protests Rising

Mindszenty Files Appeal; World-Wide Protests Rise; Consular Aides Here Quit

Acheson Condemns Mindszenty Trial; U.S. Studies Action

Truman Denounces Mindszenty’s Trial As ‘Infamous’ Case

U.S. Bids Hungary Recall Diplomat; Assails Bulgaria

Hungary Bids U.S. Envoy Go, Washington Summons Him; Pope Bans Cardinal’s Foes

Communists Order ‘State Of Distress’ For All Germany

Slavery Charged To Soviet By U.S.; U.N. Inquiry Asked

Soviet Denies Slave Charge; Bars U.N. Inquiry in Camps

10,000-M.P.H. ‘Space Ship’ Is Under Military Research

President Calls Decline In Prices No Cause For Fear

Army Admits Spy Faux Pas; No Proof on Agnes Smedly

Mindszenty Said to Suggest Church Accord With State

Erie Warns Dewey People Are ‘Fed Up’ On Tax Increases

State Department Is ‘Rusty,’ Hoover Says, Asks Overhaul

Russians Get Combat Alert Because of U.S. ‘Aggression’

Israel And Egypt Reach Armistice, Will Sign Today

President Threatens Tour To Fight For His Program; He Denounces ‘Interests’

Paramount Consent Decree Splits Film Firm, Theatres

Third Sofia Pastor Declares His Guilt As Espionage Link

Two Die, 6 Missing In Ohio College Fire


Drive On Filibuster Opened In Senate On Truman Order

Record Rocket May Be Lost Forever, Deep in the Earth

B-50 Circles Globe Non-Stop In 94 Hours; Refueled In Air At 4 Bases By B-29 Tankers

Cardinal Directs As His Seminarians Dig Ninety Graves

Molotov Replaced By Vishinsky In Soviet Foreign Office Shift; Puzzled Capitals Weigh Import

Soviet U.N. Aide And U.S. Girl Seized By FBI Here As Spies; Envoy Demands His Release

Price Curbs 3,800 Years Old, Babylonian Tablets Reveal

U.N. Backs Inquiry Into Slave Labor

2 Bills In Congress Would Expose Reds And Cut Alien Ties

4 Rob All on B.&O. Train In West Virginia and Escape

‘Axis Sally’ Is Found Guilty; Sentence on Treason Delayed

South Wins Filibuster Test; Barkley Voted Down, 46-41; Vandenberg Leads Attack

Hogan Takes Over Wiretapping Case After Suspect Escapes At City Hall; Clendenin Ryan Denies A Part In Plot

China’s Communists Set Up Regime North of the Yangtze

South Wins A Surrender On Filibuster, Then Moves To Punish Truman Leader

Truman Forces Defeated As South Ends Filibuster; Lose On Rent And Wallgren

Congress May Act In Wiretap Case; Mayor To Testify

Compromise Closure Rule Adopted By Senate, 63 To 23; Filibuster Battle Is Ended

20-Year Atlantic Treaty Binds Signers To Act Against Attack; Arms Aid Faces Senate Trouble

Truman Says Treaty Adds Strength To United Nations; Vandenberg Voices Backing

3 Powers Outlaw Russian Currency In Western Berlin

Loss by Italian Communists Put at 700,000 in 12 Months

Judge Warns Jury Not To Be Misled By Tactics Of Reds

Churchill Arrives Beaming; Backs Pact, Cigar Tells Rest

U.S. Accuses Soviet Of Ban On Our Ideas To Avoid Contrast

Eisler Directed Reds in U.S. For Kremlin, Witness Says

Border Fight With Russians Reported by Iranian Source

Shostakovich Bids All Artists Lead War on New ‘Fascists’

Taxi Strike Looms As Mayor Pleads In Vain For Peace

Congress Passes Rent Bill; Truman Expected To Sign It; ‘Fair Return’ Clause Is Kept

Taxi Drivers Fear Violence; Most Queried Oppose Strike


Taxi Drivers Strike Today; Police Put On A ‘War’ Basis; ‘Safe Routes’ Set For Cabs

8% Of Taxis Run In Strike; Men And Passengers Wary, But No Violence Is Reported

Taxi Violence Brings Arrest Of 2 Union Aides, 17 Others; More Drivers Defy Strike

Ford Drops Prices On Cars $12 To $120

12 Nations Sign Atlantic Treaty; Stress Aim Is To Uphold The U.N.; Truman Sees Aggression ‘Shield’

Evatt, Opening U.N. Assembly, Warns Pacts Are Subordinate To Charter; Bradley Asks Arms For West Europe

Atom Bomb Ready For Use If Needed, Truman Declares

77% Of Cabs Back; Union Denounces Mayor And Police

Professor At M.I.T. Named As Teacher Of Red Revolution

Child’s Dress Believed Seen As Well Rescue Is Speeded

Child Found Dead, Wedged In Shaft; Died 2 Days Ago

5 High Nazis Guilty Of Helping Hitler To Violate Peace

Truman Asks Atlantic Pact Approval As Signal That Free World Is United; House Passes Europe Aid Bill, 354-48

4 Killed As Quake Rocks Northwest; Damage In Millions

Bulgar Premier on ‘Leave’; Ill in Russia, Reds Explain

Soviet Would Use Pact To Enter Iran, Teheran Aide Says

Iran Seen Reviving U.N. Council Move If Russians Press

Easter Spectacle Is City’s Greatest; 1,500,000 On Parade

Plan for Negro Nation in U.S. Is Told by Red Trial Witness

Hull, Recovered, Released By Hospital After 2 1/2 Years

Chinese Communists Shell 2 British Warships, Kill 26; Red Troops Cross Yangtze

China’s Top Communists Order Drive By Million Men To ‘Liberate’ Nation; Two More British Warships Shelled

Nanking Evacuated, Reds Plan Entry; Chiang And Li Pledge ‘Fight To End’; British Sloop Still Trapped, Hit Again

Reds Enter Nanking, Near Shanghai; Nationalists Retreat On Wide Front; British Hint At Force To Free Sloop

Chinese Communists Ring Shanghai; Ill-Defended City Awaiting Capture; Reds Put 300,000 Nationalists In Trap

Russia Offers To End Berlin Blockade If Big Four Ministers Meet; West And Germans Agree On A State

U.S. Now Sees The Way Clear To End The Berlin Blockade And Resume Peace Parleys

Acheson Calls Pact And Arms Aid Vital To Free World ‘Waging Peace’; Soviet Assures U.S. On Blockade End

Acheson Sees German State Open For East Zone To Join; U.S. And Britain Will Urge It

Chinese Reds Trap Nationalist Force South Of Yangtze


Loyalty March Scores Reds; Turnout of Leftists Declines

China’s Communists Report Wiping Out 8 Armies In 10 Days

West Will Propose Ending Of Barrier In Berlin By May 11

House Approves Labor Bill Keeping Taft Act Features; Truman Forces Lose, 217-203

Berlin Blockade To End May 12; Big Four Meeting Is Set For 23d; Note Of Caution Sounded By Clay

62,000 Stop Work At Ford; Dearborn Tie-Up To Spread

U.S., 6 Other Bid U.N. Admit Israel

Bus Drivers Spurn Mediator’s Plan; 3d Ave. Strike Near

Bus Strike Is Off; Mayor Asks ‘Czar’ For Private Lines

Smyth and Dean Appointed To Atom Board Vacancies

West’s Order Ends Counter Blockade In Berlin Tonight

Berlin Land Blockade Is Lifted; First Train, Autos Reach City; Zone Troop Retirement Studied

U.S. Atomic Fellowship Held By a Naturalized Communist

Holland Tunnel Ripped By Explosion Of Chemical On An Overloaded Truck; 66 Injured, Traffic Widely Disrupted

Eisler Is Carried Off Polish Liner By British Police

Wrecked Tunnel Reopened 56 Hours After Blast Here

High Court for Free Speech Even When It Stirs Unrest

Roosevelt Wins House Seat By Majority Over 3 Rivals; Tammany Candidate Second

U-235 Not Stolen, M’Mahon Asserts

Reds To Be Barred From Atom Study, Senator Promises

Judge In Red Trial Expects To Reject Moves To End Case

Bloody Riots Mark Berlin Rail Strike, 500 Reported Hurt

Forrestal Killed In 13-Story Leap; U.S. Mourning Set

Big 4 Council Accepts West’s Agenda; Austrian Treaty Put After Germany; Vishinsky Asks For Meeting On Japan

Red Troops Enter Shanghai, Seize West, Central Areas; Nationalist Forces Flee

Acheson Rejects Big Claim By Soviet For Reparations As German Unity Condition

Vishinsky Urges Veto Rule In 4-Power German Council; Acheson Voices Opposition

Court in Britain Frees Eisler, Finds No Extraditable Crime

West Urges German Unity Based On Bonn And No Veto; Vishinsky Cool To Proposal

Treasurer Of U.S. Dies In Auto Crash

Russia Rejects West’s Plan For United German Regime; East Zone Votes Charter


Soviet Zone Officials Move To End Berlin’s Rail Strike

Powers Will Stay In Berlin By Right, Acheson Stresses; New Veto Rift Slows Talks

Lost U-235 Traced To Bottle Dug Up In A ‘Waste’ Dump

Hickenlooper Hints Espionage On U-235

Senators Divided On Need To Reveal Atom Bomb Output

Quiet Soviet Purge Held Taking Place; Thousands Ousted

Atom Aide Under FBI Cloud Had Data on ‘Hottest’ Secret

Russia Got Atomic Devices, Coplon Trial Report Reveals

Film ‘Communists’ Listed In FBI File In Coplon Spy Case

Loan By U.S. Bank To Help Israel Pay For Arabs’ Lands

Former Atom Aide Says A Colleague Got Him To Be Red

Truman Warns Against Cut In Aid To Western Europe; Says Red Tide Is Stemmed

Faculty Anti-Red Oaths Set By University of California

Oppenheimer Lauds Work Of Lilienthal in ‘Tough’ Job

Atom Bomb Expert Admits He Was Red

Israel, Attacking U.S. Stand, Bars Yielding of Territory

Wadleigh Admits Giving Documents To Soviet Spy Ring

Prague Police Push Search Of Catholic Prelate’s Palace

Two More Leaders Reported Victims of Purge in Russia

Archbishop Is Shouted Down By Reds in Prague Cathedral

Pope Pius Excommunicates Leaders of Prague Regime

Beer Strike Here Is Ended After a Tie-Up of 82 Days

Frankfurter, Reed Testify To Loyalty, Integrity Of Hiss

Hiss On The Stand Denies Being A Red Or Taking Papers

Chambers’ Story Is Denied In Detail By Hiss Testimony

Senate Unit Backs Curbs On Spending For Atomic Plants

Kim Koo Is Slain By Korean Officer

Testimony Of Hiss Conflicts 9 Times, Prosecutor Finds

Mrs. Hiss, On Stand, Denies Close Ties With Chamberses

House Passes Housing Bill; Low Rent Section Retained, A Major Fair Deal Victory


Judith Coplon Guilty As Spy; Faces 13 Years On 2 Counts; Sentence Is Set For Today

Judith Coplon Is Sentenced To 3 to 10 Years as a Spy

Armed Peasants in Slovakia Protect Priests From Reds

Attlee Says Reds Are Trying To Ruin Britain’s Economy

Violent Wind Cuts City’s 96.7 Heat; Boats Upset; 7 Die

Chiang Appeals for U.S. Aid; Sees New War if Reds Win

Bomb Production Best Ever, Says Bache in Atom Defense

U.S. Vice Consul in Shanghai Is Arrested by Communists

Jury In Hiss Case Dismissed; Stood 8 To 4 For Conviction; Retrial Scheduled For Fall

Alabama Indicts 17 In Inquiry On Klan

General, Navy Officer Killed, Biddle a Hero in Yacht Blast

Truman Abandons His Tax Rise Plan; Urges A Return To Deficit Spending To Raise Production And Job Levels

Air Crash Kills 13 U.S. Journalists And 32 Others In India Rainstorm; Plane Hits California Peak, 35 Dead

Steel Union Calls Strike Of 500,000 For Saturday; Truman Makes New Plea

Strike Halts 29 Bus Routes Of Omnibus, 5th Ave. Lines; Issue Is Ousting Of 4 Men

Steel Walkout Is Averted; Mills Accept Truman Plan; He Names Three-Man Board

2 Major Generals Relieved By Army In Buying Inquiry

3d Ave. Strike Threat Ends; O’Dwyer, Back, Puts Blame On Both Sides In Bus Tie-Up

Jackie Robinson Terms Stand Of Robeson on Negroes False

Truman Says Soviet Regime Will Either Destroy Itself Or Abandon Its Aggression

Bus Lines Accept New Plan By the Mayor To End Strike; Union Leaders Delay Reply

Senate, 82 To 13, Votes Atlantic Pact Binding 12 Nations To Resist Attack; Truman To Move Soon For Arms Aid

French Sentence Abetz To 20 Years

Peasants Reported Battling Communists in Manchuria

Five Communist Columns Converging on Changsha

Truman Asks Funds To Arm Nations Of Free World To Curb Aggression; Signs Atlantic Pact As Step To Peace

Six in Policy Ring Arraigned; Former Lepke Mobster Held

Congress Assured of Data On Any Pending Atom Deals

President Chooses Clark For The Supreme Court, M’Grath Attorney General

U.S. Consulate in Shanghai Seized in Back Pay Demand

16 Die In Air Crash Of A Navy Fighter And Liner In Jersey


Mediation Offer Ends Siege Of U.S. Shanghai Consulate

Wide Atomic Gains Hailed By Truman; Bomb Output Rises

Tito Tells Bulgars, Albanians He Would Help Them Revolt

Mayor Seeks Peace Of Mrs. Roosevelt And The Cardinal

No Repeal of Wartime Taxes This Year, President Asserts

U.S. Puts Sole Blame On Chiang Regime For Collapse, Holds More Aid Futile; Acheson Bids Reds Avoid Aggression

U.S. Review On Orient Gets Spur In Visit By Quirino; Vandenberg Urges Clarity

Quake Tole Exceeds 4,600; U.S. Planes Aid Ecuador

Acheson Says U.S. Is Open To Attack; Bars Arms Aid Cut

Human Rights Topic Barred From the European Assembly

Tibet Religious War On Reds Proclaimed

Europe’s Assembly Elects Spaak Head; Agenda In Dispute

Gen. Collins of St. Lo Break Is Named Army Chief of Staff

Vaughan Admits Deep-Freeze Gifts And Defends Them

West German Rightists Win In First Free Vote Since ’33; Socialists Next, Reds Trail

Law to Combat Communism Is Thrown Out in Maryland

Antarctic Expedition Is Deferred by Navy

Vaughan Accused of Trying To Lift Ration Violator’s Ban

House Cuts Europe Arms Aid By Half, Voting $869,505,000 Bipartisan Policy Suspended

300,000 Hail Connie Mack; He Gets City’s Merit Award

Secret War Report on China Suppressed, Judd Charges

Bones of Saint Peter Found Under Altar, Vatican Believes

Spaatz Calls B-36 and Bomb ‘Greatest Forces for Peace’

Broady Testifies Gangsters Helped Officials Get Autos

Navy Aide Admits Writing B-36 Note That Led To Inquiry

House’s B-36 Inquiry Ends With Clearing of Officials

Florida Gold Coast Lashed By 150-Mile Hurricane Winds; Immense Havoc Is Reported

Florida Hurricane, Its Force Abated, Goes Into Georgia

Ararat Climb Begun To Hunt Noah’s Ark

Truman Offers Cooperation To Britain In Fiscal Crisis; Calls For World Trade Rise

Vaughan Says He Got $5,000 For Democratic Campaign; Denies Any Personal Gain


Vaughan Says FBI Investigated Him On Tax ‘Fix’ Charge

Truman Will Keep Vaughan As Aide; Criticism Is Voiced

M’Carthy Will Ask ‘5 Per Cent’ Inquiry To Call Costello

China’s Reds Take Base In Northwest

1,000 in Chungking Die in 18-Hour Fire

Truman Bids Farmers, Labor Unite To Assure Fair Deal; Assails ‘Selfish Interests’

Veteran Kills 12 In Mad Rampage On Camden Street

Boy, 9, 13th Victim Of Ex-Gi’s Raid, Dies

U.N. Body, Fearing Civil War In Korea, Criticizes 2 Sides

U.S. to Reduce Staff in China; Cites Difficulties With Reds

Steel Peace Indicated In Board Plan Rejecting Pay Rise, Backing Pensions; Truman Asks New Truce Until Sept. 25

Yunnan Governor Suppresses Reds

U.S., Britain, Canada Agree On Steps To Make Sterling Area Pay Way By ’52; Cripps Says Dollar Drain Will Cease

Monetary Fund Bids Nations Devalue If Other Steps Fail; Truman Urges Freer Trade

U.S. Steel Rejects Findings Of President’s Fact Board As ‘Revolutionary Doctrine’

Minton Named to High Court; Was a New Dealer in Senate

4 Western Soldiers in Berlin Flee Soviet Jail, Tell of Abuse

207 Lost As A Cruise Ship Burns In Night Fire At Toronto Pier; Scores Leap Off; 110 In Hospitals

Britain Cuts Pound 30% To $2.80 To Spur Exports To Dollar Area; 8 Sterling Nations Follow Suit

Canadian Dollar Cut 10%; Franc Minimum 350 To $1; 19 Currencies Now Lower

Bevin Says West Will Shun Attack With Atomic Bombs

Acheson Bids U.N. Assembly Solve Soviet-West Issues By Patient, Long-Range Plan

Senate Votes Arms Aid Bill; Beats Two Moves To Cut It; Allows $75,000,000 For China

Atom Blast In Russia Disclosed; Truman Again Asks U.N. Control; Vishinsky Proposes A Peace Pact

Hungarians Doom Rajk In Spy Trial; Tito Charges Plot

Communists Claim Control Of Ningsia In Inner Mongolia

Bevin In U.N. Charges Soviet Bars ‘Genuine Cooperation’; Yugoslav Calls Russia Peril

Non-Union Mines Open Under Guns

Ford And CIO Agree On A Pension Plan; Strike Is Averted

Tokyo Rose Is Found Guilty Of 1 of 8 Treason Charges


Steel Strike Starts As 500,000 Quit; Truman Plans No New Intervention; Lewis Recalls 102,000 Miners To Pits

Murray Threatens Spread Of Strike To 500,000 More; Warns Steel Fabricators

Soviet Recognizes China Red Regime; Drops Chiang Link

Morale of Navy Is Shattered In New Set-Up, Admirals Say

World Series Opens Today; Brooklyn Hails the Dodgers

Yankees Triumph Over Dodgers, 1-0, On Henrich Homer

U.S. Flays Soviet On ‘Police State’ In East Germany

Yanks Tops Dodgers With 3-Run 9th, 4-3, For 2-1 Series Lead

Yankees Beat Dodgers, 6-4, Lead 3-1 in World Series

Yanks Win Series, Beating Dodgers In Fifth Game, 10-6

Threat To Security In Defense Inquiry Feared By Johnson

Prague Resumes Wave Of Arrests: Total Near 10,000

Boyd Orr Gets Nobel Award For World Peace for 1949

Jury Holds Fate Of 11 Reds; Judge In His Charge Warns Communism Is Not On Trial

11 Communists Convicted Of Plot; Medina To Sentence Them Friday; 6 Of Counsel Jailed In Contempt

Canton Is Placed Under Red Regime; Transition Calm

Soviet Forms Ties To East Germany; Purge Predicted

Marine Chief Says Defense Heads Try To ‘Destroy’ Corps

‘Major Expansion’ Mapped For Our Atom Bomb Plants

Bradley Accuses Admirals Of ‘Open Rebellion’ On Unity; Asks ‘All-American Team’

Attlee Held Ready to Pare Welfare Program in Crisis

10 Top Communists Get 5 Years, One Gets 3, All Are Fined $10,000; U.S. Indicts Amtorg, 5 Heads Held

Military Shake-Up Expected In Wake Of Pentagon Feud

Russia Intensifies Campaign For Sovietizing of Satellites

Truman Urges U.N.’s Atom Plan Unless Better One Is Offered; Lie Lays Stone Of Headquarters

Soviet Asks Tito To Recall Envoy, Charging He Is Spy

Soviet Insists U.S. Submit New Plan For Atom Control

Poles Oust World Red Cross; U.N. Units Reported Curbed

48 Killed In Azores Crash As Plane For U.S. Hits Peak; Cerdan, Boxer, Is A Victim

Britain, Canada To Keep Up Supply Of Uranium To U.S. 

Chrysler To Shut 3 Plants On Friday For Lack Of Steel


Bethlehem Signs With Union For Pensions, Welfare Plan; U.S. Steel Seeks New Talks

55 Killed In Worst U.S. Civil Air Crash; Bolivian P-38 Breaks Airliner In Two 100 Feet Above Washington Airport

Truman Declares Moral Supremacy Of U.S. Aids World

Nobel Prize to U.S. Chemist; Japanese Physicist a Winner

C.I.O. Starts Purge Of Leftist Officers

Truman Urges Election Of Lehman In First Real Test Of Fair Deal; Dewey Appeals For Morris Victory

Malenkov Says U.S. Seeks To Turn World Into Colony

5,000,000 Will Vote Today In State And City Elections; U.S. Watches Senate Race

Lehman And O’Dwyer Elected In Sweep, Ex-Governor By 200,000, Mayor 308,430; Gov. Driscoll Wins In Jersey By 61,000

Democrats’ Link To Labor Seen Tightened In Victory; Party Widens City Control

Krug Abruptly Quits Cabinet; Rebuke by Truman Reported

U.S. Aide Asserts Vishinksy Defeats Own Case On Atom

Soviet Open To U.N. For Atomic Checks, Vishinsky Asserts

U.S., Britains Agree On U.N. Peace Move To Counter Soviet

U.S. Bids Russia End ‘Campaign Of Hate’ If She Seeks Peace

U.S. Ship Shelled By Nationalists In China Blockade

N.M.U. Left Wingers Storm Union Hall, Hold It Entire Day

Truman Declares China Reds’ Arrest Of Consul Outrage

$48,000,000 Sought For Arab Refugees

18 Of B-29 Rescued North Of Bermuda; 2 Perished In Crash

Brussels-Oslo Plane Missing With 29 Children, 6 Adults

Byrnes Declares Security Overdone In ‘Socialism’ Drift

One of 28 Children Survives In Airplane Crash Near Oslo

Communists Release Ward, Order Him to Leave China

Shanghai’s Red Rulers Hold Loyalty of Labor, Students

China Asks Nations To Indict Moscow, Shun Peiping Ties

Ward Aide Seized In Mukden By Reds In Spying Inquiry

Mukden Reds Free Ward’s Aide, Widen Deportation Order

Device To ‘Breed’ Atom Energy Fuel Is Disclosed By U.S.

New Atomic Weapons Tests To Be Held on Eniwetok Atoll


Soft Coal Strike Resumed; 400,000 Quit 4th Time In ’49; President Silent On Plans

Lewis Calls Off Coal Strike; Lets Men Work 3-Day Week; Now Seeks Separate Pacts

Truman Puts Ban On All Housing Aid Where Bias Exists

Acheson Demands Nationalist China End Firing On Ships

City Water Down To 60-Day Supply; No Relief In Sight

Ex-Major Says Hopkins Sped Uranium To Soviet In 1943; Wallace Named, Denies Role

Crisis Conferences On Saving Of Water Ordered By Mayor

Wallace, Hopkins Absolved By Groves Of Using Pressure To Give Atom Data To Soviet

Chinese Nationalists Move Their Capital To Formosa; Now Plan A Guerrilla War

150,000 Dwellings May Be Metered To Save City Water

French Act To Dam Chinese Red Tide At Indo-China Line

Rains Upstate Fail To Halt Lowering Of Water For City

Hoover Warns U.S. Must Halt Waste To Retain Liberty

No Bath, No Shave on Friday! ‘Waterless Day’ in New York

Ben-Gurion Holds Israel Is Aligned Against The World

U.S. Steel’s Prices Increased $4 A Ton; An Inquiry Is Slated

Mao Sees Stalin, Pledges Close Tie Of China To Soviet

U.S. Ships Warned Shanghai Waters Are A Danger Zone

Dewey Sets Talks Today To Help City Ease Water Crisis

City Plans To Tap Hudson For 100,000,000 Gallons A Day; Dewey Offers Relief Steps

Mayor Weds Miss Simpson and They Sail on Honeymoon

Truman Declares Alliance Of Free Must Be Sustained

U.S. Plugs Up Leaks Of Technical Data To Russian Sphere

Christians, Jews Are Urged By Pope To Fight Atheism

Friday’s Rain Adds 361,000,000 Gallons To City Reservoirs

Christmas Gayest Of Any Since 1938 The World Around

New Einstein Theory Gives A Master Key To Universe

Indonesia Becomes Nation In Ceremony In The Netherlands

Scientists See ‘Rain’ on Sun, Get New Theory on Its Spots

Mayor Flies Back With Bride, Faces City Problems Today

Accord With French Gives Viet Nam Virtual Freedom

News Source: New York Times

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