1947: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Truman Declares Hostilities Ended, Terminating Many Wartime Laws; Republicans Chiefs Commend Action

Britain Pondering 2 Palestine States As Final Solution

Republicans Decide To Bar Bilbo Today And Risk Senate Filibuster; Parties Agree On Congress Leaders

Senate Snarled On Bilbo Ouster; House Organizes, Gets Tax Bill; Martin Outlines Party’s Policy

Bilbo Defers Fight For Seat, Ending Deadlock In Senate; Republicans Take Office

Police Check 15,000 In Theatre In Hunt For Convict On Tip

Truman For Some Union Curbs; Opposes Sharp Cut In Taxes Now; G.O.P. Sees Bid For Cooperation

Marshall To Succeed Byrnes As Secretary Of State Resigns; Shift Surprises World Capitals

Truman Urges Reduction In Prices, Asks Caution On Pay Rise Demands; Dewey Would Keep Emergency Taxes

Russia Accuses US Of Seeking Delay On Disarmament

Truman Sets 37.5 Billion Budget; Republicans Call It Astounding, Threaten Cuts Of 3 To 8 Billions

6 Navy Fliers Seen Alive In Antarctic; 3 Dead At Wreck

Antarctic Rescue Of Six Navy Fliers Carried Out By Air

Butter Slumps to 70 Cents As Supply Gluts U.S. Cities

Son of Talmadge Is Elected To Georgia Governorship

Battle In Georgia On Governorship Is Taken To Court

Army And Navy Agree On Merger; Secretary Of National Defense And Co-Equal Air Force Planned

Severe Curbs On 5 Nations In Final Draft Of Treaties; Their Sovereignty Limited

China Reds Reject Nanking Peace Bid; Final Break Is Seen

Greek Ship Sunk by Mine; 300 Feared Lost in Panic

Rises in Teacher Pay Voted By Unanimous State Senate

Talmadge Offers To Run For Office In ‘White Primary’

Mercury Dips to 11.2 Here On Coldest Day of Winter

May, Two Garssons Indicted In Capital On Fraud Charges

Stalin Upholds British Tie, Asks Changes To Extend It; Marshall To Go To Moscow

Grand Jury Inquiry Is Urged In Georgia On Bribe Reports

Grace Moore Dies In Burning Plane; Prince Also Killed

Truman Used Atom Bomb To Halt War, Stimson Says

Bribe Offer Likely To Cost Graziano A Chance For Title

U.S. Ends Mediation In China; Troops Will Be Withdrawn; Fiercer Civil War Foreseen

Tornado Rips South, 20 Die; Snow, Cold Grip Midwest


British Evacuate Women, Children From Palestine

Dewey Budget Sets Record; No Tax Rise Needed, He Says; 8-Year Building Plan Urged

Jews In Palestines Bar Aid To Britain In War On Terror

Our Atom Secrets Tapped By Soviet, Baruch Believes; Value Of Leaks Doubtful

U.N. Council Asks 5 Nations To Unite Arms, Atom Plans

U.S. and Russia Split in U.N. On Defining Arms Body Role

Limit Of Two Terms For Any President Approved By House

Marshall Warns Arms Cut Await Solutions On Atom, Peace-Making; Six-Nation Talks In U.N. Collapse

German Steel Men Indicted For Crimes ‘on a Vast Scale’

Power Swtich-Off Blacks Out Britain; Millions Now Idle

Mayor And Controller Lean To 5-Cent Fare At Hearing; Opposition Meets Rebuffs

O’Dwyer Pledges City Vote Before Fare-Rise Decision; CIO Warns Of New Pay Move

All Britain In Grip Of New Power Cut; Penalties Invoked

Legislature To Study Plea Of O’Dwyer For $102,000,000; Republicans See Rejection

Gromyko Proposes An Atom Penalty With Council Veto

Deputies Reject Yugoslavs’ Claim On Austria, 3 To 1

53 Bodies Found in Columbia After Worst Plane Disaster

500 Strikers Slow $100,000,000 Work On Buildings Here

25 Killed In Wreck On Penn Railroad; 124 Are Injured

House GOP Backs A Six Billion Cut in Truman Budget

Explosion Kills 15 In Los Angeles, Injures Over 100

City Areas Dig Out As Snowfall Sets 6-Year Mark Here

Molotov Rejects Reply On Acheson As ‘Not Convincing’

Round-Up Thwarts Budding Nazi Plot For War On Soviet

11 Airmen Rescued in Arctic By Daring Army Relief Flight

Bevin Accuses Truman Of Wrecking Palestine Talks In 1946 Campaign; Soviet Accepts U.S. Pacific Isles Plan

Senate Coalition Votes 51-33 To Cut Budget 4 1/2 Billion

Hoover Urges $475,500,000 To Put Germany On Feet; Bevin Pushes 4-Power Pact


Britain And France Draw 50-Year Pact To Curb Germany

16 Die In Palestine In Major Upsurge Of Terrorist Acts

Wide Jewish Areas In Palestine Ruled By Martial Law

Truman In Mexico Renews Policy Of Non-Intervention; Aleman Leads In Welcome

Dewey Urges Law Forbidding Strikes By Public Workers

Soviet Rejects Atom Plan; Resists Full U.N. Inspection; Marshall Off For Moscow

Lewis Conviction For Contempt Upheld By Highest Court, 7 To 2; Threat Of Coal Strike Delayed

Lewis Sees U.S. Powerless To Prevent Coal Strikes Unless It Goes Totalitarian

All 3 Convicted On Football ‘Fix’; Jury Out 9 Hours

Big 4 Parley Opens Today; Marshall Reaches Moscow, Confident Of Agreements

Soviet Raises China Case In Big 4; Marshall Counters On Troops; Truman To Reveal Mid-East Crisis

Molotov Demands Speed-Up In Demilitarizing Germany; Backs Down On China Issue

Truman Acts To Save Nations From Red Rule; Asks 400 Million To Aid Greece And Turkey; Congress Fight Likely But Approval Is Seen

Aid to Mid-East Speeded By Congress; Senate Sets A Deadline Of March 31; Marshall Implies Soviet Bribes Nazis

Russia Asserts She Holds 890,532 German Captives; Democracy Defined By U.S.

Russian Condemns West On Federal Germany Plan; French Urge Emigration

10-Year Crime Peak Reported For 1946

Soviet Asks Share In Ruhr And End Of Bi-Zonal Unity; Evacuation Of Austria Set

Marshall Disputes Soviet, Rejects Reparations Bid; Asks Austria Bill Of Rights

Marshall Warns Against A Revival Of German Power

House GOP Agrees On A 30% Tax Cut For Low Incomes

House GOP Clears Tax Bill; Passage Next Week Is Seen

President Orders Inquiry On Disloyal Jobholders; Communists First Target

Soviet Nerve War On Turks Alleged In Report To House

Bid To Help Korea Forecast Because Russia Bars Unity; Big 3 War Pacts Disclosed

Retroactive Tax Cut Opposed By Taft as Costing 1.9 Billion

FBI Head Brands Communist Party a ‘Fifth Column’

20-30% Tax Slash Passed By House By Vote Of 273-137

Austin Tells United Nations Our Greek Policy Helps It Till World Body Takes Over

Lewis Orders Mines Closed A Week As Tribute To Dead; 400,000 To Quit April 1 To 6

Jews’ Ship Saved Off Haifa By Navy; Port Oil Blown Up


Marshall Bars ‘Ultimatum’ By Soviet On Reparations; Rules Out A German ‘Slum’

King George Of Greece Dies; U.N. Showdown With Soviet On Aid Plan Urged In Senate

Taft Advocates Our Withdrawal Of U.N. Atom Plan

518 Mines Closed By Krug As Unsafe; Lewis Asks Ouster

U.S. Seizure Of Phone Lines Would Be Legal, Says Clark; Peace Moves Are Pressed

Coal Mine Opening In Doubt As U.S. Blocks Lewis Move; Hope For Phone Peace Fades

Telephone Strike Starts At 6 A.M.; All-Night Efforts Fail To Avert It; Many Coal Mines To Stay Closed

Distance, Toll Phones Crippled, Dial Service Normal In Strike; Congress Moves To Curb Tie-Ups

Break In Telephone Tie-Up Seen Near; Company Gains In Restoring Service; New Jersey Acts To Penalize Strikers

Bill To End Closed Shop, Bar Strikes By Writ Set For Quick House Passage; Basic Agreement On Distance Phones

3 Leaders Ordered Seized In Phone Strike In Jersey; Long Lines Peace Is Balked

More Quit In Jersey Strike Despite Arrest Of Leaders; Long Phone Tie-Up Is Feared

Army Day Parade Cheered By Million on Fifth Avenue

New York Turns Over Land As U.N. Site Is Consecrated

U.S. Proposes Arbitration To End Telephone Strike; Move In New Jersey Fails

Marshall Calls On Stalin As Big 4 Deadlock On Pact; Truman Asks New Arms Law

Blasts And Fires Wreck Texas City Of 15,000; 300 To 1,200 Dead: Thousands Hurt, Homeless; Wide Coast Area Rocked, Damage In Millions

Blasted Texas City Winning Fight To Check Fires And New Explosions; Deaths Now Expected To Total 400

55 New Dead Found In Texas City Ruins; 3 Fires Still Rage

U.S. Slipping in Atomic Race, Lilienthal and Bush Reveal

U.S. Steel And Union Agree On 15-Cent Hourly Pay Rise, Setting Industry’s Pattern

Truman Again Urges Price Cuts To End Rising Threat Of Recession; No Time To Reduce Taxes, He Says

Senate Votes Greek-Turkish Aid, 67-23; Truman Doctrine Wins In Stiff Fight; Big 4 Agree On $5,000,000 For Trieste

Equity Opens Fight On Jim Crow Policy

Big 4 End Moscow Meeting; Set Fall Session In London; Will Cut Forces In Germany

Western Leaders Express Optimism On Leaving Russia

U.S. Navy Vessels Are Given To China By Truman Order

58,339 Acclaim Babe Ruth In Rare Tribute at Stadium

Marshall Says Stalin Sees Pact; Holds Our Program Can’t Wait; U.N. Speeds Action On Palestine

U.S. Opposes, Soviet Backs Arab Bid To U.N. To Discuss Independence Of Palestine


Arabs Defeated, 8-1, In U.N. After Long Wrangle On Bid For Independence Debate

4 Ex-Aides of OPA Arrested in 2,500-Ton Sugar Frauds

Aleman Hailed In Rain By City Throngs At Parade, Gets ‘Citizenship,’ Degree; He Welcomes U.S. Capital In Mexico

24 Farben Leaders Are Indicted By U.S. As War Criminals

Bombing Frees 251 In Palestine Jail; 15 Slain In Battle

U.N. Votes To Hear The Jewish Agency Before Committee

Britain Dying of Starvation, Expert on Nutrition States

Bid To Arabs Voted By U.N. Assembly In Appeasing Move

U.N. Asked To Set Jewish Homeland As Basis Of Inquiry

House Adopts $400,000,000 Bill, 287-107, To Help Near East Fight Communism; World Bank Lends France $250,000,000

U.S. Fights Move To Order Inquiry On Free Palestine

Impasse In The U.N. On Palestine State Unsolved By Panel

Broad Inquiry On Palestine Is Voted In U.N. Committee; Arabs, Protesting, See War

11-Nation Inquiry On Palestine Set; Soviet Pleas Lost

Truman Bans Portal Suits To Aid Economic Stability; Urges 65C Minimum Wage

U.N. Assembly Urges Truce As It Votes Palestine Study By 46 To 7 At Final Session

101 B-29’s Over City, But Bad Weather Spoils Big Air Show

Death-Dealing Atomic Cloud Under Study by Scientists

Scientists See U.S. Very Vulnerable To Germ Warfare

Gromyko Attacks Atomic ‘Monopoly,’ Hits Peril To U.S.

O’Dwyer Suspends City Airport Head; Deals Under Fire

Low-Paid City Workers Get Relief Checks, Mayor Says; Inquiry Is Started By State

State Orders Wide Relief Inquiry As The Result Of ‘Luxury’ Cases Here; Dock Scandal To Grand Jury Monday

La Guardia, M’Goldrick Face Call In Pier, Airport Inquiry; O’Dwyer Warns Appointees

Relief Funds Being Spent Without Proper Controls, Rhatigan Admits To Mayor

U.N. Bid for American Loan Up to $80,000,000 Studied

Dewey Ridicules Democrats On Communists in U.S. Jobs

IND Trains Slowed On Quill Warning Of Transit Tie-Up

Senate Votes Tax Cut July 1 By 52-34; House Agreement Is Expected Today; Compromise On Labor Bill Is Reached

Plane Crash Kills 38, Injuries 10 In Take-Off At La Guardia Field; Passengers Trapped By Flames


53 Killed As Airliner Crashes And Burns In Maryland Woods; Disaster Here Laid To Wind Shift

Maryland Inquiry Indicates Defect In Airliner’s Tail

Training Of All Youth At 18 Is Urged By Truman Board, Seeing War Peril After 1955

Training Law Is Unlikely This Session, in Capital View

Britain Achieves Solution In India; Leaders Accept It

Labor Bill Voted By House, 320-79, Senate Acts Today; 35,000 Here Demand A Veto

Truman Calls Hungary Coup Outrage, Demands Russians Agree To Inquiry; Marshall Pleads For European Unity

Senate Votes Labor Bill, 54 To 17; Veto Defeat Seen; President Gets It Monday

Taft May Oppose President On Arming Latin Americans

Italy’s Communists Open Drive To Oust De Gasperi Regime

Russians Reject U.S. Plea For Data Of Hungary ‘Plot’

Slowdown Is Ended By TWU; Board Grants Two Demands But Won’t Drop Suspensions

U.S. Declares Soviet Guilty Of Interference in Hungary

Hungary Now a Police State Within Spy Net, Deputy Says

Airliner Is Lost With 50 On Board In Mountain Area

50 Found Dead In Wreckage Of DC-4 On Blue Ridge Peak; U.S. Air Board Opens Inquiry

12 Killed as Army B-29 Hits Vermont Mountain in Storm

Truman Vetoes Tax Cut Bill; House To Reconsider Today; Overriding Held Unlikely

Tax Bill Veto Is Sustained In House By 2-Vote Margin; Hope Of Cut In 1947 Is Ended

Terms To End Ship Strike Agreed On In Night Parley; Wage Rise, Holidays Granted

Truman To Veto Labor Bill In Lengthy Message Today; House To Override Quickly

House Overrides Labor Veto 4 To 1; Repassage In Senate Later Forecast; President And Taft Debate On Radio

Senate Likely To Override Labor Bill Veto Tomorrow; Long Filibuster Collapses

Truman Creates Three Committees To Survey Our Capacity For World Aid; Russia To Join Marshall Plan Talks

Bill Curbing Labor Becomes Law As Senate Overrides Veto 68-25; Unions Fight For Quick Repeal

Labor’s Protest Walkouts Spread; 185,000 Coal Miners Lead In Move; Shipyards Halt Set For Tomorrow

35,000 In Eastern Shipyards Strike As Peace Talks Fail; Coal Tie-Up Curtails Steel

Truman Urges Patience, Moderation By Labor, Industry As Strikes Grow; Tie-Up Paralyzes Eastern Shipyards

Senate Approves Speaker Of House In Presidency Line

Molotov Bars Any Aid Plan On Unified European Basis; Paris Parley Seems Doomed

Tremor Shakes St. Louis As Record Flood Hits City


House Votes Bill To Make Hawaii The 49th State

Marshall Sees ‘Distortion’ In Soviet ‘Imperialist’ Cry; Bidault Tries To Save Talks

Paris Parley Ends With Europe Split; Molotov, Balking, Warns On Blocs; Britain And France To Push Aid Plan

22 European States Invited By Britain, France To Meet July 12 On Marshall Plan

Truman Urges End Of World Barriers, Brands Russian Stand On Aid As False; Bevin Warns Soviet It Can Go ‘Too Far’

Atom Board Seeks Medical Guidance To Protect Public

Russians Plan End of Liberty For Minorities in Their Zone

National Coal Strike Off; Pact In North Field Eases Some Controls Of New Law

‘Disk’ Near Bomb Test Site Is Just a Weather Balloon

Princess Elizabeth to Wed Lieut. Philip Mountbatten

President Holds Atom Secret Safe In ‘Souvenir’ Theft

Cairo U.N. Plea Bids Britain Move Army, End Rule Of Sudan

16 Nations In Launch Aid Conference Speedily; Soviet, Czechs In Trade Tie

Paris Body Set Up To Draft A European Balance Sheet; Soviet Warns Conferees

Marshall Urges U.S. To Aid Western Europe To Avoid Drift Into Russian Sphere

Greek Army Closes Trap On Attackers Of Yanina; U.S. Asks Swift U.N. Action

Greek Guerrillas Escape From Trap, Flee To Mountains

U.S. Ousts 811 as ‘Disloyal’; Army Lists 158 Communists

Senate Defeats Tax Cut By Five Votes; Truman Bases Veto On Foreign ‘Risks’; House Grants $1,353,024,900 For Europe

Killers Mow Down Premier Of Burma And Five Top Aides

Burma Police Seize U Saw In Gun Battle, Kill Three

Dutch Planes Rake Airfields In Java As Troops Fan Out

Dutch Forces Stab Into Eastern Java In Coastal Threat

Russians Reject U.S. Plan For 11-Nation Japan Parley; U.N. Balkan Debate Is Sharp

GOP Leaders Take Control Of Calling Extra Session; Vote Fraud Deadlock Holds

Republicans Lose In Vote Fraud Fight As Congress Drives For Close Tonight; Fund Bills Rushed, Arms Merger Voted

Congress Adjourns At 3:50 A.M., Far Short Of GOP Economy Goal; Forrestal Is New Defense Chief

Truman Must Act On 250 Measures In Next Ten Days

Palestine Hangs Three Terrorists; Hostages In Peril

Soviet Blocks U.N. Creation Of Balkan Frontier Board; U.S. Will Fight Veto ‘Abuse’

Australia Bids U.N. Order Java Truce, Arbitration; India Also Urges Action


Incensed Britons Kills 5 In Tel Aviv To Avenge Hanging

Elliott Roosevelt Caused Overruling Of Air Staff To Give Hughes Contract

Hughes Aide Spent $5,083 Feting Elliott Roosevelt Over 2 Years, Inquiry Hears

Truce In Indies Agreed On As Result Of U.N. Appeal; Republic Lists Demands

Elliott Roosevelt Denies Some Of Meyer Gift Items; Sees Plan To Smear Father

Elliott Roosevelt Hotly Denies Using Father’s Influence

Hughes Accuses Brewster, Senator Counter-Attacks On War Plane Contracts

Hughes Says Inquiry Aimed To ‘Get’ Elliott Roosevelt; Tilts Hotly With Brewster

Hughes Refuses To Produce Agent; Hits ‘Detractors’

Hughes Promises To Exile Himself If Big Plane Fails

Last of 8,010,007 Captives Freed in Germany, Clay Says

Peacetime Atomic Project Is Started at Brookhaven

U.S. Armed Action In Greece Hinted If Veto Balks U.N.

Riots Sweep Punjab Capital; Mob Stones Gandhi’s House

India And Pakistan Become Nations; Clashes Continue

Oil Firms Pledge Military Supply; Public Cuts Loom

Churchill Asserts Policy Of Attlee Will Ruin Britain

Atcheson Missing In B-17 Sea Crash; 3 Of 13 Are Saved

U.N. Again Bars 5 States; Approves Yemen, Pakistan

Cadiz Finds 134 Blast Dead Many Others Feared Buried

Marshall Stresses Help For Europe Must Precede Assistance For Americans

Italy And Austria Barred From U.N. By Russian Vetoes

Exodus Refugees Begin Forced Trip To German Camps

Greece’s Cabinet Resigns On Failure To Unite Nation; U.S. Hits Balkan Regimes

Ecuador Overturn By Army Ends Rule Of Velasco Ibarra

U.N. Asks 5 Consuls in Java For Report on ‘Cease-Fire’

Red Mobs in Hungary Beat Two Opponents at Rallies

Truman Board Bids U.S. Put 2 Billion a Year in Science

Truman And Dewey Make Appeal For Universal Military Training As Legion Opens Convention Here

New Atomic Power Plant Presages Peacetime Uses; It Utilizes Fast Neutrons

2,000,000 Thrilled By Legion Parade Of 52,000 Marchers


U.N. Group For A Palestine Of Jewish And Arab States, Allowing 150,000 Refugees

Zionists Ask U.N. To Pass New Plan; Arabs Inflamed

Truman Pledges U.S. To Stay Strong Urges Latin America To Aid Europe; 19 Republics Sign Hemisphere Treaty

Bevin Asks U.S. Gold Reserve Be Redistributed To World; Lovett Sees Europe In Peril

British Say Bevin Gold Plan Is ‘Well Worth Examining’

Outlaw Rail Tie-Up Forces Shutdown Of Carnegie Steel

Santo, TWU Official, Faces U.S. Charges of Subversion

London Air Defense on Alert Over Stern Band Bomb Scare

Arabs Call Palestine Report Source of Third World War

Hoses, Truncheons Rout Exodus Jews In Battle On Ship

Rapid Price Shifts Send Food Surging To New High Level

U.S. Charges Santo With Communism At Tense Hearing

U.S., City Act On Food Prices As Buyer Resistance Bars New Rise, Forces Some Cuts

Congressional Report Holds Food Prices May Go Higher

Marshall Calls For Action By U.N. Assembly On Greece; Accuses Soviet Satellites

Two Meatless Days A Week Urged On Cafes By Mayor; Clark For Action On Prices

Aranha Elected By U.N. Assembly Despite Backing Of Evatt By U.S.; Warns Session Is Vital To Peace

Marshall Asks A New U.N. Group To Guard Peace, Backs Veto Curb; Forrestal Is Sworn In Suddenly

Vishinsky Accuses Americans Of Seeking War, Condemns Entire Range Of U.S. Foreign Policy; Other Nations Rally To Our Stand On Veto

Russia Loses Opening Round In Fight Over Curbing Veto; Assembly Debate Is Voted

Austin Charges Vishinsky Falsified; Declares Soviet Methods Stir Hate; Bidault Vows Effort To Unite Blocks

U.S. ‘Little Assembly’ Plan And Korea Go On U.N. Agenda Over Gromyko’s Objections

Briton Warns Soviet In U.N. Willfulness Imperils Peace; Offers A ‘Code Of Conduct’

Assembly Votes To Take Up Greece, Korea, Italy Issues, Defeating The Soviet Bloc

Mrs. Roosevelt Will Defend U.S. on Warmonger Charge

‘Waste Less,’ Truman Asks; Names Board To Save Food; Calls Parley To Aid Europe

British Ready To End Palestine Rule, Quit Country If U.N. Finds No Solution; Vishinsky Renews ‘Warmonger’ Attack

Gromyko Declares U.S. Imperils U.N. By Aims In Greece

City Gets Warning Of $1-A-Pound Beef By Next Week-End

Truman Puts Relief Session Up To Leaders Of Congress; Sees $580,000,000 Needed Now


Soviet Bars U.S. Senators From Embassy Inspection

Truman Asks Self-Rationing To Meet Need Of Europeans; Prices Imperil Health Here

Palestine Division Is Accepted In U.N. By Jewish Agency

Belgium Backs U.S. On Balkans Watch; Would Forget Past

U.S. Offers To Drop Charge In Balkans If U.N. Votes Watch

Reds Of 9 Nations Revive Comintern To Fight U.S. ‘Imperialist Hegemony’; 2 Stalin Aides Attend Secret Meeting

Vishinsky Charges U.S. Acts Dissolve Greek Nationality

Committee of U.N. Defeats Soviet Move to Curb Press

U.N. Group Votes Committee To Watch Greece’s Border; Lovett Hits Back At Russia

Arab States to Send Troops To the Borders of Palestine

Forces Are Moved By Arabs, Zionists To Palestine Line

U.S. Supports Partition Of Palestine, Asks An International Constabulary; U.N. Body Drops Balkan Guilt Charge

Russians Expected To Back U.N. Plan To Split Palestine

Russia Endorses Palestine Division; U.N. Approval Seen

Churchill Thinks Soviet Line Does Not Portend War Soon

Marshall Wins CIO Acclaim In Foreign Policy Defense; U.S. Pays France $50,000,000

Truman Says His Food Plan Avoids Police-State Methods

U.S. Asks Elections in Korea Under a U.N. Commission

Krug Finds U.S. Resources Sufficient To Aid Europe; Warns We Must Conserve

De Gaullists Win Over French Reds; Center Set Back

U.S. Tells Moscow Korea Is U.N. Case; Protest Rejected

Menjou Testifies Communists Taint The Film Industry

Vishinsky Adds Forrestal, Harriman To ‘Warmongers’; Zhdanov Spurs Fight On U.S.

Much Of Bar Harbor Razed As 4,300 Flee Forest Fire; Whole Maine Towns Gone

18 Dead, Damage $25,000,000, As Forest Fires Sweep On In Wide New England Area

Truman Proclaims Disaster In Maine, Gives Federal Aid

Main Fires Ebb; Rise In Wind Today May Revive Peril

New Relief Set-Up Begun By Fielding; Subversives To Go

3 More Film Writers Face House Contempt Citations

Guardians For Civil Rights Proposed By Truman Board; Report Asks End Of Biases

Film Inquiry Reveals Move By Soviet Agents To Obtain Atom Research Data In 1942


Our Post-War Aid Abroad 19 Billion Now, Byrd Reports

Truman Board Asks Return Of Some Wartime Controls To Support Aid For Europe

Hughes Flies 200-Ton Plane A Mile 70 Feet Over Water

John G. Winant Kills Self; Was Ex-Envoy to London

PR Is Repealed In City By 350,000; Bonus And Housing Measures Win; Democrat Is Victor In Kentucky

U.N. Group, 46 To 0, Votes Korea Body; Soviet To Boycott

Molotov Says Atom Secret Has Long Ceased To Exist; Holds We Plan Aggression

Food Board Drops Poultryless Days, Keeps Ban On Eggs

12 To 17 Billions For Europe In 4 Years, 5 3/4 Billions In 1948, Urged On Truman; Deputies Snarled On German Treaty

Japan’s Ex-Puppet At Helm Of Siam After Armed Coup

Marshall Urges $597,000,000 In Quick Help To Bolster France, Italy And Austria

Austin Doubts Soviet Ability To Make Atomic Bomb Soon

De Gaulle For Ties To U.S. And Britain To Combat Soviet

Ramadier Pledges Force To Put Down Communist Threat

Meyers Is Linked To Plant Receiving Large War Order

Hughes Demands Evidence In Files’ As Inquiry Lapses

British Beginning To Quit Palestine By Land And Sea

Truman Demands Price And Pay Controls, Ties Fight On Inflation To Aid Europe; Republicans Critical, Democrats Divided

Marshall Warns Soviet To End ‘Brazen’ Propaganda Against US; Senate To Survey Food Stocks

Senate Committee Passes Interim Aid Bill Quickly; Inflation Curbs Hit Snag

Elizabeth And Philip Wed In Abbey; Leave For 10-Day Stay In Quiet Village; London Throngs Cheer Royal Pageant

3 Killed, 30 Hurt in Italy As Communists Fight Police

2 U.S. Bureaus Get Record On Meyers; Arnold Scores Him

Largest Land Airplane Flies Hour in Army Test on Coast

Vandenberg Asks Senate To Act Fast On Aid To Block ‘Wrecking Crews’ In Europe

Big 4 Vote Six-Point Agenda, But Molotov Seeks Delay On Austria And Reparations

U.S. Told It Faces Hardships But Must Speed Europe Aid; ‘Austere’ Controls Pressed

U.S. Army Indicts 13 Nazi Generals

U.N. Puts Off Vote On Palestine A Day; Compromise Is Aim

Assembly Votes Palestine Partition; Margin Is 33 To 13; Arabs Walk Out; Aranha Hails Work As Session Ends


Palestine’s Arabs Kill Seven Jews, Call 3-Day Strike

Guards Eject French Reds After They Seize Assembly And Halt Debate On Strike

Jerusalem Torn By Rioting; Arabs Use Knives, Set Fires; Jews Reply, Haganah In Open

Palestine Strife Widens, Grips Jaffa-Tel Aviv Area; Arabs Rebuff Peace Plea

Arabs Make Roads New Battlefields; Rake Bus Convoys

Troops And Police To Fire On Strike Rioters In France; Delay In Curb Law Refused

Magnet Is Assembled Here For Largest Atom Smasher

Arab-Jewish Fight Rages At Tel Aviv; 5 Dead, 10 Injured

Court Saves Negro Doomed By Whites

Bill Submitted To Ration Foods, Fuel, Control Steel; Oil Shortage Seen In East

18 More Slain in Palestine As British Insist on Truce

Senators Call Pauley to Tell Of His Transactions in Grain

Marshall And Bevin Lash Molotov For New Attack; Hope For Peace Parley Dim

GOP Senators Fix 10-Point Program To Curb Inflation

Soviet Devalues The Ruble And Ends Rationing Of Food In Fight Against Inflation

House Democrats Beat Republicans On Inflation Bill

Bevin Says Soviet Takes Vast Loot In East Germany

U.S. to Pay Bi-Zonal Costs In Return for Ruling Voice

U.N. Body To Study Atom Control Plan

Truman Asks $17 Billion To Restore Europe; Marshall Says Peace Must Await Recovery; Congress Votes Stop-Gap Aid, Later Adjourns

Taft Says Truman Now Has Powers To Halt Inflation

New U.S. Plane Said to Fly Faster Than Speed of Sound

Italians Acclaim New Constitution Creating Republic

U.S. To Quit Defense Bases In Panama Outside Canal Because Of Pact Rejection

Communists Form ‘Free’ Government In North Of Greece

Maniac In Sweden Kills Rome Envoy

Record 25-Inch Snow Cripples City And East; All Traffic Slowed, Long Island Is Disrupted; Thousands Marooned; Food Amble, Fuel Short

City Is Mastering Record Snow; Buses Still Out, Rail Lines Gain; Suburbs Hard Hit; 55 Dead In East

Clue to Synthesizing of Food By Sun’s Action Discovered

More Snow Is Due For City As It Digs Back To Usual Life

41 Jews Stabbed to Death After Bomb Kills Six Arabs

News Source: New York Times

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