1946: NEW YORK TIMES (363)


Hirohito Disclaims Divinity; Chiang Proposes Marshall As Referee In China Strife

Television to Show Truman Talking to Congress Jan. 15

Wire Union Here Votes Strike Jan. 8; 200,000 In Meat Plants Out On 16th; Nation-Wide Phone Tie-Up Looming

Truman Calls On Public To Spur Congress To Act In Labor Crisis; Packers May Be Seized In Strike

42 Pickets Battle 1,000 Non-Strikers At Kearny Plant

200,000 Electrical Workers Are Set To Quit Jan. 15; Spurn New Pay Offer; Wide Phone Tie-Up Likely Wednesday

Steel Pay Talks Forecast, Could Usher In Labor Peace; Cables And Radio Menaced

Wire Walkout Today To Isolate City; Hope Rises Of Averting Phone Tie-Up; Kaiser And Union Agree On Wage Rise

Wire Strike Slows Business In City; Only 15% Of Messages Go Through; Phone Parleys Seek To Avert Tie-Up

Phone Mechanics Quit In 44 States; Wire Tie-Up Disrupts Business Here; Hope Steel Talks May Avert Strike

17.5% GM Pay Rise Urged By Board; Phone Tie-Up Off Until Monday; Steel And Union Pact Indicated

Strike Cripples Nation’s Phones; GM Rejects Fact-Finders’ Plan; Steel Talks Fail; Truman Acts

Steel Strike Postponed A Week; Oil Board Proposes 18% Pay Rise; National Phone Silence Impends

Phone Strike Is Delayed 30 Days; Union Requests End Of Picketing; UAW Accepts 17.4% Auto Pay Rise

Congress Eager To Curb Strikes; Electric Workers Go Out Today; Nation’s Phone Service Normal

Eisenhower Pledges Speed In Orderly Demobilization; Urges An End To Hysteria

Nation’s Meat Output Reduced 75% As 200,000 Strike In Packing Plants; Truman To Act If Steel Talks Fails

Truman Proposes A Steel Pact; Said To Involve 18.5c Pay Rise; U.S. Board To Seek Meat Facts

Steel Strike Set For Monday; Company Rejects Truman Plan; Quill Threatens Transit Tie-Up

Strike Of 750,000 In Steel Begins; Complete Tie-Up Set For Tonight; Kaiser Gives CIO 18 1/2 C Increase

Steel Industry Is Closed Down As Nation-Wide Strike Starts; Government May Seize Plants

Truman Calls For Continued Price Control, Higher Wages, Labor Peace, Reduced Budget; Steel Mills Close; City Transit Strike Off

Meat Plants Seizure Expected Today, With Return Of Workers; CIO Attacks Company Tax Laws

Fairless Urges Truman To Summon Industry Leaders To Talk On Wages; Seizure Of Meat Plants Is Ordered

Truman Bars Steel Accord Except On His Own Terms; Sees A Struggle For Power

CIO Meat Workers Won’t Return Unless Government Raises Pay; Police Fight Wire Pickets Here

Ford And Chrysler Pay Disputes Settled For Half Of Rise Asked; Rail Demands Go To Arbitrators

17 1/2-Cent Pay Rise Is Granted By RCA To Electric Union

Russians Operating Czech Uranium Mine

$6.25 Ton Steel Rise Needed For Pay Gain Of 18 1/2c, Olds Says

UNO In First Test Agrees On Direct Soviet-Iran Talk, With Council Keeping Reins


Record $555,000,000 Budget Submitted By Gov. Dewey; Big Public Works Program

Bevin Declares Moscow, Red Parties Imperil Peace; Asks UNO Vote On Greece

UNO Committee Picks Site In Westchester-Fairfield, New York As Interim Home

Tug Strike Begins, Threatens City’s Food, Fuel, Supply

U.S. Seizure Of Tugs Expected Today; Men Reject O’Dwyer’s Peace Plan; House Slows Anti-Strike Action

Truman Seizes Tugs Here; Men Act On Return Today; CIO Rally To Tie Up Cables

Strike Emergency Stops Fuel; Schools Shut; U.S. To Run Tugs; Basic Steel Issues Settled 

Tug Peace Seen as Men Vote Today; Lack Of Oil Shuts 12 City Buildings; School Closings Modified By Mayor

Tug Men Reject Accord By 2-1 Vote; Mayor Will Ration Fuel Oil Today; Agreement Reached In Wire Strike

City Calls Tug Strike Health Peril; Telegraph Tie-Up To End Tomorrow; GM Gives Electricians 18.5-Cent Rise

Vishinsky Berates British, Demands UNO Java Inquiry; Dutch Offer Indies Parity

Mayor Orders Virtually Entire City Closed As Tugboat Strike Emergency Continues; Transit Service Cut, Food Places Excepted

City Shutdown Ended As Fuel Crisis Eases, Schools To Stay Closed; Tug Parleys Go On; Strike Crippling Pittsburgh Area Called Off

Tug Strike Ends, Men Resume Work Today; 3 Arbitrators Named; Schools Re-Opened; Pay-Price Policy Near, Wage Control Barred

Truman Announces Higher Wage-Price Policy; Bowles Is Economic Chief; Porter Heads OPA; Basis Provided To Settle The Steel Strike

Steel Strike Is Settled With 18.5C Pay Rise; Companies Get Price Increase Of $5 A Ton; Truman Stresses Battle Against Inflation

Smaller Steel Firms Rush To Sign; Aluminum Grants A 19C Pay Rise; GM Settlement Is Believed Near

O’Dwyer Seeks Right To Tax Rents, Amusements, Racing And To Double Sales Levy

Bowles Asks Continued Price Curb To Prevent Inflation ‘Explosion’; Electrical Strikers Battle Police

Bowles Sees No Inflation If OPA Is Kept A Year More; Phone Tie-Up Is Authorized

Soviet Confesses It Got Atom Data; Rebukes Canada

Indian Naval Mutiny Reported Ending As Reinforcements Speed To Ports; Fatal Anti-British Riots Sweep Cairo

Bombay Swept By Flames; Mob Violence Decreasing; Navy Mutineers Surrender

Bombay Fighting Renewed At Night, Death Toll Soars; Most Of City Uneasily Calm

Mayor Says Can’t Give TWU Sole Bargaining Right; Asks Murray To Bar Strike

Board Votes Mayor Transit Powers; 11,000 In Rival Unions To Stay At Work; Moves For Arbitration In Progress

TWU Yields, Transit Strike Averted; New Board To Hear Labor Demands; Ford Signs, Pays Record Union Wage

U.S. Proposes Franco Be Asked To Quit; Spain Said To Close French Frontier; Vandenberg For Firm Stand On Russia


U.S. To Oppose Aggression, Byrnes Asserts In Warning To Russia On Freed Nations

Red Army To Stay In Parts Of Iran Despite ’42 Treaty

General Motors Strikers Propose Truman Mediation; Mine Walkout Notice Filed

GM Rejects Arbitration, Asks Union To Let Men Vote; Phone Negotiations Fail

3 Powers Call On Spaniards To Oust Franco; Pledge Aid To Nation Pending Free Election; Canada Says Spies Acted On Moscow Orders

U.S. Sends 2 Protests To Russia On Manchuria And Iran Actions; Churchill Assails Soviet Policy

Telephone Strike Hangs In The Balance As Unions Debate Settlement Terms; Truman Is Asked To End GM Tie-Up

U.S. Accuses Soviet Of Violating Word By Staying In Iran

Truman Bars UNO Collapse, Sees Russian Cooperation; Soviet Chides US On Bulgaria

All Russians Quit Mukden; Chungking Army in Control

Bowles Gives Regulations To Implement Price Policy; Sees Vast ‘Flood Of Goods’

Pravda Denounces Churchill Speech As Threat Of War

Heavy Russian Columns Move West In Iran; Turkey Or Iraq May Be Goal; U.S. Sends Note; Connally Asks Big 3 Meet And Talk Bluntly

Stalin Says Churchill Stirs War And Flouts Anglo-Russian Pact; Soviet Tanks Approach Teheran

U.S. Plans UNO Showdown On Iran; Truman Not Alarmed By Events; Moscow Denies Troop Reports

Churchill Again Asks Anglo-U.S. Harmony; Puts Onus On Soviet If It Bars Cooperation; Iran To Appeal To UNO; Russians Press On

Soviet Warns Iran Not To Appeal; Byrnes Pins Peace Hopes On UNO; Marshall Sees Manchuria Crisis

Progressive Party Of Wisconsin Votes To Rejoin The G.O.P.

Fifth Column Seen In Canada’s Hunt For Russia’s Spies

Iran Files Charge Of Pact Violation By Soviet With UNO

Russia Asks UNO Delay Until April 10; U.S. Acts To Put Iran First On Agenda; Kurdish Tribes Rise Against Teheran

UNO Delegates Bar A Postponement; Iranian Asks Soviet Plea Be Rejected; Truman Opposes Delay And Big 3 Talk

Stalin Asserts No Nations Want War, Affirms Faith In UNO To Keep Peace; Delegates Here Cheered By His Move

Iran Expects Quick Russian Exit; Soviet Quits Manchuria April 30; UNO Force Of 2,000,000 Is Urged

Soviet Says It Is Leaving Iran And Aims To Be Out In 6 Weeks; UNO Meets Today, Tension Eased

Truman, Greeting UNO, Pledges U.S. Support; Byrnes Warns No Nation Must By-Pass Law; Iran Case Up Today; Stalin Speaks Of Accord

Russia Threatens To Boycott UNO Iran Talks After Plea To Keep Case Off Agenda Fails; No Moscow-Tehran Accord, London Hears

Russian, Defeated On Iran, Walks Out Of UNO; Teheran’s Envoy Puts Plea Before Council; Says Soviet Asked Occupation And Oil Rights

UNO Query To Soviet Iran To Be Sought; Gromyko Shuns Council; Open Session Today; U.S. Urges World Control Of Atomic Power

UNO Asks Soviet, Iran Reply By April 3 On Any Secret Accord On Troop Exit; Council Is Adjourned Until That Day

1,000 Nazis Seized By Allies As First Major Attempt To Revive Party Is Crushed


400,000 Soft Coal Workers Stay Away From The Pits; No Hope Of Early Accord

Tidal Waves In The Pacific Kill 300, Batter Hawaii, West Coast, Alaska; Undersea Quakes Cause Upheaval

Russia And Iran Indicate U.N. Will Get Replies Today; First Soviet Troops Depart

Council Arranges To Settle Iran Case Today As Soviet Assures Unconditional Evacuation; Diplomats See U.N. Strengthened By Victory

U.N. Votes To Shelve Iran Case; Will Watch If Soviet Keeps Word; U.S. Bill On World Court Shaping

Byrnes Asks 4-Power Talks April 25 By Ministers To Speed Peace Pacts; Soviet And Iran Announce Agreement

Pole To Arraign Spain In U.N. As Soviet Ponders Protest On ‘Occupations’ By The U.S. 

Soviet Demands U.N. Drop Iran Case; Says Keeping It On Agenda Is ‘Illegal’; Gets 51% Control In Tehran Oil Deal

Russia Agrees To Big 4 Peace Parley; U.N. Unlikely To Get Iran Case Today; Dropping Of It To Be Opposed By U.S. 

Iran Opposes Russia’s Plea To Drop Case In U.N. Council; Poles Raise Franco Issue

Poland Urges Spain Be Isolated By U.N. As A Fascist Nest

U.N. Picks World’s Fair Site And Sperry Plant In Nassau For Interim Headquarters

Truman Dedicates Roosevelt Shrine; Declares He Will Follow New Deal In Both Foreign And Home Affairs

2 War Heroes Slain Holding Up Hotel

Berlin Soclaist Group Joins Reds Despite Adverse Vote

Gromyko Assails Anglo-U.S. Aims As 7 Nations Oppose Him On Iran; Chinese Reds Attack Changchun

U.N. Defers Action On Iran As Lie Challenges Legality; Spain Is On Today’s Agenda

House Votes OPA Nine More Months; Would End Food Subsidies In 1946 And Guarantee ‘Reasonable Profit’

Australia Urges U.N. Inquiry On Spain As Majority Opposes Poland’s Plan; Experts Find Iran Can Stay On Agenda

Truman Orders Severe Food Curbs To Save Millions In Famine Abroad; Meat Shortage Closes Shops Here

Bakers Pledge Cut In Bread; Homes Supply Hit Tuesday; British Ship Switch Sought

China Reds Again Hit at U.S.; Charge Strafings by Airmen

Chief Justice Harlan Stone Of Supreme Court Is Dead

U.N. Votes 8-3 To Keep Iran On Agenda; Soviet To Boycott Debate On Case; Byrnes Off For Paris Peace Parley

Big 4 Meet Today In Paris To Break Peace Deadlock

Russia Agrees At Paris Parley To All 4 Nations’ Debating Pacts; Stands Off U.N. Inquiry On Spain

Paris Parley Furthers Italian Pact, Fixes Preamble, Reparation Study; 10 U.N. Powers Favor Franco Inquiry

Heavy Cut In Italian Fleet Agreed On By The Big Four; Submarines To Be Banned

Swindler’s $649,000 Loot Goes Fast In Betting Spree

Byrnes Urges 25-Year 4-Power Alliance To Keep Germany And Japan Disarmed; U.N Votes Spain Inquiry, Soviet Abstains


Joint Palestine Body Bars A Jewish State, But Urges Entry Of 100,000 Refugees

Britain Demands We Share Responsibility In Palestine As Prelude To Immigration

Marines Land On Alcatraz To Battle Armed Convicts In Attempted Prison Break

Alcatraz Battle Pressed, ‘Deal’ Denied To Convicts; 2 Guards Dead, 13 Injured

Siege Of Alcatraz Ends With Death Of 3 Ringleaders


Byrnes Rules Out Offer By Molotov Of Deal On Trieste

Big 4 Quickly Cede All Transylvania To The Rumanians

Light And Gas Ordered Cut In East As Coal Shortage Hits All Industry; Senators Threaten Strike Action

Truman Move in Coal Crisis Near; Senators Plan Quick Strike Law; City To Reduce Subway Service

Coal Mines Reopen Monday In 2-Week Truce; Truman Demands A Settlement In 5 Days; Senate Votes British Loan, House Favorable

Freight Embargo Is Lifted, Bigger Rail Cut Canceled; Coal Parleys Deadlocked

Truman To Confer With Hoover Today On World Famine

Allies To Wipe Out All Pro-Nazi Books

Talks Renewed To Avert Rail Strike After Truman Confers With Unions; Coal Deadlock Seen On Health Fund

Big 4 To Recess To June 15; Agree On No Major Issue; U.S. Asks Action On Germany

Coal Miners And Operators Reject Truman Proposal For Arbitration; President Set To Seize Railroads

Government Seizes The Nation’s Railroads But Unions Fail To Cancel Strike Due Today; AFL Pledges Aid To Lewis As Deadlock Holds

Railroad Strike Is Postponed For Five Days After President Appeals to Union Leaders; Confusion Snarls Travel Over The Nation

Nation’s Rails Service Near Normal; 27-Hour Tie-Up Hudson Tubes Ends; Talks To Be Resumed In Washington

Plane Hits Wall St. Tower; 5 In Army Craft Are Killed; Big Hole Torn In 58th Floor

Government Seizes Coal Mines, Unions Silent On Resuming Work; Rail Peace Compromise Snagged

Truman 18.5c Offer Unfavorable, Say Leaders Of Rail Brotherhoods; Senate Votes 40-12 In Case Bill Test

Strike Halts Railroads, Paralyzes Nation; ODT Rules Transport; Millions Discommoded; Negotiations Fail, Adjourned To This Morning

Truman Calls Rail Men To Return At Once; Will Use Army To Run Trains If They Do Not; Goes To Congress Today; Rail Tie-Up Worsens

Rail Strike Ends As Truman Demands Laws, Including Draft, To Stop Action Against U.S.; Amended Case Bill Enacted; Trains Run Again

Truman Fails To Get Coal Peace; Strike Is Technically Resumed; Rails Returned, Service Better

Coal Peace In 48 Hours Indicated; Labor Draft In Peril In Senate; Unions Unite In Fight On Truman

Coal Accord Near Final Stage; 26,000 End Strike At Rochester; Federal Ban Defied By Petrillo

Lewis Signs Soft Coal Terms With U.S.; Hard Coal Strike Starts; Tubes To Stop; Case Bill Voted; Labor Draft Is Killed

Strike Halts Hudson Tubes; U.S. Seizure Looms Again; Mine Owners Protest Pact


Senate Passes Strike Bill For Emergency By 61 To 20; Truman Again Asks Draft

Civil Control Bill For Atomic Energy Passed By Senate

French Moderates Beat Communists In Assembly Vote

Navy Calls Reserve And Volunteers To Operate Ships In Event Of Strike; Tube Strikers Boycott U.S. Inquiry

Teen-Age Draft Is Restored In Senate Vote Of 53 To 26; Extension Bill Is Speeded

Senate Votes, 69-8, To Continue Draft Until May 15, 1947

Vinson Named Chief Justice; Snyder To Head Treasury; Truman To Let OWMR Lapse

Royalist Violence Spreading In Italy; Naples Riot Rages

U.S. and Britain to Propose 11-State German Federation

Gun Kills Siam’s Young King; Palace Death Held Accident

Jackson Attacks Black For Judging Ex-Partner’s Case

President Vetoes Case Bill; Denies It Would End Strife; House Fails To Repass It

Bevin Unwilling To Open Palestine For 100,000 Jews

Senate Votes OPA Bill, 53-11; Would End Curbs On Meat, Eggs, Butter, Milk, Chickens

U.S. Will Tell Atom Secret, Destroy Bombs, If U.N. Establishes Controls Without A Veto; Ship Strike Begins Despite Midnight Accord

Truman Offers Congress 12-Point Program To Unify Armed Services Of Nation

Ministers Uneasy As Europe Hears Of Red Army Shift

Palestine Terror Mounts As Harbor, Bridges Are Ripped

5 British Officers Abducted, 2 Shot; Palestine Curfew On

Soviet Atomic Plan Bans Using Or Retaining Bombs And Keeps Big-Power Veto

U.S. Firm on Barring Veto In Atom-Control Measures

U.S. Offers 4-Power Control Of Japan To Keep Her Disarmed For 25 Years; Weighs New Atom Plan To Balk Veto

Hudson Tube Strike Ended; Company Grants Pay Rise; Full Service Starts Today

Dummy Atomic Bomb Falls Amid Fleet in Bikini Preview

Conferees Agree On OPA For A Year, Retaining Price Controls On Meat, Dairy Products, Oil And Tobacco

Staten Island Fire Wrecks Ferry Terminal, Kills 3; Damage Put At $2,000,000

Soviet Invokes Veto Thrice On Spain; Case Kept On Agenda In Irate Session; New Molotov Trieste Plan Rejected

Senate Limits OPA Debate To Hour For Each Member; O’Daniel’s Filibuster Fails

OPA Compromise Sent To President; His Congress Leaders Urge Signing; Bowles Resigns, Predicting Inflation

OPA Price Controls End At Midnight Tonight As House 173 To 142 Sustains Truman Veto; President Asks Nation Not To Raise Prices


Atom Bomb Exploded Over Bikini Fleet; 2 Ships Are Sunk, 19 Damaged Out Of 73; Blast Force Seems Less Than Expected

Retailers Hold Prices At OPA Level, Commodities Up, Some Rents Rise; House Votes For 20-Day Control

Stop-Gap Price Curbs Abandoned; Treasury Warns Taxes May Go Up; Meats Soar, Other Rises Are Likely

Bill Banning Union Rackets Is Signed By The President; Interstate Evils Outlawed

21-Nation Peace Parley Set To Take Up 5 Pacts July 29; Payments By Italy Settled

Molotov Blocks Dispatch Of Bids To Peace Parley

Russians Seize Nazi Assets, Austrians and U.S. Protest

Russians Deport German Residents Of Austrian Zone

Britain Bars Palestine Visas For Dr. S.S. Wise and Lipsky

Senate Votes To Keep Meat, Poultry And Eggs Exempt In New Price Control Bill

Lustig Sentenced to 4 Years, Fined $115,000 in Tax Case

Senate Votes Rent Curbs By States; President Backs Report Urging Cuts In Federal Costs, Chiefly Military

Price Control Bill Voted By Senate In Night Session; Many Food Items Exempt

House, 219 To 155, Approves $3,750,000,000 Loan To Britain; Goes To President To Sign

President Hits Veto Of OPA Bill As It Now Stands

Russian Espionage In Canada Called Highly Organized

Truman Limits Army Draft To Take Only Men 19 to 29

Mikhailovitch Is Executed With 8 Others for Treason

House Votes Seat On Atomic Board For Army Or Navy

House Votes 102-72 To Let Army, Navy Make Atomic Bombs

OPA Extension For A Year Agreed On By Conferees; Foods Exempt To Aug. 20

Bolivia President Killed In Uprising; New Regime Forms

Jerusalem Bomb Kills 41 In Attack On British Offices

Zionist Terrorists Say They Set Bomb; Denounce British

Atomic Bomb Sinks Battleship And Carrier; Four Submarines Are Lost In Mounting Toll; Soviet Flatly Rejects Baruch Control Plan

Divided Palestine Is Urged By Anglo-U.S. Cabinet Body, Delaying Entry Of 100,000

U.S. Charges Russia Strips Hungary Of Food, Industry; Text Of Treaty For Italy

Arabs Reject Plan To Split Palestine; Will Shun Parley

Paris Parely Opens Today To Map Peace For 5 Nations; Russia Fortifying Albania

Evatt Challenges Big 4 In Paris, Bars A Rubber-Stamp Parley; British To Join Our German Zone

Byrnes Backs Big 4 Peace Rulings Unless Two-Thirds Of Parley Balk; Treaty Drafts Hit Axis Aides Hard


Molotov Bars Economic Pressure As Evatt Hits Soviet Treaty Gains; British Put Palestine Plan Up To U.S.

Yugoslavs In Paris Reject Big Four Trieste Solution; Dutch Charge Dictation

Congress Adjourns Sine Die, World Court Plan Adopted; Reorganization Now Law

Truman Demands Cabinet Cut Costs By $2,200,000,000; Seeks A Balanced Budget

Violent Quake in West Indies; Santo Domingo Hit by Wave

Molotov Sees Domination By ‘Anglo-Saxons’ In Parley; Opposes Rule By Majority

Parley Accepts British Voting Plan Opposed By Russia And Satellites; Byrnes Bitterly Assails Molotov

Wallander Denies Police Are Brutal In Negro Arrests

Molotov Demands Parley Drop Majority Vote Plan; Blocks Approval Of Rules

Parley Overrides Soviet On Voting, Adopts Rules; Byrnes Rejects Dictation

Italy Can’t Accept Curbs De Gasperi Tells Parley; Russians Yield On Albania

Army Jails Ex-GI’s Without Charges

Russian Charges An Insult To His Country By Byrnes; Wins Floor At Paris Parley

British Battle Jews, Kill 3 In Haifa Riot As Refugees Are Sent To Cyprus Camps

Mrs. Roosevelt ‘Dozes Off,’ Is Hurt in Triple Car Crash

U.S. Shuns Stand on Partition Of Palestine, British Report

18 Zionists Sentenced to Die For Bombing Raid in Haifa

War On U.S. Mapped By Hitler In 1940, Nazi Papers Show

Cyprus Ships Forced Back To Haifa by Bomb Blasts

Second U.S. Plane Shot Down By Yugoslavs Near Trieste As Allies Send Sharp Notes

Tito Defends Air Attacks, Bars Peace ‘At Any Price’; U.S. Again Protests Sharply

U.S. Gives Belgrade 48 Hours To Free Fliers Or Face Action Before U.N. Security Council; Rejects Russian Share In Straits Defense

Tito Meets U.S. Demands In Part; Frees Some Of Fliers Shot Down And Forbids Firing On Aircraft

U.S. Withholds Action On Belgrade As Deadline On Ultimatum Nears; None Alive In 2d Crash, Tito Hints

U.S. Holds Belgrade Met Demands But Reserves Recourse To The U.N.; Ukraine Bids Council Act On Greece

China Reds Strike Manchurian Blow At Vital Rail Line

Armed U.S. Transports Fly The Austria-To-Italy Route; Molotov Scolds Australian

Check-Up Of Police In Gambling Drive Ordered By Mayor

U.S. Blocks Two Russian Proteges From U.N. As Soviet Bars Entry Of 8; Dutch Move To Avert Greek Debate

U.N. Council Approves Afghanistan, Sweden, Iceland, But Bars 5 Others; Big 4 Speed Action On Peace Pacts

Soviet Loses U.N. Test Vote On Greece; Molotov Assails U.S.-British Policy; 21 Slain In Greek Pre-Election Riots


Greeks Vote on King Today; Party Violence Spreading

Greek King Regains Throne In Landslide Of Plebiscite; Little Disorder In The Vote

Britain Claims $11,520,000,000 In Reparations From Italy To Offset Soviet Demands

State Republican Platform Urges Labor Conciliation, Housing Drive; Democrats Stress Roosevelt Record

Truck Tie-Up Here Widens; 10,000 Jersey Drivers Quit; Ship Strike Begins At Noon

Ship Strike Ties Up American Ports; U.S. Moves To Avert ‘Major Disaster’; O’Dwyer Takes Over In Truck Crisis

Strike Ties Up 1,500 Ships In U.S.; City Will Haul Food And Medicine Unless Trucking Tie-Up Is Eased

3,500 Tugs Join Harbor Strike Here; 2 Big Liners Sail, One Held Down Bay; Mayor Delays City Action On Food

Truck Drivers Reject Peace Plan; Police Act On Threat To Halt Food; Sea Strike Mediation Efforts Fail

Mayor To Add 2,000 To The Police As Truck Strike Paralyzes Business; Sea Labor To Boycott Hearing Today

O’Dwyer Says Communists Stir Revolt To Prolong Truck Strike; AFL Lets Tugs Carry Essentials

Board Again Bars Sea Wage Rise; CIO Threatens Strike Tomorrow; Tobin Order Eases Truck Tie-Up

Steelman Approves Sea Pay Rise, Early End Of Walkout Expected; Truck Union, Owners Open Talks

Truck Talks Lag, Mayor Picks Panel; New Strike Curbs Parcel Deliveries; Parleys Speeded In CIO Ship Tie-Up

Hope For End Of Truck Tie-Up Gains; Strike Closes Many Retail Stores; Ship Walkout Extended By The CIO

Truck Strike Leaders Back Big Concerns’ Wage Offer; Ship Parley Is Broken Off

105 Operators Defy Drivers On Eve Of Truck Union Vote; AFL, CIO Men Clash At Piers

Trucks Roll, 456 Concerns Sign; Break Is Expected In Sea Strike; Truman Seeks New Wage Policy

Truman Silences Wallace Until After Paris Parley; Secretary Will Keep Post

End Of Sea Strike Likely As Unions Back Wage Award

Wallace Ousted, Starts A ‘Fight For Peace’; Truman Says His Views Clash With Policy; Declares Complete Support For Byrnes

Sea Strike Ended On The West Coast By Firemen’s Vote

Jew Slain On Ship As Refugees Fight British Off Haifa

U.S. Drops Claim On The Rumanians For Full Damages

Big 4 Pick Oct. 15 For Wind-Up In Paris; Hope To Open Talks On Germany Here; Stalin Peace Statements Please U.S. 

Army Plans Arctic Tests In Weather at 60 Below

Truman Refuses Removal Of Price Controls On Meat; Sees Relief In Near Future

Russian Attacks U.S. Danube Stand As An ‘Ultimatum’

French Trieste Line Voted; Yugoslavs Reject Ruling, Committee Sets Penalty

War-Crimes Court Acquits Germany’s Military Staffs As Groups, Not Individually


All Execpt 3 Of Nazi War Chiefs Guilty; Goering, Hess, Von Ribbentrop Convicted; Schacht, Von Papen, Fritzsche Acquitted

12 Nazi War Leaders Senteced To Be Hanged; Goering Heads List Of Those To Die By Oct. 16; Hess Gets Life, Six Others Ordered To Prison

Baruch Accuses Wallace Of Errors In Atom Letter And Balking At Retraction

Truman Urges Price Curbs, Industrial Peace And Rise In Output To Avert Crash

Mayor Urges Truman Order FBI Inquiry In Meat Famine; Seeks Argentine Imports

Taft Condemns Hanging For Nazis As Unjust Verdict

Red Sox Vanquish Cards In 10th, 3-2, On Homer By York

Vinson Takes Seat On Supreme Court

Seize All Meat And Cattle, City Council Asks Truman; OPA Aides Urge Control End

Emergency Action On Meat Seen In White House Talks; City Supply Rises Slightly

Cabinet To Study Meat Crisis Today; Industry Files Decontrol Petition; City Has Shortages In 50 Food Items

President Expected To Act On Meat, Easing Some Restrictions Tomorrow; Feeders Likely To Ship Cattle Soon

Truman To Give Major Talk On Meat And Stabilization On Radio Tomorrow Night

New York Has Good Chance To Keep U.N., Whalen Says

Truman Ends All Price Controls On Meat, Effective Today, As ‘Only Remedy Left’ To Him; Wage Curbs And Others Will Be Dropped Soon

Goering Ends Life By Poison, 10 Others Hanged In Nuremberg Prison For Nazi War Crimes; Doomed Men On Gallows Pray For Germany

Margarine, Shortening Put On Food Decontrol List; Meat Supply Up In Chicago

Cattle And Hog Prices Cut Sharply By Near-Record Rush Of Livestock; Meat Still High Here, Butter Down

New York Offers U.N. 350-Acre Site At Flushing As A Permanent Home; Conveys City Building To Assembly

Meat Prices Drop As Buying Public Shies At $1 Steak

3 U.S. Officers in Germany Bombed by ‘Underground’

Port Hails Liner Elizabeth On First ‘Civilian’ Voyage

U.N. Assembly Convenes Here Today; Truman To Welcome 400 Delegates; Bevin Insists Potsdam Pledge Be Kept

Truman, Opening U.N., Asks End Of Fear Of War; Urges World Police, Curb On Mass Weapons; Attlee And Churchill Favor Revision Of Veto

U.N. Debate Forecasts Storm On Veto As Smuts Tries To Bar India Case; Attlee Condemns World Communism

Soviet Drops Fight To Bar Assembly Veto Discussion; Yields On Two Other Issues

Turk’s U.N. Speech Taken As Defiance On Straits Demand

Ship Movements Likely Here Today; Talks Set In West

Stalin Says Soviet Lacks Atom Bomb; Denies Tension, Denounces Churchill; U.S. Accused In U.N. Of Charter Breach

Molotov Urges U.N. Move To Cut World Arms; Asks Ban On Atom Bomb, But Scorns U.S. Plan; Baruch Approves Soviet Idea If It Has Teeth

U.S. Backs Inspected Arms Cuts; Asks Reports On World Armies; Poles Push U.N. Action On Spain


Dewey Bids Voters Rebuke Democrats On Wallace, Soviet

U.S. Opposes Paying 50% Of U.N. Budget; Favors 25% Limit

Dewey And Mead Close Campaigns; Both Cite Their ‘Liberal’ Records; Upset In The Congress Is Forecast

Big 4 Meeting Here Today To Finish 5 Peace Treaties; Byrnes Confers With Aides

Big 4 Tackle Disputes As Talks Open; Call In The Italians And Yugoslavs; Franco Issue Passed To U.N. Assembly

Dewey And Ives Win In A State Sweep; Republicans Sure Of Control In House, Make Gains In Nation In Turn To Right

Republicans Control Congress With 51 In Senate, 249 In House; Democratic-ALP Break Likely

U.S. To Retain Pacific Isles If U.N. Bars Trustee Draft; Opposes Veto On Such Pacts

Transit Body Bars Labor Proposals Of O’Dwyer’s Aides


Soviet Deal on German Unity Reported Being Considered

Truman Offers Cooperation With Republican Congress To Put Nation Above Party

Transit Strike Less Likely Through Vote Call Stands; Retroactive Pay Approved

Transit Strike Threat Ends As Union Accepts Back Pay; Renews Bargaining Demand

GOP Chief Says Government ‘Plans’ Shortage of Sugar

Lewis Ends Coal Contract, Men Quit Work Wednesday; Challenge To Government

Soft Coal Supplies Frozen; Krug Pushes Fight On Lewis But Prosecution In Doubt

U.S. Demands Miners Stay At Work During Federal Control Of The Pits; To Act Against Lewis, If Men Quit

Lewis Enjoined To Avert Strike But Miners Start Wide Walkout; 25% Cut Ordered In Rail Travel

Army Prepares To Protect Miners, Lewis Keeps Silence On Strike Ban; More Than 80,000 Leave Coal Pits

Belgrade Says Greek ‘Calumnies’ Threaten Relations With Athens

Lewis And Union Cited, Face Contempt Trial; Congress Session Asked For Strike Action; Nation’s Railroads And Industries Slowed

Brownout Ordered In 21 States; Court Summons Served On Lewis; Citing Of All UMW Leaders Urged

Truman, Back, Acts On Coal; Krug Warns All Governors To Begin Rigid Conservation

State, City Order Coal Emergency; Rail Cut Today; Dimout Tonight; Lewis To Face Contempt Charge

Lewis Denies Court’s Power To Enjoin Him; Ordered To Trial On Contempt Tomorrow; Third Dimout In 10 Months Darkens New York

New Owner-Union Talks Sought As Trial Of Lewis Opens Today; Krug Called On Pipeline Delay

Court Calls Lewis Action ‘Anarchy,’ Will Rule On Contempt Tomorrow; Mine Injunction Extended Ten Days

Molotov Agrees To Arms Inspection To Verify Cuts And Ban On Atom Bomb; Accepts Idea Of Freedom Of Danube

Lewis On Trial As Cout Holds U.S. Can Enjoin Union To Avert Calamity; Utility Savings In City Homes Asked


Jerusalem Rocked By Bombs, Gunfire In Revived Terror

U.N. Body Rejects New York; Report Backs Philadelphia Or San Francisco As Site

Government Closes Case On Lewis; Contempt Ruling May Be Outcome; Southern Owners Won’t Negotiate

Lewis Held Guilty, Will Be Sentenced Today; Freight Traffic, Parcel Post, Rail Travel Cut; Truman Will Ask Wide Revision Of Wagner Act

Miners Unions Fined $3,500,000, Lewis $10,000; Men To Stay Out, Little Hope For More Fuel; City Business And Workers Face Huge Losses

Truman To Appeal To Miners Sunday; CIO Aids Lewis, Green Acts For Peace; Freight Piles Up Here, Mails Jammed

Supreme Court Gets Lewis Appeal; Navy Pushes Strip Mine Operations; 5,000,000 Jobless Forecast By Jan. 1

Lewis Ends Strike, Mines Open Tomorrow; Surrenders After Lawyers See Vinson; Rail Embargo, Mail Curbs, Dimout Halt

Nation’s Business Recovering Fast But Some Coal Curbs Are Retained; Miners Returning, Oppose Fines

Big 4 Go To Moscow March 10 On German, Austrian Pacts; Full Aid For Press Pledged

O’Dwyer Shakes Up Police In Harlem Election Killing; Inspector De Martino Quits

Rockefeller Offers U.N. $8,500,000 Site On East River For Skyscraper Center; Molotov Clears Snag On German Pact

Rockefeller Site Accepted By U.N. Committee, 33 To 7; Assembly Rebukes Franco

U.S. Troops Abroad Under 550,000, Byrnes Discloses To Assembly; All Big Three Call For Arms Cut

U.N. Assembly Votes Arms Curbs; Accepts Rockefeller Site, 46 To 7; Trusteeship Council Completed

U.N. Assembly Adjourns; Endorses Refugee Charter, Admits Siam, Sets WFTU Tie

Left-Wing CIO Office Union To ‘Discipline’ Communists

Russia Blocks Plan For Atomic Report; Dislikes Veto Curb

Harlem Poll Murder Leads To Trap for Narcotic Gangs

U.N. Balkan Inquiry Is Voted As Soviet Sets Precedent That Abstention Is No Veto

1,000 Feared Dead in Japan As Quake, Tidal Wave Strike

Quake-Wave Area In Japan Spreads; U.S. Rushes Relief

Pius Cheered by Throng As He Denounces Vilifiers

Football ‘Fix’ Case Due In Court Today; Delay Is Indicated

Batteries Firing on Hanoi Silenced by French Planes

Common Man World Over Finds Post-War Life Hard

Blum Aims To End Viet Nam Revolts Before Any Parley

Viet Nam Assault Hits Cochin China; Peace Aim Shelved

Communism Spreading Fast In America, Survey Shows

4 Britons Flogged As Palestine Band Avenges Terrorist

U.S. Atom Control Plan Wins U.N. Commission’s Approval; Soviet And Poland Abstain

News Source: New York Times

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