1944: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Red Army Recaptures Zhitomir, Stands 95 Miles From Dniester; U.S. Bombers Blast Paris Area

Russians Plunge Ahead 14 Miles; Near Poland, Latvia, Bug River; Allies Make More Gains In Italy

U.S. Units Land Behind Foe In New Guinea; Red Army 14 Miles From Polish Border; RAF Bombers Deal 100th Blow To Berlin

Russians Cross Polish Border; 1,000 Tons Again Blast Berlin; U.S. Pacific Fliers Hit 4 Warships

Russians Squeeze Foe In Trap; Repel Attack At Polish Border; Big Air Blow Rips French Coast

Russians Win Ukraine Rail Hub; U.S. Fliers Shoot Down 95 Of Foe In A Record Four-Prong Assault

Russians 10 Miles Inside Poland; Drive Nearer Odessa Railroad; Fifth Army Opens Push In Italy

Red Army Surrounds Kirovograd; Drive Into Poland Gains 14 Miles; U.S. Bombers Again Hit Germany

Russians In Kirovograd, Push On; Nearing Rumania, Gain In Poland; Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bombed

Soviet Gains On 2 Fronts Menace Foe’s Last Rail Lines In Ukraine; Allies Cut Into Cassino Defense

Soviet Offers Deal To Poland, Setting Curzon Line As Border; Russians Crush 5 Nazi Divisions

President Asks Civilian Draft To Bar Strikes, Realistic Taxes, Subsidies, New Bill Of Rights; U.S. Planes In Great Battle; 123 Down, Nazis Say

3 Reich Plane Plants Wrecked, 64 U.S. Craft Lost In Air Attack; Russians Open Gap In New Push

Roosevelt Presents $99,769,000,000 War Budget; Asks More Revenue, Plans Return To Peace; Red Army Ringing Junction In White Russia

Red Army Takes 2 Pripet Bases; Poles Ask 4-Power Conference; Air Fleets Hit Reich And Coast

RAF Bombers Smash Brunswick, Drop 2,240 Tons In 23 Minutes; French In 5th Army Take Town

Russia Rejects Polish Proposal To Negotiate Boundary Dispute; Eisenhower Arrives In Britain

Moscow Reports A Peace Talk, British Deny It; Allies Puzzled; Soviet Drive Into Poland Gains

Soviet Cites London Peace Talks As British Hand Kremlin Denial; Russians Breach Lines In North

2 Drives Near Leningrad Smash Nazi Forts, Gain Up To 12 Miles; British Attack In Western Italy

RAF Reopens Battle Of Berlin; Red Army Captures Novgorod, Pinches Off Leningrad Corridor

Allies Bomb Calais Area All Day After Record Attack On Berlin; Russians Drive Ahead In North

Allied Units Land Behind Nazis In Italy, 16 Miles From Rome; Little Opposition; 2,240 Tons Of RAF Bombs Smash Magdeburg

Allies Push Inland Below Rome, Threaten To Trap 100,000 Nazis; New Russian Pripet Drive Gains

Allied Guns Shell Appian Way; Foe Hits Back On Cassino Front; Russians Cut Railway To Estonia

Nazis Believed Quitting Cassino As Allies Drive To Appian Way; Argentina To Curb German Spies

Argentina Breaks With The Axis; Allies Press On South Of Rome; Russians Spear Toward Estonia

5,200 Americans, Many More Filipinos Die Of Starvation, Torture After Bataan; Allies Repel Crack Nazi Units Near Rome

Nation Aroused By Atrocities, Pledges To Avenge The Victims; Russians Press Drive In North

800 U.S. Bombers Hit Frankfort; RAF Deals Berlin Another Blow; Russians Push Toward Estonia

U.S. Ships And Planes Hit Atolls In Savage Attack On Marshalls; Americans Bomb German Cities


Vast U.S. Armada Fighting In Marshalls; Landing Unconfirmed; Wake Island Bombed; Russians 5 Miles From Estonian Border

U.S. Force Wins Beaches On Marshalls Atoll; Battles Rage On First Japanese Soil Invaded; Allies Attack Below Rome; Russians Advance

Marines Capture Roi Island, Land On Namur; Our Casualties Moderate; Enemy Surprised; Advancing Russians Cross Estonian Border

Russians Trap 10 Divisions In Ukraine; Marines Win Namur; Our Dead Under 150; 1,100 U.S. Planes Hit Reich At Slight Cost

Allies Hold Off Fierce Attacks, Take Nazi Prisoners Below Rome; Army Invades 3 Marshall Isles

British Repel Nazi Tank Attacks; Russians Take Lutsk And Rovno; Kwajalein Island Is Captured

Russians Trap 5 More Divisions; Foe Hits Back On 2 Lines In Italy; All Of Kwajalein Atoll Is Ours

U.S. Ships Shell Paramushiru; Surprise Japanese Home Base; Russians In Nikopol’s Outskirts

Russians Win Nikopol, Ore Town, And Clear Lower Dnieper’s Bank; Italy Beachhead Resists Tanks

Americans Battle For Cassino; Planes Swarm Over Foe’s Lines; Russians Approaching Krivoi Rog

Allies Stand Off Foe Near Rome As Attacks On Beachhead Mount; U.S. Air Fleet Battles Over Reich

Battle Below Rome Is Unabated As Germans Hammer Beachhead; Russians Take Key Rail Junction

Rome Beachhead Is Reinforced, Allied Chiefs Predict Victory; Russians Again Advance In North

Fifth Army Attacks Below Rome And Grinds Forward At Cassino; Russians Free Lake Peipus Shore

Trapped Nazis’ Stronghold Falls But Red Army’s Ring Is Dented; Finland Takes Steps To Quit War

U.S. Blasts Nazis In Mt. Cassino Abbey; Allies Win Isles 135 Miles From Rabaul; Pro-Axis Officers Stage Argentine Coup

2,800 Tons Of Bombs Rip Berlin; Nazis Retake Aprilia Near Rome; U.S. Fliers Hit Base In Carolines

Truk Attacked By Strong U.S. Sea-Air Forces; Record Bombings Answer Nazis’ Anzio Drive; Reds Erase Pocket; 1,000 U.S. Troops Die At Sea

Americans Land On Eniwetok, Flanking Truk; Great Victory Seen In Blow At Pacific Base; Russians Win Staraya Russa; Foe Held In Italy

Americans Capture Air Base On Eniwetok; U.S. Warships Bombard Rabaul And Kavieng; Allies Check Anzio Attack, Close On Cassino

19 Ships Sunk, 201 Planes Destroyed At Truk; Biggest U.S. Force Bombs Nazi Fighter Plants; American Tanks Help Turn Back Foe At Anzio

Allied Airmen Sink 9 Ships Off Rabaul; Japanese Army And Navy Chiefs Ousted; 2,000 U.S. Planes Again Ravage Germany

Churchill Predicts Far Bigger Air Drive, But Warns Nazis May Not Fall In 1944; U.S. Fliers Blast Reich In 2-Way Attack

U.S. Force Rips Base 1,300 Miles From Tokyo; Americans Make A Junction On New Britain; Barkley Quits Senate Post Over Tax Veto

Senate Re-Elects Barkley Majority Leader; House Overrides Roosevelt Tax Veto 299-95; U.S. Fliers In Twin Blows; Russians Plunge On

Allies Pound 6 Nazi Air Plants In 2-Way Day And Night Attacks; 135 Planes Smashed In Marianas

RAF Rips Augsburg Factories; 642 Nazi Planes In Week’s Toll; Russians Push On, Bomb Helsinki

Truk Toll Is Raised To 40 Ships; 4 More Of Foe Sunk Off Kavieng; Red Army 15 Miles From Pskov

450 Places Fall In Pskov Drive; British Win 2 Anzio Strong Points; 8,000 Japanese Routed In Burma


U.S. Troops Take Admiralty Isle; Soviet Reveals Offer To Finns; Argentine Navy Revolt Reported

Red Army Swings Behind Narva, Gains On 22-Mile Line In Estonia; Allies Meet New Anzio Assault

U.S. Units Repel Foe Above Anzio, Erase Gains Under Vast Air Cover; Allies Cut Off Arms For Turkey

First U.S. Fighters Reach Berlin, Bombers Hit French Airfields; Russians To Share Italian Fleet

Berlin Gets First U.S. Bombing; East Germany Also Attacked; Foe Loses 3,000 In Admiralties

Russians Gain On 112-Mile Front, Near Main Ukraine Escape Line; U.S. Fliers Pound French Bases

800 U.S. Bombers Smash At Berlin By Day; 68 Lost In Battles, 123 Of Foe Shot Down; Soviet Drive Slashes Odessa-Lwow Line

Marines At Heart Of New Britain, Land 160 Miles West Of Rabaul; Russians Repel Strong Attacks

U.S. Bombers Rain Fire On Berlin; 38 Downed, 83 Nazi Craft Bagged; Russians Move On 2 Rail Centers

U.S. Planes In 4th Blow At Berlin See Little Of Foe, Lose 8 Craft; Russians Gain 38 Miles In South

Irish Refuse To Oust Axis Envoys, Denying They Spy On Our Troops; Russians Break 110-Mile Front

Russians Drive Toward Kherson, Continue Other Ukraine Gains; Florence, Padua, Taulon Bombed

Britain Bars Travel To Ireland; Russians Cut 2 More Rail Lines And Reach Bug River Defenses

Red Army Captures Kherson; Moscow Recognizes Badoglio; Eire North Border May Be Closed

Russians Shut A Trap In Ukraine, Report 10,000 Slain, 4,000 Seized; Great Britain To Isolate Eire

Record Air Blow Levels Cassino, Then Tanks And Troops Smash In; Russians Swarm Over Bug River

Air War At New Peak Pounds South Reich; Allies Win Three-Quarters Of Cassino; Americans Invade Main Admiralties Isle

Russians 10 Miles From Rumania; Vienna Gets First U.S. Bombing; Cassino Germans Still Hold Out

Russians Reach Rumanian Line, Wipe Out Ten German Divisions; Huge U.S. Air Force Blasts Reich

Russians Sweep Into Bessarabia; Two-Way Bombings Rock Reich; Nazis Hit Back On Cassino’s Rim

German Troops Occupy Hungary; Wide Resistance Is Reported; Red Army Takes 2 Key Centers

Marines On Isle 600 Miles From Truk; Russians 28 Miles From The Prut River; Nazis Shift Troops To Dominate Hungary

1,400 U.S. Planes Smash At Berlin Without Any Fighter Opposition; Russians Win Another Rail Hub

6,720 Tons Hit Reich In 24 Hours; Russians Rip Line Near Tarnopol; Japanese Converge On India Base

Russians Reach Bukovina Border; Reich Cities And London Bombed; Churchill Pledges Invasion Soon

Russians Win Proskurov Junction, Seek To Close Trap To The South; Blow At Berlin Is Costly To RAF

Russians At The Prut, Rumanian Border; Drive Foe Across River On 53-Mile Line; Hour Of Action Nearing, Says Churchill

Russians Sweep Into Burkovina; Forging Ring Around Nazi Force; U.S. Planes Rip French Airfields

Russians Win Port Of Nikolayev; Crossing Of The Prut Reported; U.S. Fliers Again Bomb Airfields

Russians Cut Last Key Rail Line, Right In Outskirts Of Cernauti; U.S. Fliers Battle At Brunswick

U.S. Fleet Attacks Palau, Near Philippines; M’Arthur’s Fliers Bomb Truk; Bag 172 Planes; Russians Win Cernauti; Approach Czech Pass


Carolines Bombed 2 Ways Again; Russians 38 Miles From Odessa; Air Battles Cost RAF 94 Planes

Russians Closing In On Odessa; Allies Seize Mountain In Italy; Japanese Lose 82 More Planes

Russians Enter Romania Proper, Deny Any Territorial Aims There; Italy-Based Fliers Bomb Austria

Russians 11 Miles Past The Prut; Ring 15 Divisions; Drive For Lwow; U.S. Fliers Hit Budapest Rail Hub

Navy Blasts All Ships At Palau And Two Other Japanese Bases; U.S. Bombers Strike Bucharest

Russians Shut Main Odessa Exit; 100,000 Germans Believed Ringed; U.S. Fliers Rip Ploesti Rail Yards

Russians Tighten Arc At Odessa, Hammer Foe In 2 Other Pockets; Allied Fliers Again Over France

28 Japanese Ships Sunk, 18 Other Damaged, 214 Smashed By Navy In Palau Attack; Threat In India Grows; New Trap In Russia

Russians Reach Czech Frontier, Advance 40 Miles Into Rumania; 1,500 U.S. Planes Batter Reich

U.S. Planes Bomb Poland, East Prussia; Russians At Odessa’s Rim, Flank Jassy; Hull To Seek Bipartisan Congress Help

Odessa Is Captured By Red Army; Twin Drives Into Crimea Opened; U.S. Fliers Rip Invasion Defenses

2,000 U.S. Planes Smash At Reich, Down 126 Of Enemy At A Cost Of 80; Red Army Sweeps Across Crimea

Russians Gain 43 Miles In Crimea And Free The Kerch Peninsula; U.S. Fliers Hit Austrian Plants

3,000 U.S. Planes In Two-Way Blow Hit Reich, Hungarian Air Plants; 2 Crimean Ports Fall, Nazis Split

Russians Nearing Savastopol; Air Blows At Germans Continue; Allies Seize New Guinea Base

Russians In Sevastopol Suburb, Annihilate Tarnopol Garrison; Bucharest And Ploesti Bombed

Russians Hammer Sevastopol, Seize Yalta In Flanking Drive; Allies Bomb Rail Lines To Front

British Ban Envoys’ Travel And Code Use In Move To Protect Invasion Secrets; Red Army Hems In Battered Sevastopol

2,000 U.S. Planes Attack Berlin And 2 Aircraft Plants Near City; Time Short, British Warn French

Allies Step Up Record Bombing, Dropping 8,000 Tons In 36 Hours; British Relieve Ringed India Base

Allied Fleet Attacks Sumatra; Carrier Planes Blast Air Bases; France Hit In Surprise U.S. Blow

Record Bombing Blasts Cologne And Three Other Rail Centers; World Monetary Plan Drafted

U.S. Bombing Of Hamm Rail Yards Caps Record Week’s Air Assault; Finns End Russian Peace Talks

Americans Land On North New Guinea Coast; Admiral King Sees Pacific Victory Road Open; 2-Way Blows Mark 7th Day Of Air Offensive

Americans Bomb Deep In Europe; 2,000 Planes Down 103 Of Foe; M’Arthur’s Men Take Hollandia

Americans Pound Nazi Air Bases After Heavy Night Blows By RAF; U.S. Units Near Hollandia Fields

2 Hollandia Fields Fall; Australians In Madang; U.S. Fliers Hit Brunswick

Allied Bombings Reach New Peak As 4,500 Planes Drop 8,400 Tons; 2 More Japanese Airfields Won

2,000 U.S. Planes Batter France, Smashing Airfields And Coast; Germans Bolstering Defenses

1,000 U.S. ‘Heavies’ Blast Berlin; Oslo And Toulon Also Pounded; More Ships Sunk At Sevastopol


3,000 Planes Hammer At France On 14th Day Of The Air Offensive; Stalin Heralds Two-Way Blows

American Fliers Rip Rail Points In Blows Behind Invasion Coast; U.S. Transport Is Sunk, 498 Lost

U.S. Fleet Strikes In Carolines, Wrecks 126 Planes In Truk Blow; Spain Cuts Ore Exports To Reich

Nazi Rail Lines In Chaos In 100-Mile Coastal Zone; Weather Cuts Air Blows

Nazi Army Bases Bombed In Heavy British Blows; ‘Forts’ Hit Air Center

Bombers Pound France, Balkans; Blast Dam In Italy To Flood Foe; British Open Kohima Offensive

Five Rumanian Rail Hubs Bombed After Attack On Oil Refineries; Weather Curbs Assault In West

2,000 U.S. Planes Batter Berlin; Armadas Pound France, Rumania; Record Air Invasion Test Staged

4,500 U.S. Planes Hammer Enemy, Down 119; Berlin Is Bombed Again; Russians Crack Sevastopol Line

Red Army Captures Sevastopol; 4,000 Allied Warplanes Batter Defenses In West At Cost Of 16

2,000 Planes In West Rip Railways And Airfields; Austrian Plant Blasted

Allies Bomb 22 Railway Points In Day-Long Invasion Attacks; 3,500 Planes Join In Offensive

Allies Open Drive In Italy, Gain Up To 3 Miles; Air Fleets Rip Fives Nazi Oil Centers In West; Satellites Get 3-Power ‘Ultimatum’ To Quit

Allies Crack Gustav Line In Savage Fighting; 5 Villages And 7 Strategic Hills Captured; U.S. Fliers Bomb Baltic Oil And Plane Plants

Allies Widen Hold Across Rapido And Pass Captured Castelforte; Bomb Rail Lines In North Italy

French Pace New Gains In Italy; Americans Surge Over Key Road; Chinese Open Push At Burma Line

Italian Push Ahead Of Schedule; Americans 4 Miles From Formia; New Chinese Drive Gains 15 Miles

Nazis Quit Cassino As Allies Surround It; French-American Forces Reach Hitler Line; Germans Reinforcing Their Baltic Coasts

Cassino, Formia Fall, With 1500 Prisoners, Three Nazi Divisions Mauled In Attack; New Pacific Landing; Myitkyina Stormed

Hitler Line Pierced, Gaeta Is Captured; Air Blows Renewed, Berlin Is Blasted; Allied Planes Smash Java Naval Base

6,000 Planes In Record Attack Hit 150 Miles Of Invasion Coast; Nazis Retreat 15 Miles In Italy

Americans Gain 7 Miles In Italy; French Turning The Hitler Line; Record Fighter Fleet Rips Rails

Foe Hurls Reserves Into Italy Battle; U.S. Planes Blast Kiel And Pas-De-Calais; Carrier Blow At Marcus Isle Reported

Allies Start Drive At Anzio Beachhead As Attacks In Mountains Are Pressed; Bombings In Invasion Area Mount Again

Americans Cut Appian Way, Seize Terrancina; Allies Bomb Berlin, Vienna; Fly 8,000 Sorties; Churchill Foresees Armed Council For Peace

Americans Link The Anzio And Main Fronts; Nazis Flee Pontine Marshes Toward Rome; 5 Allied Air Commands Blast Invasion Areas

Allies 6 Miles Beyond Cisterna; Threaten Germans’ ‘Rome Line’; South French Railways Bombed

MacArthur Forces Land On Biak Island, Battle Foe 900 Miles From Philippines; Main Nazi Escape Rout In Italy Shelled

5th Army Pushes On, Opens Flank Drive; 2,200 U.S. Planes Blast Reich Oil Centers; Americans Approach First Biak Airfield

Allies Pierce Line Below Rome; U.S. Fliers Blast 9 Plane Plants; Hull Plans 4-Power Peace Talk

Allied Wing Veers Toward Rome; 2-Way Air Blows Hit 5 Countries; U.S. To Offer World Council Idea


Allies Drive To Turn Alban Line And Close In On Foe From East; Air Blows Cap A Record Month

Americans Cut Alban Hills Line, Pass Valletri To Drive On Rome; 3,657,000 U.S. Troops Now Overseas

Shuttle To Russia Links 3 Air Forces; Americans Take Velletri, Valmontone; Cut Path To Last Barrier Before Rome

Americans Overrun Hills South Of Rome; City’s Fall Near, Allied Command Says; Bombers Again Pound At Invasion Coast

Rome Captured Intact By The 5th Army After Fierce Battle Through Suburbs; Nazis Move Northwest; Air War Rages On

Allied Armies Land In France In The Havre-Cherbourg Area; Great Invasion Is Under Way

Hitler’s Sea Wall Is Breached, Invaders Fighting Way Inland; New Allied Landings Are Made

Allies Capture Bayeux, Clear Beaches, As Nazi Resistance Stiffens Steadily; Both Sides Rushing In Airborne Troops

Allies Expand Beachheads In Normandy; Americans Battle For Cherbourg Road; Germans Pursued 38 Miles Beyond Rome

Allies Cut German Links To Cherbourg; Rout Naval Attack, Hit 4 Destroyers; De Gaulle Invited To Meet President

Allies Gain On Whole Normandy Front; Air Bases Now In France, Aid Intensified; Fleeing Germans Turn To Fight In Italy

Americans Drive Inland Toward Key Junction And Battle For Town On Road To Cherbourg; Line In Italy Rolls On; Smash At Finns Gains

Americans Win Carentan, A Key To Cherbourg; Capture Forest 7 Miles From St. Lo Junction; President Says Invasion Speeds Pacific War

Allies Drive Deeply In Center Of Beachhead; Foe Attacks At Montebourg And Carentan; Eisenhower Forecasts New Fronts In Europe

Nazis Send 4 Tank Divisions Against Allies; Win Some Ground; U.S. Units Gain At Carentan; Record American Bomber Blows Aid Troops

Our Superforts Bomb Cities In Japan; American Forces Landing In Marianas; Allies Gain On Cherbourg Peninsula

Americans In St. Sauveur, Cut Cherbourg Line; Secret Robot Planes Hit England In Force; U.S. Carrier Craft Pound Bonins; 4 B-29’s Lost

Americans Threaten To Trap Cherbourg Foe As They Near West Coast Of The Peninsula; French Land On Elba; Grip On Saipan Widened

Cherbourg Cut Off By U.S. Smash To Coast; 25,000 Nazis Trapped; Foe’s Casualties Heavy; Japanese Landing Repelled At Saipan Isle

Japanese Lose 300 Planes In Saipan Battle, Biggest Since Midway; Island Taken; U.S. Units 8 Miles From Cherbourg; Elba Won

Americans Press To Outskirts Of Cherbourg; Japanese Fleet Sighted, Battle May Develop; Russians Take Viborg, Open Helsinki Road

American Troops Battle To Enter Cherbourg; U.S. Carrier Planes Attack Fleet In Pacific; Britain-Russia Shuttle Air Raid Hits Berlin

Cherbourg Assaulted After Heavy Barrage; Americans Split Defenders Into 3 Segments; Japanese Fleet Flees, 4 Ships Sunk, 10 Damaged

Russians Open Big Offensive Around Vitebsk; Break Through Nine Miles On 19-Mile Front; Attack On Cherbourg Gains; Early Fall Seen

Cherbourg Heights Taken, Final Assault On; Warships Blast Nazis Seeking Escape By Sea; Russians Encircling Vitebsk In 25-Mile Gain

Americans In Cherbourg, Fight Way To Docks; Nazis Blow Up Stores, Give Up By Hundreds; Russians Ring 45,000 In Vitebsk; New Push On

Cherbourg Falls To American Troops; Enemy Leaders Among 30,000 Prisoners; Russians Capture Vitebsk And Zhlobin

British Rail Line In Sweep West Of Caen; Cherbourg Handed To French, Repair Begins; Russians Win Orsha, Fight In Mogilev Streets

Dewey And Bricker Named On 1st Ballot; British Tanks Forging Ring Around Caen; Russians Take Mogilev, Drive For Minsk

Germans Lash Out At Pincers Gripping Caen, But British Widen Bridgehead Across River; Russians Take Bobruisk And Karelia Capital


Allies Press On Caen After Battles Of Tanks; Russians Outflank Nazis In Drive To Minsk; U.S. Breaks With Finland As Puppet Of Berlin

British Repel Fierce Caen Tank Attacks; Americans Mop Up Cherbourg Peninsula; Russians Tightening Grip Around Minsk

All Rail Lines To Minsk Now Cut; Russians Are 12 1/2 Miles From City; British Sap Nazi Power At Caen

Russians Capture Minsk On 11th Day Of Push; Americans Open New Offensive In Normandy; New U.S. Landing Made In Southwest Pacific

Allies Smash On In 2 Normandy Sectors; Russians Take Polotsk, Drive On Vilna; Americans Win Saipan Capital, Raid Isles

Nazis Quit Kovel, Polish Bastion; Russians Advance On Vilna Road; Americans Go Through La Haye

London Is Flying Bomb Target, 2,752 Killed, Churchill Reveals; Americans Gain Around La Haye

‘Superforts’ Bomb Japanese Naval Base; Enemy Fails In Effort To Escape Saipan; U.S. Drive Menaces Foe’s Norman Flank

British Close On Caen In All-Out Attack; Americans Take St. Jean-De Daye, Push On; Russians Fight Way Into Vilna Streets

British Capture Caen, Americans Win La Haye; Russians Reach Latvia Border; Vilna Cut Off; U.S. Troops Complete The Conquest Of Saipan

Baltic Drive Advances 35 Miles; Russians Win 2 Key Junctions; British Push Southwest Of Caen

Roosevelt Agrees To Run For A Fourth Term, He Is Silent On Wallace For Vice Presidency; Americans Drive On St. Lo, Foe Lashes At Caen

Americans 1 1/2 Miles From St. Lo, Push Their Whole Line Forward; New Soviet Drive Gains 22 Miles

Americans In Arc Around St. Lo, Drive Toward 2 Other Junctions; Vilna Falls After 5-Day Battle

American Line Surges Forward In Normandy From Sea To St. Lo; Pinsk Is Taken In Russian Drive

Russians Flank Grodno, Kaunas; Berlin Reports Drive On Lwow; Americans In Lessay Outskirts

Red Army Smashes Into Grodno, Last Fort Before East Prussia; British Attacks Gain Below Caen

U.S. Troops Hack Way Into St. Lo; British Deepen Push Below Caen; Russians Flanking Brest-Litovsk

British Rip Lines East Of Caen; Americans Win St. Lo Junction; Russians Near Lwow In New Push

British Tanks Drive 7 Miles Beyond Caen; Russians Cross The Bug, Close On Lwow; 2 Italian Ports Fall; Tokyo Cabinet Out

Roosevelt Nominated For Fourth Term; Hitler Escapes Bomb, Purges Generals; Caen Drive Gains; Russia Opens New Push

Nazis Block Plot To Seize Government; Americans Land On Guam, Push Inland; Truman Nominated For Vice Presidency

Hitler Appeals To Army To Stay Loyal; Russians In Pskov, Drive On Przemysl; Americans On Guam ‘Ahead Of Schedule’

Russians Race 32 Miles, Foe’s Line Sags; Churchill Finds Germany Is ‘Crumbling’; Our Troops Make New Pacific Landing

Russians Split Enemy In Poland; Says Nazis Lost 539,890 In Month; Guam Airfield Peninsula Cut Off

Air Blows Open U.S. Drive In Normandy; Russians Ring Lwow, Sweep To Vistula; Nazi Leaders Tighten Grip On Home Front

U.S. Tanks Smash German Line In Normandy; Gain As Much As 5 Miles On 25-Mile Front; Russians Reach The Vistula River In Force

Deep American Thrust Is Nearing Coutances, Threatens Seven Nazi Divisions In Normandy; Soviet Armies Seize Lwow, Bialystok, Dvinsk

U.S. Troops Join In Outskirts Of Coutances; Russians Take Brest-Litovsk And Przemysl; Super-Forts Bomb Plants In Mukden Area

Nazis Withdrawing Their Entire West Wing As Americans Continue To Gain In Normandy; Russians Start Artillery Attack On Warsaw

British Open New Offensive In Normandy As Americans Pursue Fleeing Germans; Russians In East Prussian Polish Area


Americas Rout Germans In West Normandy, Smash Barrier Blocking Path Into Brittany; Kaunas Falls; Allies In New Guinea Landing

Americans Race Into Brittany, Smash German Attacks To East; Russians Cut Off Enemy On Baltic

Americans Speeding Across Brittany; Big Gains Made In A Day; Nazis Rout Spreads; Churchill Sees An Early Allied Victory

Americans Take Rennes, Drive On; Opposition In Brittany Slight; Russians Smash Across Vistula

Americans Near Breton Ports; One Force Heads Toward Paris; Russians Advance From Vistula

American Tank Column Smashes Into Brest; Other Forces Reach Loire, Cut Off Brittany; Russians Fighting Closer To East Prussia

Four U.S. Columns Are Driving Toward Paris; Allies Turn Whole German Line Below Caen; 46 Japanese Ships Sunk Or Damaged In Bonins

Americans Repel German Counter-Attack; Allies Launch Big Air Blow South Of Caen; Russians Take Oil Town; Drive In Italy Near

Canadians Dash 6 Miles In Break Below Caen; Americans At Sarthe River In Drive On Paris; Hitler Hangs Eight Officers In Anti-Nazi Plot

U.S. Troops In Le Mans, St. Malo, Nantes, Angers; Within 87 Miles Of Paris; Canadians Sweep On; 500 U-Boats Sunk In War; Guam Fighting Ends

Our Men Near Chartres, Open Battle Of Paris; President Met M’Arthur And Nimitz In Hawaii; Japanese, Sumatra, Philippine Ports Bombed

Americans Send Column Northward To Trap Last Of Foe In Normandy; Cross Loire In South; Explosions And Fire Sweep 3 Hoboken Piers

Germans Turn To Meet Alencon Drive; Enemy Quits Florence; Russians Gain; Roosevelt For Long-Time Curb On Japan

Germans Fleeing Normandy To Escape Trap; Allies Bomb Foe Racing Out Of 18-Mile Gap; Nimitz Sees Japan’s Defeat Without Invasion

Allied Troops Make Landing On The Riviera; Germans Thrash At Jaws Of Normandy Trap; Russia Proposes World Air Corps For Peace

Allies Drive Inland In Southern France to Join Forces Pounding Nazis In North; Foe’s Riviera Beach Defenses Crumble

Invaders Drive Eight Miles Inland On Riviera, Capture St. Tropez, Resistance Still Slight; U.S. Tanks Race To Block Escape In The North

Foe Reports U.S. Troops Near Versailles; 5 Towns Taken In 35-Mile Drive To South; Reds Reach German Soil In East Prussia

Patton 12 Miles From Paris, Driving Foe To New Trap On Seine; Toulon Attacked; Russians Strike Deep Into Mid Poland

Our Tanks Smash Into Suburbs Of Paris, Vatican Paper Reports City Liberated; South Invaders Rush Toward The Rhone

Americans Cross Seine Above Paris, Foe Says; City Being Flanked, Allies Near Aix In South; U.S. Bombers Smash At Japan’s Steel Industry

Americans Flank Paris With New Bridgehead; French Smash Into Toulon And Drive West; Montgomery Says End Of The War Is In Sight

Americans Race Ahead 58 Miles Below Paris; Allied Landing Near Bordeaux Is Reported; Three Powers Outline League Peace Plans

Paris Is Freed; Rumania Quits; Marseille And Grenoble Won; German Flight Nears A Rout

De Gaulle Reported Leading Smash Into Paris; Deep Allied Drives Tighten Pocket At Seine; Russians Batter Disordered Foe In Rumania

Allies Sweep To Troyes, Nazi Rout Grows; German Commander Surrenders In Paris; Rumania Declares War, Bulgaria To Quit

British Cross Seine, Smash Fleeing Foe; Russians Take Bessarabia, Near Galati; Bulgaria Will Disarm Nazis, Be Neutral

Americans Reach Marne In Eastward Drives; Russians Overwhelm Galati Gap Defenses; RAF Flies 2,000 Miles To Smash At Koenigsberg

Americans Cross Marne, Win Chateau-Thierry; Forge Trap For 15,000 Germans On The Rhone; Russians In Transylvania, Take Danube Ports

Americans Take Soissons, Move On Reims; Seize Vitry, 100 Miles From Reich Border; Russians Win Constanta, Black Sea Port

British Smash 34 Miles Toward Somme As Americans Near Belgian Frontier; Russians Capture Ploesti Oil Center


Americans Storm Sedan, Enter Argonne; British Pass Amiens In Robot Bomb Area; Russians In Bucharest, Near Bulgaria

Americans In Belgium, Drive Past Verdun; British Take Arras, Sweep Toward Lille; Canadians In Dieppe, Abbeville Attacked

American Forces Pouring Into Belgium; Column Reported 11 Miles From Reich; Foe Cracking In Italy; Finns Quit Nazis

Germans Flee As Allies Push Into Brussels; Americans Capture Lyon, Cut Off Foe Beyond; Russians And Finns Announce An Armistice

British Capture Brussels And Antwerp, Enter Holland, Seal Off Channel Ports; Foe Reported In Uncontrolled Retreat

Germans Stiffen As Allies Approach Border; ‘Forts’ Bomb 3 Centers Behind Siegfried Line; Bulgars Ask Truce As Soviet Declares War

Americans Smash Way Across The Moselle And Fight In Outworks Of The Siegfried Line; Russians Reach Yugoslav Border To Join Tito

3 Allied Armies Wheel East Toward Reich; Americans Near Liege As British Take Ghent; Berlin Reports Russians At Turkish Border

Americans Win Liege, Are 20 Miles From Reich; Russians Pour Into Bulgaria, Capture Ports; ‘Superforts’ Blast Manchurian Steel Center

Battles Raging In Front Of The Siegfried Line; Russian Armies Race Across Transylvania; U.S. Ships And Planes Batter Palau Islands

Americans Shell Reich, Enter Luxembourg; Zeebrugge Won; French Fight Near Belfort; Churchill In Canada For Roosevelt Parley

Americans Battle 5 Miles Inside Reich; French Fronts Join; Foe Loses 175 Planes; 89 Japanese Ships Smashed In Philippines

Americans Crash Into Reich At Second Point, Hammer Siegfried Line; British Win Le Havre; Quebec Parley Weighs 2 Pacific Strategies

Americans Outside Aachen, Win A Reich Town; Third Army Forges Ahead On Moselle Front; Philippines Air Battle Costs Foe 200 Planes

U.S. Guns Shell Aachen From A Mile Away; Our Troops Land 300 Miles From Philippines; Japanese Lose 233 More Planes Over Isles

Hodges Breaks Siegfried Line At Aachen, Moves On Cologne; Patton Seizes Nancy; Palau Invaded; Halmahera Drive Gains

Roosevelt And Churchill Pledge Quick Shift Of Forces To Crush ‘Barbarians Of Pacific’; Americans Widen Breach In The Siegfried Line

Vast Allied Airborne Army Lands In Holland As British Strike In Move To Turn Westwall; Americans Win New Beachhead In Palau Isles

British Meet Air Army And Both Drive North; Americans Fight Reinforced Foe At Aachen; M’Arthur To Command Philippines Invasion

British Near Rhine In 37-Mile Sweep North After Air Army Joins In Capturing Eindhoven; Russians 7 Miles From Riga In Baltic Push

Allies Battle For Rhine Bridge At Nijmegen; Germans Ring Air Units; Americans Advance; Russians Smash Ahead 44 Miles In Estonia

U.S. Carrier Force Strikes Manila Area; Destroys 205 Planes, Smashes 37 Ships; Allies Win Nijmegen Bridge, Pour North

Battle Reages To Free Encircled Air Army; Russians In Tallinn, Dash 50 Miles In A Day; Carrier Planes Continue Attacks At Manila

Gliders Drop Thousands In Arnhem Region As Rescuers Near Trapped Airborne Force; Russians Reach Sea, Splitting Baltic Enemy

British Patrols Meet Sky Units At Arnhem; Russians Reported In Slovakia And Hungary; Americans Pass Gothic Line, Nearing Bologna

Nazis Dent Salient, British Drive Them Back; Spearhead Turns East; Rhineland Shelled; Eisenhower Asks Aliens In Reich To Act Now

British Widen Salient, Big Planes Land Aid; Four Russian Armies Are Converging On Riga; Roosevelt And Churchill Map Help For Italy

Arnhem Pocket Given Up, 2,000 Get Out; Germans Begin Quitting West Holland; Drive For Riga Gains; Allies In Albania

British Widen Holland Salient To East; Churchill Says War May Go Into 1945; Foe Loses 65 More Ships In Philippines

Allies Pressing Germans Back At Both Ends Of Siegfried Line; New Russian Drive On Hungary


7th Army 9 Miles From Belfort As It Drives Into Vosges Passes; Russians Smash Into Yugoslavia

Nazis Hack Vainly At Holland Salient; Report Major U.S. Drive Along Moselle; Russians Advance 21 Miles In Yugoslavia

Americans Smash Ahead Above Aachen, Gain 2 Miles After Heavy Bombardment; Britain Backs Allied Rule Of Rhineland

Americans Crack Siegfried Line Near Aachen; Pass Concrete Defenses In Drive On Cologne; Two New Russian Thrusts Flank Belgrade

U.S. Tanks Fan Out Past 3-Mile Westwall Gap; Red Army Drive Is 14 Miles From Belgrade; Nazi Officials Call For Guerrilla Warfare

Tank Battle Rages Beyond Gap In Westwall; British Land In Greece, Take Port Of Patras; Russians Cut Rail Line Close To Belgrade

New U.S. Drive On Cologne Gains; British Cross Lek, Foe Reports; Russians Sweep Into Hungary

Wendell Willkie Dies At 52 In Hospital Here; First Army Breaks Through North Of Aachen, Streams Two Miles Past Gap In Siegfried Line

U.S. Vice Grips Aachen; 3d Army Lashes Out; Russians Gain 62 Miles In Lithuania Drive; Four Powers Agree On A New League Charter

Americans Isolate Aachen, Repel Attacks; Russians Near Memel, Budapest Drive Gains; Churchill In Moscow, Confers With Stalin

U.S. Ultimatum Warns Aachen To Surrender By This Morning Or Be Entirely Destroyed; Carrier Planes Hit Japanese Homeland Isles

Aachen Blasted After Defying Ultimatum; Germans Reported Fleeing The Burning City; Red Army Clamps Pincers On East Prussia

Americans Pierce Edge Of Crumbling Aachen; Smash All German Air And Ground Attacks; Tokyo Reports 1,000-Plane Strike At Formosa

Americans Fight House To House In Aachen; 100 Japanese Ships Hit, 396 Planes Wrecked In 2-Day Carrier Plane Attack On Formosa

Americans Slowly Advance In Aachen Ruins; British In Athens; Russians Storm Belgrade; Record B-29 Force Wrecked Formosa Base

Hungary Asks Truce, But Fascists Rebel; Canadians Narrow Pocket On Schelde; Japanese Navy Reported Out For Battle

U.S. Carriers Deal New Blows To Philippines; Superfortresses Bomb Formosa, All Return; Americans Shut Aachen Ring, Repel Attacks

Japanese Fleet Flees At Sight Of U.S. Force; Blows At Philippines And Forosa Continue; Americans Mop Up Aachen, Foe Ends Attacks

Allies Win ‘Springboard’ Points In Holland; Russians Force Passes, Span Czechoslovakia; Carriers Hit Philippines In 9th Day Of Drive

M’Arthur Invades Central Philippines; Foothold To Split Islands Firmly Held; Roosevelt Promises Japan Lesson Now

Huge Army Sweeping Forward On Leyte, With Great Battle Fleet Pounding Foe; Aachen, Belgrade, Debrecen Captured

Americans Capture Tacloban In Leyte Drive; Win Two Airfields In Four-Mile Advances; Russians 20 Miles In East Prussia, Foe Says

Canadians Seize Port In Schelde Drive; Foe Continues Retreat In East Prussia; Japanese Pushed Toward Leyte Hills

Allies Crumbling Nazi Lines In Holland; 87-Mile Front Aflame In East Prussia; Leyte Drive Gains; De Gaulle Recognized

U.S. Planes Attack 2 Big Japanese Fleets; Showdown Battle Likely In Philippines; British Enter Key Junction In Holland

U.S. Defeats Japanese Navy; All Foe’s Ships In One Fleet Hit; Many Sunk; Battle Continues

U.S. Formosa Victory Raises Foe’s Loss; 10 Battleships Among 28 Craft Smashed; Our Planes Hammer Fleeing Remnants

British Capture Tilburg, Press Trap On Foe; Our Fleet Rules Seas To Tokyo, 6 Ships Lost; M’Arthur Overruns Most Of Samar Island

British Win Key Dutch Base, Close On Breda; 40,000 Germans Flee To Escape Destruction; Higher Japanese Fleet’s Losses Confirmed

Nimitz Puts Japan’s Loss At 58 Of 60 Ships; 24 Sunk, 13 Others Hit May Have Gone Down; Allies Win Breda, Key Netherland Junction

Allies Herd 40,000 Nazis Toward Meuse; 3 Japanese Cruisers Bombed At Manila; Stilwell Recall Bares Rift With Chiang


Allies Win Battle For Antwerp; British Drive To Bank Of Meuse; Roosevelt Discounts China Rift

Commandos Storm Schelde Isle; First Shipping Reported In River; Nimitz Tells Of Fleet Damage

Americans Bag 208 Nazi Planes And Lose 69 In Battle Of 2,500 Over German Oil Center; U.S. Troops Lunge Forward In Aachen Sector

Battle To Open Antwerp Is Won U.S. Drive East Of Aachen Gains; Russians 7 Miles From Budapest

Foe Checked After Aachen Gain; Allies Drive North In Holland; Budapest Defenses Collapsing

B-29’s Bomb Singapore In Record Flight; Allies Smash Nazis Back Beyond Meuse; Russians In Outskirts Shell Budapest

Stalin Brands Japan As An Aggressor; Navy Bags 91 Planes, 6 Ships At Luzon; Americans Repulse Blows Near Aachen

Roosevelt Wins Fourth Term; Record Popular Vote Is Close; Democrats Gain In The House

Roosevelt’s Electoral Vote 413, Dewey’s 118, With Close Races In Ohio, Michigan, Wyoming; Democrats Gain 22 In House; No Senate Change

Patton Forges Pincers On Metz; 7 Divisions Gain On 55-Mile Line; Russians Close In On Budapest

Japanese Lose Seven Destroyers, 3 Transports To Fliers At Leyte; Patton Heightens Metz Threat

U.S. Fliers Wipe Out Japanese Convoy, 6 Destroyers, 4 Transports, 8,000 Troops; Patton 5 Miles From Metz, Cuts Outlets

3d Army’s Gains Almost Encircle Metz; Gloomy Proclamation Read For Hitler; Americans Push Ahead 3 Miles On Leyte

Americans Win First Metz Fort, Capture Another At Thionville; Big RAF Bombs Sink The Tirpitz

Americans Drive Into Metz Outskirts; British Move Forward In Netherlands; U.S. Planes Smash 14 Ships At Manila

Americans Tighten Arc At Metz, Shatter Foe’s Counter-Attacks; British And French Push Ahead

6 Allied Armies Join In Great Offensive Behind Record Barrage By 2,350 Bombers; U.S. 9th, ‘Mystery’ Army, Gains At Aachen

Six Armies Smash Ahead On 450-Mile Front, Tanks Lead Drive Within Mile Of Saar Basin; Navy Says Philippine Battle May Be ‘Decisive’

Allies Enters Saar Basin, Drive Toward Ruhr; 400,000 Men In Huge Push North Of Aachen; Americans In Metz, Cut Escape Gap To Mile

Allies Win Pivot Of Nazi Line Above Aachen; Metz Encircled, Foe Retreats Toward Saar; French Troops Smash Through Belfort Gap

French Capture Belfort And Reach Rhine; Saar Drive Gains; Germans Collapse In Metz; U.S. Navy Fliers Destroy 118 Planes At Manila

Americans Win Southern Gate To The Saar; French Move Along The Rhine To Mulhouse; Siegfried Line Guns Slow Drive Of 3d Army

U.S. Units Reach Roer Line Guarding Cologne; Americans And French Forming Vosges Trap; Phone Strike In Capital, Threatens New York

B-29’s From Saipan Bomb Tokyo By Day; Open New Drive To Knock Out Industry; French Tanks Smash Into Strasbourg

Tokyo Airplant Smashed, Fires Rage In City; Only Two ‘Superforts’ Lost Of 100 In Raid; 3d Army Pushes Deeper Into The Saar Basin

Americans Break Through Huertgen Forest, Lossening Nazi Grip On Cologne Approaches; U.S. Fliers Smash 4 More Japanese Transports

3d Army Gains 5 Miles, Splits Maginot Line; U.S. Fliers Smash 129 Planes In Reich Blows; 18 Japanese Ships Sunk; Tokyo Bombed Again

3d Army Widens Saar Front In 6-Mile Push; 1st And 9th Battle Into Roer River Outposts; No B-29’s Are Lost To Enemy In Twin Attacks

3d Army Gains In Saar On 26-Mile Front; American Bayonets Clear Roer Towns; Navy Shells Ormoc, Foe Raids Our Ships

9th Army Lashes Out On The Cologne Plain; 13 Enemy Ships, 4,000 Aboard, Sunk Off Leyte; ‘Superforts’ Bomb Tokyo In A Third Attack

Americans Win A 7-Mile Front On Roer; U.S. Planes Blast Reich Oil, 86 Missing; New Leyte Convoy Hit, 5,000 Of Foe Die


Patton’s Men Reach Main German Defenses And Seize Eight-Mile Front On Saar River; Reconversion Halted To Speed Arms Output

Americans Enter Saarlautern; Edge Forward On Cologne Plain; Russians Drive Nearer Austria

Americans Cross The Saar River And A Stream West Of Cologne; Russians Push Deeper In Hungary

3d Army Advancing In The Saar, Trains Guns On Saarbruecken; U.S., Foe Each Lose Ship At Ormoc

U.S. Opposes The British On Italy, Bars Intervening In Freed Lands; 3d Army Rams At Siegfried Line

3d Army Pours Across The Sasr And Closes In On Saarbruecken; Eden Stands Firm In Sforza Case

U.S. Landing On Leyte West Coast Splits Foe; 13-Ship Enemy Convoy Sunk In Race For Ormoc; 3d Army Drive 3 1/2 Miles From Saarbruecken

Churchill Wins On Greek Policy; Germans Launch Heavy Attacks; Twin Drive In Leyte Rings Ormoc

3d Army Drives North For Saar After Junction Of Two Divisions; Circle Closing Around Budapest

Americans Win Ormoc, Foe’s Leyte Port; 1st Army Hits Out On 10-Mile Roer Line; France And Soviet Sign Mutual Aid Pact

1st Army Pushing Foe Over Roer; 7th Wins Haguenau, A Saar Key; 3,250 U.S. Planes Blast Germany

7th Army Gains Near Karlsruhe; 1st Clears 5 Towns Along Roer; Japanese Lose 7 Ships At Leyte

1st Army Attacks below Dueren; 7th Closes In On Reich Border; B-29’s Fire Nagoy Plane Plant

7th Army At Westwall, Seeks An Opening; Navy Fliers Destroy 91 Planes At Luzon; B-29’s Smash At Rangoon And Bangkok

U.S. Forces Lands Unopposed On Mindoro Within 155 Miles Of Philippine Capital; Churchill Backs Russia On Polish Issue

Americans Capture Airfield On Mindoro As San Jose Is Won In 9-Mile Advance; Seventh Army Drives Deeper Into Reich

Nazi Offensive Pierces First Army Lines; Chutists And Luftwaffe Support Push; Americans Advance 6 Miles On Mindoro

Germans Drive 20 Miles Into Belgium; Allied Fliers Pound Tank Spearheads; 742 Japanese Planes Smashed In Week

Nazis Gain In Belgium In Great Battle; Fortresses Called Upon To Stem Push; B-29’s Bomb Japan And China Centers

Nazi Push Mounts In Power, 13 Divisions Used; Fog Balks Air Blows At Rampaging Columns; Americans Tighten Flanks Of 45-Mile Breach

Americans Drive 9 Miles Into German Flank, But Enemy Spearheads Cut Two Vital Roads; Fog Again Curbs Air Attacks In Key Zones

Germans Sweep West Through Luxembourg; Report Patton Attacking On South Flank; Eisenhower Urges Greatest Allied Effort

5,000 Allied Planes Slow German Advance; Foe Nearer Sedan, But South Flank Is Dented; Enemy Losses 187 Aircraft And 55 More Tanks

Nazi Push Halted by Air And Ground Blows; 6,500 Planes Pound Foe In Record Assault; Americans Bite Deep Into Southern Flank

Nazis Gain Anew, Threaten To Link 2 Salients; Also Strike For Meuse Despite Air Attacks; Churchill And Eden In Athens To End Strife

Germans Drive To Point 4 Miles From Meuse; Mass Forces Near River; 2 Salients Merged; Americans Ram Flank; Fliers Hammer Foe

U.S. Tanks Smash Into Bastogne, Break Siege; Foe’s Spearhead Near Meuse Driven Back; 5 Enemy Warships Blasted In Mindoro Sortie

German Spearhead Near Meuse Surrounded; Patton Cracks Flank, Widens Bastogne Path; Russians Drive For Vienna On 90-Mile Front

Americans Squeeze German Salient Tighter; Patton’s Advance Cuts Its Waist To 13 Miles; Foe’s Spearhead Driven Back To Rochefort

Germans Counter-Attack Bastogne Corridor As Patton Bites Deeper Into Southern Flank; Greek King Accepts Archbishop As Regent

News Source: New York Times

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