1943: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Soviet Seals Ring Around 22 Divisions, Puts Axis Stalingrad Losses At 312,650; British Navy Battling Nazi Ships In North

Russians Capture Velikiye Luki, Vital Base; Seize Elista And Sweep On In Mid-Don Area; U.S. Bombers Battered Japanese On Wake

Russians Now 60 Miles From Latvia; Continue To Advance On All Fronts; Buna Area Cleared Of The Japanese

Russians Take Mozdok In Caucasus, Turning Back Nazi Threat To Oil Area; Allies Down 28 Planes Over Africa

Russians Seize Nazi Air Base And Big Stores In Don Bend; PT Boats Hit Japanese Ships

Nazis Lose 6 Towns To Russians; Believed Fleeing Caucasus Trap; U.S. Troops Gain On Guadalcanal

Russians Move On Rostov, Recapture 21 More Towns; British Win Tunisian Height

Roosevelt Sees Allies On The Road To Victory, Urges A Post-War America, Free From Want; Russians Race On; 2 Japanese Troopships Sunk

Soviet Still Gains In South; Now 60 Miles From Rostov; Japanese Transport Sunk

Fortresses Pound Bizerte 3 Times; Fighting French Push On In Libya; Defeat Of Japanese At Lae Grows

Red Army Rings Georgievsk, Rail Junction In Caucasus; Pushes East Of Rostov

President Asks 109 Billions In War Budget; New Taxes, Forced Savings Set At 16 Billions; Russians Gain; 11 Lost U.S. Ships Identified

Caucasus Drive Sweeps On, But Nazis Stiffen At Don; French Win Pass In Tunisia

Fortresses Bag 34 Planes In Raid And Fight At Tripoli; Foe Driven Back In Caucasus

Russians Advance 26 Miles In Day’s Drive In Caucasus; Beat Back Attacks On Don

Russians Make New Gains Toward Rostov From North; Capture Caucasus Railhead

Russians Strike Near Voronezh; Cut Foe At Stalingrad By 140,000; 30 Japanese Planes Destroyed

R.A.F. Blasts Berlin With Biggest Bombs; Russians In Millerovo, Push On Kharkov; British Renew Libya Drive, Gain 40 Miles

Russians Break Leningrad Siege; British Raid Berlin For 2d Night; Drive 30 Miles Nearer To Tripoli

Russians Within 79 Miles Of Kharkov; Take Rail Junction, Ring Nazi Force; British Columns Converge On Tripoli

Nazi Raid Kills 34 London Pupils; Drive For Tripoli Nears Climax; Russians Push Deeper In Ukraine

Tripoli’s Fall Imminent As British Close In; Germans Again Push French Back In Tunisia; Russians Gain Near Voronezh And In South

British Reach Tripoli, Left Afire By Foe; Russians Take Salsk, Gain In Caucasus; De Gaulle Reported At Parley In Africa

Tripoli Falls, British Drive On; Allies Gain 4 Miles In Tunisia; Russians Capture Armavir Base

Russians Near Rail Point Rostov; Nazis Tell People Reich Is Imperiled; Allies In Tunisia Stiffen After Losses

French In Marseille Fight Nazis Seeking To Oust 40,000 At Port; Russians Roll On Below Rostov

Roosevelt, Churchill Map 1943 War Strategy At Ten-Day Conference Held In Casablanca; Giraud And De Gaulle, Present, Agree On Aims

First U.S. Raids On Reich Blast Wilhelmshaven Base End Emden; Russians Closing Arc At Rostov

Roosevelt Stops Off In Brazil After A Short Visit To Liberia; Russians March On Junctions

Roosevelt, Vargas Affirm Aim To Make Atlantic Safe For All; Russians Rout 7 Reich Divisions

R.A.F. Bombs Berlin’s Anniversary Fete; Russians Retake Maikop And Tikhoretsk; Roosevelt Inspects Trinidad Defenses


Nazis’ Stalingrad Chief Captured, One Of Last 2 Pockets Wiped Out; Germans Advance In Mid-Tunisia

Churchill And Aides Visit Turkey And Cement United Nations Tie; Twin U.S. Drives Open In Tunisia

Japanese Launch New Battle For Solomons; Both Sides Suffer Losses, Washington Says; Russians Liquidate Last Stalingrad Pocket

Russians, At ’41 Front, Cut Kursk Railway; 30 Miles From Rostov, Sever Lines South; U.S. Gains In Tunisia; Navies Spar In Pacific

Russians Split Foe Below Rostov, Land On Coast To Block Escape; Silence Cloaks Solomons Action

Russians Drive Ahead In Ukraine; Reported 10 Miles From Rostov; Mussolini Ousts Ciano, 10 Others

Russians Sweep To Sea Of Azov, Take Bataisk, Gain Along Donets; Eisenhower Supreme In Africa

Russians On Bank Of Don, Shell Rostov; Cut Kursk-Orel Road, Gain In Ukraine; U.S. Troops Flank Foe On Guadalcanal

Russians Win Kursk, Vital Point; U.S. Bombers Smash At Naples; R.A.F. In Biggest Raid On Lorient

President Orders 48-Hour Week In War Effort; Great ‘Invasion Of Europe’ In 1943 The Goal; Guadalcanal Is Ours; Russians Take Belgorod

Russians Only 22 Miles From Kharkov, Tighten Their Arc In Rostov Area; Japanese Thrown Back In New Guinea

Churchill Pledges Invasion Within 9 Months; Sees Gains At Sea; Says 500,000 Are In Africa; Eisenhower, Promoted, In Supreme Command

President Pledges Many Invasion In Europe, Ousting Foe From China And Attack On Japan; Russians Tighten Two Traps, Take Krasnodar

Russians 11 Miles From Kharkov; Germans Reported Firing Rostov; British Repulse Tunisian Attack

Rostov And Voroshilovgrad Recaptured; Nazis Now Said To Plan Riga-Odessa Line; R.A.F. Blasts Lorient Base Twice In Night

Rommel Breaks U.S. Lines In Tunisia; Nazis Fleeing Traps In Donets Basin; Reichelieu, 3 Other French Ships Here

Russians Win Kharkov, Push Past Rostov; U.S. Tank Attack Gains 6 Miles In Tunisia; Americans Hit 17 Japanese Ships, Lose 2

Americans Driven Back 22 Miles, Quit Three Airfields In Tunisia; Russians 35 Miles Past Kharkov

Rommel Takes Three More Towns In Tunisia; U.S.-French Units In New Line As Drive Wanes; Russians Strike At Orel And Beyond Rostov

Russians Drive On West Of Kharkov; U.S. Troops Stabilize Tunisian Line; Roosevelt Pledges Aid To China Soon

Russians Win Krasnograd, Pavlograd; Allies Repel Two Tunisian Thrusts; U.S. Warships Shell Foe In Aleutians

Nazis Seize Vital Tunisian Pass From Allies; Finns Ready For Peace, May Seek Pope’s Aid; Russians Smash Ahead In The Donets Basin

Rommel Gains In Drive To Split Allies; Stalin Says Soviet Bears War’s Brunt; 850 Lost On 2 Of Our Ships In Atlantic

Allies Halt New Thrusts By Rommel As U.S. Planes Make 20 Raids On Foe; Russians Seize Base West Of Kharkov

Rommel Reels Back, Pounded By Planes; Armor Shattered, Foe Makes For Coast; Russians Surge Ahead In Kharkov Area

Americans Take Kasserine Gap; British Probe Mareth Outposts; Nazi Attacks Slow Soviet Drive

Rommel Flees Kasserine Region; Allies Gain 15 Miles On His Flank; U.S. Fliers Raid Wilhelmshaven

Axis Attacks In North Tunisia, Continues To Retreat In Center; Bombs Batter Cologne, Brest


British Halt Attacks In North Tunisia And Gain Ground In Counter-Thrust; Nazis Battle To Split Russian Armies

R.A.F. Raids Berlin, Setting Fires; Russians Launch Push In North; Nazis Halted After Tunisia Gain

Center Of Berlin Blasted In Heaviest Raid; 900 Tons Of Bombs Dropped In Half Hour; Americans Push Farther In Central Tunisia

M’Arthur Fliers Destroy 22 Japanese Ships; Enemy Losses 15,000 Men In Convoy, 55 Planes; Russians Capture Rzhev, Nazi Strong Point

Remnants Of Japanese Convoy Sunk; Toll Of Enemy Planes Mounts To 82; Russians Clear Rail Line Near Latvia

Russians Sweep On South Of Rzhev; 102 Localities Are Retaken In Area; British Regain North Tunisian Town

Russians Capture Gzhatsk Base; Nazis Attack From Mareth Line; British Bombs Devastate Essen

British Check Mareth Line Attacks And Seize Initiative In North Tunisia; Soviet Columns Converge On Vyazma

Rommel Thrown Back In Mareth Area; Russians Smash On Toward Vyazma; Standley Says Soviet Hides U.S. Aid

Russians Driven Back 80 Miles, Lose 8 Donets Basin Key Towns; British Gains In Tunisia Continue

Roosevelt Offers Plan To Congress For Birth-To-Grave Social Security With Government Role In Business

Nazis Admit Evacuation Of Vyazma; British, Behind Mareth Line, Repel Foe; Lend-Lease Renewed For A Third Year

Eden Arrives To Confer On War Problems And Prepare Meetings On Post-War Issues; Russians Pressed At Kharkov, Take Vyazma

R.A.F. Gives Essen Worst Pounding; U.S. Fliers Smash French Railways; Kharkov’s Defenders Pushed Back

Berlin Reports Recapture Of Kharkov; Giraud Pledges Revival Of Republic; Capital Agreed On Post-War Plans

Russians Yield Kharkov, Gain In North; Giraud Invites De Gaulle To Parley; Senators To Press Post-War Program

U.S., Britain, Canada Map U-Boat Curb; Russians Roll On Toward Smolensk; Roosevelt Cool To Senate War Plans

Nazis Report British Offensive At North End Of Mareth Line; Russians Attack Near Kharkov

Americans Drive 42 Miles, Take Gafsa; French And British Also Move In Tunisia; Nazi Tank Thrusts At Donets Line Fail

American Troops Take El Guettar, But Floods Slow Tunisian Advance; Russians Pressed Back On Donets

Russian Lines Sway Along Donets; Germans Claim Chuguyev, Sievsk; Allies Consolidate Tunisian Gains

U.S.-British Pincers Gripping Foe In Tunisia; Churchill Urges Councils Of Europe And Asia And A Four-Year Post-War Plan For Britain

British Batter The Mareth Line As American Drive Forges Ahead; Russians Gain Above Smolensk

British Breach And Circle Mareth Line; Americans Race For Sea Past Maknassy; Red Army Beats Off Heavy Nazi Attacks

British Halt Mareth Attack, Drive On; Flanking Force 2 Miles Nearer Gabes; Americans Fight Way Closer To Sea

Big Guns Roar In Mareth Line Battle; Americans Edge Ahead On Nazi Flank; Russians Batter Smolensk Defenses

British Push Ahead Slowly In Furious Mareth Fighting; Americans Spar With Foes

Americans Open New Tunisian Drive As British Continue Mareth Gains; U.S. Fliers Raid Pacific Island Base

Americans Sweep Into Fondouk; British Narrow The Gabes Gap; U.S. Repels Flotilla In Aleutians

Rommel Flees As British Break Mareth Line; Warships Shell Gabes, With Foe Racing There; R.A.F. Again Hits Berlin, Ruhr And St. Nazaire

8th Army Takes Gabes, Pursues Foe North; Allied Landing Reported At Sfax, In His Path; British Restrict Costal Operation Areas


British Push On North Of Gabes; U.S. Units Advance To Join Them; Fortresses Hammer Rotterdam

100 Fortresses Batter Sardinia, Smash 26 Ships And 71 Planes; Rommel Digs In North Of Gabes

Britsh Push Ahead Toward Mateur; Americans Repel Rommel’s Tanks; Guadalcanal Routs Zero’s Attack

Patton Attacks East Of El Guettar As British Drive Closer To Mateur; Bombers Sink 2 Japanese Cruisers

133 Fortresses Raid Paris Plant After R.A.F. Hammers At Essen; U.S. Units Gain 6 Miles In Tunisia

U.S. Fliers Pound Naples And Antwerp; 700 R.A.F. Planes Rip Kiel Naval Base; Allies’ Request Delays De Gaulle Trip

British Open Drive Above Gabes; U.S. Fliers Down 18 Transports; Airfields And Convoy Scourged

Americans And 8th Army Join In South Tunisia After British Break Rommel Line Above Gabes; Furious Allied Air Attacks Smash 17 Ships

Roosevelt Order Freezes Wages And Prices And Bars Shifting Of Jobs For Higher Pay; Tunisia Drive Gain; Japanese Lose 37 Planes

Rommel Flight Nears Sfax; Prisoners Mount To 12,000; 4 Guadalcanal Ships Sunk

British Pursue Rommel North From Sfax; Allies Push Through Mountains On Flank; Fortresses Smash 2 Heavy Italian Cruisers

8th Army Races On 27 Miles; Allies Threatening Sousse; Bag 61 Big Planes In 2 Days

Allies Sweep Through Sousse And Kairouan, Cornering Rommel For Showdown Battle; 100 Planes Raid Port Moresby, 37 Destroyed

2 British Armies Push Toward Tunis And Bizerte, Piercing Rear Defenses; Planes Pound Ports In Italy And Sicily

Fortresses Blast 73 Planes In Sicily; Allies Tighten Arc Around Rommel; Japanese Lose 30 Planes At Milne Bay

British And French Take Key Heights In Tunisia As Allies Bomb Airfields; Stimson Pledges Planes For Pacific

British And French Repel Assaults And Hold Vital Heights In Tunisia; Fortresses Raid Brest And Lorient

U.S. Fliers Smash Focke-Wulf Bremen Plant, R.A.F. Hits Skoda Works; 71 Bombers Lost; M’Nutt Rules Freeze 27,000,000 In War Jobs

Allied Fliers Destroy 29 Axis Planes And Smash 6 Ships In Mediterranean; R.A.F. Rains Blows On Channel Convoy

Allies Shoot 96 Axis Planes Out Of Air; Down 68 Transports In Mass Swoops On Nazi Armadas Flying From Tunisia

Roosevelt, On Tour, Visits Mexican President; They Pledge Fight For ‘Good Neighbor World’; British 8th Army Cracks Axis Enfidaville Line

Japanese Execute Our Airmen; U.S. Will Punish All Responsible; 8th Army Captures Enfidaville

British Smash Rommel Attacks; Gain In Hills Above Enfidaville; Tokyo Warns U.S. Against Raids

British Punch Out 3-Mile Gains West Of Tunis And Along Coast; 20 Huge Nazi Transports Downed

Americans Gain 5 Miles In North As All Tunisian Drives Progress; Allied Submarines Bag 10 Ships

British And French Hack Into Center, Edge Ahead In Hard Tunisia Fighting; Americans Repel Attacks, Take Height

Americans Pace Tunisian Gains; French Approach Pont Du Fahs; Soviet Breaks Ties With Poland

Axis Line In Tunisia Bends Under British-French Blows; American Advance Slowed

British Storm Last Hill On Tunis Road As Americans Win 3 Heights In North; Chinese Slain For Aiding Our Fliers

President Orders Miners To Continue Work Or He Will Invoke War Powers; Lewis Silent; Americans Gain In Tunisia, British Lose Peak


Coal Mines Closing, Defying Roosevelt Order; President Ready To Seize Pits This Morning; Allies Near Bizerte; U.S. Ends Martinique Tie

Roosevelt Seizes All Struck Coal Mines; Troops To Guard Returning Men, If Needed; Collieries Are Closed; Lewis Remains Silent

Lewis Announces 15-Day Truce In Coal Strike Just Before Roosevelt Rebukes Mine Union; New Contract To Be Negotiated In Interim

Americans Win Mateur In 15-Mile Push, Then Drive On To Menace Foe’s Flank; French Troops 15 Miles From Bizerte

U.S. And French Troops 13 Miles From Bizerte; American Submarines Sink 6 Ships In Pacific; Air Crash Kills Gen. Andres, Bishop Leonard

Stalin For Strong, Free Poland; Russians Break Caucasus Line; Allied Columns Nearing Bizerte

Allies Break Through To Coastal Plains In All-Out Battle For Tunis And Bizerte; Stalin Note Fans Hope Of Polish Accord

Tunis And Bizerte Captured, Enemy In Flight Toward Cap Bon, Facing Death Or Surrender; Overwhelming Air Attacks Hasten Victory

Fleeing Foe Is Harried In Tunisia; Many Trapped In Allied Round-Up; Planes Destroy 17 More Ships

Tunisian Resistance Collapsing; 50,000 And 4 Generals Captured; 400 U.S. Planes Pound Palermo

Axis Remnants Pounded On Cap Bon And In Sea; 25,000 Surrender To Americans Near Bizerte; Sicily And Pantelleria Are Blasted From Air

Churchill Arrives For Talk With Roosevelt; Foe Cut Off On Cap Bon Peninsula Collapsing; Germans In South Surrender To The French

Tunisian Resistance Ends In Rout Of Germans; Gen. Von Arnim And 150,000 Men Captured; Pacific Believed Roosevelt-Churchill Topic

U.S. In Record Raid Over France; R.A.F. Duisburg Blow Biggest Yet; Tunisia Prisoners Rise To 175,000

Americans On Attu, Battle To Oust Japanese; Our Fliers And R.A.F. Pound European Bases; Senate Votes Tax Bill Canceling Year’s Levy

Biggest U.S. Raids Pound Emden; Bombs Rock More Italian Ports; Foe Hints We Are Gaining On Attu

Berlin Bombed Again In Allied Drive; Nazis Reply With Weak Raid On London; Navy Is Still Silent On Attu Battle

R.A.F. Blasts 2 Big Dams In Reich; Ruhr Power Cut, Traffic Halted As Floods Cause Death And Ruin

U.S. Troops Closing Pincers On Attu; Capture Key Ridge In Heavy Fighting; Liberators Bomb Foe On Wake Island

Churchill Pledges Japan’s Ruin, But Reaffirms Nazis Come First; Junction On Attu Corners Enemy

U.S. Fliers Bomb Enemy In Attu Trap; Troops Win Second Pass And Air Strip; Foe Loses 73 Planes In Mediterranean

Allies Destroy 113 Planes, Lose One As Italian Airfields Are Smashed, Americans Are Mopping Up On Attu

Moscow Dissolves Communist International; Japanese On Attu Split Into Three Groups; Axis Loses 96 More Planes In Italian Area

15 Enemy Planes Off Attu Attack 2 American Ships; Allied Fliers Pound Sicily

2,000 Tons Of Bombs Rock Dortmund; Allies Raid Pantelleria Four Times; Japanese Planes Attack Attu Again

U.S. Planes Batter Sardinia, Cagliari Being Evacuated; Churchill Sees 2-Front War

Big R.A.F. Fleet Batters Duesseldorf; 400 U.S. Planes Pound Italian Islands; One Enemy Pocket On Attu Is Cleared

Russians Pierce German Kuban Line; Breach Shut, Fight Goes On, Say Nazis; Mosquitos Bomb Jena, Optical Center

Byrnes Heads New 6-Man Board To Direct All War Mobilization; Our Troops Press Gains In Attu

U.S. Bombers Smash U-Boat Bases In Biggest Britain-Based Attack; 100 Fortresses Batter Leghorn

Japanese Report Attu Is Lost; R.A.F. Blasts Another Ruhr City; De Gaulle With Giraud In Algiers


100 Fortresses Batter Naples Harbor; Sardinia And Pantelleria Also Raided; De Gaulle And Giraud Form ‘Cabinet’

Miners Ignore Ickes’ Call To Return; Negotiators Nearer Wage Agreement; Milk Dispute Here Submitted To WLB

Roosevelt Studies Coal Crisis After The WLB Refers It To Him; It Bars Talks Till Men Return

Roosevelt Orders Strikers Back Monday; Calls Work In Coal Mines War Essential; City Now Faces Halt In Milk Deliveries

Anti-Axis Revolt Ousts Castillo In Argentina; He Flees To Uruguay As Troops Seize Capital; Lewis Orders Miners To Work; City Gets Milk

U.S. Hits 3 Italian Battleships; Marshall At Africa Conferences; Rawson Heads Argentine Regime

Warships Shell Pantelleria 5th Time; British Submarines Sink 6 Axis Ships; U.S. Fliers Bag Destroyer In Solomons

Bombs Pound Pantelleria And Ports In South Italy; French Cabinet Of 14 Named

Invasion Nearing, Says Churchill; Axis Reports Attempt On Island; Roosevelt Warns On Poison Gas

Pantelleria Refuses Surrender, Bombarded By Ships And Planes; Soviet Raids Blast 150 Aircraft

Smoke Veils Pantelleria On 18th Day Of Bombing; Allied Air Score Is 39-1

Pantelleria Yields, Conquered By Air Might; Roosevelt Invites Italy To Oust Mussolini; 200 U.S. Planes Hammer Reich U-Boat Yards

Lampedusa Falls Swiftly To Air-Sea Attack; 10,000 Prisoners Captured On Pantelleria; Record British Bombing Shakes Duesseldorf

Fortresses Smash Kiel, Bremen; 26 Lost In Big Daylight Battle; Sicily Raided, 3d Isle Surrenders

U.S. Submarines Sink 12 Japanese Ships, One A Destroyer; 4 Craft Damaged; Germans Quit Bomb-Shattered Cities

King George Visits North Africa, Reviewing Allied Forces There; Axis Says Ships Mass Off Sicily

Allied Fliers Bomb Airfields In Sicily And Pound Targets In Southern Italy; Rumanian Plea For Peace Is Reported

U.S. Fliers Down 77 Japanese Planes At Cost Of 6 In Guadalcanal Battle; Mosquito Planes Raid Sicily And Italy

WLB, 8 To 4, Rejects Coal Miners’ Demands; Irate House Bars Food Subsidy, Curbs OWI; Gets Army Bill For Decisive $71,500,000,000

60,000 Cease Work In The Coal Mines As Union And Operators Deliberate; Truce Will End At Midnight Tonight

3d Wartime Coal Strike Begun At Midnight; Parleys Break Over Portal-To-Portal Issue; Miners Offer To Work For The Government

23 Dead In Detroit Rioting; Federal Troops Enter City On The Orders Of Roosevelt

Lewis Calls Off Coal Strike Until Oct. 31 If Government Keeps Control Of Mines; Allies Raid Ruhr And Italy Day And Night

Roosevelt To Ask Draft Law Rise To Age 65 To Deal With War Strikes; Calls UMW Leadership Intolerable

RAF Runs Britain-Africa Bomb Shuttle; Friedrichshafen Raiders Blast Spezia; 400 Planes Rake Axis Channel Coast

Congress Overrides Veto Of Anti-Strike Bill; House Also Votes To Stop All Food Subsidies; U.S. Fliers Hit Salonika Airfield And Sardinia

Port Of Messina Crippled By 100-Fortress Assault; Ruhr Cities Again Bombed

RAF Fleets Smash At Reich For Eighth Straight Night; 3d Messina Raid In 36 Hours

2 Greek Airdromes Bombed; Fortresses Raid In France; U.S. Sinks 8 Japanese Ships

RAF Deals 2,000-Ton Blow To Cologne, Raids Hamburg; Fortresses Pound Leghorn


M’Arthur Starts Allied Offensive In Pacific; New Guinea Isles Won, Landings In Solomons; Churchill Promise Blows In Europe By Fall

Americans Win Rendova, Turn Guns On Munda; Down 101 Planes; Bay On New Georgia Taken; Australians Advancing Against Salamaua

Australians Fight Way To New Guinea Coast To Join American Forces Below Salamaua; Munda Is Shelled Again; Near-By Bases Bombed

Japanese Flotilla Is Driven Off By Our Warships Near Rendova; Planes Smash Taranto Airfields

RAF Rips Cologne, ‘Forts’ Raid France; Allies Bomb 8 Mediterranean Bases; Another Landing Made In Solomons

Naval Battle Rages Off New Georgia Island After Our Ships Shell Two Japanese Bases; Germans Open Offensive North Of Kharkov

6 Japanese Warships Believed Sunk In Fight, 4 Damaged; U.S. Loses Cruiser And Destroyer; Germans Capture 2 Towns In Russian Drive

U.S. Troops Bracket Munda Base; Foe Lost 9 Warships In Battle; Nazis Gain At Cost Of 30,000 Killed

Americans Fight Japanese Only 3 Miles From Munda; Japan Loses 10 More Ships

Allied Troops Start Invasion Of Sicily; Naval Escorts Bombard Shore Defenses; Landings Preceded By Severe Air Attack

Allies Advance On 100-Mile Front In Sicily; Win Battles For Beaches, Then Push Inland, Backed By Savage And Naval Offensive

Allies Capture Three Airdromes In Sicily; Warships Smash Tanks To Let Americans Gain; Our Casualties Light; 2,000 Ships In Armada

Allies Seize Syracuse And Nine Other Towns In Drive For Messina, Key Defense Of Sicily; Japan Loses 4 Warships In New Kula Battle

Allies Capture Port Of Augusta, Land New Forces Near Catania; Americans Tighten Munda Ring

British Advance Near Catania; Americans Seize Key Airdromes; 12,000 Axis Prisoners Captured

Roosevelt Strips Wallace, Jones Of Power Over War Purchases; Sets Up A New Bureau; Russians Take 110 Towns; Allies Gain In Sicily

Roosevelt, Churchill Warn Italy To End Fascist Rule Or Face Ruin; Allies Advance Widely In Sicily

Japan Loses 7 Ships, 49 Planes To U.S. Fliers In Solomons Fight; Allies Speed Advance In Sicily

British Reach Catania’s Fringes; 500 Bombers Lay Naples In Ruins; Russians Push On 4 Miles At Orel

Allied Bombs Blast Rome Military Areas; Times Man From Air Sees Shrines Spared; Axis Forces Steadily Fall Back In Sicily

Catania Battle Rages, Allies Near Enna; Russians Press On Orel, Strike In South; U.S. Fliers Batter Japanese Home Base

Foe Flees Northeast In Sicily; Russians Are 8 Miles From Orel; Pope Deplores Bombing Of Rome

Americans Sweep To Sicily’s West Tip And Threaten Palermo From The South; Russians Crash Salient North Of Orel

Americans Capture Palermo, Trap 30,000; Axis Forces Driven To Northeast Sicily; Russians Smash Defenses On Edge Of Orel

Americans Mop Up Western Sicily; Our Bombers Strike At Norway; Russians Close In South Of Orel

Mussolini Ousted With Fascist Cabinet; Badoglio, His Foe, Made Premier By King; Shift Believed First Step Toward Peace

Italy Put Under Martial Law By Badoglio To Prevent Civil War; Fascist Rule Ended; Hamburg Blasted Again; Russians Drive On

Italy Said To Send Peace Group; Workers In North Kill Fascists; Yield Or Perish, Churchill Warns

Peace Riots, Strike Reported In North Italy; Roosevelt Hails ‘First Crack’ In The Axis; Outlines Post-War Aid For All U.S. Forces

Allies Break Center Of Sicilian Line; Eisenhower Offers Italy Peace Terms; Germans Refuse To Quit Northern Cities

Milan Mobs Storm Jail, Troops Passive; Roosevelt Bars Only A Fascist Deal; Bombs Smash Hamburg And Kassel Again


Allies Warn Italy Bombings Will Resume; Assert Failure To Make Peace Aids Nazis; Armies Push Ahead On All Sicilian Fronts

Big Rumanian Oil Field Bombed By 175 U.S. Planes In Long Flight; Badoglio Pacifies North Italy

Allies Open Final Push In Sicily; Americans Seize 10,000 In Thrust; Italy Warned Invasion Is Coming

Allies Moving Forward In Sicily; U.S. Gain Threatens Foe’s Rear; Peace Strikes Renewed In Italy

Russians Enter Orel, Nazis Flee; Red Army Attacks At Belgorod; Warships Aid Advance In Sicily

British Seize Catania, Pursue Foe North; Russians Win Belgorod And Mop Up Orel; Americans Ring Munda, Trap Garrison

Russians Drive Ahead, Menace Kharkov; British Scale Southern Slope Of Etna; Americans Capture Munda’s Airdrome

Allies Win Troina, Threaten To Split Foe; Russians Sweeping Closer to Kharkov; Japanese Cruiser, Two Destroyers Sunk

British Sweep Around Mt. Etna, Threaten To Block Foe’s Escape; Russians Cut A Kharkov Rail Line

Americans Land Behind Germans And Open Way For Gain In Sicily; Russians Close In On Kharkov

Churchill In Quebec, Roosevelt Will See Him; Allied Staffs To Join Them In War Parleys; Russians Gain; Allies Edge Ahead In Sicily

Russians Smash Ahead In Three Sectors; British Gain In Sicily, Ships Shell Italy; Roosevelt To Go To Quebec For Parley

Foe Evacuating Sicily Under Rain Of Bombs; Americans Again Land Behind Enemy Lines; Russian Ring Only Five Miles From Kharkov

Allies Take Randazzo, Sweep On For Messina; Americans Bomb Rome, RAF Again Over Italy; Russians At Kharkov Gate, Drive On Smolensk

Badoglio Declares Rome An Open City; Sicilian Advance Speeded As Foe Flees; Russians In Kharkov; Austria Is Bombed

Americans Gain 14 Miles In Sicily; British Cut A Nazi Escape Route; Milan Bombed 3d Time In 4 Days

Allies’ Heavy Artillery Bombards Messina As Two Columns Advance Toward City; Americans Take Another Solomon Island

Sicily Conquered As Americans Win Messina; ‘Forts’ Raid Deep In Reich, South France Hit; Roosevelt Arrives In Quebec For Conference

RAF Blasts Secret Nazi Research Area; Armies Ready To Go, Says Eisenhower; Allies Bid Peoples Of Europe Prepare

War For Total Defeat Of Axis Mapped By Roosevelt, Churchill; U.S. Warships Shell Toe Of Italy

Japanese Abandon Ridges At Salamaua; American Fleet Takes Isles Off Sicily; Foggia Blasted In Italy’s Heaviest Raid

U.S.-Canadian Forces Take Kiska; Litvinoff Replaced As U.S. Envoy; Soong, Stimpson Going To Quebec

Fliers Hammer At Naples Rail Links; Quebec Parley To Spur War In Orient; Litvinoff Move Stirs Allied Officials

Kharkov Falls To The Red Army; Germans Hurled Back On Donets; Quebec Again Stresses Pacific

Quebec Conferees Hope For Soviet Talk; See War Beating Schedule, Plan Blows; 700-Plane Raid Opens Battle Of Berlin

Roosevelt Warns Hitler To Surrender Now; Says Allies Will End ‘Gangsterism’ In World; Mountbatten To Command In Southeast Asia

U.S., Britain Recognize French Council As Administrator, Not Government; Surprise Raids Rake Italian Airfields

Russians Break Bryansk Lines; Allies Speed Up Blows On Italy; Great Air Fleet Over Continent

Nuremberg Is Shattered In Record Raid; Russians Smash Ahead, By-Pass Poltava; Boris Dies As Nazi Ultimatum Expires

Danes Sink Navy To Balk Nazis Who Seize King To Crush Revolt; Russians Forge Ahead In Ukraine

Russians Take Taganrog, Nazis’ South Anchor; Encircle Enemy There By Sweep To The West; Germans Arrest Danish Cabinet And Leaders


Russians Drive For Smolensk; Gain 20 To 40 Miles In 2 Sectors; Churchill Urges 3-Power Talks

U.S. Ships Blast Isle Deep In Japan’s Seas; German Loss At Taganrog Put At 40,100; RAF Battles 500 Planes To Smash Berlin

Allies Land In Italy Opposite Messina; 8th Army Leads, With Air-Naval Cover; Russians Drive Ahead, Capturing Sumy

Allies Take Two Italian Towns And Press On; Fortresses Smash Brenner Pass Railroad; Russians Win 400 Villages, Menace Big Bases

Allies Push Into Italy From Wide Beachhead; RAF Bombs Berlin With 50 Tons A Minute; Russians Close In On Stalino In Donets Drive

Dual Allied Advance Grips Tip Of Italy; Stalino Afire As Russians Press Closer; Surprise New Guinea Landing Flanks Foe

More Than 50 Are Killed In Wreck Of Speeding Congressional Limited In The Outskirts Of Philadelphia

Marshall Sees Victory Certain, But Bars Undue Loss Of Lives; British Spear Deeper Into Italy

Italy Surrenders, Will Resist Germans; Allied Forces Land In The Naples Area; Russians In Stalino, Clear Donets Basin

Allies Clash With Germans In Naples Area; Invasion With Vast Air Cover Led By Clark; Badoglio Reported Threatening War On Reich

Nazis Occupy Rome, Take Milan After Siege; British Seize Taranto, Allies Gain At Naples; Roosevelt And Churchill Ask Italy To Fight

Most Of The Italian Fleet Escapes To Allies, One Battleship Destroyed By Nazi Bombers; 5th Army Takes Salerno, Fights Way Inland

Allies Take Brindisi, Push On At Salerno; 14 Italian Submarines Give Up At Malta; Hull For Force, If Needed, To Keep Peace

Bitter Battle Rages At Salerno; British Sweep Ahead In South; Bryansk Is Stormed By Russians

Nazis Regain Ground In Salerno Battle, But Allies Hold Firmly To Beachheads; Russians Drive Into Abandoned Bryansk

Allies Hold At Salerno After A Retreat; Planes Batter Germans In Record Day; Russians Only 50 Miles From Dnieper

Allies Drive 8-Mile Wedge Into Salerno Line; Ships Blast Enemy; 8th Army Nears Junction; Russians Take Novorossiisk And Push On Kiev

Dates Set For New Invasions, President Says; 8th And 5th Armies Join, Advance At Salerno; Moscow Invites 3-Power Parley In October

Allies Plunge Inland In Salerno Region, Threaten Naples By Capturing Islands; Russians Take Pavlograd In Wide Gain

Italians Drive Germans From Sardinia; Allies Again Widen Salerno Beachhead; Russians Capture 1,200 Towns In Sweep

French Troops Land On Corsica; Russian Drive Flanks Smolensk; Marshall, King For Father Draft

Germans Sack And Fire Naples As Allies Gain; Churchill Pledges Invasion From The West; Australians Again Flank Foe In New Guinea

Allies Land Above Finschhafen In Big Step Up New Guinea Coast; 5th Army Advances Near Naples

Nazis Wreck Naples Port, Sink Ships; Allies Swing Their Line Northward; Poltava Taken, Russians At Dnieper

Germany Admits The Loss Of Smolensk; Allies Open Naples Drive, Take 3 Towns; French Gain In Corsica; RAF Hits Reich

Russians Fight Way Into Kiev Suburbs After Taking Stronghold Of Smolensk; Allies Push Ahead In Hills Above Naples

Russians Ford Dnieper, Foe Says; Reach River Bank Opposite Kiev; Germans Quit Foggia Airfields

Russains Face Dniepropetrovsk, Capture Last Kuban Fortress; British Roll Ahead In East Italy

British Seize Foggia Air Center, Base For Wide Plane Operations; Guns Pound Germans At Dnieper

Naples’ Fall Near As Allies Break Line And Pursue Fleeing Germans On Plain; Russians In Kremenchug, Aim For Baltic


Germans Quit Naples As Allies Close In; Red Army Wins White Russia Rail Key; Marshall To Direct Invasion In West

Naples And Avellino Fall To Allied Forces; U.S. Bombers Attack Germany From Africa; Red Army Drives 30 Miles In White Russia

Allies Push North From Naples; Bombers Blast Ruhr And Emden; Finschhafen Falls To M’Arthur

Allies Sweep Forward In Italy; Nazis Attack Kos In Dodecanese; Yield Taman, Entry To Caucasus

British Land Behind Foe In East Italy; U.S. Fliers In Record Attack On Reich; RAF Smashes Kassel With 1,680 Tons

Nazis Stiffen In Italy, But Allies Gain; Berlin Claims Capture Of Isle Of Kos; Frankfort Bombed 2d Time In A Day

U.S. Navy And Planes Pound Wake; 5th Army Crosses The Volturno; Germans Reported Sacking Rome

3 Russian Forces Cross Dnieper; Nevel Taken In Drive On Latvia; 8th Army Repels Attack In Italy

U.S. Ships Sink Japanese Cruiser And 2 Destroyers In Solomons; Allies At Volturno, Win Capua

U.S. Bombers Pound East Prussia; Fifth Army Crosses Volturno; Russians Clear Caucasus Of Foe

U.S. Fliers Down 102 Nazi Planes In Blow At Muenster Rail Hub; Hit Eight Airfields In Aegean Area

Allies Hack Salient Into Line In Italy; Russians Advance To Gomel Suburbs; British Midget Submarines Hit Tirpitz

Italy Will Declare War On Germany Today; 3 Powers To Give Her Cobelligerent Status; Portugal Grants Allies Use Of Azore Bases

Biggest Pacific Air Fleet Bombs Rabaul; Wrecks 177 Planes, 123 Ships In Surprise; Badoglio, Declaring War, Rallies Italy

U.S. Fliers Down 104 Nazi Planes, Lose 62 In Schweinfurth Battle; Foe’s Volturno Line Shattered

Allies Push Ahead North Of Volturno; Russians Clearing Melitopol Of Foe; ‘Forts’ Wiped Out Schweinfurt Works

Allies Surge Forward In Italy; Six Important Towns Captured; Germans In Melitopol Stiffen

M’Arthur Fliers Bag 104 Planes; Russians 15 Miles Past Dnieper; Pincers Grip Foe Above Volturno

Allies Advance Above Volturno After Repulsing Enemy Attacks; Hull And Eden Arrive In Moscow

Russians Cut Nazi Escape Route; Allies Capture 8 Towns In Italy; Moscow Conferees Open Talks

Allies Smash Ahead 8 Miles In Italy; Foe Retreats To Line Along Heights; Russians Deepen Salient Behind Nazis

Nazis Flee Closing Trap At Dnieper; Russians Seize Center Of Melitopol; Allies Unleash Aerial Fury In Italy

Russians Cut Railroad To Krivoi Rog And Tighten Trap In Dnieper’s Bend; 5th Army Gains, Beats Off Attacks

Russians Capture Melitopol; Kassel Is Devastated By RAF; Allied Advance In Italy Slowed

Russains Converge On Krivoi Rog And Fan Out From Melitopol; 8th Army Drives Ahead In Italy

Russians Recapture Dniepropetrovsk; Fifth Army Gain Sets A Trap In Italy; M’Arthur Fliers Wreck 123 More Planes

Allies Gain 2 To 6 Miles In Italy As Foe Falls Back On New Line; Russian Pincers Begin To Close

Russians Shatter 72 Mile German Line; Drive West Of Melitopol Narrows Trap; Battle For Rome Nears; Allies Slowed

Russain Sweep Wins Road Hub; Allies Move North In Solomons With Landing Near Bougainville

Moscow Talk A Success, Roosevelt Says; Occupation Of Europe Is Believed Fixed; Allies Gain In Italy; Russians Sweep In

Russians Sweep To Edge Of The Crimea And Are 22 Miles From Escape Railway; Allies Win Coast Anchor Of Italian Line


Russians 8 Miles From Perekop Railway In Dash Across Plain To Cut Off Crimea; Allied Armies Push Forward In Italy

Four Powers Agree On A World Peace Group; Russians In Perekop; Allies On Bougainville; President Orders Ickes To Seize Coal Mines

Hanley Wins By 345,000; Jersey Elects Edge; Republican Trend Seen Throughout Nation; Aurelio Is Easy Victor In Judicial Election

400 U.S. Bombers Smash Reich Port At Cost Of 5; 15 Ships Sunk At Rabaul

U.S. Sinks Enemy Cruiser, 4 Destroyers, Hits 4 Other Ships In Bougainville Fight; 8th Army Wins A Vital Junction In Italy

Senate Votes 85 To 5 To Cooperate In Peace; Allies Gain In Italy, Russians Drive On Kiev; 500 U.S. Bombers Smash At Two Big Nazi Cities

Bombs Sink 2 Japanese Cruisers, Hit 7; Russians Seize Kiev, Land In East Crimea; Allies Smash Germans’ Line On Adriatic

Russians Capture Junction Beyond Kiev, Threatening To Split Enemy In Ukraine; Eighth Army Advances 10 Miles In Italy

Russians Drive West From Kiev For Last Vital Ukraine Railway; 8th Army Gains Speed In Italy

Foe Lands On Bougainville, Battle Rages; Churchill Sets 1944 As Climactic Year; Giraud Retires From French Committee

U.S. Army Troops Land On Bougainville; Marines Smash Japanese Invading Force; Russians Advance On Strategic Railway

Air Offensive Hits Bolzano, Muenster; Russians 16 Miles From Vital Railway; British Supply U.S. Billion In Lend-Lease

Japanese Cruiser, Two Destroyers Sunk, 88 Planes Downed In Attack On Rabaul; Red Army Is Only 15 Miles From Zhitomir

Russians Capture Zhitomir, Sweep Ahead; Americans Seize 2 Mile Salient In Italy; U.S. Fliers Pound Bremen, Lose 24 Planes

Berlin Reports Russian Break-Through By 30 Divisions Within The Dnieper Bend; Bitter Fighting Checks Allies In Italy

Russians, Circling Gomel, Cut Rail Line; New Attacks In Dnieper Bend Reported; Allied Planes From Italy Bomb Sofia

Russians Close In On Korosten, Press Encirclement Of Gomel; U.S. Planes Bomb South Norway

U.S. Fliers Bomb 3 Pacific Bases On Third Day Of Air Offensive; Russians Retreat In One Sector

Red Army Captures Two Key Junctions; Liberators Again Blast Pacific Bases; RAF Bombs Berlin, U.S. Fliers Hit Norway

Record Air Attack Leaves Berlin Afire; Russians Lose Zhitomir, Gain Elsewhere; U.S. Carrier Planes Pound Pacific Isles

RAF Smashes Poison Gas Plants; Russians Beat Off Nazi Attacks; 8th Army Gains 4 Miles In Italy

Americans Land On Two Gilbert Islands Covered By Mighty Sea And Air Fleets; Red Army Parries Blows West Of Kiev

Americans Land On Third Gilbert Atoll; Gain In Battles On Tarawa And Makin; British Bombers Smash At Berlin Again

RAF Bombers Return To Devastated Berlin After 2,300-Ton Attack, Greatest In History; U.S. Forces Capture Makin, Gain On Tarawa

Ruined Berlin Afire After 2d Bombing; U.S. Planes Smash At Toulon And Sofia; 4 Japanese Destroyers Sunk In Battle

Russians Open New Push North Of Gomel In 37-Mile Breach, Cut Another Railway; 8th Army Crosses The Sangro In Italy

Russians Capture Gomel And Press On; Berlin Bombed 5th Night, Bremen Rocked; Marines’ Losses On Tarawa Very Heavy

Berlin Gets 1,000-Ton Battering; Stuttgart’s Industry Also Hit; Russians Drive On Above Gomel

Nazis Wreck Bridges, Mine Roads As Russians Gain Above Gomel; U.S. Units Win Key Hills In Italy

8th Army Rips Into Sangro Line; Russians Converge On Rail Hub; Fortresses Again Bomb Bremen


Roosevelt, Churchill And Chiang Confer; Reported On Way To Iran To See Stalin; Russians Quit Korosten; 8th Army Gains

Crushing Of Japan Mapped At Cairo Parley; Empire Will Be Stripped To Pre-1895 Status; 8th Army Drives On; U.S. Fliers Again Hit Reich

Nazis On The Run Beyond Sangro After 8th Army Crumples Line; RAF Again Over Berlin In Force

Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill Agree On Plans For War On Germany In Talks At Teheran; 1,500 More Tons Of Bombs Dropped On Berlin

5th Army Cracks German Line; RAF Blasts Leipzig After Feint; ‘Big 3’ Delays Teheran Manifesto

5th Army Captures Key Heights; British Yield Town Near Sangro; Final Strategy Fixed At Teheran

‘Big 3’ Charts Triple Blows To Humble Reich And Agrees On A Peace To Eliminate Tyranny; Carriers Attack Marshalls; 5th Army Gains

Allies Tighten Ties With Turkey; Immediate War Role Unlikely; Russians Retire Again Near Kiev

U.S. Carries Sink Two Cruisers, Down 72 Planes In Marshalls; 5th Army Passes Barrier In Italy

U.S. Navy Bombards Nauru Isle; Strong Force Includes Carriers; 5th Army Presses Its Offensive

Allies Continue To Drive In Italy; Bombers Hit Bulgarian Capital; Roosevelt Pays Visit To Malta

U.S. Bombers Set Emden Ablaze; 138 Nazi Planes Downed To Our 20; Russains Gaining In Dnieper Bend

Russians Turn Tide In Kiev Area; Apply Pincers To Kirovograd; Battleships Used Against Nauru

Russians Push On West Of Kiev For 3d Day With Guerrilla Aid; U.S. Fliers Bomb North Germany

Russians Recapture Cherkassy But Lose A Town West Of Kiev; 8th Army Beats Off Tank Drives

2 Soviet Armies Join On Dnieper; Push In North Reported Opened; 300 U.S. Planes Attack In Greece

U.S. Troops Invade New Britain, Win Foothold; RAF Bombs Berlin; ‘Forts’ Also Attack Reich; Roosevelt Is Back; Churchill Has Pneumonia

Americans Gain In New Britain; 1,700 Tons Of Bombs Rock Berlin; President Escaped Plot In Iran

Allies Make New Gains At Arawe, And Fell 10 More Enemy Planes; Germans Pushed Back In Italy

Russians Rip Into 50-Mile Front, Gain Up To 19 Miles Below Nevel; Americans Open Road To Cassino

U.S. Fliers Hit Bremen, Augsburg; Russians Advancing On Vitebsk; Pro-Allied Rule Upset In Bolivia

Big RAF Force Blasts Frankfort As Lesser Blows Splits Defense; Marshall Tours Pacific Fronts

U.S. Planes Bomb Germany Again, Destroy 38 Craft At Cost Of 25; Allies Batter 2 Points In Italy

Roosevelt Moves To Take Over The Railroads As 3 Brotherhoods Reject Mediation By Him; U.S. And British Fliers Hit ‘Rocket Gun Coast’

Eisenhower Named Commander For Invasion; 3,000 Planes Smash French Coast; Berlin Hit; Roosevelt Promises Nation A Durable Peace

Red Army Is Closing On Vitebsk; Canadians Gain In Ortona Fight; City On Alert For Sneak Air Raid

Battleship Scharnhorst Is Sunk By British Ships In Arctic Fight; Russians Resume Kiev Advance

Army Seizes Railroads On President’s Order; Pay Rise To 2 Unions; Steel Men Ordered Back; Marines Gain In New Landings In New Britain

Railroads Function Smoothly With Officials In Army Uniform; Men Warned Of Strike Penalty

Strong RAF Force Blasts Berlin; Russians Push Beyond Korosten; 4 Nazi Ships Sunk In Biscay Fight

Russians Breach Line, Rout 22 Divisions; Biggest U.S. Air Armada Smashes Reich; Marines Win Cape Gloucester Airfield

News Source: New York Times

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